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Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 46: e20230036, 2024. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559409


RESUMO O estudo identificou os contextos de aprendizagem profissional mais valorizados por 52 professores-treinadores de voleibol escolar. Para a coleta de dados foram utilizados um questionário sociodemográfico e a Escala de Contextos de Aprendizagem de Treinadores. Os dados foram analisados no software SPSS, versão 20.0, adotando o nível de significância de 95% (p<0,05). Enquanto que o grupo de professores-treinadores mais jovens apresentou baixa valorização do contexto formal, o grupo de professores-treinadores mais experientes valorizou todos os contextos de aprendizagem. Conclui-se que a existência de perfis distintos, ressaltam o caráter individual do processo de aprender e a necessidade de considera-los na implementação das ações de formação continuada destes profissionais.

ABSTRACT The study identified the professional learning contexts most valued by school volleyball 52 teacher-coaches. A sociodemographic questionnaire and the Coaches Learning Context Scale were used for data collection. Data were analyzed using SPSS, version 20.0, adopting a significance level of 95% (p<0.05). While the younger teacher-trainers showed low appreciation of the formal context, the more experienced teacher-trainers valued all learning contexts. It is concluded that the existence of different profiles emphasizes the individual nature of the learning process and the need to consider them in implementing continuing education actions for these professionals.

RESUMEN El estudio identificó los contextos de aprendizaje profesional más valorados por 52 entrenadores-profesores de voleibol escolar. Para la recolección de datos, se utilizó un cuestionario sociodemográfico y la Escala de Contextos de Aprendizaje. Los datos fueron analizados el software SPSS, versión 20.0, adoptando un nivel de significación del 95% (p<0,05). Mientras que el grupo de profesores-entrenadores más jóvenes mostraron poca apreciación del contexto formal, el grupo de profesores-entrenadores más experimentados valoró todos los contextos de aprendizaje. Se concluye que la existencia de diferentes perfiles enfatiza el carácter individual del proceso de aprendizaje y la necesidad de considerarlos en la implementación de acciones de educación continua para estos profesionales.

Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 13(3)dic. 2023.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529237


En el presente trabajo se analizarán los resultados parciales de una investigación en curso "Proceso de construcción de una cooperativa en la cárcel de máxima seguridad de Batán: contexto, actores, facilitadores y obstáculos. El caso de la Cooperativa Liberté" en el marco de la Especialización en Gestión de la Economía Social y Solidaria de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. La experiencia de la Cooperativa Liberté permite dar cuenta de la relación existente entre el cooperativismo y la promoción de salud/salud mental. Identificaremos a lo largo del trabajo, el modo en que las asociaciones solidarias - mediante la construcción de ciudadanía e identidades con sentido de comunidad -, posibilitan escenarios creativos para el cuestionamiento de contextos opresores y la construcción de posibilidades de acciones colectivas, aspectos centrales para la promoción de la salud mental. Metodológicamente se trabajó con análisis de documentos y registros, observación participante con triangulación de fuentes. Se realizó un análisis de fuentes secundarias (materiales escritos y audiovisuales elaborados por la propia cooperativa), observación participante y registros de diferentes actividades llevadas adelante por la cooperativa, y entrevistas a informantes claves.

No presente trabalho serão analisados os resultados parciais de uma pesquisa em andamento no âmbito da Especialização em Gestão da Economia Social e Solidária da Universidade Nacional de Quilmes. A experiência da Cooperativa Liberté permite compreender a relação entre o cooperativismo e a promoção da saúde/saúde mental. Ao longo do trabalho, identificaremos a forma como as associações solidárias - através da construção de cidadania e de identidades com sentido de comunidade - possibilitam cenários criativos para o questionamento de contextos opressivos e a construção de possibilidades de ações coletivas, aspectos centrais para a promoção de saúde mental. Metodologicamente, trabalhamos com análise de documentos e registros, observação participante com triangulação de fontes. Foi realizada análise de fontes secundárias (materiais escritos e audiovisuais elaborados pela própria cooperativa), observação participante e registros de diversas atividades realizadas pela cooperativa e entrevistas com informantes-chave.

This paper will analyze the partial results of an ongoing research within the framework of the Specialization in Management of the Social and Solidarity Economy of the National University of Quilmes. The experience of the Liberté Cooperative allows us to understand the relationship between cooperativism and health promotion/mental health. Throughout the articule, we will identify the way in which solidarity associations - through the construction of citizenship and identities with a sense of community - enable creative scenarios for the questioning of oppressive contexts and the construction of possibilities for collective actions, central aspects for mental health promotion. Methodologically, we worked with analysis of documents and records, participant observation with triangulation of sources. An analysis of secondary sources was carried out (written and audiovisual materials prepared by the cooperative itself), participant observation and records of different activities carried out by the cooperative, and interviews with key informants.

Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438390


Introducción: Los procesos normativos hacen parte vital del desarrollo en las diferentes culturas, al regular, sancionar, reconocer los deberes y derechos de los sujetos que conforman una sociedad; esto también aplica a la profesión de la fonoaudiología, la cual actualmente se encuentra reglamentada por la ley 376 de 1997 del Ministerio de Educación Nacional. Sin embargo, la Fonoaudiología en Colombia cuenta con 58 años de historia, de los cuales en las últimas dos décadas ha demostrado sus avances en el contexto laboral, generando cambios en competencias y roles de esta profesión. Pese a estos cambios la ley no ha tenido actualizaciones durante los 21 años posteriores a su sanción. Por lo anterior se realiza una revisión documental; identificando las normativas que reglamentan la profesión de la fonoaudiología en distintos países, analizándolas frente a la colombiana, con esta información recabada se realiza una encuesta estructurada por medio de la cual se determinó que para el gremio es contundente contar con la reforma a la Ley 376 y a su vez manifestaron estar de acuerdo con lo que se contempla dentro de la propuesta de reforma. Este proceso se está desarrollando por medio de un trabajo articulado entre la Asociación Colombiana de Fonoaudiología ASOFONO, el equipo de abogados y el senador ponente; con el objetivo de brindar un soporte que reglamente de manera actualizada a la profesión, conllevando a un beneficio de la profesión y el gremio en general.

Regulatory processes are a vital part of development in different cultures, by regulating, sanctioning, and recognizing the duties and rights of the subjects that make up a society. This also applies to the profession of speech therapy, which is currently regulated by Law 376 of 1997 of the Ministry of National Education. However, Speech Therapy in Colombia has 58 years of history, of which in the last two decades it has demonstrated its advances in the labor context, generating changes in competencies and roles of this profession. Despite these changes, the law has not been updated during the 21 years after its enactment. Therefore, a documentary review is carried out; identifying the regulations that regulate the profession of speech therapy in different countries, analyzing them against the Colombian one, with this information collected, a structured survey is carried out through which it was determined that for the union it is forceful to have the reform of Law 376 and in turn stated that they agree with what is contemplated in the reform proposal. This process is being developed through an articulated work between the Colombian Association of Speech Therapy ASOFONO, the team of lawyers and the senator speaker; with the aim of providing support that regulates the profession in an updated way, leading to a benefit for the profession and the guild in general.

Interdisciplinaria ; 39(3): 205-223, oct. 2022. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430577


Resumen El presente estudio se propone contribuir al campo de la autorregulación temprana desde un enfoque ecológico y situado y, al mismo tiempo, al campo del aprendizaje de la escritura. Sus objetivos son: (1) identificar eventos emocionalmente desafiantes en el aprendizaje de la escritura de niños/as; (2) indagar el despliegue de sus estrategias de regulación emocional; y (3) analizar la variación de dichas estrategias en situación de clase y de entrevista. Participaron 10 niños/as de primer grado de 6 y 7 años de la ciudad de San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina). Se realizaron observaciones de clases de Lengua focalizadas en escritura y entrevistas individuales. Las entrevistas se originaron en videos-elicitación cortos de niños/as actuando en eventos emocionalmente desafiantes en momentos de aprendizaje de la escritura: la percatación de una brecha entre el saber/poder y las demandas de una tarea, la exposición social y el entorno distractor. Se identificaron siete eventos emocionalmente desafiantes en total, sumándose cuatro a los propuestos en los videos-elicitación: la adecuación a normas externas, la corrección, la dificultad con el material y la equivocación. Asimismo, se documentó un amplio repertorio de estrategias de regulación emocional. Las más frecuentes fueron la modificación de la situación social, la comunicación y la expresión. Las observaciones permitieron hallar la modificación de la situación física, el control y el habla privada. En las entrevistas se pudo registrar la actividad alternativa, la respiración, la comunicación y la revaluación cognitiva. Se concluyó que la complementación de técnicas resulta promisoria para el estudio de la regulación emocional en el aprendizaje de la escritura.

Abstract Learning to write involves the challenge to understand and regulate one's own emotions in situation, such as frustration, anxiety and different moods. In recent years, the study of emotion regulation in children through different methodological tools, such as interviews, questionnaires or observations, has increased. However, to date there are few studies that complement these techniques. The present study seeks to contribute to early emotion regulation in learning to write from a sociocultural, ecological and situated approach, through the combination of interviews and class observations. The aims are to: (1) identify emotionally challenging events in children's learning to write; (2) describe the deployment of their strategies of emotion regulation; and (3) analyze the variation of these strategies in class and interview situations. Participants were 10 first graders from a school located in the urban area at San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina). The school was selected because communication and regulation of emotions is part of the educational project. Observations of language classes and individual interviews were conducted over Zoom in the COVID-19 pandemic context. Ten observations focused on the class interaction between the teacher and children in learning to write situations were analyzed. The individual interview is based on video-elicitation technique. Three videos were designated ad hoc. Each video elicited emotionally challenging events in learning to write: (1) the awareness of a gap between knowledge/power and the demands of a task (child represented difficulties in writing and erasing, showing emotional affectation); (2) social exposure (child was reading alone and an adult asked her about what she was reading, after which the girl looked down and pursed her lips); and (3) the distracting environment (two girls were chatting and making noise as two boys were writing in their notebooks). Beyond the three emotionally challenging events presented in the video-elicitation, another four were found: the adaptation to external norms, the revision of the own text, the difficulty with the material, and the acknowledge the own mistakes. Additionally, children deployed a wide repertoire of strategies according to the emotion regulation model of Gross (2015) and the specific literature. Overall, the most frequent strategies were the modification of the situation in a social way, communication and expression. In the observations, modification of the situation in physical form, control and private speech were found. In the interviews, the alternative activity, breathing, communication and cognitive reappraisal were observed. Finally, it was concluded that the complementation of research methods, class observations and interviews, is promising for the study of children's emotion regulation in learning to write.

Interdisciplinaria ; 38(1): 23-40, ene. 2021. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1149378


Resumen La previa (i.e., el consumo de alcohol antes de asistir al evento de la salida en el que puede, o no, consumirse más alcohol) incrementa marcadamente el riesgo de experimentar consecuencias negativas asociadas al consumo de alcohol. Aunque el consumo de alcohol es muy prevalente entre los adolescentes argentinos, son escasos los trabajos centrados en la previa. Este trabajo describe el consumo de alcohol y la conducta de previa en adolescentes argentinos (13 a 18 años), identifica el efecto de las normas descriptivas y los motivos de previa sobre la frecuencia de previa y la cantidad de alcohol consumido durante esta práctica, y examina variaciones en el consumo general de alcohol y en la cantidad de consecuencias negativas derivadas, en función de realizar, o no, la previa. Participaron 402 adolescentes (52.7 % mujeres) que completaron una encuesta sobre consumo de alcohol, consecuencias negativas asociadas, conducta y motivos de previa, y normas descriptivas sobre estos encuentros. El 60 % de los adolescentes reportó conducta de previa en el último año en la que consumieron, en promedio, 70 gramos de alcohol. El 85 % continuó tomando alcohol después de la previa. Quienes exhiben conducta de previa, comparados con quienes beben pero no hacen previa, consumen significativamente más alcohol y experimentan más consecuencias negativas derivadas de este consumo. A nivel multivariado, las normas descriptivas fueron el mejor predictor de los indicadores de previa. Los hallazgos sugieren que la previa sería un factor de riesgo para tener trayectorias de consumo problemático y sería beneficioso prevenir este tipo de prácticas.

Abstract In Argentina, alcohol is the most consumed psychoactive substance among adolescents and, similar to other western countries, rates of alcohol use markedly increase during this developmental stage. Arguably more concerning, heavy episodic drinking (HED, a.k.a. binge drinking) is also highly prevalent. Heavy episodic drinking can be defined as the consumption of a large quantity of alcohol (i.e., ≥ 42/70 g of pure alcohol, depending on sex and age) in one, rather brief, single setting. HED is associated with greater occurrence of a myriad of negative consequences such as alcohol-induced increments in impulsivity and risk-taking behaviors, blackouts, drunk driving, sleep and eating impairments, and the development of tolerance. Prepartying (i.e., the consumption of alcohol before attending a social event where more alcohol might, or might not, be available) is a high-risk drinking practice due to its robust association with alcohol-related negative consequences. Different factors influence alcohol use and preparty behavior. Many adolescents overestimate the drinking behaviors of their peers (descriptive norms) which, in turn, is associated with heavier alcohol use. Additionally, previous work found that one of the main reasons or motives for engaging in preparty behavior is the desire of getting intoxicated. Although alcohol use is highly prevalent among Argentinean adolescents, studies focused on prepartying are very scarce. The present study (i) describes alcohol consumption and prepartying behaviors in Argentinean adolescents (13 to 18 years old), (ii) examines the effect of descriptive norms and prepartying motives on prepartying outcomes (i.e., frequency of prepartying and drinking quantity when prepartying) and (iii) examines variations in alcohol drinking outcomes as a function of prepartying. Participants were 402 adolescents (52.7 % women) that completed a pencil and paper survey that measured alcohol consumption, prepartying outcomes, descriptive norms for prepartying, prepartying motives and alcohol-related negative consequences. Most of the sample (83 %) reported lifetime alcohol use and 64 % reported last-month alcohol use. More than half of the sample (57 %) reported engaging in prepartying behavior within the last year where they consumed an average of 70 grams of alcohol. Most of the adolescents who prepartied (85 %) continued drinking alcohol at the event. Adolescents who engaged in preparty behavior, compared to their drinking peers who did not, consumed significantly more alcohol and experienced more alcohol-related negative consequences. Specifically, 90 % of the adolescents who engaged in preparty behavior reported to engaged in heavy drinking episodes within the previous month while 68 % of drinkers who did not preparty reported to engage in that drinking pattern. At the multivariate level, descriptive norms, but not prepartying motives, were significantly associated with preparty behavior. The present results suggest that prepartying could be a risk factor for the involvement in problematic trajectories of alcohol use and, therefore, it would be beneficial to prevent adolescents from engaging in this type of drinking practice. Additionally, the present findings suggest promising avenues for intervention, such as those aimed at targeting descriptive norms. Adolescents tend to overestimate drinking behaviors among their peers, a bias that is associated with heavier alcohol use. Interventions aimed at correcting these biases have shown promising results at reducing drinking behaviors.

J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 32: e3268, 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1360511


ABSTRACT The contexts of sports practice are important elements that influence the sports development of children and young people. Thus, the aim of this study was to analyze the contexts of sports practice of elite Brazilian volleyball athletes, based on the verification of practice contexts and sociodemographic variables (gender, development stage and training category) that could influence the insertion on these environments. In this retrospective study, 121 athletes, members and former members of Brazilian national teams participated in the male and female suits. Data were collected from the Instrument for Analysis of Sports Development in Volleyball (IAFEV) and analyzed by descriptive statistics (gross and relative frequency) and inferential statistics (Multinomial Logistic Regression). The results revealed a significant association between practice sites and development stage [X2 (6) = 52,709; p <0,001), sex [X2 (3) = 8,387; p = 0.039] and category [X2 (9) = 22,297; p = 0.008], showing that the athletes practiced, throughout their sports development, physical and sports activities in more structured environments, such as clubs and gyms, especially during the specialization and investment years. In addition, the practice in clubs stood out among female athletes and among athletes belonging to the younger categories, revealing specific aspects that can influence the choice of practice environments.

RESUMO Os contextos de prática esportiva são importantes elementos que influenciam na formação esportiva de crianças e jovens. Assim, o objetivo desse estudo foi analisar os contextos de prática esportiva de atletas de elite do voleibol brasileiro, a partir da verificação dos locais de prática e de variáveis sociodemográficas (sexo, estágio da formação esportiva, categoria de formação) que pudessem influenciar na inserção a esses ambientes. Participaram desse estudo retrospectivo 121 atletas, integrantes e ex-integrantes das seleções brasileiras nos naipes masculino e feminino. Os dados foram coletados a partir do Instrumento de Análise da Formação Esportiva no Voleibol (IAFEV) e analisados pela estatística descritiva (frequência bruta e relativa) e inferencial (Regressão Logística Multinomial). Os resultados revelaram associação significativa dos locais de prática com o sexo [X2(3)=8.387;p=0,039], os estágios [X2(6)=52.709;p<0,001) e as categorias de formação [X2(9)=22.297;p=0,008], evidenciando-se que os atletas investigados praticavam, ao longo de sua formação esportiva, as atividades físicas e esportivas em ambientes mais estruturados, como clubes e academias, principalmente durante os anos de especialização e de investimento. Além disso, a prática nos clubes destacou-se entre as atletas do sexo feminino e entre os atletas pertencentes às categorias mais jovens, revelando aspectos específicos que podem influenciar na escolha dos ambientes de prática.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Formation Professionnelle , Volleyball , Athlètes , Sports , Soutien financier à la formation , Exercice physique , Centres de mise en forme , Performance sportive
Psicol. conoc. Soc ; 11(1): 161-166, 2021.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250532


Resumen: Este trabajo, resume los contenidos del libro titulado Comunidades. Estudios y experiencias sobre contextos y comunidades de aprendizaje (Martín, Rinaudo, & Paoloni, 2019). Ofrece reflexiones personales acerca de una obra que, fundamentada en investigación científica, considera diferentes voces sobre comunidades de aprendizaje y práctica en diversos contextos educativos. El libro reseñado, presenta estudios enmarcados en enfoques o perspectivas socio-culturales que entienden al aprendizaje como un proceso eminentemente social, que tiene lugar en las interacciones entre aprendices y las propiedades de ambientes específicos, independientemente del nivel de formalidad que se les haya adjudicado.

Abstract: This work summarizes the contents of the book entitled Communities. Studies and experiences on contexts and learning communities (Martín et al., 2019). It offers personal reflections about a work that, based on scientific research, considers different voices about learning and practice communities in different educational contexts. The book reviewed presents studies framed in socio-cultural approaches or perspectives that understand learning as an eminently social process, which takes place in the interactions between learners and the properties of specific environments, regardless of the level of formality assigned to them.

Resumo: Este trabalho resume o conteúdo do livro intitulado Comunidades. Estudos e experiências sobre contextos de aprendizagem e comunidades (Martín et al., 2019). Oferece reflexões pessoais sobre um trabalho que, a partir de pesquisas científicas, considera diferentes vozes sobre a aprendizagem e a prática das comunidades em diversos contextos educacionais. O livro, revisado, apresenta estudos enquadrados em abordagens socioculturais ou perspectivas que entendam a aprendizagem como um processo eminentemente social, que se dá nas interações entre aprendizes e nas propriedades de ambientes específicos, independentemente do nível de formalidade que lhes foi concedido.

Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 41: e221801, 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1340416


Resumo O presente artigo tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre a inserção da psicologia em contextos rurais na América Latina, considerando seu caráter de ciência e profissão e o fato de ter sido desenvolvida eminentemente em torno de fenômenos verificados em contextos urbanos. Foi realizada busca nas bases de dados PubMed, PsycINFO, Redalyc, Scielo, PePSic e LILACS, com os descritores: "Psicologia", "Zona rural" e "População Rural", nos idiomas inglês, espanhol e português. A revisão sistemática foi conduzida de acordo com os passos indicados pelo Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). A amostra final conteve 93 estudos empíricos publicados entre 1996 e 2017. A análise considerou as categorias: Temas Centrais das Pesquisas, População Estudada e Enfoque Teórico Predominante. Quanto às áreas de conhecimento principais, houve uma maior concentração de pesquisas com referencial predominante da Psicologia Social (43,0%), seguido da Psicologia Escolar/Educacional (12,9%) e da Psicologia da Saúde (9,7%). Os resultados apontam que a inserção e o estudo da Psicologia em contextos rurais são recentes e se encontram em desenvolvimento, com relativa heterogeneidade de temas e referenciais teóricos, o que a caracteriza como um campo em construção, visto o movimento de consolidação de produções mais recentes no campo da Psicologia Social Comunitária. As perspectivas de avanço na área dependem da construção de uma psicologia mais historicizada e comprometida com um projeto ético-político.(AU)

Abstract This paper aims to present the results of a systematic literature review on the work of psychology in Latin American rural contexts, considering its traditional scientific and professional focus on urban contexts. Based on Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), a search was conducted in the databases PubMed, PsycINFO, Redalyc, Scielo, PePSic, and LILACS for the keywords "Psychology," Rural Zones," and "Rural Population" in English, Spanish, and Portuguese. The final sample consisted of 93 empirical papers published between 1996 and 2017, analyzed based on the main research domains, studied population, and predominant theoretical approach. Most studies referred to Social Psychology (43,0%), followed by Educational Psychology (12,9%) and Health Psychology (9,7%). The results suggest that psychology insertion within rural contexts is recent and in progress. Studies on the field exhibit certain heterogeneity as to themes and theoretical frameworks, with more recent publications in Social Communitarian Psychology. The perspectives of advance in this field depends on the construction of a more historicized psychology, committed to an ethical-political project.(AU)

Resumen El presente artículo tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre la inserción de la psicología en contextos rurales en Latinoamérica, considerando su carácter de ciencia y profesión y el hecho de que se desarrolla principalmente sobre los fenómenos producidos en contextos urbanos. Se realizó una búsqueda en las bases de datos PubMed, PsycINFO, Redalyc, SciELO, PePSic y LILACS, utilizando los descriptores "Psicología", "Zona Rural" y "Población Rural" en los idiomas inglés, español y portugués. La revisión sistemática siguió los pasos sugeridos por el Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA). La muestra final se compuso de 93 estudios empíricos publicados entre los años de 1996 y de 2017. El análisis consideró las categorías: Temas Centrales de Investigación, Población Estudiada y Enfoque Teórico. Respecto de las principales áreas de conocimiento, hubo una mayor concentración con referenciales sobre la Psicología Social (43,0%), seguido de la Psicología Escolar/Educacional (12,9%) y la Psicología de la Salud (9,7%). Los resultados demuestran que la inserción y el estudio de la psicología en contextos rurales son recientes y están aún en constante desarrollo, con heterogeneidad de temas y referenciales teóricos, lo que caracteriza un movimiento de consolidación más reciente en el campo de la Psicología Social Comunitaria. Las perspectivas de avances en el área dependen de la construcción de una psicología más historicizada y comprometida con un proyecto ético-político de enfrentamiento de las desigualdades sociales.(AU)

Humains , Psychologie , Population rurale , Zones Rurales , Population , Psychologie de l'éducation , Psychologie sociale , Recherche , Travail , PubMed , Revue systématique
Actual. psicol. (Impr.) ; 34(129)dic. 2020.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, SaludCR, PsiArg | ID: biblio-1383482


Resumen Objetivo. Analizar el impacto que las representaciones léxicas de niños hispanohablantes, que crecen en contextos de pobreza, tiene sobre la comprensión lectora. Método. Se evaluó a 61 niños en una prueba de comprensión lectora y, a partir de los resultados, se dividió la muestra total en dos grupos: un grupo de alto nivel de comprensión y otro grupo de bajo nivel. Luego, se evaluaron ambos grupos en pruebas de vocabulario (representaciones semánticas del léxico mental) y el nivel lector (representaciones ortográficas del léxico mental). Asimismo, se exploró el nivel de memoria operativa de los niños, la realización de inferencias y el procesamiento morfosintáctico de lenguaje oral. Resultados. Se obtienen resultados que otorgan evidencia sobre la incidencia del léxico mental en la comprensión de textos escritos.

Abstract Objetive. This study analyses the impact that lexical representations of Spanish-speaking children in contexts of poverty have on the reading comprehension skills. Method. To this end, an assessment was made of the reading comprehension of 61 children. The results helped identify two groups within the sample: one with a high level of comprehension, and a second with a low level of comprehension. Each group's vocabulary (semantic representations of the mental lexicon) and reading level (orthographic representations of the mental lexicon) was then assessed. Other important skills related to comprehension were likewise explored, such as working memory, inference-making ability, and morphosyntactic processing of spoken language. Results. The results provide evidence regarding the substantial impact of mental lexicon representations on reading comprehension.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Vocabulaire , Zones de pauvreté , Compréhension , Tests du langage , Argentine
Interdisciplinaria ; 37(1): 25-26, jun. 2020. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124923


Resumen El presente trabajo indaga sobre la influencia de la depresión posparto (DPP) materna en las características prosódicas del Habla Dirigida al Bebé (HDB) y las emisiones preverbales infantiles en diversos contextos de interacción madre-hijo/a. Participaron 40 madres y sus bebés entre 3 y 6 meses de edad. Las madres fueron evaluadas con la Escala de DPP de Edimburgo (Cox, Holden y Sagoysky, 1987) y las díadas madre-hijo fueron filmadas en sesiones de juego no estructurado; 27 madres no presentaron indicadores de DPP y 13, sí. Las madres con DPP emitieron menor cantidad de vocalizaciones que las del grupo control y presentaron menor intensidad media y máxima al hablarle a sus bebés de 5-6 meses y esto fue particularmente observable en bebés varones (p < .07). Además, estas madres usaron menos curvas descendentes al dirigirse a bebés más pequeños (3-4 meses) y curvas ascendentes y descendentes al dirigirse a sus hijos varones (p < .01). En los bebés -tanto en los de 5-6 meses como en varones- (con madres con DPP se observó menor producción de emisiones preverbales, aunque sin ser significativa. La DPP materna impactó en los bebés más pequeños observándose una disminución de la frecuencia fundamental (p < .01) y de las intensidades media y máxima, pero solo en bebés varones (p < .05). También se halló una ausencia de curvas con forma de U en los varones e hijos de madres con DPP (p < .05). Aparentemente, la DPP afecta el HDB materno, el que varía a nivel acústico y prosódico en función de la edad del bebé afectando las emisiones preverbales, siendo mayor el impacto en los varones.

Abstract The present work aims to study the influence of postpartum depression (PPD) on the acoustic and melodic characteristics present in the vocal interaction between the mother and her baby. We analyze acoustic qualities of the mother's voice when she is talking to her baby (Infant-Directed Speech) such as fundamental frequency (F0 maximum, medium and minimum values) and intensity (maximum, medium and minimum values). The changes of F0 during a vocalization (intonation contours such as rising, falling, bell-shape, U-shape and sinusoidal and flat contours) were also examined. The same prosodic parameters were investigated in regard to prelinguistic vocalizations. The mothers were healthy, primiparous and native speakers of argentinian spanish. The babies were 3 to 6 month old, and those with congenital diseases or diseases that could affect the assessment of the variables under consideration were excluded. We evaluated 40 dyads of mother and child who attend the University Hospital of Maternity and Neonatology of Córdoba, Argentina. The presence of indicators for PPD was examined through the Edinburgh postpartum depression Scale (Cox, Holden & Sagoysky, 1987). The mother-infant interactions were filmed in unstructured play sessions. The categorization of different contexts in which those interactions occur were taken into account for the acoustic and melodic analysis. The types of interactional contexts were distinguished according the classification made in Papousek, Papousek & Symmes (1991). The results showed that 27 mothers did not present indicators of PPD and 13 did. Acoustically, the infant-directed speech of mothers who exhibit the presence of postpartum depression indicators featured lower values of medium and maximum intensity (p < .07, in both measures) in babies between 5 and 6 months old, and in male babies in particular (F0 medium p < .04 and F0 maximum p < .03). According to the melodic characteristics of IDS, less use of falling contours (p < .01) was found in mothers with PPD when addressing smaller babies -3 and 4 month old- and the same happened with the rising (p < .02) and falling (p < .01) contours when their children were males. In preverbal vocalizations, children whose mothers had indicators of postpartum psychopathology showed a lower number of emissions at a later age (p < .1) and in males (p < .1). Also, lower values of F0 were found in smaller babies (F0 minimum p < .01 and F0 medium p < .002). Male infants of mothers with PPD also presented a decrease in intensity (medium p < .05 and maximum p < .03). Finally, at the melodic analysis, the rising contours were not used at all for the oldest babies (p < .01) nor the U-shaped contours in males (p < .02). In conclusion, the findings of the present study not only confirm -through physiological measures- the effect of the interaction of mothers with their babies as a function of the presence of signs of postpartum depression, already from the first months of childhood life, but also that these alterations are modulated by the age and the gender of the infant. It is essential, therefore, to continue investigating whether these difficulties related to the primary bond that each mom and her child share are perpetuated over time. It is also necessary to adopt a gender perspective of maternal and child relationships and the importance of therapeutic approach and intervention of the dyad as early as the first months after birth. At the same time, the exhaustive and immediate diagnosis of PPD cases is a matter of primary healthcare and the multidisciplinary intervention is urgent from the beginning in order to ensure maternal-infant metal health and harmonic social, cognitive and emotional development in children.

Rev. bras. ciênc. esporte ; 42: e2021, 2020. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1137369


RESUMO O objetivo do estudo foi apresentar evidências de validade da Escala de Contextos de Aprendizagem para Treinadores Esportivos (Ecate). Quatro juízes avaliaram o conteúdo dos itens e 104 treinadores de tênis responderam à Ecate. Os itens apresentaram índices satisfatórios para clareza de linguagem e pertinência prática, e índices "substanciais"/"quase perfeitos" de concordância entre juízes para dimensionalidade teórica. O modelo mais adequado foi o tridimensional de segunda ordem com 17 itens, apresentou índices de ajustamento "razoáveis"/"bons". Sua consistência interna foi "boa" e a de suas dimensões "fraca"/"boa". Assim, a versão final da Ecate-17 demonstrou qualidades psicométricas satisfatórias na avaliação de contextos de aprendizagem quando aplicada a treinadores de tênis.

ABSTRACT The study's objective was to present evidences of validity of the Scale of Learning Contexts for Sports Coaches (Ecate). Four judges evaluated the items' content and 104 tennis coaches answered the Ecate. The items presented satisfactory indices for clarity of language and practical relevance, and "substantial"/"almost perfect" indices of agreement between judges for theoretical dimensionality. The most suitable model was a second-order three-dimensional model with 17 items, presenting "reasonable"/"good" indices of adjustment. Thus the final version of Ecate-17 demonstrated satisfactory psychometric qualities in assessing learning contexts when applied to tennis coaches.

RESUMEN El objetivo del estudio fue presentar evidencias de validez de la Escala de Contextos de Aprendizaje para Entrenadores Deportivos (Ecate). Cuatro peritos evaluaron el contenido de los ítems y 104 entrenadores de tenis respondieron a la Ecate. Los ítems presentaron índices satisfactorios de claridad de lenguaje y pertinencia práctica, e índices "sustanciales"/"casi perfectos" de concordancia para la dimensionalidad teórica. El modelo más adecuado fue el tridimensional de segundo orden con 17 ítems, que presentaba índices de ajuste "razonables"/"Buenos". Su coherencia interna fue "buena" y por sus dimensiones, "débil"/"buena". La versión final de la Ecate-17 demostró cualidades psicométricas satisfactorias en la evaluación de contextos de aprendizaje que se aplicaban a entrenadores de tenis.

Summa psicol. UST ; 17(1): 1-10, 2020. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1129728


Este artículo establece relaciones entre el desarrollo cognitivo de 405 niños1 de 3, 4 y 5 años y sus contextos educativos en la modalidad Hogares Comunitarios del Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar (HC-ICBF). Desde el enfoque sistémico de U. Bronfenbrenner se establecen relaciones entre indicadores de desarrollo de los niños y los descriptores de los contextos educativos denominados HC - ICBF. Los indicadores se establecen a partir de niveles diferenciados de estrategias de inferencia en la resolución de un problema, anclado a prácticas culturales específicas. Estadísticas no paramétricas y análisis de correspondencia múltiples (ACM) permitieron establecer que el desarrollo cognitivo de los niños preescolares tiene relaciones significativas con las expectativas que el cuidador tiene respecto de la educación de los niños. Estos datos dialogan con perspectivas de la psicología del desarrollo que vinculan los procesos de construcción de conocimiento a contextos culturales específicos

This article links the cognitive development of 405 children between 3 and 5 years old and their educational contexts under the modality of Community Homes of the Colombian Institute of Family Wellbeing (HC-ICBF). The systemic approach of Bronfenbrenner University establishes relations between development indicators of children and the descriptors of educational contexts called HC-ICBF. Indicators are established based on differentiated levels of inference strategies for problem resolutions concerning specific cultural practices. Non-parametric statistics and multiple correspondence analysis helped to determine that cognitive development of pre-school children have significant relationships with the expectation the caregiver has about children's education. These data relate to the approaches to developmental psychology that associate the knowledge construction processes with specific cultural contexts

Humains , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Développement de l'enfant , Cognition , Éducation , Relations interpersonnelles , Colombie
Rev. iberoam. psicol. (En línea) ; 13(1): 139-150, 2020. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1247994


Este estudio analiza los estilos de crianza parental y su relación con la aparición y mantenimiento de conductas disruptivas en escolares. El proceso de socialización en la familia es el primer y principal medio que provee y retroalimenta a nivel comportamental y emocional la conducta infantil, al vincular la práctica de actitudes, delimitación de normas-límites, valores, cumplimientos de funciones-roles y expresiones de comunicación-afecto. Se utilizó estudio de caso. Participaron seis progenitores de hijos 5 a 9 años de edad, a quienes se aplicó entrevistas psicológicas, escala de Funcionamiento Familiar (EFP) y cuestionario de Funcionamiento Familiar (FF-SI), a seis docentes se administró: Escala de Evaluación del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad e Inventario del Comportamiento de niños/as de 6-8 años para profesores/as. De las entrevistas clínicas se desprende que la mayoría de los niños muestran conductas disruptivas en los contextos: familiar y educativo, sus principales manifestaciones: irritaciones, confrontaciones, exigencias, búsqueda constante de atención, bajo rendimiento escolar, inquietud, desobediencia, no cumplen con tareas u obligaciones, desafiantes y manipuladores. Respecto a los estilos parentales y al funcionamiento familiar, los resultados encontrados muestran que las familias emplean estilos de crianza parental rígidos y permisivos. De ellas la mitad es moderadamente funcional y disfuncional. Por su parte, los docentes cumplimentan pruebas que indican la existencia de trastorno de conducta de riesgo elevado y moderado, con rango clínico. Estos resultados permiten concluir que los estilos de crianza parental se convierten en factores de protección o riesgo en la conducta de niños según la interacción que exista.

This study analyzes parenting styles and their relationship to the appearance and maintenance of disruptive behavior in school children. The process of socialization in the family is the first and main means that provides and provides feedback at a behavioral and emotional level for children's behavior, by linking the practice of attitudes, delimitation of norms-limits, values, fulfillment of functions-roles and expressions of communication -affection. A case study was used. Six parents of children from 5 to 9 years old participated, to whom psychological interviews, Family Functioning Scale (FFS) and Family Functioning Questionnaire (FF-SI) were applied, six teachers were administered: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Assessment Scale and Behavior Inventory for 6-8 years old children for teachers. From the clinical interviews, it was found that most of the children showed disruptive behaviors in the following contexts: family and educational, their main manifestations: irritations, confrontations, demands, constant attention seeking, low school performance, restlessness, disobedience, failure to fulfill tasks or obligations, defiance and manipulation. Regarding parental styles and family functioning, the results found show that families employ rigid and permissive parenting styles. Half of them are moderately functional and dysfunctional. For their part, teacher's complete tests that indicate the existence of high- and moderate-risk behavioral disorders, with clinical range. These results allow us to conclude that parenting styles become protective or risk factors in children's behavior depending on the interaction that exists.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Éducation de l'enfant , Troubles déficitaires de l'attention et du comportement perturbateur/psychologie , Relations parent-enfant , Socialisation , Attitude , Facteurs de risque , Pratiques éducatives parentales , Communication , Affect
Aletheia ; 52(2): 166-177, jul.-dez. 2019. ilus, tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1248706


Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura sobre o fenômeno da violência contra a mulher em contextos rurais no Brasil. Realizou-se busca na Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (Psicologia) que resultou em 66 artigos, dentre os quais foram selecionados 10 para o estudo. No geral, os artigos são recentes, de enfoque qualitativo, com uma diversidade de participantes, entre gestores, profissionais de saúde e mulheres. Os principais achados sugerem diferentes compreensões em torno da violência contra a mulher e características comuns dos contextos rurais como agravantes, como a dificuldade de acesso aos serviços. Como estratégias de enfrentamento, foram mencionadas: rede intersetorial e Estratégia Saúde da Família, grupos de mulheres, rede social de apoio e participação política. A carência de estudos demanda a necessidade de realização de novas pesquisas a fim de compreender melhor a dinâmica da violência em contextos rurais e implementar ações que assegurem o bem-estar e a dignidade das mulheres.

This study is a integrative literature review about the phenomenon of violence against women in rural areas in Brazil. We surveyed the data base of the Virtual Library in Health (Psychology), resulting in 66 articles, among which 10 were selected for the study. Overall, the articles are recent, qualitative, with a diversity of participants, among managers, health professionals and women. The main findings suggest different understandings about violence against women and common characteristics of rural contexts as aggravating factors, such as the difficulty of access to services. As coping strategies, the following were mentioned: intersectoral network and Family Health Strategy, women's groups, social support network and political participation. The lack of studies demands the need for new research to better understand the dynamics of violence in rural areas and to implement actions that ensure the well-being and dignity of women.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 24(10): 3663-3672, Oct. 2019. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039471


Abstract This paper focuses on the life experiences of children with chronic disease, a group whose invisibility involves particular challenges in their relationship with professionals in important life contexts, such as family, school and hospital. The study includes two complementary phases: i) Phase 1, composed of 15 interviews with parents, education and health professionals and two focus group discussions with children, and children and their mothers; and ii) Phase 2, which included self-report questionnaires administered to parents (n = 152) and children with chronic disease (n = 176). Based on a mixed methodology, this study combines quantitative and qualitative methods assuming that plural approaches allow for a deeper understanding of the life conditions of children with chronic disease and their families. The results reinforce the reproduction of social stereotypes and the tendency to focus on the individual ability to solve problems, which still remain to be circumscribed to the people's chronic disease sphere. Moreover, this paper reveals the central role that inclusive contexts have on children's wellbeing.

Resumo Este artigo foca-se nas experiências de vida de crianças com doenças crônica, cuja invisibilidade envolve desafios particulares no que respeita à sua relação com profissionais, em importantes contextos de vida, como sejam a família, a escola e o hospital. Este estudo inclui duas fases complementares: i) Fase 1, composta por 15 entrevistas com pais, profissionais de educação e de saúde, e dois grupos de discussão focalizada com crianças e com crianças e suas mães; e ii) Fase 2, a qual inclui questionários autoadministrados a pais (n = 152) e a crianças com doença crônica (n = 176). Baseado numa metodologia mista, este estudo combina métodos qualitativos e quantitativos, assumindo que abordagens plurais permitem um conhecimento mais aprofundado das condições de vida das crianças com doença crônica e suas famílias. Os resultados reforçam a reprodução de estereótipos sociais e a tendência para enfatizar a capacidade individual para resolver problemas, a qual parece estar ainda circunscrita à esfera das pessoas com doença crônica. Para além disso, este artigo revela o papel central que os contextos inclusivos têm no bem-estar das crianças.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant , Adolescent , Parents/psychologie , Protection de l'enfance/psychologie , Maladie chronique/psychologie , Droits des patients , Entretiens comme sujet , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Personnel de santé/statistiques et données numériques , Groupes de discussion
Investig. psicol ; 24(1): .58-67, jun. 2019.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1371491


La inhibición perceptual es el proceso encargado de suprimir la interferencia de distractores externos. A pesar del rol central que juega la inhibición en dominios heterogéneos (como la salud mental, las habilidades académicas, o el desarrollo), la investigación en la temática muestra una comprensión limitada del desarrollo de este proceso, que además ha focalizado su estudio en contextos neutrales. Por ello, el objetivo del estudio fue analizar el desarrollo de la inhibición perceptual en contextos emocionales y neutrales en población infantil. Participaron del estudio 407 niños/as de 8 a 12 años, que fueron evaluados con una tarea informatizada basada en el paradigma de flancos y del distractor enteramente irrelevante. Los resultados mostraron que este proceso se desarrolla de manera progresiva y gradual, sin diferencias en función del contexto o dominio de aplicación. De este modo, permiten extender los resultados hallados principalmente en contextos neutrales, al contexto emocional. Este estudio constituye un aporte a la comprensión del desarrollo de este proceso inhibitorio, en ambos contextos (emocionales y neutrales)

Perceptual inhibition is the process responsible for suppressing the interference generated by external distractors. Despite the fact that inhibition plays a central role in heterogeneous domains (such as mental health, well-being, academic skills, and even development), research shows a limited understanding of the development of this process and has also focused mostly on neutral contexts. For this reason, this work aims to analyze the development of perceptual inhibition in emotional and neutral contexts in children. To this end, 407 children aged 8 to 12 years participated in the study. They were evaluated with a computerized task based on the flanker paradigm and the entirely irrelevant distractor paradigm. The results showed that perceptual inhibition develops gradually, and shows no differences depending on the context or domain. These findings allow the extension of previous results found in neutral contexts to the emotional context. This study constitutes a contribution to the understanding of development of this inhibitory process in both contexts (emotional and neutral)

Humains , Enfant , Inhibition psychologique , Contrôle du comportement , Émotions
Estud. psicol. (Natal) ; 24(1): 82-89, Jan.-Mar. 2019.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1090322


This theoretical paper aims to examine some of the interfaces between rural settings and the field of mental health. First, living conditions in rural regions will be discussed, exploring rurality from a perspective of vulnerability and its impact on psychological health. Next, we will expand this approach by analyzing other analytical perspectives, namely Judith Butler's (2018) essay on the precariousness of life and Mbembe's (2018) necropolitics. Finally, this paper seeks to contribute to research on the living conditions and mental health of rural populations, and to promote territorial practices. Consideration will also be given to the specific lifestyles and needs of this community - without disregarding deteriorating conditions of inequality and insecurity arising from the conservative political discourse underway in our society.

O presente texto, de cunho teórico, objetiva discutir algumas interfaces entre contextos rurais e o campo da saúde mental. Inicialmente problematizamos as condições de vida no meio rural, chamando atenção para as ruralidades, e operando a partir do conceito de vulnerabilidade e seus rebatimentos na saúde mental. Em seguida, ampliamos essa discussão abrindo diálogo com outras perspectivas analíticas, a exemplo da discussão aportada por Judith Butler sobre a precarização da vida e da necropolítica de Mbembe. Por fim, pretendemos contribuir com as investigações que buscam entender as condições de vida e saúde mental das populações rurais e subsidiar práticas de cuidado territorializadas, considerando as especificidades dos modos de vida e necessidades dessas populações e atentando para o agravamento das condições de iniquidade e desproteção decorrentes de um projeto político conservador em curso em nossa sociedade.

El presente texto se propone discutir algunas interfaces entre los contextos rurales y el campo de la salud mental. Inicialmente, problematizamos las condiciones de vida en el medio rural, llamando atención sobre las diferentes ruralidades, y operando a partir del concepto de vulnerabilidad y sus impactos en la salud mental. A continuación, ampliamos esa discusión abriendo el diálogo a otras perspectivas analíticas, por ejemplo la discusión aportada por Judith Butler sobre la precarización de la vida y la necropolítica de Mbembe. Por último, pretendemos contribuir a las investigaciones que buscan entender las condiciones de vida y salud mental de las poblaciones rurales y aportar a prácticas de cuidado territorializadas, considerando las especificidades de los modos de vida y de las necesidades de esas poblaciones, y alertando sobre el agravamiento de las condiciones de inequidad y desprotección que se derivan de un proyecto político conservador en curso en nuestra sociedad.

Population rurale , Zones Rurales , Santé mentale , Vulnérabilité sociale , Brésil
Nat. Hum. (Online) ; 20(2): 12-33, jul.-dez. 2018.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1430920


El autor plantea los cambios en su práctica del psicoanálisis desde que comenzó a ejercerlo hasta la actualidad. Lo relaciona con los cambios contextuales y con los cambios en el tipo de pacientes que hoy encontramos en nuestras consultas. Se replantea las técnicas de abordaje que a la vez generan nuevas hipótesis teóricas.

The author raises the changes in his practice of psychoanalysis since he began to exercise it to this day. It relates to contextual changes and changes in the type of patients that we find in our consultations today. It reconsiders the techniques of approach that generate new theoretical hypotheses.

Agora USB ; 18(1): 225-235, ene.-jun. 2018.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-949813


Resumen Se intenta establecer un pensamiento filosófico que permita la recuperación de la reflexión por el saber -del ser, actualizar la pregunta por la técnica que para este caso estaría en la interrogación por la gerencia educativa y sus servicios en el contexto ideológico e histórico de las sociedades del gerenciamiento y desnaturalizar los influjos alienantes de la configuración de sujetos y subjetividades gerenciales.

Abstract It tries to establish a philosophical thought that allows the recovery of the reflection by the knowledge-of-being, to update the question by the technique, which for this case, would be the question by the educational management and its services in the ideological and historic context of management societies, and to denature the alienating influences of the configuration of subjects and management subjectivities.

Educ. revEduc. rev ; 34: e169378, 2018.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-891262


RESUMO: Neste trabalho apresentamos a análise da trajetória de uma professora enquanto supervisora do Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID). Por meio de uma análise narrativa, reconstruímos a história da professora no projeto, explicitando os principais aspectos de desenvolvimento profissional. Para tanto, nos apoiamos nas teorizações de Bernard Lahire sobre o conceito de disposições e sua articulação com as condições contextuais. Na análise da trajetória da professora inferimos disposições (participativa, reflexiva e à atualização) que foram mobilizadas ou atualizadas em determinadas características contextuais proporcionadas pelo PIBID. A mobilização dessas disposições, atravessadas por um contexto favorável, nos indicou aspectos de desenvolvimento profissional, como satisfação pessoal, reflexão sobre a própria prática, atualização teórica, entre outros. Os resultados evidenciam que é na confluência das condições contextuais com as maneiras pelas quais os sujeitos vivenciam essas condições, por meio de suas disposições, que o desenvolvimento profissional pode se dar de maneira efetiva.

ABSTRACT: In this work we present the analysis of the trajectory of a teacher as supervisor of the "Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência" (PIBID). Through a narrative analysis, we reconstructed the teacher story in the project, highlighting the main aspects of professional development. To this end, we rely on the theories of Bernard Lahire on the concept of dispositions and its articulation with the contextual conditions. In the analysis of the trajectory of the teacher we infer dispositions (participatory, reflective and to training) that were deployed or updated in certain contextual characteristics provided by PIBID. The mobilization of these dispositions, crossed by a favorable context, indicated aspects of professional development, such as personal satisfaction, reflect on their own practice, theoretical updates, among others. The results show that it is at the confluence of the contextual conditions with the ways in which individuals experience these conditions through its dispositions, that professional development can take place effectively.

Détails de la recherche