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Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-821355


@#Resident relocation to flats policy becomes a strategy of the Jakarta Provincial Government to overcome illegal settlements and slum areas. The relocation is also aimed to improve the quality of life, particularly of the children. This research analyses the determinant factors of the quality of life of children who are moved to the flats due to the relocation. This research uses the Kid-KINDLR questionnaire to collect data of children in the range of age 7-13 years and the Z-score method to process the data and to build an analysis. The Z-score > 0 indicates a good quality of life, while Z-score < 0 is otherwise. The result shows that 48% of the children have a good quality of life and 52% of the children have a poor quality of life (mean = 91.45 and SD = 9.559). There is a positive correlation between the quality of life of children and the pattern of nutrients intake of children (r = 0.053, p = 0.518), the education of the head of the family (r = 0.058, p = 0.478), and the household income (r = 0.070, p = 0.401). Whereas, the negative correlation between the quality of life of children and the number of family members (r = -0.088, p = 0.284). This research argues that to increase the quality of life of children, the facilities in the flats must be built properly for the growth of the children. In addition, family involvement must be improved to provide a high quality of nutrients intake for the children.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-751149


@#We compared the determinant factors of depression; among faculties in university, among junior and senior students, and gender differences among representative samples of faculties in university. Centre for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CES-D) consisting for 20 questions was used to assess the status of well-being of students. A total of 240 students participated and completed the assessment forms. The results were then compared and analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics version 21. There was no effect of faculty on depression (p=0.854). The association between year of study and depression was not statistically significant (p≥0.05). Likewise, the association between gender and depression was statistically not significant (p≥0.05). The study revealed absence of statistically significant effect of faculty on depression. It was also found that gender and depression as well as year of study and depression were not statistically significant.

Dépression , Caractères sexuels
Arch. venez. pueric. pediatr ; 78(4): 105-110, dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-783052


Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud recomienda revisar el tratamiento antibiótico inicial a las 48 horas y realizar cambios si no se ha documentado mejoría en algunos parámetros. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la tasa de fracaso terapéutico y los factores relacionados con el mismo. Métodos: Se estudiaron 77 niños menores de dos años, ingresados por neumonía con o sin Síndrome de Respuesta Inflamatoria Sistémica (SRIS). El fracaso terapéutico se definió por la presencia de una de las siguientes condiciones: a) ausencia de cambios favorables en la temperatura, frecuencia respiratoria u oxigenación a las 48 horas de tratamiento. b) estadía hospitalaria mayor de 7 días y c) necesidad de sustituir el antibiótico seleccionado inicialmente. Se utilizaron métodos estadísticos para estimar el riesgo relativo, las variables continuas de distribución normal por t student, variables categóricas por medio de Chi cuadrado y prueba exacta de Fisher con un valor de p <0,05 como significancia estadística. Resultados: Edad: 0,94±0,52 años, tasa de fracaso: 14,3 %. El SRIS estuvo presente en el 39% asociándose a mayor frecuencia de fracaso terapéutico. Factores asociados a SRIS: edad, nivel de instrucción materno e hipoxemia. La afectación radiológica bilateral e hipoxemia se asociaron a una mayor posibilidad de fracaso. Se registraron complicaciones en 10,4 % de los pacientes y en el 86 % se mantuvo el antibiótico indicado inicialmente. Conclusiones: Se encontró una baja tasa de fracaso terapéutico. Los determinantes del fracaso terapéutico fueron: presencia de SRIS, afectación radiológíca bilateral e hipoxemia.

Introduction: The World Health Organization recommends reviewing the initial treatment course after 48 hours and modifying antibiotic prescription if there is no documented improvement in some clinical parameters. The aim of this study was to determine failure rate and related factors. Methods: Seventy seven children under two years of age admitted for pneumonia with or without Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS) were included. Treatment failure was defined by one of the following conditions: a) no positive changes in body temperature, breathing rate or oxygenation within 48 hours of treatment, b) hospital stay longer than 7 days and c) the need to replace the initially selected antibiotic. The socio demographic and clinical characteristics were analyzed estimating the relative risk, continuous variables of normal distribution by the t student test, categorical variables by chisquare and Fisher exact test with a value of p <0.05 for statistical significance. Results: Age was 0.94 ± 0.52 years. Failure rate was 14.3%. SIRS was present in 39% of the patients and was associated to a higher frequency of therapeutic failure. Factors associated with SIRS were age, maternal education level and hypoxemia. Bilateral radiographic involvement and hypoxemia were also associated with treatment failure. Few complications were registered (10.4%). Initially selected antibiotic was maintained in 86% of the patients. Conclusions: A low failure rate was present in this series. Failure rate determinants were: presence of SIRS, bilateral radiology involvement and hypoxemia.

Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-153985


Background: Treatment interruption and switch to a new Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) regimen act as competing risks for patient on HAART. Methods: The study was conducted in Mekelle hospital. A case-control study was conducted. Socio-demographic, immunologic and clinical characteristics were components of the checklist. Data was compiled, processed, and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) for windows version 16. Ethical consideration was obtained from Mekelle University. Results: 105 patients’ records were sampled and studied. Twenty one (20%) of the patients had changed their initial ART regimen and about three-fourth 15 (71.4%) of the reasons for change was attributable to toxicity while 3 and 2 were due to treatment failure and pregnancy respectively. The odds of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) who had one initial ART change (cases) were 2.37 times greater than the odds who did not change (controls) Patients, initiated ZDV based ART regimen had 9.93 times greater chance of changing their initial ART regimen compared to those initiated with D4T based ART regimen and patient on ART for treatment duration of 12-36 months were relatively at higher risk compared to patients with lesser duration of treatment. Patients who’s ART had 99.94% lesser chance of changing their baseline ART regimen compared to those who did take other medications Conclusions: The main factor determining the change of initial ART regimen in our study was the occurrence of adverse drug reactions, with ZDV being the most dominant drug.

Rev. crim ; 52(2): 77-97, jul.-dic. 2010.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-707507


El objetivo de la presente investigación es describir características criminológicas de un grupo de siete personas condenadas por delitos contra la administración pública. Se tuvieron en cuenta variables sociodemográficas, el modus operandi (variable criminológica) y la personalidad (variable psicológica). En esta investigación, de tipo exploratorio, con análisis descriptivo y muestreo intencional, participaron siete hombres internados en dos cárceles de Bogotá y Villavicencio, entre el 2009 y el 2010, con edad promedio de 44 años. Se utilizaron como instrumentos el cuestionario de personalidad 16 PF forma B, la entrevista semiestructurada de modus operandi, el cuestionario de variables sociodemográficas y el cuestionario de deseabilidad social de Domínguez, Salas-Menotti y Reyes (2008). Los resultados revelan que existen rasgos de personalidad comunes en al menos cinco participantes: tendencia a pensamiento concreto, inestabilidad emocional, dominancia, locus de control externo, suspicacia, nivel alto de normatividad pero asociado a dolor psicológico, estabilidad laboral y buena remuneración, estudios superiores en ciencias económicas y derecho. Son personas sin investigaciones previas, actúan solas o recurren a un mínimo de personas, sin realizar mayores conductas para encubrir los actos delictivos; cometen los delitos en un período corto de tiempo. El tiempo de condena promedio fue de 84 meses.

This research is aimed at describing criminological characteristics among a group of seven individuals sentenced for offenses against public administration. Socio-demographic variables were taken into account, as well as modus operandi (criminological variable) and personality (psychological variable). In this research of exploratory nature, with a descriptive analysis and intentional sampling, six male inmates (average age 44) of two prisons in Bogota and Villavicencio took part between 2009 and 2010. As instruments, the personality questionnaire 16 PF, form B, the semistructured interview on modus operandi, the socio-demographic variables and the social desirability questionnaire by Dominguez, Salas-Menotti and Reyes (2008) were used. The results reveal that there are personality traits commonly shared by at least five participants, such as tendency to specific, concrete thought, emotional instability, dominance, external control locus, suspiciousness, a high normativity level though associated to physical pain, work stability and good remuneration, higher education studies in economic sciences and law. These are people with no prior investigation backgrounds; they act alone or with the help of a minimum number of people, without further behaviors to cover their criminal acts. Their offenses are perpetrated in a short period of time. Average prison sentence: 84 months.

Humains , Administration Publique/effets indésirables , Criminologie/statistiques et données numériques , Criminologie/tendances
Rev. cient. (Maracaibo) ; 20(1): 67-73, feb. 2010. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-631045


El objetivo de esta investigación fue simular con base en los factores determinantes del nivel tecnológico en fincas ganaderas de doble propósito, la probabilidad de que una finca o productor pertenezca a un grupo de fincas con alto nivel de tecnología, de acuerdo a escenarios distintos a los que originalmente posee, creados por la combinación de los factores determinantes. Estos factores resultaron del ajuste de un modelo Probit Ordenado sobre una muestra de 102 fincas localizadas en los municipios Jesús Enrique Lossada, La Cañada de Urdaneta y Rosario de Perijá, del estado Zulia, Venezuela, previamente estratificada en tres grupos tecnológicos: Bajo (GT1), Medio (GT2) y Alto (GT3), utilizando el algoritmo K-medias. Los factores determinantes: localización geográfica de la finca, nivel educativo del productor, frecuencia de la asistencia técnica y el tamaño de la finca fueron utilizados para evaluar su efecto sobre la probabilidad, producto del cambio de las condiciones originales de la finca, la cual se interpreta como sensibilidad. De los resultados obtenidos se desprende que, existe una relación positiva entre el tamaño de la finca, la educación del productor, localidad geográfica, la frecuencia con que es utilizada la asistencia técnica, y el nivel de tecnología existente en la finca. Se puede inferir que un productor con un nivel educativo universitario que posea una finca con más de 200 unidades animales, que ésta se encuentre localizada en la zona de Rosario de Perijá, y que además de ello haga uso de la asistencia técnica como parte del manejo de su finca, presenta una alta probabilidad de que este productor tienda a ser más innovador y alcance un nivel tecnológico más alto que el GT1.

The objective of this research was to simulate the probability of the farmer of belonging to a specific technological level according to the presence of the determinant factors in scenarios created different from original conditions. These factors were obtained of applying the Ordered Probit model on a sample of 102 farms, located in Jesus Enrique Lossada, La Cañada de Urdaneta y Rosario de Perijá Municipalities of the Zulia State, Venezuela. The sample was previously stratified in three technological groups: Low (TG1), Middle (TG2) and High (TG3) by the K-means algorithm. The geographic locations of the farm, educative level of the farmer and farm size resulted to be the determinant factors. These factors were utilized to evaluate their effect on the probability due to the changes of original conditions of the farm. These changes in the probability are called sensitivity. The results showed that there is a positive relationship between the determinant factors and technological level of the farm. Therefore, a farmer with university degree, his or her farm is located in Rosario de Perijá with more than 200 animal units. In addition, the farmer utilizes the frequently technical assistance; it is much more probably that this farmer tends more innovated and reaches a higher technological level than the TG1.

Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-197544


This study was conducted to examine the determinant factors for expenditure of the medical insurance program for self-employeds based on the analysis of 1991 "The Medical Insurance program for self-Employeds Statical Yearbook", and also similar yearbooks in the metropolitan and other provinces. The major findings are as follows: We have divided benefits into these four components such as the utilization rate for out-patients. expenses per claim for out-patients as paid by the insurer, utilization rate for in-patients, and the expenses per claim for in-patients as paid by the insurer, in order to examine the determinant factors for it. The results of the study revealed the following findings: in urban areas, the supply of medical care had more influence on the benefits than other demographic and economic variables, while, in county areas, both the supply of medical care and the rate of those aged over 65 affected the provision of benefits. The determinant factors for financial balance of the medical insurance program for self-employeds are: first, the determinant factor for administrative expenses was the number of households. The more the number of household, the less the administrative expenses per the insured. This shows that the economy of scale is being. And so, the administrative district must be taken into consideration in the incorporation of small regional medical societies and should be re-organized for more efficient management. Second. in urban areas. the supply of medical care had more influence on utilization rate and expenses per claim as paid by insurer, and therefore it is necessary to control it. In county areas the supply of medical care and the rate of those aged over 65 raised the utilization rate and expenses per claim as paid by insurer. For the financial stability of county areas. a common fund for medical care for the aged and expansion of finance stabilization fund would be necessary. But, in county areas, it would be unnecessary to control the supply of medical care because it was much more insufficient than in urban areas. The vitalization of public health facilities must be carried out in county areas, for they reduced benefits. Since the more insured in a single household, the less the utilization of the medical insurance program, benefits for habilitation at home should be given consideration. The law of majority and the economy of scale were applied here, and therefore the incorporation of regional medical societies must be taken into consideration. In integrating regional medical societies, it would be absolutely necessary to review the structural differences among all regional medical societies, the medical demand of each region, and also the local characteristics of each region.

Humains , Caractéristiques familiales , Gestion financière , Dépenses de santé , Compagnies d'assurance , Assurance , Jurisprudence , Patients en consultation externe , Santé publique , Réadaptation , Sociétés médicales