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Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-618878


The General Rules of the Civil Law of the People′s Republic of China(hereinafter the General Rules)shall officially come into effect as of July 1 of 2017.In this consideration,the paper probed into the legal attributes of the doctor-patient relationship in China in view of the relationship management in line with the General Rules.Also analyzed are the basic principles to be observed by both parties as regulated by the General Rules and patient rights protection.These efforts aim at elevating China′s medical service,protecting legitimate rights of both parties,and encourage a healthy and harmonious doctor-patient relationship.

Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 33(1): 79-84, ene.-mar. 2016.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-782666


Resumen:El código penal costarricense admite la posibilidad de eximir de responsabilidad penal a los individuos que presentan algún trastorno mental en el momento del acto delictivo. La psiquiatría forense tiene como uno de usus fines determinar el grado de imputabilidad de todo sujeto a quien se le presuma afectado de enfermedad psíquica. La intervención es objetiva y esto se consigue a través de la entrevista y el examen del estado mental del sujeto. Durante el interrogatorio se evalúa la conciencia, la lucidez, el raciocinio, el jucio y la impulsividad. Se han determinado enfermedades que se excluyen de responsabilidad penal total o parcial como la esquizofrena, la paranoia en forma de delirio y la epilepsia en sus diferentes variables. Asimismo, se hace referencia al trastorno mental transitorio (TMT) que se da cuando el curso de la alteración implica un estado de recuperación de las facultades mentales superiores y el acusado puede retornar a una condición de normalidad psíquica.

Abstract:Costa Rica's penal code allows the possibility of exempting from criminal responsibility to individuals who have a mental disorder at the time of the criminal act. Forensic psychiatry aims to determine the degree of accountability of every person who is presumed will be affected by mental illness. The intervention is objective and this is achieved through the interview and mental exam. At the examination, the professional has to evaluate consciousness, lucidity, reasoning, judgment and impulsiveness. There are certain diseases that are excluded from total or partial criminal liability as different variables of schizophrenia, paranoia, delirium and epilepsy. In addition, referring to transient mental disorder (TMD), it occurs when the course of the alteration involves a recovery state of the mental faculties and the person can return to a normal mental condition.

Psychiatrie légale , Imputabilité , Troubles mentaux
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 38(1): 61-64, Jan.-Mar. 2016.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-776492


The Brazilian Civil Code, which came into force in 2002, established a functional criterion for guardianship proceedings and introduced the concept of “limited guardianship,” applied to cases in which incapacity to exercise civil rights is partial. With population aging and the growth in the number of older people with cognitive impairments, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the need to invoke legal remedies against elder abuse increased; however, difficulties in assessing capacity still lead to a majority of decisions in favor of plenary guardianship. The present article compiled data on capacity in AD subjects. The varying degrees of decision-making impairment at different stages of AD might be compatible with limited guardianship in milder cases of the disease.

Humains , Maladie d'Alzheimer/psychologie , Tuteurs légaux/législation et jurisprudence , Brésil , Droits civiques/législation et jurisprudence , Capacité mentale/législation et jurisprudence , Prise de décision , Maladie d'Alzheimer/classification
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624252


From the point of view of law and taking the non-full civil capacity patients as the object,this paper introduces the connotation and type of such patients in detail,and the specialization of the status,contents and forms of communication as the main body of doctor-patient communication,and make related study on the significance and problems of such special communication,hoping to put forward a new idea,which is helpful for the further theory and practice study on doctor-patient communication,and build a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients.

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