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Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 1062-1069, ago. 2024. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569271


SUMMARY: A Study on Relationship between Single-Slice Hounsfield Unit(HU) value of the Chinese proximal humerus and Bone Mineral Density(BMD) Using Routine Chest CT and Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry(DEXA) was performed. Data were collected from 240 individuals who underwent DEXA and routine chest CT scans (including full images of the proximal humerus) on the same day at 967 Hospitals between January 2019 and December 2021. The method of measuring single-slice HU values of the proximal humerus on routine chest CT scans exhibited high reliability and repeatability (intraclass correlation coefficient > 0.961, P < 0.001). A strong positive correlation was observed between single-slice HU values of the proximal humerus and DEXA results, with the 20-mm HU value demonstrating the highest correlation. Across different BMI groups, the Area Under Curve (AUC) for the 20-mm HU value was consistently the largest (AUC=0.701- 0.813, P< 0.05). Therefore, the 20-mm HU value can be considered a reliable reference for the opportunistic screening of low BMD, with reference values of -4HU for underweight individuals, -13HU for normal weight individuals, -7HU for overweight individuals, and -16HU for obese individuals. Values below these thresholds indicate a risk of low BMD. This study enriches the Chinese BMD data and offers a swift and effective approach for opportunistically screening low BMD.

Se realizó un estudio sobre la relación entre el valor de la Unidad Hounsfield (HU) de corte único del húmero proximal chino y la densidad mineral ósea (DMO) mediante TC de tórax de rutina y absorciometría de rayos X de energía dual (DEXA). Se recopilaron datos de 240 personas que se sometieron a DEXA y tomografías computarizadas de rutina de tórax (incluidas imágenes completas del húmero proximal) el mismo día en 967 hospitales entre enero de 2019 y diciembre de 2021. El método para medir los valores de HU de un solo corte del húmero proximal en las tomografías computarizadas de tórax mostraron alta confiabilidad y repetibilidad (coeficiente de correlación intraclase > 0,961, P < 0,001). Se observó una fuerte correlación positiva entre los valores de HU de un solo corte del húmero proximal y los resultados de DEXA, demostrando el valor de HU de 20 mm la correlación más alta. En diferentes grupos de IMC, el área bajo la curva (AUC) para el valor HU de 20 mm fue consistentemente el más grande (AUC = 0,701-0,813, P <0,05). Por lo tanto, el valor de HU de 20 mm puede considerarse una referencia fiable para el cribado oportunista de DMO baja, con valores de referencia de -4 HU para personas con bajo peso, -13 HU para personas con peso normal, -7 HU para personas con sobrepeso y -16 HU para personas obesas. Los valores por debajo de estos umbrales indican un riesgo de DMO baja. Este estudio es un aporte para los datos chinos sobre la DMO y ofrece un enfoque rápido y eficaz para detectar de forma oportunista la DMO baja.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Densité osseuse , Humérus/imagerie diagnostique , Maladies osseuses métaboliques/imagerie diagnostique , Tomodensitométrie , Absorptiométrie photonique , Chine
Int. j. morphol ; 42(4): 929-935, ago. 2024. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569255


Los salmónidos, durante su desarrollo, pueden experimentar ocasionalmente deformaciones esqueléticas. Para su diagnóstico se emplean diversas metodologías, entre las que se incluyen radiografías, técnicas histológicas, diafanización con tinciones de alizarina y azul de alcián, así como el uso del microscopio electrónico de barrido (SEM), cada una con sus inherentes ventajas y desventajas. Este estudio tuvo como finalidad evaluar y comparar la eficacia de la tomografía microcomputarizada (Micro-CT) para el análisis anatómico, reconstruyendo tridimensionalmente las imágenes y contrastándolas con los resultados obtenidos mediante la técnica de diafanización. Se analizaron las aletas caudales de cinco ejemplares de salmón Oncorhynchus kisutch: dos sujetos a diafanización y tres procesados para análisis mediante Micro-CT utilizando el equipo BRUKER SkyScan 1272. La técnica de Micro-CT demostró superioridad en la resolución de las estructuras óseas, facilitando una exploración detallada de las variaciones morfológicas y la distribución de la densidad mineral. Este enfoque permitió identificar anomalías en la morfología y crecimiento de las últimas vértebras y lepidotriquias dorsales, así como una densidad incrementada en lepidotriquias dorsales malformadas. La mayor resolución proporcionada por la Micro-CT no solo potencia nuestra comprensión de la ontogenia piscícola y su adaptación a ambientes diversos, sino que además inaugura perspectivas innovadoras para el estudio de la evolución de las estrategias locomotoras y las respuestas adaptativas frente a cambios ambientales a través del tiempo.

SUMMARY: During their development, some species of salmonids may occasionally experience skeletal deformations. Several methodologies are currently being used for the diagnosis of such malformations, among which X-rays, histological techniques, diaphanization coupled either with Alizarin Red or Alcian Blue stains, as well as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) can be mentioned. Each one of those methods presents inherent advantages and disadvantages. The purpose of this study was twofold: Firstly, to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of microcomputed tomography (Micro-CT) technology for anatomical analysis, three-dimensionally reconstructing the obtained images; and secondly, to contrast those images with the results obtained through the diaphanization technique. The caudal fins of five specimens of the Oncorhynchus kisutch salmon were analyzed: Two specimens were subjected to diaphanization and three were processed for Micro-CT analysis, using the BRUKER SkyScan 1272 equipment. The Micro-CT technology demonstrated superiority in the resolution of bone structures, facilitating a detailed exploration of morphological variations, as well as the distribution of mineral density. This experimental approach allowed us to identify anomalies in the morphology and growth of the last vertebrae and dorsal lepidotrichiae, as well as an increased mineral density in the malformed dorsal lepidotrichiae. The higher resolution provided by Micro-CT not only enhances our understanding of the fish ontogeny and its adaptation to diverse environments, but also opens innovative perspectives for the study of the evolution of locomotor strategies and adaptive responses to environmental changes.

Animaux , Oncorhynchus kisutch/anatomie et histologie , Microtomographie aux rayons X/méthodes , Salmonidae/anatomie et histologie , Os et tissu osseux/imagerie diagnostique , Densité osseuse , Imagerie tridimensionnelle , Nageoires animales/imagerie diagnostique
MHSalud ; 21(1): 104-121, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1564765


Resumen Introducción: diversos estudios describen los diferentes beneficios de la práctica de actividad física en niños y adolescentes; su déficit en estos grupos etarios, provoca un aumento concomitante de alteraciones cardiovasculares y metabólicas. Objetivo: analizar los patrones de actividad física, la maduración biológica y el contenido mineral óseo en escolares colombianos entre 8 y 16 años de edad en función del estrato socioeconómico al que pertenecen. Materiales y métodos: estudio de enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal con alcance correlacional el cual incluyó una muestra representativa para escolares colombianos entre 8-16 años de edad a los cuales se les valoró el nivel de actividad física a través del PAQ-C, igualmente, se evaluaron diferentes medidas antropométricas y de manera indirecta se determinó la velocidad pico de crecimiento (VPC) y la densidad mineral ósea (DMO). Resultados: se evaluaron un total de 2147 escolares de los cuales el 56,7 % pertenecían a instituciones educativas del sistema público, se encontraron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el sexo y el estrato socioeconómico con el nivel de actividad física (p<0,005) y las demás variables de estudio. Conclusión: se puede concluir que la actividad física, la maduración biológica y la salud ósea guardan estrecha relación con la condición socioeconómica en escolares colombianos lo que permite establecer diagnósticos tempranos y toma de decisiones frente a programas y estrategias educativas y de salud pública.

Abstract Introduction: Several studies describe the different benefits of physical activity in children and adolescents. Indeed, when a deficit of physical activity is evident in these age groups, there is a concomitant increase in metabolic and metabolic disorders. Objective: to analyze the patterns of physical activity, biological maturation and bone mineral content in Colombian schoolchildren between 8 and 16 years of age according to the socioeconomic status to which they belong. Materials and methods: A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study with a correlational scope, which included a representative sample of Colombian schoolchildren between 8 and 16 years of age, who were assessed for their level of physical activity through the PAQ-C, also, different anthropometric measurements are evaluated and indirectly the peak growth velocity (PSV) and bone mineral density (BMD) are prolonged. Results: a total of 2147 schoolchildren were evaluated, of which 56.7% belonged to educational institutions of the public system, statistically significant associations were found between sex and socioeconomic status with the level of physical activity and the other study variables. Conclusion: It can be concluded that physical activity, biological maturation and bone health are closely related to socioeconomic status in Colombian schoolchildren, which allows early diagnoses and decision-making regarding educational and public health programs and strategies.

Resumo Introdução: Vários estudos descrevem os diferentes benefícios da prática de atividade física em crianças e adolescentes. De fato, quando um déficit de atividade física é evidenciado nessas faixas etárias, ocorre um aumento concomitante de distúrbios cardiovasculares e metabólicos. Objetivo: analisar os padrões de atividade física, maturação biológica e conteúdo mineral ósseo em escolares colombianos entre 8 e 16 anos de idade de acordo com o status socioeconômico ao qual pertencem. Materiais e métodos: Um estudo quantitativo, descritivo, transversal com escopo correlacional, que incluiu uma amostra representativa de escolares colombianos entre 8 e 16 anos de idade, que foram avaliados quanto ao seu nível de atividade física por meio do PAQ-C, além disso, diferentes medidas antropométricas são avaliadas e, indiretamente, a velocidade máxima de crescimento (PSV) e a densidade mineral óssea (DMO) são prolongadas. Resultados: Um total de 2147 escolares foram avaliados, dos quais 56,7% pertenciam a instituições educacionais do sistema público, foram encontradas associações estatisticamente significativas entre sexo e status socioeconômico com o nível de atividade física e as outras variáveis do estudo. Conclusão: Pode-se concluir que a atividade física, a maturação biológica e a saúde óssea estão intimamente relacionadas ao status socioeconômico em escolares colombianos, o que permite diagnósticos precoces e tomada de decisões em relação a programas e estratégias educacionais e de saúde pública.

Humains , Mâle , Enfant , Adolescent , Classe sociale , Exercice physique , Densité osseuse , Croissance et développement , Colombie
Medwave ; 24(4): e2775, 30-05-2024.
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555376


Objective To compare the concentration of Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL-c) obtained using the Friedewald formula with those obtained directly with the RAYTO CHEMRAY 120 autoanalyzer. Methods Cross-sectional study. We evaluated outpatients with a medical request for a lipid profile study (total cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, and HDL). The analyses were carried out in a RAYTO CHEMRAY 120 autoanalyzer under the principle of spectrophotometry. We obtained LDL-c using the Friedewald and Vujovic formulas. Results We evaluated 199 individuals whose direct LDL concentration averages were measured by the RAYTO CHEMRAY 120 equipment. Those calculated by the Friedewald and Vujovic formulas were 129.97 ± 32.66, 119.28 ± 30.44, and 127.01 ± 32.01, respectively, and in all cases, significant differences (P < 0.001) were observed with the RAYTO analyzer. In both cases a low positive bias was found with the RAYTO analyzer.. The Passing-Bablok and Deming's regressions showed a linear correlation between both methods (Friedewald and Vujovic) with the LDL values obtained with the Rayto autoanalyzer. Conclusions Our study found that the Friedewald and Vujovic methods are good predictors of LDL cholesterol levels and have a low level of bias. Therefore, they could be used as potential predictors.

Objetivo Comparar las concentraciones de Lipoproteínas de Baja Densidad (LDL-c) obtenidas mediante la fórmula de Friedewald con las obtenidas directamente con el autoanalizador RAYTO CHEMRAY 120. Métodos Estudio transversal. Se evaluaron pacientes ambulatorios con solicitud médica de perfil lipídico (colesterol total, triglicéridos, LDL y HDL). Los análisis se realizaron con un autoanalizador RAYTO CHEMRAY 120 bajo el principio de espectrofotometría. Obtuvimos el LDL-c usando las fórmulas de Friedewald y Vujovic. Resultados Se evaluaron 199 individuos cuyos promedios directos de concentración de LDL fueron medidos con el equipo RAYTO CHEMRAY 120. Las concentraciones calculadas por las fórmulas de Friedewald y Vujovic fueron de 129,97 ± 32,66, 119,28 ± 30,44, y de 127,01 ± 32,01, respectivamente, y en todos los casos se observaron diferencias significativas (P < 0,001) con el analizador RAYTO. En ambos casos se encontró un sesgo positivo bajo en el analizador RAYTO. Las regresiones de Passing-Bablok y Deming mostraron una correlación lineal entre ambos métodos (Friedewald y Vujovic) con los valores de LDL obtenidos con el autoanalizador Rayto. Conclusión Nuestro estudio encontro que los métodos de Friedewald y Vujovic son buenos predictores de los niveles de colesterol LDL y presentan un nivel de sesgo bajo. Por lo que podrían usarse como potenciales predictores.

Rev. chil. nutr ; 51(2)abr. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559703


La alta prevalencia de hipotiroidismo subclínico en Chile puede deberse a que el límite superior normal de la hormona estimulante del tiroides (TSH) sérica es bajo. Personas con TSH levemente mayor al límite superior pueden ser metabólicamente similares a personas sanas. Se compararon marcadores de acción tiroidea (gasto energético en reposo [GER] y lipoproteína de baja densidad [LDL]) en adultos con hipotiroidismo subclínico leve y con función tiroidea normal con o sin tratamiento con levotiroxina. Se midió GER, perfil lipídico y tiroideo en personas sanas con función tiroidea normal (TSH ≥0,4-<4,5 µUI/ml; n=91); con hipotiroidismo subclínico leve (TSH ≥4,5-≤6,5 µUI/ml; n=5); y con hipotiroidismo clínico tratado con levotiroxina y TSH normal (n=13). Se analizó la LDL en 838 personas sanas con función tiroidea normal y 89 con hipotiroidismo subclínico leve de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016/17 (ENS). El GER, ajustado por peso, sexo y edad, fue similar entre grupos (p=0,71). La LDL fue similar entre personas con función tiroidea normal e hipotiroidismo subclínico leve (91±24 vs. 101±17 mg/dl; p=0,67), y menor en hipotiroidismo tratado (64±22 mg/dl; p<0,01). La LDL no se asoció con TSH pero si inversamente con T4L en mujeres (r=-0,33; p=0,02; n=53). En la ENS, ambos grupos tuvieron similar LDL (p=0,34), la que se asoció inversamente con T4L en mujeres (r=-0,12; p=0,01; n=569) pero no con TSH. Personas sanas con función tiroidea normal y con hipotiroidismo subclínico leve tienen similar GER y LDL. Esto apoya la idea de redefinir el límite superior normal de TSH.

The high prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism in Chile may be due to the low normal upper limit of serum thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). People with TSH slightly higher than the upper limit may be metabolically similar to healthy people. Thyroid action markers (resting energy expenditure [REE] and low-density lipoprotein [LDL]) were compared in adults with mild subclinical hypothyroidism and with normal thyroid function with or without levothyroxine treatment. REE, lipid and thyroid profile were measured in healthy people with normal thyroid function (TSH ≥0,4-<4,5 µUI/ml (n=91); with mild subclinical hypothyroidism (TSH ≥4,5-≤6 µUI/ml; n=5); and with clinical hypothyroidism treated with levothyroxine and normal TSH (n=13). LDL was analyzed in 838 healthy people with normal thyroid function and 89 with mild subclinical hypothyroidism from the 2016/17 National Health Survey (NHS). REE, adjusted for weight, sex and age, was similar between the groups (p=0,71). LDL was similar between people with normal thyroid function and mild subclinical hypothyroidism (91±24 vs. 101±17 mg/dl; p=0,67), and lower in treated hypothyroidism (64±22 mg/dl; p<0,01). LDL was not associated with TSH but was inversely with FT4 in women (r=-0,33; p=0,02; n=53). In the NHS, both groups had similar serum LDL (p=0,34), which was inversely associated with FT4 in women (r=-0,12; p=0,01; n=569), but not with TSH. Healthy people with normal thyroid function and mild subclinical hypothyroidism have similar REE and LDL. These results support the idea of redefining the normal upper limit of TSH.

Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 261-269, abr. 2024. ilus, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558144


SUMMARY: Diabetes is a form of endocrine disease. Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) provides a detailed view of the body composition to find out what makes people with diabetes different from those with other diseases. We scanned 371 patients with DXA to analyze their body composition parameters. Three hundreds and seventy one patients (178 women/193 men), who with different diseases, with a mean±SD Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25.32±8.3 kg/m2 were included. The body composition of 371 patients was assessed. Bone Mineral Density (BMD), Fat Weight, Lean Weight, waist-to-hip ratio, Lean Mass Index (LMI), Fat Mass Index (FMI), the relationship between Fat percentage and BMI were analyzed. The 371 patients included 156 diabetics and 215 non-diabetics. Non-diabetic patients also included 5 obesity patients, 9 patients with fatty liver, 39 patients with hypertension, 22 patients with hyperlipidemia, 18 patients with cardiovascular disease, 11 patients with chest and lung disease, 4 patients with chronic disease, 14 patients with brain disease and 93 patients with other diseases. Among 156 diabetic patients, 129 had VAT > 100 cm2 and 27 had VAT ≤100 cm2. The lean weight (LW) of male diabetic patients was significantly higher than that of female diabetic patients. The fat weight (FW) of female patients with diabetes was significantly higher than that of male patients. The waist-hip ratio (WHR) was 1.37 ± 0.25 in male diabetic patients and 1.18 ± 0.21 in female diabetic patients. Among the 215 non-diabetic patients, the obese and fatty liver patients, which the weight (WT) (obesity: 83.87 ± 8.34 kg fat liver: 85.64±28.60 kg), FW (obesity: 28.56 ± 4.18 kg fat liver: 28.61 ± 10.79 kg), LW (obesity: 52.62 ± 9.64 kg fat liver: 54.29±17.58 kg), BMI (obesity: 28.76 ± 1.88 kg/m2 fat liver: 29.10 ± 5.95 kg/m2), was much higher than other patients. Diabetes patients had less fat mass than non- diabetic patients; the difference was around 2 kg. BMI is also a modest number. BMD doesn't differ all that much. Non-diabetic patients with fatty liver obesity and cardiovascular disease had higher fat mass and BMI than patients with other illnesses. Body composition can provide precise information on the makeup of different body areas, but further in-depth exams are required to ascertain the body's endocrine profile.

La diabetes es una enfermedad endocrina. La absorciometría de rayos X de energía dual (DXA) proporciona una vista detallada de la composición corporal para descubrir qué diferencia a las personas con diabetes de aquellas con otras enfermedades. Escaneamos a 371 pacientes con DXA para analizar sus parámetros de composición corporal. Se incluyeron 371 pacientes (178 mujeres/193 hombres), con diferentes enfermedades, con un Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) medio ± DE de 25,32 ± 8,3 kg/m2. Se evaluó la composición corporal de 371 pacientes. Se analizaron la densidad mineral ósea (DMO), el peso graso, el peso magro, la relación cintura-cadera, el índice de masa magra (LMI), el índice de masa grasa (FMI), y la relación entre el porcentaje de grasa y el IMC. De los 371 pacientes 156 eran diabéticos y 215 no diabéticos. Los pacientes no diabéticos también incluyeron 5 con obesidad, 9 con hígado graso, 39 con hipertensión, 22 con hiperlipidemia, 18 con enfermedad cardiovascular, 11 con enfermedad torácica y pulmonar, 4 con enfermedad crónica, 14 con enfermedad cerebral y 93 pacientes con otras enfermedades. Entre los 156 pacientes diabéticos, 129 tenían un IVA > 100 cm2 y 27 tenían un IVA ≤100 cm2. El peso magro (PV) de los hombres diabéticos fue significativamente mayor que el de las mujeres diabéticas. El peso graso (FW) de las mujeres diabéticas fue significativamente mayor que el de los hombres diabéticos. El índice cintura-cadera (ICC) fue de 1,37 ± 0,25 en hombres diabéticos y de 1,18 ± 0,21 en mujeres diabéticas. Entre los 215 pacientes no diabéticos, los pacientes obesos y con hígado graso, cuyo peso (WT) (obesidad: 83,87 ± 8,34 kg hígado graso: 85,64 ± 28,60 kg), FW (obesidad: 28,56 ± 4,18 kg hígado graso: 28,61 ± 10,79 kg), PV (obesidad: 52,62 ± 9,64 kg, hígado graso: 54,29 ± 17,58 kg), IMC (obesidad: 28,76 ± 1,88 kg/m2, hígado graso: 29,10 ± 5,95 kg/m2), fue mucho mayor que otros pacientes. Los pacientes diabéticos tenían menos masa grasa que los pacientes no diabéticos; la diferencia fue de alrededor de 2 kg. La DMO no difiere mucho. Los pacientes no diabéticos con obesidad debido al hígado graso y enfermedades cardiovasculares tenían mayor masa grasa e IMC que los pacientes con otras enfermedades. La composición corporal puede proporcionar información precisa sobre la composición de diferentes áreas del cuerpo, pero se requieren exámenes más profundos para determinar el perfil endocrino del cuerpo.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Composition corporelle , Absorptiométrie photonique , Diabète , Densité osseuse , Tissu adipeux
Rev. biol. trop ; 72(supl.1): e58787, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559339


Resumen Introducción: En el Pacífico central mexicano son escasos los trabajos sobre ecología de asteroideos. Estas especies generalmente se distribuyen de forma aleatoria, aunque en algunas ocasiones pueden encontrarse en grupos o agregaciones. En Los Arcos, al sur de Puerto Vallarta, en Bahía de Banderas, México, se observó Luidia bellonae por primera vez en una agregación masiva en 2021. Objetivo: Reportar por primera vez el registro de esta especie en esta región del Pacífico mexicano, así como el evento de agregación masiva. Métodos: Se realizaron transectos y recorridos para cuantificar la densidad y medir los ejemplares de la estrella en Los Arcos, Bahía de Banderas, durante 2021, 2022 y 2023. Resultados: Se encontraron densidades promedio de 2.65 ind/m2 y hasta 7 ind/m2. En total en el área aproximada de 900 m2 se registraron 630 individuos. Los ejemplares midieron (R) entre 2 y 12 cm, y en su mayoría midieron entre 4 y 8 cm. Conclusiones: L. bellonae estaba reportada en distintos sitios en algunos estados del Pacífico mexicano, sin embargo no estaba registrada para Bahía de Banderas ni Los Arcos, ni tampoco en la cantidad que se reporta aquí, por lo que este es el primer registro para la especie con una presencia masiva para el Pacífico mexicano. La aparición de la gran cantidad de ejemplares de L. bellonae en Los Arcos en 2021 pudo haber sido resultado de una combinación de factores, entre ellos la baja temperatura del agua, con valores hasta de 15 ºC y la alta cantidad de nutrientes. Este hallazgo demuestra la necesidad de más estudios sobre los equinodermos y especies marinas para entender la influencia que tienen las condiciones ambientales en su ciclo de vida.

Abstract Introduction: In the central Mexican Pacific, there are few studies on asteroid ecology. These species are generally distributed randomly, although in some cases groups or aggregations can be found. In Los Arcos, south of Puerto Vallarta, in Bahía de Banderas, Mexico, Luidia bellonae was observed for the first time in a massive aggregation in 2021. Objective: To report the new record of this species in this region of the Mexican Pacific and its massive aggregation event. Methods: Transects and surveys were carried out to quantify the density and measure the sea star individuals in Los Arcos, Bahía de Banderas during 2021, 2022, and 2023. Results: Average densities of 2.65 ind/m2 and up to 7 ind/m2 were found. In total, in the approximate area of 900 m2, 630 individuals were registered. The specimens measured (R) between 2 and 12 cm, and most measured between 4 and 8 cm. Conclusions: L. bellonae has been reported in different places in some states of the Mexican Pacific; however, it was not registered for Bahía de Banderas nor Los Arcos, nor in the amount reported here, therefore this is the first record for the species with a massive presence for the Mexican Pacific. The appearance of the large number of L. bellonae specimens in Los Arcos in 2021 could have been the result of a combination of factors, including the low water temperature, with values up to 15 ºC, and the high amount of nutrients. This finding demonstrates the need for more studies on echinoderms and marine species to understand the influence of environmental conditions on their life cycle.

Animaux , Étoile de mer/croissance et développement , Étoile de mer/classification , Mexique
Rev. biol. trop ; 72(supl.1): e59008, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559334


Resumen Introducción: Los equinoideos irregulares se caracterizan por tener una selección del sustrato en fondos blandos principalmente. En El Salvador se han registrado siete especies de equinoideos irregulares en las principales playas arenosas del país, M. stokesii es una de ellas. Objetivo: Determinar la abundancia, densidad y estructura de tallas, en playones de la bocana del estero El Tamarindo, El Salvador. Métodos: La investigación se realizó en época seca en el oriente del país en playones del estero El Tamarindo que se caracteriza por presentar grandes extensiones de arena mezclada con materia orgánica. En cada sitio, se trazaron transectos en banda paralelos a la costa mediante 9 cuadrantes de 10 m2 separados entre sí por 10 m (área total de 90 m2), en donde se contabilizaron y midieron los individuos de M. stokesii que se encontraran dentro del área delimitada. Resultados: Se contabilizaron 958 individuos de M. stokesii con una densidad total de 10.64 ± 13.22 ind/m2. El rango de tamaños fue de 1-6.5 cm. El hábitat se caracterizó por presentar arena con materia orgánica en los primeros mm del sustrato en compañía de otros invertebrados. Conclusiones: La abundancia y densidad de M. stokesii es similar a la registrada en otros estudios de la región.

Abstract Introduction: Irregular echinoids are characterized by having a selection of the substrate mainly on soft bottoms. In El Salvador, seven species of irregular echinoids have been recorded on the main sandy beaches of the country, M. stokesii is one of them. Objective: Determine the abundance, density and size structure of M. stokesii on beaches at the mouth of the El Tamarindo estuary, El Salvador. Methods: The research was carried out in the dry season in the east of the country on the beaches of the El Tamarindo estuary, which is characterized by large extensions of sand mixed with organic matter. At each site, band transects parallel to the coast were plotted by 9 quadrants of 10 m2 separated from each other by 10 m (total area of 90 m2), where individuals of M. stokesii found within the delimited area were counted and measured. Results: 958 individuals of M. stokesii were counted with a total density of 10.64 ± 13.22 ind/m2. The size range was 1-6.5 cm. The habitat was characterized by presenting sand with organic matter in the first mm of the substrate in the company of other invertebrates. Conclusions: The abundance and density of M. stokesii are similar to the ones recorded in other studies in the region.

Animaux , Echinoidea/classification , Écosystème , Études par échantillonnage , Salvador
Rev. biol. trop ; 72(supl.1): e58967, Mar. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1559327


Abstract Introduction: The red starfish (Echinaster sepositus) is one of the most common asteroid species in the Mediterranean Sea. However, information about their biology or their role in benthic communities is scarce. Objective: This study aims to provide new information on the ecology of this species through the temporal characterization of the population of E. sepositus in Cala del Racó (Alicante, Spain) and the in situ monitoring of its reproductive cycle. Methods: For this purpose, three study areas were established at different depths. For each of the recorded starfish, data about the size, the substrate on which it was found, the area, the depth and the sex in the case of observing the reproduction were collected. Results: A total of 19 samplings have been carried out throughout a year of study. In this way, it has been possible to observe that the density of individuals increases in the shallower zone during autumn and winter, when the temperature drops to 14.13 ºC, while it decreases in spring and summer when the temperature rises to 27.17 ºC. Those results are reversed in the deepest part of the study. The highest density of individuals (0.51 ind/m2) occurred in October. Arborescent photophilic algae and crustose coralline algae were the substrates with the highest number of E. sepositus recorded. Medium to large specimens are located preferably on crustose coralline algae or arborescent photophilic algae, while smaller individuals were mostly located on Posidonia oceanica. No specimens of E. sepositus were observed spawning. Conclusions: Data leads to assume that there is a migration of starfishes towards more superficial areas when the water is at colder temperature and towards deeper areas when the temperature increases. It is valued the possibility that there is a change in the nutritional needs of E. sepositus throughout its development. According to our observations, the future reproduction studies should be concentrated between late-summer and early-autumn.

Resumen Introducción: La estrella de mar roja (Echinaster sepositus) es una de las especies de asteroideos más comunes del mar Mediterráneo. Sin embargo, la información sobre su biología o su papel en las comunidades bentónicas es escasa. Objetivo: Este estudio pretende aportar nueva información sobre la ecología de esta especie mediante la caracterización temporal de la población de E. sepositus en la Cala del Racó (Alicante, España) y el monitoreo in situ de su ciclo reproductivo. Métodos: Con este fin se establecieron tres zonas de estudio a distintas profundidades. Para cada una de las estrellas registradas se tomaron datos de tamaño, el sustrato sobre el que se encuentra, la zona, la profundidad y el sexo en caso de observar la reproducción. Resultados: A lo largo de un año de estudio se han realizado un total de 19 muestreos. De esta forma se ha podido observar que la densidad de individuos aumenta en la zona menos profunda durante otoño e invierno, cuando la temperatura del agua baja hasta los 14.13 ºC, mientras que se reduce en primavera y verano, cuando la temperatura se eleva hasta los 27.17 ºC. Este resultado se invierte en la zona más profunda del estudio. La mayor densidad de individuos ha sido observada en octubre (0.51 ind/m2). Las algas fotófilas arborescentes y las algas coralinales costrosas han sido los sustratos con un mayor número de E. sepositus registrados. Los ejemplares de tamaños medianos a grandes se localizan preferentemente sobre algas coralinales costrosas o algas fotófilas arborescentes, mientras que los individuos de menor tamaño se sitúan mayormente sobre Posidonia oceanica. No se observaron ejemplares de E. sepositus reproduciéndose. Conclusiones: Los datos permiten presuponer que existe una migración entre las zonas más superficiales, cuando la temperatura del agua es menor, y zonas más profundas cuando la temperatura aumenta. Se valora la posibilidad de la existencia de un cambio en los requerimientos nutricionales de E. sepositus a lo largo de su desarrollo. De acuerdo con nuestras observaciones, los estudios futuros sobre la reproducción de esta especie deben concentrarse entre finales de verano y principios de otoño.

Animaux , Reproduction , Étoile de mer/anatomie et histologie , Espagne , Études par échantillonnage
Rev. epidemiol. controle infecç ; 14(1): 75-83, jan.-mar. 2024. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1567043


Background and Objectives: the present study was conducted in the city of Rivera, situated in northern Uruguay on the border with Brazil. The disease initially progressed slowly in 2020, with subsequent outbreaks followed by a rapid increase in incidence. The objective was to explore the relationship between the spatial distribution of COVID-19 cases in a binational city and variables such as socioeconomic status, population density, and mobility patterns, with the aim of informing public policies. Methods: an exploratory study was conducted between August 2020 and January 2021 using data obtained from the Ministry of Health. The explanatory variables considered included population density, socioeconomic level, and mobility. Three distinct periods from 2020 to 2021 were identified. Spatial autocorrelation was analyzed using Moran's Index and the Gi* statistic (Getis & Ord). Hierarchical cluster analysis was employed to identify homogeneous groups of census segments. Results: a total of 1,846 cases were georeferenced. Through hierarchical cluster analysis, seven homogeneous groups were identified. Mobility was found to explain the incidence of cases among the high socioeconomic level group, while population density accounted for the differences observed in the low socioeconomic group. Conclusion: in this city, priority should be given to populations residing in areas with higher population density and greater mobility. This small-scale territorial analysis provides valuable information for developing localized policies aimed at addressing health crises.(AU)

Justificación y Objetivos: el estudio se realizó en la ciudad de Rivera, situada en el norte del país en la frontera con Brasil. La enfermedad progresó lentamente durante 2020, con brotes posteriores seguidos de un rápido aumento de la incidencia. El objetivo fue explorar la relación entre la distribución espacial de los casos de COVID-19 en una ciudad binacional y variables como nivel socioeconómico, densidad poblacional y patrones de movilidad, con el objetivo de informar políticas públicas. Métodos: se realizó un estudio exploratorio entre agosto 2020 y enero 2021 con datos del Ministerio de Salud, considerando semanas epidemiológicas. Las variables explicativas consideradas fueron densidad poblacional, nivel socioeconómico y movilidad. Se identificaron tres periodos temporales desde agosto 2020 hasta enero 2021. Se analizo la autocorrelación espacial empleando el Índice de Moran y estadística Gi* (Getis & Ord). Mediante el análisis de cluster jerárquico, fue posible identificar grupos homogéneos de segmentos censales. Resultados: se georreferenciaron un total de 1.846 casos. Mediante análisis de cluster jerárquico, se identificaron siete grupos homogéneos. Para el nivel alto socioeconómico, la movilidad es el factor explicativo de una mayor incidencia de casos. Mientras que, para para el grupo de nivel bajo, la densidad de la población fue el factor explicativo de las diferencias en la presentación de la enfermedad. Conclusión: la población a ser priorizada en esta ciudad corresponde a aquellas zonas con mayor densidad poblacional y donde se incrementa la movilidad. El análisis territorial a pequeña escala genera información para la construcción de política local, ante una crisis sanitaria, que la hace más eficaz.(AU)

Justificativa e Objetivos: o presente estudo foi realizado na cidade de Rivera, localizada no norte do Uruguai, na fronteira com o Brasil. A doença progrediu lentamente durante 2020, com surtos subsequentes seguidos por um rápido aumento na incidência. O objetivo foi explorar a relação entre a distribuição espacial dos casos de COVID-19 em uma cidade binacional e variáveis como nível socioeconômico, densidade populacional e padrões de mobilidade, com o objetivo de informar políticas públicas. Métodos: estudo exploratório foi realizado entre agosto de 2020 e janeiro de 2021 com dados do Ministério da Saúde. As variáveis explicativas incluíram densidade populacional, nível socioeconômico e mobilidade. Três períodos distintos de 2020 a 2021 foram identificados. Autocorrelação espacial foi analisada com o Índice de Moran e a estatística Gi* (Getis & Ord). Utilizando a análise de cluster hierárquico, foi possível identificar grupos homogêneos de segmentos censitários. Resultados: um total de 1.846 casos foi georreferenciado. Através da análise de cluster hierárquico, sete grupos homogêneos foram identificados. A mobilidade foi encontrada como explicativa para a incidência de casos no grupo de alto nível socioeconômico, enquanto a densidade populacional explicou as diferenças observadas no grupo de baixo nível socioeconômico. Conclusão: nessa cidade, as populações a serem priorizadas são aquelas que residem em áreas com maior densidade populacional e maior mobilidade. Essa análise territorial em pequena escala fornece informações valiosas para o desenvolvimento de políticas locais destinadas a lidar com crises de saúde.(AU)

Classe sociale , Mobilité sociale , Densité de population , Analyse spatio-temporelle , Facteurs sociaux , COVID-19/épidémiologie
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005926


Objective To explore the influencing factors of bone mineral density (BMD) in obese children in Qianjiang area and analyze the correlation between BMD and insulin resistance. Methods The data on pediatric cases from the outpatient department of Jianghan Oilfield General Hospital in Qianjiang from January 2018 to December 2022 were collected. A total of 183 obese children who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria were included in the study and selected in the observation group. A total of 352 children undergoing physical examination during the same period were selected as the control group. Results The body mass, waist circumference, waist to hip ratio, and BMI of obese children were significantly higher than those of the control group (P<0.001). Biochemical indexes including FBG, FINS, Home-IR, ALP, and LDL-C in obese children were significantly higher than those in the control group (P<0.05), while bone mineral density, Ca, P, sOC and HDL-C were significantly lower than those in the control group (P<0.001). The bone mineral density of obese children was significantly correlated with their exercise intensity, sunshine exposure duration, sitting time, intake of milk and dairy products, intake of sweets, supplementation of trace elements, BMI, Home-IR, and sex (all P<0.05). BMI, Home-IR, sex, exercise intensity, and sunshine exposure length were independent risk factors affecting bone mineral density of obese children (all P<0.05). Bone mineral density was negatively correlated with BMI and Home-IR (P=0.028 and0.017, respectively), and positive correlation with exercise intensity and sunlight exposure (P=0.033). Conclusion BMD of obese children in Qianjiang area is affected by gender, body mass index, diet, vitamin intake, and physical activity, and is negatively correlated with insulin resistance. Home-IR can be used as a reference for screening BMD of obese children.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1016998


Objective To analyze the clinical risk factors for chronic complications in patients with type 2 diabetes and their correlation with bone mineral density and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3. Methods A total of 163 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were selected as research subjects and were divided into complication group and non-complication group according to the presence or absence of chronic complications. The independent related factors for chronic complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus were analyzed. Spearman rank correlation analysis was used to evaluate the correlation between bone mineral density, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and chronic complications. Results Among the 326 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, 202 developed chronic complications (61.96%), including 71 cases of cardiovascular disease, 59 cases of neuropathy, 33 cases of renal lesion, and 28 cases of retinopathy. There were statistically significant differences in the duration of diabetes mellitus, fasting blood glucose, systolic blood pressure, glycosylated hemoglobin, triglyceride, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, serum creatinine, bone mineral density, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 between the complication group and the non-complication group (P<0.05). Logistic multivariate regression analysis showed that the duration of diabetes mellitus, systolic blood pressure, glycosylated hemoglobin, ow density lipoprotein cholesterol, serum creatinine, bone mineral density, and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 were all independent related factors for the occurrence of chronic complications in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (P<0.05). Spearman correlation analysis showed that bone mineral density and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 were negatively correlated with chronic complications (P<0.05). Conclusion Bone mineral density and 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus are closely related to chronic complications.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1017245


Objective To investigate the correlation between Yes-associated protein(YAP)nuclear expression and tumor size with prognosis of patients with epithelial ovarian cancer(EOC)and to study the role of YAP in EOC.Methods 120 patients with EOC were selected as the experimental group,including 38 patients with early stage(Ⅰ+Ⅱ)EOC and 8 2 patients with advanced stage(Ⅲ+Ⅳ)EOC.3 0 normal ovarian tissues obtained from patients with uterine leiomyoma were enrolled as the control group.Immunohistochemical(IHC)assay was em-ployed to determine YAP expression and sub-location.The relationship between YAP expression and the pathologi-cal parameters of the 120 patients with EOC was analyzed,so as to the prognosis of these patients.EOC cells(C13K and OV2008)were cultured with varying initial cell volumes.Ki67 expression and cell proliferation were tested by immunofluorescence and cloning assay respectively.YAP expression at mRNA and protein levels were de-tected by q-PCR and Western blot respectively when the cell conference of EOC cells reached to low(60%)and high(90%)cell density.Results The YAP nuclear expression was significantly higher in the EOC group com-pared to the control group(P<0.05).The average diameter of stage Ⅰ+Ⅱ EOC was larger than that of stage Ⅲ+Ⅳ EOC(P<0.01).The high nuclear expression of YAP was positively associated with pathological grade,clinical stage and the level of Ca125>1 000 IU/ml,while negatively correlated with tumor size(all P<0.05).Survival analyses showed that smaller tumor size(<10 cm)and higher YAP nuclear expression were negatively as-sociated with the 3-year overall survival rate of EOC patients(P<0.01).C13K and OV2008 cells cultured in the low density group exhibited a high number of clone formation,high Ki67 and YAP expression(P<0.01).The down-regulation of YAP expression could decrease the cell viability of EOC cells in the low-and high-density groups(P<0.05).Conclusion Higher level of YAP nuclear expression and smaller tumour size are inversely associated with the clinical prognosis of patients with EOC.Inhibiting YAP nuclear expression leads to a decrease in the prolif-eration capacity of EOC cells.

Acta Anatomica Sinica ; (6): 174-180, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018765


Objective To investigate the efeects of microRNA(miR)-103a-3p regulates tumor protein 53-regulated inhibitor of apoptosis 1(TRIAP1)on osteoblast differentiation and bone mass in ovariectomized mice.Methods MC3T3-E1 cells were divided into normal group,miR-103a-3p-NC group,miR-103a-3p mimic group,miR-103a-3p mimic+TRIAP1-NC group,miR-103a-3p mimic+TRIAP1 mimic group.mRNA expression of miR-103a-3p,TRIAP1,P53 were detected by Real-time PCR;Cell proliferation and apoptosis were detected by MTT test and flow cytometry;cytoskeleton and mineralization of cells were detected by F-actin immunofluorescence staining and alizarin staining;alkaline phosphatase(ALP)activity was detected by ELISA.24 female mice were divided into sham group,osteoporosis(OP)group,miR-103a-3p antagonist-NC group,miR-103a-3p antagonist group(six in each group),extract bilateral ovaries to establish an OP model,sham group mice only isolated fat around ovarian tissue.mRNA expression of miR-103a-3p,TRIAP1,P53,ALP,osteocalcin(OCN),osteopontin(OPN)of bone tissue were detected;microCT detect bone mineral density(BMD),bone mineral content(BMC);haematoxylin eosin staining was used to observe pathological changes of bone tissue.Results After miR-103a-3p mimic was transfected into cells,the miR-103a-3p and P53 expression increased,TRIAP1 expression decreased,cell proliferation decreased,apoptosis increased,F-actin expression decreased,the number of calcium nodules decreased,and ALP enzyme activity decreased(P<0.01);however,after TRIAP1 mimic was additionally transfected into cells,the above result caused by miR-103a-3p mimics were significantly reversed(P<0.01).In OP group,the miR-103a-3p and P53 expression in bone tissue increased,the TRIAP1,ALP,OCN and OPN expression decreased,BMD and BMC were decreased,and bone tissue construct was damaged(P<0.05);in miR-103a-3p antagonist group,the miR-103a-3p and P53 expression in bone tissue decreased,TRIAP1,ALP,OCN,OPN expression increased,BMD and BMC increased,and bone tissue construct was improved(P<0.05).Conclusion MiRNA-103a-3p mediate TRIAP1/P53 to inhibit proliferation and mineralization of osteoblast,while miR-103a-3p antagonistic treatment reduce bone loss in OP mice.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019072


Objective To investigate the correlation of triacylglycerol glucose(TyG)index,monocyte to high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio(MHR)with coronary artery disease and myocardial ischemia degree in coronary heart disease(CHD),and to analyze the two Predictive value of coronary artery disease and myocardial ischemia degree.Methods CHD patients from the 920th Hospital of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Joint Logistics Support Force from January 2019 to January 2022 were selected as the study group(n = 150),and healthy physical examination subjects from the same period were selected as the control group(n = 75).The TyG index and MHR of the two groups were compared and analyzed.The extent of coronary artery disease was evaluated based on the Gensini score,and the TyG index and MHR of patients with different coronary lesions and myocardial ischemia were compared,and their correlation with Gensini score and myocardial ischemia was analyzed.The predictive value of TyG index,MHR,and the combined detection of both for coronary lesions and myocardial ischemia was evaluated using receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curves and area under the curve(AUC).Results The TyG index and MHR of the study group were(4.12±0.35)and(0.26±0.08)×109,respectively,which were higher than those of the control group(4.94±0.55)and(0.43±0.12)×109,and the TyG index and MHR of severe coronary artery disease>moderate coronary artery disease>mild coronary artery disease,acute myocardial infarction TyG index,MHR>unstable angina pectoris>stable angina pectoris(P<0.05);TyG index and MHR were positively correlated with Gensini score(r = 0.621,0.635,P<0.05),and positively correlated with the severity of myocardial ischemia(r = 0.617,0.642,P<0.05).The AUC of TyG index and MHR for the joint identification of mild coronary artery disease and moderate coronary artery disease was 0.917,which was greater than the AUCs of 0.749 and 0.832 for the two conditions individually.The AUC of TyG index and MHR for the joint identification of mild to moderate coronary artery disease and severe coronary artery disease was 0.935,which was greater than the AUCs of 0.770 and 0.767 for the two conditions individually(P<0.05).The AUC of TyG index and MHR for the joint identification of stable angina pectoris and unstable angina pectoris was 0.922,which was greater than the AUCs of 0.812 and 0.824 for the two conditions individually.The AUC of TyG index and MHR for the joint identification of stable angina pectoris,unstable angina pectoris,and acute myocardial infarction was 0.913,which was greater than the AUCs of 0.708 and 0.714 for the two conditions individually(P<0.05).Conclusions TyG index and MHR are positively correlated with Gensini score and myocardial ischemia degree.The combined detection of the two has a higher application value in the evaluation of coronary artery disease and myocardial ischemia degree.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019079


Objective To investigate the correlation between bone mineral density(BMD)at different hip positions with muscle parameters and physical performance in middle-aged and elderly people in Kunming area.Methods 531 middle-aged and elderly volunteers were recruited from the Radiology Department of the First People's Hospital of Yunnan Province from May 2021 to April 2022.All study subjects completed the five-times-sit-to-stand test(FTSST)and hip quantitative CT(QCT)examinations.Volunteers'total hip(TH),femoral neck(FN),and intertrochanteric(IT)BMD were measured by using QCT PRO workstation and using OsiriX software to measure the area and density of their gluteus maximus muscle,gluteus medius,and minimus muscle and midthigh muscle.Divide male and female volunteers into positive and negative groups respectively based on FTSST time≥12 seconds or<12 seconds,and analyze the differences in hip BMD between the groups;Also divide male and female volunteers into three groups(50~59 years old,60~69 years old,70 years old and above)at the age of 10,and analyze the correlation between hip BMD and muscle parameters in different age and gender stratification.Control for age and BMI,and then perform partial correlation analysis on the above indicators.Results The BMD of the hip in the female FTSST positive group was lower than that in the negative group(P<0.001),while there was no statistically significant difference between the male groups(P>0.05).After adjusting for age and BMI,among males,FN BMD was positively correlated with gluteus medius and minimus muscle density in the age groups of 50~59 and 60~69(P<0.05),while TH BMD,FN BMD,and IT BMD were strongly positively correlated with gluteus medius and minimus muscle density in the age group over 70(P<0.05).For females,the correlation between hip BMD and muscle density in the age groups of 50~59 and 60~69 was weak,while BMD in all parts of the hip was not correlated with muscle density in the age group over 70(P>0.05).There was a negative correlation between TH BMD,FN BMD,and gluteus medius and minimus muscle area in the age group of 50~59 years old for males(P<0.05),while there was a significant negative correlation between TH BMD,IT BMD,and gluteus maximus area in the age group of 70 years old and above for females(P<0.05).Conclusion The BMD of various parts of the hip in the female FTSST positive group is lower than that in the negative group.The density of the gluteus medius and minimus muscle can to some extent serve as a predictive indicator of femoral neck bone strength in middle-aged and elderly men in Kunming area.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020048


Objective:To characterize the longitudinal and dynamic high-density lipoprotein (HDL) trajectories in critically ill children and explore their correlation with clinical outcomes.Methods:Retrospective cohort study.All critically ill children admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of West China Hospital, Sichuan University from January 1, 2015 to October 1, 2020 were included in this retrospective study.Group-based trajectory modeling (GBTM) was applied to characterize the HDL trajectories in days 0-6 post-PICU admission and develop HDL trajectory groups.The in-hospital mortality rate was reported as frequency (%) and then compared by the Chi-square test or Fisher′s exact test between HDL trajectory groups.The length of stay (LOS) in the PICU was described by M( Q1, Q3), and its difference between HDL trajectory groups was evaluated by the Kruskal Wallis test.Logistic regression and multiple linear regression were used to determine the correlation between HDL trajectories and clinical outcomes.The primary outcome was in-hospital mortality rate, and the secondary outcome was LOS in the PICU. Results:A total of 4 384 critically ill children were ultimately enrolled in the study, and 6 HDL trajectory groups were developed based on GBTM analyses: group 1 (758 cases), the lowest HDL group; group 2 (1 413 cases), the low HDL group; group 3 (74 cases), the low-to-high HDL group; group 4 (621 cases), the medium HDL group; group 5 (1 371 cases), the high HDL group; and group 6 (147 cases), the highest HDL group.Logistic regression analysis showed that compared with critically ill children in group 1, those belonging to groups 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 were at lower risks of in-hospital mortality with odds ratio ( OR): 0.475, 95%confidence interval ( CI): 0.352-0.641, P<0.001; OR: 0.093, 95% CI: 0.013-0.679, P=0.019; OR: 0.322, 95% CI: 0.208-0.479, P<0.001; OR: 0.263, 95% CI: 0.185-0.374, P<0.001, and OR: 0.142, 95% CI: 0.044-0.454, P=0.001, respectively.Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that compared with critically ill children in group 1, those belonging to groups 4, 5, and 6 had the trend of shorter LOS in PICU, and the β value and 95% CI were β: -4.332, 95% CI: -5.238- -3.426, P<0.001; β: -3.053, 95% CI: -3.809--2.297, P<0.001; β: -6.281, 95% CI: -7.842--4.721, P<0.001, respectively. Conclusions:The dynamic HDL trajectories during 0-6 days after PICU admission are associated with in-hospital mortality rate of critically ill children.The HDL trajectory at a persistently low level is associated with higher mortality, while the HDL trajectory at a persistently high level or with the trend from a low level rising to a high level shows a lower risk of mortality.It is suggested that the HDL trajectory model may become an indicator to predict the condition and prognosis of critically ill children.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 145-150, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020177


Objective To analyze the feasibility and efficacy of a deep convolutional neural network(DCNN)model based on chest CT images to evaluate bone mineral density(BMD).Methods A total of 1 048 health check subjects'2 096 central level images of lumbar 1 and 2 vertebral bodies were used for experiments and analysis in this retrospective study.According to the results of quanti-tative computed tomography(QCT)BMD measurement,the subjects were divided into three categories:normal,osteopenia,osteopo-rosis(OP).Herein,a DCNN segmentation model was constructed based on chest CT images[training set(n=1 096),tuning set(n=200),and test set(n=800)],the segmentation performance was evaluated using the Dice similarity coefficient(DSC)to com-pare the consistency with the manually sketched region of vertebral body.Then,the DCNN classification models 1(fusion feature construction of lumbar 1 and 2 vertebral bodies)and model 2(image feature construction of lumbar 1 alone)was developed based on the training set(n=530).Model performance was compared in a test set(n=418)by the receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve analysis.Results When the number of images in the training set(n=300)was adopted,the DSC value was 0.950 in the test set.The results showed that the sensitivity,specificity and area under the curve(AUC)of model 1 and model 2 in diagno-sing osteopenia and OP were 0.716,0.960,0.952;0.941,0.948,0.980;0.638,0.954,0.940;0.843,0.959,0.978,respectively.The AUC value of normal model 1 was higher than that of model 2(0.990 vs 0.983,P=0.033),while there was no significant difference in AUC values between osteopenia and OP(P=0.210,0.546).Conclusion A DCNN may have the potential to evaluate bone mass based on chest CT images,which is expected to become an effective tool for OP screening.

Journal of Practical Radiology ; (12): 430-434, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020231


Objective To investigate the application value of quantitative computed tomography(QCT)-based imaging histology in the diagnosis of clinical osteoporosis.Methods A total of 182 patients who underwent QCT scans of the chest or abdomen were ana-lyzed retrospectively,and the patients were divided into osteoporosis group(56 cases)and non-osteoporosis group(126 cases)accord-ing to the bone mineral density(BMD)values measured by QCT.The cases were randomly divided into training set(110 cases)and validation set(72 cases)at a ratio of 6︰4.The L1-L2 vertebrae were outlined with the region of interest(ROI)and the image features were extracted using ITK-SNAP 3.6.0 and score(Rad-score)model was established using maximum relevance minimum redundancy(mRMR)and least absolute shrinkage and selection operator(LASSO)algorithm.(2)The L1 and L2 vertebrae BMD value and T-value from the dual energy X-ray absorptiometry(DXA)examination of the patient were obtained to build the model separately for analysis and for comparison with the Rad-score model.(3)The discriminative ability,clinical applica-tion performance and calibration ability of Rad-score in the training and validation sets were evaluated using receiver operating charac-teristic(ROC)curves,decision curve analysis(DCA)and calibration curves.(4)Data on sensitivity,specificity,accuracy and area under the curve(AUC)were used to compare the predictive ability of DXA and Rad-score.DeLong test was used for comparison of differences between Rad-score and DXA models.Results Four optimal ima-ging histology features were finally selected to create Rad-score model,which confirmed the significant correlation between Rad-score and QCT for the diagnosis of osteoporosis.The calibration curve showed that Rad-score model had a good fit in both the training set and the validation set.The results of the DeLong test showed that the AUC of Rad-score model were greater than those of DXA model.Conclusion The QCT-based imaging histology model has high sen-sitivity,specificity and accuracy,with outstanding advantages and good performance for osteoporosis diagnosis,and is superior to the DXA model.

The Journal of Practical Medicine ; (24): 19-24,31, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1020699


Objective To explore the mechanism of lipid metabolism disorder promoting the progress of lung cancer based on the oxidized low density lipoprotein(ox-LDL)/human lectin-like oxidized low density lipopro-tein receptor 1(LOX-1)signaling pathway.Methods Eighty-one identified lung adenocarcinoma tissues with paired adjacent non-cancerous tissues(at least 5 cm away from the tumor)were collected from our hospital,and the expression of LOX-1 was detected by immunohistochemistry.LOX-1 was overexpressed in lung adenocarcinoma cell lines(A549 and H1299 cells).Cell invasion ability was measured by Transwell.Cells were treated with different concentrations of oxLDL,and cellular LOX-1 expression was investigated.Results LOX-1 staining in the tumor was significantly stronger than that in the non-cancerous tissue samples(99.4 vs.16.2 for median H score,P<0.001).High LOX-1 expression was significantly correlated with low survival(P<0.001).As compared with the patients without lymph node metastasis,those with lymph node metastasis had higher LOX-1 level(83.2 vs.121.1 for median H score,P<0.01).Overexpression of LOX-1 in lung cancer cells significantly promoted the number of invasive and metastatic cells(P<0.01).In addition,LOX-1 was an essential functional target for oxLDL-induced metastasis of lung cancer cells.Itatinib inhibited the metastasis of LOX-1 overexpressed A549 in vitro.Conclusions With an increase in oxLDL level,the expression of LOX-1 increases.Up-regulation of LOX-1 promotes metastasis of lung cancer,and its mechanism may be related to activation of the JAK1/STAT6 signaling pathway.