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Rev. biol. trop ; 72(supl.1): e58882, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559341


Abstract Introduction: Sea urchin aquaculture is a rising industry, and in consequence, there is a need to establish optimal culture parameters to ensure the health of the cultured animals. Objective: To evaluate the bacterial counts in the seawater of sea urchin (Arbacia dufresnii) aquaculture recirculating systems (RAS). Methods: The bacteriological water quality of two RAS containing sea urchins was determined. For approximately two months, weekly water samples were taken. The bacteriological quality was determined by counting total aerobic heterotrophic populations, lactic acid bacteria, enterobacterias and genus Vibrio. Physicochemical parameters were also measured. Results: There was no presence of disease or mortality. Enterobacteria and lactic acid bacteria were not detected from both RAS systems. The number of animals had an important effect on the observed difference in the count of total bacteria and Vibrio spp. In RAS 1 the maximum counts of total bacteria and Vibrio spp. were 2.8 x 105 ± 1.7 x 105 and 1.45 x 105 ± 3.6 x 104 UFC ml-1, respectively. In RAS 2 total bacteria and Vibrio spp. exhibited repetitive behavior over time influenced in part by water exchange and mainly by feeding. The results indicate that periodic water changes ensure a limited growth of bacterial strains as Vibrio and other bacteria. Conclusions: Our results suggests that the bacterial count levels recorded in this study can be used as a threshold or safety limit for Arbacia dufresnii aquaculture.

Resumen Introducción: La acuicultura de erizos de mar es una industria en auge, y en consecuencia, existe la necesidad de establecer los parámetros de cultivo óptimos para garantizar la salud de los animales en cultivo. Objetivo: Evaluar los recuentos bacterianos en el agua de cultivo de los sistemas de recirculación acuícola (RAS) de erizo de mar Arbacia dufresnii. Métodos: Se determinó la calidad bacteriológica del agua de cultivo de dos RAS que contenían erizos de mar. Durante aproximadamente dos meses, se tomaron muestras de agua semanalmente. La calidad bacteriológica se determinó realizando recuento de las poblaciones heterótrofas aerobias totales, bacterias ácido lácticas, enterobacterias y bacterias del género Vibrio. También se midieron parámetros fisicoquímicos. Resultados: No se observaron patologías ni mortalidad. No se detectaron enterobacterias ni bacterias del ácido láctico en ninguno de los sistemas RAS. El número de animales cultivados tuvo un efecto importante en la diferencia observada en el recuento de bacterias totales y Vibrio spp. En el RAS 1 los recuentos máximos de bacterias totales y Vibrio spp. fueron 2.8 x 105 ± 1.7 x 105 y 1.45 x 105 ± 3.6 x 104 UFC ml-1, respectivamente. En RAS 2 los recuentos de bacterias totales y Vibrio spp. exhibieron un comportamiento repetitivo en el tiempo influenciado en parte por el recambio de agua y principalmente por la alimentación. Los resultados indican que los cambios periódicos de agua aseguran un crecimiento limitado de cepas bacterianas como Vibrio y otras bacterias. Conclusiones: Nuestros resultados sugieren que los niveles de recuento bacteriano registrados en este estudio pueden usarse como umbral o límite de seguridad para la acuicultura de Arbacia dufresnii.

Echinoidea , Charge bactérienne/statistiques et données numériques , Recirculation de l'Eau , Techniques bactériologiques , Aquaculture/méthodes
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964748


Aims@#Water is described as safe and wholesome when it is free from pathogenic microorganisms and chemical substances that are hazardous to human health. This study aimed to investigate the microbial quality of water used for drinking, cooking, bathing and other purposes at universities in Nigeria.@*Methodology and results@#Water samples were collected from forty-four storage tanks across four selected universities. Total viable bacteria in the water samples were cultivated using the plate count agar. The isolation of total coliform and Escherichia coli were carried out on Harlequin™ E. coli/coliform agar (HA) medium, while media-faecal coliform was used for faecal coliform employing the membrane filtration technique. Physicochemical parameters such as alkalinity, pH, total alkalinity, total dissolved solid, total suspended solid, electrical conductivity, total hardness, fluoride and chloride ion concentrations, were evaluated in accordance with standard procedures. Data were compared statistically using MedCalc statistical software. Considering the heterotrophic bacterial counts, all water samples were unsatisfactory. For the total coliform counts, 50% of samples were satisfactory but suspicious, while remaining 50% were unsatisfactory. Faecal coliforms results showed that 50% of samples gave excellent quality, 25% showed satisfactory but suspicious quality, while 25% showed unsatisfactory result. There were no significant differences in the total viable, total coliform and E. coli counts of water sampled from universities A and D (p>0.05). The predominant bacterial species was Pseudomonas aeruginosa (23.17%), while the least encountered was Salmonella typhimurium (2.44%). All physicochemical parameters tested were within the acceptable limit.@*Water samples were collected from forty-four storage tanks across four selected universities. Total viable bacteria in the water samples were cultivated using the plate count agar. The isolation of total coliform and Escherichia coli were carried out on Harlequin™ E. coli/coliform agar (HA) medium, while media-faecal coliform was used for faecal coliform employing the membrane filtration technique. Physicochemical parameters such as alkalinity, pH, total alkalinity, total dissolved solid, total suspended solid, electrical conductivity, total hardness, fluoride and chloride ion concentrations, were evaluated in accordance with standard procedures. Data were compared statistically using MedCalc statistical software. Considering the heterotrophic bacterial counts, all water samples were unsatisfactory. For the total coliform counts, 50% of samples were satisfactory but suspicious, while remaining 50% were unsatisfactory. Faecal coliforms results showed that 50% of samples gave excellent quality, 25% showed satisfactory but suspicious quality, while 25% showed unsatisfactory result. There were no significant differences in the total viable, total coliform and E. coli counts of water sampled from universities A and D (p>0.05). The predominant bacterial species was Pseudomonas aeruginosa (23.17%), while the least encountered was Salmonella typhimurium (2.44%). All physicochemical parameters tested were within the acceptable limit.@#This study revealed that the water used by students of studied universities was contaminated with potential bacterial pathogens. However, all physicochemical parameters tested were within the permissible standard limits and satisfied the requirements for domestic utility.

Qualité de l'eau
NOVA publ. cient ; 16(30): 59-63, jul.-dic. 2018. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, BBO, COLNAL | ID: biblio-976288


Resumen Objetivo. Determinar la calidad microbiológica del agua usada en las unidades odontológicas de una clínica universitaria en Bogotá, mediante los indicadores microbiológicos coliformes totales, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus y Pseudomonas. Métodos. Se tomaron muestras de agua de la pieza de mano y de la jeringa triple en 9 unidades odontológicas y tres muestras de los tanques de suministro de agua para un total de 21 muestras. El recuento de microorganismos se realizó mediante la técnica de filtración por membrana. Se aislaron algunos microorganismos presentes en las diferentes muestras a través del kit de pruebas rápidas BBL CRYSTAL. Resultados. El agua no cumple con la Resolución 2115 de 2007 que reglamenta las normas del agua apta para consumo humano. Se aislaron bacterias importantes como Shigella sp. (microorganismo productor de la disentería e indicador de contaminación fecal), Klebsiella y Pseudomonas. Se sugiere implementar medidas correctivas y/o preventivas para minimizar la contaminación y mejorar la calidad del agua usada en estas unidades odontológicas.

Abstract Objectives. To determine the microbiological quality of the water used in dental units of a University Clinic in Bogotá, through the microbiological indicators like total coliforms, Escherichia coli, Enterococcus and Pseudomonas. Methods. Water samples from hand piece and the triple syringe 9 dental units and three samples of tanks for water supply for a total of 21 samples were taken. The microorganism counting was performed by membrane filtration method according to the Standard Methods. Some microorganisms present in different samples were isolated through the BBL CRYSTAL rapid test kit. Results. The water does not comply with the Resolution 2115 2007, which regulates the water suitable for human consumption standards. Important bacteria such as Shigella sp. (producer of dysentery and a fecal pollution indicator organism), Klebsiella and Pseudomonas were isolated. It is suggested to implement corrective or preventive measures to minimize the pollution and improve the quality of the water used in these dental units.

Humains , Odontologie , Microbiologie de l'eau , Qualité de l'eau , Coliformes
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-164800


Background: It is well-appreciated that many communities in developing countries face severe public-health problems relating to drinking-water. The supply of safe water is important to protect the health of the community people. Aim: The study aimed to evaluate the bacteriological quality of drinking water from various active sources of water utilized in the catchment area of a tertiary care teaching hospital. Material and methods: The present cross sectional study was carried out by the Department of Microbiology and Community Medicine, MSDS Medical College, Fatehgarh during 2013-14. Randomly selected 100 active water sources which were being used for drinking purpose and a fairly good number of people using that water source for drinking purpose were included in the study. National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI) guidelines for drinking water quality assessment were adopted. Culture and bacteriological tests of drinking water were performed as per standard protocols. After compilation of collected data, analysis was done using Statistical Package for Social Sciences, version 21 (IBM, Chicago, USA). Results: Out of one hundred water samples collected, fifty one, twenty seven and twenty two samples of water were collected from municipal tap water, government hand pump and water cooler respectively. Almost half of the samples were found to be unsatisfactory. E. coli was found to be responsible for 26% of samples whereas Pseudomonas in 20% of collected samples. E. coli and Klebsiella tested positive with Methyl Red whereas Pseudomonas sp. and Klebsiella tested positive with Citrate test reagent. E. coli showed positive result with Indole reagent whereas Klebsiella tested positive with Urease. Regarding mix population organisms, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella Sp. and Pseudomonas Sp. were found to be positive in 3 samples whereas Klebsiella Sp. and Pseudomonas Sp. were found to be positive only in 1 sample Conclusion: The study highlighted unsafe nature of current active sources in the study area with regard to drinking water purpose which are not fit for consumption of water. Surveillance of water sources and regular bacteriological assessment of all water sources for drinking is recommended on regular basis.

Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-153384


Background: Adequate supply of fresh and clean drinking water is a basic need for all human beings. In terms of public and environmental health, it is essential that water sources be free of pathogenic bacteria and safe to drink. Continuous increase in the sale and indiscriminate consumption of packaged drinking water is of public health significance. In order to safeguard public health it is essential that the available packaged water is of the highest quality. Aims & Objective: The current study was designed to assess the microbial quality of sachet and bottled drinking water sold in retail outlets in Chennai. Materials and Methods: In the present study, fifty one samples including 36 sachet and 15 bottled drinking water samples were analyzed for the presence of bacterial indicators of water quality. Total and faecal coliform count, total viable plate count and culture were performed to determine the identities of the isolates. Results: Of the 36 sachet water samples analysed, 33.3% failed to meet the WHO drinking water standard of zero coliform per 100 ml making them unsuitable for human consumption whereas all the 15 bottled water samples are of better quality. Faecal coliforms were not isolated from any of the sachet or bottled drinking water. The bacteria that were isolated from water samples included Klebsiella pneumonia, Enterobacter aerogenes, Citrobacter freundii, Pseudomonas spp., Acinetobacter spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Coagulase negative Staphylococci, Micrococcus spp. and Bacillus spp. Conclusion: The bottled water samples analyzed are of better microbiological quality when compared to that of the local brands of sachet water samples. The findings therefore suggests that these sachet water are not fit for human consumption and are hazardous to health. Hence there is a need for strict and routine monitoring of the packaged drinking water with the view of raising their standards.

Eng. sanit. ambient ; 19(1): 43-52, Jan-Mar/2014. graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-703067


A presente pesquisa teve por objetivo avaliar os impactos causados na qualidade química e bacteriológica das águas subterrâneas, do aquífero freático da região do bairro Pedra Noventa, em Cuiabá (MT). Para isso, foram selecionados 31 poços do tipo cacimba, distribuídos uniformemente ao longo desse bairro. Os resultados das análises permitiram as seguintes conclusões: 1 - Os parâmetros químicos estudados não apresentaram concentrações muito elevadas, embora o pH, a amônia, o nitrato e o fosfato tenham apresentado concentrações fora dos Valores Máximos Permissíveis para o consumo humano, exigidos pela Portaria 2.914/2011; provavelmente, originam-se das fossas sépticas, que estão disseminadas na região, e de matérias orgânicas em decomposição que caem nos poços abertos. 2 - A concentração dos elementos químicos entre os períodos de estiagem e chuva sofreu alterações em todos os parâmetros avaliados. Isto indica que ocorreram flutuações sazonais na sua qualidade, sendo as concentrações maiores na época da chuva e menores na época de estiagem, provavelmente pelo fato de os processos de lixiviação serem mais intensos que os processos de diluição. 3 - As análises bacteriológicas (coliformes totais e Escherichia coli) apresentaram concentrações acima dos Valores Máximos Permissíveis para o consumo humano, provavelmente graças às fossas sépticas intensamente distribuídas na região. 4 - As alterações provocadas nas águas subterrâneas do aquífero freático provavelmente se devem à falta de saneamento básico da região.

This study aimed to assess the impacts on the bacteriological and chemical quality of groundwater, the water table aquifer in the area Neighborhood Ninety Stone in Cuiaba (MT). For this, we selected 31 wells venly distributed throughout this neighborhood. The analysis results led to the following conclusions: 1 - Chemical parameters studied did not show very high concentrations, although the pH, ammonia, nitrate and phosphate have showed concentrations outside the Permissible Maximum Values for human consumption, required by Ordinance 2.914/2011; probably originate from septic tanks, which are widespread in the region and decomposing organic matter falling in open wells. 2 - Concentration of chemical elements between periods of drought and rain changed in all parameters evaluated. This indicates that there were seasonal fluctuations in quality, with the largest concentrations in the rainy season and lower in the dry season, probably due to leaching processes are more intense than the processes of dilution. 3 - The bacteriological analyzes (total coliforms and Escherichia coli) had concentrations above the Maximum Allowable Values for human consumption, probably due to septic tanks intensely distributed in the region. 4 - Changes in groundwater probably are due to lack of sanitation in the region.

Rev. cuba. hig. epidemiol ; 50(2): 163-168, Mayo-ago. 2012.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-654511


Guatavita es un municipio ubicado en el Departamento de Cundinamarca, Colombia. Posee recursos hídricos como ríos, quebradas, lagunas y nacimientos, que representan un alto porcentaje del agua con que se abastece. El municipio tiene 16 acueductos en funcionamiento, pero solo el que abastece a la población de la zona urbana cuenta con un sistema de tratamiento de agua. En la zona rural existen 14 acueductos con un sistema básico de pretratamiento. Se analizó la calidad bacteriológica del agua de consumo humano de la zona urbana y rural (veredas Corales, Potrero Largo y Carbonera Alta), por medio de los indicadores de contaminación: coliformes totales y Escherichia coli, mediante la técnica de filtración por membrana. El agua de consumo humano de la zona urbana cumplió con los parámetros establecidos en la Resolución 2115 de 2007 del Ministerio de Protección Social, contrario a la zona rural, donde se encontraron recuentos de los indicadores de contaminación fecal, superiores a lo establecido. Por lo tanto, este recurso debe ser considerado como "agua natural", no apta para consumo humano, según el Decreto 1594 de 1984, por lo que debe ser destinada para potabilización bajo un tratamiento convencional.

Guatavita is a municipality in the department of Cundinamarca, Colombia. Guatavita has water resources such as rivers, streams, lakes and springs, which provide a large proportion of the water consumed by the population. Sixteen water supply systems are in operation, but only the one supplying the urban area is equipped with water treatment facilities. In the rural area there are 14 aqueducts with a basic pretreatment system. An analysis was made of the bacteriological quality of the water for human consumption in urban and rural areas (districts of Corales, Potrero Largo and Carbonera Alta) based on two contamination indicators: total coliforms and Escherichia coli, using membrane filtration technique. The water for human consumption in the urban area complied with the parameters contained in Resolution 2115/2007 of the Ministry of Social Protection. In the rural area, however, fecal contamination indicators were above the established limits. Therefore, this resource should be viewed as "natural water" not suitable for human consumption, according to Decree 1594/1984, and destined for potabilization by conventional treatment.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627036


Aims: Continuous increase in the sale and indiscriminate consumption of packaged drinking waters in Nigeria is of public health significance. In order to safe guard public health, it is essential that the available packaged water is of the highest quality. This study was carried out to evaluate the bacteriological quality of packaged water on sale in Owerri metropolis, Imo State of Nigeria. Methodology and Results: From 30 registered sachet water factories, 8 samples each was purchased randomly fifteen of the brands of sachet water all over Owerri metropolis in Imo State, Southeastern Nigeria. These were analyzed for presence of bacterial indicators of water quality. Four weeks later, a second batch of the samples was collected from other brands. A mean plate counts was taken and the organisms from each water sample identified using standard procedures. The results showed that 11 (73.3%) sachet water brands had growths of pathogenic organisms in the first batch while 10 (66.6%) had growth in the second batch. The isolates were identified to be Klebsilla spp., Serratia spp., Proteus spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Chromobacterium spp. The study showed that Klebsiella pneumoniae [7(29.2%)] was the most predominant. This was closely followed by Serratia spp. [6(25.0%)] and Proteus mirabilis [6(25.0%)]. Pseudomonas aeruginosa [3(12.5%)] and Chromobacterium spp. [2(8.3%)] was least predominant. Mean total heterotrophic bacteria plate counts (HPC) per millilitre ranged from 0.0 to 6.0 x 102 CFU/mL at 22 °C and 0.0 to 7.0 x 102 CFU/mL at 37 °C (first batch) and 0.0 to 5.0 x 102 CFU/mL at 22 °C and 0.0 to 10.0 x 102 CFU/mL at 37 °C for the second batch. Thus they fell below the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water standard of 100 HPC per millilitre of water. Bacteriological examination of different brands of sachet water samples collected from different locations showed that only Vince water and Akudo table water was found to be safe for drinking while the other brands of sachet water from mobile vendors in Owerri metropolis was not potable. Conclusion, Significance and Impact of study: Hence, the bacteriological quality of some of the brands of sachet water on sale in Owerri was of poor quality index. The study suggests that sachet water could be a route of transmission of enteric pathogens among the populace. In order to safe guard public health, highest quality brands of sachet water is therefore advocated.

Acta odontol. venez ; 49(1)2011. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-678867


Se evaluó la calidad bacteriológica del agua de 8 clínicas de una institución de salud pública (ISSSTE) de 2 zonas de la ciudad de México, determinándose coliformes fecales y coliformes totales, por medio de la técnica de filtro de membrana, realizándose en 2 diferentes periodos y 3 puntos de muestreo (jeringa triple, llena vasos y suministro) en 9 unidades dentales. De las 8 clínicas analizadas 7 presentaron contaminación bacteriana. Perteneciendo 4 a la zona norte y 3 a la zona sur. El problema de la contaminación en la zona norte se debe principalmente a la mala calidad del agua de suministro la cual en esta zona provenía en su mayoría de las botellas del sistema abastecedor de agua. La otra causa de contaminación se debió a la deficiente o nula desinfección de la jeringa triple. En la zona sur 3 de las 4 clínicas en general presentaron baja contaminación bacteriana solo en el primer periodo, lo cual se puede atribuir a la mejor calidad del agua proveniente de los suministros. Se concluye que los factores determinantes de la presencia de contaminación bacteriana en el agua utilizada en las unidades dentales de ambas zonas fueron: la calidad del agua de suministro y la inadecuada desinfección de la jeringa triple. Mantener una buena calidad de agua en las unidades dentales es muy importante, pues el líquido entra directamente en contacto con la mucosa de cavidad oral, estructuras dentarias, sangre y saliva del paciente, evitando procesos infecciosos que podrían poner en riesgo su salud integral

It was assessed the bacteriological quality of water in 8 clinics of a public health institution (ISSSTE) in 2 areas of Mexico City, determined fecal coliform and total coliform, by means of the technique of membrane filter. There were made 2 different periods and 3 sampling points (syringe triple, flood glasses and supply) in 9 dental units. Of the 8 clinics analyzed 7 presented bacterial pollution. 4 Belonged to the north and 3 to the south zone. The problem of pollution in the north zone is mainly due to the poor water quality of supply which in this area came mostly from the bottles of the flush system. The other source of pollution was due to the poor or non-existent disinfection of the triple syringe. In the south zone in general 3 of 4 clinics presented low bacterial pollution only in the first period, which can be attributed to the better quality of water from the supplies. It concludes that the determining factors in the presence of bacterial pollution in water used in dental units of both areas were: the quality of water supply and inadequate disinfection of the triple syringe. Maintain a good water quality in dental units is very important, because liquid makes direct contact with the mucous membrane of oral cavity, dental structures, blood and saliva of the patient, avoiding infectious processes that could put in risk their integral health

Pollution de l'eau/analyse , Cabinets dentaires , Santé publique