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Acta Medica Philippina ; : 28-42, 2024.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013414


Objective@#The study determined the effects of corporate wellness programs (CWP) on Filipino workers’ physical, occupational, socio-emotional, intellectual, and spiritual wellness. @*Methods@#The study looked into the components of a CWP, its forms of communication, the respondents’ level of participation, motivation, and their physical, occupational, socio-emotional, intellectual, and spiritual well-being to determine their wellness status during the pandemic. The study utilized an online survey to examine questions related to the efficacy of such programs, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis to assess the respondents’ sociodemographic profiles, and point biserial correlation to test the association of CWP to their wellness status. @*Results@#The research showed that 90% of the respondents participated in their organization’s CWP, contradicting most studies that state CWP suffers from a low participation rate. CWP initiatives are mostly publicized through electronic mail, printed in memos, then posted on the bulletin board, and shared through the company website and social media. In addition, the study showed that overall wellness mean scores were higher in employees who were aware of their wellness programs than those who were not and in participating vis-à-vis non-participating employees. @*Conclusion@#The study’s six assumptions showed positive results, indicating that CWPs are beneficial in improving employees’ overall wellness. However, the per paradigm and overall wellness scores were weakly associated with participation and awareness status based on the point biserial correlation. No adverse effects were recorded in the study. In addition, the study discovered that employees were active in personal wellness initiatives, leading to high scores in their wellness dimensions. The study showed different individual wellness initiatives implying that employees were also proactive about their total well-being.

Promotion de la santé , Promotion de la santé , COVID-19 , Philippines , Services de médecine préventive
Health Sciences Journal ; : 112-118, 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-961135


INTRODUCTION@#Student volunteers in COVID-19 vaccination activities help augment the health care workforce. However, there is a lack of literature that explores student volunteerism in the Philippines. This paper analyses the shared meanings of the lived experiences of volunteer nursing students during a pandemic.@*METHODS@#Student nurses who had joined Red Cross vaccination activities were recruited by purposive sampling and interviewed online using a pilot-tested interview guide with open-ended questions. Participants were recruited until data saturation. The data collected was analyzed using Colaizzi’s Seven-Step Method.@*RESULTS@#The study has identified two main themes that describe the phenomenon of student- nurse volunteerism during COVID-19 vaccination programs: 1) personal motivation and 2) perceived benefits and outcomes. There were four sub-themes under personal motivation - desire for personal growth, intrinsic altruism, past experiences and involvement in volunteer work, and opportunity for advocating against vaccine hesitancy. Perceived benefits and outcomes had two sub-themes - sense of fulfillment in the act of volunteering and opportunity for actual nurse-patient interaction. @*CONCLUSION@#The findings from the study suggest that, despite the lack of experience of working as frontliners during the COVID-19 vaccination programs, nursing students volunteered due to personal motivations and perceived benefits and outcomes.

Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1408519


RESUMEN Introducción: En Cuba la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica es sexta causa de mortalidad general. Existe insuficiente conocimiento sobre su magnitud. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia y características de la enfermedad en La Habana (2017-2018). Métodos: Estudio multicéntrico transversal, coordinado por Iniciative Burden of Lung Disease, incluyó 349 personas no institucionalizadas de 40 años y más de cuatro consultorios médicos (selección aleatoria). Se aplicó cuestionario con variables sociodemográficas relacionadas con diagnóstico médico previo y tabaquismo. Se realizó estudio de espirometría, pre-pos aplicación de salbutamol para determinar limitación del flujo aéreo y clasificó severidad de la enfermedad en leve, moderada, severa y muy severa. Resultados: Prevalencia global 20,9 % (IC 95 %:16,6-25,2); en hombres 25,3 %, en mujeres 17,7 %. Se incrementó con la edad. Formas leves 60 %, más frecuentes en mujeres 67 % vs. severas en hombres, 22 %. Espirometría previa 15 % de encuestados. Catorce encuestados (19,1 %) tenían el diagnóstico médico previo de enfisema pulmonar, bronquitis crónica o enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica. Prevalencia de tabaquismo 36,0 %, mayor porcentaje en formas severas. La tercera parte (31,7 %), expuestos al humo de tabaco ajeno, en hogar o trabajo; media de exposición diaria 5 h. Conclusiones: La alta prevalencia y subdiagnóstico de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica la convierten en un importante problema de salud en La Habana. Se pronostica incremento de la prevalencia relacionado con la dinámica poblacional en el país y el alto consumo de tabaco en la población. Se requiere un manejo más integral de esta enfermedad prevenible.

ABSTRACT Introduction: In Cuba, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the sixth leading cause of death. There is insufficient knowledge concerning its scope. Objective: To determine the prevalence and characteristics of the disease in Havana (2017-2018). Methods: A multicenter, cross-sectional study coordinated by Iniciative Burden of Lung Disease. It included 349 non-hospitalized people aged 40 and over from four family doctor´s offices (random selection). A questionnaire with sociodemographic variables on previous medical diagnosis and smoking was applied. A spirometric study was conducted before and after salbutamol administration to determine airflow limitations, and the disease was classified as mild, moderate, severe, and very severe. Results: Overall prevalence was 20.9% (95 % CI: 16.6-25.2); with males accounting for 25.3%; and females for 17.7%. It increased with age. Mild forms of the disease affected 60% of the population; they were more common in females (67%) than in males (severe forms, 22%). Previous spirometry was performed in 15% of respondents. Fourteen people (19.1%) had previously been diagnosed with pulmonary emphysema, chronic bronchitis, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Smoking prevalence was 36%, with a higher percentage in the severe forms of the disease. One-third (31.7%) were exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke at home or at work, with a daily average exposure of 5 hours. Conclusions: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a major health problem in Havana due to its high prevalence and underdiagnosis. An increase in prevalence is predicted given the demographic dynamics in the country and the high level of tobacco consumption among the population. Therefore, more comprehensive management of this preventable disease is required.

Rev. cuba. med ; 60(2): e1945, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1280350


Introducción: Con el propósito de justificar la decisión diplomática de los Estados Unidos, se publicaron dos artículos científicos en revistas médicas que intentan sostener la idea de que en La Habana hubo un ataque dirigido a personal de la embajada estadounidense. Objetivo: Demostrar la falta de rigor científico en dos investigaciones de series de casos no independientes sobre los síntomas de salud de diplomáticos de los Estados Unidos en La Habana. Método: Se realiza un análisis documental de dos publicaciones de series de casos. Se evalúan hipótesis diagnósticas. Resultados: Existe superposición amplia entre las dos series en cuanto a pacientes compartidos y en contraste se presentan algunas diferencias en los datos clínicos que superan lo esperado. Conclusiones: En ambas publicaciones se desaprovecha la riqueza semiográfica de síntomas y la información psicosocial. Se enfatiza más en argumentos asociados al fetichismo de la tecnología expresado en la interpretación de hallazgos inespecíficos. El análisis de datos clínicos permitió ver que se trata de un grupo heterogéneo de personas cuyas quejas de salud han sido reunidas por la interacción de otros factores psicosociales contextuales(AU)

Introduction: In order to justify the diplomatic decision of the United States, two scientific articles were published in medical journals that attempt to support the idea that, in Havana, there was an attack aimed at US embassy personnel. Objective: To prove the lack of scientific consistency in two investigations of non-independent case series on the health symptoms of United States diplomats in Havana. Method: A documentary analysis of two publications of case series is carried out. Diagnostic hypotheses are evaluated. Results: There is wide overlap between the two series in terms of shared patients and in contrast there are some differences in the clinical data that exceed what was expected. Conclusions: In both publications the semiographic wealth of symptoms and psychosocial information are wasted. More emphasis is placed on arguments associated with the fetishism of technology expressed in the interpretation of nonspecific findings. The analysis of clinical data allowed us to see that it is a heterogeneous group of people whose health complaints have been brought together by the interaction of other contextual psychosocial factors(AU)

Humains , Politique , Recherche , Syndrome , Technologie , Sensation vertigineuse/étiologie , Céphalée de tension/étiologie
Rev. argent. radiol ; 85(1): 3-10, ene. 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155707


Resumen Objetivo: Analizar características por resonancia magnética (RM) de gliomas IDH-mutados (grado II y III) en base a parámetros cualitativos, a fin de valorar el rendimiento del signo del mismatch T2-FLAIR y otras características morfológicas de los tumores, en predecir el estado del 1p/19q y su reproducibilidad interobservador. Métodos Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y analítico sobre una cohorte de 53 gliomas IDH-mutados (grado II y III) y molecularmente definidos respecto al 1p/19q, seleccionados a partir de la base de datos de la institución, durante el periodo 2014- 2019. Dos neuroradiólogos evaluaron características imagenológicas de forma independiente y enmascarada al diagnóstico: mismatch T2-FLAIR, localización tumoral, bordes, señal, infiltración cortical e inhomogeneidad en T2. Los casos discordantes fueron evaluados por un tercer neuroradiólogo de mayor experiencia. Resultados: Treinta de 53 (56,6%) gliomas fueron no codelecionados, y 23/53 (43,4%) codelecionados. El signo del mismatch T2-FLAIR fue positivo en 16/53 (30,18%) pacientes, 15/16 (93,75%) no codelecionados y 1/16 (6,25%) codelecionado (Exacto de Fisher p = <,0001). Los dos evaluadores demostraron una concordancia interobservador casi perfecta para ese signo, κ =,907 (95% CI, 0,781 a 1,0). La especificidad y el valor predictivo positivo del signo para predecir la ausencia de la codeleción fue de un 95,7% y un 93,8% respectivamente. Discusión: La reciente actualización en la clasificación de los gliomas los clasifica acorde a su perfil molecular. En los últimos años, varios investigadores han estudiado características morfológicas por RM de los tumores con la intención de predecir las características moleculares de los mismos. Conclusión: En nuestra población, el signo del mismatch T2-FLAIR es el único biomarcador radiológico que muestra asociación estadísticamente significativa en predecir la ausencia de codeleción en los gliomas IDH-mutados (grado II y III), con una alta especificidad y un alto valor predictivo positivo.

Abstract Objective: To analyze magnetic resonance (MR) characteristics of IDH-mutated gliomas (grades II/III) utilizing qualitative parameters with the goal of assessing the performance of the T2-FLAIR mismatch sign and other morphological characteristics of tumors in predicting the 1p/19q co-deletion status as well as inter-observer reproducibility. Methods: Retrospective and descriptive study analyzing a cohort of 53 IDH-mutated lower-grade (grades II/III) gliomas with known 1p/19q co-deletion status. Patients meeting selection criteria for this study were taken from our institutional data from 2014-2019. Two neuroradiologists assessed the following imaging characteristics independently, and blinded from the diagnosis: T2-FLAIR mismatch, tumor location, borders, signal characteristics, cortical infiltration and T2* inhomogeneity. In the event of discordant interpretations, a third senior neuroradiologist also evaluated the case. Results: 23 of the 53 (43.4%) gliomas demonstrated 1p/19q co-deletion and 30 of 53 (56.6%) did not. T2-FLAIR mismatch was positive in 16 of 53 cases (30.2%) with 15 of 16 (93.8%) demonstrating no co-deletion and 1/16 (6.25%) with co-deletion (Fisher's exact p = < .0001). The two readers showed an almost perfect interreader agreement for this sign κ = 0.907 (95% CI, 0.781 to 1.0). Specificity and positive predictive value of the sign to predict the absence of co-deletion was 95.7% and 93.8% respectively. Discussion: The recent update in classification of lower-grade gliomas segregates gliomas according to molecular profile. In the recent past, many researchers have studied MR morphologic characteristics of these tumors with the intention of predicting molecular features of said tumors Conclusion: In our patient population, T2-FLAIR mismatch sign is the only radiologic biomarker that shows statistically significant association with the absence of 1p/19q co-deletion in lower-grade gliomas, with high specificity and positive predictive value.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Jeune adulte , Tumeurs du cerveau/imagerie diagnostique , Marqueurs biologiques , Gliome/imagerie diagnostique , Oligodendrogliome/imagerie diagnostique , Astrocytome/imagerie diagnostique , Spectroscopie par résonance magnétique , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Études rétrospectives , Gliome/classification
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 92(3): e1056, jul.-set. 2020. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126762


Introducción: La presencia de tuberculosis infantil constituye una señal de alerta de transmisión en la comunidad. Objetivos: Determinar incidencia y características de la tuberculosis infantil en Cuba en su etapa más reciente. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, transversal y retrospectivo de los 107 casos diagnosticados 0-18 años, periodo 2013-2017, según datos de la Dirección de Registros Médicos y Estadísticas de Salud, la ficha epidemiológica y datos del Centro de Referencia Nacional de tuberculosis infantil. Se estudiaron variables demográficas, epidemiológicas, clínicas y de estudios que contribuyeron al diagnóstico, así como a la evolución final de los casos. Resultados: Predominó el grupo de edad de 15 - 18 años (52,0 - 48,6 por ciento) , sexo masculino (59,0-55,1 por ciento) y los procedentes de La Habana (43,0 - 40,2 por ciento). La tuberculosis en menores de 19 años representó entre 1,8 y 4,4 por ciento del total de casos en el país. La tasa de incidencia por 100 mil habitantes se comportó en menores de 15 años entre 0,4 y 0,8 con tendencia descendente; en el grupo 15-18 años, entre 0,8 y 3,0 con tendencia ascendente. Predominaron las formas pulmonares (87,0 - 82,6 por ciento) con pobre confirmación bacteriológica (49,0 - 45,7 por ciento). Ningún caso tuvo coinfección VIH-TB ni drogorresistencia. Hubo una fallecida (0,9 por ciento). Conclusiones: Cuba tiene muy baja incidencia de tuberculosis infantil, no es un problema de salud, pero sí un indicador de transmisión de la enfermedad en la comunidad. Para su eliminación, hay que fortalecer las acciones del Programa Nacional de Control, particularmente en La Habana y en el grupo de edad de 15 a 18 años(AU)

Introduction: The presence of children tuberculosis constitutes a transmission alert sign in the community. Objectives: To determine the incidence and characteristics of children tuberculosis in Cuba in its earliest stage. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional and restrospective study of 107 diagnosed cases in the ages from 0 to 18 years during the period 2013-2017, according to data provided by the National Division of Medical Records and Health Statistics, epidemiological records and data from the Center of National Reference on Children Tuberculosis. There were studied demographic, epidemiological, clinical and study variables which contributed to the diagnosis as well as to the final evolution of the cases. Results: There was a predominance of the age of group of 15 - 18 years (52.0 - 48.6 percent), masculine sex (59.0 - 55.1 percent) and patients from Havana city (43.0 - 40.2 percent). Tuberculosis in patients under 19 years represented between the 1.8 and 4.4 percent of all the cases in the country. The incidence rate per 100 000 inhabitants in patients under 15 years was 0.4 to 0.8 with a decreasing trend; in the group age of 15 to 18 years it was between 0.8 and 3.0 with an increasing trend. Pulmonary conditions predominated (87.0 - 82.6 percent) with poor bacteriological confirmation (49.0 - 45.7 percent). None of the cases had HIV-TB co-infection nor drugs resistance. There was one deceased girl (0,9 percent). Conclusions: Cuba has a very low incidence of children tuberculosis; it does not represent a health problem but it actually is an indicator of transmission of the disease in the community. For its erradication, it is needed to strenght the actions of the Control´s National Program, particularly in Havana city and the age group of 15 to 18 years(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Tuberculose/prévention et contrôle , Tuberculose/épidémiologie , Infections communautaires/transmission , Programmes nationaux de santé/normes , Cuba
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 118(3): e246-e251, jun. 2020. tab, ilus
Article Dans Anglais, Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1116913


Los neonatos pretérminos nacen con inmadurez en los órganos, lo que lleva al compromiso del sistema inmunológico. Los campos electromagnéticos afectan la producción de melatonina a niveles bajos de exposición. Estos niños necesitan equipamiento médico las 24 horas del día para su recuperación, por lo que están expuestos a los campos magnéticos durante todo el tiempo que se encuentren en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva. El objetivo fue medir los niveles de campo magnético que se generan alrededor de cada una de las incubadoras utilizando un gaussímetro y comparar los resultados con las recomendaciones de la Comisión Internacional para la Protección contra las Radiaciones No Ionizantes de 2010 y la norma de la International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) IEC 60601-1-2:2004. En 11 neonatos internados, los valores de radiación se encontraban dentro de los recomendados, pero existía interferencia electromagnética por problemas de disposición de los equipos en el área.

Preterm infants are born with immature organs, thus affecting the immune system. Electromagnetic fields influence melatonin production with low exposure levels. These infants require medical equipment 24/7 to recover, so they are constantly exposed to magnetic fields during their stay in the Intensive Care Unit. Our objective was to measure magnetic field levels generated around each incubator using a gauss meter and compare our results to the 2010 recommendations by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection and the IEC 60601-1-2:2004 standard by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). Among 11 hospitalized newborn infants, radiation was found within the recommended limits, but there was electromagnetic interference resulting from medical equipment layout problems in the unit.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Nouveau-né , Champs magnétiques/effets indésirables , Prématuré , Équipement et fournitures , Mesure du Niveau de l'Eau/analyse , Incubateurs , Unités de soins intensifs , Concentration maximale admissible , Mélatonine
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-192258


Background: Excessive ingestion of fluoride during tooth development, particularly at the maturation stage, may result in dental fluorosis, with clinical implications. Literature is scarce on dental fluorosis in Enugu, Nigeria. Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of dental fluorosis in Enugu, a major city in South East Nigeria. Materials and Methods: A multistage sampling technique was used to select a calculated sample of 400 students. A pretested interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to ascertain student's sociodemographic and related variables. The student participants were examined for dental fluorosis using Dean's index criteria according to the World Health Organization guidelines. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16, and Chi-square test of association was used to compare proportions and ratios with significant level set at P < 0.05 and 95% confidence level. Results: Among the 400 students analyzed, 231 (57.8%) and 169 (42.2%) were male and female, respectively. Mean age was 13.43 ± 1.021 years. The prevalence of dental fluorosis was 11.3%, with the preponderance of very mild score (82.2%), and no observed severe dental fluorosis. The difference in the distribution of the scores of fluorosis among the children was highly statistically significant (χ2 = 72.80, P = 0.000). Dental fluorosis was found present in 39 (10.3%) of 378 users of fluoridated toothpaste and in 6 (27.7%) of the 22 users of nonfluoridated toothpaste. The differences in the presence and absence of dental fluorosis were statistically significant among users of fluoridated toothpaste. Conclusion: This study shows the prevalence of dental fluorosis to be low among secondary school students of Enugu metropolis.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-198576


Background and Objective: In cephalometry, parameters like the head length, head width and cephalic index arevery important in the description of human morphology, variation in different gender and races of humanpopulation and making comparison between healthy individuals and clinical patients. Furthermore, they canalso be used to categorize human head morphology into different types and to make comparative study ofdifferent human populations. This comparative study was carried out to describe the cranial morphologyamong adolescent and young adult individuals of Bini and Igbo ethnic groups in Nigeria.Methodology: This study involved 260 Bini and 245 Igbo subjects between ages 11 – 25 years. The head lengthof each subject was measured between the glabella and inion while the head breadth measured between theparietal prominences using spreading and sliding calipers. The cephalic index of each subject was calculatedas the ratio of the head breadth to it length expressed as a percentageResults: The mean cephalic indices among the two tribes were higher in males than in females in all the agegroups studied. With increasing age, the cephalic index value decreases among the Bini tribe but increasesamong the Igbo tribe. Based on the morphological classification of the cephalic index values, the brachycephalichead type was the most prevalent among both Bini (55.4%) and Igbo (66.9) tribes while the least common headtype among the Bini and Igbo tribes were hyperbrachycephalic (8.1%) and dolicephalic (0.4%) respectively.Conclusion: The cephalic index demonstrated inter-tribal variation, prominent intra-tribal sexual dimorphismand brachycephalization is the dominant trend in cranial morphology of both Bini and Igbo tribes in Nigeria.

Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 90(4): e630, set.-dic. 2018. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-978473


Introducción: Colagenosis y tuberculosis comparten síntomas y signos, pero además, el trastorno autoinmune y los tratamientos inmunosupresores que reciben los pacientes con colagenosis, los hacen más vulnerables a esta infección, lo que puede constituir un dilema diagnóstico. Objetivo: Contribuir al conocimiento de la relación entre tuberculosis y colagenosis. Presentación de casos: Se presentan tres adolescentes con tuberculosis, atendidos en el Centro de Referencia Nacional para la Tuberculosis Infantil. Dos enfermos tenían diagnóstico previo de colagenosis (artritis idiopática juvenil y polimiositis) con tratamiento esteroideo en exacerbaciones o continuo desde hacía un año, respectivamente. El tercero presentó un síndrome febril prolongado con pleuresía y pericarditis, con sospecha de lupus eritematoso diseminado. Se diagnosticó tuberculosis por test de mantoux hiperérgico. El tratamiento fue prolongado con esteroides, drogas antituberculosas y pericardiotomía al inicio del proceso, con evolución tórpida y fallo de tratamiento. Todo el tiempo se trató de descartar una enfermedad del colágeno. Se confirmó por cultivo la tuberculosis en los tres pacientes y la evolución final fue satisfactoria. Se exponen las características de cada enfermo y se analiza la relación entre ambas entidades. Conclusiones: Se presentan tres casos que ejemplifican la relación entre tuberculosis y colagenosis(AU)

Introduction: Collagenosis and tuberculosis share similar symptoms and manifestations; and in addition, the autoimmune disorder and inmunosuppressive treatments that patients with collagenosis receive make them more vulnerable to this infection which can constitute a diagnostic dylemma. Objective: To contribute to a better knowledge on the relation among tuberculosis and collagenosis. Cases presentation: Three adolescents suffering collagenosis are presented. They were attended in the National Reference Center for Children Tuberculosis. Two of the patients had previous diagnostic of collagenosis (juvenile idiopatic arthritis and polymyositis) with steroids treatment in exacerbations or continuous since a year ago. The third patient presented a prolonged febrile syndrome with pleurisy and pericarditis, with suspicions of disseminated lupus erythematosus. Tuberculosis was diagnosed by the test of hyperergic Mantoux. The treatment was prolonged with steroids, antiturberculosis drugs and pericardiotomy at the beginning of the process, with bad evolution and failure of the treatment. All the time it was intended to rule out collagen disease. Tuberculosis was confirmed by culturing in the three patients and final evolution was satisfactorily. Characteristics of each patient were exposed and it was analyzed the relation among both diseases. Conclusions: Three cases that exemplify the relation among tuberculosis and collagenosis(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Tuberculose/complications , Tuberculose/diagnostic , Maladies du collagène/complications , Maladies du collagène/épidémiologie , Isoniazide/usage thérapeutique , Présentations de cas
Medisan ; 21(11)nov. 2017.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-894570


El propósito de este artículo es analizar las implicaciones sociales de la labor de los profesores universitarios desde la relación que se establece entre el claustro y los empleadores en la búsqueda de una universidad competitiva, innovadora y sostenible. Así, para que dicha universidad perdure en el tiempo, tiene que involucrar a todos sus académicos, estudiantes y trabajadores en el mejoramiento de su capital humano y satisfacer las necesidades del presente desde varias perspectivas. La competitividad del docente es una de las cualidades necesarias para proteger su prestigio académico y educativo, lo cual conlleva a un futuro sostenible donde la preparación pedagógica del claustro universitario juega un importante rol.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the social implications of the university professors work from the relationship emerging between the staff and the employers in the search of a competitive, innovative and sustainable university. Thus, for this university to lasts in time, it has to involve all its academics, students and workers in the improvement of the human capital and to satisfy the needs of the present from several perspectives. Competence of the teaching staff is one of the necessary qualities to protect its academic staff and educational prestige, which bears to a sustainable future where the pedagogical training of the university staff plays an important role.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enseignement , Modèle de compétence attendue , Universités , Enseignement professionnel/méthodes , Corps enseignant , Compétence professionnelle , Déontologie , Professionnalisme
Rev. Fac. Med. UNAM ; 59(1): 21-24, ene.-feb. 2016. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-957071


Resumen Las mycobacterias no tuberculosas son poco reconocidas en la actualidad, pero su prevalencia se incrementa al sospechar su presencia en inmunodeprimidos o en enfermedades crónicas como la fibrosis quística. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con diagnóstico de síndrome de Lady Windermere con tos crónica. Se realizó tomografía computarizada donde se observaron bronquiectasias en el segmento lingular del pulmón izquierdo y en los lóbulos medio e inferior del derecho. En la broncoscopia se aisló complejo Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare. El no considerar en el diagnóstico de pacientes con tos crónica y sin factores predisponentes a las mycobacterias atrasa el diagnóstico y se acelera el deterioro clínico del paciente.

Abstract The nontuberculous mycobacteria are rarely recognized today in the world, being increased their prevalence about to departure of their suspicion in chronic illnesses such as inmunocompromised patients and cystic fibrosis. We present a case with diagnosis of syndrome of Lady Windermere about to departure of a square of chronic cough. Computed tomography was performed where bilateral bronchiectasis is observed in the left lingual segment and right upper lobe. In the Bronchoscopy was isolated complex Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare. The lack of suspicion of nontuberculous mycobacteria in patient without risk factors, with a square of chronic cough leads to the delay in the diagnosis and the patient's clinical deterioration.

Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 8(supl.1)2016.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-844913


La opacidad de la cápsula posterior (OCP) es actualmente uno de los aspectos más importantes en la cirugía de catarata de los tiempos modernos. Sigue siendo la complicación posoperatoria tardía más frecuente tras la cirugía de catarata asociada con disminución de la agudeza visual, deterioro de la sensibilidad al contraste y problemas de deslumbramiento que conllevan importantes repercusiones sociales, médicas y económicas. El software PANDOC provee al oftalmólogo de una herramienta por medio de la cual este es capaz de cuantificar numéricamente y detectar diferencias de opacidad (a veces imperceptibles para el ojo humano), logrando así una evaluación objetiva del grado de opacidad y de esta forma minimizar el sesgo de observación entre un médico y otro. Por ello surge la necesidad de identificar automáticamente la OCP en estas imágenes, para lo cual se diseña un sistema basado en casos. La presente investigación se enmarca en la aplicación de un sistema basado en casos integrado al software PANDOC, para identificar y cuantificar objetivamente OCP mediante el uso de las imágenes resultantes de la cámara Scheimpflug del Pentacam(AU)

The posterior capsule opacity (PCO) is nowadays one of the most important aspects in cataract surgery of modern times. It´s still the most frequent post operatory complication associated with visual acuity diminution, deterioration of contrast sensitivity and blinding problems that lead to social, medical and economic repercussions. PANDOC software is a tool for numerical quantification and detection of opacity differences (sometimes imperceptible for human eyes), reaching an objective evaluation of opacity degree and minimizing the observation bias between one doctor and another. For that reason is necessary to identify automatically PCO in these images, for which is designed a case-based system. The present research is oriented to the application of a case-based system for the PANDOC software, to identify and quantify objectively PCO using the resulting images of the Pentacam´sScheimpflug camera(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Cataracte/complications , Cataracte/diagnostic , Traitement d'image par ordinateur/méthodes , Logiciel/normes , Extraction de cataracte/méthodes , Opacité cornéenne/imagerie diagnostique
An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 76(3): 285-287, jul.-set.2015. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-781094


Las micobacterias no tuberculosas son poco reconocidas hoy en el mundo, incrementándose su prevalencia a punto de partida de su sospecha en inmunodeprimidos o en enfermedades crónicas, como la fibrosis quística. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con diagnóstico de síndrome de Lady Windermere a punto de partida de un cuadro de tos crónica. Se realizó tomografía computarizada donde se evidenciaron bronquiectasias en el segmento lingular del pulmón izquierdo y en los lóbulos medio e inferior del derecho. Mediante la broncoscopia se aisló el complejo Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare. La falta de sospecha de micobacterias atípicas en pacientes sin factores predisponentes, con un cuadro de tos crónica, conduce al retraso en el diagnóstico y el deterioro clínico del paciente...

Nontuberculous mycobacteria are rarely recognized in the world today; their prevalence is increasing due to suspicion in immunocompromised patients or in those suffering from chronic illnesses such as cystic fibrosis. A case with of Lady Windermere Syndrome diagnosis that originally started with chronic cough is presented. Tomography showed bilateral bronchiectasis in the left lingual segment and in the middle and lower right lobe. Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex was isolated using bronchoscopy. The lack of suspicion of nontuberculous mycobacteria in patients without risk factors and chronic cough leads to diagnosis delay and clinical deterioration of the patient...

Humains , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Dilatation des bronches/diagnostic , Complexe Mycobacterium avium , Maladie chronique , Toux , Présentations de cas
Full dent. sci ; 6(21): 138-141, dez. 2014. tab, ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-750194


A Displasia Cement ria Periapical ‚ um tumor odontogˆnico de origem mesenquimal, derivado do ligamento periodontal. Por nÆo apresentar sinais e sintomas, normalmente ‚ descoberto em exames radiogr ficos de rotina. O aspecto radiogr fico ‚ semelhante a lesães periapicais de origem endod“ntica, o que pode confundir o cl¡nico no momento do diagn¢stico e lev -lo a um tratamento desnecess rio. O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar um caso cl¡nico de Displasia Cement ria Periapical, apresentar as caracter¡sticas, bem como ressaltar a importƒncia do correto diagn¢stico diferencial.

Periapical Cemento Dysplasia is an odontogenic tumor of mesenchymal origin, derived from the periodontal ligament. Because it doesn’t show signs and symptoms, it is usually discovered on routine radiographic examination. The radiographic appearance is similar to periapical lesions of endodontic origin, which can confuse the clinician at the time of diagnosis and lead to an unnecessary treatment. The aim of this study was to report a case of Periapical Cemento Dysplasia, and present its characteristics as well as underscoring the importance of the proper diagnosis.

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Cémentome/anatomopathologie , Kyste radiculaire/anatomopathologie , Maladies parodontales/diagnostic , Granulome périapical/anatomopathologie , Tumeurs odontogènes/anatomopathologie , Tomodensitométrie/instrumentation
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1170969


We described a patient who was diagnosed with a Pancoast tumor in the Neumológico Benéfico Jurídico Hospital. This neoplastic non metastatic disease more frequently affects the brachial plexus. Therefore, a differential diagnosis of the painful shoulder was carried out and the patient was admitted in our center with the probable Pancoast tumor diagnosis. Subsequently, its study continued and the clinical suspicion was confirmed by a computerized tomography and a magnetic resonance, to be also confirmed later on with an anatomopathological study.

Carcinome à petites cellules/diagnostic , Plexus brachial , Syndrome de Pancoast-Tobias/diagnostic , Humains , Sujet âgé , Mâle
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 12(4): 0-0, oct,.dic. 2013.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-697524


Introducción: los tumores del timo son poco frecuentes, cerca de 35 % son malignos, afectan por igual a hombres y mujeres, se presentan usualmente en pacientes por encima de los 40 años; cursan, por lo general, de forma asintomática y cuando producen síntomas habitualmente son de compresión local. Objetivo: presentar este caso por la poca frecuencia de esta enfermedad en la literatura consultada y su rara descripción en pacientes jóvenes. Presentación del caso: paciente masculino, mestizo, de 30 años de edad, con antecedentes de salud, no fumador, quien acude al área de salud por comenzar el mes anterior, en la región anterior del tórax, una tos seca frecuente, esputos hemoptoicos, fiebre en dos o tres ocasiones, falta de aire ocasional relacionada con esfuerzos físicos intensos y pérdida de peso; por todo esto, es remitido al Hospital Neumológico Benéfico Jurídico con el diagnóstico de cáncer de pulmón. Al llegar a nuestro Centro, se le realiza una radiografía de tórax frontal y en vista lateral derecha en la que se observa una radiopacidad mediastino-pulmonar derecha, homogénea, de bordes bien delimitados que se situaba en el mediastino anterosuperior y derrame pleural derecho de pequeña cuantía; se decide su ingreso para estudio y tratamiento con el diagnóstico presuntivo de un tumor del mediastino anterosuperior, posiblemente del timo. Se realizó estudio anatomopatológico y se diagnosticó un timosarcoma. Conclusiones: los tumores del timo son enfermedades malignas poco frecuentes y se pueden presentar en pacientes jóvenes.

Introduction: the thymus tumors are not frequent, already 35 percent are malignant and they are usually present in patients older 40 years of age; generally are asymptomatic and when produce symptoms habitually are from local compression. Objective: because of the few frequency of this disease in the consultation literature and its rare description in young patient, is the reason why we proposed to make the presentation of this case. Case presentation: a male patient is presented, half-breed, with 30 years of age, with health antecedents, non-smoking man, that goes to the health area due to the month before he started with clinical of pain in the anterior thoracic region, frequent dry cough, hemopthoic spits, fever in two or three opportunities, occasional shortness of breath related to intense physical efforts and lost of weight; for all this reason he is remitted to the Hospital Neumológico Benéfico Jurídico with the diagnosis of lung cancer. When he arrives to our center we made him a frontal chest X ray and on right lateral view observing a right lung mediastinum homogeneous radiopacity, of well limited borders that was located in the anterior upper mediastinum and right pleural effusion of a little quantity, deciding his admission for study and treatment with the presumptive diagnosis of a mediastinum tumor, possibly of the thymus. There was done on anatomopathologycal study and was diagnose a thymosarcoma. Conclusions: thymus tumors are few frequent malignant disease and they can present in non-elderly patients.

Rev. cuba. med. trop ; 64(2): 153-162, Mayo-ago. 2012.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-629373


Introducción: la tuberculosis multidrogorresistente constituye un problema médico de gran importancia, porque implica la diseminación de microorganismos para los que es necesario aplicar medicamentos de la llamada "segunda línea", cuya efectividad es menor, requiere un tiempo de tratamiento más prolongado que aumenta la frecuencia de efectos indeseables, además de ser mucho más costoso que el tratamiento convencional. Objetivos: identificar la respuesta terapéutica al tratamiento individualizado en pacientes tuberculosos multidrogorresistentes no seropositivos al VIH. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo en una muestra de enfermos tuberculosos multidrogorresistentes tratados por al menos 1 año con esquemas individualizados, entre los años 2000 y 2010 en el Hospital Neumológico "Benéfico Jurídico". Se obtuvieron los datos de las historias clínicas individuales y las fichas bacteriológicas. Resultados: de los 42 pacientes, 85,7 % era de hombres y la edad media resultó 48,8 años. La categoría de caso más frecuente que motivó el ingreso fue la de crónico (40,5 %). El tiempo medio para el resultado negativo del examen directo fue de 4,6 meses y del cultivo 6 meses; resultó menor en los pacientes clasificados como fracasos y mayor en los clasificados como recaída. El mayor porcentaje de curación se obtuvo en los pacientes clasificados como crónicos y fracasos, con 23,8 y 21,4 %, respectivamente. Conclusiones: el cumplimiento del tratamiento individualizado directamente observado para tuberculosis multidrogorresistente resultó eficaz en más de la mitad de los casos.

Introduction: multiple drug resistant tuberculosis is an increasingly significant medical problem, because it means the spread of microorganisms for which "second line" drugs are required to eliminate them; therapeutic effectiveness is lower, it takes longer to treat it, leading to more adverse effects in addition to being more expensive than the conventional treatment. Objective: to identify the response to individualized treatment in multiple drug resistant tuberculosis patients, who are non-HIV seropositive. Method: a descriptive study was conducted in a sample of multiple drug resistant patients, who were treated for a year under individualized courses of treatment from 2000 to 2010 in Hospital Neumológico "Benéfico Jurídico". Data were collected from their medical histories and from bacteriological records. Results: out of 42 patients, 85.7 % were males and the average age was 48.8 years. The most common category on admission was chronically-ill patient (40.5 %). The average time for negative results in direct exam was 4.6 months and in culturing was 6 months; this indicator was lower in patients regarded as failures and higher in those classified as relapses. The highest healing percentage was found in chronic patients and in those classified as failures, accounting for 23.8 and 21.4 % respectively. Conclusions: the compliance with individualized treatment under direct observation in multiple drug resistant tuberculosis proved to be effective in over half of the cases.

Adulte , Sujet âgé , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Tuberculose multirésistante/traitement médicamenteux , Résultat thérapeutique
Mediciego ; 18(supl.1)jun. 2012. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-710836


La biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina guiada por ecografía es un método con una alta rentabilidad en el diagnóstico de lesiones pulmonares de localización preferentemente periféricas. Objetivo: Identificar los resultados citológicos obtenidos mediante la Biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina guiada por ecografía. Método: Se realizó un estudio observacional de tipo analítico que incluyó a 306 pacientes, a los cuales se les realizó biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina guiada por ecografía. Resultados: Del total de pacientes estudiados, el 68,63 por ciento fueron hombres y el 31,37 por ciento fueron mujeres, el grupo de edad predominante fue el de 60 y más años. El patrón ecográfico más observado fue la imagen compleja. Se obtuvo un porciento de utilidad de 95,7 por ciento. El diagnóstico más frecuente fue el carcinoma de pulmón no células pequeñas. Conclusiones: La biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina de pulmón guiada por ecografía es una técnica muy útil para el diagnóstico de enfermedades de pulmón de localización periférica y tiene un bajo índice de complicaciones.

The fine needle aspiration biopsy (BAAF), guided by ultrasound is a method with a high return in the diagnosis of pulmonary lesions preferably peripheral location. Objective: Identify the cytological results obtained by fine needle aspiration biopsy (BAAF) ultrasound-guided. Method: An observational study of analytical type involving 306 patients, was carried out, to which a fine needle aspiration biopsy was carried out (BAAF) guided by ultrasound. Results: From the total of studied patients, 68,63 percent were men and 31,37 percent women, 60 years and older were the predominant age. The most observed ultrasound pattern was the complex image. We obtained a usefulness percent of 95.7 percent. Lung carcinoma non-small cell was the most frequent diagnosis. Conclusions: The ultrasound-guided lung BAAF is a very useful technique for lung disease diagnosis of peripheral location and it has a low rate of complications.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Maladies pulmonaires/anatomopathologie , Maladies pulmonaires , Poumon/anatomopathologie , Cytoponction/méthodes , Études observationnelles comme sujet
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