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RECIIS (Online) ; 17(2): 332-438, abr.-jun.,2023.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438021


No Brasil, somou-se à infodemia um processo de negacionismo e descrédito das ciências pelo espalhamento de fake newson-line, agravando as consequências da covid-19. A hipótese desse artigo é que as estratégias de Search Engine Optimization (SEO) e de web semântica podem melhorar significativamente a construção da presença digital de canais institucionais de ciência no Brasil, no combate às fake news. O objetivo é descrever e analisar dois canais institucionais no YouTube de produção pública da ciência. Para tal, foi utilizado o método quanti-quali, com métricas do Social Blade, observação direta e aplicação de questionário. Nos resultados, constatou-se a preferência por vídeos de curta duração, com diferenças substanciais no estilo artístico e narrativo. Os conteúdos geraram conversações e reações externas à academia, devido a circulação em outras redes sociais digitais. Conclui-se que o aprimoramento das técnicas de otimização nos dois canais, a partir da utilização de hashtags e títulos mais atrativos ampliou o público final

In Brazil, infodemic was added to a process of denial and discrediting of science by spreading fake news online, aggravating the consequences of covid-19. This article hypothesizes that Search Engine Optimiza-tion (SEO) and web semantic strategies can improve the construction of the digital presence of public and institutional science YouTube channels in Brazil, in the fight against fake news. The objective is to describe and analize two institutional channels of public science production on YouTube. In order to do that, we used the quanti-quali method, with Social Blade metrics, direct observation, and questionnaire application. Concerning the results, we came up with short videos with substantial differences in artistic design and narrative style. Having circulated in other digital social networks, the contents generated conversations and reactions outside the academy. With the improvement on optimization techniques in both channels, this article articulates and reaches its audience in primary and secondary education.

En Brasil, a la infodemia se sumó un proceso de negación y descrédito de la ciencia por la difusión de noticias falsas en línea, agravando las consecuencias de la covid-19. Este artículo parte de la hipótesis de que las estrategias de Search Engine Optimization (SEO) y web semántica pueden mejorar significativamente la construcción de la presencia digital de los canales científicos institucionales en Brasil, en la lucha contra las noticias falsas. El objetivo es describir y analizar los canales institucionales en YouTube de producción científica pública. El método utilizado fue el quanti-quali, con métricas Social Blade, observación directa y aplicación de un cuestionario. Acerca de los resultados nosotros creamos videos cortos, con diferencias sustanciales en el estilo artístico y narrativo. Los contenidos generaron conversaciones y reacciones fuera de la academia, a través de la circulación en otras redes sociales digitales. Con la mejora de las técnicas de optimización en los dos canales, el articulo buscó articular-se con el público de educación primaria y secundaria

Humains , COVID-19 , Désinformation , Science , Communication , Réseautage social
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217963


Background: Tobacco consumption is the primary cause for cancers in men and women in India. Second hand smoking also has toxins in the similar concentration affecting children in particular leading to many health-related conditions including neurological disorders. The present study was done with the hypothesis that passive smoking in children causes delay in their reaction time when compared to the children of non-smokers which indicates cognition deficit. Aims and Objectives: The objectives of the study are as follows: (1) Comparison of the visual simple reaction time (VSRT) and visual choice reaction time (VCRT) among the children of chronic smokers and non-smokers and (2) to compare the auditory simple reaction time (ASRT) and auditory choice reaction time (ACRT) among the children of chronic smokers and non-smokers. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. After obtaining necessary permission and consents, 30 children aged between 8 and 14 years with exposure to passive smoking as cases and 30 children of non-smoking parents as controls were included in the study. Audio-visual reaction timer was used. Results: Student’s “t” test was used for analysis. Mean value of VSRT showed 248.3 ms among controls and 277.7 ms in cases; VCRT among controls was 277.4 ms and 309.1 ms in cases (P < 0.05). Means of ASRT in controls was 213 ms and 250.4 in cases; ACRT in controls was 244 ms and among cases was 272.4 ms (P < 0.05). Conclusion: Significant delay in VSRT, VCRT, and ASRT was seen among the children exposed to tobacco smoke. ACRT also showed delayed response but not statistically significant.

Indian J Ophthalmol ; 2023 Feb; 71(2): 569-574
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-224847


Purpose: To compare the effect of audiovisual and verbal instructions on patient performance while performing automated Humphrey visual field testing. Methods: This was a prospective study. A total 120 patients divided into groups of 40 each were recruited from the glaucoma outpatient department (OPD). All patients were aged 35–75 years with no previous experience of performing HFA. Patients with hearing impairment, any other cognitive impairment, and best?corrected visual acuity (BCVA) ?6/36 on Snellen’s visual acuity were excluded. The first two groups were given strict (conservative) and lenient (liberal) verbal instructions. The instructions were adapted from those listed in the manufacturer’s instruction. and the third group was shown a standard video depicting in detail how perimetry was to be performed. A questionnaire was given to each patient before and after the test to assess the patient’s performance. Results: Patients diagnosed with glaucoma during testing in each group were 29 (72.50%), 30 (75.0%), and 33 (82.5%) in the video instructed, strictly verbal, and leniently verbal groups, respectively. The overall mean deviation (MD) in the right eye (RE) was of ? 3.38 (?4.9 to 1.9) and in the left eye (LE) was ? 3.96 (?6.4 to ? 1.9). Reliable field was slightly higher for the video instructed group (47.5%) and lowest for the strictly verbal group (22.5%) (P = 0.033). A higher number of patients were very motivated in the video instructed group (27%) (P = 0.041). Post?test questionnaires showed that 40% of patients felt they have performed the test with 100% accuracy in video group with less guessing. A higher number of patients in the video instructed group (85%) felt instruction was helpful in performing the test (P = 0.001). Conclusion: The video groups were more motivated and had better confidence to perform the test with less anxiety and stress and with probably better understanding of the procedure due to visual effects enhancing their understanding.

RECIIS (Online) ; 15(1): 280-288, jan.-mar. 2021. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1177457


O documentário Todo cuidado do mundo aborda histórias de mulheres, mães de filhos portadores da microcefalia congênita, malformação oriunda da contaminação de gestantes pelo Zika vírus. A expansão do Zika vírus e suas consequências para as gestantes são abordadas nesse documentário, que focaliza o impacto social gerado pelo vírus especialmente na vida das mães que possuem filhos portadores da microcefalia. Para além da realidade maternal, o vídeo apresenta a opinião de profissionais de saúde e problematiza a questão em torno da microcefalia congênita e seu impacto no direito à saúde. As discussões sobre as necessidades que têm as mães de filhos portadores da microcefalia e os apoios de que elas precisam, contribuem para sensibilizar o público sobre os desafios enfrentados por elas.

The documentary Todo cuidado do mundo (Every care in the world) addresses daily events in the life of women, mothers of children with congenital microcephaly, malformation resulting from contamination of pregnant women by Zika virus. The expansion of the Zika virus and its consequences for pregnant women are addressed in the documentary, which focuses on the social impact generated by that virus especially on the life of mothers who have children with microcephaly. In addition to the maternal reality, the video presents the opinion of health professionals and discusses the issue surrounding congenital microcephaly and its impact on the right to health. Discussions about the support that mothers of children with microcephaly require and their daily needs contribute to sensitize the public to the challenges faced by them.

El documental Todo cuidado do mundo (Todos los cuidados del mundo) aborda historias de mujeres, madres de niños con microcefalia congénita, malformación resultante de la contaminación, por el virus Zika, de mujeres embarazadas. La expansión del virus Zika y sus consecuencias para las mujeres embarazadas son abordadas en el documental, que enfoca el impacto social generado por el virus especialmente en la vida de las madres que tienen hijos con microcefalia. Además de la realidad materna, el vídeo presenta la opinión de los profesionales de la salud y discute el tema de la microcefalia congénita y su impacto en el derecho a la salud. Las discusiones sobre los apoyos que precisan las madres de niños con microcefalia y suyas necesidades diarias contribuyen para sensibilizar al público acerca de los desafíos que ellas enfrentan.

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Nouveau-né , Nourrisson , Adulte , Brésil , Documentaires et films factuels , Virus Zika , Microcéphalie/histoire , Relations mère-enfant , Grossesse , Droit à la santé , Mères/histoire
Int. j. morphol ; 37(3): 1123-1129, Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012407


Poca información existe acerca de la evolución del uso de medios en la enseñanza de la anatomía moderna en sus primeros años. Esto se explica tal vez porque los académicos y estudiantes se preocuparon más del contenido que de los medios utilizados para la docencia morfológica obviamente. Su uso sin embargo es muy importante, pues modifica la forma de enseñar y de construir incluso los recintos donde se imparte la docencia, los que pasan de ser lugares con mucha iluminación natural de antaño, a ser recintos cerrados más bien obscuros y dotados de equipos con dispositivos proyectores de luz en la actualidad. El presente trabajo pretende por tanto dejar en la memoria de las nuevas generaciones los medios usados de antaño, el inicio de los medios audiovisuales en la década de los años 30 y el uso de TICs más recientemente y mostrar su evolución de la mano con los cambios tecnológicos en la enseñanza anatómica hasta nuestros días, no sólo a través de conocimientos generales al respecto, sino también a través de testimonios y documentos que los citan directamente en la docencia anatómica del país.

There is little information about the use of media in the teaching of modern anatomy in its early years. This is perhaps explained because academics and students were more concerned with the content than with the media used for morphological teaching, obviously. Its use however is very important, because it modifies the way of teaching and building even the enclosures where teaching is taught, those that go from being places with a lot of natural light, to being rather dark closed enclosures and endowed with equipment with devices projectors of light at present. The present work therefore, intends to remind the new generations of methods used in the past, the beginning of the audiovisual techniques in the decade of the 30s and the recent use of ICTs and show its development along with the technological changes in the anatomical teaching to this day, through general knowledge, evidence and graphic documents.

Médias audiovisuels , Anatomie/enseignement et éducation , Anatomie/histoire
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-200258


Background: Students favthisteaching methods employing combination of audio visual aids and blackboard teaching over didactic lectures not using these aids. Different methods of lecture are-blackboard teaching, power point presentations (PPT) and mix of aids. This study was primarily done to know the students’ attitude and preferences regarding the lectures using PowerPoint (PPT) presentations and the traditional ‘black-board teaching’ method with an aim to improve the quality of didactic lectures in pharmacology by their appropriate use in further teaching – learning process, with an aim to improve their use in didactic lectures.Methods: A questionnaire-based observational study (annexure-1) observational study was conducted among all the medical students of 4th semester MBBS attending theory classes in the department of Pharmacology in Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal.Results: In this study, as a whole Majority 68 % (42 students) of students preferred mix of aids as teaching method over blackboard and power point. Sixty two students participated in the study out of which 58% (36) were male and students 42% (26) were female. Students told that the lectures using mix of aids were well organized and the lecture contents were well informative. As far as matter of suggestions is concerned 46 (74.2 %) students gave suggestions to improve teaching methods. As compared to blackboard the lectures taken on PowerPoint were clearly visible and well audible to all the students of the classroom..Conclusions: This study demonstrates that lectures delivered by using a mixture of audio visual aids are more appreciated by the students over blackboard teaching and power-point teaching individually. For further improving their lectures, if possible teachers should plan to implement feasible student suggestions by using a combination of audio visual aids.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-203322


Background: Pain and fear of pain makes dental treatmentvery difficult for clinician as well as patients. Minimizing fearand anxiety can help to treat patients more comfortably.Various techniques like audio distraction, audio visualdistraction are used to minimize anxiety.Aim: To compare audio and audio-visual distractiontechniques in managing dental anxiety.Methods: 100 children visiting the Department of Dentistry,UPUMS, Saifai for routine dental care were examined. Theselected 100 children were randomly allocated to 2 groups.Group 1: audio distraction and Group 2: audiovisual group.Results: Venham’s anxiety scale was found to be lower inaudiovisual distraction group, although the difference was notfound to be statistically significant during all the visits.Relatively less increase in pulp rate was also observed in audiovisual distraction group in current study.Conclusion: Audiovisual distraction technique can bepreferred over audio distraction in paediatric patients

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-754198


The drug cues of multi-sensory have higher reliability and ecological validity,and play a key role in the substance and behavioral addiction. However,the comprehensive discussion on the relation-ship of addiction and the disorder of emotional audiovisual integration was very limited so far. Reviewing re-cent studies on multi-sensory integration of substance and behavioral addictions,it had been found that both two addiction groups had disorders of audiovisual integration,especially the negative emotion. Neuroimaging studies found that the abnormal activation on prefrontal cortical during emotional audiovisual integration com-monly tended to live in substance and behavioral addictions,suggesting that the disorder of emotional audiovi-sual integration for addictions might be related to the weakening of cognitive control. Further improvements of the neural mechanism of emotional audiovisual integration disorder of addictions,as well as the more ecologi-cally predictive indicators and clinical diagnosis criteria are needed.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-732103


Background: The walking gait of older adults with balance impairment is affected by dual tasking. Several studies have shown that external cues can stimulate improvement in older adults’ performance. There is, however, no current evidence to support the usefulness of external cues, such as audio-visual cueing, in dual task walking in older adults. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of an audio-visual cue (simulated traffic light) on dual task walking in healthy older adults and in older adults with balance impairments. Methods: A two-way repeated measures study was conducted on 14 healthy older adults and 14 older adults with balance impairment, who were recruited from the community in Chiang Rai, Thailand. Their walking performance was assessed using a four-metre walking test at their preferred gait speed and while walking under two further gait conditions, in randomised order: dual task walking and dual task walking with a simulated traffic light. Each participant was tested individually, with the testing taking between 15 and 20 minutes to perform, including two-minute rest periods between walking conditions. Two Kinect cameras recorded the spatio-temporal parameters using MFU gait analysis software. Each participant was tested for each condition twice. The mean parameters for each condition were analysed using a two-way repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) with participant group and gait condition as factors. Result: There was no significant between-group effect for walking speed, stride length and cadence. There were also no significant effects between gait condition and stride length or cadence. However, the effect between gait condition and walking speed was found to be significant [F(1.557, 40.485) = 4.568, P = 0.024, η = 0.149]. Conclusion: An audio-visual cue (simulated traffic light) was found to influence walking speed in both healthy older adults and in older adults with balance impairment. The results suggest that audio-visual cues could be incorporated into healthy lifestyle promotion in older adults with balance impairment.

Pesqui. prát. psicossociais ; 12(3): 1-18, set.-dez. 2017. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-895295


O presente texto apresenta os resultados de uma atividade realizada em um percurso de formação, com ênfase no recurso imagético, para trabalhadoras da proteção social básica do Suas/Joinville-SC. A atividade analisada diz respeito à elaboração de uma narrativa imagética, resultado do convite feito às profissionais para realizarem um projeto de filme expressando nele suas experiências com seus respectivos espaços de trabalho. A orientação teórica e metodológica deste trabalho foi a Psicologia Social em diálogo com algumas leituras e conceitos de Jacques Rancière. A pesquisa possibilitou pensar o modo como a constituição do trabalhador da Assistência Social é perpassada por questões relativas a essa política pública, mas também pelas relações, dilemas e práticas do trabalho em que a presença do profissional não se faz de modo passivo, mas é visceralmente sentida e significada pelas experiências que participam do trabalho socioassistencial.

This paper presents the results of an activity performed on a training course with emphasis on imagery feature, for workers of basic social protection SUAS / Joinville - SC. The analyzed activity concerns about the development of a imagery narrative, outcome of a invitation made to the professionals to produce a film project expressing their experiences with their workspaces. The theoretical and methodological orientation of this work was the Social Psychology in dialogue with some readings and concepts of Jacques Rancière. The research allowed to think how the constitution of the Social Assistance worker is permeated by concern questions about this public policy, but also the relations, dilemmas and in the work practices where the presence of the professional is not done passively, but is viscerally felt and signified by the experiences participating in the social assistance work.

El presente texto presenta los resultados de una actividad realizada en un itinerario de formación, con énfasis en recursos imaginéticas, para trabajadoras de la protección social básica del SUAS/Joinville - SC. La actividad analizada dice acerca de la elaboración de una narrativa imaginéticas, resultado de la invitación hecho a las professionales para hacer un proyecto de película expresando en él sus experiencias con sus respectivos espacios de trabajo. La orientación teórica y metodológica de este trabajo fue la Psicología Social en diálogo con algunas lecturas y conceptos de Jacques Rancière. La investigación permitió pensar la manera cómo la constitusión del trabajador de la Asistencia Social sobrepasa por cuestiones relativa de esta política publica, sino también por las relaciones, dilemas y prácticas del trabajo dónde la presencia del profesional no se hace de un modo pasivo, pero es profundamente sentida y relevante por las experiencias que participan del trabajo socioasistencial.

Services sociaux et travail social (activité) , Facteurs socioéconomiques , Psychologie sociale , Politique publique , Films
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-222516


PURPOSE: Patients and their caretakers need to understand various problems and requirements in the dying process so that they may prepare for death for the rest of their remaining life. Accordingly, a systematic audio-visual resource was developed to educate hospice patients and their families at the palliative care ward about the process of dying. METHODS: For the development of an audio-visual resource, a initial education material was produced in the form of simple and accessible Power Point handouts based on literature study. Then, the program was completed through five rounds of a process, including expert advice, revision, update and evaluation. RESULTS: The final version of the program was filmed with cooperation of the medical literature information division. Using the program, patients and families were educated through five phases over three sessions for a total 26 minutes and 34 seconds. CONCLUSION: The significance of this study lies in the fact that it was conducted after the establishment of the palliative care ward, which made it easier for nurses provide the education. It is expected that the program may be used by hospice specialists as well as nurses as an education resource for hospice patients and their families.

Humains , Supports audiovisuels , Éducation , Établissements de soins palliatifs , Soins palliatifs , Spécialisation
Movimento (Porto Alegre) ; 20(3): 989-1012, jul./set. 2014.
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-986670


O esporte paralímpico encontra-se em processo de afirmação social e econômica e tem na mídia a principal ferramenta de divulgação de seus ideais e produtos. Baseado em conceitos da teoria dos campos de Pierre Bourdieu, o objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar o ponto de vista de atletas brasileiros sobre conteúdos, meios e abrangência da divulgação midiática sobre o esporte paralímpico, de modo a propor reflexões sobre suas expectativas e percepções. A partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 23 atletas paralímpicos brasileiros e análise de discurso baseada no método Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo, tem-se como principais resultados: a divulgação paralímpica é pequena, porém está em crescimento; os atletas dividem sua preferência entre a divulgação de feitos esportivos e a ideia de superação da deficiência

Paralympic sports are in a process of economic and social affirmation, and the media are the main tool to disseminate their ideas and products. Based on concepts of Pierre Bourdieu's field theory, the aim of this study was to investigate the standpoint of Brazilian athletes on contents, media and scope to publicize Paralympic sports, in order to propose reflections about their expectations and perceptions. Supported by data from semistructured interviews with 23 Brazilian Paralympic athletes and discourse analysis using the method of Discourse of the Collective Subject, the main results were: Paralympic publicizing is still low, but it is growing; athletes are divided between those who prefer to publicize sporting achievements and those who favor the idea of overcoming disability

El deporte paralímpico se encuentra en proceso de afirmación económica y social, y tiene en los medios de comunicación la principal herramienta para difundir sus ideas y productos. Basado en conceptos de la teoría de los Campos de Bourdieu, el objetivo de este estudio es investigar el punto de vista de los atletas brasileños en cuanto al contenido, los medios y la difusión de los medios de comunicación sobre el deporte paralímpico, con el fin de ofrecer reflexiones sobre sus expectativas y percepciones. A partir de entrevistas semiestructuradas con 23 atletas paralímpicos brasileños y del análisis del discurso basado en el método Discurso del Sujeto Colectivo, presenta como principales resultados: la divulgación paralímpica es aún pequeña, pero creciente; hay una cierta división entre los atletas que prefieren la divulgación de los logros deportivos y la idea de la superación de la discapacidad

Humains , Sports , Personnes handicapées , Mass-médias , Sociologie
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-450619


Aimed at problems in current audio-visual-oral English teaching for medical students,such as the inconsistency between teaching materials and training objectives,the lack of flexibility and effectiveness in teaching methods and inadequacy of comprehensiveness and objectiveness in assessment methods,the paper analyses and explores audio-visual-oral medical English teaching in three aspects,namely teaching curriculum-setting up topic for each unit based on the contents of medical courses and designing various teaching tasks according to three-step procedure of extensive listening-intensive listening-derivative discussion,teaching methods-adopting pictorial method in teaching medical English vocabulary,macro-micro listening method and interpretation for imitation method,and assessment methods-applying a combination of formative assessment and summative assessment.

Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-175705


The main objective of the study was to find out students liking regarding the various audio visual aids which can improve the lectures in Pharmacology in future in Nepal.This was a cross sectional questionnaire based study was carried out at Manipal College of Medical Sciences, Pokhara, Nepal between January - July 2013. Chi square test were used for analytical purpose. We calculated odds ratios and their 95% confidence intervals (95% CI).P-value < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Questionnaire validation tests showed that the Alpha Cronbach was 0.68. Two eighty two preclinical medical students participated in the study. Two seventy two students completed the questionnaire completely and their responses were evaluated which gives an overall response rate of 96.45%. 52.6% of the students were males and rest were females. Based on the Nationality 41.2% were Indians followed by Nepali 30.1%, Srilankan 25.7% and Maldivian were 2.9%. According to the students the best teaching aids were combination of teaching aids was opted by 61% of the students followed by power point presentation 31.6%, black board 5.9% and dictating notes 1.5%. Most of the students preferred handouts after lectures 56.6% and 43.4% preferred taking notes during lecture classes. Female student preferred taking lecture notes whereas male students preferred taking handouts after the lecture class. It was found that male student has a [OR 4.834, 95% (CI 2.882, 8.109)] more tendency of taking hand outs after the lecture class as compared to taking down notes during lectures. This finding was statistically significant (P<0.05). It is concluded from the study that a combination of different Audio visual aids, viz. blackboard presentation and power point presentation together can improve the lectures and will facilitate the medical student to understand Pharmacology in a better way.

Rev. colomb. psiquiatr ; 41(4): 881-899, oct. 2012. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-675300


Introducción: Algunos estudios han sugerido que el recuerdo potenciado de eventos negativos en personas que presentan trastornos depresivos parece ser un factor importante en la Etiología, curso y sostenimiento de la depresión. Objetivo: Evaluar la memoria emocional en Personas con y sin sintomatología depresiva, mediante una prueba auditivo-visual. Método: Se evaluaron 73 estudiantes universitarios, hombres y mujeres, con edades entre los 18 y 40 años, distribuidos en dos grupos: con sintomatología depresiva (32) y sin sintomatología Depresiva (40), utilizando la Escala del Centro de Estudios Epidemiológicos para Depresión(CES-D) y un punto de corte de 20. Resultados: No se encontraron diferencias significativas Entre el recuerdo libre de los voluntarios con y sin sintomatología depresiva, a pesar de que Ambos asignaron un valor emocional más alto a la versión emocional de la prueba auditivo-Visual y de asociarla a la emoción de tristeza. Conclusión: Las personas con sintomatología Depresiva no presentaron el efecto de potenciación mnemónica generalmente asociado al Contenido de la versión emocional de la prueba; por lo tanto, no se comprobó la hipótesis De congruencia emocional...

Introduction: Some studies have suggested that potentiated remembrance of negative events on people with depressive disorders seems to be an important factor in the etiology, course and maintenance of depression. Objective: Evaluate the emotional memory in people with and without depressive symptomatology by means of an audio-visual test. Methodology: 73 university students were evaluated, male and female, between 18 and 40 years old, distributed in two groups: with depressive symptomatology (32) and without depres-sive symptomatology (40), using the Scale from the Center of Epidemiologic Studies for Depression (CES-D, English Abbreviation) and a cutting point of 20. Results: There were not meaningful differences between free and voluntary recalls, with and without depressive symptomatology, in spite of the fact that both groups had granted a higher emotional value to the audio-visual test and that they had associated it with emotional sadness. Conclusion: People with depressive symptomatology did not exhibit the effect of mnemonic potentiation generally associated to the content of the emotional version of the test; therefore, the hypothesis of emotional consistency was not validated...

Dépression , Mémoire
Acimed (Impr.) ; 22(1): 79-90, ene.-mar. 2011.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-617235


Jóvenes y pantallas (televisión, Internet, videoconsolas, dispositivos móviles) man­tienen una intensa y estrecha convivencia. Mientras los padres, profesores y muchos estudiosos piensan que las relaciones que los jóvenes experimentan alre­dedor de las pantallas son básicamente negativas, los propios jóvenes opinan lo contrario. La fenomenología de las pantallas ha colaborado en la construcción de unos escenarios de relación y convivencia, produciendo un nuevo tiempo de ocio, basado en el entorno tecnológico, que acaricia las fronteras de lo presencial y lo virtual. El modo de conocer, pensar, sentir y relacionarse de los jóvenes, cuestiona la función social y educativa de los agentes sociosanitarios y educativos. Entendemos que es urgente la creación de proyectos de alfabetización audiovisual y multimedia que cuenten con los propios menores. Estos escenarios de crecimiento no están exentos de conflictos, entendidos como oportunidad para crecer. Esta ponencia arranca de un breve diagnóstico de la situación, proponiendo unas estrategias de intervención.

The youths and screens (television, Internet, video console, mobile devices) maintain an intensive and close coexistence. Whereas the parents, professors and many specialist consider that relationships that youth show in face of screens are basically negative, the own youth think quite the contrary. Screen phenomenology has leads to the construction of some scenarios of relation and coexistence and has produced a new leisure time very near of the frontiers of eyewitness and the virtual one. The way of to know, think, feel and relate of the youth, questioning the social and teaching function of socio-health and educational agents. We consider that it is urgent the design of audiovisual and multimedia literacy taking into account the criterion of the own youth. These growth scenarios are not free from conflicts, considered as the chance for growth. Present paper is from as brief diagnosis of the situation and to propose intervention strategies.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-841125


Objective: To study whether the orientation behavior of rats is affected by multi-sensory information. Methods: SD rats were randomly divided into 2 groups: the audio-visual integration group and pure audio group. The orientation behaviors of rats were observed after given single modal and multi-modal sensory cues with spatial disparities. Results: We found that when the temporal and spatial audio cues were coincident to a target visual cue, the rats had a markedly reduced reaction time and increased success rate in orientation behaviors; there was an obvious audio-visual integration effect. The integration effect was more obvious when the intensity of target visual cue was weak, with the enhancement efficiency being (87.3 ± 8.5)%, significantly higher than that when the intensity of target visual cue was stronger (27.6%, P< 0.05). Conclusion: Rat auditory-visual integration behaviors also follow the multi-sensory integration rules.

Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-125913


The purpose of this study was to identify the effect on improvement of the Activity of Daily Living (ADL) and decrease the cognitive function and agitation behaviors by reminiscence with audio-visual stimulation for senile dementia. The quasi-experimental design was used in this study. Subjects were 26 with mild senile dementia who were cared for at a Day Care Center for Dementia in Seoul. The data were collected from March to July, 1999. Subjects were divided into three groups: Control I group with 10 subjects, reminiscence group(Control II group with 8 subjects), and reminiscence with audio-visual stimulation group(experimental group with 8 subjects). The Control I group got routine care as usual. Control II group participated in reminiscence sessions for one hour a day, five times a week , for a period of 4 weeks. The experimental group participated in reminiscence with audio-visual stimulation sessions for one hour a day, five times a week, for a period of 4 weeks. Instruments of this study were color photography with sound that was developed through an open questionnaire about events, objects, humans in action and animals that 100 Korean elderly over 60 would like to memorize. This was referred from the Sensory Stimuli Package by Namazi and Haynes(1994). The effects of treatment was evaluated through MMSE-K by Kwon & Park(1989). Also the Brief Cognitive Rating Scale(BCRS) by Reisberg et al(1983) for the cognitive function, through Agitation Inventory by Cohen- Mansfield and Colleague(1989) for behavioral response and through the Rapid Disability Rating Scale-2(RDRS-2) by Linn & Linn(1982) for the activity of daily living respectively. Data analysis was done using SPSS for X2-test, ANOVA, repeated measures ANOVA. The results were as follows : 1. Reminiscence with audio-visual stimulation did not improve cognitive function for senile dementia, but significantly improved verbal expression, the subscale of cognitive function. 2. Reminiscence with audio-visual stimulation reduced agitation behavior of experimental group significantly, but there was no significant difference between groups. 3. Reminiscence with audio-visual stimulation did not significantly effect the activity of daily living after treatment. In conclusion, it was shown that the reminiscence with audio-visual stimulation was an effective therapy to improve verbal expression and to reduce agitation behaviors of senile dementia. Further research with more indepth approach is needed, considering characteristic and level individualized for each senile dementia.

Sujet âgé , Animaux , Humains , Maladie d'Alzheimer , Soins de jour , Démence , Dihydroergotamine , Photographie (méthode) , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Séoul , Statistiques comme sujet
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-23420


The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of nutrition education at elementary schools. A total of 226 elementary school teachers within Changwon and Milyang city participated in this study . The results of this study are as follows. The average score on a test of nutrition knowledge was 4.40 out of 10, and teachers of Milyang districts type scored significantly higher on nutrition knowledge than teacher of Changwon rural and Milyang rural districts. Only 9.0% of the teachers had nutrition education training. 64.1% of th total had teaching experience in nutrition, 91.0% of that was being taught as a part of physical education and home economics. The information source for nutrition education was mainly guide books and magazine and newspaper articles. Current nutrition education was being taught mainly by lecture(85.0%) but the preferred methods of teaching in nutrition education were small group discussion(44.3%), role-playing(22.9%) and lecture(21.4%). Audio visuals aids were used by 45.5% of the teachers and the most common of them were VTR(43.1%) chart(22.4%) as preferred audio visuals aids of them were VTR(71.9%) adn actual model(14.1%).

Humains , Éducation , Périodique , Périodiques comme sujet , Éducation physique et entraînement physique
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-138517


The study of audio-visual equipments available at Mahidol University was performed at the end of September 1980 by means of a questionnaire answered by 16 units administration. The result shows that there are 81 audio machines (14.3%), 319 projectors (56.2%), 93 TV monitors (16.3%) and 75 screen projector (13.2%). Most of these belonged to the Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital (38.7%), of 18.6% to the Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital. Of this number, 51.8% have been used less than 5 years and 34.8% between 5 and 10 years. 79.2% of the total equipment functions efficiently. Government budget provides 49.1% of all equipment while non-budget funds and other resources provides for 13.2%, 27.3% respectively. The budget for audio-visual equipment varied from year to year (2519-2523), but at lest 3,023,764 baht was allowed. Both medical faculties used most budget and other resources for procorement. It was found that the budget only provided for minimal requirements and there was a lack of skilled personnel. However, the unit administration proposed a solution with establishment of a central service unit which is much more practical and economical.