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Physis (Rio J.) ; 33: e33089, 2023. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529163


Resumen La autonomía alimentaria permite a las comunidades determinar sus prácticas alimentarias, comenzando con la producción agrícola en sus territorios garantizando la economía propia y la armonía con la madre tierra, en este contexto, la pandemia por COVID-19 generó cambios en las practicas sociales en las comunidades indígenas, incluidas sus prácticas alimentarias. Objetivo: Describir prácticas de autonomía alimentaria revitalizadas a partir del confinamiento por COVID-19 en una comunidad indígena Nasa del sur de Colombia. Método: Estudio cualitativo orientado en investigación participativa basada en comunidad (CBPR) realizado en una comunidad indígena Nasa del sur de Colombia. La recolección e interpretación de información se efectuó con técnicas de la investigación cualitativa: codificación abierta y axial y hasta llegar a la descripción de categorías emergentes. Resultados: Se fortalecieron prácticas ancestrales del sistema alimentario para mejorar el acceso a los alimentos sanos producidos en sus territorios, dentro de las que se destacan: tul (huerta familiar), trueque, mano-cambio, mercado Nasa y recetas tradicionales. Conclusiones: El confinamiento representó una oportunidad para retomar y revitalizar las prácticas alimentarias ancestrales de la comunidad que respondieron a necesidades concretas de salud y de alimentación, fortaleciendo el tejido social y la identidad indígena, acciones que pueden trascender a políticas públicas, planes de vida y aspiraciones de buen vivir.

Abstract Food autonomy allows communities to determine their food practices, starting with agricultural production in their territories, guaranteeing their own economy and harmony with Mother Earth. In this context, the COVID-19 pandemic generated changes in social practices in the communities. indigenous communities, including their food practices. Objective: Describe food autonomy practices revitalized following the COVID-19 confinement in a Nasa indigenous community in southern Colombia. Method: Qualitative study oriented on community-based participatory research (CBPR) carried out in a Nasa indigenous community in southern Colombia. The collection and interpretation of information was carried out with qualitative research techniques: open and axial coding and until reaching the description of emerging categories. Results: Ancestral practices of the food system were strengthened to improve access to healthy foods produced in their territories, among which the following stand out: tul (family garden), barter, hand-exchange, Nasa market and traditional recipes. Conclusions: Confinement represented an opportunity to resume and revitalize the community's ancestral food practices that responded to specific health and food needs, strengthening the social fabric and indigenous identity, actions that can transcend public policies, life plans and aspirations for a good life.

Abstract A autonomia alimentar permite que as comunidades determinem suas práticas alimentares, começando pela produção agrícola em seus territórios, garantindo sua própria economia e harmonia com a Mãe Terra. Nesse contexto, a pandemia da Covid-19 gerou mudanças nas práticas sociais nas comunidades indígenas, incluindo suas práticas alimentares. Objetivo: Descrever as práticas de autonomia alimentar revitalizadas após o confinamento da COVID-19 em uma comunidade indígena Nasa no sul da Colômbia. Método: Estudo qualitativo orientado à pesquisa participativa de base comunitária (CBPR) realizada em uma comunidade indígena Nasa no sul da Colômbia. A coleta e interpretação das informações foram realizadas com técnicas de pesquisa qualitativa: codificação aberta e axial e até chegar à descrição das categorias emergentes. Resultados: As práticas ancestrais do sistema alimentar foram fortalecidas para melhorar o acesso aos alimentos saudáveis produzidos em seus territórios, entre os quais se destacam: tul (horta familiar), escambo, troca de mãos, mercado Nasa e receitas tradicionais. Conclusões: O confinamento representou uma oportunidade para retomar e revitalizar as práticas alimentares ancestrais da comunidade que respondiam às necessidades específicas de saúde e alimentação, fortalecendo o tecido social e a identidade indígena, ações que podem transcender as políticas públicas, os planos de vida e as aspirações por uma vida boa.

Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 55(supl.1): 1s-11s, 2021. tab, graf
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1352203


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To estimate the lowest cost of a healthy and culturally acceptable diet and to assess the evolution of its cost in the periods 2008-2009 and 2017-2018. METHODS We used data on the individual food consumption and food prices from the Pesquisas de Orçamentos Familiares (Household Budget Surveys), in the 2008-2009 and 2017-2018. The sample strata of each period were aggregated, forming 108 new strata with geographic and economic homogeneity. Linear programming models generated diets for each new stratum, considering the constraints in two models: model 1 (≥ 400g of fruits and vegetables); and model 2 (≥ 400g of fruits and vegetables, < 2300mg of sodium, sodium/potassium ratio < 1, ≥ 500mg of calcium). Each food could progressively deviate 5g from the observed consumption averages until the models found a solution in each of the strata. The objective function was to minimize the total cost of the diet. RESULTS The average observed and optimized costs were R$4.96, R$4.62 (model 1) and R$5.08 (model 2) in 2008-2009, and R$9.18, R$8.69 and R$9.87 in 2017-2018. Models 1 and 2 resulted in an increase of up to 6% and 11% in 2008-2009, and of up to 25% and 34% in 2017-2018 in the lowest income strata. The main changes observed in the two models include the reduction in the amounts of sweetened beverages, sweets, sauces, ready-to-eat foods, and an increase in fruits and vegetables, flour, and tubers. CONCLUSION The adequate amount of fruits and vegetables resulted in an increase in costs to some population strata. When the adequacy of calcium, sodium, and potassium was considered, we observed a more significant increase in cost, especially in 2017-2018.

RESUMO OBJETIVO Estimar o menor custo de uma alimentação saudável e culturalmente aceitável e avaliar a evolução de seu custo nos períodos de 2008-2009 e 2017-2018. MÉTODOS Foram utilizados dados de consumo individual dos módulos de consumo alimentar das Pesquisas de Orçamentos Familiares de 2008-2009 e 2017-2018. Os preços dos alimentos foram obtidos do módulo de caderneta de despesa das respectivas pesquisas. Os estratos amostrais de cada período foram reagrupados, formando 108 novos estratos com homogeneidade geográfica e econômica. Modelos de programação linear foram elaborados para gerar dietas para cada novo estrato, considerando as restrições do modelo 1 (≥ 400g de frutas e hortaliças) e modelo 2 (≥ 400g de frutas e hortaliças, < 2300mg de sódio, relação sódio/potássio < 1, ≥ 500mg de cálcio). Cada alimento das dietas observadas poderia desviar progressivamente em 5g a partir das médias de consumo observadas até que os modelos encontrassem uma solução em cada um dos estratos. A função objetivo foi de minimizar o custo total da dieta. RESULTADOS Os custos médios observados e otimizados foram de R$4,96, R$4,62 (modelo 1) e R$5,08 (modelo 2) em 2008-2009 e de R$9,18, R$8,69 e R$9,87 em 2017 -2018. Nos modelos 1 e 2 ocorreram incrementos de até 6% e 11% em 2008-2009 e de até 25% e 34% em 2017-2018 na menor faixa de renda. As principais modificações observadas nos dois modelos incluem a redução nas quantidades de bebidas adoçadas, doces, molhos, alimentos prontos para consumo e aumento de frutas e hortaliças, farinhas e tubérculos. CONCLUSÃO A adequação da quantidade de frutas e hortaliças acarretou aumento no custo para parte da população. Quando a adequação de cálcio, sódio e potássio foram consideradas, ocorreu um aumento mais expressivo no custo, especialmente em 2017-2018.

Humains , Ration calorique , Régime alimentaire , Programmation linéaire , Légumes , Brésil , Fruit
Poblac. salud mesoam ; 18(1)dic. 2020.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386901


Resumen: Introducción: La canasta básica alimentaria (CBA) es un conjunto de alimentos y bebidas, que se elabora a partir del consumo reportado por los costarricenses y considera tres criterios fundamentales: universalidad, aporte energético y porcentaje del gasto. Objetivo: Identificar la congruencia de la estructura de la CBA actual, con el derecho humano a la alimentación de la población costarricense. Metodología: A partir de la estructura de la CBA urbana actual, se compararon las cantidades de alimentos allí sugeridas con las recomendaciones de las Guías Alimentarias para Costa Rica. Se comparó el perfil de energía y nutrientes contra las recomendaciones dietéticas diarias. Se realizó una recreación de las cantidades de alimentos de la CBA para un día. Se realizaron modificaciones para una CBA sugerida con un mejor perfil nutricional y se costeó para comparar el costo de la CBA sugerida con la CBA actual. Resultados y discusión: Se incorporan en la CBA sugerida 21 alimentos, se eliminan seis, se aumenta la cantidad sugerida de dos y se disminuye la cantidad sugerida de uno. Se logra con ello aumentar el aporte de fibra dietética, calcio, magnesio, potasio, zinc, vitaminas C, E y K y reducir la cantidad de azúcar total, azúcar agregada, sodio y colesterol. Con estos cambios, el costo de la CBA sugerida se reduce ligeramente Conclusiones: Se necesita contemplar en la CBA otros aspectos nutricionales, además del aporte energético de los alimentos, como el aporte de los micronutrientes, los cuales son esenciales para la prevención y el tratamiento de enfermedades crónico-degenerativas, que son uno de los principales problemas de salud que aqueja la población en la actualidad. Por lo tanto, la CBA debe ser replanteada para ofrecer un mínimo alimentario congruente, de manera que se estimule y favorezca una alimentación balanceada, variada y adecuada para las necesidades nutricionales de la población en Costa Rica

Abstract: Introduction: The Basic Food Basket (CBA) consists of a list of foods and beverages that represent current food habits in Costa Rica. Criteria for including an item in the CBA are universality, energy and protein contribution and percentage of total expenditure on food. The objective of this study is to demonstrate that the inclusion of nutritional criteria can improve the structure of the current CBA, without increasing cost and contribute to a greater congruence with the human right to food. Methodology: The quantities of foods included in the current urban CBA were compared with the Food Guideline recommendations and the nutritional content of foods in the CBA was compared with the daily nutrient recommendations. Suggested modifications were made so that the CBA has a better nutritional profile and its cost calculated to see the impact at the economic level. A recreation of the amounts of CBA food for one day was performed. Results and discussion: 21 additional foods were incorporated into the suggested CBA, six were eliminated, two foods were increased in quantity and in one quantity was decreased. It is possible to increase the contribution of dietary fiber, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, vitamins C, E and K and reduce the contribution of total sugar, added sugar, sodium and cholesterol without increasing cost; in fact the cost of the modified CBA is slightly reduced. Conclusions: It is possible to include additional nutritional criteria such as micronutrient content in the formulation of the CBA without increasing cost. The structure of the CBA should be reviewed to offer a more adequate, balanced, and varied diet that responds to the current nutritional needs of the population in Costa Rica.

Humains , Programmes et Politiques en Nutrition , Alimentation et nutrition , Accès à des aliments sains , Costa Rica
Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 37(169): 18-26, oct.-dic. 2019.
Article de Espagnol | BINACIS, UNISALUD, LILACS | ID: biblio-1100616


Introducción: la población argentina exhibe una elevada prevalencia de enfermedad celíaca (1/100) y la alimentación es su único tratamiento, por ende, el costo de la dieta es un factor clave para la adherencia. Objetivos: calcular el costo diferencial de la dieta de una mujer adulta celíaca vs. no celíaca basado en la Canasta Básica de Alimentos (CBA) y en el patrón alimentario propuesto por las Guías Alimentarias para la Población Argentina (GAPA). Estimar la proporción que representa en base al Salario Mínimo Vital y Móvil (SMVM) en ambos casos. Materiales y método: se tomaron alimentos trazadores extraídos de la plataforma digital de un hipermercado durante el mes de septiembre y diciembre del 2018 para realizar los cálculos de costo de la dieta, considerando los alimentos de más bajo precio. Resultados: el costo de la alimentación propuesta por las GAPA arrojó una diferencia de un 55,27% superior para la población celíaca (+ $1410,08) para septiembre y de un 48,60% (+ $1537,63) para el mes de diciembre. El costo mensual representó un incremento de 13,18% del SMVM para septiembre y de 13,61% para diciembre para la población celíaca. Tomando la CBA, el costo diferencial de la dieta mensual fue mayor (89,27% más cara, equivalente a 1182,76 pesos más) para el mes de septiembre, y 46,81% que equivalen a $886,10 para diciembre. Representó un incremento de 11,06% del SMVM para septiembre y de 7,84% para diciembre. Conclusiones: la alimentación para una mujer adulta celíaca representa un costo mayor que para una mujer adulta no celíaca en la CABA. Este es uno de los factores que contribuye a la no adherencia al tratamiento de la enfermedad, siendo la alimentación la única estrategia para tratarla(AU).

Introduction: Argentinian population exhibits a high prevalence of celiac disease (1/100) and feeding is the only treatment; therefore, the cost of diet is a key factor for adherence. Objectives: to calculate the differential cost of the diet of an adult celiac woman vs. non-celiac one, based on the Basic Food Basket (BFB) and on the dietary pattern proposed by the Dietary Guidelines for the Argentine Population (GAPA). Estimate the proportion that represents based on the Minimum Living Wage (MLW) in both cases. Materials and method: tracers extracted from the digital platform of an hypermarket were taken during September and December 2018 to calculate the cost of the diet, considering the lowest-priced foods. Results: the cost of food proposed by GAPA showed a difference of 55.27% higher for the celiac population ($ 1410.08 more) in September and of 48.60% ($ 1537.63 more) in December. The monthly cost represented an increase of 13.18% for the MLW in September and 13.61% in December for the celiac population. Taking the BFB, the differential cost of the monthly diet was higher (89.27% more expensive, equivalent to 1182.76 pesos more) in September, and 46.81%, equivalent to $ 886.10, in December. It represented an increase of 11.06% for the MLW in September and of 7.84% in December. Conclusions: the food for a celiac adult woman is higher than for a nonceliac adult woman in CABA. This is one of the factors that contributes to non-adherence to the treatment of the disease; food being the only strategy to treat it(AU).

Maladie coeliaque , Coûts et analyse des coûts , Aliments
Rev. bras. geriatr. gerontol ; 15(3): 469-480, jul.-set. 2012. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-653669


A garantia de acesso em quantidade, qualidade e regularidade aos alimentos é direito constitucional e humano. Em função disso, os programas públicos de segurança alimentar procuram focar suas ações nas populações de maior vulnerabilidade social. Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar a contribuição energética e de macronutrientes da composição da cesta básica diet, oferecida pelo Programa Cidadania Alimentar (PCA) da cidade de Canoas-RS, ao estado nutricional dos idosos diabéticos. Para tanto, foi realizado estudo descritivo incluindo os 163 idosos diabéticos, de ambos os sexos, cadastrados no PCA que receberam o benefício da cesta básica diet. Constatou-se que 76,1% dos inscritos são do sexo feminino e 68,1% apresentaram classificação do índice de massa corporal (IMC) >27kg/m², indicando excesso de peso. A composição da cesta básica diet fornecida pelo PCA contemplou a média de 924,4 kcal/dia, distribuída em 54,2% de carboidratos, 13,4% de proteínas e 32,5% de gorduras. Os resultados mostraram boa adequação energética da cesta básica diet quando considerada a necessidade energética estimada (NEE) recomendada para os idosos. No entanto, sugere-se uma reavaliação do programa para que ele possa atuar em ações promotoras de saúde frente aos resultados do IMC encontrados nessa população.

Ensuring access in quantity, quality and regularity to foods is a constitutional and human right. As a result, public food safety programs seek to focus their efforts on the most socially vulnerable populations. The main objective of this work was to investigate the energetic contribution and macronutrients composition for the diet food basket offered by Programa Cidadania Alimentar (PCA) from the city of Canoas to the nutritional state of diabetic elders. A descriptive study was conducted, including 163 diabetic elderly of both genders enrolled in PCA, who received the benefit of a diet package food. It was perceived that 76.1% of the enrolled participants are female, 68.1% showed body mass index (BMI) classification of >27kg/m², indicating overweight. The diet food basket composition supplied by the PCA includes the average of 924.4 kcal/day, distributed in 54.2% of carbohydrates, 13.4% of proteins and 32.5% of fats. The results showed good energetic adequacy of a diet food basket when the estimate energy requirements (ERR) for elders is taken into account. However it is suggested a program reevaluation in order to promote health acts considering BMI found in this population.

Diaeta (B. Aires) ; 28(131): 32-34, abr.-jun. 2010.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-562367


En abril de 2009 se conformó en la Asociación Argentina de Dietistas y Nutricionistas Dietistas el Grupo de Estudio sobre Soberanía Alimentaria, constituido por un grupo de licenciadosen nutrición con interés en el tema. Como primer objetivo, el Grupo se propuso estudiar tres temas: “el Derecho a laAlimentación”, “la Producción y Disponibilidad de alimentos enArgentina” y “la Canasta Básica de Alimentos”. En el presente artículo se expone un resumen de los avances en el tercer tema mencionado.

In April 2009, the Argentina Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists-Dietitians formed the Study Group on FoodSovereignty, made up of graduates in Nutrition having an interest in the subject. As a first objective, the Group decidedto study three subjects: "The Right to Food", "Production and Availability of Food in Argentina" and "Basic Food Basket." This article is a summary of the progress made on the third subject mentioned.

Aliments , Consommation alimentaire , Approvisionnement en nourriture
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-172180


The purpose of this study was to fad the specific character of menu patterns by sex, age and health risk of subjects for the basic data of a nutrition education program. The dietary intake of the subjects was investigated by the 24-hour recall method. Subjects consisted of male 94, female 394, total 488. To analyze patterns, dishes were classified into major staple foods ; kimchi, soup and side dishes and also classified into 24 categories by the cooking method. For the men, a frequently served pattern was cooked rice + soup + kimchi. For the women, the pattern was also cooked rice + soup + kimchi. For the 20-49 year olds and the 50-64 year olds, frequently served patterns were cooked rice + soup + kimchi > noodle + kimchi. For the 65-74 year olds, those patterns were cooked rice + stew > cooked rice + kimchi. For the normal group and the risk group, the frequently served pattern was cooked rice + soup + kimchi. The most used menu pattern by the number of dishes was cooked rice + soup + kimchi in the male, female, normal group and risk group. For the 20-49 year olds, the pattern was cooked rice + soup + kimchi and noodle + kimchi. For the 50-64 year olds, it was cooked rice + soup + kimchi. For the 65-74 years old, it was cooked rice + stew. The result of analyzing patterns for the most used main staple food was cooked rice in all groups. The results of analyzing patterns, with those considered basic food, cooked rice, soup and stew, showed that frequently served patterns were cooked rice + soup > cooked rice > cooked rice + stew in all groups. With these results, we can summarize that the menu patterns of people in Kangbukgu was the younger, the more non-traditional. Also, the normal group had more various patterns than those of the risk group. Thus, we need further research about menu patterns to provide adequate nutrition education.

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Cuisine (activité) , Éducation , Flavine adénine dinucléotide