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Gamme d'année
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-647061


The purpose of this study was to find the attitude change for snack by military soldiers before and after entering military service. To investigate oral health status and improving activities, this survey was done for 318 soldiers at Gyeong-gi province Paju city and the results were as follows. After entering military service, the soldiers take more snacks than before and take snacks 2 or more times a day. Both smokers and non-smokers take more snacks after entering military service than before entering. The soldiers did not go dental clinic regularly. But they have lots of interests about oral health. As higher position and older, soldiers restrain themselves to taking sugar contained food, and the elder soldiers showed higher practical character for nutrition intake than younger soldiers. Private soldiers were least practical for brushing after meal and showed the highest level of fulfill for using fluoride contained toothpaste, regular scaling and checkup at dental clinic and flossing.

Humains , Établissements de soins dentaires , Fluorures , Repas , Personnel militaire , Santé buccodentaire , Casse-croute , Pâtes dentifrices