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São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2024. 153 p tab, graf.
Thèse Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563343


A reconstrução de modelos avançados de pele tridimensional in vitro, que corresponda de forma mais fidedigna ao complexo microambiente da pele humana, depende da utilização de inovações tecnológicas e da adição de novos tipos celulares representativos da pele humana. Desta maneira, estes miméticos fornecem uma plataforma de alta relevância para estudos de fisiopatologia da pele, além de propiciar um sistema para a avaliação da segurança e eficácia de cosméticos e medicamentos alternativo ao uso de animais. Dessa maneira, o Capítulo I compara a performance de uma epiderme reconstruída humana (RHE) bioimpressa com a manual utilizando o teste in vitro de irritação cutânea descrito no guia OCDE número 439. Nossos resultados demonstram que ambos os modelos de pele exibiram morfologia estratificada e a função barreira epidérmica equivalente aos modelos validados. Nos testes de irritação in vitro, ambos modelos distinguiram corretamente as substâncias de referência, classificadas entre irritantes ou não-irritantes de acordo com o limiar de viabilidade de 50%. Esse resultado indica que a bioimpressora poderia ser de grande utilidade para a automação da reconstrução de modelos epidérmicos. O tecido hipodérmico possui importante papel na homeostase da pele humana. O Capítulo II aborda a reconstrução de uma pele tricamada, contendo a camada hipodérmica, além da epiderme e derme. Usando esferoides de adipócitos diferenciados in vitro, um modelo de pele tricamada em matriz de colágeno foi construído. Ao comparar este com a pele bicamada obtivemos maior expressão de loricrina e involucrina no modelo tricamada, indicando um potencial para maior função barreira, além de maior expressão de PPAR-γ. Testes de função barreira através da resistividade elétrica não demonstraram diferenças entre os modelos, mas a aplicação de SDS a 5 mg/ml por 18 horas induziu o aumento da viabilidade na pele tricamada. Além disso, após a aplicação de SDS a 2,5% para induzir uma irritação aguda, seguida de recuperação por 42h, obtivemos maior viabilidade na pele tricamada, indicando melhor recuperação pós-lesão irritativa induzida. A pele tricamada é promissora para estudos do metabolismo da pele humana e recuperação de lesões. A dermatite atópica (DA) é uma doença eczematosa de pele caracterizada por inflamação do tipo Th2 e alteração da barreira epidérmica. IL-13 e IL-4 são centrais no comprometimento da barreira epidérmica na DA. Entre os receptores de IL-13 em queratinócitos, o receptor IL-13Rα2, tem um papel controverso na alteração da barreira cutânea. O objetivo do Capítulo III foi estudar a deleção da expressão de IL-13Rα2 em RHE, que foram expostas a IL-4 e IL-13, e avaliadas conforme a expressão dos receptores e de proteínas alteradas na DA. As epidermes com knockout em IL-13Rα2 apresentaram redução da expressão de NELL2 (p<0,0021), tipicamente aumentadas na DA. Além disso, houve redução da expressão do receptor do IL-2Rγ. Assim, um possível papel de exacerbação da DA do receptor IL-13Rα2 deve ser estudado mais extensamente para ser caracterizado

The reconstruction of advanced three-dimensional in vitro skin models, which more reliably correspond to the complex microenvironment of human skin, depends on the use of technological innovations and the addition of new cell types representative of human skin.In this way, these mimetics provide a highly relevant platform for studies of skin pathophysiology, in addition to providing a system for evaluating the safety and efficacy of cosmetics and medicines alternative to animal use. In this way, Chapter I compares the performance of a bioprinted human reconstructed epidermis (RHE) with a manual one using the in vitro skin irritation test described in OECD guide number 439. Our results demonstrate that both skin models exhibited stratified morphology and the epidermal barrier function equivalent to validated models. In in vitro irritation tests, both models correctly distinguished the reference substances, classified as irritating or non-irritating according to the viability threshold of 50%. This result indicates that the bioprinter could be of great use for automating the reconstruction of epidermal models Hypodermic tissue plays an important role in the homeostasis of human skin. Chapter II addresses the reconstruction of a three-layer skin, containing the hypodermic layer, in addition to the epidermis and dermis. Using in vitro differentiated adipocyte spheroids, a trilayer skin model in collagen matrix was constructed. When comparing this with bilayer skin, we obtained greater expression of loricrin and involucrin in the trilayer model, indicating a potential for greater barrier function, in addition to greater expression of PPAR-γ . Barrier function tests using electrical resistivity did not demonstrate differences between the models, but the application of SDS at 5 mg/ml for 18 hours induced an increase in viability in the three-layer skin. Furthermore, after applying 2.5% SDS to induce acute irritation, followed by recovery for 42 hours, we obtained greater viability in the three-layer skin, indicating better recovery after induced irritant injury. Trilayer skin holds promise for studies of human skin metabolism and injury recovery. Atopic dermatitis (AD) is an eczematous skin disease characterized by Th2-type inflammation and alteration of the epidermal barrier. IL-13 and IL-4 are central to the impairment of the epidermal barrier in AD. Among the IL-13 receptors on keratinocytes, the IL-13Rα2 receptor has a controversial role in altering the skin barrier. The objective of Chapter III was to study the deletion of IL-13Rα2 expression in RHE, which were exposed to IL-4 and IL-13, and evaluated according to the expression of receptors and proteins altered in AD. Epidermis with IL-13Rα2 knockout showed reduced NELL2 expression (p<0.0021), typically increased in AD. Furthermore, there was a reduction in the expression of the IL-2Rγ receptor. Therefore, a possible AD exacerbation role of the IL-13Rα2 receptor should be studied more extensively to be characterized

Peau/physiopathologie , Eczéma atopique/anatomopathologie , Plaies et blessures/physiopathologie , Techniques in vitro/méthodes , Préparations pharmaceutiques/analyse , Collagène/agonistes , Cosmétiques/classification , Épiderme/physiopathologie , Inflammation/classification
Vigil. sanit. debate ; 10(3): 106-121, agosto 2022.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393493


Introdução: Acidentes com animais peçonhentos são classificados como doenças tropicais negligenciadas e são atualmente a mais frequente causa de intoxicação em humanos no Brasil. O único tratamento disponível é a rápida administração de antivenenos específicos e de qualidade garantida. Para assegurar a eficácia e a segurança desses produtos, são realizados ensaios de determinação da potência in vivo para veneno e antiveneno, desde as etapas de produção até sua liberação final. Apesar dos diversos estudos sobre métodos   alternativos ao ensaio murino, nenhum método foi efetivamente validado. Objetivo: Compilar os métodos alternativos desenvolvidos para os antivenenos botrópicos, avaliando sua disponibilidade, perspectivas e aplicações em laboratórios de produção e controle da qualidade. Método: Foi realizada uma busca nas bases PubMed, BVS e Scopus entre novembro de 2021 e junho de 2022. Foram identificados 89 trabalhos, dos quais 31 foram selecionados de acordo com os critérios de elegibilidade. Resultados: Nos métodos alternativos identificados, observamos a preferência de 42,80% dos estudos por metodologias que utilizem linhagens celulares como método alternativo aos ensaios murinos, sendo que a maioria destes trabalhos 58,30% optou pela linhagem celular Vero. Conclusões: Pela diversidade das toxinas encontradas em cada gênero de serpentes, entende-se que é de extrema importância que o ensaio de potência dos antivenenos tenha como base a avaliação e a quantificação precisa da inibição da atividade biológica dos venenos. Ensaios de citotoxicidade são amplamente utilizados e têm acumulado evidências de sua adequação como importante ferramenta alternativa ao ensaio murino para o controle da qualidade de veneno e antiveneno antibotrópico.

Introduction: Accidents with venomous animals are classified as neglected tropical diseases and are currently the most frequent cause of intoxication in humans in Brazil. The only available treatment is the rapid administration of specific, quality-assured antivenoms. To ensure the efficacy and safety of these products, in vivo potency determination tests for venom and antivenom are performed during the production stages, until final release. Despite several studies on alternative methods to the murine assay, no method has been effectively validated. Objective: To compile alternative methods developed for Bothrops antivenoms, assessing the availability of the methods and the prospects and applications in Bothrops venom and antivenom production and quality control laboratories. Method: A search was conducted in PubMed, BVS, and Scopus databases between November 2021 and June 2022. 89 articles were identified, of which 31 were selected according to the eligibility criteria. Results: We observed in the alternative methods identified a preference of 42.80% of the studies for methodologies that use cell lines as an alternative method to the murine assays, and most of these works (58.30%) opted for a VERO cell line. Conclusions: Due to the diversity of toxins found in each genus of snakes, it is understood that the potency assay for antivenoms should be based on the evaluation and precise quantification of the inhibition of biological activity of venoms. Cytotoxicity assays are widely used and have been accumulating evidence of their suitability as an important alternative tool to the murine assay for quality control for Bothrops venom and antivenom.

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 20: eRB5578, 2022. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360406


ABSTRACT Alternative methods to the use of animals in research have been a global trend, mainly after the publication of the 3R's principle (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement), proposed by Russel and Burch. In the cosmetic sector, safety and efficacy assessments using animals have generated controversial debates. For this reason, in vitro research techniques are widely used to assess acute toxicity; corrosivity and irritation; skin sensitization; dermal and percutaneous absorption; repeated dose toxicity; reproductive toxicity; mutagenicity and genotoxicity; carcinogenicity; toxicokinetic studies; photo-induced toxicity; and human data. Although there are many methodologies described, validated, and widely used in the cosmetic area, the evaluation of the safety of cosmetic ingredients and products is still an expanding field. It needs global collaboration among regulatory agencies, universities, and industry, to meet several unmet needs in the fields of sensitization, carcinogenicity, systemic action, among other issues involving safety of users of cosmetic products. This review article will cover the currently most relevant in vitro models regarding irritation, corrosion, sensitization, mutagenicity, genotoxicity, and phototoxicity, to help to choose the most appropriate test for evaluating the safety and toxicity of cosmetic ingredients and products.

Humains , Animaux , Cosmétiques/toxicité , Peau
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 18: eAO5451, 2020. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133776


ABSTRACT Objective: Specific legislation regulating the use of animals in research in Brazil was introduced in 2008. However, the viewpoint of the Brazilian population regarding the use of animals in research and teaching activities remains largely unknown. Investigation of the public viewpoint on and understanding of the topic is required given the current shifts in the animal ethics scenario in Brazil. The objective of this study was to provide the first insight into the Brazilian population viewpoint on the use of animals in scientific research and teaching activities. Methods: Data collected in a survey involving 2,115 individuals aged 16 years or older and residing in 130 municipalities distributed across the five Brazilian macroregions (North, Northeast, South, Southeast, and Midwest) were analyzed. The margin of error for entire sample was set at 2%, with a 95% confidence interval. Results: This survey revealed that most Brazilian citizens are in favor of the use animals in research, particularly for medical purposes. Different views depending on the nature of research were identified. Approximately 80% of respondents were also in favor of frequent oversight of laboratories and animal facilities. Conclusion: Survey findings indicate that the opinion of the Brazilian population is divided when it comes to the use of animals in scientific research and teaching. Divided opinions expose a limited understanding of the importance of basic sciences and emphasizes the need for improved communication between the scientific community and the general population. Further strategies aimed to promote animal welfare are discussed.

RESUMO Objetivo: A legislação específica que regula o uso de animais em pesquisa no Brasil foi introduzida em 2008. No entanto, a opinião da população brasileira sobre o uso de animais em atividades de pesquisa e ensino ainda é desconhecida. No atual cenário brasileiro em mudança com relação à ética animal, é necessário avaliar as visões e o conhecimento da população sobre o assunto. O objetivo deste destudo foi realizar o primeiro levantamento da opinião da população brasileira sobre o uso de animais em atividades de ensino e pesquisa científica. Métodos: Analisamos os resultados de uma pesquisa com 2.115 indivíduos com 16 anos ou mais de 130 municípios das cinco macrorregiões brasileiras (Norte, Nordeste, Sul, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste). A margem de erro para toda a amostra foi de 2% dentro de um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: A pesquisa revelou que a maioria da população brasileira era favorável ao uso de animais em pesquisas, principalmente para fins médicos. Diferentes pontos de vista, dependendo da natureza da pesquisa, também foram identificados. Além disso, aproximadamente 80% dos entrevistados eram favoráveis ao monitoramento frequente de laboratórios e instalações de animais. Conclusão: A opinião da população brasileira está dividida com relação ao uso de animais em pesquisa e ensino científicos. Essa divisão expõe um entendimento limitado da importância das ciências básicas e destaca a necessidade de uma melhor comunicação entre a comunidade científica e a população em geral. Outras ações para alcançar as melhorias desejadas no bem-estar animal são discutidas.

Humains , Animaux , Opinion publique , Expérimentation animale , Brésil , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Villes
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200074


Use of animals in experimentation and research has always been a topic of great debate. Some express their strong support while others are against animal research practices and want their complete abolition.1 At present, there is a pill for every ill. Rapid advancement in the field of science and technology contributed in discovering cure and medications even for the rarest of the rare diseases. Most of the present day discoveries in medical science lay their foundation on animal experimentation. The use of drugs in clinical practice have been possible only after going through successful animal studies for safety, efficacy and toxicity.

São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2019. 109 p. graf, tab.
Thèse Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1022813


A fim de garantir a qualidade final de produtos os laboratórios de análise microbiológica fornecem dados sobre a qualidade dos mesmos em todas as suas etapas de produção. A crescente preocupação com a saúde dos pacientes conduz à busca de métodos que forneçam resultados precisos e rápidos, pois possibilitam que ações corretivas sejam tomadas em tempo real. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o potencial de tecnologia alternativa no monitoramento de endotoxina bacteriana na água tratada para diálise e dialisato e avaliar o potencial da citometria de fluxo na análise de água. Para isso utilizou-se Portable Test System (PTS®) como método alternativo para detecção de endotoxina bacteriana no monitoramento da água tratada para diálise e dialisato, o qual foi validado frente ao método convencional farmacopeico. Paralelamente realizou-se revisão narrativa da literatura a fim de avaliar a aplicabilidade da citometria de fluxo em análises de água. A análise dos diferentes parâmetros de validação para endotoxina bacteriana no método alternativo mostrou que, exceto para a menor diluição analisada, houve linearidade e precisão nos resultados. Por outro lado a concentração de 0,25 UE/mL foi a menor que apresentou exatidão e especificidade. Observou-se ainda, que o limite de detecção foi de 0,125UE/mL e o de quantificação de 0,25 UE/mL, portanto o intervalo foi de 0,25-1,0 UE/mL. Adicionalmente pela análise de resistência pode-se perceber que ao variar analistas não houve diferença significativa. Em relação ao tempo de análise em uma condição de rotina laboratorial com muitas amostras, o PTS® mostrou-se demorado. Ressalta ainda, que seria importante que a legislação vigente determinasse a análise mensal de endotoxinas no dialisato. A revisão da literatura evidencia o potencial da tecnologia de citometria de fluxo, pois a mesma mostrou-se satisfatória quando comparada a metodologias convencionais para análise de água. O trabalho desenvolvido permitiu concluir que o PTS®) mostrou-se adequado para analisar amostras in loco, permitindo análises em tempo real, que para as quais haja a expectativa de ausência de endotoxinas ou de concentração respeitando o intervalo de 0,25 UE/mL a 1,0 UE/mL. Quanto a citometria de fluxo, esta mostrou-se uma tecnologia promissora em analisar amostras de água, sendo portanto recomendável proceder a estudos de validação e aplicabilidade

In order to guarantee the final quality of products, the microbiological analysis laboratories provide data about their quality at all production stages. The growing concern for patients' health leads to the search for methods that provide accurate and fast results, as they enable corrective actions to be taken in real time. The present work aimed to evaluate the alternative technology potential in the monitoring of bacterial endotoxin in treated water for dialysis and dialysate and to evaluate the potential of flow cytometry in water analysis. The different validation parameters analysis for bacterial endotoxin in alternative method showed that, except for the lowest dilution analyzed, there was linearity and precision in the results. On the other hand, the concentration of 0.25 EU / mL was the lowest that presented accuracy and specificity. It was further observed that the detection limit was 0.125UE / mL and the quantification limit was 0.25 EU / mL, so the range was 0.25-1.0 EU / mL. Additionally by the ruggedness analysis it was possible to perceived that when varying analysts there was no significant difference. Regarding the analysis time in a laboratory routine condition with many samples, the PTS® was was time consuming. It was also observed that it would be important to determine monthly analysis of endotoxins in dialysate. The literature review evidence the flow cytometry technology potential of the because it was satisfactory when compared to conventional methodologies for water analysis. The research showed that the PTS® was suitable for analyzing samples in loco, allowing real-time analyzes, for which there is expectation of endotoxins absence or concentration respecting the range of 0.25 EU / mL to 1.0 EU / mL. For the flow cytometry, it was shown to be a promising technology for analyzing water samples, and it is therefore advisable to carry out validation and applicability studies

/classification , Dialyse rénale , Dialyse , Endotoxines/analyse , Cytométrie en flux/instrumentation
Vaccimonitor (La Habana, Print) ; 27(3)set.-dic. 2018.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1094614


El control de calidad de las vacunas resulta fundamental para las actividades de producción, liberación lote a lote y comercialización de las vacunas. Sin embargo, en la actualidad este es un proceso que por su concepción es lento y costoso debido a que se apoya en la realización de extensas pruebas en animales para demostrar la potencia y seguridad de estos productos biológicos. El desarrollo de métodos alternativos inspirados en el principio de las 3Rs (Reducción, Refinamiento y Reemplazo) constituye una tendencia que debe impactar de manera muy significativa en la reducción de los tiempos de liberación y el costo del proceso de control de calidad de vacunas en los próximos años. En particular la sustitución de las pruebas de potencia y toxicidad in vivo por procedimientos alternativos más relevantes, rápidos, exactos, reproducibles, robustos y baratos, que incluyen la serología, la cuantificación directa de antígeno, los ensayos en cultivos celulares y el enfoque a consistencia, por solo mencionar algunos; implica un cambio de paradigma, con indiscutibles repercusiones éticas, logísticas, económicas y científico-técnicas, para el aseguramiento de los parámetros de calidad de los inmunobiológicos con el mejor balance costo-beneficio: las vacunas. Los fundamentos técnicos de estos métodos alternativos, sus ventajas y nivel de implementación a nivel internacional, así como sus principales limitaciones, son abordados en este trabajo(AU)

Vaccine quality control is crucial for the manufacturing, lot release and commercialization activities worldwide. However, the current process is by-design too slow and expensive because is based on large animal assays for assuring the potency and safety of these important biological products. The development of 3Rs alternative methods (Reduction, Refinement and Replacement) is a trend able to significantly reduce the releasing times and costs of the vaccine quality control processes in the next few years. Particularly, the replacement of the animals-based potency and toxicity assays by alternative procedures more relevant, fast, accurate, reproducible and cheap, including serology, direct antigen quantification, cell culture tests and the Consistency Approach, for just mentioning some of them, implies a paradigm shift, with undisputable ethical, logistical, economic, scientific and technical repercussions for ensuring the vaccine quality parameters. Theoretical basements, advantages and implementation levels of the alternatives methods as well as their main limitations are presented in this paper(AU)

Humains , Contrôle de qualité , Vaccins/toxicité , Sondage par lots appliqué à l'assurance qualité , Efficacité du vaccin
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-703236


Objective In order to verify an alternative method for the skin corrosion test by using transcutaneous electrical resistance ( TER) test, and to optimize the implementation criteria in OECD TG 430 procedure. Methods According to the OECD TG 430 procedure, Wistar rat skin was used to test the TER values of 16 reference chemicals, and selected the most optimal standard via different implementation criteria. The program B was chosen to make inter-laboratory comparison between 5 laboratories by testing 11 chemicals, which were identified as the optimal standard. Results After the TER test, the result of corrosion test of 16 chemicals were accordant with the reference data ( Kappa value=0. 64). The program B was the most optimal implementation criteria, and the specificity was 66. 7% and sensitivity was 100%. There were no significant differences between the corrosion estimations of 5 laboratories, and the concordance rate of the 5 laboratories was 72. 7%. Conclusions Transcutaneous electrical resistance (TER) test is an feasible and efficient tool for skin corrosion testing, and may become a good interim test to replace the in vivo test with this ex vivo test in cosmetics chemical safety assessment, thus, to reduce the animal usage in our country.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-703352


Allergy contact dermatitis is a type IV delayed type hypersensitivity that is induced by exogenous compounds and involves many cell types. Traditional animal testing uses guinea pigs or mice as a model. With progress of the adverse outcome pathway(AOP)on skin sensitization, a concept for development of alternative methods based on a molecular initiating event and key events is provided. Dendritic cell(DC)activation plays a key role in the AOP. Many alternative methods have been developed,with several methods validated and accepted as guidance for assays. This paper examines DC screening, characteristics of test parameters, and limitations and applicability of DC-derived methods. Progress on interactions between DCs and other cells, co-culture systems, and the human body-on-a-chip will also be introduced. Altogether,this paper will provide information for optimization of in vitro alternative methods for sensitization detection.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-511708


Objective To establish an in vitro skin sensitization test,human cell line activation test (h-CLAT),based on THP-1 cell line (a human acute monocytic leukemia cell line),and to assess the sensitizing potency of plant raw materials of chemical and cosmetic products by this in vitro skin sensitization test.Method THP-1 cells were cultured in vitro and exposed to 11 reference skin sensitization chemicals and 9 samples,by monitoring the cell viability,cell surface marker CD54 /CD86 and relative fluorescence intensity of cells surface after the cells was exposures to the substances,and to discover whether there is a positive reaction.At the same time,Buehler test was used to validate the results of samples tested by h-CLAT.Results 11 reference chemicals were distinguished correctly by h-CLAT.Among the 9 samples tested,7 samples were recognized as negative sensitizer and 2 plant extracted substances were identified as suspicious skin sensitizer.The qualitative classification of the 9 samples by h-CLAT test was consistent with the results obtained by animal test.Conclusions The h-CLAT-in vitro test can be used to replace some animal tests for the prediction of soluble skin sensitizing substances.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-660916


In vitro method as indispensable biological research and testing tools, has been widely used in cosmetics compliance test, biological mechanism research and functional materials screening. These methods include alternative methods which have been accepted by reguations and standardized test guide, non-testing method used for risk assessment and prediction, and a lot more diversification and individualization of in vitro methods. With the consensus formation of the whole industry and increase of application experience, innovation and optimization in vitro method will be constantly emerge. These technologies will be beneficial to improve competitiveness and to develop products to meet the needs of consumers.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-658142


In vitro method as indispensable biological research and testing tools, has been widely used in cosmetics compliance test, biological mechanism research and functional materials screening. These methods include alternative methods which have been accepted by reguations and standardized test guide, non-testing method used for risk assessment and prediction, and a lot more diversification and individualization of in vitro methods. With the consensus formation of the whole industry and increase of application experience, innovation and optimization in vitro method will be constantly emerge. These technologies will be beneficial to improve competitiveness and to develop products to meet the needs of consumers.

Braz. j. microbiol ; 47(3): 749-756, July-Sept. 2016. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-788976


ABSTRACT The ability of pathogens to survive cheese ripening is a food-security concern. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the performance of two alternative methods of analysis of Listeria during the ripening of artisanal Minas cheese. These methods were tested and compared with the conventional method: Lateral Flow System™, in cheeses produced on laboratory scale using raw milk collected from different farms and inoculated with Listeria innocua; and VIDAS®-LMO, in cheese samples collected from different manufacturers in Serro, Minas Gerais, Brazil. These samples were also characterized in terms of lactic acid bacteria, coliforms and physical-chemical analysis. In the inoculated samples, L. innocua was detected by Lateral Flow System™ method with 33% false-negative and 68% accuracy results. L. innocua was only detected in the inoculated samples by the conventional method at 60-days of cheese ripening. L. monocytogenes was not detected by the conventional and the VIDAS®-LMO methods in cheese samples collected from different manufacturers, which impairs evaluating the performance of this alternative method. We concluded that the conventional method provided a better recovery of L. innocua throughout cheese ripening, being able to detect L. innocua at 60-day, aging period which is required by the current legislation.

Humains , Fromage/microbiologie , Microbiologie alimentaire , Listeria/isolement et purification , Listeria/classification , Reproductibilité des résultats , Techniques de typage bactérien/méthodes
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2016. 145 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Thèse Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-846632


A glicação não enzimática das proteínas é um fator comum para a fisiopatologia de uma série de transtornos relacionados ao envelhecimento e a doenças como o diabetes mellitus (DM). O geração dos produtos de glicação, os AGEs (do inglês: Advanced Glycation End Products) se dá através de reações de glicação da mariz extracelular (MEC) na derme e têm sido apontado como um dos fatores responsáveis pela perda de elasticidade e deficiência de cicatrização da pele. A permeação cutânea de compostos anti-AGE é uma limitação importante para eficiência terapêutica de compostos que devem atingir camadas mais profundas da pele. Modelos de pele reconstruída contendo equivalente dérmico glicado são estruturas tridimensionais geradas in vitro que mimetizam a pele humana e representam um eficiente modelo para o estudo de células e modificações provocadas na MEC no processo de envelhecimento e DM. O modelo 3D de pele reconstruída tem características metabólicas, de permeabilidade e atividade semelhantes à da pele original, potencializando seu papel nas investigações sobre permeabilidade de drogas, toxicidade, irritação, eficácia e segurança de compostos e diferenciação de queratinócitos. Uma série de compostos naturais ou sintéticos inibidores de AGEs têm sido descobertos e apresentados recentemente e podem representar inovação terapêutica no tratamento de modificações causadas pela a formação e acúmulo destes AGEs também na pele. Este estudo avaliou o desenvolvimento da pele reconstruída glicada e posteriormente, a avaliação da eficácia e toxicidade de compostos anti-glicação como aminoguanidina e carnosina em modelo de pele reconstruída glicada. Em perspectiva, este estudo contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de uma nova tecnologia in vitro, a pele reconstruída glicada, que auxiliará a compreensão da biologia da interação célula-MEC mimetizando processos fisiopatológicos importantes como o envelhecimento e o DM

The Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) of proteins is a common factor to the pathophysiology of a number of disorders related to aging and diseases such as diabetes mellitus (DM). The generation of the AGEs products on skin occurs mainly through non-enzymatic glycation reactions of the dermal extracellular matrix and has been touted as one of the factors responsible for loss of elasticity and disability of skin healing. The skin permeation of compounds is an important limitation for therapeutic/cosmetic efficacy of anti-AGE compounds, which must reach the deepest layers of the skin. Reconstructed skin model containing dermal equivalent modified by in vitro glycation is able to mimic the elderly human skin and represent an efficient model for the study of cells interactions and changes in extracellular matrix induced by aging and diabetes. The 3D reconstructed skin model has metabolic characteristics, permeability and activity similar to the original skin, reinforcing its role in drug permeability of investigations toxicity, irritation, safety and efficacy evaluation of compounds and differentiation of keratinocytes. A number of natural or synthetic AGEs inhibitor compounds have been recently discovered and displayed and can represent therapeutic innovation for the treatment of changes caused by the aging of the skin. In this study we performed the development of reconstructed glycated skin model and evaluated the efficacy and toxicity of anti-glycation compounds such as aminoguanidine and carnosine. In perspective, this study has contributed to the development of a new technology in vitro, and for the understanding cell-extracellular matrix interaction during the aging of skin

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Peau , Toxicité , Techniques in vitro , Vieillissement de la peau , Produits terminaux de glycation avancée , Diabète/sang
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 35(7): 649-651, jul. 2015. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-766199


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do extrato hidroalcoólico de Artemisia annua frente a oocistos de Eimeria sp. em camas contaminadas. O extrato foi produzido com 7 dias de percolação a 4°C, sendo posteriormente realizada a marcha fitoquímica; dosagem de fenóis totais, quantificação de artemisinina, ensaio antioxidante e teste de toxicidade. Para testar a atividade anticoccidiana, camas de aves compostas de cepilho de árvores foram contaminadas com 5000 oocistos. Foram formados quatro tratamentos, em triplicata, nos quais foram usadas diferentes concentrações, sendo G1: 12mg/mL, G2: 8mg/mL, G3: 4mg/mL e C-: água. Após a contaminação, foram aspergidos, 800 mL dos extratos nas diferentes concentrações sobre as camas e coletadas, em triplicatas, 10 cm2 de cada local, aleatoriamente, nos tempos: 0, 3, 6, 24, 48, e 72 horas após a aplicação. Nas análises fitoquímicas, foram evidenciados diversos compostos com propriedades antiparasitárias, como flavonoides e taninos. O fitoterápico continha 59,409±1,47μg/dL de artemisinina. O produto na concentração de 12mg.mL-1 apresentou eficácia entre 45,5 e 42,1%. Os resultados dos testes bioquímicos, juntamente com os encontrados no teste anticoccidiano, evidenciaram que o extrato produzido possui alto potencial para combater Eimeria sp...

The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of hydroalcoholic extract of Artemisia annua against oocysts of Eimeria sp. in contaminated poultry beds. The extract was produced after 7 days of storage at 4°C, which was used to perform the phytochemical screening; the artemisinin measurement; the total phenolic; antioxidant testing and toxicity test. To test the anticoccidial activity, the birds space composed of shaver trees, were contaminated with 5000 oocysts. Four treatment were formed, in triplicate, were used in different concentrations as G1: 12mg/mL, G2:= 9mg/mL, G3: 6mg/mL, and C-: water. After contamination 800 mL of the herbal at different concentrations were sprayed on the bed and collected, in triplicate, 10 cm2 each site, randomly, at times: 0, 3, 6, 24, 48, and 72 hours after application. In phytochemical analysis, were shown compounds with antiparasitic properties, such as flavonoids and tannins. The herbal contained 59.409±1.47mg/dL artemisinin. The product at a concentration of 12mg.mL-1 showed efficacy from 44.25 to 40.71%. The results of biochemical tests, with the in vitro test showed that the extract has produced high potential for combating Eimeria sp...

Animaux , Artemisia annua/parasitologie , Coccidiose/médecine vétérinaire , Galliformes/parasitologie , Phytothérapie/médecine vétérinaire , Résistance aux substances/immunologie , Compléments alimentaires/parasitologie , Compléments alimentaires
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 35(7): l6519-651, jul. 2015. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1487596


O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do extrato hidroalcoólico de Artemisia annua frente a oocistos de Eimeria sp. em camas contaminadas. O extrato foi produzido com 7 dias de percolação a 4°C, sendo posteriormente realizada a marcha fitoquímica; dosagem de fenóis totais, quantificação de artemisinina, ensaio antioxidante e teste de toxicidade. Para testar a atividade anticoccidiana, camas de aves compostas de cepilho de árvores foram contaminadas com 5000 oocistos. Foram formados quatro tratamentos, em triplicata, nos quais foram usadas diferentes concentrações, sendo G1: 12mg/mL, G2: 8mg/mL, G3: 4mg/mL e C-: água. Após a contaminação, foram aspergidos, 800 mL dos extratos nas diferentes concentrações sobre as camas e coletadas, em triplicatas, 10 cm2 de cada local, aleatoriamente, nos tempos: 0, 3, 6, 24, 48, e 72 horas após a aplicação. Nas análises fitoquímicas, foram evidenciados diversos compostos com propriedades antiparasitárias, como flavonoides e taninos. O fitoterápico continha 59,409±1,47μg/dL de artemisinina. O produto na concentração de 12mg.mL-1 apresentou eficácia entre 45,5 e 42,1%. Os resultados dos testes bioquímicos, juntamente com os encontrados no teste anticoccidiano, evidenciaram que o extrato produzido possui alto potencial para combater Eimeria sp.

The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of hydroalcoholic extract of Artemisia annua against oocysts of Eimeria sp. in contaminated poultry beds. The extract was produced after 7 days of storage at 4°C, which was used to perform the phytochemical screening; the artemisinin measurement; the total phenolic; antioxidant testing and toxicity test. To test the anticoccidial activity, the birds space composed of shaver trees, were contaminated with 5000 oocysts. Four treatment were formed, in triplicate, were used in different concentrations as G1: 12mg/mL, G2:= 9mg/mL, G3: 6mg/mL, and C-: water. After contamination 800 mL of the herbal at different concentrations were sprayed on the bed and collected, in triplicate, 10 cm2 each site, randomly, at times: 0, 3, 6, 24, 48, and 72 hours after application. In phytochemical analysis, were shown compounds with antiparasitic properties, such as flavonoids and tannins. The herbal contained 59.409±1.47mg/dL artemisinin. The product at a concentration of 12mg.mL-1 showed efficacy from 44.25 to 40.71%. The results of biochemical tests, with the in vitro test showed that the extract has produced high potential for combating Eimeria sp.

Animaux , Artemisia annua/parasitologie , Coccidiose/médecine vétérinaire , Galliformes/parasitologie , Phytothérapie/médecine vétérinaire , Résistance aux substances/immunologie , Compléments alimentaires , Compléments alimentaires/parasitologie
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; 67(1): 25-31, 2/2015. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-741103


Os parasitas gastrintestinais causam enorme prejuízo econômico na bovinocultura, tanto nacional como mundial, ocasionado principalmente por Bunostumom sp., Cooperia sp. e Trichostrongylus sp. O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a eficácia in vitro do extrato hidroalcoólico de Artemisia annua (H.7) frente a esses endoparasitas. O H.7 foi produzido com sete dias de percolação a 4ºC e posteriormente liofilizado. Com esse fitoterápico, realizaram-se testes de eclodibilidade de ovos (TEO) e de migração larvar em ágar (TMLA), com seis repetições, com concentrações crescentes (0,78 a 50mg/mL). Para analisar a composição química do fitoterápico, procedeu-se à marcha fitoquímica completa. No TEO, a eficácia variou de 94,08±2,58% na maior concentração a 15,67±0,97% na menor concentração. Já no TMLA os valores encontrados variaram de 90,05±0,55% a 4,12±0,46%. Nas análises fitoquímicas, foram encontrados diversos compostos com propriedades de combater os nematódeos, tanto direta como indiretamente. Os resultados obtidos nos testes in vitro evidenciam que o extrato produzido possui potencial de combater nematódeos gastrintestinais de bovinos. Novos estudos devem ser realizados buscando maximizar a eficácia do H.7 e de outras extrações obtidas a partir de A. annua, uma vez que foram demonstrados excelentes resultados em ambos os experimentos.

Gastrointestinal parasites cause economic losses to the cattle production, in Brazil and worldwide, mainly caused by Bunostumom sp., Cooperia sp. and Trichostrongylus sp. The aim of this study was to determine the in vitro efficacy of hydroalcoholic extract of Artemisia annua (H.7) against these parasites. The H.7 was produced after 7 days of storage at 4°C and then lyophilized. With this herbal the egg hatch test (EHT) and larval migration inhibition (LMI) were performed,in six replicates with different concentrations (0.78 to 50mg/mL). To analyze the chemistry composition the complete phytochemical screening was done. In EHT efficiency ranged from 94.08±2.58% at the highest concentration to 15.67± 0.97% in the lowest concentration. In LMI test the values ranged from 90.05±0.55% to 4.12±0.46%. Phytochemical tests showed many chemical compounds with anthelmintic properties. The results obtained in biochemical tests together with those found in in vitro tests showed that the extract produced has the potential to combat intestinal nematodes of cattle. Further studies should be conducted to maximize the effectiveness of H.7 and other extractions from A. annua, because it demonstrated excellent results in both experiments.

Animaux , Bovins , Artemisia annua/parasitologie , Artemisia annua/composition chimique , Maladies gastro-intestinales/parasitologie , Insecticides/administration et posologie , Insecticides/analyse
Braz. j. pharm. sci ; 50(1): 55-62, Jan-Mar/2014. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-709537


Alternative methods are being developed to reduce, refine, and replace (3Rs) animals used in experiments, aimed at protecting animal welfare. The present study reports alternative tests which are based on the principles of the 3Rs and the efforts made to validate these tests. In Europe, several methodologies have already been implemented, such as tests of irritability, cell viability, and phototoxicity as well as in vitro mathematical models together with the use of in silico tools. This is a complex process that spans from development to regulatory approval and subsequent adoption by various official entities. Within this regulatory framework is REACH, the European Community Regulation for chemicals and their safe use. In Brazil, the BraCVAM (Brazilian Center for the Validation of Alternative Methods) was recently established to validate alternative methods and stimulate incorporation of new methodologies. A new vision of toxicology is emerging for the 21st century (Tox-21), and the subsequent changes are shaping a new paradigm.

Métodos alternativos estão sendo desenvolvidos para a redução, o refinamento e a substituição (3R) do número de animais utilizados em experimentos, visando ao seu bem-estar. Esses testes alternativos baseiam-se no princípio dos 3R e esforços têm sido empregados para que sejam validados. Na Europa, diversas metodologias já foram implantadas tais como: testes de irritabilidade, testes de viabilidade celular, testes de fototoxicidade e modelos matemáticos in vitro, além do uso de ferramentas in silico. Esse é um processo complexo, que abrange desde o seu desenvolvimento até a aceitação regulatória e posterior adoção por diversas organizações oficiais. No contexto regulatório está o REACH, o Regulamento da Comunidade Européia, para produtos químicos e sua utilização segura. No Brasil, o BraCVAM (Centro Brasileiro de Validação de Métodos Alternativos) foi recentemente estabelecido para validação de métodos alternativos e estímulo à incorporação de novas metodologias. Uma nova visão de toxicologia vem surgindo para o século XXI (Tox-21) e as mudanças ocasionadas promoverão um novo paradigma.

/classification , Toxicité/classification , Toxicologie/instrumentation , Alternatives à l'expérimentation animale
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-206474


OBJECTIVES: Effects of nanoparticles including zinc oxide nanoparticles, titanium oxide nanoparticles, and their mixtures on skin corrosion and irritation were investigated by using in vitro 3D human skin models (KeraSkin(TM)) and the results were compared to those of an in vivo animal test. METHODS: Skin models were incubated with nanoparticles for a definite time period and cell viability was measured by the 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2.5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide method. Skin corrosion and irritation were identified by the decreased viability based on the pre-determined threshold. RESULTS: Cell viability after exposure to nanomaterial was not decreased to the pre-determined threshold level, which was 15% after 60 minutes exposure in corrosion test and 50% after 45 minutes exposure in the irritation test. IL-1alpha release and histopathological findings support the results of cell viability test. In vivo test using rabbits also showed non-corrosive and non-irritant results. CONCLUSIONS: The findings provide the evidence that zinc oxide nanoparticles, titanium oxide nanoparticles and their mixture are 'non corrosive' and 'non-irritant' to the human skin by a globally harmonized classification system. In vivo test using animals can be replaced by an alternative in vitro test.

Animaux , Humains , Lapins , Survie cellulaire , Classification , Corrosion , Nanoparticules , Nanostructures , Peau , Titane , Oxyde de zinc
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-452716


Objective To explore the use of integrated two methods in vitro in prediction of eye irritation caused by cosmetics.Method Chorioallantoic membrane vascular assay ( CAMVA), bovine corneal opacity and permeability (BCOP) and Draize rabbit eye irritation test were used to determine the predictive potential of eye irritation of 60 kinds of cosmetics.Results CAMVA method was able to distinguish 41 non-irritant samples and 18 irritant samples.BCOP method was able to predict 35 non-irritant samples , 21 mild-moderate irritant samples and 4 severe irritant samples . Combination of CAMVA and BCOP methods could obviously improve the identification ability of irritation , and the classification consistency with Draize rabbit eye irritation testing reached 98.3%.Conclusions The integrated test strategy combined BCOP with CAMVA can be used to appropriately predict ocular irritation of cosmetics , with a prediction range covering non-irritant to severe irritant samples .

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