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Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536561


(analítico) La resiliencia académica es la capacidad para responder adaptativamente a las adversidades del proceso educativo y superarlas exitosamente. Este estudio explora los efectos de la resiliencia académica en una muestra de estudiantes de psicología (N = 550) de Quito, Ecuador. Los resultados de los análisis de regresión evidencian que la resiliencia se relaciona positivamente con el rendimiento académico y negativamente con la intención de abandonar los estudios universitarios. Respecto a las dimensiones de resiliencia académica (perseverancia, reflexión y búsqueda adaptativa de ayuda, así como afecto negativo y respuesta emocional), estas presentan un patrón de influencia diferenciado sobre el rendimiento y la intención de abandono. Asimismo, los efectos favorables de la resiliencia son mayores para los estudiantes que cursan niveles iniciales de carrera y se reducen en los estudiantes de niveles superiores.

(analytical) Academic resilience is the individual ability to respond adaptively to the adversities of the educational process and overcome them successfully. This study explores the effects of academic resilience in a sample of Psychology students (N=550) from Quito-Ecuador. The results of regression analyses show that resilience is positively related to academic performance and negatively related to the intention to drop out of university studies. Regarding the dimensions of academic resilience: a) perseverance, b) reflecting and adaptive help-seeking, and c) negative affect and emotional response, these present a pattern of differentiated influence on performance and dropout intention. Likewise, the favorable effects of resilience are greater for students at initial levels of career, and are reduced for students at higher levels.

(analítico) A resiliência acadêmica é a capacidade de responder de forma adaptativa às adversidades do processo educacional e superálas com sucesso. Este estudo explora os efeitos da resiliência acadêmica em uma amostra de estudantes de psicologia (N=550) de Quito-Equador. Os resultados das análises de regressão mostram que a resiliência está positivamente relacionada ao desempenho acadêmico e negativamente relacionada à intenção de abandonar os estudos universitários. Relativamente às dimensões da resiliência académica: a) perseverança, b) reflexão e procura adaptativa de ajuda, e c) afeto negativo e resposta emocional, apresentam um padrão diferenciado de influência no desempenho e na intenção de abandono. Da mesma forma, os efeitos favoráveis da resiliência são maiores para alunos que cursam níveis iniciais do curso e são reduzidos em alunos de níveis superiores.

Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 16(2): 259-270, jul.-dic. 2020.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1375290


Resumen El artículo presenta los resultados parciales de una macro-investigación sobre innovación pedagógica en educación superior, la cual se lleva a cabo con la participación de siete instituciones de educación superior de España, Portugal y Colombia. En este caso se presentan los resultados de la investigación realizada sobre la tutoría para estudiantes, desarrollada en la Universidad Técnica de Lisboa-Portugal, la cual se identifica como una innovación pedagógica orientada a disminuir el nivel de deserción estudiantil. Es una investigación etnográfica a partir de entrevistas en profundidad, observación y análisis de documentos producidos sobre el tema. Se concluye que la tutoría disminuye el riesgo académico y personal al cual los estudiantes se enfrentan en esta etapa de formación. Además, se ofrecen estrategias para lograr la permanencia del estudiante en la universidad. La tutoría igualmente tiene en cuenta la implementación de actividades orientadas al desarrollo profesional del docente.

Abstract The article presents the partial results of a macro-research developed on pedagogical innovation in higher education, which was carried out with the participation of 7 institutions of higher education in Spain, Portugal, and Colombia. In the current study, we present the results of the research carried out on student Tutoring developed at the Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal. There, Tutoring was identified as a pedagogical innovation, which is aimed at improving the training process and reducing student dropout. Research was framed in an ethnographic research based on in-depth interviews, nonparticipant observation, and analysis of written documents on the subject. The study concludes that Tutoring manages to identify possible risks that the student faces in the new stage of training at the academic and personal level and offers strategies to respond adequately to the obstacles that arise during formation, achieving the permanence of the student in the university. Regarding the activities planned to improve the teacher's or tutor's performance, there are refresher courses on various topics, aimed at improving the level of pedagogical knowledge.

Entramado ; 15(1): 212-223, ene.-jun. 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090213


Resumen En Colombia, el aumento de la deserción en Instituciones de Educación Superior justifica la necesidad de evaluar nuevas modalidades de enseñanza combinada que permitan disminuir las cifras presentadas. El propósito de la investigación fue determinar la efectividad de la implementación del blended learning (b-learning), sobre las variables: calificación promedio, calificación con más alta frecuencia, deserción estudiantil y porcentaje de aprobación, así como identificar los principales problemas y causalidades que limitan el alcance de la implementación del b-learning en un programa académico profesional, en una universidad a distancia en Colombia. La metodología implementada se aplicó para dos modalidades de educación e-learning y b-learning Los resultados obtenidos muestran que, la calificación final promedio de los estudiantes fue superior en 20,33 puntos para el período académico donde se usó la estrategia b-learning. Se encontró que la deserción estudiantil entre los períodos académicos de estudio pasó de 12,33 % a 2,81 %; de donde se deduce que el b-learning contribuyó a mejorar la tasa de retención estudiantil. En consecuencia, se concluye que la implementación de b-learning mejora tanto el porcentaje de aprobación del curso, como la retención estudiantil, por lo que se recomienda su implementación en los cursos de educación a distancia.

Abstract In Colombia, the increase in dropouts in Higher Education Institutions justifies the need to evaluate new forms of combined education to reduce the numbers presented. The purpose of the research was to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of blended learning (b-learning), on the variables: average rating, highest frequency rating, dropout and approval percentage, as well as to identify the main problems and causalities that limit the scope of the implementation of the b-learning in a professional academic program, in a distance university in Colombia. The methodology implemented was applied to two modalities of education e-learning and b-learning. The results obtained show that the final rating average of the students was higher in 20.33 points for the enrollment period where it was used the strategy b-learning, It was found that student desertion among the academic sessions of study rose from 12,33 % to 2.81 %; where it appears that the b-learning contributed to improve the retention rate of students. It is therefore concluded that the implementation of b-learning improves both the percentage of approval of the course, as retention student, it is recommended to its implementation in the distance education courses.

Resumo Na Colombia, o aumento da deserção nas Instituições de Ensino Superior justifica a necessidade de avaliar novas modalidades de educação combinada que permitam reduzir os números apresentados. O objetivo da pesquisa foi determinar a eficácia da implementação de blended learning (b-learning) sobre as variáveis: classificação média, classificação, com maior frequência, abandono e porcentagem de aprovação e para identificar os principais problemas e causalidades limitar o escopo da implementação do b-learning em um programa acadêmico profissional em uma universidade à distância na Colômbia. A metodologia implementada foi aplicada a duas modalidades de e-learning e b-learning. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a nota final média dos alunos foi superior em 20,33 pontos para o período acadêmico em que a estratégia de b-learning foi utilizada. Verificou-se que a deserção estudantil entre os períodos acadêmicos de estudo passou de 12,33% para 2,81%; a partir do qual se deduz que o b-learning contribuiu para melhorar a taxa de retenção de alunos. Consequentemente, conclui-se que a implementação do b-learning melhora tanto o percentual de aprovação do curso quanto a retenção de alunos, por isso sua implementação é recomendada em cursos a distância.

Psychol. av. discip ; 12(2): 37-46, jul.-dic. 2018. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250576


Resumen Este estudio tuvo por objetivo establecer la asociación de algunas variables de salud mental (burnout académico, ansiedad rasgo-estado y depresión) sobre la propensión al abandono de los estudios en estudiantes universitarios. Estudio de tipo observacional, analitico, trasversal. La muestra estuvo conformada por 252 estudiantes, distribuidos así: 23% (59) del programa de Enfermería, 39% (99) del programa de Medicina y 37% (94) del programa de Psicología, evaluados a través del Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey, Ansiedad de Rasgo y de Estado, Inventario de Depresión de Beck, y cuestionario de Propensión al Abandono. Los resultados indican que la ansiedad estado (OR= 2.944 [1.712 - 5.065], p= 0.000) predice la propensión al abandono en universitarios. Se concluye que la ansiedad estado es un factor de riesgo para la propensión al abandono, por tanto, se recomienda el fortalecimiento de los recursos personales desde la autoeficacia y la incorporación de la familia desde el inicio de la vida universiaria.

Abstract The objective of this study was to establish the association of some mental health variables (academic burnout, traitstate anxiety and depression) on the propensity to drop out of studies in university students. Study of observational, analytical, transversal type. The sample consisted of 252 students, distributed as follows: 23% (59) of the Nursing program, 39% (99) of the Medicine program and 37% (94) of the Psychology program, evaluated through the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey, Trait and State Anxiety, Beck Depression Inventory, and Abandonment Propensity Questionnaire. The results indicate that state anxiety (OR = 2.944 [1.712 - 5.065], p = 0.000) predicts the dropout propensity in university students. We conclude that state anxiety is a risk factor for the propensity to drop out, so it is recommended to strengthen personal resources from self-efficacy and the incorporation of the family since the beginning of university life.

Anxiété , Étudiants qui abandonnent leurs études , Santé mentale/classification , Dépression , Déficience intellectuelle , Étudiants/classification , Famille , Auto-efficacité , Assistance à la Santé Mentale , Épuisement psychologique
Rev. lasallista investig ; 15(1): 16-28, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093960


Resumen Introducción: Las instituciones de Educación Superior deben evidenciar seguimiento a la deserción, la permanencia, la graduación y, en general, a cualquier estado que presenten los estudiantes, resultados que apoyarán la toma de decisiones y la propuesta de nuevas estrategias encaminadas a mitigar las altas tasas de deserción. Objetivos: Caracterizar la trayectoria de la deserción de los estudiantes matriculados desde 2008 al primer semestre de 2015, analizando la tendencia en el tiempo de los estados de los discentes (graduados, matriculados, terminaciones académicas y desertores). Materiales y métodos: Investigación tipo descriptivo realizada a partir de los datos suministrados por el Grupo de Organización de Sistemas de la Universidad; se analiza la asociación de la deserción por medio del examen de correspondencia simple entre las pruebas SABER, con el estado, que presentan los estudiantes, y las Facultades de la UPTC, asimismo, se hace una exploración, a partir del análisis discriminante, para clasificar los estudiantes desertores y no desertores con las variables: pruebas Saber, promedio acumulado y edad. Los Resultados: Evidencian que los desertores están influenciados por bajos niveles en las Pruebas de Estado; la Facultad de Ciencias Básicas presenta la mayor tasa de deserción, y se observó que el cambio de carrera influye sobre la deserción. Conclusiones: Las instituciones deben adelantar estudios para identificar los causales de la deserción y establecer estrategias a los potenciales desertores antes que estos abandonen el sistema; en ese sentido las IES (INSTITUCIONES DE Educación Superior) deben ser facilitadoras en los procesos de permanencia y graduación teniendo en cuenta la calidad de sus egresados.

Abstract Introduction: Higher Education Institutions (HEI) should evidence follow-up on dropout, permanence, graduation, and, in general, any status presented by students, which supports decision-making and the proposal for new strategies intended to mitigate high dropout rates. Objectives: To characterize the dropout trajectory of students enrolled from 2008 to the first semester of 2015, analyzing the trend over time of the students' status (graduates, enrolled, academic terminations and deserters). Materials and methods: This is a descriptive research based on the data supplied by the Group of Systems Organization of the University. The association of desertion is analyzed by means of simple correspondences between the State High School tests (SABER tests) taken by the students and the UPTC faculties. Likewise, and exploratory analysis is made based on the discriminant analysis to classify dropout and non-dropout students with the variables: SABER tests, cumulative GPA and age. The Results: Show that dropout students are influenced by low scores on the SABER Test, that the Basic Sciences Faculty has the highest dropout rate, and that change of study program influences dropping out. Conclusions: Institutions should conduct studies to identify the causes of desertion and establish strategies for potential deserters before they leave the system; in that sense, HEI should be facilitators in the processes of permanence and graduation taking into account the quality of their graduates.

Resumo Introdução: As instituições de educação superior deveriam comprovar perseguição à deserção, a permanência, a graduação e em geral qualquer estado que os estudantes apresentam, resultados que eles apoiaram a tomada de decisões e a proposta de estratégias novas guiou para mitigar as taxas de deserção universitária. Objetivos: Caracterizar a trajetória da deserção dos estudantes registrada de 2008 ao primeiro semestre de 2015 analisando a tendência no tempo dos estados dos alunos (graduados, matriculados, finanças acadêmicas e desertores). Materiais e métodos: Uma pesquisa de tipo descritivo, com base nos dados fornecidos pelo Grupo de Organização do Sistema da Universidade, analisa a associação de atrito por meio da análise de correspondências simples entre os testes SABER e o status apresentado pelos alunos. A faculdade, do mesmo modo, é feito um analise exploratório a partir do análise discriminante para classificar os alunos que abandonam e não abandonados com as variáveis: testes de conhecimento, média acumulada e idade. Os Resultados: Mostram que os desertores são influenciados pelos baixos níveis nos Testes Estaduais, a Escola de Ciências Básicas tem o maior índice de evasão, observou-se que a mudança de carreira influencia a deserção. Conclusões: As instituições devem realizar estudos para identificar as causas da deserção, estabelecer estratégias para desertores potenciais antes de sair do sistema, neste sentido, os IES devem ser facilitadores nos processos de permanência e graduação levando em consideração a qualidade de seus graduados.

Interacciones ; 4(1): 59-69, 01 de enero de 2018.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-880405


Tomando en cuenta doce índices de factores asociados con la deserción en estudiantes universitarios, fue sometido a prueba un modelo hipotético de factores internos, externos y bilaterales, con base en datos de una muestra conformada por 359 estudiantes de una universidad pública en el noroeste de México. El análisis factorial confirmatorio derivó la estructuración de tres factores principales asociados con la deserción, la cual concuerda con el modelo teórico planteado por los autores: 1. Factores Internos al Alumnos (FIA), 2. Factores Externos al alumno (FEA), y 3. Factores Bilaterales (FB). Se obtuvo validez convergente y divergente de constructos, con parámetros significativos para p < 0.001, asimismo, se consiguió un modelo confirmatorio con aceptable bondad de ajuste (X2 = 151.94; p = .00001; CFI = .91; RMSEA = .089; intervalo de confianza al 90% de RMSEA= .07, .10 y coeficiente de confiabilidad Rho = .86). Sin embargo, la estructuración factorial tiene ligeras variaciones en cuanto a sus componentes especificados previamente en el modelo teórico, aspecto que será comentado en la discusión.

Taking into account twelve indices of factors associated with desertion in university students, a hypothetical model of internal, external and bilateral factors was tested, based on data from a sample consisting of 359 students from a public university in northwestern Mexico. Exploratory and confirmatory factorial analyzes suggested the structuring of three main factors associated with dropout, which agrees with the theoretical model proposed by the authors: 1. Internal Student Factors (ISF), 2. External Student Factors (ESF), and 3. Bilateral Factors (BF). A good divergent and convergent validity of constructs were obtained, with significant parameters for p <0.001, likewise, a confirmatory model with good goodness of fit was obtained (X2 = = 151.94; p = .00001; CFI = .91; RMSEA = .089). However, the factorial structure has slight variations in terms of its components previously specified in the theoretical model, an aspect that will be analyzed in the discussion.

Educ. med. super ; 30(3): 567-579, jul.-set. 2016. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-828679


Introducción: la permanencia de los estudiantes en Medicina implicó el desarrollo de estrategias dirigidas a disminuir la deserción académica. El Programa de Fortalecimiento académico de la Universidad del Rosario, ha contribuido a este logro a partir del acompañamiento de los estudiantes en su aprendizaje. Objetivo: analizar el éxito y la calidad académicos de estudiantes de Medicina que reingresaron a la carrera luego de cursar y aprobar un Programa de Fortalecimiento Académico diseñado para reforzar las asignaturas que causaron la pérdida del cupo. Métodos: estudio tipo censo que incluyó a todos los estudiantes inscritos (n = 113) en las asignaturas de refuerzo en Bioquímica del Programa, desde el primer semestre del 2008 al segundo del 2012. Resultados: el mayor número de inscritos al Programa se presentó en las asignaturas de refuerzo en Bioquímica I y II: 42 por ciento (n = 58) y el 50 por ciento (n = 56). El 58 por ciento (n = 66) de los estudiantes que aprobaron el Programa obtuvieron el reingreso al pregrado y permanecieron activos en la carrera de Medicina. El 18 por ciento de los que permanecieron en la Universidad, superó el parámetro de buena calidad académica, con notas ≥ 4,0 una vez cursaron las asignaturas. Conclusiones: desde el ámbito de la Bioquímica, el Programa ha contribuido a la permanencia estudiantil en la carrera de Medicina, acorde con el reto de las políticas públicas. La pérdida del cupo por bajo rendimiento académico del 21,8 por ciento (n = 87) de estudiantes que reingresaron al pregrado, indica la orientación de acciones que incidan en factores como el aislamiento social, problemas familiares o de salud, y la orientación vocacional(AU)

Introduction: The retention of students in Medicine involves development of strategies aimed at reducing academic desertion. Academic Support Program of the Universidad del Rosario, has contributed to this achievement from accompanying students in their learning. Objective: The aim of this study was to analyze the success and quality in academic promotion of students from Health Sciences at the University of Rosario, who entered the Strengthening Program, and previously lost their enrollment in Medicine because Biochemistry subjects. Methods: Census study that includes all students enrolled in the program (113) with reinforcement in Biochemistry subjects from the first half of 2008 to second in 2012. Results: 58 percent (n = 66) of students remained and obtaining readmission to the University and active status likewise undergraduate students in the medical career. The highest number was registered in the subjects Biochemistry reinforcement I and II: 42 percent (n = 58) and 50 percent (n = 56) respectively. 18 percent of those who stayed in college, exceeded the parameter of good academic quality, with notes ≥ 4,0 in these subjects. Conclusions: Since Biochemistry context, the Strengthening Program has contributed to student retention in the medical career and also according to the challenge of public policy. The loss of quota for poor academic performance 21.8 percent (n = 87) of students who were readmitted to undergraduate indicates the orientation of activities influencing factors such as social isolation, family or health problems, and vocational guidance(AU)

Humains , Performance scolaire , Apprentissage , Étudiant médecine , Universités , Biochimie/enseignement et éducation
Rev. Fac. Cienc. Méd. Univ. Cuenca ; 34(2): 84-90, Septiembre 2016. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-999707


ANTECEDENTES: La población universitaria es principal-mente joven y por lo tanto expuesta a factores que puede generar efectos adversos en salud sexual y re-productiva, que conllevan a un bajo rendimiento académico e inclusive a la deserción estudiantil. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar el comportamiento sexual y re-productivo y las necesidades en salud de los en estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad de Cuenca. METODOLOGÍA: Tipo de estudio descriptivo. Universo: 3 265 estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de la Universidad de Cuenca, en el período lectivo septiembre 2014- Febrero 2015. Muestra: fue aleatorizada por conglomerados (carrera y cursos) en las tres escue-las de la facultad de Ciencias Médicas. RESULTADOS: De los estudiantes encuestados, el 44.7% fueron de la escuela de medicina de 27.7% de enfermería, 27.7% tecnología médica; 68.6% mujeres y 31.4% varones, con una edad media de 21 años para ambos grupos; la mayoría son solteros 87.7%, mestizos 94.1% y heterosexuales 97.2%, que residen en zona urbana 81.5%. El 45.7% de las mujeres y el 70.1% de los varones son sexualmente activos, 15% son padres de familia, el 81,6% ha usado un método anticonceptivo MAC, sin embargo el uso consistente es de 55.1%. 66.2% de los encuestados ha acudido a un médico el último año; el 77.3% maneja suficiente información para la prevención de un embarazo y el 79.7% para la prevención de ITS. CONCLUSIONES: Pese a que los estudiantes tienen in-formación en sexualidad y acceden a los servicios de salud, los efectos adversos en salud sexual y reproduc-tiva son identificados como un problema que conlleva a deserción estudiantil y bajo rendimiento académico. Las principales soluciones para combatir los efectos adversos, incluyen: mejorar la calidad de información, fortalecer el acceso a servicios integrales de salud, generar espacios saludables.

OBJECTIVE: To characterize sexual and reproductive be-havior and health needs of students in the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Cuenca. METHOD: descriptive study type. Universe: 3265 students of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Cuenca, in the academic year in September 2014 in February 2015. Sample: was randomized by cluster (ca-reer and courses) in the three schools of the Faculty of Medical Sciences. RESULTS: Of all the surveyed students, 44.7% were from medical school, nursing 27.7%, 27.7% medical technology; 68.6% female and 31.4% male, with a mean age of 21 years; most are unmarried 87.7%, 94.1% are heterosexual, mestizos 97.2% residing in urban areas 81.5%. 45.7% of the women and 70.1% of males are sexually active, 15% are parents, 81.6% have used a contraceptive, however the consistent use of contra-ceptives is 55.1%. 66.2% of respondents have visited a doctor last year; 77.3% handle sufficient information for the prevention of pregnancy and 79.7% for STD prevention. CONCLUSIONS: Although students have information on sexuality and access to health services, adverse effects on sexual and reproductive health are identified as a problem that leads to student dropout and low aca-demic performance. The main solutions to combat the adverse effects include: improving the quality of infor-mation, enhance access to comprehensive health ser-vices, generating healthy spaces.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Jeune adulte , Santé des Élèves , Services de santé , Contrôle des maladies transmissibles , Performance scolaire , Accessibilité des services de santé
Rev. peru. epidemiol. (Online) ; 17(2): 1-8, mayo.-ago. 2013. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-706068


Objetivo: Analizar factores asociados al abandono al control prenatal. Métodos: Estudio de casos y controles en 328 gestantes atendidas en el Instituto Nacional Materno Perinatal, divididas en 164 con abandono al control prenatal (casos) y 164 sin abandono (controles), pareadas según fecha de parto y sexo del recién nacido, se indagó datos generales y factores de abandono: personales, institucionales y médicos. Se aplicó estad¡sticas descriptivas e inferenciales a un nivel de significación estad¡stico p<0,05; OR IC95% y regresión log¡stica binaria. Resultados: Existen factores personales como el residir en barrio marginal (ORa: 3,7 IC95% 1,4-9,7), que aumentan el riesgo, el control prenatal adecuado (ORa: 0,5 IC95% 0,3-0,8), tener permisos en el trabajo (ORa: 0,3 IC95% 0,1-0,7), no tener dificultades por quehaceres domésticos (ORa: 0,4 IC95% 0,2-0,9) reducen la probabilidad de abandono. Entre los factores institucionales el recibir servicios completos (ORa: 0,1 IC95% 0,0-0,4), coordinar entre los servicios (ORa: 0,4 IC95% 0,2-0,8) y programar citas de seguimiento (ORa: 0,3 IC95% 0,1-0,8) reducen la probabilidad de abandono, finalmente entre los factores médicos, el tener calidad adecuada del control prenatal (ORa: 0,5 IC95% 0,3-0,8) reduce la probabilidad de abandono. Conclusiones: El residir en barrio marginal, aumenta el riesgo de abandono, el considerar el control prenatal importante, tener permisos en el trabajo, no tener dificultades por quehaceres domésticos, recibir los servicios completos, coordinar entre los servicios, programar citas y tener calidad adecuada del control prenatal reducen la probabilidad de abandono.

Objective: To analyze the factors associated with prenatal care desertion. Methods: Case-control study in 328 pregnant women at the National Perinatal Maternal Institute, divided into 164 with abandon to prenatal care (cases) and 164 without abandonment (controls), matched by date of birth and sex of the newborn. We inquired about general data and abandonment factors: personal, institutional and medical. We applied descriptive and inferential statistics with statistical significance level p <0.05, OR 95% and binary logistic regression. Results: There are personal factors such as residing in slum (aOR: 3.7 95% CI 1.4 to 9.7) that increase the risk. The adequate prenatal care (aOR: 0.5 95% CI 0.3-0.8), having leaves from work (aOR: 0.3 95% CI 0.1-0.7) and not have difficulties with housework (aOR: 0.4 95% CI 0.2-0.9) reduce the probability of abandonment. Institutional factors like receiving full services (aOR: 0.1 95% CI 0.0-0.4), coordination between services (aOR: 0.4 95% CI 0.2-0.8) and schedule follow-up appointments (aOR: 0.3 95% CI 0.1-0.8) reduce the probability of abandonment. Finally, between medical factors, having adequate quality of antenatal care (aOR: 0.5 95% CI 0.3-0.8) reduces the risk of abandonment. Conclusion: Residing in a slum increases the risk of abandonment. To consider the important prenatal care, to have permissions at work, not having difficulties housework, to receive comprehensive services, to coordinate between services, to schedule appointments and to have adequate quality of prenatal care reduce the risk of abandonment.

Femelle , Prise en charge prénatale/tendances , Femmes enceintes , Études cas-témoins
Medisan ; 16(4): 526-531, abr. 2012.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-628014


Se realizó un estudio de tipo investigación en el campo de la educación médica de pregrado a 33 estudiantes del primer año de medicina en el primer semestre del curso 2010-2011 en el Policlínico Docente "Frank País García" de Santiago de Cuba, con vistas a identificar los factores determinantes de la deserción escolar de este período. Para obtener la información, se aplicó un cuestionario a los educandos, avalado por criterios de expertos, y se llevaron a cabo métodos teóricos y empíricos (descritos en el trabajo). Se obtuvo que la deserción escolar fuera elevada y entre sus principales causas estuvieron la insuficiencia docente, el abandono y la falta de orientación vocacional.

A study of investigation type was carried out in the field of pregraduate medical education to 33 first year students in the first semester of the course 2010-2011 at "Frank País García" Polyclinic in Santiago de Cuba, with the objective of identifying the determinant factors of the school desertion in this period. To obtain the information, a inquiry was applied to the students, endorsed by experts' criteria, and theoretical and empiric methods (described in the work) were carried out. It was obtained that the school desertion was high and among its main causes there were teaching inadequacy, desertion and the lack of vocational guide.

Psicol. Caribe ; (24): 26-58, dic. 2009. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-635780


Se presentan los resultados de un estudio sobre los procesos de aprendizaje y su incidencia en la deserción estudiantil en los estudiantes de Química y Farmacia de la Universidad de Cartagena en el período del 2003 al 2007. Con el objetivo de describir las características asociadas al aprendizaje que conlleva a la deserción estudiantil, se seleccionó una muestra equivalente a la totalidad de la población de estudiantes provenientes de los colegios oficiales de Cartagena en el primer semestre de 2007 (50), y se les aplicó el test smlq (pintrich), que contiene preguntas de carácter motivacional y relativas a las estrategias de aprendizaje. Se pudo concluir que el 2003 fue el año en que se presentó el índice de deserción más elevado (46%); el promedio general de deserción en el período comprendido entre 2003 y 2007 es de 19%, y se reporta el cambio de carrera o institución como la causa más frecuente de deserción (59%). Así mismo, se pudo observar que dentro de las escalas motivacionales, la categoría referida a expectativas fue la que obtuvo una mayor cantidad de resultados en el nivel alto, con un promedio de 60%. Y entre las estrategias de aprendizaje, las de tipo cognitivo puntuaron 34%.

The results of a study appear on the processes of learning and their incidence in the student desertion in the students of Chemistry and Pharmacy in the period from the 2003 to the 2007 With the objective to describe the characteristics associated to the learning that entails to the student desertion, a sample equivalent to the totality of the population of originating students of the official schools of Cartagena in the first semester of 2007 was selected (50), to which the test smlq was applied (pintrich), that contains questions of motivacional character and relative to the strategies of learning used by the students study object It was possible to be concluded that the 2003 were the year in which the elevated index of desertion appeared more (46%), being the general average of desertion in the period between 2003 and 2007 of 19%, reporting the change of race or institution as the most frequent cause of desertion (59%). Also, it was possible to be observed that within the motivacionales scales, the category referred to expectations was the one that obtained a greater amount of results in the high level, with an average of 60%. And between the Strategies of Learning, those of cognitivo type they scored 34%.

Psicol. argum ; 26(54): 245-265, jul.-set. 2008.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-527287


En estos tiempos la dimensión Biopolítica está caracterizada por la eugenesia social. Es el estado deexcepción permanente al cual están sometidos los conjuntos poblacionales. El nuevo aforismo deestos tiempos amplia el presupuesto foucaultinao por "hacer vivir/dejar morir en vida". Implica por unlado estirar la vida, racionalizar al extremo el cuidado de sí, gestionar privadamente los riegos; por elotro se fomenta la "muerte en vida"1 mediante agendas de desigualdad al cual están sometidas laspoblaciones. Se trata de caracterizar el a-bandono del poder que somete con violencia y condena ala in- dignidad de vivir en condiciones mínimas de sobrevivencia respuestas homogenizadoras,desingularizadas. Este modelo biopolítico corresponde al formato del ciudadano adaptado: todociudadano adaptado es igual a otro, reemplazable, dependiente del mercado en el consumo o delEstado cuando es sometido a una declaración oficial de improductividad que legítima de este modoa las políticas sociales. El ejercicio del poder se ejerce con violencia e impunidad pues somete a la in-dignidad, discrimina, extermina pero no comete ni pena ni es juzgado; delinea una imagen masificada,desubjetivada del hombre; coloca a las poblaciones en un umbral de indiferenciación - entre eladentro y el afuera, entre la inclusión y la exclusión, entre exterior e interior. Por ejemplo la salud esuna estrategia biopolítica de segregación; promueve el bienestar, el logro de mejor calidad de vida,el cuidado de "sí". Pero es inequitativa por cuanto la brecha social se amplia cada vez más y elacceso a la atención compromete recursos y gastos de bolsillo de la población. Del mismo modo lasagendas de los Estados son restrictivas a la hora de financiar en el tiempo los crecientes costos queimplican las enfermedades crónicas en contextos de pobreza; los costos que implica la medicinabiológica - estrategias de intervención genéticas para prolongar la vida: clonación, técnicas deinseminación artificial- son restrictivas y por lo tanto no son accesibles masivamente

Nowadays, the biopolitical dimension is characterized by social eugenism: a permanent exceptionstate populations are submitted to. Nowadays, a fresh aphorism widens Michel Foucault'spostulate with "let make people live / let people dying alive". This implies stretching life out,rationalizing one's own care extremely, managing risks privately, on the one hand. On theother hand, "death in life" is encouraged through inequality-based plans aiming at crushingpopulations down. So, the idea is characterizing the abandonment of a power devoted tosubmitting through violence, and sentencing people to the indignity ­i.e. living within minimumsurvival conditions, under homogenized, de-singularized ukases. Such a biopolitical modelresponds to the format of an adapted citizen: every adapted citizen is just the same as anotheradapted citizen, they are replaceable, they depend on the market, as far as consumption isconcerned, or they are State-dependent inasmuch as they are subjected to an official statement ofunproductiveness, aimed at legitimizing social policies. Power is exerted through both violenceand impunity inasmuch as power submits people to indignity, power discriminates, exterminatesbut does not commit any crime ­thus, power is neither tried nor sentenced. Power traces a massimage, a de-subjectived image of humans. Power places populations on the threshold ofindifferentiation ­between inside and outside, between inclusion and exclusion, between innerand outer. Let us take an example: health has become a segregation-aimed biopolitical strategyfavoring well-being, a longing for a better quality of life, taking care of oneself. However this isnot an equitable process inasmuch as the social gap widens more and more, and having access tocare services is attacking people's resources and pocket money more and more. At the sametime, States' activities are restrictive when it comes to financing over time costs caused bychronic diseases within a poverty-ridden context as well as the biological medicine costs ­suchas genetic intervention strategies aimed at extending life, clonation, artificial insemination, allthese are restricted processes ­thus, impossible to be attained at massively

Facteurs socioéconomiques , Pauvreté , Qualité de vie , Systèmes de maintien de vie
Psicol. rev. (Belo Horizonte) ; 12(20): 181-192, dez. 2006.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-491026


Este artículo se propone investigar cómo una de las consecuencias del vínculo que se genera entre ciertos adolescentes y el contexto neoliberal implica una permutación en la capacidad de integración de estos jovenes a la institución liceal. Desde un contrato social trófico se pasa a otro tanático, donde el adolescente, más que ocupar un lugar de marginado-transgresivo, pasa a ocupar un lugar de suplente-expiante. Este contrato tanático se caracteriza por las figuras de la escasez y lo escaso, a través del ominoso trabajo de la expulsión social. De esta manera propongo, en este artículo, una reformulación de la problemática de la deserción estudiantil, donde lo que destaco más que los procesos de salida incrementados, es la ausencia de procesos de entrada irreversibles.

This article intends to investigate how one of the consequences of the link generated between certain adolescents and the neoliberal context consists of an exchange in their capacity to integrate with the school. A trophic social contract changes into a thanatic one, in which the adolescent, rather than occupying the place of an excluded-transgressive person, starts to occupy that of a substitute expiating one. This thanatic contract is characterized by the figures of scarcity and the scarce item, through the ominous work of social expulsion. Thus, the article proposes a revision of the problem of student desertion, highlighting the absence of irreversible entrance processes rather than the increase in exit processes.

Adolescent , Comportement de l'adolescent , Étudiants qui abandonnent leurs études , Isolement social
Salud ment ; 28(1): 52-60, ene.-feb. 2005.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-985877


resumen está disponible en el texto completo

Abstract: The treatment of election for patients with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), consists on the combination of psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy. Concerning a psychoanalitic and individual focuse, there has been found, that in spite of the differences in orientations and the therapists experience, the manifestations of the disorder tend to decrease. First of all, a decrease in the impulsivity and an increase in the affective stability is seen, whether the identity alterations modify poorly with treatments of a duration of up to two years. Traditionally, patients with BPD have not been considered apt for group therapy, because their disruptive behavior interferes with the development of the groupal cohesion; however, this characteristics are the ones that can be rapidly treated in the group, when putting a slight pressure on the patient so he can modify this maladaptive behavior. The objectives of group therapy, are consistent with the ones in individual therapy. They include stability for patients, management of impulsivity and other symptoms, and management of the reactions in the transference and countertransference. The presence of other patients helps to establish limits between the participants and it also generates an altruistic interaction, in which they can consolídate their changes in the process of helping others. Group therapists suggest that individual therapy can be accelerated if the patient participates in the group in which the primitive fantasies are stimulated and where the group structure provides a support that helps personal growth. One of the most difficult tasks in any therapy is the desertion of the patients. Specially, the group is vulnerable to desertion, in its initial stage, since it has been recorded that there is a 13 to 63% of desertions. The purpose of the present study was to determine the psychological and psychopathological variables in patients with BPD, that influence the compliance in a group therapy. All the candidates in this investigation were patients with a probable diagnose of BPD, that had been sent to the Psychotherapy Department of National Institute of Psychiatry, aged between 18 to 24 years. This diagnose was corroborated with the SCID II. A descriptive study was made with the characteristics of the patients in some different areas: character and temperament, self esteem, quality of life, psychosocial functioning, interpersonal problems, ego strength, and psychiatric symptoms. A total of 24 weekly sessions with a duration of an hour and a half, were conducted under the direction of two psychotherapists and a non active observer. A Spearman correlation was used to correlate the psychological variables with the number of assisted sessions. We included 16 female patients, with an age mean of 20.43 years; the mean of assistance to the group was of 4.5 sessions. None of the subjects assisted to all the 24 sessions and 56% of the patients deserted the group as well as the pharmacological treatment. The findings of the correlations between the number of assisted sessions and the psychological variables, suggested first of all, a positive relation between the persistence scale of the ITC and a negative association with the subscales 1 (preoccupation vs optimism) and 4 (fatigability vs energy). Other findings suggested negative correlations between the psychosis scale of the SCL 90 and the evitative scale. The rest of the scales did not have a significative correlation with the number of assisted sessions. The items mentioned during the sessions by the patients consisted in the extreme dependency to the external criticism, that came from significative figures. The patients also talked about some of the common symptoms of BPD, like frustration, intolerance, suicide, lack of affective stability, self mutilations, rage, ambivalence, poor self concept, feelings of inferiority, and low self esteem. The percentage of desertion in this study was a lot higher than expected, assuming that in a regular group basis, there is 30% to 40% of desertion. It also came to our attention, that groupal phenomena, were not observed. Specially identifications and groupal cohesion, were not developed in this case. The patients collaborated exclusively with the therapists; they did not give any devolutions to other patients. They all waited for their turn, changing the theme, in a way that satisfied their own conflicts. The universality of the experience phenomenon was no seen, since the patients, did not feel that the others had the same problems, conflicts emotions or ideas, feeling supported or relieved by it. In conclusion, the patients with BPD, in our institution have a bad compliance in a group therapy, in which only personality disorders are admitted. These patients did not blend within the environment, because the groupal phenomena that produce the changes were not seen at all. This is probably associated with the intrinsic characteristics of the disorder, and this is why the probable changes in the patients should be evaluated and this technique questioned, as a reliable treatment method for personality disorders. A comparison of this technique with others, such as individual therapy and the combination of both, should be also considered. The Psychobiologic model of Cloninger, used in other investigations to predict the efficacy of pharmacotherapy, can be used to make a prediction of the compliance of BPD with groupal therapy. This data should be considered in the previous evaluation of the patients, with the goal of establishing different strategies, and an adequate treatment, for subjects with these characteristics.

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