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Int. j. high dilution res ; 11(39)june 22, 2012.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, MTYCI, HomeoIndex | ID: lil-658511


Collective construction of scientific knowledge is doubtless a major accomplishment of humankind. Sharing of information is a manner of inviting the interested community to participate at each step of such construction. Thus, publication of scientific articles must be regarded as an essential activity or means, because it communicates the results of the work of one or more researchers, in turn based on previous shared knowledge. In this regard, scientific journals play an important role as one of the means of communication. However, they are not merely passive vehicles, but one of the steps of the construction of knowledge itself.When authors finish their work by submitting an article to a scientific journal, a new stage in the construction of shared scientific knowledge is triggered around two main axes: format and content. The format of scientific articles is much more than mere layout and normalization, but it serves the very specific goal of organizing information to make it easily accessible to the readership. In this regard, publication in the so-called ?hard sciences? developed a standard pattern that serves very well this purpose, namely the classic division into ?Introduction?, ?Materials and methods?, ?Results?, ?Discussion? and ?Conclusions?. Due to their nature, the humanities do not adjust well to such model, but nonetheless the corresponding articles must comply with some formal standards including definition of the problem, the approaches to solve it, consistent analysis of the results, and careful citation of references. It is worth to observe that many submissions are rejected by editors for the simple reason that they lack the minimum of organization expected from scientific articles.Whereas adjustment of format deals with the formal side of articles, analysis of content is a much more ?invasive? step, because it is intended to judge on the quality of the information they convey before it is communicated to the scientific community at large. Most journals appeal to the process of peer-review despite it is widely criticized as biased and unfair. However, peer-review was originally intended not only to improve the quality of scientific communication, but also to play an educational role. The feedback it provides to authors might contribute to a thorough review of their basic assumptions, methods and patterns of analysis that might influence the performance of scientific work itself. And naturally, peer-review also protects the scientific community from an overload of unneeded, inconsequent or inconsistent information. Shortly, from the editorial perspective articles are appropriate for publication when their structure is consistent, the background of the studies is properly explained and soundly grounded on reliable sources, the methods are clearly described and validated, analysis is coherent, the conclusions are systematically inferred from the data. And they have a pinch of originality!The reason behind this painstaking process is the constant concern of editors with the possibility of publishing an inappropriate article and rejecting an appropriate one. However, the scientific community has some devices to check the damage. In the former case, a ?false positive?, the scientific community might simply ignore the offending piece or criticize it publicly in the same or other journals. This will certainly upset authors or funding agencies, however, science will escape unharmed. This mechanism is so consistent, that even biased criticism grounded on motives other that the interest of science might in turn become the target of public rebuttal. Shortly, the current mechanism of scientific publication allows for damage control and along that process, all the involved parties and the scientific community at large become more experienced and mindful of possible flaws. In the case of ?false negatives?, however, the problem is quite different. When an article is not published, the scientific community is shunned from certain subjects, ideas, results, methods or hypotheses. Sometimes the authors stubbornly insist, improve the article, and look for other journals until the article is finally published. In that case, the damage is checked and science emerges once again unharmed. However, the opposite is also true: articles might be as innovative and diverging from the mainstream as for the earnest of peers not to be able to understand it or to judge it on its pure merits. Rejection of appropriate articles grounded on a fear of the unknown and unfamiliar leads to an irreparable loss of opportunity to bring something new into and to open paths for science. It might been adduced that science is under a permanent process of transformation and thus, sooner or later an unconventional topic will come back to the fore, perhaps within a different context, or because better adjusted criteria will have developed meanwhile to judge it more appropriately. However, the crux of the matter is the fact that when editors do not dare to publish articles describing novel notions, methods or results provided they comply with the formal requirements described above, rather than contributing to the advancement, we are involuntarily blocking the advancement of science by clinging to the present state of the art under the disguise of safety and responsibility. Nevertheless, one must keep in mind that publication is not the primary goal of research, and that sharing knowledge only makes sense when the scientific community is receptive. Unconventional knowledge must be strictly subjected to the criteria of reproducibility and coherence, because it becomes no longer unconventional when several researchers reproduce it, and when it succeeds to interpret reality, otherwise, it is not only unconventional, but also noxious. Since science has its own mechanisms to judge and rate its production, the task of editors is somewhat lighter. Editors are not responsible for validating or reproducing studies, but first to present them with a readable and complete format to representatives of the scientific community, who will review them in a decentralized, open, multidisciplinary and unbiased manner. Were some referees not stand to their appointed task, editors will see to ensure the fairness of the reviewing process. Thus, journals and researchers play complementary roles in the advancement of science. Inconsequent, irresponsible and unstructured freedom of expression and rigid censorship refractory to anything new are both noxious to any community. Although reaching a balance between extremes is a universal goal, we discover how much we missed the point only when we act and assess the consequences of our actions. In this regard, science is no different from any other of human action.

Philosophie de l'Homéopathie
Int. j. high dilution res ; 11(38)march 31, 2012.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, MTYCI, HomeoIndex | ID: lil-658506


Whenever we achieve the satisfaction of our expectations and anxiety dissolves, we feel as if we were in a comfort zone ? safe, complete, free from risks and in peace with ourselves. We might even have a little taste of heaven when we feel that we have fulfilled our duty. And as a fact, scientists are entitled to this kind of reward? but not for too long! In science, to enter a comfort zone can be as pleasant as dangerous. On one hand we may have a safe ground available to develop new modes of reasoning, protocols and theories. And on the other, we may stay stuck in a conventional but fragile ground, missing opportunities to reveal novel secrets or to address edge issues.Fundamental research in High Dilutions is at risk of entering such a state. Recently, nanostructures were found in serially diluted and agitated fluids, which not only raised our expectations as to a novel conceptual framework able to explain the HD phenomenon, but also led us back to mainstream science and the most innovative experimental technology. This has more far reaching consequences: if nanostructures form in HD, then Avogadro?s limit becomes senseless, and the long unexplained clinical and pharmacological properties of HD might be finally elucidated, new experiments may be designed, new theories postulated, and so forth. Shortly, once persuaded we hit the gold vein, we might celebrate this new era in the history of HD research and claim our duly place in mainstream science. The expectation of explaining HD and homeopathy out of nanostructures is not shared by our entire community. Some still prefer to associate this phenomenon with immaterial factors, like the putative vital energy or some still unknown property of matter. Others simply refuse such structural hypotheses because they do not fulfill basic requirements to explain the specificity of homeopathic medicines. Despite personal opinions or beliefs, the presence of nanostructures is, indeed, a consistent hypothesis and experimental evidences might accumulate and make it ever sounder. It is reasonable to posit that the energy released by mechanical agitation induces cavitation in the liquid phase and thus triggers nonlinear effects resulting in new molecular rearrangements. To follow this structural track means to keep us inside mainstream science, since we deal with sound theory, might perform modern experiments and collect data fit to be interpreted within the framework the current data. Nanostructures were identified only very recently and they had not been yet fully investigated. Countless data must still be collected, results organized, and eventually, new methods developed. The required tests are extremely complex, whereas the HD community suffers from a chronic and severe lack of human and material resources. In spite of such shortcomings, slowly and gradually we might become able to formulate a consistent theory both supporting and being supported by experimental evidence. This, as a fact, is the natural time of science. Adjusting for scale, we might judge we are following a track similar to the one that leads us to the atomic and the electromagnetic models, which do not started at quantum mechanics or Maxwell?s equations, but from isolated experimental observations.However, several issues still require thorough investigation: Are such nanostructures truly generated by serial dilution and agitation? Do they actually derive from the starting-material? Are nanostructures altered along serial dilution and agitation, as the clinical results predict? Even assuming that the presence of nanostructures in HD has the full weight of evidence, a very long road must still be travelled before we might be able to attribute biological activity to them. Also, since historically the samples have always been prepared in glass vials, we still must rule out the possibility of them being experimental artifacts due to the presence of contaminants, or results of the drying procedures required to prepare samples for experimental analysis.Few years ago, I challenged some colleagues who were utterly persuaded of the physical-chemical nature of HD to cite one single result correlating the identified physical-chemical properties of HDs and the biological activity of such preparations. There is no need to say that I?m still waiting for an answer. And the same applies to nanostructures: they will not represent an answer until they had not been correlated with biological activity and their mechanism is not shown to fully agree with the well-known characteristics of homeopathic medications, namely dependence on the starting-material and different behavior according to the level of dilution and agitation. The experimental and conceptual difficulties, the lack of a critical mass of researches, and the pressure exerted by the university and scientific milieu on the few existing ones might make us loose from sight the fact that the latest positive experiment is never the ultimate explanation of the HD phenomenon. Conversely, conflict and debate are systematically more fruitful in science than consensus and convergence. The community of HD researchers seems to have entered a new comfort zone when nanostructures were found in HD. Nanostructures have been raised to the level of ultimate evidence doing away with Avogadro?s limit and leading homeopathy and HD research into mainstream science. We really should enjoy this moment and collect more information about the HD phenomenon. However, we must be wary to not fall into a trap.

Clinique Homéopathique
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-621624


Whether in short or long term, it seems that history always repeats itself! We started in 2011 under the announcement of another collective suicide attempt organized by Merseyside Skeptics Society, with followers in various cities all over the world! The reasoning behind this movement is quite clear: if homeopathic medicines are highly diluted, then it can not be found one even molecule of the supposed active substance inside it. Hence the campaign slogan: Homeopathy: there is nothing in it! ...If we want to get into a true battle, then we should review and reflect on our scientific approach to the phenomenon of the HD and homeopathy. And we don?t need to bother in requesting a space in the universe of science, because this decision is not entitled to the skeptics. Further, this place is already booked since a long time! We should only be dedicated to the difficult task of uncovering the phenomenon behind the HD and Homeopathy, in order to fill our space in an honorable manner

Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, MTYCI, HomeoIndex | ID: lil-621606


To work with or to research on subjects related to Homeopathy and High Dilutions was never a monotonous activity! At all moment skeptics and believers are discussing about clinical and experimental proofs to validate the phenomenon behind the high dilutions. Independently how structured are their reasoning, and which part is attacking, the counterpart can always neutralize the discussion using the same antidote: the intrinsic uncertain provided by statistical methods, converging to an endless technical tie. For recent examples, we can cite the UK Parliament discussion, the attempt of collective suicide by skeptics and the Belgium KCE report. I agree they had consequences, but not enough to stop the polemics or this scenario. Behind and beyond all these discussion there is an important consensus: no one knows how a HD acts or even whether it really works or whether we are dealing with experimental artifacts! Each side has its beliefs and answers. However, we can extract an ironical consequence from that: the fight between the practitioners and politicians, believers and skeptics, is the motivation and the fuel for the researchers!! What a beautiful opportunity to challenge with a potentially new phenomenon!...In the current issue, IJHDR will publish 17 contributions presented on 2010 (Monaco) and in the next issues, more than 50 contributions submitted to the XXV GIRI Symposium (September 2011, Brazil). This way, IJHDR exerts its mission as a vehicle to share open access high quality information about research in HD. Enjoy the calm, because new storms are coming!

Comportement en matière de santé , Thérapeutique en Homéopathie
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, MTYCI, HomeoIndex | ID: lil-621615


Some pertinent questions in the practice of science is to know what one is researching, with whom and where. These questions are even more crucial for those involved in High Dilution studies, an emergent and multidisciplinary scientific , where concepts, methods and models are still to be validated. In this research , such questions can be addressed through networks because communication between peers accelerates the process of conceiving and refining the concepts, methodologies and standards that give consistency to emergent knowledge. A thematic network can be effective in building an identity for the science of HDs and related community. This article introduces the project ReNPAD (National Network of Researchers in High Dilutions), a Brazilian initiative aiming to put together researchers involved in studies in HDs in order to stimulate interaction and give visibility to the theirs efforts [1].

Personnel de recherche , Pharmacotechniques Homéopathiques , Base de données
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-551006


Peer-reviewed journals and indexing agencies play a crucial role in the construction of knowledge since they discriminate between what is good science and what it is not. However, this represents only the tip of the iceberg of knowledge: below the surface, there is a strong undercurrent of ideas, unfinished theoretical elaborations, and multiple proposals for new experimental models. Some of interesting, other more limited and a further group untenable, they all share the fact that they are left aside and hidden from the sight of most people, including the scientists. This article introduces e-HD, a novel initiative to file electronic documents (e-doc) referred to High Dilution research. It is open to pre- and post-prints, lecture slides, videos, institutional websites and any other format of e-doc relevant to HDs. e-HD seeks thus to increase the visibility of HD research in the scientific environment.

Revistas com revisão por pares e agências indexadoras exercem um papel crucial na construção do conhecimento, uma vez que discriminam o que é e o que não é uma boa ciência. No entanto, estas representam apenas o topo do iceberg do conhecimento: abaixo da superfície existe uma forte movimentação de idéias, elaborações teóricas não terminadas e múltiplas propostas para novos modelos experimentais. Algumas são interessantes, outras mais limitadas, outras inaceitáveis, porém todas dividindo o fato de que são deixadas de lado e fadadas ao esquecimento pela maioria das pessoas, inclusive os pesquisadores. Este artigo introduz o projeto e-HD, uma nova iniciativa para o arquivamento de documentos eletrônicos (e-doc) relacionados a pesquisas em Altas Diluições. e-HD está aberta para pré- e pós-prints, slides de palestras, vídeos, websites institucionais e qualquer outro formato de e-docs relevantes para a área. e-HD busca dessa forma aumentar a visibilidade das pesquisas em HD, no ambiente científico

Revistas revisadas por pares y los organismos de indexación desempeñan un papel crucial en la construcción del conocimiento, ya que discriminan entre lo que es buena y lo que es mala ciencia. Sin embargo, esto representa sólo la punta del iceberg del conocimiento: por debajo de la superficie, hay una fuerte corriente de ideas, elaboraciones teóricas no terminadas y múltiples propuestas para nuevos modelos experimentales. Algunos de ellos interesantes, otros más limitados y un grupo aún insostenible, todos comparten el hecho de que se los dejan alejados y ocultos a la vista de la mayoría de las personas, incluyendo a los científicos. En este artículo se presenta projecto e-HD, una novedosa iniciativa para reunir los documentos electrónicos (e-doc) vinculados a la investigación de las altas diluciónes. Está abierto a pre- y post-prints, las diapositivas de conferencias, videos, sitios web institucionales y cualquier otro formato de los e-doc para HD. e-HD pretende aumentar así la visibilidad de la investigación en altas diluciones en el ambiente científico

Accès à l'information , Classement , Diffusion et Communication Scientifiques
Int. j. high dilution res ; 9(31)2010. graf, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-551007


Motivação: Embora Hahnemann tenha descrito o método LM na 6ª. Edição do Organon da Arte de Curar, poucas pesquisas tem sido feitas sobre as propriedades físico-químicas destas preparações. Além disso, ainda não existem evidências que apontem para a correlação entre propriedades físico-químicas e os efeitos biológicos das altas diluições. Objetivos: determinar características físico-químicas das preparações LM tais como condutividade elétrica, pH e índice de refração, bem como o efeito biológico em modelos experimentais. Materiais e Métodos: foi analisada uma série de diluições desde 1 lm até 10 lm de Euphorbia tirucalli L., preparada a partir do látex e do suco da planta. Para considerar as características sazonais desta planta, usamos 2 populações diferentes, colhidas uma em Junho de 2007 e outra em Maio de 2008. Além disso, o efeito citotóxico da Euphorbia tirucalli L. 5 lm foi testado em células humanas cancerosas (MCF7) através de ensaio MTT. Conclusões: Algumas diferenças entre as duas populações foram observadas. No entanto, nenhuma correlação clara pode ser observada entre as propriedades físico-químicas e a atividade biológica.

Background: although Hahnemann described the fifty-milesimal (LM) method in the 6th edition of the Organon of the Medical Art, very little research has been carried out on the physical chemical properties of these homeopathic preparations. Furthermore, there is still no evidence allowing for the correlation between the alleged physical chemical properties and the biological effects of high dilutions. Aims: to evaluate physical chemical characteristics of LM preparations including electrical conductivity, pH and refraction index, and their effect on biological experimental models. Materials and methods: preparations tested for physical chemical analysis were dilutions 1 lm to 10 lm of Euphorbia tirucalli L. prepared from the latex and the juice of the plant. To rule the seasonal characteristics of this plant, 2 different populations were used, one collected in June 2007 and the other in May 2008. Furthermore, the cytotoxic effect of Euphorbia tirucalli 5 lm was tested on human breast cancer cells (MCF7) through MTT assay. Conclusions: Some differences among the two collections were observed. However, any clear correlation could be observed between physical chemical properties and biological activity.

Motivación: Aunque Hahnemann describió el métodocincuenta milesimal (LM) en la 6 ª edición del Organon del Arte Médica, muy poca investigación se ha realizado sobre las propiedades físico-químicas de estos preparados homeopáticos. Por otra parte, todavía no hay pruebas que permitan la correlación entre las presuntas propiedades físico-químicas y los efectos biológicos, de las altas diluciones. Objetivos: evaluar las características físico-químicas de los preparados LM, incluyendo conductividad eléctrica, pH y el índice de refracción, y su efecto en modelos biológicos experimentales. Materiales y métodos: las muestras para el análisis físico-químico fueron diluciones 1 a 10 lm de Euphorbia tirucalli L. preparadas a partir del látex y el jugo de la planta. Para descartar las características sazonales de esta planta, dos poblaciones diferentes fueron utilizadas, una recogida en junio de 2007 y otro en mayo de 2008. Además, el efecto citotóxico de Euphorbia tirucalli 5 lm fue probado en células humanas de cáncer de mama (MCF7) a través del ensayo MTT. Conclusiones: Algunas diferencias entre las dos colecciones se observaron. Sin embargo, ninguna correlación clara se observó entre las propiedades físicas- químicas y actividad biológica.

Cinquante Millésimale , Cytotoxicité immunologique , Concentration en ions d'hydrogène , Conductivité électrique , Dynamisation , Euphorbia , Réfractométrie
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-574568


Recently, someone asked me who the ?heroes? of High Dilution research are. This person was not referring to an apocalyptic world, but to the scientific status of this area. Certainly, he did not use the word ?hero?, but asked about leaders, methods, theoretical backgrounds, aims, etc. Shortly, he was being gently ironic? or quite sarcastic, indeed!Maybe we do need a new hero. But not to lead us back to the world of matter, but to show us new paths to thread. Such paths might already exist, but if they do, they are hidden to us. Signs are vain when one is blind and closed to new opportunities and possibilities. Perhaps this is one further barrier to acknowledge and overcome in order to be ready and able to recognize and interpret new signs. Maybe we, ourselves, are our own awaited hero!.

Puissances Hautes/tendances
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-540180


Some pertinent questions in the practice of science is to know what one is researching, with whom and where. These questions are even more crucial for those involved in High Dilution studies, an emergent and multidisciplinary scientific , where concepts, methods and models are still to be validated. In this research , such questions can be addressed through networks because communication between peers accelerates the process of conceiving and refining the concepts, methodologies and standards that give consistency to emergent knowledge. A thematic network can be effective in building an identity for the science of HDs and related community. This article introduces the project ReNPAD (National Network of Researchers in High Dilutions), a Brazilian initiative aiming to put together researchers involved in studies in HDs in order to stimulate interaction and give visibility to the theirs efforts.

Puissances Hautes , Dynamisation , Homéopathie , Personnel de recherche/statistiques et données numériques , Projets en Technologies et Communication de l'Information
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-533943
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 72(3/4): 19-26, 2009. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-533149


Este artigo apresenta a Rede Nacional de Pesquisadores em Altas Diluições (ReNPAD), criada com o objetivo de dar maior visibilidade aos pesquisadores atuantes no Brasil, em áreas relacionadas a Altas Diluições. A ReNPAD reúne informações obtidas a partir dos dados inseridos na Plataforma Lattes (CNPq) ou fornecidas diretamente pelos pesquisadores. A inserção de um pesquisador na rede é voluntária, exigindo-se que o mesmo atue na área e que esteja incluído na Plataforma Lattes. A veracidade e atualização de dados disponibilizados são de responsabilidade do próprio pesquisador. O acesso para consulta á ReNPAD é aberto gratuito. Com isso a ReNPAD busca dar visibilidade aos pesquisadores, fomentar a criação de grupos multidisciplinares e inter- institucionais, além de se tornar uma ferramenta estratégica para a execução das políticas do Ministério da Saúde (MS), em especial a Política Nacional de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares (PNPIC) e a Política Nacional de Ciência Tecnologica e Inovação em Saúde (PNCTIS). Além da aréa de Saúde , a ReNPAD pode auxiliar a organização de grupos e projetos na aréa agro-veterinária e nas ciências básicas. A ReNPAD é uma proposta inédita, factível, atual, com relevância ciêntífica, tecnológica, social e ambiental. Segue os princípios de acesso e software (Open Acess/Open Software), contemplando o cadastro e permanência dos usuários, hierarquia dos usuários, consultores externos e um moderador responsável por manter o foco proposto. A primeira fase do projeto pode ser visualizada em

Bases de données comme sujet , Dilution , Répertoire , Homéopathie , Personnel de recherche
Int. j. high dilution res ; 7(24): 159-162, 2008.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-529830


Open Access Serial seems to be the new paradigm in scientific publication representing a growing tendency in all society segments. In particular, we are interested in the application of the Open Access serial model to High Dilution research. Such multidisciplinary area is opened to experts from all area of knowledge, requiring experimental trials and models as well theoretical approaches. However these researchers must be brought together around a thematic serial, peer-reviewed and easily accessed, able to reach a high impact parameter without lose its focus, where theoretical backgrounds and concepts could be presented and intensely discussed, ranging from experimental to theoretical approaches, basic to applied researches, also reporting clinical, historical and sociological papers. The features of the Open Access fit well with the High Dilution community needs for a scientific serial. Also, an electronic support makes possible divulgate larger texts, figures, movies, interviews, audio, and any other kind of multimedia. Thus, an Open Access scientific serial dedicated to High Dilutions would be very well accepted by the international community involved in high dilutions research.

A publicação de acesso aberto parece ser o novo paradigma em publicação científica, representando uma tendência crescente em todos os segmentos da sociedade. Nos interessa, em particular, a aplicação desse modelo na pesquisa das altas diluições. Essa área multisciplinar está aberta a especialistas de todas as áreas do saber, precisando de testes e modelos experimentais, assim como de abordagens teóricas. No entanto, esses pesquisadores devem ser reunidos ao redor de um periódico temático, revisado por pares e de fácil acesso, capaz de alcançar parâmetros de alto impacto sem perder seu foco, onde os marcos de referência e conceitos teóricos possam ser apresentados e intensamente discutidos, abarcando do experimental ao teórico, pesquisa básica e aplicada, pesquisas clínicas, históricas e sociológicas. As características do sistema aberto se correspondem adequadamente com os requerimentos de um periódico para a comunidade ligada às altas diluições. Igualmente, o meio eletrônico permite divulgar textos e gráficos de maior tamanho, filmes, entrevistas, áudio e outros tipos de formatos multimedia. Por esse motivo, um periódico científico de acesso aberto dedicado às altas diluições seria muito bem recebido pela comunidade internacional.

Accès à l'information , Dilution , Homéopathie
Int. j. high dilution res ; 7(25): 165-173, 2008. graf, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-529845


The most common way to perform succussions is to place a liquid preparation inside a glass vessel and beat it vigorously against a hard elastic surface, either manually or using a mechanical apparatus. This procedure has been assumed able to transfer mechanical energy to the molecular level, where it becomes available to perform chemical work. Such interpretation has been enforced by observed changes in the electrical conductivity (EC) of High Dilutions (HD) due to succussion. In order to address this question, we compared the electrical conductivity changes of HD prepared from Vincristine sulfate (VCR) samples with those of an inert solvent. Samples were produced through manual and mechanical succusions in order to observe the influence of bubbles production. The results confirmed the timing of EC changes but these were equivalent for VCR and solvent, except for VCR 1cH samples. Also, the production of bubbles does not affect the EC in an extent able to distinguish succussion procedures. We concluded that the physical-chemical properties of HD can be modeled by chemical and diffusive mechanisms typical of distilled water.

A maneira mais comum de realizar sucussões é manter uma preparação líquida dentro de um frasco de vidro, e agitá-la violentamente usando um dispositivo mecânico ou batendo-a, manualmente, contra um anteparo rígido, porém elástico. Este procedimento tem sido interpretado como um mecanismo capaz de transferir a energia mecânica da agitação, para níveis moleculares, onde ela se tornaria disponível para a realização de trabalho químico. Tal interpretação tem sido estimulada pela observação de alterações na condutividade elétrica (CE) de Altas Diluições (HD), devido à sucussão. Visando modelar esta questão, comparou-se a alteração da CE de amostras preparadas a partir de Sulfato de Vincristina (VCR) com amostras equivalentes (controle) preparadas apenas com o solvente água destilada. As amostras foram produzidas por sucussão mecânica e manual, a fimd e observar a influência da produção de bolhas. Os resultados confirma que a CE varia com o tempo, porém tais variações são equivalentes para VCR e controle, exceto para as amostras VCR 1cH. Também, a produção de bolhas não afeta a CE de forma a permitir usá-la para distinguir os diferentes procedimentos de sucussão. Concluimos que as propriedades físico-químicas da HDs podem ser modeladas por mecanismos químicos e difusivos, típicos para a água destilada.

Puissances Hautes , Conductivité électrique , Conception de médicament , Dynamisation , Homéopathie , Remède Homéopathique , Eau Distillée
Rev. homeopatia (Säo Paulo) ; 60(3/4): 49-51, 1995. graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-168697


Três grupos de amostras, preparadas a partir de soluçäo hidroalcoólica, foram analisados por espectroscopia ultravioleta, a fim de verificarmos alteraçöes devido ao processo de dinamizaçäo. Para as amostras preparadas em farmácias homeopáticas convencionais, os espectros de absorçäo das amostras dinamizadas apresentavam diferenças em relaçäo aos espectros das soluçöes inertes (näo dinamizadas), enquanto que para as amostras preparadas sob condiçöes mais rigorosas (em laboratório), nenhuma diferença significativa pode ser notada. Esses resultados reforçam nossa idéia sobre a presença de contaminantes em medicamentos homeopáticos comerciais e discutimos nesse trabalho as implicaçöes dessa hipótese para a pesquisa científica

Contamination de médicament , Recherche Fondamentale en Homéopathie , Solution Hydroalcoolique , Physique , Analyse spectrale
Pesqui. homeopática ; 8(2): 62, jul.-dez. 1993.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-297733


Através de espectroscopia ultravioleta visível (UV-vis) procuramos observar alteraçöes devido ao processo de dinamizaçäo de medicamentos preparados a partir de Lycopodium, comparando os resultados com os espectros do solvente (álcool 50 por cento)e da tintura-mäe. Amostras líquidas de medicamentos dinamizados a 3, 6, 12, 18, 30, 60 e 100CH, foram analisadas, em cubetas de quartzo, por espectroscopia de absorçäo, na regiäo UV-vis do espectro eletromagnético, usando-se um espectrofotômetro de feixe duplo, modelo Shimadzu UV 3100

Homéopathie , Lycopodium Clavatum , Analyse spectrale
Rev. bras. ciênc. morfol ; 5(1): 27-31, jan.-jun. 1988. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-75038


Dois grupos de 5 ratos foram submetidos a vasectomia convencional (A) e a raio laser de Argônia (B). No trigésimo dia de pós-operatório os animais foram sacrificados e os ductos deferentes observados sob visäo direta e ao microscópio óptico. Macroscopicamente observou-se em todos os casos a formaçäo de uma tumoraçäo no ápice do coto proximal do ducto deferente. O restante do aparelho permaneceu íntegro. Microscopicamente em ambos os grupos notou-se uma dilataçäo da luz do ducto, o epitélio tornou-se plano com perda de estereocílios e esgarçamento da camada muscular. Além disso, observou-se uma formaçäo tumoral com conteúdo espermático e colóide, circundada por macrófagos e células gigantes, envoltos por uma camada fibrosa. Esta formaçäo constitui-se no granuloma espermático. Näo foram observados significativas entre os métodos aplicados

Rats , Animaux , Mâle , Conduit déférent/anatomopathologie , Vasectomie/méthodes , Lasers , Vasectomie/médecine vétérinaire
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