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Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1536334


Introducción: La asertividad es una herramienta comunicacional que puede contribuir de manera positiva en que los adultos mayores interpreten correctamente la necesidad e importancia de realizar acciones que permitan mantener un adecuado desarrollo físico y estado nutricional durante la tercera edad. Objetivo: Describir cómo la implementación de la comunicación asertiva puede ayudar a la incorporación de los adultos mayores al programa de actividades físicas del adulto mayor. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación básica, no experimental y descriptiva en una población de 157 adultos mayores, de los cuales 113 formaron parte de la muestra de investigación. Se aplicó la comunicación asertiva para lograr la incorporación de estos al programa de actividades físicas del adulto mayor. Resultados: El miedo al contagio con COVID-19 fue la principal causa referida para no participar en las actividades (17,70 por ciento). Predominaron los adultos mayores con nivel de conocimiento bajo sobre la importancia de las actividades físicas en los adultos mayores. Después de aplicar la comunicación asertiva se logró que el 64,60 por ciento de los ancianos se incorporaran al programa. Conclusiones: La asertividad, con sus técnicas y acciones, facilitó la incorporación de adultos mayores al programa de actividades físicas. Su aplicación se basó en la preparación y la capacidad de negociación con las personas de la tercera edad para poder lograr su incorporación a las actividades físicas del programa del adulto mayor(AU)

Introduction: Assertiveness is a communicational tool that can contribute positively to aged adults' correct interpretation of the need and importance of performing actions that allow them to maintain adequate physical development and nutritional status during older age. Objective: To describe how the implementation of assertive communication can help the incorporation of aged adults to the physical activity program for the elderly. Methods: A basic, nonexperimental and descriptive research was conducted with a population of 157 aged adults, of which 113 were part of the research sample. Assertive communication was applied to achieve their incorporation into the physical activity program for the elderly. Results: Fear of infection with COVID-19 was the main reported cause for not participating in the activities (17.70 percent). Aged adults with a low level of knowledge about the importance of physical activities for the elderly predominated. After applying assertive communication, 64.60 percent of the older adults could become part of the program. Conclusions: Assertiveness, with its techniques and actions, facilitated the incorporation of aged adults to the physical activities program. Its application was based on the preparation and the ability to negotiate with older adults in order to achieve their incorporation to the physical activities of the program for the elderly(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Affirmation de soi , Exercice physique/physiologie , Communication , Nutrition du Sujet Âgé , Épidémiologie Descriptive
Podium (Pinar Río) ; 16(3): 731-742, 2021. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1351314


RESUMEN La asertividad es una habilidad social clave para la promoción del desarrollo humano y la prevención de problemas psicosociales en los diversos ámbitos del desarrollo humano. El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar las características que asume la comunicación asertiva en directivos de la Escuela de Iniciación Deportiva Escolar "Ormani Arenado Llonch" de Pinar del Río. Se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal en el periodo comprendido entre abril y junio de 2018. Para ello, se utilizó un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, quedando conformada la muestra por 12 directivos. Como métodos empíricos de obtención de información, se utilizaron: la observación, la Escala de Asertividad de Rathus y la entrevista semiestructurada. En la investigación, se mostró predominio de directivos que se encontraban entre los 50 y 60 años de edad (33 %) y que pertenecían al género masculino (67 %). Los cargos ocupados fueron fundamentalmente Subdirector en Formación Integral, Jefe de Grado y Jefe de Departamento (25 %). La totalidad de la muestra recibió cursos de superación de postgrado (100 %). Primaron los participantes que tenían entre 21 y 30 años de experiencia laboral. Prevaleció el estilo comunicativo asertivo confrontativo (42 %). El desarrollo económico y social en la Cuba de hoy necesita de directivos que actúen alejados de posturas agresivas y egoístas; pero también que dejen atrás posturas acríticas y pasivas, necesita de hombres y mujeres asertivos.

RESUMO A assertividade é uma habilidade social chave para a promoção do desenvolvimento do homem e a prevenção de problemas psicossociais em diferentes áreas da evolução humana. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar as características que a comunicação assertiva assume nos dirigentes da Escola de Iniciação ao Esporte "Ormani Arenado Llonch" de Pinar del Río. Um estudo observacional, descritivo e transversal foi realizado entre abril e junho de 2018. Para este fim, foi utilizada uma amostragem de conveniência não-probabilística, e a amostra consistiu de 12 diretores. Os métodos empíricos utilizados para obter informações foram: a observação, a Escala de Assertividade de Rathus e a entrevista semiestruturada. A pesquisa mostrou uma predominância de gerentes entre 50 e 60 anos de idade (33 %) e pertencentes ao sexo masculino (67 %). Os cargos ocupados foram principalmente o de Chefe Adjunto de Treinamento Integral, Chefe de Grau e Chefe de Departamento (25 %). A amostra inteira recebeu treinamento de pós-graduação (100 %). Os participantes com entre 21 e 30 anos de experiência de trabalho foram predominantes. Prevaleceu o estilo de comunicação assertiva e confrontacional (42 %). O desenvolvimento econômico e social na Cuba de hoje precisa de gestores que estejam longe de posturas agressivas e egoístas; mas também que deixem para trás posturas acríticas e passivas; precisa de homens e mulheres assertivos.

ABSTRACT Assertiveness is a key social skill for the promotion of human development and the prevention of psychosocial problems in the various areas of human development. The aim of this paper is to determine the characteristics that assertive communication assumes in managers of the Sports Initiation School "Ormani Arenado Llonch" of Pinar del Río. An observational, descriptive, cross sectional study was conducted in the period between April and June 2018. For this purpose, a non-probabilistic convenience sampling was used, and the sample consisted of 12 managers. The empirical methods used to obtain information were: observation, the Rathus Assertiveness Scale and the semi-structured interview. It was shown a prevalence of managers between 50 and 60 years of age (33 %) and belonging to the male gender (67 %). The positions held were mainly Assistant Director in Integral Formation, Head of Grade and Head of Department (25 %). The totality of the sample received postgraduate courses (100 %). Participants with between 21 and 30 years of work experience prevailed. The assertive confrontational communicative style prevailed (42 %). Economic and social development in today's Cuba needs managers who act away from aggressive and selfish postures; but also who leave behind uncritical and passive postures; rather it is needed assertive men and women.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-185665


Statement of the problem: A Study to assess the effectiveness of Structured Teaching Programme on “Knowledge on Assertive Communication and its benefits in Nurse Patient Relationship” among B.Sc. Nursing students in selected nursing colleges at Belgaum”. Background: Assertive communication consists of shå wants and needs honestly in a safe manner and focuses on the issue, not the person, nurse patient relationship sets the tone of the care experience and has powerful impact on patient satisfaction. Lack of assertive communication in nurses while cå for a patient causes anxiety, frustration, discontentment, discouragement in the patient and thus affects the health of the patient. Objectives of the study: 1. To assess the pre test levels of knowledge on assertive communication and its benefits in nurse patient relationship of B.Sc. nursing students. 2. To assess the post test levels of knowledge on assertive communication and its benefits in nurse patient relationship of the study participants. 3. To evaluate the effectiveness of STP on assertive communication and its benefits in Nurse Patient Relationship by compå the differences between the pre test and post test knowledge scores. 4. To associate the pre test knowledge score with selected socio demographic variables of the study participants. Methods: An evaluative approach with one group pre–test post–test design was used for the study. Simple random sampling technique is used to select the samples by using lottery method was used to draw 40 adolescent students as samples. The collected data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential statistics. Conclusion: The findings of the study proved that effectiveness of structured teaching programme is an effective measure to improve the knowledge on assertive communication and its benefits in Nurse Patient Relationshipamong Nursing Students.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-923929


@#Objective To explore the effects of assertive community and family treatment on family environment and compliance of patients with schizophrenia. Methods A total of 122 patients with schizophrenia discharged from January, 2014 to September, 2015 along with their families were enrolled and divided into intervention group (n=61) and control group (n=61). The intervention group received comprehensive intervention including family treatment by a professional team in the assertive community treatment model, while the control group received routine follow-up, for twelve months. They were evaluated with Positive and Negative Symptoms Scale (PANSS), Insight and Treatment Attitude Questionnaire (ITAQ), Family Environment Scale-Chinese Version (FES-CV), duration of pharmaceutical treatment and relapse rate before, and six and twelve months after intervention. Results There were statistically significant differences between the intervention group and the control group in total score of PANSS, score of ITAQ and FES-CV six and twelve months after intervention (FGroup>1.760, P<0.05); 16 patients in the control group and seven patients in the intervention group relapsed during the observation period (χ2=4.340, P=0.037). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed statistically significant difference between the two groups in duration of pharmaceutical treatment (χ2=6.338, P=0.012). Conclusion Assertive community and family treatment can improve intimacy between patients with schizophrenia and their family members, reduce high emotional expression, improve medication compliance, and reduce relapse.

Rev. bras. educ. fís. esp ; 30(2): 457-465, tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-787964


Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o estilo motivacional e o comportamento (assertivo, inassertivo e agressivo) de professores de Educação Física de uma cidade do noroeste do Paraná, ao longo da carreira docente (n = 49). Como instrumentos de pesquisa foram utilizados o questionário Problemas na Escola, o Inventário de Assertividade e os dados demográficos. Os dados foram analisados a partir da estatística inferencial: Shapiro-Wilk, Alpha de Cronbach, Anova de Medidas Repetidas e Correlação de Spearman (p ≤ 0,05). O estilo motivacional com mediana superior foi o estilo altamente promotor de autonomia (Md = 5,88) e o com mediana inferior foi o estilo altamente controlador (Md = 2,88), com diferenças estatisticamente significativas. Os resultados demonstraram correlações positivas entre as variáveis: inassertividade e estilo altamente controlador (ρ = 0,63); agressividade e estilo altamente controlador (ρ = 0,69); e a inassertividade e agressividade (ρ = 0,82) dos professores que atuam com carga horária de até 20 horas semanais. Conclui-se que os professores de Educação Física apresentaram um estilo motivacional mais promotor de autonomia e que ocorreu relação entre o estilo motivacional e o comportamento assertivo, inassertivo e agressivo dos professores, considerando o tempo de experiência e a carga horária semanal inferior.(AU)

Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the motivational style and behavior (assertive, nonassertive and aggressive) in Physical Education teachers from a northwestern Paraná city over their teaching career (n = 49). The Problems in Schools questionnaire, the Assertiveness Inventory and demographic data were employed as research instruments. Data were analyzed through the following inferential statistics: Shapiro-Wilk, Cronbach Alpha, repeated measures Anova and Spearman Correlation (p ≤ 0.05). The motivational style with the higher median was the highly autonomy promoting style (5.88) and the lower was the highly controller style (2.88), with statistically significant differences. Results showed positive correlations between the variables: nonassertiveness and the highly controller style (ρ = 0.63); aggressiveness and the highly controller style (ρ = 0.69); and nonassertiveness and aggressiveness (ρ = 0.82) for teachers with workload under 20 hours a week. We conclude Physical Education teachers showed autonomy promoting motivational styles and motivational style and assertive, nonassertive and aggressive behavior were related for less experienced and lower workload teachers.(AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Corps enseignant , Motivation , Éducation physique et entraînement physique , Psychologie de l'éducation
Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 14(1): 133-144, ene.-jun. 2016.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-794042


En este trabajo presento una propuesta metodológica para abordar, registrar y recuperar el acontecimiento. Después de realizar una revisión de las limitaciones que las teorías de la relación individuo-sociedad tienen para entender el acontecimiento como una experiencia de sentido que puede producir unos modos de existencia completamente diferentes a los que se mantenían, propongo unas estrategias metodológicas para recuperar el acontecimiento, que se inscriben en una perspectiva geopolítica y cultural concreta y, por tanto, en una articulación con las estructuras sociales y el devenir histórico.

This article involves a methodological proposal to address, register and recuperate event as a category in social research. After reviewing the limitations of theories on the individual-society relationship in order to understand event as an experience of meaning that can produce ways of existence that are completely different from those that were held, some methodological strategies to recuperate the event are proposed by the authors. These are based on a concrete political and cultural perspective, and as a result, involve an articulation with social structures and the socio-historical process.

Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta metodológica para abordar, registrar e recuperar o acontecimento. Depois de realizar uma revisâo das limitações que as teorias da relaçâo indivíduo-sociedade têm para entender o acontecimento como uma experiência de sentido que pode produzir modos de existência completamente diferentes aos que se mantinham, propõese estratégias metodológicas para recuperar o acontecimento, as quais estâo inseridas em uma perspectiva geopolítica e cultural concreta e, portanto, em uma articulaçâo com as estruturas sociais e o futuro histórico.

Plan de recherche , Méthodologie
Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 43(supl.1): 101-109, dic. 2014. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: lil-784953


Objetivos: Ayudar al clínico en la toma de decisiones sobre las modalidades de atención disponibles para el adulto con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia. Determinar cuáles son las modalidades de atención que se asocian a mejores desenlaces en personas adultas con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia. Método: Se elaboró una guía de práctica clínica bajo los lineamientos de la Guía Metodológica del Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social para identificar, sintetizar, evaluar la evidencia y formular recomendaciones respecto al manejo y seguimiento de los pacientes adultos con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia. Se adoptó y actualizó la evidencia de la guía NICE 82, que contestaba la pregunta acá planteada. Se presentó la evidencia y su graduación al grupo desarrollador de la guía (GDG) para la formulación de las recomendaciones siguiendo la metodología propuesta por el abordaje GRADE. Resultados: Se revisaron siete metaanálisis para la formulación de las recomendaciones de esta pregunta. Los pacientes que estuvieron en la modalidad de tratamiento asertivo comunitario presentaron un menor riesgo de nuevas hospitalizaciones. Para la modalidad de atención de manejo intensivo de caso se encontraron resultados concluyentes que favorecen a la intervención para rehospitalizaciones a mediano plazo, funcionamiento social y satisfacción con los servicios. Los equipos de resolución de crisis favorecen a esta frente al cuidado estándar en los desenlaces de rehospitalizaciones, funcionamiento social y satisfacción con el servicio. Conclusión: La utilización de diferentes modalidades de atención conlleva a la necesidad de ofrecer un abordaje integral a los pacientes. La evidencia muestra beneficios para la mayoría de los desenlaces estudiados sin encontrarse riesgos para la integridad o la salud de los pacientes. En esta evaluación se recomienda utilizar modalidades de prestación de servicios de salud que tengan una base comunitaria y que cuenten con un grupo multidisciplinario. No se recomienda usar la modalidad hospital día en la fase aguda de la esquizofrenia en adultos.

Objectives: To assist the clinician in making decisions about the types of care available for adults with schizophrenia. To determine which are the modalities of treatment associated with better outcomes in adults with schizophrenia. Methods: A clinical practice guideline was elaborated under the parameters of the Methodological Guide of the Ministerio de Salud y Protección Social to identify, synthesize and evaluate the evidence and make recommendations about the treatment and follow-up of adult patients with schizophrenia. The evidence of NICE guide 82 was adopted and updated. The evidence was presented to the Guideline Developing Group and recommendations, employing the GRADE system, were produced. Results: Patients who were in Assertive community treatment had a lower risk of new hospitalizations. For the intensive case management, the results favored this intervention in the outcomes: medium term readmissions, social functioning and satisfaction with services. The crisis resolution teamswas associated with better outcomes on outcomes of readmissions, social functioning and service satisfaction in comparison with standard care. Conclusion: The use of different modalities of care leads to the need of a comprehensive approach to patients to reduce the overall disability associated with the disease. Evidence shows overall benefit for most outcomes studied without encountering hazards for health of patients. This evaluation is recommended to use the professional ways of providing health services that are community-based and have a multidisciplinary group. It is not recommended the modality "day hospital" during the acute phase of schizophrenia in adults.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Schizophrénie , Maladie , Guide de bonnes pratiques , Services communautaires en santé mentale , Prise en charge personnalisée du patient , Soins de jour , Services de santé , Hospitalisation
Pediátr. Panamá ; 43(1): 36-43, Abril 2014.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-848821


Desde la introducción de la Broncoscopía flexible (Fibrobroncoscopía) después de 1960, han habido relativamente, pocos avances tecnológicos en las tres décadas posteriores, pasando por el desarrollo de video broncoscopios de luz blanca hasta la introducción de un sistema electrónico de video llamado CCD e incluso la creación de broncoscopios flexibles híbridos que en conjunto con la adquisición de dispositivos auxiliares tales como (fórceps para biopsia, cepillos bronquiales) y técnicas especiales como (los aspirados bronquiales, lavados bronquiales y lavados broncoalveolares), además del entrenamiento de los neumólogos pediatras endoscopistas y anestesiólogos, se han ampliado grandemente las indicaciones para la realización de este procedimiento en pediatría. Esta revisión tiene como objetivo dar un panorama a los pediatras y médicos en general de la amplia variedad de indicaciones para la realización de este procedimiento en pediatría. Procedimiento considerado como una herramienta diagnóstica invaluable y un procedimiento muy seguro, con una morbilidad menor del 2,5% y mortalidad muy baja (

Since the introduction of the Flexible Bronchoscopy after 1960 , there have been relatively few technological advances in three decades , including the development of bronchoscopes video of white light until the introduction of an electronic video called CCD and even creation of flexible bronchoscopes hybrids in conjunction with the acquisition of auxiliary devices like (forceps biopsy , bronchial brushes) and special techniques such as (bronchial aspirates, bronchial washings and bronchoalveolar lavage), in addition to training of pediatricians and anesthesiologists, pulmonologists endoscopists have been greatly expanded the indications for performing this procedure in children. This review aims to give an overview to general pediatricians and the wide variety of indications for performing this procedure in children. Procedure considered an invaluable diagnostic tool and a very safe procedure with less morbidity and mortality of 2.5% very low (< 0.05% ). Even lower percentages except for transbronchial biopsy in children whose practice is deprecated because the sample obtained is very small to make an accurate diagnosis.

Rev. latinoam. cienc. soc. niñez juv ; 12(1): 51-63, ene.-jun. 2014.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-709048


El propósito de este ensayo es retomar el problema del Mal en los diversos modos de subjetivación política. Sus objetivos se sitúan en denunciar cómo las perspectivas afirmativas de la subjetividad escamotean el papel que el Mal cumple en los procesos de subjetivación, y señalar las implicaciones que tiene el Mal en la investigación de subjetividades políticas en un país con un conflicto armado inveterado que mantiene uno de los índices de desigualdad e injusticia social más alto, y cuyos investigadores e investigadoras asumen que la subjetivación política se encuentra únicamente en la participación y la democracia, en la autorregulación y la autonomía, en el reconocimiento y la identidad.

The purpose of this essay is to retake the problem of Evil in the different types of political subjectivization. It aims at denouncing how the affirmative perspectives of subjectivity steal the role that Evil plays in the subjectivization processes, and at pointing out the implications of Evil in the research of political subjectivities in a country with a deeply rooted armed conflict, which maintains one of the highest inequality and injustice indexes and whose researchers presuppose that political subjectivization can only be found in participation and democracy, in self-regulation and autonomy, in recognition and identity.

Facteurs socioéconomiques , Conflits armés
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-461669


Objective To evaluate the effect of assertive case management on relapse and health economic evalua?tion in schizophrenics living in communities. Methods Two hundred outpatients were randomly divided into the study group (107 enrolled, 107 completed) which received assertive case management and the control group (93 enrolled, 91 completed) which received normal management treatment for 12 months. Clinical global impression scale (CGI) and the cost of treatment were assessed every three months. Medication adherence and family burden were evaluated before treat?ment and 3, 6 and 12 months after the treatment using Medication Adherence Rating Scale (MARS) and Family Burden Instructing, respectively. Results The study group was less likely to relapse compared with the control group over the 12-month follow-up and the relapse rates were 1.9%and 11.0%in study and control groups, respectively (P<0.01). The repeated-measures analysis of variance indicated that time main effect was significant in severity of illness factor score of CGI (P<0.01). The time main effect and group main effect in factor 1 and factor 3 scores of MARS were significant (all P<0.05) and there was an interaction effect in factor1 score of MARS (P<0.01). In the study group, time effect were signifi?cant in factor 1 score of MARS (P<0.01). The time main effects in indirect cost and total cost were significant and so were interaction effects in direct cost and total cost (P<0.05). In the study group, time effects were significant in direct cost and total cost (P<0.01). Comparison of FBI dimensions before and after the intervention showed that family relation?ship was much more decreased in the study group than in the control group (P<0.01). Conclusions Assertive Case Man?agement can reduce the recurrence of schizophrenia living in communities, improve compliance medication and family re?lationship as well as reduce the cost of treatment.

Medicine and Health ; : 139-142, 2014.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-628502


This case report emphasizes the role of Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)in managing a family with four members suffering from mental illness, mainly schizophrenia. We report a case of middle-aged lady who was diagnosed with treatment resistant schizophrenia (TRS) living with two other family members with the same illness and their carer who developed major depression from shouldering the burden of caring for mentally ill family members. ACT, through its holistic approach, proved to have reduced hospitalizations and improve symptom control and quality of life in this family.

Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 28(3): 335-344, jul.-set. 2012. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-653642


Este artigo descreve a avaliação de um programa preventivo para adolescentes, professores e familiares, focado em direitos sexuais e reprodutivos, resiliência e habilidades sociais assertivas. Foram conduzidas dez sessões psicoeducacionais com os adolescentes (N = 54), três oficinas com os docentes (N = 11) e duas visitas domiciliares às famílias (N = 7). Os resultados, avaliados por medidas qualitativas de autorrelato, mostram que os familiares buscaram serviços da comunidade recomendados na intervenção, os docentes relataram disposição para atuar no fortalecimento da rede social dos adolescentes e estes relataram melhoria na qualidade da comunicação com os pais, prática de sexo seguro e tolerância à diversidade. São discutidas as limitações e possibilidades de intervenções ecológicas e uma agenda de pesquisa na área.

This paper describes the evaluation of a preventive program for adolescents, teachers and family members, focused on sexual and reproductive rights, resilience and assertive social skills. Ten psychoeducational sessions were conducted with adolescents (N = 54), three workshops with teachers (N = 11) and two home visits to the families (N = 7). The results, evaluated by self report qualitative measures, pointed that families searched community services recommended during the intervention, teachers demonstrated sensitiveness to strengthening the adolescents' social support network, and adolescents reported improvement related to quality of adolescents-parents communication, safe sex practice and tolerance toward the human diversity. Possibilities and limits of ecological interventions are discussed, as a research agenda in this field as well.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Psychologie de l'adolescent/enseignement et éducation , Éducation sexuelle , Santé reproductive , Sexualité/psychologie
Rev. Univ. Ind. Santander, Salud ; 44(1): 29-38, Febrero 29, 2012. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-657144


Introducción: la atención a personas hospitalizadas, amerita de parte de sus cuidadores contar además de sus conocimientos con la estabilidad emocional y calidad en las relaciones humanas; lo cual puede ser fortalecido a través del desarrollo de aptitudes personales. Objetivo: describir los resultados de la intervención educativa "Trabajando a gusto" dirigida al personal de enfermería de un hospital de tercer nivel, orientada al fortalecimiento de la dimensión personal. Metodología: estudio descriptivo resultado de un proyecto de extensión desarrollado en el Hospital Universitario de Santander (HUS). Se utilizaron tres instrumentos: Comunicación asertiva, Control de emociones, Prevención y manejo del estrés, los cuales se aplicaron antes y después de la intervención. Resultados: en el Eje temático de Comunicación Asertiva las personas aumentaron el nivel de asertividad pasando de un 39,17% en el pretest a un 45,48% en el postest. En el eje de Control de Emociones, la claridad definida como la buena comprensión pasó de un 25,37% antes de la intervención a un 32,14% en el nivel clasificado como excelente; en la reparación definida como la capacidad de regular los estados emocionales correctamente, los participantes pasaron en el nivel excelente de un 26,47% a un 38%. En la prevención y manejo del estrés no se evidenciaron cambios. Conclusiones: la intervención fue positiva en algunos aspectos de la comunicación y el control de emociones. Si bien las actitudes son aprendidas y posibles de ser modificadas, se requieren procesos formativos a largo plazo para mayores y mejores resultados, con un acompañamiento posterior y nuevas mediciones. Salud UIS 2012; 44 (1): 29-38.

Introduction: the care provided to patients who are hospitalized, requires from the caregivers not only their knowledge, also their emotional stability and interpersonal skills, which can be strenghtened trought the development of their personality. Objective: to describe the results of the educational initiative "Working with pleasure" directed towards the nursing staff in a third level hospital, targeted at strengthening the staff’s personality traits. Methodology: descriptive study result of an extension research project performed at the HUS (University Hospital of Santander, by their acronym in Spanish). Three tools were used: Assertive Communication, Emotion Control, and Stress Prevention and Management. They were all used before and after the intervention. Results: the participants of the assertive Communication thematic axis showed an increased assertiveness level from 39,17% prior to the test to 45,48% after the test. Regarding Emotion Control, clarity (defined as good comprehension) went from 25,37% prior to the intervention to 32,14%, a level classified as excellent. For Reparation (defined as the capacity to correctly regulate emotional states the subjects) improved from 26,47% to 38%. For Stress Prevention And Management no variation was evident in the study. Conclussions: the intervention was effective regarding communication and emotion control. While attitudes are learnt and modifiable, they require long-term learning processes to achieve more significant and better results as well as follow ups and further measurements. Salud UIS 2012; 44 (1): 29-38.

Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-34385


PURPOSE: This study was done to assess effects of Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) in a community mental health center. METHODS: This study was a non-equivalent control group design with two groups, each of 20 clients. The instruments were the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), Global Assessment of Function (GAF), Satisfaction of Life, and the number and duration of admissions. Data collection was done in March, 2010 for the pre-test, and in March, 2011 for the post-test in the S community mental health center in Gyung-gi province. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Fisher's exact test, and Mann-Whitney U test with the SPSS/WIN program. RESULTS: The experimental group showed significant differences in the duration of admission, GAF, and Satisfaction of Life, but not on number of admissions and BPRS. CONCLUSION: The results of this study indicate that ACT can be applied as an effective case management model in Korea.

Échelle abrégée d'appréciation psychiatrique , Prise en charge personnalisée du patient , Services communautaires en santé mentale , Collecte de données , Corée , Santé mentale
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 16(3): 305-312, set.-dez. 2011. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-623213


Los programas de continuidad de cuidados surgen a finales de los años 70 en EEUU, en respuesta a los problemas detectados durante del proceso de desintitucionalización de los hospitales psiquiátricos. Desde entonces, se han extendido por todo el mundo, con variaciones y peculiaridades según las regiones, convirtiéndose en piedra angular de la atención a las personas con enfermedad mental grave y persistente. En este artículo se revisa el origen de estos programas, su desarrollo a lo largo de más de treinta años, la filosofía que los ha guiado en su devenir, así como los éxitos y fracasos en su desarrollo.

The case management programs arise in the late 70's in the U.S., in response to problems identified during the process of deinstitutionalization of psychiatric hospitals. Since then, the case management and the assertive community treatment programs have spread throughout the world, with variations and particularities in different regions, becoming the cornerstone of the community care for people with severe and persistent mental illness. This article reviews the origins of these programs in U.S., their development for over thirty years around the world, the philosophy and objectives that have guided its evolution, as well as successes and failures in their development.

Services communautaires en santé mentale , Psychiatrie communautaire , Réforme des soins de santé , Services de santé mentale , Espagne
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 16(3): 313-317, set.-dez. 2011. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-623214


Se presenta el programa de continuidad de cuidados del Centro de Salud Mental de Chamartín en Madrid, para ilustrar con una experiencia fuera del ámbito anglosajón donde surgen estos programas, la teoría expuesta en la primera parte acerca del surgimiento, desarrollo y filosofía de los programas de continuidad de cuidados. Se describen los recursos sanitarios, sociales y personales de los que dispone la población a la que va dirigido y la forma de intervención, con el tipo de actuaciones que se realizan. Por último, se señalan algunos riesgos en el desarrollo y mantenimiento de los programas de continuidad de cuidados.

The case management program of Chamartin Mental Health Center in Madrid is presented to illustrate with an experience outside the Anglo-Saxon context, where such programs arise, the theory advanced in the first part about the emergence, development and philosophy of continuity of care programs. Finally, some risks in the development and maintenance of continuity of care programs are pointed out. The health, social and staff resources are described, and also the population to be targeted, the form of intervention and the type of actions that are performed. Finally, we point out some risks in the development and maintenance of continuity of care programs.

Services communautaires en santé mentale , Psychiatrie communautaire , Services de santé mentale , Réadaptation , Espagne
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 16(3): 353-362, set.-dez. 2011. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-623218


El presente artículo tiene como objetivo describir un programa de salud mental innovador que desde mayo de 2003 se viene realizando en la ciudad de Madrid. El objetivo del mismo es atender, acudiendo a su entorno, a las personas sin hogar que padecen enfermedades mentales graves y servir de puente hacia los servicios sociosanitarios de la red general a los que normalmente no tiene acceso. Se describen los modelos teóricos para esta atención (outreach, tratamiento comunitario asertivo y modelo de recuperación) y el trabajo diario que se realiza; así como, las dificultades y barreras que se enfrentan en un trabajo de estas características.

The aim of this article is to describe an innovative mental health unit running in Madrid city since May 2003. The main purposes of this unit is to provide sociosanitary attention, going to their own enviroment- the streets-, to all those homeless persons suffering severe mental disorders. This unit provide a transitional care and engagment to mainstream social and sanitary services that usually they can't reach. It's described the theoretical models sustaining this work (outreach, Assertive Community treatment and Recovery) and also the team's daily practices. As well we described some of the challenges and barriers to face working in this particular job.

Services communautaires en santé mentale , Déficience intellectuelle/rééducation et réadaptation , Personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux , /psychologie , Espagne
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-70540


PURPOSE: The purposes of this study were to compare the degree of anger expression, assertive behavior, and self-esteem between a nursing student group and an educational student group, and to identify factors affecting their self-esteem. METHODS: This study adopted the descriptive comparative design. Data were collected by interviewing 97 nursing students and 89 educational students from three nursing schools and one educational school in Daegu, Korea from November to December, 2008. RESULTS: Major findings of this study were as follows. 1) The educational student group had a higher self-esteem score than the nursing student group. 2) There were significant correlations among anger expression, assertive behavior, and self-esteem. 3) Self-esteem was significantly associated with Grade Point Average (GPA) and assertive behavior in the nursing student group with 17.2% variance, and with assertive behavior and anger-out in the educational student group with 24.1% variance. CONCLUSION: These results may contribute to better understanding of hurt, anger expression, assertive behavior, and self-esteem in nursing students and educational students. Based on the results, there, it is required to develop programs that prompt students' self-esteem.

Humains , Colère , Corée , Soins , Écoles d'infirmières , Élève infirmier
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-221578


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to develop a lecture on oral presentation and to evaluate changes in anger expression, assertive behavior, and self-esteem after lecture on oral presentation. METHODS: The design was a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The participants were university students in nursing, of which 17 were assigned to the experimental group and 15 to the control group. The education was carried out for 2 hours, once a week for 14 weeks. Data was analyzed with SPSS/WIN 14 program, and included chi-square test, independent t-test, and repeated measure ANOVA. RESULTS: Lecture on oral presentation showed significant differences in the changes of anger expression (F = 10.122, p = .003) and assertive behavior (F = 8.498, p = .007). CONCLUSION: Findings suggest that this lecture on oral presentation was effective in changing students' anger expression and assertive behavior. Therefore this lecture on oral presentation is recommended for inclusion in education for university students in nursing.

Humains , Colère , Éducation , Soins , Élève infirmier
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