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African Health Sciences ; 22(3): 13-23, 2022-10-26. Figures, Tables
Article Dans Anglais | AIM | ID: biblio-1400767


Objectives: Assess the prevalence and associated factors of sexual coercion at sexual debut among young females in rural areas of Boset district, Oromia Region, Eastern Ethiopia. Methods: Cross-sectional community-based study design was conducted using both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods. A sample of 632 young females aged 10-24 years was taken from six rural Kebeles by systematic random sampling for quantitative and data were collected using a pre-tested structured questionnaire. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS version 23. Principally Binary Logistic regression model was fitted. Moreover, eight focus group discussions targeting different groups were held and analyzed thematically. Results: The prevalence of sexual coercion at sexual debut was 36.5% (95%CI: 34.6%- 38.4%) among sexually active respondents. Married young female (AOR, 0.71; 95%CI: 0.42, 0.81), living away from their parents (AOR, 5.07; 95%CI: 1.07,24.01), age group of 15- 19 years (AOR, 0.19; 95%CI: 0. 06, 0.54), alcohol consumption (AOR, 2.44; 95%CI: 1.17, 5.08) and Khat chewing (AOR, 8.30; 95%CI: 1.89, 36.38) were factors predicting the likelihood of having sexual coercion at sexual debut. Conclusion: Sexual coercion at sexual debut is a major public health problem among young females in the study community. The emerging program interventions need to take this problem into consideration

Coercition , Coït , Sexualité , Jeune adulte , Population rurale , Éthiopie
Salud ment ; 38(1): 27-32, ene.-feb. 2015. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-747776


La violencia sexual es el logro de actos sexuales mediante coerción, intimidación, chantaje, lesiones o amenazas de daño físico y varía desde acercamientos hasta la violación. Involucra algún tipo de persuasión para que se den intercambios sexuales no consensuados y acontece con mayor frecuencia en relaciones de cortejo, noviazgo o románticas. El objetivo de este trabajo es medir la asociación entre las actitudes sexuales y la aceptación de los mitos de violación con la coerción sexual en una muestra de jóvenes universitarios y hacer una comparación por sexo y grupos de edad. La muestra del estudio fue no aleatoria e incluyó a 630 estudiantes universitarios. El 51% de la muestra reportó experiencias de coerción sexual; los hombres la ejercieron casi tres veces más (71.1%) que las mujeres (28.9%). Las mujeres que ejercieron coerción reportaron una actitud sexual menos tradicional que los hombres (F= 21.413, p<.001) y las que la sufrieron aceptaron más la permisividad (F=37.432, p<.001). Los hombres que sufrieron coerción culpabilizaron más a las víctimas de violación que las mujeres (F=10.603, p=.001); esto mismo se observó en el grupo de 17-20 años de edad (F=9.841, p=.002). El ejercicio de coerción por parte de las mujeres tiene un carácter paradójico en cuanto al rol de género. En los sujetos existe una dificultad para negociar un encuentro sexual seguro o consensuado; las mujeres que reportaron mayor permisibilidad sexual mostraron una mayor propensión a involucrarse en relaciones sexuales no planificadas y ser más vulnerables a la coerción. Es importante hacer esfuerzos para erradicar las creencias que sostienen que los comportamientos sexuales abusivos en las relaciones erótico-afectivas son normales o naturales.

Sexual violence occurs when an individual obtains sexual interaction through coercion, intimidation, blackmail, lesions or threats of physical harm. It ranges from slight approaches to rape, and involves some kind of persuasion to obtaining unwanted sexual interactions; it happens more often in dating relationships. The aim of this paper is to measure the association of sexual attitudes and the acceptance of rape myths with sexual coercion in a sample of college students, and compare these variables by sex and age. The sample was non-probabilistic and included 630 students (51% had experiences of sexual coercion); 71% of men reported practicing sexual coercion. Women who practiced sexual coercion had a less traditional sexual attitude than men (F= 21.413, p<.001), and women who faced sexual coercion had a more permissive attitude in sexual interactions (F=37.432, p<.001). Men who faced sexual coercion blamed rape victims more than women (F=10.603, p=.001). Younger men also blamed rape victims more than the older ones (F=9.841, p=.002). When women use sexual coercion it seems to have a paradoxical implication regarding their gender role. It also appears to be a problem for negotiating safe sexual encounters; women who reported more sexual permissiveness seem to participate more frequently in unplanned sexual interactions and they may be more vulnerable to coercion. It is necessary to modify beliefs about abusive sexual behaviors being normal in dating relationships.

Salud ment ; 32(6): 487-494, nov.-dic. 2009. graf, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632664


Violence is a problem gone through by people in one way or another because of the great amount of manifestations in which it is presented. Sexual violence constitutes one of those ways. At the present time, sexual violence is considered a high-priority problem of public health and of human rights; this type of violence is presented in a continuum that goes from groping to forced sexual relationships. Most of the people associate sexual violence with its extreme form which is rape, but, what does it happen with that type of violence where subtlety or persuasions are involved in order to obtain a sexual relationship? This kind of violence is denominated sexual coercion, and it is defined as the use of any type of physical or emotional pressure used by a person to impose on another one acts of sexual order in the context of a heterosexual encounter of mutual agreement to go out together, to get to know themselves, or to have a romantic or erotic relationship, or a more formal relationship such as the courtship. Sexual coercion is a phenomenon mainly studied in heterosexual and student populations and by means of the theory of sexual scripts is one of the forms adopted by it that have been theoretically tackled with. Sexual scripts are all those structural blocks of knowledge information processing where concepts, categories and relationships based on social experience are gathered and which indicate how heterosexual sexual relationships are to be. The vast majority of the studies on sexual coercion have provided enough evidence on the fact that men are the main perpetrators and women are mostly the injured victims. In developing countries, such as Mexico, several studies show that young men frequently feel with the right, precisely for the fact of being men, to have sexual relationships with young women. For this reason, it is understandable that young women's sexual activity is mostly stigmatized, what can contribute to the acceptance of sexual coercion within the intimate couple relationships as a more <> behavior and socially accepted. For this reason, although men can in some moment be sexually constrained and women can exert coercion, the meaning of the fact can be different and, besides, behaviors that are carried out to obtain the wanted sexual behavior themselves also differ between men and women. Tactics constitutes a clear example on the difference between men and women in the act of coercion. Some international studies have identified, in general terms, two types of sexual coercion tactics: indirect and the direct ones. The indirect tactics are strategies in which the person hides his/her sexual purpose. The direct tactics are strategies where the person openly uses physical or psychological force to compel the other one to get involved in certain sexual activity. In Mexico there are not studies about sexual coercion in non formal relationships of heterosexual couples. Because of the above-mentioned, the present work objectives were to know the frequency and type of sexual coercion tactics in men and women university students. Methods and material Three hundred and twenty students were interviewed, 49.7% of them were men and 50.3% women, and the average individual age was of 21 years. The sample was a non random one and the study was of exploratory type. A questionnaire ad hoc of open questions was elaborated, which made inquiries on the tactics used by men and women to press people of another sex to have a sexual relationship. Personal experiences of sexual coercion were also investigated. The application of the instrument was carried out in a group way and its length was around 45 minutes. Open questions were analyzed through the search of thematic units and categories. The contents analysis was used and later transformed into cases count in order to make the corresponding statistical analysis. Result About the experience of sexual coercion, 33.4% of the total sample mentioned that he/she had been victim of sexual coercion. Women (56.1 %) reported being mainly victims of sexual coercion contrary to the men (43.9%), when carrying out an X² statistics there were not significant differences, in statistical terms, between men and women. Nine point four percent of the total sample mentioned that he/she had exerted sexual coercion toward his/her couple. Men (83.3%) reported to have mainly exerted sexual coercion toward their couple contrary to women (16.7%). When carrying out an X² statistics a significant difference, in statistical terms, between men and women was found [X²=16.21, (gl =320/1) p = .000]. Regarding the frequency of the different tactics used by men, men and women reported that the indirect tactics are the most used by men to press women to have sexual relationships. Among the indirect tactics there were found the blackmail, the <>, the verbal deceits, etc. On the other hand, the direct tactics such as threats of physical violence, use of physical violence, insistent petting, etc., were less used by men. Regarding sexual coercion tactics used by women, men and women who participated in the sample, mentioned that direct tactics are more used by women to press a man to have sexual relationships. Within this kind of tactics there were found sexual advances using the body, use of physical violence, use of verbal violence, etc. With respect to the indirect tactics, there were verbal deceits, blackmail, psychological threats, among others. Discussion This research is barely an exploratory study, non representative, but we consider that it makes a contribution of descriptive type to the understanding of sexual coercion in heterosexual relationships when considering both men as women. As it is observed in the results about the experience of sexual coercion, in general terms, such as it is shown in other studies, women were the main victims of sexual coercion, although some men reported being victims, there were no significant difference. Besides, as in other studies, men were those who mostly reported to exert sexual coercion contrary to women, being differences significant in statistical terms. Regarding the tactics used by men in order to coerce their couple, men and women who participated in the sample recognized the indirect tactics as the most used ones, which is in agreement with the outcomes found in other studies. What makes these results interesting is the fact that women recognize in a more open and significant way, that the way a man exerts coercion to a woman is by means of an indirect tactics. These results are much related with the sexual scripts where the man has to gain a sexual access to the woman. With regard to sexual coercion tactics used by women, the direct ones are outstanding, that is to say, those in which woman openly uses the physical, psychological or economic force to press a man to have sexual relationships. The studies about domestic violence state, on the whole, that violence is more exerted by men toward women than the opposite case. Nevertheless, there are also studies about domestic violence which state that women are as aggressive as men. These studies have been questioned and at the moment the debate persists about the findings, because although women use physical violence, it is important to wonder about the intensity of the blow or if the physical violence is rather a defensive answer. The results of this study show the relevance of knowing more about this phenomenon, since many of the subjects in this study are not able to identify any event of sexual coercion in their relationship, reason for which it will be necessary to search what is happening in Mexico on this matter and to even go into the topic of youth's relationships, in particular, the heterosexual ones and the scripts that regulate this relationship, in order to be able of creating better prevention programs guided to eliminate domestic violence to obtain a better mental, sexual and reproductive health.

La violencia es un problema que nos afecta a todas las personas de una u otra manera por la gran cantidad de manifestaciones en las que se presenta. Una de esas formas es la violencia sexual. En la actualidad ésta es considerada un problema prioritario de salud pública y de derechos humanos y se presenta en un continuo que va desde el manoseo hasta las relaciones sexuales forzadas. Una de las formas de este tipo de violencia es la coerción sexual que se define como el uso de cualquier tipo de presión física o emocional que es utilizada por una persona para imponer actos de orden sexual sobre otra en el contexto de un encuentro heterosexual de mutuo acuerdo para salir juntas, para conocerse o sostener una relación romántica o erótica, o en una relación más formal como el noviazgo. La coerción sexual ha sido abordada teóricamente a través de la teoría de los guiones sexuales o scripts. Aunque hombres y mujeres pueden sufrir este tipo de violencia, la gran mayoría de los estudios sobre coerción sexual han evidenciado que los hombres son los principales perpetradores y las mujeres, las víctimas. Un claro ejemplo sobre la diferencia entre hombres y mujeres en la forma de coercionar son las tácticas. Por lo anterior, el presente trabajo tiene como objetivos conocer la frecuencia y tipo de tácticas de coerción sexual en hombres y mujeres universitarios. Material y métodos Se entrevistaron a 320 estudiantes, un 49.7% de los sujetos fueron hombres y 50.3% mujeres, la media de edad fue de 21 años. La muestra fue no probabilística y el estudio fue de tipo exploratorio. Se elaboró un cuestionario ad hoc de preguntas abiertas, las cuales indagan sobre las tácticas utilizadas por hombres y mujeres para presionar a personas de otro sexo a tener una relación sexual; también se indagó sobre las experiencias personales de coerción sexual. La aplicación del instrumento se realizó de manera grupal con una duración aproximada de 45 minutos. Las preguntas abiertas fueron analizadas a través de la búsqueda de unidades temáticas y categorías. Se utilizó el análisis de contenido y después se transformó en conteo de casos para hacer el análisis estadístico correspondiente. Resultados Sobre la experiencia de coerción sexual, un 33.4% de la muestra total menciona que ha sido víctima de ella. Un 9.4% de la muestra total menciona que ha ejercido coerción sexual hacia su pareja; al realizar una X² se encontró una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre hombres y mujeres [X² =16.21, (gl = 320/1) p = .000]. En cuanto a la frecuencia de las diferentes tácticas utilizadas por los hombres, los y las participantes reportan que las tácticas indirectas son más utilizadas por éstos, mientras que las mujeres utilizan más las tácticas directas. Discusión: Como se observa en los resultados, en general, al igual que en otros estudios, las mujeres son las principales víctimas de coerción sexual y los hombres quienes la ejercen. Los resultados de este estudio evidencian la importancia de conocer más sobre este fenómeno ya que muchos de los sujetos en este estudio no fueron capaces de identificar algún evento de coerción sexual en su relación, por lo que habrá que profundizar mucho más en el tema de las relaciones de pareja de los jóvenes, en particular en la heterosexualidad, y los guiones que la norman, para poder crear cada vez mejores programas de prevención encaminados a eliminar la violencia en las relaciones de pareja y para obtener una mejor salud mental, sexual y reproductiva.

Salud ment ; 31(1): 45-51, ene.-feb. 2008.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-632779


Sexual coercion in the context of flirting or courtship is a form of sexual violence that has rarely been explored in Mexico, with studies mainly being undertaken in the United States and some European countries. This may be due to the fact that it includes the use of certain practices that have traditionally not been regarded as violent and, on the contrary, been viewed as <> within intimate heterosexual relations. Like other forms of sexual violence, the definition of social coercion involves conceptual and methodological problems, since the term has been used interchangeably with other forms of sexual violence. Generally speaking, violence on dates or during courtship and sexual aggression tend to refer to a domineering behavior in sexual behavior in which physical aggression is used. At the same time, sexual coercion comprises a continuum of practices ranging from subtle psychological pressure and the use of language to the utilization of physical aggression to secure a sexual encounter. This form of violence may trigger major problems in the areas of mental, sexual, and reproductive health. For the purposes of this study, sexual coercion is defined as any type of physical or emotional pressure used by a person to impose acts of a sexual nature on another person within the context of a mutually agreed on heterosexual encounter to go out together, get to know each other or engage in a romantic or erotic relationship or in a more formal relationship such as courtship. This type of sexual violence occurs in Latin American countries where couple relationships continue to be regulated by certain cultural traditions that may prevent the problem from being detected. These norms, which are often stereotyped, create <>, in other words, structural blocks of information processing that combine concepts, categories and relationships based on the social experience that indicate how heterosexual relationships <> be conducted. These scripts and their particular expression are strongly influenced by cultural attitudes and beliefs for men and women. In view of this context, it is hardly surprising that men and women engage in coercion in different ways to secure a sexual encounter. These different forms of coercion have been conceptualized as <>, whether direct or indirect. Given the need to know how sexual coercion is defined, how it is exercised and whether coercive behavior is in fact identified, this study seeks to determine the meaning of sexual coercion, the tactics used by both sexes and the way in which young university students interpret the same coercive event. Method One way of dealing with the significance of a phenomenon, as well as its interpretation, is through the qualitative approach; for the purposes of this study, focus groups were used. Participants A total of 27 students comprised four focus groups, two comprising women, two comprising men. Three of these groups consisted of seven participants and one of six. The age range was 18 to 25. Data gathering techniques In order to obtain the information, thematic guidelines were drawn up to explore the meaning and interpretation students give sexual coercion as well as the type of tactics they recognize as being used by men and women. Procedure The study was carried out at two universities, after inviting participants to attend a focus group. At each public and private university, two groups (one of men, one of women) were formed. Analytical strategy For the analysis of the focus groups, audio-recorded interviews were transcribed. For each of the study, the entire transcription was read out for the first level of analysis. This was followed by segmentation, the extraction of fragments or paragraphs, sentences, phrases of words regarded as significant. Results As far as the significance of sexual coercion is concerned, it is striking that both men and women associate the term with extreme force, divided into three main categories: physical force, rape and violence against women. To a lesser extent, the term is identified with family violence and a continuum of sexual violence ranging from subtle to extremely severe. In order to obtain the meanings attributed to a situation of sexual coercion in courtship, participants discussed the two characters in a cartoon in order to reveal the aspects that could be regarded as accepted, permitted, questioned or rejected as means of obtaining a sexual relationship. The group discussion revealed two different points of view: men's and women's. In the analysis of the female character in the story, the men described her as a <> while the women regarded her as being responsible for what had happened. As for the male character in the story, the men perceived him as someone who was tactless and abusive, whereas the women labeled him as <>. The analysis of the tactics of sexual coercion used by men and women to obtain a sexual relationship revealed that indirect tactics are most commonly used by men and women. Conclusions It is important to note that although there are very few studies on sexual coercion in Latin American countries except in Argentina, Peru and Mexico, they must be undertaken, since failure to do so would mean neglecting a significant part of young people's sexual, reproductive, social and mental health. The following conclusions may be drawn from the results of this study: a) Most of the subjects interviewed are unclear as to the meaning of the term <>; b) Both the men and women in this study blame women for their victimization. This is particularly evident from the discussion of the cartoon on sexual coercion; c) Sexual coercion is a more common problem in women, although it has been said that men can be victims of sexual coercion as well. This finding opens up a significant line of research on how men perceive this type of violence, and d) Although both the male and female students in this study mentioned that men and women used indirect tactics more frequently to secure a sexual encounter, it is important to note that these are different, since men use subtle tactics with threats whereas women do not. This study showed that women are more likely to suffer some type of sexual coercion and that men use indirect tactics with threats. Although the subjects that participated in this study mentioned certain types of tactics used by women to obtain a sexual relationship, this result must be treated with caution, since further study is required on this issue. This exploratory study on the phenomenon shows the need for prevention strategies to enable men and women to identify an event in which they perceive they are being pressed in to having a sexual encounter. This is why it is important for sex education programs to include a gender perspective and to emphasize the notion of people's rights in order to eradicate inequalities of power and thereby eliminate any type of violence.

La coerción sexual, en el contexto de situaciones de "ligue" o en el noviazgo, es una forma de violencia sexual poco investigada en México. Posiblemente esto responda a que incluye el uso de ciertas prácticas que tradicionalmente no han sido reconocidas como violentas y que, muy por el contrario, se han visto como <> en las relaciones heterosexuales íntimas. Para los fines de este trabajo, la coerción sexual se define como cualquier tipo de presión física o emocional utilizada por una persona para imponer a otra actos de orden sexual en el contexto de un encuentro heterosexual de mutuo acuerdo para salir juntas. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo conocer el significado de coerción sexual, las tácticas utilizadas por ambos sexos y la manera en que interpretan un mismo suceso coercitivo distintos jóvenes universitarios. Método Para los fines de este estudio, se utilizaron grupos focales. Participaron un total de 27 estudiantes que conformaron cuatro grupos focales: dos de mujeres y dos de hombres. Para obtener la información, se elaboró una guía temática que abordaba el significado e interpretación que otorgan los estudiantes a la coerción sexual, así como el tipo de tácticas que reconocen son utilizadas por hombres y mujeres. Procedimiento El estudio se llevó a cabo en las instalaciones de las Universidades participantes, previa convocatoria para asistir al grupo focal. Para el análisis de los grupos focales se transcribieron las entrevistas audiograbadas. Se realizó una segmentación que es la extracción de fragmentos o párrafos, oraciones, frases o palabras consideradas significativas. Resultados En cuanto al significado de la coerción sexual, destaca que hombres y mujeres asocian el concepto con el uso de una fuerza extrema. Para dar una idea de los significados atribuidos a una situación de coerción sexual en el noviazgo, se discutieron los dos personajes de una viñeta con el fin de dar cuenta de los aspectos que pueden considerarse aceptados, permitidos, cuestionados o rechazados como medios para obtener una relación sexual. Tras analizar las tácticas de coerción sexual utilizadas por hombres y mujeres para obtener una relación sexual, se encontró que las tácticas indirectas son las más utilizadas por ambos. Conclusiones De los resultados de este estudio se puede concluir lo siguiente: a) La gran mayoría de los sujetos entrevistados no tiene claro el significado del concepto <>. b) Tanto los hombres como las mujeres de este estudio culpan a las segundas de su victimización, situación que se ve muy clara en la viñeta sobre coerción sexual, c) Se pudo constatar que la coerción sexual es un problema que padecen con más frecuencia las mujeres, aunque se menciona que los hombres también pueden ser víctimas de coerción sexual. Este hallazgo abre una importante línea de investigación sobre cómo perciben los hombres este tipo de violencia. d) Por último, aunque todos los estudiantes participantes en este estudio mencionan que las tácticas indirectas son las que utilizan con más frecuencia los hombres y las mujeres para obtener un encuentro sexual, es importante señalar que hay diferencias ya que los primero recurren a una táctica sutil con amenaza y las mujeres no. Este estudio exploratorio sobre el fenómeno permite formular las estrategias de prevención necesarias para que hombres y mujeres sean capaces de identificar un evento en que perciban que se les presiona para tener un encuentro sexual. Por lo cual es importante que los programas de educación sexual contemplen una perspectiva de género y que además enfaticen sobre la noción de derechos de las personas para erradicar las desigualdades de poder y así eliminar cualquier tipo de violencia.

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