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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-217880


Background: Medical colleges had to adopt online teaching methods after the imposition of worldwide lockdown due to COVID related pandemic. It is important to understand satisfaction levels among medical students regarding online teaching, to improve online teaching methods in future. Aim and Objectives: The present study aimed to evaluate the satisfaction levels among medical students with regard to online teaching and assessment program and factors associated with low satisfaction levels. Materials and Methods: An observational cross-sectional survey was conducted on 600 MBBS students. Various online teaching methods were implemented April 2020 onward. This survey was sent to the students in July 2020. Satisfaction levels toward various online teaching and assessments were evaluated using a five point Likert scale. Results: A total of 446 MBBS students responded to our survey. We found 1st year of MBBS curriculum (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 2.55, P < 0.05), teachers’ inability to explain theory concepts (AOR = 2.47, P < 0.01), teachers not keeping the class interactive (AOR = 1.81, P < 0.01), student unable to hear the teacher adequately (AOR = 1.77, P < 0.01), student being inattentive in class (AOR = 2.06, P < 0.01), and non-availability of high speed internet connectivity (AOR = 1.85, P < 0.001) to be significantly associated with students not being overall satisfied with online teaching. Conclusion: Online platforms proved to be relevant for teaching theory but usefulness for clinical or practical education was not found to be adequate.

Ribeirão Preto; s.n; nov. 2023. 140 p.
Thèse de Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1562089


A Parada Cardiorrespiratória (PCR) em pediatria é uma situação emergencial que exige desempenho adequado. Considerando a importância da formação de enfermeiros para atuar nessa situação, faz-se premente o ensino híbrido, que se destaca nos processos formativos de graduação. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a efetividade do ensino híbrido na aprendizagem cognitiva de estudantes de enfermagem, implementados por tecnologias educacionais e simulação clínica acerca do cuidado da criança em situação de PCR por Insuficiência Respiratória (IR). Trata-se de um estudo metodológico e de intervenção quase-experimental, de abordagem transversal e quantitativa, cujo quadro teórico se pauta na Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa e da Aprendizagem Experiencial. A primeira etapa do estudo foi constituída pela construção dos instrumentos de coleta de dados e utilização na abordagem educativa (pré-teste, pós-teste, questões guiadas ao chat e checklist do cenário de simulação), sendo todos validados pelo Índice de Validação de Conteúdo (IVC). Sequencialmente, o cenário de simulação clínica, previamente construído, também foi validado pelo índice supracitado. A segunda etapa ocorreu com a implementação da proposta educativa em duas ofertas, com estudantes de enfermagem de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior pública paulista, a partir do 4o e 5o semestre de graduação. Esta etapa contou com 43 estudantes, 15 participaram no segundo semestre de 2021 e 28 no primeiro semestre de 2022. Os estudantes foram incluídos em um Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem que continha as orientações da pesquisa e coleta de dados, além do questionário de caracterização, Inventário de Estilos de Aprendizagem de Kolb e objetos virtuais de aprendizagem relativos à PCR pediátrica por IR. Inicialmente, a proposta educativa demandou aos estudantes que respondessem à um pré-teste no primeiro acesso ao Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem e, posteriormente, disponibilização dos materiais. Em seguida, os estudantes participaram de uma sessão síncrona de chat e de uma simulação clínica presencial sobre a temática. O pós-teste foi aplicado em três momentos: após a sessão síncrona de chat, ao término da participação na simulação e 30 dias após as atividades propostas. Identificou-se prevalência de participação de estudantes do 7o semestre da graduação. Nas análises, foram utilizados teste de Friedman, teste de comparação múltiplas de Nemenyi, ANOVA e de Kruskal-Wallis. Quanto aos Estilos de Aprendizagem, a maior parte dos estudantes demonstrou se caracterizar como "convergentes". A melhor média ocorreu no pós-teste ao término da simulação e houve diferença entre as notas obtidas nos distintos momentos de aplicação dos testes, onde constatou-se aumento significativo da média das notas obtidas no pós-teste comparado com os pré-testes. Ademais, houve associação entre o tempo de execução do teste e o período em que foi realizado, havendo diferença nos tempos de execução. Por fim, coletou-se as percepções dos estudantes sobre as intervenções e estratégias de ensino utilizadas durante a coleta de dados. Os resultados demonstraram eficácia do ensino híbrido no processo de aprendizagem sobre a PCR em pediatria por IR e evidenciou o uso de uma estratégia de ensino que engloba a flexibilização e personalização das abordagens educativas para atender as individualidades e demandas dos estudantes de enfermagem.

Cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) in pediatrics is an emergency situation that requires adequate action. Considering the importance of training nurses to act in this situation, blended learning is urgently needed, which stands out in degree training processes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of blended learning in the cognitive learning of nursing students, implemented by educational technologies and realistic simulation on the care of children in situations of CPA due to Respiratory Failure (RF). This is a methodological and quasi-experimental intervention study, with a cross-sectional and quantitative approach, whose theoretical framework is part of the Theory of Significant Learning and Experiential Learning. The first stage of the study consisted in the construction of instruments for data collection and application in the educational approach (pre-test, post-test, questions addressed to the chat and checklist for the simulation scenario), all of which were validated by the Content Validation Index (CVI). Sequentially, the previously constructed realistic simulation scenario was also validated by the aforementioned index. The second stage occurred with the implementation of the educational proposal in two stages, with nursing students from a public higher education institution in São Paulo, starting from the 4th and 5th semester of the degree. This stage had 43 students, 15 participated in the second semester of 2021 and 28 in the first semester of 2022. The students were included in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) that contained research and data collection guidelines, in addition to the characterization questionnaire, Learning Styles Inventory by Kolb and virtual learning objects related to CPA by pediatric RF. Initially, the educational proposal required that students answer a test prior to accessing the VLE for the first time and, later, making the materials available. Subsequently, the students participated in a synchronous chat session and a realistic face-to-face simulation on the subject. The post-test was applied in three moments: after the synchronous chat session, at the end of participation in the realistic simulation, and 30 days after the proposed activities. A predominance of participation of the students of the 7th semester of grade was identified. The Friedman test, the Nemenyi multiple comparison test, ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis were used in the analyses. Regarding the Learning Styles, most of the students demonstrated that they characterized themselves as "convergent". The best average was presented in the post-test at the end of the realistic simulation and there was a difference between the scores obtained at the different moments of application of the tests, where a significant increase was observed in the average of the scores obtained in the pre-test compared to the post-tests. In addition, there was an association between the execution time of the tests and the period in which they were carried out, and differences in the execution time. Finally, students' perceptions of the interventions and teaching strategies used during data collection were collected. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of blended learning in the learning process about CPA by pediatric RF and evidenced the use of a teaching strategy that encompasses flexibility and personalization of educational approaches to meet the individualities and demands of nursing students.

Soins infirmiers pédiatriques , Insuffisance respiratoire , Enseignement assisté par ordinateur , Enseignement infirmier , Formation par simulation
Odovtos (En línea) ; 22(3)dic. 2020.
Article de Anglais | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386500


Abstract While countries are facing different stages in their COVID-19 infection rates, worldwide there are millions of students affected by universities' facilities closures due to the pandemic. Some institutions have enforced strategies to transfer some courses to a virtual modality, but many Dental Schools have been challenged to deal with a situation which requires emergency measures to continue the academic course in the middle of lock-downs and social distancing measures. Despite the fact that the number of online academic programs available, especially graduate programs, has increased in diverse modalities, this pandemic forced e-learning processes to develop abruptly. The likelihood of using e-learning strategies in dentistry was substantiated in the scientific literature and an overview of these opportunities is presented. Additionally, the experience of the University of Costa Rica Faculty of Dentistry is presented, as it was evident that some of the key elements in a e-learning environment needed a quick enhancement and initiation of some processes was required. First, it was necessary to categorize the academic courses depending on their virtualization's possibility (curricula analysis and classification), to better understand the extent of the impact and the work needed to contain, as far as the possibilities allowed, negative consequences on students learning process. Second, teachers needed further training in the application of virtual strategies which they hadn't used before. do Third, an evaluation of the students' conditions and needs was conducted in a form of a survey. Finally, teachers and students activated the available virtual platforms. For many Dental Schools, this virtualization process is an ongoing progress although it was abruptly imposed, but this moment indeed represents an enormous opportunity to move forward and get immerse in the virtualization environment as a teaching/learning experience.

Resumen Mientras muchos países están enfrentando distintas etapas en sus tasas de contagio de COVID-19, millones de estudiantes alrededor del mundo han sido afectados por el cierre de instalaciones universitarias debido a la pandemia. Algunas instituciones han aplicado estrategias para transferir algunos cursos a una modalidad virtual, pero muchas facultades de odontología se han visto enfrentadas a una situación que requiere medidas de emergencia para continuar el curso académico en medio de bloqueos y medidas de distanciamiento social. A pesar de que el número de programas académicos en línea disponibles, especialmente los programas de postgrado, ha aumentado en diversas modalidades, esta pandemia obligó a desarrollar abruptamente los procesos de aprendizaje electrónico. La probabilidad de utilizar estrategias de aprendizaje electrónico en odontología se vió corroborada en la literatura científica y se presenta una visión general de estas oportunidades. Además, se presenta la experiencia de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Costa Rica, ya que fue evidente que algunos de los elementos clave en un entorno de aprendizaje electrónico necesitaban una rápida mejora y se requería la iniciación de algunos procesos. En primer lugar, era necesario clasificar los cursos académicos en función de las posibilidades de su virtualización (análisis y clasificación de los planes de estudio), para comprender mejor el alcance de las repercusiones y la labor necesaria para contener, en la medida de las posibilidades, las consecuencias negativas en el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. En segundo lugar, los profesores necesitaban más capacitación en la aplicación de estrategias virtuales que no habían utilizado antes. En tercer lugar, se realizó una evaluación de las condiciones y necesidades de los estudiantes en forma de encuesta. Finalmente, los profesores y estudiantes activaron las plataformas virtuales disponibles. Para muchas escuelas de odontología, este proceso de virtualización es un continuo progreso y a pesar de haber tenido un inicio abrupto, pero este momento representa, de hecho, una enorme oportunidad para avanzar y sumergirse en el entorno de la virtualización como una experiencia de enseñanza/aprendizaje.

Apprentissage par problèmes , Odontologie , COVID-19 , Enseignement à distance
Entramado ; 15(2): 276-285, July-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090241


Resumen Los Objetos Virtuales de Aprendizaje han generado cambios positivos en la enseñanza, disponibilidad y accesibilidad al conocimiento; a diferencia del modelo tradicional de aprendizaje, tienen como propósito ofrecer mecanismos más flexibles y de múltiple consulta para consolidar un contenido más amplio del conocimiento. El hemograma es un examen de laboratorio de uso diario en medicina; su interpretación exige un entendimiento preciso y sólido para la toma de decisiones. Este artículo describe la experiencia y las fases para construir un objeto virtual de aprendizaje en hematología, basado en el modelo ADDIE (Análisis, Diseño, Desarrollo, Implementación y Evaluación), Crear un objeto virtual de aprendizaje exige el cumplimiento metódico de procesos para garantizar que el resultado se ajuste a los requerimientos de las herramientas de aprendizaje. Mejorar el entendimiento del hemograma es importante en la formación y fomento de competencias para la toma de decisiones asertivas y la racionalidad en la solicitud de estudios diagnósticos; no obstante, para probar la efectividad del OVA como estrategia de aprendizaje se requiere de una prueba piloto.

Abstract The virtual learning objects have generated positive changes in the teaching process, availability and accessibility to knowledge; unlike of the traditional learning model, it has as a purpose, to offer more flexible mechanisms and allow multiple queries to consolidate a broader content of knowledge. The complete blood cell count is a laboratory test of daily use in medicine, its interpretation demands a precise and solid understanding for the decision making. This article has the finality to describe the experience and the phases for the construction of an virtual learning object in hematology based in the ADDIE model, as follows: phase I: analysis, phase II: design, phase III: development, phase IV: implementation, phase V: evaluation. The setting-up of a virtual learning object demands the methodical accomplishment of process to assure the adjustment of the results to the requirements of the learning tools. The improvement in the understanding of the blood cell count has importance in the impact as a study element, as well as in the encouragement in the competences for make assertive decisions and the rationality in the request of diagnosis studies, however to prove the effectiveness as a learning strategy a pilot test is required.

Resumo Os Objetos Virtuais de Aprendizagem (OVA) geraram mudanças positivas no ensino, disponibilidade e acessibilidade ao conhecimento; ao contrário do modelo de aprendizagem tradicional, eles visam oferecer mecanismos de consulta mais flexíveis e múltiplos para consolidar um conteúdo mais amplo de conhecimento. O hemograma completo é um teste laboratorial para uso diário em medicina; sua intepretação requer um entendimento preciso e solido para tomada de decisões. Este artigo descreve a experiência e as fases para construir um OVA em hematologia, com base no modelo ADDIE (Análise, Projeto, Desenvolvimento, Implementação e Avaliação). Criar um OVA requer conformidade metódica com processos para garantir que o resultado atenda aos requisitos das ferramentas de aprendizado. Melhorar a compreensão do hemograma é importante no treinamento e na promoção de habilidades para tomar decisões assertivas e racionalidade na solicitação de estudos de diagnósticos; no entanto, para testar e eficácia do OVA como estratégia de aprendizagem, é necessário um teste piloto.

Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785556


PURPOSE: This study was conducted to examine the effects of team-based problem-based learning combined with smart education among nursing students.METHODS: A quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group, pre-posttest design was used. The experimental group (n=36) received problem-based learning combined with smart education and lectures 7 times over the course of 7 weeks (100 minutes weekly). Control group (n=34) only received instructor-centered lectures 7 times over the course of 7 weeks (100 minutes weekly). Data were analyzed using the χ2 test, the Fisher exact test, and the independent t-test with SPSS for Windows version 21.0.RESULTS: After the intervention, the experimental group reported increased learning motivation (t=2.70, p=.009), problem-solving ability (t=2.25, p=.028), academic self-efficacy (t=4.76, p<.001), self-learning ability (t=2.78, p<.001), and leadership (t=2.78, p=.007) relative to the control group.CONCLUSION: Team-based problem-based learning combined with smart education and lectures was found to be an effective approach for increasing the learning motivation, problem-solving ability, academic self-efficacy, self-learning ability, and leadership of nursing students.

Humains , Nouveau-né , Enseignement assisté par ordinateur , Éducation , Leadership , Apprentissage , Conférence , Motivation , Soins , Apprentissage par problèmes , Élève infirmier
Audiol., Commun. res ; 24: e2050, 2019. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001365


RESUMO Objetivo Comparar três métodos de aprendizagem sobre anatomia e fisiologia do sistema miofuncional orofacial, sendo dois interativos (uso de softwares educacionais) e um tradicional, quanto à aprendizagem conceitual de estudantes de graduação em Fonoaudiologia. Métodos Participaram 36 estudantes do segundo ano, alocados randomicamente em grupos: Grupo 1 (G1) - método interativo com jogo computacional 2D (n=12); Grupo 2 (G2) - método interativo com modelo computacional 3D (n=12); Grupo 3 (G3) - método tradicional (textos e figuras 2D) (n=12). Os métodos de aprendizagem foram aplicados durante estudo complementar, por sete semanas, após aula expositiva. Foi realizada uma avaliação de conhecimento antes da aplicação dos métodos de aprendizagem, imediatamente após e seis meses depois da conclusão, e o desempenho dos grupos, nos três momentos, foi comparado. Os dados foram analisados no software SPSS, versão 21 (nível de significância de 5%). Resultados Predominaram sujeitos do gênero feminino, com média de idade de 22,0 (±4,7) anos (F2,33=60,72, p=0,260). Os resultados indicaram que, no G1, apenas o pré-teste diferiu do pós-teste, enquanto no G2 e no G3 o pré-teste diferiu do pós-teste e do pós-teste tardio. Ao verificar a interação entre o desempenho dos grupos e os momentos de avaliação, observou-se que os resultados do GI foram inferiores aos dos demais grupos (F2,22=722,30 p<0,001). Conclusão O uso de modelo computacional 3D foi comparável ao do método tradicional para a aprendizagem conceitual e retenção de conhecimento, em curto e longo prazo, sendo ambos mais eficazes do que o uso de jogo computacional 2D.

ABSTRACT Purpose Compare three learning methods on Anatomy and Physiology of the Orofacial Myofunctional System (OMS): two interactive methods with educational software and one traditional method, regarding the conceptual learning of Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) undergraduate students. Methods Thirty-six students were randomly divided into three groups: Group 1 (G1) - 2D computer game-based method (n=12); Group 2 (G2) - 3D computational model method (n=12); Group 3 (G3) - traditional method (texts and 2D images) (n=12). The learning methods were applied during a complementary study schedule, for seven weeks, after a lecture. Knowledge assessments were conducted prior to the application of the learning methods, immediately after, and six months after completion; the performance of the groups at the three moments was compared. Data were analyzed in SPSS 21 software (p≤0.005). Results Female individuals were predominant, with mean age of 22.0 (±4.7) years (F2.33=60.72; p=0.260). The results show that only the pre-test differed from the short-term test in the G1, whereas the pre-test differed from the short- and the long-term tests in the G2 and G3. Regarding correlation between the performance of the groups and the moments of evaluation, it was observed that the results for the G1 were inferior (F2.22=722.30; p<0.001). Conclusion The 3D computational model was comparable to the traditional method for short- and long-term conceptual learning and knowledge retention, and both were more effective than the 2D computer game.

Humains , Technologie de l'éducation/enseignement et éducation , Muscles de la face/anatomie et histologie , Muscles de la face/physiologie , Jeu expérimental , Apprentissage , Étudiants , Enseignement assisté par ordinateur , Formation par simulation
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764907


BACKGROUND: The hand anatomy, including the complicated hand muscles, can be grasped by using computer-assisted learning tools with high quality two-dimensional images and three-dimensional models. The purpose of this study was to present up-to-date software tools that promote learning of stereoscopic morphology of the hand. METHODS: On the basis of horizontal sectioned images and outlined images of a male cadaver, vertical planes, volume models, and surface models were elaborated. Software to browse pairs of the sectioned and outlined images in orthogonal planes and software to peel and rotate the volume models, as well as a portable document format (PDF) file to select and rotate the surface models, were produced. RESULTS: All of the software tools were downloadable free of charge and usable off-line. The three types of tools for viewing multiple aspects of the hand could be adequately employed according to individual needs. CONCLUSION: These new tools involving the realistic images of a cadaver and the diverse functions are expected to improve comprehensive knowledge of the hand shape.

Humains , Mâle , Anatomie régionale , Cadavre , Enseignement assisté par ordinateur , Force de la main , Main , Apprentissage , Muscles , Projets d'encyclopédie visuelle du corps humain
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-147785


PURPOSE: This study was conducted to suggest the development of a learning management system for dental radiology education using the Modular Object-Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Moodle is a well-known and verified open-source software-learning management system (OSS-LMS). The Moodle software was installed on a server computer and customized for dental radiology education. The system was implemented for teaching undergraduate students to diagnose dental caries in panoramic images. Questions were chosen that could assess students' diagnosis ability. Students were given several questions corre-sponding to each of 100 panoramic images. RESULTS: The installation and customization of Moodle was feasible, cost-effective, and time-saving. By having students answer questions repeatedly, it was possible to train them to examine panoramic images sequentially and thoroughly. CONCLUSION: Based on its educational efficiency and efficacy, the adaptation of an OSS-LMS in dental school may be highly recommended. The system could be extended to continuing education for dentists. Further studies on the objective evaluation of knowledge acquisition and retention are needed.

Humains , Enseignement assisté par ordinateur , Caries dentaires , Dentistes , Diagnostic , Éducation , Formation continue , Enseignement dentaire , Apprentissage , École dentaire
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-281328


<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To evaluate the stability of teaching robot of rotation-traction manipulation.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Operators were required to get the hang of rotation-traction manipulation and had clinical experience for over 5 years. The examination and data processing of the ten operators in our research were collected by the teaching robot of rotation-traction manipulation. Traction, pulling force, maximum force, pulling time, rotational amplitude and pitch range were recorded and compared for five times(G1, G2, G3, G4 and G5). The qualification rates were analyzed to evaluate the stability of teaching robot of rotation-traction manipulation.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Nonconforming items were found in G1 and G2, for instance, pulling force(=0.074), maximum force(=0.264) and rotational amplitude (=0.531). There was no statistically difference. None nonconforming item was found in G3, G4 and G5. All data were processed by SPSS and One-way ANOVA was used to analysis. Pulling force was found statistically different in G1, compared with G4 and G5(=0.015,=0.006). Maximum force was found statistically different in G1, compared with G4 and G5 (=0.021,=0.012). None differences were found in other comparisons (>0.05).</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>The teaching robot of rotation-traction manipulation used in our research could provide objective and quantitative indices and was considered to be an effective tool of assessing the rotation-traction manipulation.</p>

Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 1496-1499, 2017.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-659754


With the continuous promotion of educational level and international exchange, more and more foreign students come to China to learn medicine. The Ministry of education has set up more advanced and higher educa-tional aims for foreign students.As one of the most important fundamental courses in medicine,physiology is a high-theoretical,specialty -practical and strong-abstract course. Therefore, combined with the characteristics and lan-guage abilities of foreign students,the most urgent task is to develop a more feasible teaching plan by carefully se-lecting and writing textbooks, setting up multiple teaching methods, and inviting objective evaluation and assessment systems.

Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 1496-1499, 2017.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-662301


With the continuous promotion of educational level and international exchange, more and more foreign students come to China to learn medicine. The Ministry of education has set up more advanced and higher educa-tional aims for foreign students.As one of the most important fundamental courses in medicine,physiology is a high-theoretical,specialty -practical and strong-abstract course. Therefore, combined with the characteristics and lan-guage abilities of foreign students,the most urgent task is to develop a more feasible teaching plan by carefully se-lecting and writing textbooks, setting up multiple teaching methods, and inviting objective evaluation and assessment systems.

Rev. gaúch. enferm ; Rev. gaúch. enferm;38(2): e66204, 2017. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-901596


RESUMO Objetivo Analisar as contribuições da utilização de tecnologias educacionais digitais no ensino de habilidades de enfermagem. Método Revisão integrativa da literatura, com busca em cinco bases de dados no período de 2006 a 2015 com combinações dos descritores "educação em enfermagem", "instrução por computador", "tecnologia educacional" ou respectivos termos em inglês. Resultados Amostra de 30 artigos agrupados nas categorias temáticas "tecnologia na simulação com manequins", "estímulo à aprendizagem" e "ensino de habilidades de enfermagem". Identificou-se diferentes formatos de tecnologias educacionais digitais utilizadas no ensino de habilidades de Enfermagem, como vídeos, ambientes virtuais, aplicativos, hipertexto, jogos e simuladores com realidade virtual. Conclusões Esses materiais digitais colaboraram na aquisição de referencial teórico que subsidiam as práticas, dinamizam o ensino e possibilitam a utilização de métodos ativos de aprendizagem, rompendo com o ensino tradicional de demonstrar e repetir procedimentos.

RESUMEN Objetivo Analizar las aportaciones de la utilización de tecnología educativa digital utilizadas en la enseñanza de habilidades de enfermería. Método Revisión integradora con la búsqueda bibliográfica en cinco bases de datos desde 2006 hasta 2015 con combinaciones de descriptores 'educación en enfermería', 'instrucción por computadora', 'tecnología educacional' o respectivos términos en inglés. Resultados Muestra de 30 artículos agrupados en categorías temáticas 'tecnología en maniquíes de simulación', 'estimulando el aprendizaje' y 'enseñanza de habilidades de enfermería'. Se identificaron diferentes formas de tecnologías educativas utilizadas en la enseñanza de habilidades de enfermería, tales como videos, entornos virtuales, aplicaciones de hipertexto, juegos, simuladores de realidad virtual. Conclusiones Estos materiales digitales ayudan en la adquisición de marco teórico que apoyan las prácticas, optimizan la enseñanza y permiten el uso de métodos de aprendizaje activo, rompiendo con la enseñanza tradicional para demostrar y repetir los procedimientos.

ABSTRACT Objective To analyze the contributions of digital educational technologies used in teaching nursing skills. Method Integrative literature review, search in five databases, from 2006 to 2015 combining the descriptors 'education, nursing', 'educational technology', 'computer-assisted instruction' or related terms in English. Results Sample of 30 articles grouped in the thematic categories 'technology in the simulation with manikin', 'incentive to learning' and 'teaching of nursing skills'. It was identified different formats of digital educational technologies used in teaching Nursing skills such as videos, learning management system, applications, hypertext, games, virtual reality simulators. Conclusions These digital materials collaborated in the acquisition of theoretical references that subsidize the practices, enhancing the teaching and enable the use of active learning methods, breaking with the traditional teaching of demonstrating and repeating procedures.

Humains , Supports audiovisuels , Enseignement assisté par ordinateur , Enseignement infirmier/méthodes , Bases de données bibliographiques , Compétence clinique , Jeux vidéo , Réalité de synthèse , Utilisation des procédures et des techniques , Mannequins
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 25: e2924, 2017. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-961074


ABSTRACT Objective: to carry out the cross-cultural adaptation of DocCom online module 38, which deals with teamwork communication into Portuguese for the Brazilian contexto. Method: the transcultural translation and adaptation were accomplished through initial translations, synthesis of the translations, evaluation and synthesis by a committee of experts, analysis by translators and back translation, pre-test with nurses and undergraduate students in Nursing, and analysis of the translators to obtain the final material. Results: in evaluation and synthesis of the translated version with the original version by the expert committee, the items obtained higher than 80% agreement. Few modifications were suggested according to the analysis by pretest participants. The final version was adequate to the proposed context and its purpose. Conclusion: it is believed that by making this new teaching-learning strategy of communication skills and competencies for teamwork available, it can be used systematically in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the health area in Brazil in order to contribute to training professionals, and also towards making advances in this field.

RESUMO Objetivo: realizar a adaptação transcultural para o português no contexto brasileiro do módulo 38 on-line DocCom, que versa sobre comunicação para o trabalho em equipe. Método: a tradução e adaptação transcultural foram realizadas por meio de traduções iniciais, síntese das traduções, avaliação e síntese por um comitê de especialistas, análise dos tradutores e retrotradução, pré-teste com enfermeiros e estudantes de graduação em enfermagem, e análise dos tradutores para obtenção do material final. Resultados: na avaliação e síntese do comitê de especialistas da versão traduzida com a versão original, os itens obtiveram concordância superior a 80%. Na análise dos participantes do pré-teste foram sugeridas poucas modificações. A versão final mostrou-se adequada ao contexto proposto e à sua finalidade. Conclusão: acredita-se que, ao disponibilizar essa nova estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem de habilidades e competências da comunicação, para o trabalho em equipe, ela possa ser empregada de forma sistemática em cursos de graduação e pós-graduação da área da saúde, no Brasil, de modo a contribuir para formação dos profissionais e, também, avançar nesse campo.

RESUMEN Objetivo: realizar la adaptación transcultural para el portugués en el contexto brasileño del módulo 38 en línea DocCom, que trata sobre la comunicación del trabajo en equipo. Método: la traducción y la adaptación transcultural ocurrió mediante traducciones iniciales, síntesis de las traducciones, evaluación y síntesis, y los encargados de llevarlas a cabo fue un comité de especialistas, con análisis de traductores, retrotraducción, test previo con enfermeros y estudiantes de graduación de enfermería y análisis de los traductores para la obtención del material final. Resultados: en la evaluación y síntesis del comité de especialistas de la versión traducida en contraposición con la versión original, los ítems obtuvieron concordancia superior a 80%. En el análisis de los participantes del pre-test, se sugirieron pocas modificaciones. La versión final se mostró adecuada al contexto propuesto y a su finalidad. Conclusión: se cree que esta nueva estrategia de enseñanza-aprendizaje de habilidades y competencias de la comunicación para el trabajo en equipo pueda emplearse de forma sistemática en cursos de grado y posgrado del área de la salud en el Brasil, con el objetivo de contribuir a la formación de profesionales y, también, obtener avances en este campo.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Équipe soignante/organisation et administration , Compétence professionnelle/statistiques et données numériques , Enseignement assisté par ordinateur/méthodes
CoDAS ; 28(3): 269-277, tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-788074


RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar três métodos de aprendizagem sobre Anatomia e Fisiologia do Sistema Miofuncional Orofacial quanto à motivação para a aprendizagem em Fonoaudiologia. Participaram 36 estudantes do segundo ano de graduação, após assinatura de termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. Cada estudante foi alocado randomicamente nos grupos: Grupo I (GI) – 12 participantes do Método Interativo 1 (MI1); Grupo II (GII) – 12 participantes do Método Interativo 2 (MI2); Grupo III (GIII) – 12 participantes do Método Tradicional (MT). Os métodos de aprendizagem foram aplicados durante horário de estudo complementar semanal, após aula expositiva de disciplina obrigatória. Concluída a aplicação dos métodos de aprendizagem, foi aplicado o questionário Instructional Materials Motivation Survey para avaliar a motivação. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística no software SPSS versão 21. A comparação entre os grupos foi realizada pela ANOVA seguida pelo teste post hoc de Tukey. O nível de significância foi de 5%. Os grupos diferiram em todos os aspectos avaliados e na pontuação total (F2,33=3691,17 p<0,001). O GII teve maior pontuação geral (GI x GII = p=0,015; GI x GIII = p=0,115; GII x GIII = p<0,001). Com relação à atenção (GII x GIII = p=0,001) e à confiança (GII x GIII = p=0,003), o GII teve maior pontuação que o GIII. Não houve diferença quanto à relevância. O GII teve a maior pontuação para satisfação (GI x GII = p=0,023; GII x GIII = p<0,001). Neste estudo, foi observado que o modelo computacional 3D foi mais eficiente para motivar os estudantes durante a aprendizagem.

ABSTRACT This study aimed to compare the learning motivation of three learning methods as means of teaching Anatomy and Physiology of the Orofacial Myofunctional System of second-year Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences undergraduate students. The study was conducted with 36 students that participated after signing an informed consent form. Each student was randomly allocated to the groups: Group I (GI) – 12 participants using Interactive Method 1 (IM1); Group II (GII) – 12 participants using Interactive Method 2 (IM2); and Group III (GIII) – 12 participants using the Traditional Method (TM). The learning methods were applied during weekly complementary study schedule, following the discipline’s lectures. Upon the conclusion of the learning methods application, the Instructional Materials Motivation Survey questionnaire was administered for evaluating the students’ learning motivation. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 21. Comparisons between groups were performed using ANOVA followed by Tukey post hoc test. The significance level was set at 5%. The groups differed in all evaluated aspects with the total score (F2,33 = 3691.17 p <0.001). The GII had the highest overall score (GI x GII = p = 0.015; GI x GIII = p = 0.115; GII x GIII = p <0.001). On attention (GII x GIII = p = 0.001) and confidence (GII x GIII = p = 0.003), GII had higher scores than GIII. There was no difference between groups on relevance. For satisfaction, GII had the highest score (GI x GII = p = 0.023; GII x GIII = p <0.001). Therefore, summatively, the 3D computer model was more efficient in enhancing students’ learning motivation.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Jeune adulte , Étudiants des professions de santé/psychologie , Pathologie de la parole et du langage (spécialité)/enseignement et éducation , Imagerie tridimensionnelle/instrumentation , Apprentissage , Motivation , Satisfaction personnelle , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Enseignement assisté par ordinateur/instrumentation
Rev. CEFAC ; 18(1): 298-308, jan.-fev. 2016. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-775690


RESUMO O tema desse artigo aborda o efeito que o Modelo de Estrato por Estimulabilidade e Complexidade e o uso do Software de Intervenção para Fala resulta no tratamento do desvio fonológico. Realizou-se estudo de caso de quatro sujeitos com idade entre 4:10 a 6:7, de ambos os gêneros, com desvio fonológico. Todos os sujeitos foram submetidos a avaliação da fonologia, estimulabilidade, sistema estomatognático e triagem auditiva. O Modelo terapêutico baseou-se em uma abordagem eclética, na qual diferentes modelos, procedimentos e estratégias foram unidos, adaptados e criados. Cada sujeito foi tratado por um dos quatro estratos propostos no Modelo. O uso do Software de Intervenção para Fala teve como finalidade despertar a motivação da criança a partir de um código interativo, animado e lúdico. Analisaram-se os dados da avaliação fonológica e o número de consoantes produzidas corretamente, pré e após período de terapia. Utilizou-se o teste Qui-Quadrado, ao nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05). Verificou-se mudança no sistema de sons para todos os sujeitos tratados, na qual segmentos foram estabelecidos no inventário fonético e adquiridos no sistema fonológico. Os sujeitos tratados por estratos direcionados para maior complexidade do Modelo Implicacional de Complexidade de Traços apresentaram melhor avanço terapêutico. Entretanto, devido ao número reduzido de sujeitos não é possível fazer afirmações quanto ao estrato de maior eficácia. Conclui-se que o Modelo e o uso do Software de Intervenção para Fala resultam efeito positivo, contribuindo com o planejamento e o tratamento do desvio fonológico. Contudo, há necessidade de realização de outros estudos com ampliação casuística para confirmação dos achados.

ABSTRACT This paper focuses on the effect of the Strata Model based on Stimulability and Segment Complexity combined with the use of Speech Intervention Software on phonological disorders treatment. A case study was conducted with four subjects aged between 4:10 and 6:7, both males and females, with phonological disorders. All subjects were assessed for phonological system, stimulability, stomatognathic system and hearing screening. The therapeutic model was based on a mixed approach, wherein different models, procedures and strategies were combined, adapted and created. Each subject was treated with one of the four strata proposed in the model. The use of Speech Intervention Software was aimed at motivating the children by means of an interactive, lively and playful code. An analysis was made of data on subjects' phonological system and number of correctly produced consonants, both before and after therapy. The Chi-square test was used with a level of significance at 5% (p< 0.05). There were changes in the sound system for all treated subjects: segments were established in their phonetic inventory and acquired in their phonological system. The subjects treated by the strata that were focused on greater complexity of the Implicational Model of Feature Complexity showed more therapeutic improvement. However, because there was a reduced number of subjects, greater effectiveness cannot be attributed to any of the strata at this point. In conclusion, the Model and the use of Speech Intervention Software had a positive effect, contributing to the planning and treatment of phonological speech disorders. However, further studies should be conducted with larger samples to confirm the findings.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-126682


PURPOSE: The use of electronic tools in teaching is growing rapidly in all fields, and there are many options to choose from. We present one such platform, Learning Catalytics™ (LC) (Pearson, New York, NY, USA), which we utilized in our oral and maxillofacial radiology course for second-year dental students. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The aim of our study was to assess the correlation between students' performance on course exams and self-assessment LC quizzes. The performance of 354 predoctoral dental students from 2 consecutive classes on the course exams and LC quizzes was assessed to identify correlations using the Spearman rank correlation test. The first class was given in-class LC quizzes that were graded for accuracy. The second class was given out-of-class quizzes that were treated as online self-assessment exercises. The grading in the self-assessment exercises was for participation only and not accuracy. All quizzes were scheduled 1-2 weeks before the course examinations. RESULTS: A positive but weak correlation was found between the overall quiz scores and exam scores when the two classes were combined (P<0.0001). A positive but weak correlation was likewise found between students' performance on exams and on in-class LC quizzes (class of 2016) (P<0.0001) as well as on exams and online LC quizzes (class of 2017) (P<0.0001). CONCLUSION: It is not just the introduction of technological tools that impacts learning, but also their use in enabling an interactive learning environment. The LC platform provides an excellent technological tool for enhancing learning by improving bidirectional communication in a learning environment.

Humains , Enseignement assisté par ordinateur , Enseignement dentaire , Évaluation des acquis scolaires , Exercice physique , Apprentissage , Auto-évaluation (psychologie) , Formation par simulation , Étudiant dentisterie
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-490783


Presented in the paper are the necessity,general ideas and principles of building a teaching center for virtual simulation experiment on disaster medicine,covering the teaching modules, capability objectives and education resources deployment among other basics of such a center.The authors propose to build a comprehensive platform for teaching by experimentation,integrating basic clinical skills training to trainings targeted to disaster rescue in view of actual needs in experiments and teaching.This way resources can be shared between the experiment center website and virtual simulation teaching software,promoting a regular,standardized and scientific development of disaster medicine in China.

Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP ; Rev. Esc. Enferm. USP;49(4): 650-656, July-Aug. 2015. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-757489


OBJECTIVETo identify the association between the use of web simulation electrocardiography and the learning approaches, strategies and styles of nursing degree students.METHODA descriptive and correlational design with a one-group pretest-posttest measurement was used. The study sample included 246 students in a Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support nursing class of nursing degree.RESULTSNo significant differences between genders were found in any dimension of learning styles and approaches to learning. After the introduction of web simulation electrocardiography, significant differences were found in some item scores of learning styles: theorist (p < 0.040), pragmatic (p < 0.010) and approaches to learning.CONCLUSIONThe use of a web electrocardiogram (ECG) simulation is associated with the development of active and reflexive learning styles, improving motivation and a deep approach in nursing students.

OBJETIVOIdentificar associações entre o uso da simulação eletrocardiográfica na internet e os estilos e estratégias de aprendizagem dos estudantes de graduação em enfermagem.MÉTODODesenho descritivo-correlacional com avaliação pré e pós-teste num único grupo. A amostra do estudo incluiu 246 estudantes que frequentavam a disciplina de Suporte Básico e Avançado de Vida.RESULTADOSNão foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre gêneros em qualquer das dimensões dos estilos e estratégias de aprendizagem. Após introdução da simulação eletrocardiográfica recorrendo à internet, encontraram-se diferenças estatisticamente significativas em algumas das pontuações dos itens dos estilos de aprendizagem teórico (p <0,040), pragmático (p <0,010) e das estratégias de aprendizagem.CONCLUSÃOO uso da simulação eletrocardiográfica em ambiente web está associado ao desenvolvimento de estilos de aprendizagem ativos e reflexivos, à melhoria da motivação e da abordagem profunda em estudantes de enfermagem.

OBJETIVOIdentificar asociaciones entre el uso de la simulación electrocardiográfica en la internet y los estilos y estrategias de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de graduación en enfermería.MÉTODODiseño descriptivo-correlacional con evaluación pré y post prueba en un solo grupo. La muestra del estudio incluyó a 246 estudiantes que acudían a la asignatura de Soporte Básico y Avanzado de Vida.RESULTADOSNo fueron encontradas diferencias significativas entre géneros en cualquiera de las dimensiones de los estilos y estrategias de aprendizaje. Después de la introducción de la simulación electrocardiográfica recurriendo a la web, fueron encontradas diferencias estadísticamente significativas en algunas de las puntuaciones de los ítems de los estilos de aprendizaje teórico (p <0,040), pragmático (p <0,010) y las estrategias de aprendizaje.CONCLUSIÓNEl uso de la simulación electrocardiográfica en ambiente web está asociado con el desarrollo de estilos de aprendizaje activos y reflexivos, la mejoría de la motivación y el abordaje profundo en estudiantes de enfermería.

Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Jeune adulte , Enseignement assisté par ordinateur , Enseignement infirmier/méthodes , Électrocardiographie , Internet , Formation par simulation
Cienc. enferm ; 21(1): 81-90, abr. 2015. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-748763


O desenvolvimento de ambientes de aprendizagem digitais pode contribuir para que o ensino de enfermagem seja mais participativo, disponibilizando ao professor material colaborativo e aos alunos conteúdos e simulações que poderão ser utilizados de acordo com as suas necessidades e ritmos de aprendizagem. Objetivo: Descrever o processo de desenvolvimento de um ambiente de aprendizagem como recurso auxiliar para o professor na formação de alunos de educação profissional de nível médio em enfermagem. Método: Para o desenvolvimento do ambiente de aprendizagem foi utilizado modelo que apresenta quatro fases sequenciais de desenvolvimento de software: definição do escopo, planejamento, produção e implementação, o que facilita didaticamente a construção. Resultados: A definição do escopo foi realizada a partir de resultados de um estudo prévio que identificou as necessidades de aprendizagem dos alunos da educação profissional de nível médio em Ribeirão Preto/SP. Assim optou-se por abordar Sinais Vitais relacionando-os a alguns aspectos da anatomia e fisiologia humana. O sistema multimídia construído para WEB apresenta nível de interatividade plena com simulação construída por meio de cenários e personagem em animação bidimensional (2D). Foi organizado em módulo teórico e um módulo de simulações. Conclusão: Espera-se que o ambiente digital de aprendizagem produzido possa agregar conhecimento ao aluno da educação profissional de nível médio em enfermagem bem como ser utilizado pelo professor como recurso pedagógico, facilitando a compreensão de conteúdos abstratos.

The development of digital learning environments can contribute to nursing education more participative, providing the teacher and students collaborative materials, content and simulations that can be used according to their needs and learning rhythm. Objective: To describe the process of developing a learning environment as a resource to assist the teacher in training professional education students mid-level nursing. Method: For the development of the learning environment was used model that features four sequential phases of software development: scope definition, planning, production and implementation, which facilitates the construction didactically. Results: The definition of the scope was performed based on the results of a previous study that identified the learning needs of students of vocational education average level in Ribeirão Preto/SP. So we chose to address Vital Signs relating them to some aspects of human anatomy and physiology. The multimedia system features built for WEB full interactivity level simulation with built through scenarios and character in two-dimensional animation (2D). It was organized in theoretical module and a simulation module. Conclusion: It is expected that the digital environment produced learning can add knowledge to the student of vocational education average level in nursing as well as being used by the teacher as a teaching resource, facilitating the understanding of abstract content.

El desarrollo de entornos digitales de aprendizaje puede contribuir a que la enseñanza de enfermería sea más participativa, proporcionando al profesor materiales de colaboración y a los estudiantes contenidos y simulaciones que pueden usar de acuerdo a sus necesidades y ritmo de aprendizaje. Objetivo: Describir el proceso de desarrollo de un ambiente de aprendizaje como un recurso para ayudar al profesor en la formación de los estudiantes de educación profesional de enfermería de nivel medio. Material y método: Para el desarrollo del entorno de aprendizaje se utilizó el modelo que cuenta con cuatro fases secuenciales de desarrollo de software: definición del alcance, planificación, producción y ejecución, lo que facilita la construcción didácticamente. Resultados: La definición del ámbito de aplicación se realizó en base a los resultados de un estudio anterior que identificó las necesidades de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de nivel medio de formación profesional en Ribeirão Preto/SP. Así se escogió abordar signos vitales relacionados a algunos aspectos de la anatomía y fisiología humana. Las funciones del sistema multimedia construidos para WEB presentan un nivel de interactividad total con una simulación construida a través de escenarios y personajes en la animación de dos dimensiones (2D). Fue organizado en módulo teórico y un módulo de simulación. Conclusión: Se espera que el entorno digital de aprendizaje producido pueda agregar conocimiento a los estudiantes de nivel medio de formación profesional en enfermería, además de ser utilizado por el maestro como recurso didáctico, lo que facilita la comprensión de contenidos abstractos.

Humains , Enseignement assisté par ordinateur , Enseignement infirmier , Apprentissage
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-480510


Medical virtual simulation teaching environment is an advanced and complex combination of virtual simulation technology and medical technology training .As an advanced information technology , it has been attracting the attention of medical education researchers .Based on the characteristics of medical laboratory technology education , the virtual simulation experimental teaching center was established and a framework of the virtual simulation training environment was designed in the Department of Laboratory Medicine, Southern Medical University .Virtual simulation softwares and tool softwares were put into use widely in our experimental teaching .As it turns out, this simulated training environment has many merits such as risk-free safety , great efficiency , genuine learning experience and wide application potential , which partly overcomes the restriction of the teaching process brought by the condition of the practical operation and improves the teaching effect significantly .