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Serv. soc. soc ; (143): 162-176, jan.-abr. 2022.
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357437


Resumo: Por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica, este artigo introduz o debate sobre o Depoimento Especial e desvela três diferentes violações de direitos presentes em sua execução. A partir disso, firmam-se as bases necessárias para dissipar as cortinas de fumaça que envolvem o assunto, em prol da compreensão sobre a sua real serventia, revelando que, ao contrário da forma como é apresentada, a Lei n. 13.431/2017 não está centrada nos direitos das crianças e dos adolescentes.

Abstract: By utilizing bibliographical research, the article introduces the debate on the Special Testimony and reveals three different violations of rights in its execution. Consequently, the necessary bases are established with the objective of to clarify the topic and providing its real value, and revealing that, contrary to how it appears, Law n. 13.431/2017 is not centered on the rights of children and adolescents.

Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; Braz. j. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.);88(supl.1): 3-4, 2022. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420814


Abstract Introduction The classification of odontogenic tumors has been revised from time to time in order to provide unified terminology. This reclassification had considerable impact on their prevalence and frequency distribution. Objectives This study was aimed to emphasize impact of changing classification systems on prevalence and relative frequency of odontogenic tumors. The secondary objective was to analyze demographics of various histological types of odontogenic tumors in comparison to published literature. Review of Indian studies (1992-2020) elaborating frequency of odontogenic tumors is summarized in the end. Methods This was a hospital-based retrospective study wherein case files of odontogenic tumors diagnosed from 1990 to 2019 period were retrieved. The classification system used originally at the time of diagnosis was retained and prevalence of odontogenic tumors in three different periods (1990-2004, 2005-2016 and 2017-2019) was compared. Further, prevalence, frequency distribution and demographics of all these tumors (1990-2019) were analyzed using latest World Health Organization 2017 classification. Results A total of 345 odontogenic tumors was diagnosed as per World Health Organization 2017 system of classification from 1990 to 2019. 96.81% tumors were benign and 3.81% constituted malignant odontogenic tumors. However, there was marked increase in prevalence of odontogenic tumors in 2005-2016 (6.2%) period as compared to 1990-2004 (3.87%) and 2017-2019 (3.47%). Ameloblastoma remained the most common tumor in three different periods, whereas keratocystic odontogenic tumor became second commonest tumor in 2005-2016 as compared to odontoma in 1990-2004 and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor in 2017-2019. Conclusions The continuous evolving systems of classification may partly be responsible for inconsistency in odontogenic tumors, with inclusion of keratocystic odontogenic tumor,and has marked impact on prevalence and frequency distribution of odontogenic tumors. The geographical variations in demographics of odontogenic tumors might reflect genetic and environment influence; however it requires elucidation by further studies.

Resumo Introdução A classificação dos tumores odontogênicos é revisada de tempos em tempos para fornecer uma terminologia unificada. Essas revisões tiveram um impacto considerável na prevalência e distribuição da frequência desses tumores. Objetivo Enfatizar o impacto da mudança dos sistemas de classificação na prevalência e frequência relativa dos tumores odontogênicos. O objetivo secundário foi analisar os dados demográficos de vários tipos histológicos de tumores odontogênicos em comparação com a literatura publicada. A revisão dos estudos indianos (1992-2020) sobre a frequência dos tumores odontogênicos é resumida no fim. Método Este foi um estudo retrospectivo com base em registro hospitalar de casos de tumores odontogênicos diagnosticados de 1990‐2019 que foram revisados. O sistema de classificação usado originalmente no momento do diagnóstico foi mantido e a prevalência de tumores odontogênicos em três períodos (1990-2004, 2005-2016 e 2017-2019) foi comparada. Além disso, a prevalência, a distribuição da frequência e os dados demográficos de todos esses tumores (1990-2019) foram analisados com a classificação mais recente da OMS de 2017. Resultados Foram diagnosticados 345 tumores odontogênicos de acordo com o sistema de classificação da OMS (2017) de 1990-2019. A ocorrência de tumores odontogênicos benignos e malignos foi de 96,81% e 3,81%, respectivamente. Contudo, houve um aumento acentuado na prevalência de tumores odontogênicos de 2005‐2016 (6,2%), comparado aos períodos de 1990‐2004 (3,87%) e 2017‐2019 (3,47%). O ameloblastoma permaneceu como o tumor mais comum em três períodos, enquanto o tumor odontogênico ceratocístico passou a ser o segundo tumor mais comum em 2005‐2016, comparado ao odontoma em 1990‐2004 e ao tumor odontogênico adenomatoide em 2017‐2019. Conclusões Os sistemas de classificação em evolução contínua podem, em parte, atribuir uma inconsistência à classificação dos tumores odontogênicos com a inclusão do tumor odontogênico ceratocístico e causar um impacto marcante na prevalência e distribuição da frequência dos tumores odontogênicos. As variações geográficas na demografia dos tumores odontogênicos podem refletir influências genéticas e ambientais, mas requerem elucidação por estudos futuros.

Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 39: e0193, 2022. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365651


Este artigo objetiva examinar as desigualdades sociais existentes no acesso às licenças maternidade e paternidade, com base nos dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua anual de 2017, realizada pelo IBGE. Com esse intuito, foram estudadas as percentagens de contribuição à previdência social - condição necessária para a obtenção das licenças - para a população ocupada de 16 a 49 anos segundo as variáveis tipo de ocupação e de vínculo, sexo, cor/raça, renda, nível de instrução e idade. Os resultados indicam que o acesso às políticas de licença no país é impactado por uma estratificação social múltipla, revelando desigualdades de gênero, classe, raça e idade. Os achados da pesquisa permitem refletir sobre a relação entre essas desigualdades e o próprio desenho de tais políticas no Brasil. Devido à sua natureza contributiva, as licenças maternidade e paternidade expressam continuidades de uma "cidadania regulada", em vez de se tornarem um direito universal dos cidadãos.

This article aims to examine the existing social inequalities in access to maternity and paternity leave, based on data from the Annual National Continuous Household Sampling Survey of 2017, conducted by IBGE. For this purpose, the percentages of contribution to social security, a necessary condition for obtaining licenses, were studied in relation to the following variables: type of occupation and employment link, gender, color or race, income, educational level and age, for the employed population aged 16 - 49. Results indicated that access to leave policies in the country is impacted by multiple social stratification, revealing gender, class, race and age inequalities. Research findings allow us to reflect on the relationship between these inequalities and the design of such policies in Brazil. Due to their contributory nature, maternity and paternity leaves express continuities of a "regulated citizenship", instead of becoming a universal right of citizens.

Este artículo tiene como objetivo examinar las desigualdades sociales frente al acceso a las políticas de licencias maternales y paternales, a partir de datos de la Encuesta Nacional por Muestra de Hogares Continua Anual de 2017, realizada por el IBGE. Para ello, se estudiaron los porcentajes de cotización a la seguridad social, condición necesaria para la obtención de licencias, en relación con las siguientes variables: tipo de ocupación y empleo, sexo, etnia-raza, renta, nivel educativo y edad, para la población ocupada de 16 a 49 años. Los resultados indicaron que el acceso a las políticas de licencias en el país se ve afectado por múltiples estratificaciones sociales, y revelaron desigualdades de género, clase, raza y edad. Los hallazgos de la investigación permiten reflexionar sobre la relación entre estas desigualdades y el diseño de estas políticas en Brasil. Por su carácter contributivo, las licencias por maternidad y paternidad expresan continuidades de una ciudadanía regulada en lugar de convertirse en un derecho universal de la ciudadanía.

Humains , Classe sociale , Congé parental , Droits Socioéconomiques , Salaires et prestations accessoires , Organismes d'aide sociale , Facteurs socioéconomiques , Brésil
Entramado ; 17(1): 84-97, ene.-jun. 2021.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249776


RESUMEN Se describen los argumentos a partir de los cuales los magistrados de la Corte Constitucional colombiana respaldaron la solución al problema sobre si la estabilidad reforzada se circunscribe a personas calificadas con pérdida de capacidad laboral, e incorporadas al mundo del trabajo mediante contrato laboral; se muestran los argumentos desde los cuales los magistrados de la Corte justificaron su respuesta al asunto sobre si la vulneración a la estabilidad reforzada conlleva la aplicación de las prestaciones fijadas en la Ley 361 de 1997 aún en un contexto de prestación de servicio y sin que el trabajador posea calificación de pérdida de la capacidad laboral; y se concluye que en la sentencia SU-049 de 2017 dichos magistrados actualizaron el alcance del derecho a la estabilidad reforzada acorde con principios constitucionales de igualdad, solidaridad, dignidad y protección de las diferentes modalidades de trabajo, concediendo indemnización de 180 días de salario y reintegro del trabajador sin importar la tenencia del certificado de calificación de pérdida de capacidad laboral ni la forma de vinculación contractual. El enfoque metodológico acogido es hermenéutico.

ABSTRACT Describes arguments on which the magistrates of the Colombian Constitutional Court endorsed the solution to the problem are described as to whether the reinforced stability is limited to qualified people with loss of work capacity and incorporated into the world of work through an employment contract; The arguments from which the judges of the Court justified their response to the matter are shown on whether the violation of the enhanced stability entails the application of the benefits fixed for in Law 361 of 1997 even in a context of service provision and without worker has a qualification of loss of work capacity; and it is concluded that in judgment SU-049 of 2017, said magistrates updated the scope of the right to enhanced stability in accordance with constitutional principles of equality solidarity dignity and protection of the different types of work, granting compensation of 180 days of salary and Reinstatement of the worker regardless of the possession of the qualification certificate of loss of work capacity or the form of contractual relationship. The accepted methodological approach is hermeneutical.

RESUMO Descrevem-se os argumentos com base nos quais os magistrados do Tribunal Constitucional colombiano endossaram a solução do problema, se a estabilidade reforçada se limita a pessoas qualificadas com perda de capacidade laboral e se incorpora ao mundo do trabalho por meio de um contrato; apresentam-se os argumentos com os quais os magistrados do Tribunal justificaram a sua resposta à questão sobre se a violação da estabilidade reforçada implica a aplicação dos benefícios previstos na Lei 361 de 1997, mesmo em contexto de prestação de serviço e sem a trabalhador tem qualificação de perda de capacidade de trabalho; e conclui-se que na sentença SU-049 de 2017, os referidos magistrados atualizaram o âmbito do direito à estabilidade reforçada de acordo com os princípios constitucionais da igualdade, solidariedade, dignidade e proteção dos diversos tipos de trabalho, concedendo indemnização de 180 dias de vencimento e Reintegração do trabalhador independentemente da posse do certificado de habilitação de perda da capacidade de trabalho ou da forma de relação contratual. A abordagem metodológica aceita é hermenêutica.

Salud UNINORTE ; 36(1): 62-80, ene.-abr. 2020. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1252122


ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of high blood pressure in schoolchildren aged 4-14 years from urban peripheral areas of the city of La Plata, and analyze variations in high blood pressure prevalence by sex, age, excess weight and family socioeconomic status. Materials and methods: Systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body weight and height were measured in 3,312 schoolchildren of both sexes. The prevalence of high blood pressure (HBP), overweight and obesity was calculated. Socioeconomic information was obtained through a semi-structured survey and processed by categorical principal-component analysis. The prevalence of HBP was compared with sex, age and nutritional status (chi square test) and family socioeconomic status (generalized linear model) (p< 0,05). Results: The results showed that the prevalence of HBP was 20.5% and that it varied by age, nutritional status and family socioeconomic status. Sexual differences were observed only in HBP obese schoolchildren. Conclusions: Children and adolescents living in urban peripheral areas of the city of La Plata, Argentina, presented higher HBP prevalence. While HBP prevalence was higher among overweight/obese children, those aged >8 years and those of more favorable family socioeconomic status, sex did not affect HBP development. However, when HBP was analyzed associated with nutritional status, obese boys were more likely to have HBP than girls.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Estimar la prevalencia de la presión arterial elevada (PAE) en escolares de 4 a 14 años de edad residentes en áreas periféricas de la ciudad de La Plata y analizar variaciones de acuerdo al sexo, la edad, el exceso ponderal y el nivel socioeconómico familiar. Materiales y Métodos: Se registraron los valores la presión arterial sistólica y diastólica y se relevaron el peso y la talla de 3.312 escolares de ambos sexos. Se determinaron los casos de PAE, sobrepeso y obesidad y se calcularon prevalencias por sexo y edad. La información socioeconómica familiar fue obtenida a través de una encuesta y procesada mediante análisis de componentes principales. Las prevalencias de PAE se compararon por sexo, edad, estado nutricional (pruebas de chi cuadrado) y nivel socioeconómico familiar (modelo lineal generalizado) (p< 0,05). Resultados: El 20.5% de los escolares presentó PAE, con variaciones de acuerdo a la edad, el estado nutricional y el nivel socioeconómico. Sólo se observaron diferencias sexuales en los escolares obesos. Conclusiones: Los niños y adolescentes que viven en áreas periféricas de la ciudad de La Plata presentan elevadas prevalencias de PAE. Aquellos con sobrepeso/obesidad, con edades >8 años y los provenientes de familias con nivel socioeconómico más favorable evidencian mayores prevalencias de PAE. Los varones obesos son más propensos que las mujeres obesas a presentar presión arterial elevada.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215353


Hypertension poses a challenge to public health as well as to the medical science. Final metabolite of purine in humans is uric acid, increased serum level of which is associated with cardio-renal risk, although serum uric acid (SUA) level appears to have different effects on blood pressure (BP), depending on level and how long subjects were exposed. We wanted to study the association between hyperuricemia and hypertension, in various aspects, in the context of new 2017 ACC/ AHA High Blood Pressure Clinical Practice Guidelines.METHODSThe study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital, Agartala, Tripura. It is a case control study. SUA estimation was in 160 hypertensive patients and 160 normotensive controls, by using uricase method. SPSS version 24 was used for data entry and analysis. Chi square test and unpaired t test were used, wherever applicable.RESULTSOut of 320 subjects, who were included in the study, 160 subjects were hypertensive and 160 subjects were normotensive. There was strong association between hypertension and hyperuricemia. Hyperuricemia is more common in males and in patients with stage II hypertension.CONCLUSIONSThe association between hyperuricemia and hypertension, has long been recognized. It remains unresolved whether the association of high uric acid level with high blood pressure is solely because of the underlying renal and metabolic abnormalities. Association of hyperuricemia and hypertension indicated that, hyperuricemia might be a target for the proposed therapeutic evaluation for the prevention of hypertension and provided impetus for the future design research work including interventional studies.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-820927


Objective To introduce the Socio-Demographic Index (SDI) and explore its relationship with disease burden indicators. Methods Based on the data of GBD 2017, we describe the correlation between HALE, DALY rate, YLD rate, YLL rate and SDI from 1990 to 2017 in the global and other 7 countries to explore the practical application value of SDI. Results 1. With the increase of SDI, HALE increased significantly; YLL rate and DALY rate decreased significantly. 2. The trend of YLD rate in low-SDI countries was the same as that of YLL rate and DALY rate; in the high-SDI and middle-SDI countries with longer life spans, as SDI increased, YLD rate also increased. 3. Because the socio-demographic characteristics of different diseases (such as Cardiovascular diseases and Neoplasms) are quite different, we should specifically analyze their relationship with SDI. Conclusion SDI is a good indicator, which can be used as an important covariate to predict disease burden and health outcomes in various areas.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-876778


@#Carbonated soft drinks (CSD) consumption is one of the contributing factors to weight gain, dental caries and non-communicable diseases among adolescents. This study aims to determine CSD consumption among Malaysian adolescents and their associated factors. The Adolescent Health Survey 2017, was a nationally representative survey sampled school-going adolescents aged 13 to 17 years. Findings reported that 36.9% of adolescents reported CSD consumption at least once daily in the past 30 days, and the prevalence was higher than a similar study conducted in 2012. Boys, schools in rural areas, lower secondary schoolers, not physically active, consuming fast food, having food insecurity, and truancy problem reported significantly higher odds of consuming CSD compared to their counterparts. By ethnicity, Bumiputera Sarawak adolescents showed the highest odds of consuming CSD and followed by Bumiputera Sabah. Thus, interventions to limit CSD consumption among Malaysian adolescents should consider the factors highlighted in this study.

Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 61(2): 8-12, nov. 2019. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1095111


El ameloblastoma es un tumor benigno derivado del epitelio odontogénico, clasificado actualmente de acuerdo al CIE 10-EO/SNOMED en el capítulo de tumores (neoplasia) benigna como D16.5/M-93100. Presenta un patrón de crecimiento lento, localmente agresivo, pudiendo causar, o no, grandes deformaciones faciales, en mandíbula o maxilar superior. De localización preferencial mandibular, el 75%, en el área molar y rama ascendente; mientras que, en maxilar superior, se concentran en el área molar con posible compromiso de seno maxilar y suelo de fosas nasales. La edad de presentación más frecuente es entre 20-40 años, siendo rara en pacientes pediátricos. En el tratamiento del mismo se valora tipo clínico, localización y tamaño del tumor, y la edad del paciente. El presente caso clínico destaca la importancia del oportuno diagnóstico clínico-patológico, su clasificación y el uso de nuevas técnicas complementarias (AU)

Ameloblastoma is a benign tumor derived from the Odontogenic epithelium, currently classified according to ICD 10-EO / SNOMED in the Chapter of Benign Tumors (Neoplasia) as D16.5 / M-93100. It has a slow growth pattern, locally aggressive, may or may not cause large facial deformations, in the jaw or upper jaw. Preferential mandibular location, 75% in the molar area and ascending limb; while in the upper jaw they are concentrated in the molar area with possible involvement of the maxillary sinus and the floor of the nostrils. The most frequent age of presentation is between 20-40 years, being rare in pediatric patients. In the treatment of the same, clinical type, location and size of the tumor, as the age of the patient, is assessed. The present clinical case highlights the importance of the appropriate clinical-pathological diagnosis, its classification and the use of new complementary techniques (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Adolescent , Améloblastome/chirurgie , Améloblastome/imagerie diagnostique , Tumeurs odontogènes , Procédures de chirurgie maxillofaciale et buccodentaire , Organisation mondiale de la santé , Radiographie panoramique , Classification internationale des maladies , Techniques histologiques , 33584 , Service hospitalier d'odontologie
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);24(2): 609-612, Feb. 2019.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-984215


Resumo O artigo analisa a formação e a carreira profissional de Jack Elinson (1917-2017), pioneiro no campo das ciências sociomedicas na introdução de seu ensino e pesquisa em uma faculdade de saúde pública, na Universidade de Columbia, onde trabalhou durante trinta anos (1956-1986). Suas contribuições estendem-se para os campos da psicologia social, estatística e sociologia médica, especialmente sobre indicadores de saúde e suas relações com a qualidade de vida. Em 1985 recebeu o Leo G. Reeder Award da American Sociological Association pelo conjunto de seus estudos no campo da sociologia médica. Com Renée Fox, Robert Straus, Eliot Freidson e outros compõe o grupo da segunda geração de cientistas sociais no processo de institucionalização da sociologia médica/saúde.

Abstract This study analyzes the education and professional career of Jack Elinson (1917-2017), pioneer in the field of sociomedical sciences in introducing its teaching and research in a school of public health at Columbia University, where he worked for thirty years (1956-1986). Elinson is acknowledged for his contributions to social psychology, statistics and medical sociology, especially on health care indicators and their relationship with quality of life. In 1985 he received the Leo G. Reeder Award from the American Sociological Association for his studies in the field of medical sociology. Jack Elinson, Renée Fox, Robert Straus, Eliot Freidson and many others were part of the group of the second generation of social scientists in the process of institutionalization of medical sociology/health care.

Humains , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Histoire du 21ème siècle , Psychologie sociale/histoire , Sociologie médicale/histoire , Santé publique/histoire
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-184289


Background: Superficial fungal infection are most common fungal infection affecting 20 -25% of population living in tropical and subtropical countries. Global warming, rapid industrialization, migration of population and changing lifestyle are contributory factors. Aim: To study the host factors responsible for Tinea cruris infection and clinical resistance to treatment. Methods: Hundred patients of tinea cruris were taken for study and data regarding age, occupation, income, education and prior treatment taken was collected. Modified Kupuswamy scale 2017 was applied for socioeconomic status. Results: ‘Majority of patients were males (85%). Young adults (20-40 years) with low socioeconomic status were predominantly affected. Application of steroids and poor compliance to treatment were contributory factors in development of clinical resistance to treatment. Conclusion: By improving working environment and socioeconomic status, mass awareness, proper counseling we can restrain the ongoing epidemic of dermatophytes infection.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-743631


Objective To determine the accuracy of intracavitary electrocardiogram bimodal P-wave and characteristic P-wave in the position of PICC tip. Methods In the process of ECG guided catheterization, the morphological changes of P-wave in the intracavitary electrocardiogram were observed, and the bimodal P-wave and characteristic P-wave were recorded. The corresponding catheter length of the bimodal P-wave and characteristic P-wave were recorded. CT three-dimensional reconstruction was performed on 416 patients who underwent CT examination before and after catheterization. The distance between carina of trachea to superior vena cava and the right atrium junction was measured as best position of PICC and the standard distance. After catheterization, the distance from the tip of catheter to the corresponding catheter length of the bimodal P-wave and characteristic P-wave was measured as actual distance, and compared with the standard distance. Results In 416 cases, 168 patients (40.38%) were bimodal P-wave, and the accurate rate of bimodal P-wave was 86.31%(145/416), and the accurate rate of the characteristic P-wave was 13.69%(23/416). The standard distance was (41.96 ± 9.16) mm, the actual distance of corresponding characteristic P-wave was (48.00±15.18) mm and bimodal P-wave was (45.10± 11.16) mm. The distance of bimodal P-wave to control was (1.31±0.33) mm and characteristic P-wave was (6.00 ± 2.88) mm, which was significant statistical difference (t =5.197, P < 0.05), and the standard deviation of the distance of bimodal P-wave to control was smaller (0.33 < 2.88). Conclusions The intracavitary electrocardiogram bimodal P-wave is more accurate than characteristic P-wave in the position of PICC tip and it supplements and improves thePICC's tip position.

Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.);64(8): 756-764, Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-976846


SUMMARY INTRODUCTION The association between the between IL-10 -1082A>G (rs1800896) polymorphism and breast cancer has been evaluated by several number case-control studies. However, these studies might be underpowered to reveal the true association. OBJECTIVE We have performed a comprehensive meta-analysis to investigate the association IL-10 -1082A>G polymorphism and breast cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS A systematic literature search was conducted using PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Science up to September 20, 2017. Data was analysed with CMA software to identify the strength of the association by pooled odds ratios (ORs) with corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS A total of 17 case-control studies involving 3275 cases and 3416 controls obtained from database searches were examined. Overall, there was no significant association between IL-10 -1082A>G polymorphism and breast cancer risk under all genetic models. No significant publication bias was found for the five genetic models (G vs. A OR = 1.184, 95% CI = 0.895-1.180, p= 0.230; GG vs. AA: OR = 1.430, 95% CI = 0.927-2.204, p= 0.106; GA vs. AA: OR = 0.966, 95% CI = 0.765-1.221, p= 0.774; GG+GA vs. AA: OR = 0.957, 95% CI = 0.697-1.314, p= 0.786; and GG vs. GA+AA: OR = 1.221, 95% CI = 0.981-1.518, p= 0.073). Moreover, there was no significant association between the IL-10 -1082A>G polymorphism and breast cancer risk by ethnicity. CONCLUSION Our findings indicated that IL-10 -1082A>G (rs1800896) polymorphism might not be a risk factor for the development of breast cancer.


Humains , Femelle , Polymorphisme génétique , Tumeurs du sein/génétique , Interleukine-10/génétique , Prédisposition génétique à une maladie , Études cas-témoins , Intervalles de confiance , Odds ratio , Facteurs de risque , Fréquence d'allèle , Génotype
rev. psicogente ; 21(39): 88-101, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-963578


Resumen Objetivo: Describir el comportamiento de los resultados obtenidos en distintas pruebas de eva luación de Teoría de la Mente (Test de expresiones faciales, Test de Sally y Ann, Historias extrañas de Happé y Faux Pas) y el Test Coeficiente de Empatía y Sistematización para niños de 4 a 11 años de Baron-Cohen; además pretendió determinar si existía una correlación entre los constructos de Teoría de la Mente y Empatía. Método: De tipo cuantitativo, empírico-analítico, exploratorio-descriptivo y de campo, donde se tomó como muestra para el grupo de casos a 8 niños y 2 niñas, en tre los 7 y los 11 años de edad, diagnosticado(a)s con síndrome de Asperger, asistentes a procesos terapéuticos en un Instituto de Desarrollo Integral, mientras que para el grupo control seleccionó a 8 niños y 2 niñas de una Institución educativa pública de Manizales, no diagnosticado(a)s con síndrome de Asperger, equiparados con el grupo de casos respecto a género y edad; ambos grupos contaron con el respectivo consentimiento informado de sus padres o acudientes legales. El análi sis estadístico se realizó a través de las pruebas U de Mann Whitneyy Chi-Cuadrado. Resultados: Corroboraron diferencias poblacionales en las pruebas, donde el grupo control obtuvo mejores puntajes que el grupo de casos en general; sin embargo no fue posible encontrar una correlación entre la Teoría de la Mente y la Empatía. Conclusión: Se sugieren nuevas investigaciones con muestras de mayor tamaño para evitar la dispersión de los datos.

Abstract Objective: Compare the behavior of the results obtained in the different tests of theory of mind (Facial Expressions Test, Sally Anne Test, Happe's strange stories tasks and Faux Pas Test) and the coefficient Test of empathy and systematization for children 4 to 11 years by Baron-Cohen; Also was intended to determine if there is a correlation between both constructs. Method: Empirical- analytic, exploratory-descriptive and of field, it took as sample for the group of cases to 8 boys and 2 girls, betwen 7 and 11 years old, diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, assistants to thera peutic processes in an Institute of Integral development, while for the control group were took to 8 boys and 2 girls from a public educational Institution of Manizales, without the diagnostic of Asperger syndrome, matched with the group of cases respect to gender and age; both groups had the respective informed condense from their parents or their legal assistants. The statistical analysis was made with U de Mann Whitney y Chi-Cuadrado. Results: Corroborated differences in tests, where the control group got better scores than the group of cases; however, it was not possible to find a correlation between empathy and theory of mind. Conclusion: It is suggested new researches with larger sample size to avoid the dispersion of data.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-715690


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: The magnetic resonance imaging in multiple sclerosis (MAGNIMS) group recently proposed guidelines to replace the existing dissemination-in-space criteria in McDonald 2010 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) criteria for diagnosing multiple sclerosis. There has been insufficient research regarding their applicability in Asians. Objective of this study was to determine the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of McDonald 2010 and MAGNIMS 2016 MRI criteria with the aim of verifying their applicability in Sri Lankan patients. METHODS: Patients with clinically isolated syndrome diagnosed by consultant neurologists were recruited from five major neurology centers. Baseline and follow-up MRI scans were performed within 3 months from the initial presentation and at one year after baseline MRI, respectively. McDonald 2010 and MAGNIMS 2016 MRI criteria were applied to all MRI scans. Patients were followed-up for 2 years to assess the conversion to clinically definite multiple sclerosis (CDMS). The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, PPV, and NPV for predicting the conversion to CDMS were calculated. RESULTS: Forty-two of 66 patients converted to CDMS. Thirty-seven fulfilled the McDonald 2010 MRI criteria, and 33 converted to CDMS. MAGNIMS 2016 MRI criteria were fulfilled by 29, with 28 converting to CDMS. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, PPV, and NPV were 78%, 83%, 64%, 89%, and 69%, respectively, for the McDonald 2010 criteria, and 67%, 96%, 77%, 96%, and 62% for the MAGNIMS 2016 MRI criteria. CONCLUSIONS: MAGNIMS 2016 MRI criteria were superior to McDonald 2010 MRI criteria in specificity, accuracy, and PPV, but inferior in sensitivity and NPV.

Humains , Asie , Asiatiques , Consultants , Diagnostic , Études de suivi , Imagerie par résonance magnétique , Sclérose en plaques , Neurologie , Sensibilité et spécificité , Sri Lanka
China Pharmacy ; (12): 410-415, 2018.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-704597


OBJECTIVE: To summarize 2017 edition of British Pharmacopoeia, and to facilitate the use of it by drug inspectors. METHODS: The main contents and layout of 2017 edition of British Pharmacopoeia were overviewed; the similarities and differences between Chinese Pharmacopoeia and British Pharmacopoeia were described by means of literature research and general comparison with the 2015 edition of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. The reference for Chinese Pharmacopoeia was put forward. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS: British Pharmacopoeia includes 7 parts as "introduction" "explanatory notes" "text variety" "infrared control chromatogram", and divided into 6 volumes, such as "pharmaceutical raw materials" "formulated preparations" "veterinary drugs". Compared with the previous edition, 2017 edition added 69 new varieties, removed 9 monographs and modified 91 varieties technologically. Compared with Chinese Pharmacopoeia, British Pharmacopoeia additionally included veterinary drugs, homeopathic preparations, surgical materials, infrared spectrogram, etc. Compared with the update of Chinese Pharmacopoeia every 5 years, British Pharmacopoeia Commission updated and revised the British Pharmacopoeia every year, and provided reliable reference for the establishment of scientific analysis methods in time. At the same time, British Pharmacopoeia Commission established British Pharmacopoeia online website www. pharmacopoeia. com to provide a more convenient and fast platform for users; British Pharmacopoeia Commission paid special attention to maintaining close ties with drug manufacturers, regulators, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the Chinese Herbal Medicine Products Committee in EMA so as to revise drug standards timely. It provides enlightenment and reference for the revision of Chinese Pharmacopoeia.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1153-1158, 2018.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-704753


OBJECTIVE:To provide reference for improving related policy and list about medical insurance medicines in China. METHODS:The descriptive analysis method was used to compare 2017 and 2009 edition of Medicine List for National Basic Medical Insurance,Employment Injury Insurance and Maternity Insurance in respects of item,medicine classification (including classification code,grading and name),medicine types(including new type,removed type),dosage(including new dosage classification,adjusted dosage form),the limit of payment and use.The trend of its development and the existing problems were discussed. RESULTS:Compared with 2009 edition,2017 edition of medicine list added the item of"drug classification code"and removed the item of"English name". The grading of drug classification code was reduced from six grades to four grades. The code and name of four grades classification were in accordance with the first four grades classification rules of the anatomical-therapeutic-chemistry(ATC). A total of 2 535 types were included in 2017 edition,increasing by 362 types compared to 2009 edition(151 chemical medicines,211 Chinese patent medicines). 15 types of chemical medicines were removed,and 4 types were transferred to Chinese patent medicine list;11 types of Chinese patent medicines were removed,and one type was transferred to chemical medicine list. 2017 edition was actually 20 more dosage forms than 2009 edition,involving 31 types;dosage forms of 231 types were adjusted(143 chemical medicines,88 Chinese patent medicines). Chemical medicines of usage and payment restriction increased from 239 to 302,and Chinese patent medicines increased from 72 to 115,respectively. CONCLUSIONS:2017 edition of list increases the number of medicine,expands the scope of clinical medication and improves the classification structure of the list.The number of medical insurance cost control type shows a growing trend.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-838122


“Ark Peace” is a modern hospital ship for marine medical rescue, and is taken as “the tertiary academic hospital floating on the sea”. It plays an important role in the ocean-going medical support and military diplomacy of the Chinese Navy. Ultrasound diagnosis, as an indispensable part of hospital ship, provides a solid guarantee for medical services. We summarized our experience on the equipment configuration, staff preparation, reporting system improvement, quality control management and introduction of new technologies on hospital ship during “Mission Harmony-2017” task, and put forward some suggestions for improving the comprehensive diagnosis and medical treatment ability and carrying out diversified military tasks in the future.

Pediátr. Panamá ; 46(2): 138-144, agosto-septiembre 2017.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-848355


Se presentan los trabajos que fueron seleccionados para su presentación oral en el Congreso Iberoamericano de Neurología Pediátrica.

Humains , Épilepsie pharmacorésistante , Dystrophies musculaires , Myopathies congénitales structurales , Communication savante
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 112(6): 447-451, June 2017. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040570


The current yellow fever outbreak in Brazil is the most severe one in the country in recent times. It has rapidly spread to areas where YF virus (YFV) activity has not been observed for more than 70 years and vaccine coverage is almost null. Here, we sequenced the whole YFV genome of two naturally infected howler-monkeys (Alouatta clamitans) obtained from the Municipality of Domingos Martins, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. These two ongoing-outbreak genome sequences are identical. They clustered in the 1E sub-clade (South America genotype I) along with the Brazilian and Venezuelan strains recently characterised from infections in humans and non-human primates that have been described in the last 20 years. However, we detected eight unique amino acid changes in the viral proteins, including the structural capsid protein (one change), and the components of the viral replicase complex, the NS3 (two changes) and NS5 (five changes) proteins, that could impact the capacity of viral infection in vertebrate and/or invertebrate hosts and spreading of the ongoing outbreak.

Animaux , Polymorphisme génétique/génétique , Fièvre jaune/médecine vétérinaire , Virus de la fièvre jaune/génétique , Génome viral/génétique , Alouatta/virologie , Maladies des singes/virologie , Phylogenèse , Fièvre jaune/épidémiologie , Fièvre jaune/virologie , Brésil/épidémiologie , Épidémies de maladies , Alignement de séquences , Séquence d'acides aminés , Génotype , Maladies des singes/épidémiologie