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Pesqui. vet. bras ; 37(11): 1299-1306, Nov. 2017. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895368


O granuloma leproide canino (GLC) é uma doença micobacteriana que cursa com lesão nodular, cutânea ou subcutânea, tipicamente auto limitante, decorrente de infecção pelo Mycobacterium. É uma doença dermatológica rara, usualmente relatada em países de clima tropical. O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar as alterações microscópicas e epidemiológicas de casos de GLC. Além disso, utilizar exames complementares para demonstração do Mycobacterium sp. na lesão analisada utilizando coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen, imuno-histoquímica e PCR para classificação e sequenciamento da espécie de Mycobacterium. Foram analisados 27 casos de GLC diagnosticados no período compreendido de 2005 a 2014 (21 exames histológicos e seis citológicos). A raça mais acometida foi Boxer (33,3%), seguida da Dachshund (11,1%). Foi frequente o acometimento de caninos de grande porte (64%) e de pelame curto (96%). Não foi possível estabelecer qualquer padrão de sazonalidade do GLC. As lesões se localizaram anatomicamente no pavilhão auricular na maioria dos casos (93%), constituindo-se de nódulos únicos ou múltiplos, ulcerados ou não. Em nenhum dos casos foi observado acometimento sistêmico. Lesões histológicas seguiram três padrões que variaram de nodulares a difusos, com infiltrado granulomatoso/piogranulomatoso com envolvimento de derme superficial e profunda. A observação de bacilos pela coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen confirmou o diagnóstico. Este teste demonstrou grande variação na quantidade de bacilos nas lesões, não relacionado estatisticamente ao tipo da lesão nem ao período evolutivo. A imuno-histoquímica foi positiva em 90% dos casos, e em alguns casos facilitou a identificação de bacilos, entretanto, em dois casos ocorreram resultados negativos mesmo havendo marcação pela coloração de Ziehl-Neelsen. Na técnica de PCR realizada em 18 amostras, 44% dos casos foram positivos, duas sequências inespecíficas, e demonstrou ainda, que Mycobacterium murphy foi responsável por 2 casos e Mycobacterium hodleri em um caso. Em outros três casos não se obteve 100% de semelhança entre o produto sequenciado e os demais Mycobacterium.(AU)

Canine leproid granuloma (CLG) is cutaneous diseases caused by mycobacteria that course with nodular cutaneous or subcutaneous lesion, typically self-limiting, due to Mycobacterium infection. It is an unusual dermatological disease, usually reported in tropical countries. The objective of the present study is to describe the epidemiological and histopathological findings of CLG. Furthermore, use additional tests for demonstration of Mycobacterium sp. in the lesion were performed, e.g. Ziehl-Neelsen staining, immunohistochemical and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for classification and genetic sequencing of Mycobacterium species. Twenty seven cases of CLG diagnosed between 2005 and 2014 were studied (21 cases by histological examination and six by cytological examination). Boxer dogs were the breed most affected (33.3%) followed by Dachshund dog breed (11.1%). The disease affected dogs with mainly large size (64%) and short-coated (96%). There was no evidence predilection for occurrence in any season. The lesions were localized, in most cases, at the pinna (93%), comprise one or multiple nodules, ulcerated or not. None of the cases was observed with systemic involvement. Histopathological findings included three patterns of nodular to diffuse, with inflammatory infiltration granulomatous/pyogranulomatous that involved superficial and deep dermis. Definitive diagnosis was made by the presence of acid-fast bacilli by Ziehl-Neelsen stain, showing wide variation in the number of bacilli in the lesions, not being statistically correlated to the type of injury or the evolution period. Immunohistochemistry was effective, and in some cases facilitated the identification of bacilli, but in two cases were negative even with marking by Ziehl-Neelsen staining. The immunohistochemistry was positive in 90% cases, and in some cases facilitated the identification of bacilli, but in two cases were negative even with marking by Ziehl-Neelsen staining. The PCR technique was positive in 44% of cases, demonstrating that Mycobacterium murphy was responsible for two cases of GLC and Mycobacterium hodleri by a one case. In other three PCR-positive cases if not got 100% similarity between the sequenced and other Mycobacterium.(AU)

Animaux , Chiens , Granulome/médecine vétérinaire , Infections à Mycobacterium/immunologie , Infections à Mycobacterium/médecine vétérinaire , Maladies de la peau/médecine vétérinaire
Medisan ; 21(5)mayo 2017. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-841705


Se describe el caso clínico de un anciano de 70 años de edad que acudió al Centro de Salud Ramón Campaña del distrito Pangua, en la Provincia de Cotopaxi, Ecuador, por presentar dolor intenso en la región dorsal izquierda, un abultamiento con sensación de que algo le comía hacia dentro y malestar general. En el examen físico se detectó un forúnculo de 6-7 cm de diámetro en la zona escapular izquierda, de aspecto eritematoso-edematoso, caliente y doloroso a la palpación, con un orificio central ulcerado donde se observaba una larva. Se diagnosticó una miasis cutánea, se extrajo la larva y se indicó desinfección local, antiinflamatorios y antibioticoterapia

The case report of a 70 years elderly is described. He went to Ramón Campaña Health Center in Pangua district, Cotopaxi, Ecuador due to an acute pain in the left dorsal region, a bulging with the feeling that something was eating him from inside and diffuse discomfort. In the physical examination, a 6-7 cm diameter furuncle was detected in the left scapular zone, with erythematosus-edematosus look, hot and painful when touched, with an ulcerated central hole where a larva was observed. A cutaneous myiasis was diagnosed, the larva was removed and local disinfection, antinflammatory drugs and antibiotic therapy were indicated

Humains , Mâle , Sujet âgé , Dermatoses parasitaires , Myiases , Maladies parasitaires , Maladies de la peau , Zoonoses
HU rev ; 34(4): 267-272, out.-dez. 2008. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-530870


O censo dermatológico das diversas regiões brasileiras apresenta inegável importância para a Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia no intuito de se priorizar também seu papel social, assim como sua função no desenvolvimento da política de saúde do país. O objetivo do trabalho é o levantamento nosológico das dermatoses mais freqüentes de uma ampla região que abrange parte do Estado de Minas Gerais e do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, com a finalidade de fornecer dados para posteriores trabalhos e iniciativas afins específicas. Foram avaliados 14.784 prontuários dermatológicos referentes ao período de 02 de fevereiro de 2003 a 02 de fevereiro de 2006. Deste total, ao excluírem-se os retornos, obtiveram-se um total de 9.031 pacientes atendidos, valor referente ao número de patologias diagnosticadas e tratadas no Serviço de Dermatologia do Hospital Universitário da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora. Os diagnósticos foram subdivididos de forma compacta e didática. Os resultados mais frequentes foram Tumores Cutâneos com 19,9% do total; Infecções Cutâneas com 19,89%; Eczemas com 13,56% e Afecções dos Anexos com 10,56%. Quanto às infecções, estas representam um grande percentual dos casos analisados, o que se deve provavelmente ao baixo nível socioeconômico dos pacientes em estudo. O presente Censo Dermatológico fornece subsídios para as diversas instâncias governamentais no planejamento das políticas de saúde na área da dermatologia, assim como para os programas de formação em dermatologia.

A dermatological survey of the different Brazilian regions provides scope for the Brazilian Dermatology Society to both play its social role and influence the national health policies. The objective of this study is the data-gathering nosological survey of the most frequently diagnosed dermatological conditions in a region comprising part of the states of Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 14.784 medical records of Dermatology from the period February 2, 2003 to February 2, 2006 were assessed.After exclusion of follow-up visits, 9.031 patients were seen at the Dermatology Clinic. Diagnoses were clustered in a compact and didatic way. The results were that 19.9% of the patients were diagnosed with skin tumors, 19.89% with skin infections, 13.56% with eczema, and 10.56% with infection of the skin annexes. The low socioeconomic status of the patients is likely to account for the high percentage of skin infections. This dermatological census informs different government levels about priorities for health policies and professional education.

Humains , Maladies de la peau/diagnostic , Dermatologie , Politique de santé
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-104492


The diagnosis of cutaneous disorders depends mainly on the visual observation of skin lesions. To make accurate diagnoses, extensive experience with a number of different pathological states is required. An atlas that contains a wide range of pictures of cutaneous disorders is one way to gain indirect experience. However, the textbooks usually used for this purpose are inappropriate. With recent developments in computer science, which have made it possible to show many pictures relatively easily, a number of electronic textbooks have been published in medicine, especially in Western countries. However, most of these texts are simply modifications of earlier textbooks, and consist of text descriptions with a few added pictures, a practice that does not make the most of the benefits an electronic textbook can offer. In Korea, the Korean Dermatological Association as well as individual dermatologists have published several textbooks, including the 'Atlas of Skin Disease'. However, there has been no attempt to make an electronic textbook containing numerous images of cutaneous diseases with their descriptions. In 1986, we began to compile an electronic textbook for cutaneous diseases and completed it under the name the 'eBook of Dermatology', in 2004. It consists of 29 chapters, covering 1,116 diseases. Twenty-three dermatologists participated in collecting the 4,028 pictures, and writing the descriptions, which are given in the following form for each disorder: definition, cause and pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, pathologic features, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, and treatment.

Diagnostic , Diagnostic différentiel , Corée , Peau , Écriture
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