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Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;88(1): e2023, 2025. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568844


ABSTRACT Mantle cell lymphoma of the ocular and periorbital regions is extremely rare but should be considered in the differential diagnosis of lesions affecting the periorbital tissues. In this study, we present a rare case of mantle cell lymphoma of the lacrimal sac in a 65-year-old male presenting with a mass in the lacrimal sac region and epiphora. After clinical examinations and imaging studies, the mucocele was misdiagnosed. Considering the unexpected findings during external dacryocystorhinostomy, a frozen biopsy was performed, which confirmed the diagnosis of lymphoma.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 578-584, Julio 5, 2024. fig
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563119


Introducción. La transposición de los órganos debido al situs inversus (SI) es una rara afección que dificulta el diagnóstico de la apendicitis aguda. Esta condición hace que la sintomatología del paciente y los hallazgos al examen físico puedan ser atípicos, lo que demanda el uso de imágenes para la confirmación diagnóstica en la mayoría de los casos. Métodos. Se describieron tres casos de apendicitis en pacientes con diagnóstico de situs inversus. Dos de ellos tenían el antecedente conocido, mientras el tercer caso fue diagnosticado de forma intraoperatoria. Resultados. En dos pacientes se decidió llevar a cirugía vía laparoscópica sin imágenes diagnósticas adicionales. Los pacientes evolucionaron de manera satisfactoria. Conclusión. Siempre se debe considerar la apendicitis dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales en los pacientes con dolor en fosa ilíaca izquierda. Es fundamental diagnosticar y tratar la apendicitis de manera efectiva para minimizar las complicaciones asociadas. La importancia de la anamnesis y la sospecha clínica del examinador son vitales en estos casos, que se pueden confirmar con las imágenes diagnósticas. Pueden existir casos en donde la condición clínica del paciente no permita la realización de estudios diagnósticos por imágenes; esto apoya cada vez más el uso del abordaje laparoscópico. Se recomienda considerar el abordaje laparoscópico en primera instancia, ya que nos permite la confirmación diagnóstica de situs inversus totalis en caso de que el antecedente sea desconocido y facilita el manejo oportuno de la urgencia.

Introduction. Organ transposition due to situs inversus (SI) is a rare condition that makes the diagnosis of acute appendicitis difficult. This condition entails that the patient' symptoms and physical examination findings may be atypical, which requires the use of images for diagnostic confirmation in most cases. Clinical cases. Three cases of appendicitis in patients diagnosed with situs inversus are described. Two of them had a known medical history, while the third case was diagnosed intraoperatively. Results. In two patients it was decided to undergo laparoscopic surgery without additional diagnostic images. The patients progressed satisfactorily. Conclusion. Appendicitis should always be considered in the differential diagnoses in patients with pain in the left iliac fossa. It is essential to diagnose and treat appendicitis effectively to minimize associated complications. The importance of the anamnesis and the examiner's clinical suspicion are vital in these cases, which can be confirmed with diagnostic images. There may be cases where the patient's clinical condition does not allow diagnostic imaging studies to be performed, increasingly supports the use of the laparoscopic approach. It is recommended to consider the laparoscopic approach in the first instance, since it allows us to confirm the diagnosis of situs inversus totalisin case the history is unknown and facilitates timely management of the emergency.

Humains , Appendicectomie , Situs inversus , Appendicite , Syndrome de Kartagener , Laparoscopie , Diagnostic différentiel
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 633-639, Julio 5, 2024. fig
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566026


Introducción. La neoplasia sólida pseudopapilar de páncreas, también conocida como tumor de Frantz, es una patología poco frecuente, que comprende menos del 3 % de los tumores pancreáticos, y la mayor incidencia se observa en mujeres jóvenes entre la segunda y tercera década de la vida. Su etiología es desconocida. El tratamiento de elección es la resección quirúrgica sin linfadenectomía cuando se encuentra bien localizado. Inclusive aún cuando hay evidencia de metástasis o invasión local, el manejo quirúrgico sigue siendo el tratamiento de elección. Caso clínico. Mujer de 24 años de edad, con masa abdominal palpable, dolorosa, de tres semanas de evolución. La tomografía computarizada mencionó como presunción diagnóstica un tumor de origen pancreático. En la laparotomía se encontró una masa dependiente del cuerpo del páncreas. Se realizó pancreatectomía distal radical con esplenectomía y omentectomía parcial en bloque. Resultados. Durante la cirugía no se presentaron complicaciones y hasta el sexto mes de seguimiento, la evolución fue adecuada y sin recidiva tumoral. Conclusiones. Ante la presencia de masa abdominal, con compromiso pancreático documentado por tomografía computarizada, se debe considerar el diagnóstico de neoplasia sólida pseudopapilar de páncreas, o tumor de Frantz. El tumor de Frantz es una entidad poco frecuente que generalmente se diagnostica de forma incidental o por síntomas inespecíficos en estadios avanzados. El diagnóstico y manejo de esta neoplasia representa un reto y la resección quirúrgica continúa siendo el tratamiento indicado.

Introduction. Solid pseudopapillary neoplasia of the pancreas, also known as Frantz tumor, is a rare pathology, comprising less than 3% of pancreatic tumors, and the highest incidence is observed in young women between the second and third decades of life. Its etiology is unknown. The treatment of choice is surgical resection without lymphadenectomy when it is well located. Even when there is evidence of metastasis or local invasion, surgical management remains the treatment of choice. Clinical case. A 24-year-old woman presented with a palpable, painful abdominal mass of three weeks' duration. The computed tomography mentioned a tumor of pancreatic origin as a presumptive diagnosis. At laparotomy, a mass dependent on the body of the pancreas was found. Radical distal pancreatectomy with splenectomy and en bloc partial omentectomy was performed. Results. During the surgery there were no complications and until the sixth month of follow-up, the evolution was adequate and without tumor recurrence. Conclusions. In the presence of an abdominal mass, with pancreatic involvement documented by computed tomography, the diagnosis of solid pseudopapillary neoplasia of the pancreas, or Frantz tumor, should be considered, which must be treated surgically. Frantz tumor is a rare entity that is generally diagnosed incidentally or due to nonspecific symptoms in advanced stages. The diagnosis and management of this neoplasia represents a challenge and surgical resection continues to be the indicated treatment.

Humains , Pancréatectomie , Tumeurs du pancréas , Pancréas , Résultats fortuits , Diagnostic différentiel
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(4): 640-645, Julio 5, 2024. fig
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566027


Introducción. El esplenúnculo se ha descrito con una incidencia global del 10 al 30 %. Puede ser una entidad de origen congénito o adquirida, frecuentemente está asociada a trauma abdominal o antecedente de esplenectomía por diversas causas. Caso clínico. Mujer en edad media, con antecedente de trauma abdominal y esplenectomía por ruptura traumática, quien 30 años después presenta un cuadro de dolor abdominal. Los estudios imagenológicos identificaron una masa sólida intrapancreática. Resultados. Fue llevada a pancreatectomía distal. Los hallazgos histológicos e inmunohistoquímicos confirmaron que la masa pancreática correspondía a un esplenúnculo intrapancreático adquirido, asociado al evento traumático previo. Conclusión. Los esplenúnculos suelen constituir un "incidentaloma". Los estudios imagenológicos se encuentran limitados, pues la tomografía computarizada, la resonancia nuclear magnética y la ultrasonografía presentan características imagenológicas similares con los tumores pancreáticos hipervascularizados, por lo que se debe practicar el estudio histopatológico durante su valoración. Esta entidad se debe incluir dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales, con mayor énfasis en aquellos pacientes con historia de trauma abdominal y esplenectomía asociada, un escenario en el que esta lesión puede simular una neoplasia sólida del páncreas, con características malignas.

Introduction. Splenunculus has been described with an overall incidence of 10 to 30%. It can be an entity of congenital or acquired origin, it is frequently associated with abdominal trauma or a history of splenectomy for various reasons. Clinical case. Middle-aged woman, with a history of abdominal trauma and splenectomy due to traumatic rupture, who 30 years later presents with abdominal pain. Imaging studies identified a solid intrapancreatic mass. Results. She was taken to OR for distal pancreatectomy. The histological and immunohistochemical findings confirmed that the pancreatic mass corresponded to an acquired intrapancreatic splenunculus, associated with the previous traumatic event. Conclusion. Splenuncles usually constitute an "incidentaloma". Imaging studies are limited, since computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and ultrasonography present similar imaging characteristics with hypervascularized pancreatic tumors, so histopathological study must be included during their evaluation. This entity should be included in the differential diagnoses, with greater emphasis on those patients with a history of abdominal trauma and associated splenectomy, a scenario in which this lesion can simulate a solid neoplasm of the pancreas, with malignant characteristics.

Humains , Pancréas , Tumeurs du pancréas , Splénectomie , Pancréatectomie , Rate , Splénose , Diagnostic différentiel
Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 479-484, 2024-04-24. fig
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554167


Introducción. El síndrome de Rapunzel es una entidad infrecuente, que se presenta como un tricobezoar a causa de una aglomeración de cabello acumulado dentro del tracto gastrointestinal, por lo que simula otras patologías quirúrgicas. Caso clínico. Paciente femenina de 10 años de edad, con tricotilomanía y tricofagia, dolor abdominal y síntomas inespecíficos de obstrucción intestinal de ocho meses de evolución. Al examen físico se encontró abdomen con distensión y masa palpable en epigastrio y mesogastrio. La ecografía permitió hacer el diagnóstico de tricobezoar gástrico extendido hasta el intestino delgado, por lo que se llevó a cirugía para gastrotomía y se extrajo el tricobezoar, con evolución satisfactoria de la paciente. El abordaje integral permitió conocer la atadura sicológica por posible maltrato infantil. Resultado. La paciente tuvo una evolución satisfactoria y se dio egreso al quinto día de hospitalización. Actualmente se encuentra en seguimiento por sicología, siquiatría infantil y pediatría. Discusión. El caso clínico denota la importancia en reconocer situaciones de presentación infrecuente en pediatría, que puedan estar asociadas a alteraciones sicológicas o presunción de maltrato infantil y que se presenten como una condición orgánica recurrente que simule otras patologías abdominales frecuentes en la infancia. El retraso diagnóstico puede conducir a un desenlace no deseado con complicaciones. Conclusión. Se hace mandatorio el manejo integral del paciente pediátrico y aumentar la sensibilidad para reconocer situaciones de presunción de maltrato infantil, sobre todo en pacientes con una condición orgánica quirúrgica recurrente.

Introduction. Rapunzel syndrome is an uncommon condition that manifests as trichobezoars, which are hair bundles in the stomach or small intestine that can mimics other surgical illnesses. Multiple complications can arise from delayed diagnosis and treatment. Clinical case. A 10-year-old female patient with trichotillomania and trichophagia, with abdominal pain and nonspecific symptoms of intestinal obstruction of eight months of evolution. Physical examination revealed epigastric tenderness and a solid mass was palpable in the mesogastric and epigastric region. An abdominal ultrasound showed gastric trichobezoar that extended into the small intestine. A gastrotomy was performed and the trichobezoar was extracted with satisfactory evolution of the patient. The comprehensive approach allowed knowing the psychological bond due to possible child abuse. Results. The patient had a satisfactory evolution and was discharged on the fifth day of hospitalization. He is currently being monitored by psychology, child psychiatry and pediatrics. Discussion. This clinical case highlights the importance of recognizing situations that seldom present in pediatrics, which may have a psychological aspect due to the presumption of child abuse, and which present as a recurrent organic condition simulating other frequent abdominal pathologies in childhood; all of which may lead to an unwanted outcome due to diagnostic delay. Conclusion. The comprehensive management of the pediatric patient is mandatory to recognize situations of presumed child abuse, in the face of a recurrent surgical conditions.

Humains , Trichotillomanie , Bézoards , Occlusion duodénale , Estomac , Pédopsychiatrie , Diagnostic différentiel
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(1): 1-4, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552872


Introdução: O carcinoma basocelular (CBC) de vulva é uma condição rara que corresponde a menos de 0,4% dos casos de CBC e de 2% a 4% das neoplasias de vulva. O CBC de vulva é mais comum entre mulheres brancas, multíparas e na pósmenopausa, especialmente na sétima década de vida. O objetivo é relatar um caso de CBC de vulva no qual discutiram-se os aspectos do diagnóstico e tratamento. Relato de Caso: Mulher de 63 anos de idade, G1P1A0, chega ao consultório em janeiro de 2022 para tratamento de lesão persistente em vulva. Realizou-se biópsia incisional que mostrou tratar-se de provável carcinoma basocelular nodular com invasão da derme. A paciente submeteu-se a uma ressecção do tumor com margens macroscópicas livres e sutura primária. A cirurgia não teve complicações no pré-operatório e no pós-operatório. O histopatológico da peça cirúrgica mostrou tratar-se de carcinoma basocelular nodular com área irregular, plana, branco, medindo 0,7x0,4cm, com as margens laterais distando 7,0 e 5,0mm e profundas, 5,9mm; todas livres. Conclusão: O caso relatado é raro, tendo sido o tratamento de ressecção cirúrgica do CBC de vulva com margens bem-sucedido. Catorze meses após a cirurgia, a paciente encontra-se sem evidências de recidiva local ou regional.

Introduction: Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) of the vulva is a rare condition that accounts for less than 0.4% of BCC cases and 2% to 4% of vulvar neoplasms. BCC of the vulva is more common among white, multiparous and postmenopausal women, especially in the seventh decade of life. The aim is to report a case of BCC of the vulva in which aspects of diagnosis and treatment were discussed. Case report: A 63-year-old woman, G1P1A0, arrives at the office in January 2022 for treatment of a persistent lesion on her vulva. An incisional biopsy was performed and showed that it was likely nodular basal cell carcinoma with invasion of the dermis. The patient underwent tumor resection with free macroscopic margins and primary suture. The surgery had no complications preoperatively or postoperatively. The histopathology of the surgical specimen showed that it was a nodular basal cell carcinoma with an irregular, flat, white area, measuring 0.7x0.4cm, with the lateral margins 7.0 and 5.0mm apart and 5.9mm deep; all free. Conclusion: The reported case is rare, with surgical resection of BCC of the vulva with margins being successful. Fourteen months after surgery, the patient has no evidence of local or regional recurrence.

Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 39(1): 1-5, jan.mar.2024. ilus
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552873


O tumor filoide é uma neoplasia fibroepitelial rara que representa 0,3 a 1% de todas as neoplasias mamárias. De acordo com a classificação histopatológica, 12 a 26% são do tipo borderline e aproximadamente 15% desses tumores recorrem após excisão cirúrgica. O tratamento recomendado para todos os tipos de tumor filoide é a excisão cirúrgica, e no caso de tumores gigantes o tratamento deve ser multidisciplinar. Apresentamos o caso de uma mulher de 46 anos com tumor filoide na mama esquerda que recorreu 4 anos após a excisão cirúrgica. O estudo anatomopatológico qualificou-o como tumor gigante e o estudo histopatológico relatou tumor filoide borderline. Foi submetida a excisão cirúrgica com mastectomia esquerda e reconstrução mamária com retalho de grande dorsal mais enxerto de gordura. A paciente apresentou evolução favorável sem recidiva. Concluindo, o tumor filoide gigante borderline recorrente é raro e seu manejo cirúrgico representa um desafio tanto na excisão quanto na reconstrução mamária.

Phyllodes tumor is a rare fibroepithelial neoplasm that represents 0.3 to 1% of all breast neoplasms. According to histopathologic classification, 12 to 26% are borderline type and approximately 15% of these tumors recur after surgical excision. The recommended treatment for all types of phyllodes tumor is surgical excision, and in the case of giant tumors the treatment should be multidisciplinary. We present the case of a 46-yearold woman with a phyllodes tumor in the left breast that recurred 4 years after surgical excision. The anatomopathological study qualified it as a giant tumor and the histopathological study reported a borderline phyllodes tumor. She underwent surgical excision with left mastectomy and breast reconstruction by means of a latissimus dorsi flap plus fat graft. The patient presented a favorable evolution without recurrence. In conclusion, the recurrent giant borderline phyllodes tumor is rare and its surgical management represents a challenge both in breast excision and reconstruction.

Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(2): 339-347, 20240220. fig
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532734


Introducción. El cáncer de riñón es la undécima neoplasia maligna más común en los Estados Unidos Mexicanos. El carcinoma de células claras de riñón (CCR) es considerado la estirpe más frecuente y representa el 2-3 % de todos los cánceres a nivel mundial. En el contexto de la enfermedad metastásica, por lo general se identifica un tumor renal primario y las metástasis se localizan en pulmón, hueso, hígado, cerebro y, raramente, en tejidos blandos. Los pacientes con metástasis a tejidos blandos no tienen síntomas en las etapas iniciales y generalmente se identifican sólo cuando las lesiones aumentan de tamaño o durante el estudio de la pieza de resección quirúrgica. Caso clínico. Se presenta el caso de una paciente en la séptima década de la vida, con una metástasis en tejidos blandos de la región sacra, de 10 años de evolución posterior a una nefrectomía secundario a CCR. Resultados. Hallazgos clínicos e imagenológicos de un tumor bien delimitado. Se realizó resección quirúrgica de la lesión, bajo anestesia regional, con extirpación completa. Conclusión. Se recomienda que los pacientes con un sitio metastásico resecable y solitario sean llevados a resección quirúrgica con márgenes libres, como fue el caso de nuestra paciente, por su fácil acceso y ser una lesión única. En el CCR, además de su tratamiento quirúrgico inicial, es indispensable una estrecha vigilancia con examen físico e imágenes transversales, para detectar la presencia de metástasis y con ello evitar tratamientos tardíos.

Introduction. Kidney cancer is the eleventh most common malignancy in the United States of Mexico. Carcinoma renal cell (CRC) is considered the most frequent type and represents 2-3% of all cancers worldwide. In the setting of metastatic disease, a primary renal tumor is usually identified, and metastases are located in the lung, bone, liver, brain, and rarely in soft tissue. Patients with soft tissue metastases do not have symptoms in the initial stages and are generally found only when the lesions increase in size or during the study of the surgical resection piece. Clinical case. In this case, we report a female patient in the seventh decade of life with a soft tissue metastasis located in the sacral region, 10 years after a nephrectomy secondary to CRC. Results. Clinical and radiological findings of a well-defined tumor. Surgical resection of the lesion is performed under regional anesthesia with complete excision. Conclusions. It is recommended that patients with a resectable and solitary metastatic site be candidates for surgical resection with free margins, as was the case with our patient due to its easy access and single lesion. In CRC, in addition to its initial surgical treatment, close surveillance with physical examination and cross-sectional images is essential to monitor the presence of metastases and thus avoid late treatments.

Humains , Néphrocarcinome , Tumeurs du rein , Essaimage tumoral , Tumeurs des tissus mous , Diagnostic différentiel , Métastase tumorale
Acta odontol. latinoam ; Acta odontol. latinoam;37(1): 79-87, Jan. 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563662


ABSTRACT Differentiating orofacial odontogenic pain/disorders from pain/disorders associated with maxillary sinusitis is important to avoid unnecessary dentalprocedures and to properly refer patients to colleagues/dentists and vice versa. Aim To analyze the association between apical lesions and sinus changes and to evaluate the agreement between the diagnoses of an endodontist, a radiologist, an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, and an otolaryngologist. Materials and Method 385 axial, coronal, and sagittal MSCT scans were selected using an image archiving andcommunication system (PACS). The examinations had been performed between 2018 and 2022. Results Apical lesions were observed in 36.10% of sinusitis cases, 73.8% of unilateralsinusitis cases, 48.7% of sinus floor discontinuity cases, and 67.2% of cases in which endodontic treatment had been performed. Agreement between the diagnoses made by the endodontist and those made by the other investigators was high for most study variables (k > 0.60). The exceptions were mucosal thickening, for which agreement between the endodontist and the other investigators was intermediate (k=0.397), and the presence of periapicallesions (k=0.010), previous endodontic treatment (k=0.013), and mucosal thickness (k=0.024), for which agreement between endodontists and radiologists was low. Conclusions: There was an association between sinus changes and apical lesions.

RESUMO Diferenciar a dor/desordens odontogénicas orofaciais da dor/desordens as sociadas á sinusite maxilar é importante para evitar procedimentos odontológicos desnecessários e para encaminhar adequadamente os pacientes aos colegas/dentistas e vice-versa. Objetivo Analisar a associagdo entre lesoes apicais e alteragóes sinusais e avaliar a concordáncia entre os diagnósticos de um endodontista, um radiologista, um cirurgido bucomaxilofacial e um otorrinolaringologista. Material e Método foram avaliadas 385 imagens. Resultados Aslesoes apicais foram observadas em 36,10% dos casos de sinusite, em 73,8% dos casos de sinusite unilateral, em 48,7% dos casos de descontinuidade do assoalho do seio e em 67,2%odos casos em que o tratamento endodontico havia sido realizado. A concordancia entre os diagnósticos feitos pelo endodontista e os feitos pelos outros pesquisadores foi alta para a maioria das variáveis do estudo (k > 0,60). As excegoes foram o espessamento da mucosa, para o qual a concordáncia entre o endodontista e os outros pesquisadores foi intermediária (k=0,397) e a presenga delesoes periapicais (k=0,010), tratamento endodontico prévio (k=0,013) e espessura da mucosa (k=0,024), para os quais a concordáncia entre endodontistas e radiologistas foi baixa. Conclusoes Houve uma associagdo entre as alteragóes sinusais e aslesoes apicais.

Journal of Medical Research ; (12): 112-116, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023636


Objective Most of the clinical manifestations of aortic dissection and myocardial infarction are chest pain,which can easily lead to misdiagnosis and disastrous consequences.Therefore,this study intends to establish a differential diagnosis model and verify it in order to achieve early accurate prediction.Methods The relevant information of 200 patients with myocardial infarction and 120 pa-tients with aortic dissection diagnosed in the Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University was collected,including age,gender,blood routine examination,electrolytes,markers of myocardial necrosis and blood coagulation function at admission.The patients were di-vided into myocardial infarction group and aortic dissection group.The independent risk factors were found out through t-test,AN OVA and binary Logistic regression analysis,and the nomogram was further drawn using R language to develop and validate the differential diag-nosis scoring table.Results The procalcitonin,prothrombin time(PT)、international normalized ratio(INR)、fibrin degradation product(FDP),D-dimer,white blood cell(WBC),percentage of neutrophil,percentage of lymphocyte,absolute value of neutrophil,absolute value of lymphocyte,C-reactive protein,cardiac troponin T(cTNT)、creatine kinase isozyme(CK-MB),systolic blood pressure of pa-tients in the two groups were statistically significant(P<0.05),There was no significant difference in other indexes(P>0.05).Binary Logistic regression analysis further showed that procalcitonin,D-dimer,C-reactive protein and systolic blood pressure were independent risk factors for diagnosing aortic dissection,while percentage of lymphocyte and absolute value of lymphocyte were independent risk factors for diagnosing myocardial infarction.According to the validation results of the score table developed by the nomogram,the the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.978,and the best cut-off value was 40.70 points.The sensitivity and specificity were 92.5%and 96.0%.Conclusion This study confirms that procalcitonin,D-dimer,C-reactive protein and systolic blood pressure are independent risk factors for diagnosing aortic dissection,while percentage of lymphocyte and absolute value of lymphocyte are independent risk factors for diagnosing myocardial infarction.The differential diagnosis scoring table proposed in this study can effectively differentiate patients with aortic dissection and myocardial infarction at an early stage,so as to guide further clinical diagnosis and treatment.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024265


Objective:To evaluate the qualitative and quantitative diagnostic value of transvaginal contrast-enhanced ultrasonography for benign and malignant adnexal masses.Methods:Forty-nine patients with adnexal masses detected by routine ultrasound examination at Wenzhou People's Hospital from January 2021 to December 2022 were included in this study. Initially, transvaginal two-dimensional ultrasound, two-dimensional ultrasound integrated with color Doppler, and contrast-enhanced ultrasonography were used to accurately classify the masses as benign or malignant. Using postoperative pathology as the gold standard, the qualitative diagnostic accuracy of various detection methods was compared. Subsequently, the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis was performed to assess the quantitative diagnostic accuracy of transvaginal contrast-enhanced ultrasonography-related parameters in distinguishing between benign and malignant adnexal masses.Results:Among the 49 patients, 10 were diagnosed with malignant tumors. The diagnostic accuracy of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography was 93.88% (46/49), with a sensitivity of 90.00% (9/10), a specificity of 94.87% (37/39), a positive predictive value of 81.82% (9/11), and a negative predictive value of 97.37% (37/38). The results of the diagnostic difference assessment (McNemar test) revealed that there was no significant difference between two-dimensional ultrasound ( χ2 = 0.37, P = 0.546), two-dimensional ultrasound combined with color Doppler ( χ2 = 0.17, P = 0.683), and contrast-enhanced ultrasonography ( χ2 = 0.00, P = 1.000), and the gold standard test results. The consistency assessment (Kappa test) revealed that the diagnostic results of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography exhibited the highest concordance with the gold standard, with a Kappa value of 0.82 ( P < 0.001). Furthermore, the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis indicated that the initial increase time, peak intensity, and mean transit time in contrast-enhanced ultrasonography demonstrated high quantitative diagnostic accuracy. The areas under the curve were 0.83, 0.82, and 0.84, respectively, and the diagnostic cutoff values were 17.30 s, 21.65 dB, and 92.60 seconds, respectively. Conclusion:Contrast-enhanced ultrasonography exhibits diagnostic value in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant adnexal masses, both qualitatively and quantitatively. This method can provide valuable insights for further treatment.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1024371


Objective To investigate the roles of miR-155 and miR-23b in the differential diagnosis of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis(IGM)and breast cancer(BC).Methods A total of 32 patients with IGM(the ICM group)and 40 patients with BC(the BC group)admitted to our hospital from October 2018 to November 2021 were selected.All patients were confirmed by biopsy.In addition,33 healthy women were included as the control group.The clinical data of patients were compared.The expression levels of serum miRNAs were detected by real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR.The diagnostic value of serum miR-155 and miR-23b for IGM and BC was evaluated by receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve.The Pearson correlation coefficient method was used to evaluate the correlation.Results There were statistically significant differences in the levels of CRP,WBC,Hb,Hct,CA19-9,CA15-3 and CA125 among the three groups(P<0.05).The expression levels of serum miR-155,miR-16-5p,miR-21-5p,miR-210-3p,miR-222-3p and miR-29c-3p in the IGM group were higher than those in the control group(P<0.001),and the expression level of serum miR-23b was lower than that in the control group(P<0.001).The expression levels of the above miRNAs of serum in the BC group were higher than those in the control group(P<0.001).The expression level of serum miR-155 in the BC group was lower than that in the IGM group(P<0.001),and the expression level of serum miR-23b was higher than that in the IGM group(P<0.001).The area under the ROC curve(AUC)for the differential diagnosis of IGM and BC by serum miR-155 and miR-23b levels were 0.722(95%CI:0.601 to 0.843)and 0.765(95%CI:0.657 to 0.874),respectively,with sensitivity of 81.00%and 77.50%,and specificity of 65.00%and 59.40%,respectively.The AUC of combined differential diagnosis was 0.869(95%CI:0.786 to 0.951),and the sensitivity and specificity were 84.10%and 92.50%,respectively.Serum miR-155 was positively correlated with WBC and CRP levels in the IGM group(P<0.05),while serum miR-23b was negatively correlated with WBC and CRP levels(P<0.05).Conclusion Serum miR-155 and miR-23b are helpful in distinguishing IGM from BC,and can be used as targets for early differential diagnosis of IGM and BC.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026236


To address the problem of low accuracy in multi-classification recognition of motor imagery electroencephalogram(EEG)signals,a recognition method is proposed based on differential entropy and convolutional neural network for 4-class classification of motor imagery.EEG signals are extracted into 4 frequency bands(Alpha,Beta,Theta,and Gamma)through the filter,followed by the computation of differential entropy for each frequency band.According to the spatial characteristics of brain electrodes,the data structure is reconstructed into three-dimensional EEG signal feature cube which is input into convolutional neural network for 4-class classification.The method achieves an accuracy of 95.88%on the BCI Competition IV-2a public dataset.Additionally,a 4-class classification motor imagery dataset is established in the laboratory for the same processing,and an accuracy of 94.50%is obtained.The test results demonstrate that the proposed method exhibits superior recognition performance.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026342


Ultrasound is the imaging modality of choice for the diagnosis of thyroid diseases.The establishment of thyroid imaging reporting and data system based on conventional ultrasound plays a key role in the diagnosis of thyroid tumors.In recent years,new technologies such as elastography,superb microvascular imaging,ultrasonography and artificial intelligence have been widely used in the ultrasound diagnosis of thyroid diseases.The application of multimodal ultrasound technology has greatly improved the diagnostic accuracy of thyroid malignancies and provided a theoretical basis for the formulation of individualized diagnostic and treatment plans for thyroid cancer patients.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026343


Purpose To explore the differences of the accuracy of detection and recognition of thyroid nodules and the diagnostic efficacy of benign and malignant thyroid nodules via artificial intelligence(AI)ultrasound assisted systems based on different ultrasound parameters.Materials and Methods A total of 147 patients with 289 nodules who underwent thyroid surgery in the First Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital from March 30,2023 to May 1,2023 were prospectively selected.Different ultrasound parameters were adjusted and the AI system was used to detect and diagnose benign and malignant thyroid nodules via each parameter.Taken pathological results as the gold standard,the accuracy of thyroid nodule detection and the accuracy of benign and malignant diagnosis under different ultrasound parameters were compared,respectively.Results Under the standard ultrasound parameters,the accuracy of AI system in detecting thyroid nodules was 94.1%,the sensitivity for benign and malignant diagnosis was 90.9%,the specificity was 79.6%,and the accuracy was 86.6%,respectively.In terms of detection accuracy,accuracy under low gain(χ2=4.453,P=0.035)and high gain(χ2=6.215,P=0.013)parameters of AI system were significantly lower than those of standard ultrasound parameters.In terms of diagnostic efficacy,specificity(χ2=4.620,P=0.032),accuracy(χ2=7.521,P=0.006),area under the curve(Z=3.102,P=0.001),high gain sensitivity(χ2=6.170,P=0.013),accuracy(χ2=4.127,P=0.042),area under the curve(Z=2.152,P=0.031)and high depth accuracy(χ2=5.011,P=0.025),area under the curve(Z=2.420,P=0.015)of low gain were all significantly reduced compared to standard ultrasound parameters,with statistical differences.Conclusion When using the AI system to assist in the examination of thyroid nodules,attention should be paid to the adjustment of ultrasound instrument parameters.Improper parameter adjustment may reduce the AI system's ability to detect thyroid nodules and the accuracy of benign and malignant diagnosis.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026344


Purpose To construct a benign and malignant prediction model of thyroid nodules based on ultrasound image features and clinical features,and to evaluate its diagnostic efficacy.Materials and Methods The data of 121 patients diagnosed with thyroid nodules admitted to the General Hospital of Northern Theater Command from September 2020 to March 2022 were retrospectively analyzed.Taken surgical pathology as the gold standard,there were 70 benign nodules and 51 malignant nodules.Logistic regression was used to analyze the ultrasound image characteristics and clinical data of thyroid nodules,and the characteristic indexes with statistical differences were obtained and a comprehensive prediction model was established.Results There were significant differences in the maximum diameter,morphology,calcification,capsule continuity,blood flow grade,elastography score and contrast-enhanced ultrasound characteristics between benign and malignant thyroid nodules(χ2=11.709,17.707,6.901,12.785,16.984,57.095,98.854,all P<0.05).There were significant differences in age,free thyroxine/free thyroxine ratio,and free thyroxine between the two groups(χ2/t=5.944,2.519,-2.468,all P<0.05).The sensitivity,specificity and accuracy of the clinical model,ultrasonic characteristic model and ultrasonic-clinical combined model were 55.7%,98.6%and 97.0%;72.5%,94.1%and 96.1%;and 61.9%,95.1%and 95.9%,respectively.The area under the curve of the three models were 0.619,0.991 and 0.994,respectively.The diagnostic efficiency of the ultrasonic characteristic model and the combined model was superior to the clinical model,and the difference was statistically significant(Z=-1.75,-2.25,P=0.039,0.012).The area under the curve of the combined model was greater than that of the multi-modal ultrasound model,however,the difference was not statistically significant(Z=-1.60,P=0.054).Conclusion Both the multimodal ultrasound model and the clinical model have certain diagnostic value in predicting benign and malignant thyroid nodules.The diagnostic efficiency of the multimodal ultrasound model is higher than that of the clinical model,and the combined prediction model of the two can improve the diagnostic value.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026352


Purpose To explore the diagnostic efficiency of ultrasound(US)combined with contrast-enhanced ultrasound(CEUS)in breast lesions and to analyze the related factors affecting the diagnostic accuracy.Materials and Methods From January 2022 to February 2023,the clinical data and ultrasound images of 784 patients who underwent breast US and CEUS examination with definite pathological results were retrospectively collected in the First Medical Center of the PLA General Hospital.The diagnostic efficacy of US combined with CEUS in benign and malignant breast lesions was analyzed,respectively.The independent risk factors for diagnostic errors were analyzed via Logistic regression.Results The sensitivity,specificity and accuracy of US combined with CEUS in the diagnosis of benign and malignant breast lesions were 89.2%,84.4%and 88.7%,respectively.The area under the receiver operating characteristic curve was 0.932.The results of multivariate Logistic regression analysis showed that the diagnosis error rate increased when the lesions were non-mass type(odds ratio,OR=1.927,P=0.047),complex cystic and solid(OR=3.729,P=0.000),and high-enhanced CEUS(OR=1.937,P=0.023),while the diagnosis error rate decreased when the lesions were large(OR=0.688,P=0.004)and with US-detect suspicious lymph node(OR=0.143,P=0.011).Conclusion When the breast lesions are non-mass type,complex cystic and solid lesions and hyper-enhancement,the diagnosis error rate of US combined with CEUS increased.It is necessary to further explore the enhancement patterns of different lesions.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026361


Purpose To explore the value of three-dimensions densely connected convolutional networks(3D-DenseNet)in the differential diagnosis of high-grade gliomas(HGGs)and single brain metastases(BMs)via MRI,and to compare the diagnostic performance of models built with different sequences.Materials and Methods T2WI and T1WI contra-enhanced(T1C)imaging data of 230 cases of HGGs and 111 cases of BMs confirmed by surgical pathology in Lanzhou University Second Hospital from June 2016 to June 2021 were retrospectively collected,and the volume of interest under the 3D model was delineated in advance as the input data.All data were randomly divided into a training set(n=254)and a validation set(n=87)in a ratio of 7∶3.Based on the 3D-DenseNet,T2WI,T1C and two sequence fusion prediction models(T2-net,T1C-net and TS-net)were constructed respectively.The predictive efficiency of each model was evaluated and compared by the receiver operating characteristic curve,and the predictive performance of models built with different sequences were compared.Results The area under curve(AUC)of T1C-net,T2-net and TS-net in the training and validation sets were 0.852,0.853,0.802,0.721,0.856 and 0.745,respectively.The AUC and accuracy of the validation set of T1C-net were significantly higher than those of T2-net and TS-net,respectively,and the AUC and accuracy of the validation set of TS-net were significantly higher than those of T2-net.There was a significant difference between T1C-net and T2-net models(P<0.05),while there were no statistical differences between the models of TS-net and T2-net,T1C-net and TS-net(P>0.05).The T1C-net model based on 3D-DenseNet had the best performance,the accuracy of the validation set was 80.5%,the sensitivity was 90.9%,the specificity was 62.5%.Conclusion The 3D-DenseNet model based on MRI conventional sequence has better diagnostic performance,and the model built by T1C-net sequence has better performance in differentiating HGGs and BMs.Deep learning models can be a potential tool to identify HGGs and BMs and to guide the clinical formulation of precise treatment plans.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026365


Purpose To investigate the value of a radiomics model based on dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging(DCE-MRI)in the differential diagnosis of granulomatous mastitis and breast cancer.Materials and Methods The MRI data of 82 patients with granulomatous mastitis or breast cancer confirmed by pathology in Xiyuan Hospital of China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences from February 2019 to January 2022 were retrospectively collected.Based on the first phase of DCE-MRI,the regions of interest(ROI)were delineated layer by layer by semi-automatic segmentation method and manual segmentation method,respectively.99 ROI were randomly assigned to 69 in training groups and 30 in test groups.The consistency difference between the two methods was compared.The original data extracted by the semi-automatic segmentation method were screened by correlation analysis and multi-factor Logistic regression.Six kinds of classifiers(Logistic regression,support vector machine,naive Bayes,decision tree,random forest,K nearest neighbor)were used to construct prediction models,and the differences in diagnostic efficiency,accuracy,sensitivity and specificity of each model were evaluated.Results A total of 99 lesions(n=37 cases with granulomatous mastitis and n=62 cases with breast cancer)were segmented from 82 patients.The radiomics data extracted by the two ROI segmentation methods had poor consistency between groups[Intraclass correlation coefficient=0.68(0.51,0.78)].Among the six prediction models constructed from the data extracted by the semi-automatic segmentation method,the diagnostic performance of the Logistic regression model and the support vector machine model was significantly better than those of other models,and the Logistic regression model had the best diagnostic performance and stability(training group:area under the curve 0.928,accuracy rate 0.855,sensitivity 0.837,specificity 0.885;test group:area under the curve 0.933,accuracy 0.833,sensitivity 0.895,specificity 0.727,respectively).Conclusion Radiomics based on DCE-MRI can provide high value for the differential diagnosis of granulomatous mastitis and breast cancer.The semi-automatic segmentation method is more recommended for the segmentation method of ROI.The prediction model constructed by Logistic regression and support vector machine shows better diagnostic efficiency and stability.

Chinese Hospital Management ; (12): 23-28, 2024.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026646


Objective To analyze the dilemma of medical insurance fund regulation under cross-location medical treatment in China,and put forward coping strategies to provide theoretical reference and reference for enhancing the efficiency of cross-location medical treatment regulation in China.Methods A systematic search was conducted to retrieve the literature related to the regulation of health insurance funds under off-site medical care from the time of database construction to December 2023 NVivo 12 Plus software was used to code and analyse the included litera-ture.Results 38 Articles were finally retained for qualitative research through searching and screening.Fifty-three ini-tial concepts,18 initial categories and 5 main categories were extracted,and the dilemma nodes of the supervision of cross-district medical fund in the dimensions of incomplete supervision mechanism,imperfect supervision law,single supervision means,insufficient capacity of supervision subject and moral risk of supervision object and moral risk of supervision object were obtained,insufficient capacity of the regulatory body and moral risk of the regulatory object.Conclusion The supervision of medical insurance fund under the cross-location medical care is constrained by many factors,and the soundness of the supervision mechanism is the core issue;the completeness and effectiveness of the supervision law is the important basis for supervision;the innovation of the supervision means and the promotion of the improvement of the effectiveness of the supervision are the important means of the supervision of the medical insurance fund under the cross-location medical care;and the restriction of the moral hazards of the institutions in the place of medical care and of the insured persons is the key link of the super-vision process.