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Saúde Redes ; 9(1): 16, mar. 2023.
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1438282


Apresentamos uma pesquisa de abordagem narrativa sobre a trajetória de David Capistrano da Costa Filho, com ênfase em suas contribuições à Saúde Coletiva, com o duplo objetivo de explicitar a atualidade de seus pressupostos e partilhar um recurso metodológico no ensino em saúde. Trata-se de uma narrativa biográfica póstuma ancorada nas diretrizes de um módulo de graduação oferecido na Universidade Federal de São Paulo, denominado Encontros e Produção de Narrativas. O referido módulo é ofertado a seis cursos da saúde, no formato interdisciplinar, visando uma abordagem comum às diversas profissões, para a produção do cuidado, em acordo com os princípios do SUS. O método para a construção desta narrativa se ateve ao levantamento de informações, oriundas de livros escritos pelo e sobre o autor, artigos e documentos em formato impresso e audiovisual, tais como depoimentos, cartas e entrevistas disponíveis na literatura cinzenta e especializada. As informações foram levantadas no período de 2019 a 2021 e organizadas em uma ordem cronológica dos fatos. Considerando o protagonismo de David, falecido no ano 2000, mas eternizado pelas suas obras, especialmente na cidade de Santos, parece-nos profícuo, na condição de educadores/as, estimular as novas gerações, por meio da abordagem narrativa e biográfica, a conhecer experiências que subordinem a ordem política ao bem-viver, em perspectiva atemporal.

Rev. psicol. polit ; 22(55): 700-718, dez. 2022. ilus
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1450374


Este artigo propõe uma revisitação analítica ao filme eXistenZ (1999), de David Cronenberg, focalizando um de seus temas centrais, mas pouco explorado por sua fortuna crítica: a feminização do homem no espaço das práticas eróticas heterossexuais. O tema se articula no filme, em nosso entendimento, por meio de suas figurações alegóricas da erotização anal do homem e dos erotismos tântrico e taoista. Nossa abordagem exploratória tem o duplo caráter metodológico de interpretação fílmica e escuta psicanalítica, construindo-se nas interfaces entre os campos da psicanálise e dos estudos de cinema. Ela se ampara também em conceitual dos campos dos estudos dos homens e das masculinidades, feministas e queer, e, para fins de descrição do objeto, em subsídios buscados nos emergentes estudos acadêmicos tântricos e taoístas. Em psicanálise, mobilizamos conceitual antifalocêntrico de formulação recente por autores como Jacques André, Gerald I. Fogel, Silvia Bleichmar e Monique Schneider.

This article proposes an analytical revisitation of the film eXistenZ (1999), by David Cronenberg, focusing on one of its central themes, but little explored by its critical fortune: male feminization in the arena of heterosexual erotic practices. The theme is articulated in the film, in our understanding, through its (1) allegorical figuration of man's anal eroticization and of the tantric and daoist eroticisms. Our exploratory approach has the double methodological character of film interpretation and psychoanalytic listening, built at the interfaces between the fields of psychoanalysis and film studies. It is also supported by concepts from the academic fields of men's and masculinities, feminist and queer studies, and, for the purpose of describing the object, from subsidies sought in the emerging Tantric and Daoist academic studies. In psychoanalysis, we mobilize recent antiphallocentric formulations by scholars such as Jacques André, Gerald I. Fogel, Silvia Bleichmar and Monique Schneider.

Este artículo propone una revisión analítica de la película eXistenZ (1999), de David Cronenberg, centrándose en uno de sus temas centrales, pero poco explorado por su fortuna crítica: la feminización del hombre en el espacio de las prácticas eróticas heterosexuales. El tema articulase en la película, a nuestro entender, por medio de sus figuraciones alegóricas de la erotización anal del hombre y de los erotismos tántrico y taoísta. Nuestro enfoque exploratorio tiene el doble carácter metodológico de interpretación fílmica y escucha psicoanalítica, en las interfaces entre los campos del psicoanálisis y los estudios cinematográficos. También se apoya en conceptos de los campos de los estudios masculinos y de masculinidades, feministas y queer; y, con el propósito de describir del objeto, de los subsidios buscados en los estudios académicos tántricos y taoístas emergentes. En psicoanálisis, movilizamos formulaciones antifalocéntricas recientes de autores como Jacques André, Gerald I. Fogel, Silvia Bleichmar y Monique Schneider.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221172


This research paper revolves around several factors that affect cryptocurrency and its efficiency shortly. Many great scholars have talked differently about this concept. To find where cryptocurrency is bound to be, a survey was conducted with necessary questions and a total of 200 responses were received which in turn, helped us to analyze and interpret various economic and social factors impacting its standing in the business sector. Certain limitations and suggestions were generated at the end of the research analysis, followed by the conclusion. It also explores the users' confidence in dealing with cryptocurrency in a time when the usage of such virtual cash was not fully managed and regulated. Besides, the paper is aimed to measure the spread of cryptocurrency use to have a clear photo from the practical view. The paper additionally analyses how certain remarkable international locations have responded in terms of recommendations

Rev. latinoam. psicopatol. fundam ; 24(1): 188-199, jan.-mar. 2021.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1251909


North American writer David Foster Wallace wrote two short stories - The Planet Trillaphon As It Stands In Relation To The Bad Thing and The Depressed Person - that depict depression, in each one taking different yet complementary perspectives on this subject. Our aim is to analyze these texts and to discuss the role literature can have in regard to the apprehension of subjective experiences of others. Whereas the first text attempts to describe depression objectively, the second one describes the impossibility of doing so, focusing on literary techniques that create distressing subjective experiences in the reader, possibly resembling those felt by depressed persons. We suggest that literature might be helpful to comprehend some aspects of the experience of being depressed and that such an understanding may enrich psychiatric practice.

O escritor estadunidense David Foster Wallace escreveu dois contos - The Planet Trillaphon As It Stand In Relation To The Bad Thing e The Depressed Person - que abordam a temática da depressão, em cada um adotando perspectivas distintas e complementares. Nosso objetivo é analisar esses textos e discutir alguns aspectos do acesso à experiência subjetiva de outras pessoas, mais especificamente o papel da literatura nesse processo. Enquanto o primeiro texto descreve a depressão objetivamente, o segundo descreve a impossibilidade de fazer tal descrição, focando em técnicas literárias que criam experiências subjetivas desagradáveis, possivelmente semelhantes às sentidas pelas pessoas deprimidas. Nós sugerimos que a literatura pode ser útil na compreensão de alguns aspectos da experiência de estar deprimido, e que tal compreensão pode enriquecer a prática psiquiátrica.

L'écrivain nord-américain David Foster Wallace a écrit deux contes - « The Planet Trillaphon As It Stand In Relation To The Bad Thing ¼ et « The Depressed Person ¼ - abordant le thème de la dépression, en adoptant dans chacun de ces textes des perspectives distinctes et complémentaires. Notre but est de les analyser et de discuter certains aspects de l'accès à l'expérience subjective d'autres personnes, en nous intéressant tout particulièrement au rôle de la littérature dans ce processus. Alors que le premier texte décrit la dépression de façon objective, le second décrit l'impossibilité d'en faire une telle description, se concentrant sur des techniques littéraires créant des expériences subjectives désagréables, potentiellement semblables à celles ressenties par les personnes déprimées. Nous suggérons que la littérature peut être utile dans la compréhension de certains aspects de l'expérience de l'être déprimé et qu'une telle compréhension peut enrichir la pratique psychiatrique.

El escritor estadounidense David Foster Wallace escribió dos cuentos - The Planet Trillaphon As It Stand In Relation To The Bad Thing y The Depressed Person- que abordan la temática de la depresión y que adoptan perspectivas distintas y complementarias. Nuestro objetivo es analizar dichos textos y discutir algunos aspectos del acceso a la experiencia subjetiva de otras personas, más específicamente el papel de la literatura en ese proceso. Mientras que el primer texto describe la depresión objetivamente, el segundo describe la imposibilidad de hacer dicha descripción, centrándose en técnicas literarias que crean experiencias subjetivas desagradables, posiblemente semejantes a las sentidas por las personas deprimidas. Sugerimos que la literatura puede ser útil para la comprensión de algunos aspectos de la experiencia de estar deprimido, y que tal comprensión puede enriquecer la práctica psiquiátrica.

Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;28(1): 59-78, mar. 2021.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154326


Resumo A medicina baseada em evidências (MBE) pretende aumentar a eficiência e qualidade dos serviços de saúde prestados à população e diminuir os custos operacionais dos processos de prevenção, tratamento e reabilitação. Busca identificar problemas relevantes do paciente e promover a aplicabilidade social das conclusões. O artigo ressalta a importância da MBE para o ensino e para as práticas clínicas sociais da atualidade a partir da contribuição de Archibald Cochrane e David Sackett no desenvolvimento e na difusão desse paradigma assistencial e pedagógico durante o século XX. A MBE tem contribuído para ampliar a discussão sobre as relações entre ensino e prática da medicina, assumindo papel de destaque em reformas curriculares e modelos de formação no cuidado e práticas em saúde.

Abstract Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is intended to improve the efficiency and quality of health services provided to the population and reduce the operational costs of prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation; the objective of EBM is to identify relevant issues and promote the social applicability of conclusions. This article underscores the importance of EBM in modern clinical teaching and social practices from the contributions of Archibald Cochrane and David Sackett to the development and dissemination of this paradigm in care and education during the twentieth century. EBM has helped broaden discussions on the relationships between teaching and medical practice, and has taken on an important role in curriculum reforms and training models and practices in health care.

Humains , Histoire du 20ème siècle , Histoire du 21ème siècle , Médecine factuelle/histoire , Soins aux patients/histoire , États-Unis , Canada , Royaume-Uni
Subj. procesos cogn ; 25(1): 1-22, ene.-jun. 2021.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1283350


Este artículo presenta una investigación que busca comprender los procesos intersubjetivos en mediación de conflictos familiares. Presenta fragmentos de dos sesiones de mediación analizadas con el método ADL (Algoritmo David Liberman) al respecto de los actos de habla de los participantes. Fue trabajada una sesión que generó acuerdo y otra sesión que no lo generó. Los resultados obtenidos en todas las sesiones mostraron el predominio de característica anal, deseo A2, con defensas Acordes afines en estado exitoso, mientras que la diferencia ocurrió en la transformación de tipo de defensa. En la sesión fracasada, las defensas cambiaron por represión y desmentida en la parte final de los diálogos, lo que entendemos, imposibilitó el diálogo constructivo entre los participantes, mientras que, en la sesión exitosa, los cambios por represión y desmentida ocurrieron al inicio y retornaron a defensas Acordes afines en la parte final de la sesión, esencial para que se produjera el acuerdo(AU)

This article presents an investigation that seeks to understand the intersubjective processes in mediation of family conflicts. It presents fragments of two mediation sessions analyzed with the ADL method (David Liberman Algorithm) regarding the speech acts of the participants. A session that generated an agreement and another session that did not generate it was worked on. The results obtained showed the predominance of the anal characteristic, desire A2, with related Chord defenses in a successful state, while the difference occurred in the transformation of the type of defense. In the unsuccessful session, the defenses changed to repression and denial in the final part of the dialogues, which we understand made constructive dialogue between participants impossible, while in the successful session, the changes due to repression an d denial occurred at the beginning and They returned to likeminded Chords defenses in the final part of the session, essential for the deal to come about(AU)

Humains , Parole , Conflit familial , Psychanalyse , Garde d'enfant
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-212904


Background: Ascending aortic involvement in Behçet’s disease is very rare, and often accompanied by aortic root dilatation. In cases with aortic valve insufficiency without valve structure impairment, valve-sparing surgery can be performed. This study aimed to investigate the mid-term results of patients with ascending aortic involvement and selected surgical procedures according to the valve structure among those vascular Behçets disease.Methods: A total of 13 Behçet’s disease with aortic involvement operated at our center from January 2012 to 2018 was retrospectively investigated. Bentall or david valve-sparing operations were preferred according to the aortic valve status. Postoperative echocardiography and computed tomography imaging was performed periodically for aortic valve competence and pseudoaneurysm formation.Results: Bentall procedure was performed in 7 (54%) patients, and 6 (46%) patients were undergone valve-sparing David procedure. Operative mortality was 7.7%, one patient died of major gastrointestinal bleeding 3 months after the operation. After 51±23 (ranged 23 to 94) months of follow-up, no other mortality occurred, overall survival rates were 84.6%, two patients had minimally aortic regurgitation and one patient had mild regurgitation in David procedure. In Bentall procedure, no paravalvular leakage was found during follow-up.Conclusions: The database of our retrospective study regarding age and sex incidence, clinicopathological features and therapeutic outcome was comparable to other studies in various literatures.

Article de Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1292439


Introduction: An outbreak of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is currently affec-ting worldwide. The association between this virus and the upregulation of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) has been suggested as a potential as an important factor in the development of Coronavirus Disease- 19 (COVID-19). Objective: To describe the relationship between some antihypertensive treatments and COVID-19. Methods: A research was conducted with the components of the PIO (Population, Intervention, Outcomes) strate-gy, including the literature of the last 20 years available in central PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, and Embase databases. All relevant articles that assessed the epidemiological relationship between SARS-CoV-2 and hyperten-sion, the treatment and outcomes of the patients who have this comorbidity, as well as the relationship between the RAA axis and COVID-19 were included in the analysis. Results: A total of 292 items were found in the databases. After a thorough analysis, 17 papers were selected, including in vitro and in vivo tests, clinical trials, and epidemiological studies related to the topic analyzed. Conclusion: Due to the systemic benefits of antihypertensive drugs targeting the RAA axis, and the lack of eviden-ce of these treatments being a risk factor, It is not recommended to withdraw these medications from hypertensive patients infected with SARS-CoV 2, unless there is a clinical indication.

Introducción: el surgimiento y diseminación del coronavirus tipo 2 del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo (SARS-CoV-2), actualmente, afecta a la mayoría de los del mundo. La asociación entre este virus y la regulación positiva de la enzima convertidora de angiotensina 2 (ACE2) se ha sugerido como un factor potencial en el desarrollo de la enfermedad por coronavirus-19 (COVID- 19). Objetivo: describir la relación entre algunos tratamientos antihipertensivos y la COVID-19. Métodos: se revisaron los componentes de la estrategia PIO (población, intervención, resultados). Se incluyeron todos los artículos relevantes de los últimos 20 años disponibles en las bases de datos centrales PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus y Embase, que describen la relación epidemiológica entre SARS-CoV-2 e hipertensión, el tratamiento y el desenlace de los pacientes quienes tienen esta comor-bilidad, así como la relación entre el eje renina-angiotensina-aldosterona y COVID-19. Resultados: se encontraron inicialmente 292 artículos en las bases de datos, para finalmente seleccio-nar 17 artículos, incluyendo exámenes in vivo e in vitro, ensayos clínicos y estudios epidemiológicos relacionados con el tema analizado. Conclusión: debido a los beneficiosos efectos sistémicos del tratamiento antihipertensivo, cuyo blanco es el sistema renina-angiotensina- aldosterona, y a la falta de evidencia acerca de estos me-dicamentos en cuanto a la inducción de SARS-CoV-2, no se recomienda suspender o contraindicar el tratamiento con estos fármacos en pacientes hipertensos positivos para COVID-19, a menos que haya una indicación clínica

Introdução: Um surto de Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) está afe-tando atualmente em todo o mundo. A associação entre esse vírus e a suprarregulação da Enzima Conversora da Angiotensina 2 (ACE2) tem sido sugerida como um fator potencial importante no de-senvolvimento da Doença do Coronavírus-19 (COVID-19). Objetivo: Descrever a relação entre al-guns tratamentos anti-hipertensivos e COVID-19. Métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa com os com-ponentes da estratégia Population, Intervention, Resultados (PIR), incluindo a literatura dos últimos 20 anos disponível nas bases de dados centrais PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus e Embase. Todos os artigos relevantes que avaliaram a relação epide-miológica entre SARS-CoV-2 e hipertensão, o trata-mento e resultados dos pacientes que apresentam essa comorbidade, bem como a relação entre o eixo RAA e COVID-19 foram incluídos na análise. Resultados: Foram encontrados 292 itens nas bases de dados. Após análise aprofundada, foram selecionados 17 artigos, entre testes in vitro e in vivo, en-saios clínicos e estudos epidemiológicos relacionados ao tema analisado. Conclusão: Devido aos be-nefícios sistêmicos dos medicamentos anti-hipertensivos direcionados ao eixo RAA e à falta de evi-dência desses tratamentos serem um fator de risco, não é recomendado retirar esses medicamentos de pacientes hipertensos infectados com SARS-CoV 2, a menos que haja um indicação clínica.

Inhibiteurs de l'enzyme de conversion de l'angiotensine , Coronavirus , Antagonistes des récepteurs aux angiotensines , COVID-19 , Hypertension artérielle
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 29(2): e017919, 2020. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138073


Abstract Cryptosporidium is a zoonotic parasite that causes diarrhea in a broad range of animals, including deer. Little is known about the prevalence and genotype of Cryptosporidium spp. in Père David's deer. In this study, 137 fecal samples from Père David's deer were collected between July 2017 and August 2018 in the Dafeng Reserve and analyzed for Cryptosporidium spp. by nested-PCR based on the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene, followed by sequence analyses to determine the species. The 60 kDa glycoprotein (gp60) gene was used to characterize Cryptosporidium spp. Among 137 samples, 2 (1.46%) were positive for Cryptosporidium spp. according to SSU rRNA gene sequencing results. Both samples belonged to the Cryptosporidium deer genotype, with two nucleotide deletions and one nucleotide substitution. The prevalence data and molecular characterization of this study provide basic knowledge for controlling and preventing Cryptosporidium infections in Père David's deer in this area.

Resumo Cryptosporidium é um parasita zoonótico que causa diarreia em uma ampla gama de animais, incluindo veados. Pouco se sabe sobre a prevalência e o genótipo de Cryptosporidium spp. no cervo de Père David. Neste estudo, 137 amostras fecais do cervo de Père David foram coletadas entre julho de 2017 e agosto de 2018, na Reserva Dafeng, e analisadas para Cryptosporidium spp. por nested-PCR baseado no gene do RNA ribossômico da subunidade pequena (SSU rRNA), seguido de análises de sequências para determinar as espécies. O gene da glicoproteína de 60 kDa (gp60) foi utilizado para caracterizar Cryptosporidium spp. Dentre as 137 amostras, 2 (1,46%) foram positivas para Cryptosporidium spp. de acordo com os resultados do sequenciamento gênico de SSU rRNA. Ambas as amostras pertenciam ao genótipo do cervo Cryptosporidium, com duas deleções nucleotídicas e uma substituição nucleotídica. Os dados de prevalência e a caracterização molecular deste estudo fornecem conhecimentos básicos para controlar e prevenir infecções por Cryptosporidium nos cervos de Père David nessa.

Animaux , ARN ribosomique , Cervidae/parasitologie , ADN des protozoaires/génétique , Épidémiologie moléculaire , Cryptosporidiose/épidémiologie , Cryptosporidium/génétique , Phylogenèse , Chine/épidémiologie , Prévalence , Analyse de séquence d'ADN , Cryptosporidiose/parasitologie , Cryptosporidium/isolement et purification , Fèces/parasitologie , Génotype
Subj. procesos cogn ; 23(1): 114-138, ene.-jun. 2019.
Article de Espagnol | BINACIS, UNISALUD, LILACS | ID: biblio-1118699


Los estudios sobre ciberacoso relevan un incremento de esta problemática en los adolescentes, no obstante, son escasos los trabajos desde el psicoanálisis. Por lo tanto, el presente artículo tiene como objetivo explorar los procesos psíquicos y vinculares del acoso cibernético (acosado y acosador) desde una perspectiva psicoanalítica en estudiantes. La muestra se conformó por 102 estudiantes de preparatoria de México y 54 estudiantes de Argentina de entre 15 y 18 años. Para alcanzar el objetivo propuesto se utilizó un instrumento creado por Lanzillotti & Korman que consiste en un cuestionario en el que se consulta a los/as participantes respecto a su conocimiento respecto del ciberacoso. Se presentan resultados a partir del análisis de la interpretación del material desde el punto de vista del método psicoanalítico y el método Algoritmo David Liberman (ADL)(AU)

Studies on cyberbullying reveal an increasing salience of this problem in adolescents, however, the works from psychoanalysis are scarce. Therefore, this article aims to explore the psychic and related processes of cyberbullying (harassing and stalking) from a psychoanalytic perspective in students. The sample consisted of 102 high school students from Mexico and 54 students from Argentina between 15 and 18 years old. To achieve the proposed objective, an instrument created by Lanzillotti & Korman was used, consisting of a questionnaire in which participants are consulted regarding their knowledge regarding cyberbullying. Results are presented from the analysis of the interpretation of the material from the point of view of the psychoanalytic method and the David Liberman Algorithm (ADL) method(AU)

Humains , Adolescent , Cyberintimidation , Psychanalyse , Étudiants
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-756369


Objective To evaluate the safety and efficiency in aortic root disease .Methods From April 2017 to April 2018,46 cases of aortic root disease accepted DavidⅠ[20 cases, 15 males and 5 females, aged(39.6 ±15.8)years, aortic root diameter was(58.3 ±4.4)mm] or Bentall[26 cases, 22 males and 4 females, aged(50.8 ±12.6)years,aortic root diam-eter was(59.5 ±5.0)mm], the data in the peri-operation and heart function in recent period after operation.Results No mortality was observed in the study.Morbidity occurred in both group was comparable.Mean cross-clamp time(129.5 ±28.6) min vs.(94.3 ±35.3)min(P<0.05).Blood transfusion(342.0 ±476.4)ml vs.(330.8 ±651.3)ml(P>0.05).ICU sta-ying time(1.0 ±0.2)day vs.(1.1 ±0.3)day(P>0.05).At the latest visit(10.5 ±6.8)months in David Ⅰ, no obviously regurgitation of aortic valve were observed 0.75 ±0.44 vs 1.0 ±1.3(P>0.05).Conclusion Except for the prolonged cross-clamp time, David Ⅰ is safely and effective in aortic root disease compared with Bentall in peri-operative period .The long term results need further follow-up.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-800477


Objective@#To summarize the effect of modified David technique on acute type A aortic dissection sinus formation.@*Methods@#From March 2018 to September 2018, modified David technique was applied to aortic sinus remodeling in acute A-type aortic dissection in 19 patients, 13 males and 6 females. The age was 45-67(50.42±15.37) years old and the weight was 45-112(60.32±25.18) kg. Single sinus(noncoronary sinus) was repaired in 15 cases, double sinus formation(noncoronary sinus+ right coronary sinus+ coronary artery transplantation) in 2 cases, left sinus Florid sleeve technical treatment plus double sinus formation(noncoronary sinus+ right coronary sinus+ coronary artery transplantation) in 1 case, Single sinus(noncoronary sinus) repaired and aortic vavle replacement in 1 case. Frozen elephant trunk and total arch replacement in 13 cases, hemiarch replacement in 3 cases.@*Results@#There were no deaths in this group. The cardiopulmonary bypass time was 176-245(193.27±32.46) minutes, the aortic cross clamp time was 105-187(122.36±18.57)minutes, and the operation time was 6.5-11.0(7.63±1.31) hours. The mechanical ventilation time was 18-122(48.27±34.73)hours, the intensive care unit stay time was 2-10(5.35±2.62) days, and the postoperative hospital stay was 7-22(12.63±3.25)days. There was no delayed sternal closure during operation, and there was no secondary thoracotomy after operation. One patient developed a transient advanced atrioventricular block. Transient neurological dysfunction was observed in 5 patients. All patients were followed up for more than half a year. The color Doppler echocardiography and computed tomography angiograph(CTA)showed no aortic regurgitation or residual dissection.@*Conclusion@#The application of modified David technique in the remodeling of aortic root sinus in acute type A aortic dissection is an effective technique with relatively simple process, which is worth promoting.

Chinese Journal of Rheumatology ; (12): 656-661, 2019.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-824472


Objective To evaluate and describe the changes of core muscle groups based on DAVID spine biomechanics training system in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients.Methods The clinical data of 100 patients of AS and 31 healthy controls were collected.Clinical symptoms,Bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index (BASDAI),Bath ankylosing spondylitis function index (BASFI),Bath ankylosing spondylitis measurement index (BASMI),ankylosing spondylitis disease activity (ASDAS),and simultaneous detection of DAVID spine biomechanics training system,simple core muscle fitness test:Eight-grade abdominal bridge,PLANK exercise (fiat support),Abdominal static muscle endurance test,Back static muscle endurance test were compared using t-test analysis and spearman correlation analysis.Results ① Between AS and healthy male control o group,there were significant differences of spinal mobility in forward flexion,right rotation,left rotation (42±13 vs 48±1,52±14 vs 69±12,52±13 vs 58±11;all P values <0.05);and significant differences of spinal muscle strength in forward bending force,right rotation force,left rotation force,fight bending force (103±42 vs 146±17,87±34 vs 104±13,80±35 vs 101±13,161±55 vs 186±19;all P values <0.05),and significant differences in the left/right rotational force (1.17±0.21 vs 1.02±0.111,P<0.05) of spine balance strength comparison.② Between AS and healthy controls of female group,there were differences in forward bending force (49±23 vs 77±10,P<0.05) of spinal muscle strength;and significant differences in forward bending/backward extension strength,left and right rotation strength (0.32±0.11 vs 0.58±0.21,1.29±0.21 vs 1.03±0.11,all P values <0.05) of spine balance strength;③ In AS group,the spinal mobility was correlated with age (Rear extension r=-0.28,right flexion r=-0.268,left flexion r=-0.404,right rotation r=-0.367,left rotation r=-0.235;all P values <0.05),course of disease (Rear extension r=-0.354,forward flexion r=-0.283,right flexion r=-0.204,left flexion r=-0.284,right rotation r=-0.339,left rotation r=-0.23;all P values <0.05),body mass index (BMI) (Rear extension r=-0.23,forward flexion r=-0.288,right flexion r=-0.22,left flexion r=-0.201,right rotation r=-0.26,left rotation r=-0.29;all P values <0.05),sacroiliac joint stage(Rear extension r=-0.375,forward flexion r=-0.446,right flexion r=-0.331,left flexion r=-0.367,right rotation r=-0.368,left rotation r=-0.314;all P values <0.05) and BASDAI(Rear extension r=-0.381,forward flexion r=-0.374;all P values <0.05).Spinal muscle strength was correlated with gender (Posterior extensor force r=0.344,flexor force r=0.507,right rotation force r=0.376,left rotation force r=0.399,right flexion force r=0.433,left flexion force r=0.445;all P values <0.05);the left/right spine rotation strength was correlated with gender (r=0.271,P<0.05).④ In the simple core muscle fitness test,eight-grade abdominal bridge was correlated with spinal muscle strength (Rear extension force r=0.234,right rotation r=0.290,left rotation r=0.219,right flexion r=0.35,left flexion r=0.327;all P values <0.05);PLANK exercise was correlated with spinal muscle strength (Rear extension force r=0.234,right rotation r=0.290,left rotation r=0.219,right flexion r=0.35,left flexion r=0.327;all P values <0.05);abdominal static muscle endurance test was correlated with forward flexion strength (r=0.341,P<0.05);back static muscle endurance test was correlated with spinal mobility (Rear extension r=0.262,forward flexion r=0.23,right rotation r=0.455,left rotation r=0.426,right flexion r=0.387,left flexion r=0.46;all P values <0.05);correlated with spine strength (right flexion r=0.256,left flexion r=0.272;all P values <0.05).Conclusion Compared with healthy people,AS patients have decreased activity,strength and balance of spinal core muscle.There are significant decline in spinal mobility and muscle strength of male AS patients and muscle imbalance of female AS patients.Simple core muscle fitness test could be used in clinic to measure the changes of AS patients'core muscle group.

Chinese Journal of Rheumatology ; (12): 656-661, 2019.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-797035


Objective@#To evaluate and describe the changes of core muscle groups based on DAVID spine biomechanics training system in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) patients.@*Methods@#The clinical data of 100 patients of AS and 31 healthy controls were collected. Clinical symptoms, Bath ankylosing spondylitis disease activity index (BASDAI), Bath ankylosing spondylitis function index (BASFI), Bath ankylosing spondylitis measurement index (BASMI), ankylosing spondylitis disease activity (ASDAS), and simultaneous detection of DAVID spine biomechanics training system, simple core muscle fitness test: Eight-grade abdominal bridge, PLANK exercise (flat support), Abdominal static muscle endurance test, Back static muscle endurance test were compared using t-test analysis and spearman correlation analysis.@*Results@#① Between AS and healthy male control o group, there were significant differences of spinal mobility in forward flexion, right rotation, left rotation (42±13 vs 48±1, 52±14 vs 69±12, 52±13 vs 58±11; all P values <0.05); and significant differences of spinal muscle strength in forward bending force, right rotation force, left rotation force, right bending force (103±42 vs 146±17, 87±34 vs 104±13, 80±35 vs 101±13, 161±55 vs 186±19; all P values <0.05), and significant differences in the left/right rotational force (1.17±0.21 vs 1.02±0.111, P<0.05) of spine balance strength comparison.② Between AS and healthy controls of female group, there were differences in forward bending force (49±23 vs 77±10, P<0.05) of spinal muscle strength; and significant differences in forward bending/backward extension strength, left and right rotation strength (0.32±0.11 vs 0.58±0.21, 1.29±0.21 vs1.03±0.11, all P values <0.05) of spine balance strength; ③ In AS group, the spinal mobility was correlated with age (Rear extension r=-0.28, right flexion r=-0.268, left flexion r=-0.404, right rotation r=-0.367, left rotation r=-0.235; all P values <0.05), course of disease (Rear extension r=-0.354, forward flexion r=-0.283, right flexion r=-0.204, left flexion r=-0.284, right rotation r=-0.339, left rotation r=-0.23; all P values <0.05), body mass index (BMI) (Rear extension r=-0.23, forward flexion r=-0.288, right flexion r=-0.22, left flexion r=-0.201, right rotation r=-0.26, left rotation r=-0.29; all P values <0.05), sacroiliac joint stage(Rear extension r=-0.375, forward flexion r=-0.446, right flexion r=-0.331, left flexion r=-0.367, right rotation r=-0.368, left rotation r=-0.314; all P values <0.05) and BASDAI (Rear extension r=-0.381, forward flexion r=-0.374; all P values <0.05). Spinal muscle strength was correlated with gender (Posterior extensor force r=0.344, flexor force r=0.507, right rotation force r=0.376, left rotation force r=0.399, right flexion force r=0.433, left flexion force r=0.445; all P values <0.05); the left/right spine rotation strength was correlated with gender (r=0.271, P<0.05). ④ In the simple core muscle fitness test, eight-grade abdominal bridge was correlated with spinal muscle strength (Rear extension force r=0.234, right rotation r=0.290, left rotation r=0.219, right flexion r=0.35, left flexion r=0.327; all P values <0.05); PLANK exercise was correlated with spinal muscle strength (Rear extension force r=0.234, right rotation r=0.290, left rotation r=0.219, right flexion r=0.35, left flexion r=0.327; all P values <0.05); abdominal static muscle endurance test was correlated with forward flexion strength (r=0.341, P<0.05); back static muscle endurance test was correlated with spinal mobility (Rear extension r=0.262, forward flexion r=0.23, right rotation r=0.455, left rotation r=0.426, right flexion r=0.387, left flexion r=0.46; all P values <0.05); correlated with spine strength (right flexion r=0.256, left flexion r=0.272; all P values <0.05).@*Conclusion@#Compared with healthy people, AS patients have decreased activity, strength and balance of spinal core muscle. There are significant decline in spinal mobility and muscle strength of male AS patients and muscle imbalance of female AS patients. Simple core muscle fitness test could be used in clinic to measure the changes of AS patients'core muscle group.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-739916


BACKGROUND: Human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) have the potential to treat various human disorders currently labeled as incurable and/or terminal illness. However, the fear that the patients' immune system would recognize them as non self and lead to an immune rejection has hampered their use. The main cause for immune rejection is usually the incompatibility of both donor and recipient's major histocompatibility complex (MHC). METHODS: We describe a hESC line developed through a patented technology that does not lead to immune reaction upon transplantation. We have transplanted these cells in >1,400 patients with chronic/terminal conditions and did not observe any immune reaction. No immunosuppressant were administered to these patients. We analyzed the expression levels of MHC-I and MHC-II on the surface of these hESCs using microarray technology. The gene targets for miRNA were analyzed using Gene ontology and DAVID database and pathways for these genes were determined using Reactome and Panther databases. RESULTS: Our results showed that the levels of expression of MHC-I and MHC-II on hESCs is almost negligible and thus the hESCs are less susceptible to an immune rejection. CONCLUSIONS: The hESCs cultured at our facility expresses low levels of MHC-I and do not produce an immune reaction. These can be administered universally and need no cross matching before transplantation.

Humains , Lignée cellulaire , Gene Ontology , Cellules souches embryonnaires humaines , Système immunitaire , Complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité , microARN , Neurones , Donneurs de tissus , Zygote
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-843537


Objective • To investigate the natural depression model of Macaca fascicularis induced by submissive-aggressive behaviors. Methods • In a simulated wild environment, two Macaca fascicularis groups (G1 and G2) were respectively established. The two groups consisted of 19 and 14 Macaca fascicularis respectively. The effective frequency of each group's submissive-aggressive behaviors was observed and recorded, the matrix of submissive-aggressive behaviors was analyzed, each individual of the group was calculated separately by David's score(DS), according to the level of individual DS, each group was divided into attack group and yield group; the behavior changes of each individual in 7 periods were recorded by the focus observation and the correlation analysis of 11 different behaviors was carried out. Results • After the formation of these groups, there was fierce conflict between the cynomolgus monkeys. 1 122 and 1 409 submissive-aggressive behaviors were recorded in the two groups respectively. In the submissive-aggressive behavior matrix, the differences between high and low DS in anxiety behavior (t1=-4.053, P1=0.005; t2=-3.041, P2=0.012), conflict behavior (t1=8.478, P1=0.018; t2=7.651, P2=0.002), depression behavior (t1=-3.691, P1=0.006; t2=-2.431, P2=0.045) and exercise behavior (t1=9.639, P1=0.007; t2=3.568; P2=0.002) were statistically significant. Conclusion • The natural depression model of caged Macaca fascicularis is a social defeat model induced by yield-attack behavior.

Tianjin Medical Journal ; (12): 610-614, 2018.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-698077


Objective To study the pathogenesis of nasopharyngeal carcinoma and identify potential biomarkers or therapeutic targets. Methods Microarray data (GSE12452 and GSE13597) were downloaded from Gene Expression Omnibus. Processing of original microarray data and screening of differentially expressed genes were performed through bioinformatics analysis. Then, GO and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis was performed for these genes using DAVID database. Real time-PCR and Western blot assay were used to detect the expression levels of the identified genes. Results A total of 260 overlap DEGs were obtained including 16 GO entries and 4 signal pathways. Eighteen potential therapeutic targets that relative to cell cycle were identified by gene enrichment analysis. Expression levels of 12 selected genes were confirmed by real-time PCR. Finally, 4 selected genes were confirmed by Western blot assay. Conclusion By bioinformatics analysis of two sets of microarray data and molecular biology research, four genes were found including CDC6, CDK1,MCM2 and CCNB1, which might be potential key genes that can be developed for therapy targets of NPC in the future.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-699968


Objective To explore the effect of DAVID system on the beam dosimetry of ELEKTA Synergy accelerator. Methods Three-dimensional water phantom system was used to measure the values of percentage depth dose (PDD) in different fields,gun-trarget(G-T)in different fields and depths as well off-axis ratio(OAR)at left-right(L-R)direction when the accelerator was equipped with DAVID system or not. Results DAVID system had no effects on PDD and OAR, while influenced the absorbed dose so that the ray was attenuated by 7%.Conclusion The field parameters have not to be modified for the planning system when using DAVID system,but the dose correction has to be performed according to ray transmission factors.

Rev. Investig. Salud. Univ. Boyacá ; 5(2): 345-356, 20180000. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1047874


A 19-year-old woman with a 6-year history, consisting of frequent falls and weakness due to loss of strength in the lower extremities. During the last 10 hours, she presented a sudden episode of left hemiplegia, deviation of the labial commissure to the right, dysarthria and four emetic episodes. She was diagnosed with an ischemic stroke caused by a deficiency of the S-protein and, in addition, a muscular dystrophy. This case report may indicate a relationship between muscular dystrophy and ischemic stroke caused by a protein S deficiency.

Mujer de 19 años con historia de 6 años de evolución consistente en caídas frecuentes y debilidad debido a la pérdida de fuerza en los miembros inferiores. Durante las últimas 10 horas, presentó un episodio repentino de hemiplejia izquierda, desviación de la comisura labial a la derecha, disartria y cuatro episodios eméticos. Ella fue diagnosticada con accidente cerebrovascular isquémico causado por una deficiencia de la proteína S y además con distrofia muscular. Este reporte de caso puede indicar una relación entre la distrofia muscular y el accidente cerebrovascular isquémico causado por una deficiencia de proteína S.

Mulher de 19 anos com história de 6 anos, consistindo de quedas frequentes e fraqueza devido à perda de força nas extremidades inferiores. Durante as últimas 10 horas, apresentou episódio súbito de hemiplegia esquerda, desvio da comissura labial à direita, disartria e quatro episódios eméticos. Ela foi diagnosticada com um acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico causado por uma deficiência da proteína S e, além disso, uma distrofia muscular. Este relato de caso pode indicar uma relação entre distrofia muscular e acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico causado por deficiência de proteína S.

Humains , Accident vasculaire cérébral , Thrombophilie , Dystrophies musculaires
Subj. procesos cogn ; 21(2): 184-204, 2017.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-909863


En el presente trabajo mostramos una síntesis de los avances correspondientes a la investigación sobre el análisis de las respuestas gráficas al test de Persona Bajo la Lluvia (PBLL) en una muestra compuesta por 500 casos tomados del ámbito laboral. El mencionado avance forma parte de la tesis doctoral de la autora, la cual se encuentra en construcción. Se ha podido establecer como objetivo la detección de lo defensa central frente a la escena de desamparo, desarrollando un procedimiento para operacionalizar conceptos freudianos en esta técnica proyectiva, con el apoyo de los instrumentos del algoritmo David Liberman (ADL). (AU)

In the present work we show a summary of the ongoing research process concerning the analysis of graphic responses to the Person in the rain test (PRT) in a sample composed of 500 cases taken from a workplace environment. The mentioned process is part of the author's future doctoral thesis. The established goal to detect the main defense in scenarios of helplessness required a procedure to operationalize Freudian concepts in this projective technique, with the support of the David Liberman algorithm instruments (DLA). (AU)

Humains , Deuil (perte) , Techniques projectives , Psychanalyse