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Gamme d'année
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-35670


TTP is a thrombotic microangiopathy not unique to pregnancy and with the increasing incidence in reproductive aged women. The estimated incidence is around one case per million people, sixty percent of the cases occur in women, the median age of onset is 35 years. Pregnancy is a predisposing factor of TTP and may be an inciting state for relapse. TTP usually develops during the antepartum, the mean gestational age of onset of the symptoms is 23.5 weeks, and 58% of patients initially present at or before 24 weeks of gestation. This report was a case of 36 years old mother who was performed cesarean-section at 31 weeks gestational age because of severe preeclampsia. Febrile sensation, convulsion, comatous mentation abruptly developed after cesarean section and we diagnosed TTP. The patient recovered after she was treated with plasmapheresis for 7 days. We recently experienced a unique case of TTP, which was diagnosed after cesarean delivery, because it overlapped with symptoms and thus report this case.

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Grossesse , Âge de début , Causalité , Césarienne , Âge gestationnel , Incidence , Mères , Plasmaphérèse , Pré-éclampsie , Purpura thrombotique thrombocytopénique , Récidive , Crises épileptiques , Sensation , Microangiopathies thrombotiques