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Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515142


Introducción: La apoplejía hipofisaria es un síndrome que se produce como consecuencia de una lesión isquémica o hemorrágica en la glándula pituitaria dando lugar a un déficit de hormonas hipofisarias. Se manifiesta en forma de deterioro neurológico con cefalea en trueno como síntoma prínceps, siendo la irritación meníngea una manifestación infrecuente. Métodos: Presentamos el caso de una mujer de 53 años con antecedente de madroadenoma productor de prolactina que comienza con cefalea, náuseas y deterioro de nivel de consciencia. Se detecta un hipopituitarismo incompleto con nivel de cortisol normal. El líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR) es consistente con una pleocitosis aséptica sin respuesta a terapias antibióticas. Asocia paresia oculomotora y una RM craneal revela sangrado en el adenoma hipofisario con compromiso de seno cavernoso. Resultados: la sospecha inicial es una meningoencefalitis bacteriana por la fiebre, estupor y LCR con pleocitosis, si bien no se identifica microorganismo y no hay respuesta a antibióticos. El LCR de la apoplejía muestra una pleocitosis aséptica por irritación meníngea del espacio subaracnoideo por el sangrado y la necrosis de la glándula. El hipopituitarismo puede ser parcial o completo, siendo más frecuente el déficit selectivo. Especial atención merece el déficit de ACTH por la morbimortalidad que conlleva el fallo adrenal. La oftalmoparesia traduce implicación de seno cavernoso por incremento en la presión selar. Conclusiones: Destacamos la importancia de tener una sospecha diagnóstica de apoplejía ante un cuadro neurológico agudo para dirigir las investigaciones pertinentes con determinación hormonal y así iniciar una terapia sustitutiva temprana y una actitud neuroquirúrgica en caso de ser necesaria; precisando un manejo multidisciplinar.

Introduction: Pituitary apoplexy is a syndrome that occurs as a result of an ischemic or hemorrhagic lesion in the pituitary gland, leading to a deficiency of pituitary hormones. It manifests in the form of neurological deterioration with thunderclap headache as the main symptom, with meningeal irritation being an infrequent manifestation. Methods: We present the case of a 53-year-old woman with a history of prolactin-producing madroadenoma that began with headache, nausea and impaired level of consciousness. Incomplete hypopituitarism with normal cortisol level is detected. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is consistent with an aseptic pleocytosis unresponsive to antibiotic therapy. It is associated with oculomotor paresis and a cranial MRI reveals bleeding in the pituitary adenoma with involvement of the cavernous sinus. Results: the initial suspicion is bacterial meningoencephalitis due to fever, stupor and CSF with pleocytosis, although no microorganism is identified and there is no response to antibiotics. CSF from stroke shows aseptic pleocytosis due to meningeal irritation of the subarachnoid space from bleeding and necrosis of the gland. Hypopituitarism can be partial or complete, selective deficiency being more frequent. ACTH deficiency deserves special attention due to the morbidity and mortality that adrenal failure entails. Ophthalmoparesis translates involvement of the cavernous sinus due to an increase in sellar pressure. Conclusions: We emphasize the importance of having a suspected diagnosis of apoplexy in case of an acute neurological condition, to direct the pertinent investigations with hormonal determination and thus initiate early replacement therapy and a neurosurgical approach if necessary; requiring a multidisciplinary management.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-612522


Objective To observe the clinical effect of benzene sulfonic amlodipine combined with traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) Yangxueqingnao granules for treatment of patients with hypertensive urgencies (HU) with acute headache, and its effect on serum brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) level.Methods A prospective study was conducted, 186 HU patients with acute headache admitted to the Department of Cardiology in the Affiliated Hospital of Southwest University from January 2014 to December 2016 were enrolled, and they were divided into a control group (90 cases) and an observation group (96 cases) by random number table method. The patients in control group received benzene sulfonic amlodipine (10 mg, once a day) and the patients in observation group were additionally given Yangxueqingnao granules (4 g, 3 times a day for consecutive 7 days) on the basis of treatment in control group. The mean arterial pressure (MAP), the nature and location of headache and the levels of serum BNDF were examined before and after treatment and compared between them in the two groups, the degree of headache was evaluated by visual analogue scale (VAS), and the clinical therapeutic effects in the two groups were observed.Results There were no statistical significant differences in MAP (mmHg, 1 mmHg = 0.133 kPa) between the two groups before treatment and at 2 hours, on 1, 3, 7 days after treatment (control group: 99.7±9.5, 94.2±9.1, 88.6±7.6, 81.8±9.3, 75.6±5.3 respectively, the observation group: 95.4±13.5, 91.2±8.1. 88.9±8.7, 83.2±8.6, 77.2±4.8 respectively, allP > 0.05). Compared with the control group, after treatment for 1, 3, 7 days, the nature of acute headache (dull pain, distending pain) was relieved more significantly, the number of patients with whole head headache was decreased more obviously in observation group [dull pain (cases): 16, 8, 3 vs. 28, 24, 18, distending pain (cases): 11, 6, 2 vs. 22, 16, 10, whole head pain (cases): 12, 5, 3 vs. 26, 20, 16, allP < 0.05]. With the prolongation of treatment, the VAS scores in the two groups were gradually decreased, on 7 days after treatment they reached to the lowest levels, and the degree of descent in the observation group was more significant than that in the control group (0.5±0.4 vs. 1.4±0.9,P < 0.05); thelevels of serum BNDF in the two groups were gradually increased after the 1st day of treatment, reached to the highest level on 7 days after treatment,and the degree of increase in observation group was more obvious than that in the control group (ng/L: 24.8±2.3 vs. 17.8±2.2). The therapeutic effective rate of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group [70.8% (68/96) vs. 53.3% (48/90),P < 0.05].Conclusion The combination of benzene sulfonic amlodipine and Yangxueqingnao granules can effectively relieve the acute headache in HU patients, and its mechanism is related to the increase in expression of BDNF.

MedUNAB ; 15(1): 38-45, 2012.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-998432


El objetivo de este artículo es brindar al clínico pautas para el uso racional y adecuado de los avances tecnológicos en imaginología, para de esta manera lograr un criterio multidisciplinario en el momento de tomar una decisión buscando el beneficio del paciente sin someterlo a exámenes de poca utilidad. Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática de la literatura médica acerca de la cefalea abarcando su fisiopatología, clasificación y, específicamente, el uso de imágenes diagnósticas. Para ello se hizo búsqueda en diferentes bases de datos según las palabras claves indicadas. El abordaje clínico y la diferenciación entre el tipo de cefalea es primordial para decidir el beneficio y la necesidad del uso de imágenes diagnósticas. Las neuroimágenes no son comúnmente solicitadas en pacientes con cefalea primaria, se comienza la sospecha clínica ante la presencia de señales de alarma. Las cefaleas secundarias requieren un estudio más extenso en los cuales se incluye la toma de imágenes radiológicas. Teniendo en cuenta los beneficios de la TC y la RM que se exponen en esta revisión, la TC es preferida en situaciones de urgencia, y para aquellas que no lo son, la RM es más adecuada. [Ortiz, C. Estudio con imágenes de la cefalea. MedUNAB 2012; 15:38-45].

Headache is a frecuently symptom in emergency departments and outpatient. For this reason it is important to know how to diagnose it to make the a good patient management. Diagnostic imaging depends basically on the clinical classification of headache, primary when it comes to a migraine or tension-type headache, in which case it is not necessary to use neuroimaging; Secondary, when there are signs and symptoms warning "red flags", you should do a good neurological examination and neuroimaging request. The CT is the imaging modality of choice for its practicality and low costs in the emergency department or initial study of secondary headache, primarily for the diagnosis of bleeding. MRI is more sensitive than CT in detecting tumors, vascular diseases, ischemic heart disease, among others. [Ortiz, CJ. Imaginological study of cephalea. MedUNAB 2012; 15:38-45].

Céphalée , Diagnostic , Céphalées primitives , Céphalées secondaires
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