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Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023401


The Clinical Medicine Proficiency Test developed by the National Medical Examination Center of China in 2020 aims to assess whether clinical medical students possess the necessary medical humanities and basic medical theoretical knowledge and skills required for clinical internships. Since 2002, Japan has implemented the pre-clinical clerkship objective structured clinical examination and computer-based testing, which share similarities with China's proficiency test in terms of examination objectives, content, format, and score evaluation. Through comparing the examinations of China and Japan, this article concludes that it is necessary to learn from Japan's experience to expedite the process of promoting the Clinical Medicine Proficiency Test as an industry admission examination in China. We suggest that medical schools should keep tracking the development of the proficiency test and fully leverage its role in urging students to pay more attention to clinical internships. We also urge medical schools to establish a three-level examination system based on post competency criteria in line with the standards of the National Medical Licensing Examination to improve the quality of medical education.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025330


The Healthy China construction initiative highlights the concept of patient-centered value-based health care,and the value appeal of doctors'medical service is also increasing.This study attempts to introduce the concept of public service motivation in general public organizations into professional public healthcare organizations——public hospitals,and proposes the concept of"value-based medical service motivation"as an expression of public service motivation for doctors in public hospitals.Through qualitative analysis and quantitative measurement,this paper constructs the concept of"public hospital doctors'value-based medical service motivation",finds its conceptual structure,namely responsibility commitment,professional adherence,reputation maintenance,and norm compliance,and finally forms a value-based medical service motivation scale.This paper confirms that doctors in public hospitals in China have multi-dimensional value-based medical service motivation,present different motivational expressions or behavioral tendencies,and constantly deal with and balance the public value tensions in the practice of realizing the patient-centered value-based medical goal.This scale provides an effective tool for measuring doctors'value-based service motivation,and provides theoretical and practical support for further investigating the influencing factors of doctors'motivation for value-based medical services,improving the medical service capacity of public hospitals,adjusting medical behavior,and advancing doctor-patient trust.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 184-188, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026149


Scientific research is an important part of hospital work,the driving force of hospital construction and development,and the key to the hospital's comprehensive competitiveness and future development potential.Scientific research misconduct,which seriously deviates from the recognized norms of the scientific community,and will cause great harm to groups,society,and the public.It may also lead to the spread of false knowledge,resulting in misconceptions among peers and causing losses.By analyzing the scientific research integrity relationship between clinical doctors and clinical researchers,as well as looking at integrity standards from multiple dimensions,this paper found out the similarities and differences in the extension of integrity between them.Exploring measures to further promote the construction of scientific integrity and ethics,especially increasing the supervisory role of discipline inspection and supervision,which is conducive to the promotion of scientific research in the medical field in China.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026845


Objective To discuss the medication law of Professor Gu Shizhe in the treatment of insomnia based on various data mining techniques.Methods Clinical information of patients of Professor Gu was collected from the hospital management information system of outpatient clinic of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine(BUCM)and BUCM Famous Elderly TCM Inheritance Research Integrated Platform from January 2018 to October 2022.Professor Gu's books,such as Zhi Zhen Zhi Yao,and Gu Jisheng,Gu Shizhe Yi An Yi Hua Jing Cui,and the medical records from CNKI were screened.WPS Office 5.2.1 was used to build a database of medicine data for Professor Gu's TCM prescriptions,and R 4.2.1 was used for descriptive analysis and Apriori association rule analysis.SPSS Statistics 26.0 was used for clustering analysis,combined with theoretical analysis,to extract Professor Gu's medication law and characteristics in the treatment of insomnia.Results A total of 307 prescriptions were included,involving 250 kinds of Chinese materia medica,among which 30 were high-frequency drugs.The top 5 most frequently used were Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata Cum Melle,Fossilizid,Poria,Bupleuri Radix,and Ziziphi Spinosae Semen.The meridians were mainly liver and lung meridian,and the properties were mainly warm and cold,and the tastes were mainly sweet and bitter.Five core drug groups were obtained by clustering analysis,including Xiaochaihu Decoction,Erchen Decoction,Huanglian Wendan Decoction,Suanzaoren Decoction,Xiaoyao Powder and other prescriptions.Conclusion The characteristics of Professor Gu's treatment of insomnia are to reconcile Shaoyang,clear the heart and soothe the mind;pay attention to yin and yang,regulate the liver;pay attention to the liver,gallbladder,spleen and stomach;the main idea of syndrome differentiation is to reconcile Shaoyang,run the Shaoyang cardinal,and at the same time regulate qi and benefit qi and nourishes yin.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026877


Objective To build a knowledge graph;To visualize the knowledge structure relationships and clinical thinking in the treatment of coronary heart disease by renowned TCM doctors;To provide methodological reference for the inheritance of experience of renowned TCM doctors.Methods Medical records about treatment of coronary heart disease by renowned TCM doctors were retrieved from CNKI from the establishment of the database to 30th,Nov.2022.The characteristics of TCM diagnosis and treatment and the characteristics of the theoretical system of syndrome differentiation and treatment in TCM were analyzed.Concept types and relationships between concepts were sorted out and extracted to form a pattern layer of knowledge graph;based on the characteristics of the pattern layer,Python 3.11(PyCharm 2022.3.2)was used to write rules,and knowledge extraction and data import were implemented through the Pandas library,Openpyxl library and Py2neo library,which were stored in the graph database Neo4j-Community-5.2.0 to complete the construction of the knowledge graph.Implementing query application was realized through Cypher language.Results The data of 643 medical cases of 144 renowned TCM doctors were included,which were entered into the Neo4j graph database,forming a knowledge graph consisting of 2 744 nodes and 23 795 relationships under 8 concepts and 10 relationships,to achieve visual presentation and query application of the diagnosis and treatment process of coronary heart disease by renowned TCM doctors.Conclusion The knowledge graph can intuitively display the relationship of diseases-symptoms-syndromes-treatments-prescriptions-medicine in medical records,develop a knowledge system that is easy to retrieve,and improve the accessibility of domain knowledge,which can provide methodological reference for the inheritance of experience of renowned TCM doctors.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026892


This article summarized Professor Liu Qiquan's clinical experience in treating urethral syndrome from the perspective of"regulating the five internal organs to calm the spleen and stomach".It is believed that urethral syndrome is located in the urethra,and its core pathogenesis is disharmony between the spleen and stomach,obstruction of dampness,and unfavorable water channel.Therefore,"tranquilizing the spleen and stomach"should be carried out throughout the treatment.At the same time,the occurrence of the disease is closely related to the disorder of the five internal organs.External sensation,internal injury,emotion,diet,fatigue and visceral disorders will affect the function of the five internal organs and then the disease will occur.In clinical practice,based on the idea of"regulating the five internal organs to calm the spleen and stomach",according to the symptoms and manifestations of the patients,the treatment can be guided by comprehensively using the methods of raising the clear and lowering the turbid to harmonize the stomach and dredge the drench,nourishing the heart and clearing the heart to purge heat and dredge the drench,benefiting the lung and purging heat to relieve dampness and dredge the drench,tonifying the kidney and warming the yang to dissipate qi and dredge the drench,dredging the liver and clearing the liver to promote the flow of qi and dredge the drench,which can make the five internal organs harmonious,benefit the waterways.Finally,the symptoms would be reduced and the disease would be cured.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026926


This article summarized the experience of Professor Xiong Jibai,a national TCM master,in treating pulmonary nodules based on the theory of"body fluids and blood stasis mixing"in Huang Di Nei Jing.Professor Xiong Jibai believes that the basic pathogenesis of pulmonary nodules is that"body fluids and blood stasis mixing"accumulate in lung collaterals,and the fundamental pathological factor is phlegm and blood stasis.Xiong's treatment is based on dissipating phlegm and activating qi,activating blood circulation and resolving masses,paying attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment,examining syndromes and seeking causes,flexibly selecting prescriptions and treating both symptoms and root causes;attaching importance to maintaining healthy qi,preventing both illness and change,and preventing recovery after illness.Clinical medical records were attached to prove the clinical thinking and medication characteristics.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1026927


This article summarized the experience of national TCM master Wang Qingguo in treating liver cirrhosis with triplet herbs.Professor Wang believes that the etiology and pathogenesis of liver cirrhosis are always based on the disorders of liver,spleen and kidney function,the dampness and heat retention is an important factor of the disease.When the disease enters the collaterals,blood stasis runs through the development of the disease,qi,blood and water are both pathological products and pathogenic factors.Therefore,supporting the healthy qi and eliminating pathogens,and treating both manifestation and root cause of disease are important treatment principles for liver cirrhosis.Professor Wang takes the whole as the main principle and selects triplet herbs that are suitable for the pathogenesis at different stages of disease development.He emphasizes the three methods of soothing the liver and promoting dampness,removing blood stasis and diuresis,and supporting the healthy qi and eliminating pathogens.He flexibly applies the treatment,and the clinical efficacy is remarkable.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1029074


Objective:To survey the continuing medical education training needs for village doctors in Beijing suburbs.Methods:A qualitative study on the continuing medical education training needs for village doctors was conducted in Beijing Huairou district from March to July 2021. Six township hospital managers, 19 village doctors, 15 village cadres and 30 villagers from 15 villages of 3 townships in the district selected by purposive sampling method attended the face-to-face, individual, in-depth interviews. A semi-structured interview outline was developed based on literature review and expert consultation. The content of the interviews was analyzed by the thematic framework method.Results:Among 19 rural doctors, 11 preferred the full-time training, while 8 were unable to participate in the full-time training. Most of township hospital managers and village doctors thought the ideal form of training was "classroom knowledge teaching teaching" (5/6, 16/19)and "outpatient clerkship"(6/6, 13/19). The training contents for village doctors were basic medical knowledge and skills, including diagnosis and treatment of common diseases, identification of common symptoms and management of chronic diseases; the appropriate techniques of traditional Chinese medicine including acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping and scraping; and public health including epidemic prevention and control, infectious disease detection and reporting.Conclusion:For improving the applicability and practicality of training for village doctors, it is necessary to apply rational training methods and forms, and develop targeted training program and contents based on training needs.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030198


[Objective]To study and summarize the experience of traditional Chinese medicine Master ZHOU Zhongying in treating systemic sclerosis from the pathogenesis of phlegm-stasis-heat junction,providing references for clinical practice.[Methods]Through the clinical learning,collation and analysis of Professor ZHOU's medical cases in the treatment of systemic sclerosis,the paper elaborated his clinical thinking and experience in the treatment of systemic sclerosis,which included etiology,pathogenesis,therapy and characteristic clinical medication,and verified it with medical records.[Results]Professor ZHOU thinks the key pathogenesis is phlegm-stasis-heat junction,pathological factors of systemic sclerosis mainly include phlegm,blood stasis and heat,which can depend on each other mutually throughout the course of disease.According to the progression of the disease and the evolution of pathological factors,treatment is primarily focused on phlegm-stasis-heat junction.Phlegm and blood stasis are interrelated,obstructing the circulation of Qi-blood so as to lead to pain and swelling,the treatment should be resolving phlegm,removing blood stasis and activating meridians;phlegm and heat are lingered each other,exacerbating the progression of the condition,it is appropriate to clear away phlegm and heat so that symptoms of skin redness and swelling can be relieved;blood and heat are interweaved together,which invade the skin and joints seriously,it is advisable to expel pathogenic factors by clearing away heat and resolving blood stagnation;Yin is damaged and Qi is consumed terribly,subsequently deficiency-heat is gradually emerging,the way to solve it is to supplement Qi,nourish Yin and strengthen the body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors.The case was diagnosed as accumulation of phlegm stasis heat,blockage of wind-dampness and deficiency of Qi and Yin by Professor ZHOU,and treated with dissipating phlegm and removing blood stasis,clearing heat and unblocking collaterals,supplementing Qi and nourishing Yin,and the recipe Baiwei Decoction combined with Qinjiao Biejia Powder modified was used.[Conclusion]ZHOU Zhongying,the traditional Chinese medicine Master,who advocates attaching importance to the pathogenesis firstly in the process of syndrome differentiation,treating systemic sclerosis from the pathogenesis of phlegm-stasis-heat junction,which plays a unique role in relief of clinical symptoms,and his experiences are worthy of inheritance and promotion.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030219


[Objective]To summarize the clinical experience of Professor JIA Yingjie,a renowned traditional Chinese medicine practitioner in the treatment of esophageal cancer.[Methods]Through clinical following up,collect and analyze Professor JIA's understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of esophageal cancer and related medication,and a case of was attached as evidence.[Results]Professor JIA believes that the pathogenesis of esophageal cancer can be summarized as"phlegm coagulation and Qi stagnation"in the early stage,"primitive deficiency"in the late stage as a whole,"phlegm and blood stasis intermingle,Qi and blood stasis obstruct the diaphragm"in local areas,phlegm,Qi,and blood stasis solidify and poison transform into cancer turbidity,and block and form tumors.Clinical differentiation and treatment should always focus on"Qi",with a particular emphasis on regulating the"Qi mechanism".The lungs,spleen and liver are in sync,and dynamic differentiation and treatment should be carried out based on the characteristics of the patient's tongue and pulse.Medication should emphasize the use of"strengthening the body resistance righting"and"dispelling pathogenic factors"to achieve the dissipation of blood stasis,the elimination of cancer toxins and the opening of the diaphragm.[Conclusion]Based on the characteristics of esophageal cancer and the patient's physical constitution,Professor JIA combines disease and syndrome differentiation in treating esophageal cancer,providing a certain reference value and new path for clinical medication.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030226


[Objective]To summarize Professor SHU Qijin's academic experience in diagnosing and treating salty taste in the mouth after anti-tumor therapy.[Methods]Through learning from teacher in outpatient,reading ancient books and analyzing the medical records,this paper arranged Professor SHU's medical records of salty taste in the mouth after anti-tumor therapy and introduced his clinical experience in treating that from following aspects:etiology and pathogenesis,principles and laws of treatment,and provided one medical case as evidence.[Results]Professor SHU believes that salty taste in the mouth after anti-tumor therapy is closely related to overgrowth of the kidney fluid due to the imbalance of Yin and Yang and dampness caused by unrestriction of water-liquid metabolism of the kidney and spleen,and briefly summarizes the treatment principles in three aspects:reconciling and replenishing Yin and Yang of the kidney,invigorating the spleen and eliminating dampness.The attached medical record was identified as fire excess from Yin deficiency and damp abundance.Professor SHU treated the case by nourishing Yin and reducing fire as well as invigorating the spleen and eliminating dampness,modified Zhibai Dihuang Pill and Pingwei Powder was used for treatment and good results were achieved.[Conclusion]In the treatment of salty taste in the mouth after anti-tumor therapy,Professor SHU adheres to comprehensive analysis by the four examination methods and advocates flexible syndrome differentiation.Professor SHU's academic experience is rich and clinical curative effect is remarkable.Summarizing his medication characteristics has high guiding significance for the clinical application.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030244


[Objective]To summarize Professor LIN Shengyou's experience in the treatment of radiation-induced lung injury based on the theory of pathogenesis evolution.[Methods]Through clinical visits,organizing medical records,studying ancient and modern literature,starting from the evolution of the disease mechanism,this paper summarizes Professor LIN's clinical experience in application of the theory of pathogenesis evolution in the treatment of radiation-induced lung injury,and provides evidence with a clinical trial.[Results]Because of the special effect of radiation on the human body,Professor LIN believes that the basic pathogenesis of radiation-induced lung injury runs through the whole time,that is,heat evil harms the lung.With the development of the disease,the pathogenesis can be divided into three stages:at the beginning,the evil is flourishing,and the heat is damaging the lung;in the middle stage,the evil causes vital Qi decline,and the heat causes Yin injury first,then the lung and kidney deficiency;over time Yin damage affects Yang,leading to Yin and Yang deficiency.In clinic doctors should grasp the basic pathogenesis,identify the present pathogenesis and deduce the potential pathogenesis.Classic formula Maxing Shigan Decoction can be selected as the basic formula of the disease,added or subtracted according to the pathogenesis of each stage.In the case,according to the law of pathogenesis evolution,Maxing Shigan Decoction was added or subtracted as the main formula,and satisfactory curative effect was obtained.[Conclusion]By differentiating the syndrome of radiation-induced lung injury through the theory of pathogenesis evolution,Professor LIN has unique insights and significant curative effect,which is worthy of further clinical promotion and research.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030250


[Objective]To summarize the academic experience of Professor ZENG Qingqi in the use of classical prescription in the diagnosis and treatment of insomnia combined with reproductive system diseases.[Methods]Through clinical follow-up studying,reading ancient books,Professor ZENG's clinical experience in treating insomnia and reproductive system diseases was analyzed from the aspects of the treatment of insomnia with classical prescription,the treatment ideas of reproductive system diseases with classical prescription,and the concept of homotherapy for heteropathy in Chinese medicine for insomnia combined with reproductive system diseases,which was supported by medical cases.[Results]Professor ZENG's treatment of insomnia combined with reproductive system diseases follows the concept of homotherapy for heteropathy in Chinese medicine,advocating the use of the"five differentiation"diagnostic and treatment mode based on Chinese medicine viewpoint,such as body differentiation,disease differentiation,syndrome differentiation,local differentiation and micro differentiation,and paying attention to promoting medication according to the situation,combining warming and clearing,dredging and tonifying.It is believed that the key to the effectiveness of classical prescription in treating insomnia combined with reproductive system diseases lies in dealing with the problems of"suppressing hyperactivity"and"releasing",emphasizing the reconciliation between the relationship of heart(brain),heart and kidney,and not only dredging to treat the symptoms,but also cultivating and replenishing to treat the root cause.The patient in case one was of insomnia combined with impotence,identified as liver depression and Qi stagnation,spleen and kidney deficiency syndrome,modified Sini Powder and Shenqi Pills was used in treatment.Case two was of insomnia combined with menstruation,identified as disconnection of the heart and kidney,deficiency cold of Chong Ren and blood stasis blocking the uterus,treated with Huanglian Ejiao Decoction and Zhizishi Decoction combined with Wenjing Decoction.Both used classical prescriptions and achieved good results.[Conclusion]Professor ZENG specializes in the treatment of insomnia combined with reproductive system diseases with the use of meridian prescription,flexible identification,and appropriate prescription,with precise efficacy,its rich clinical experience is worth clinical learning and further promotion.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030509


Objective To analyze the medication rules of Professor LAO Shaoxian in the treatment of gastric stuffiness based on syndrome differentiation.Methods The effective prescriptions for patients with gastric stuffiness treated by Professor LAO Shaoxian from March 2017 to March 2022 were collected,and the general information,chief complaints,diagnosis,syndrome differentiation and prescriptions of patients were extracted.Excel software and the ancient and modern medical records cloud platform(V 2.3.7)were used to construct the prescription database.Data mining function was used to carry out analysis of the syndrome type of prescription,analysis of the frequency and property of Chinese herbs,as well as association rule analysis and cluster analysis.Results A total of 272 prescriptions were included,involving 164 kinds of medicinal herbs.The main traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)syndrome types are damp-heat syndrome and qi stagnation syndrome.The frequency of 25 herbs was more than or equal to 30 times.The representative herbs is Pinellinae Rhizoma Praeparatum,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium,Perillae Caulis and Aucklandiae Radix.The medicinal properties are mainly warm and flat.The medicinal flavors are spicy,bitter and sweet.The drug meridians mainly included the spleen,stomach and lung meridians,followed by the liver meridian.There were 23 core drug pairs obtained by association rules,such as"Aucklandiae Radix-Perillae Caulis","Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium-Perillae Caulis",and"Pinellinae Rhizoma Praeparatum-Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium".Clustering analysis of drugs can be divided into three combinations,which have the effects of regulating qi and relieving distension,resolving dampness,and clearing heat and detoxifying.Conclusion The core prescription of Professor LAO Shaoxian in the treatment of gastric stuffiness is Aucklandiae Radix,Perillae Caulis,Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium,Pinellinae Rhizoma Praeparatum,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma,Kaki Calyx,Aurantii Fructus Immaturus and Arecae Pericarpium.It focuses on regulating qi movement of middle jiao and treating spleen and stomach simultaneously.The main therapeutic method is regulating qi and relieving distension.At the same time,attention should be paid to the application of dampness-dispelling and stagnation-removing,heat-clearing and detoxifying drugs.The clinical therapy of Professor LAO Shaoxian on gastric stuffiness is significant,which can be used as a reference for diagnosis and treatment.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031391


This paper summarized Professor ZHOU Zhongying's experience in differentiating and treating hepatitis and liver cirrhosis from deficiency and excess. It is considered that the pathogenesis of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis belongs to deficiency in root and excess in branch, with depletion of liver, spleen and kidney as the root, and constraint and bind of damp-heat and stasis toxin as the branch. Moreover, mutual cause and promotion between deficiency and excess leads to the disease. For general principle of treatment, it is recommended to clear and transform pathogenic excess, supplement deficiency and rectify the healthy qi. In the early stage of hepatitis and cirrhosis, excess pathogen hyperactivity is the main manifestation, which can be treated by clearing and transforming damp-heat and stasis toxin, supplemented by regulating spleen and stomach, with modified Yinchenhao Decoction (茵陈蒿汤) and Biejiajian Pill (鳖甲煎丸). In the middle and late stages, cases with deficiency-excess complex were more common, which should be treated by clearing damp-heat and stasis toxin, regulating and supplementing liver-spleen-kidney, using medicinals with the function of clearing heat and dispelling damp, dissolving stasis and resolving toxins to treat the branch. Moreover, Liujunzi Decoction (六君子汤), Yiguan Decoction (一贯煎)plus Erzhi Pill (二至丸) and Buzhong Yiqi Decoction (补中益气汤) modifications are suggested respectively in correspondence to the different kinds of root deficiency including irregular liver and spleen, liver and kidney yin deficiency, and liver-spleen-kidney deficiency.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031392


This paper summarized Professor LI Haisong's clinical experience in treating spermatorrhea based on the view of "spirit controlling essence and qi". It is emphasized that the heart spirit has the function of controlling the essence and qi of the human body, believing the frenetic stirring of heart spirit and the insecurity of essence gate are the core pathogenesis of spermatorrhea, LI advocates to regulate the heart spirit first and take into account of the zang-fu organs, essence and qi simultaneously for the treatment. Treatment should be performed according the clinical syndromes differentiatied. For those with heart spirit failing to nourish syndrome, it is recommended to supplement heart qi, nourish spirit and consolidate essence with self-made Yangxin Mijing Formula (养心秘精方). In case of heart fire hyperactivity, the method of clearing heart heat and draining fire, calming spirit and consolidating essence should be used, and self-made Xiexin Gujing Formula (泻心固精方) is recommended. For heart-liver qi constraint, it is advised to soothe the liver and calm heart, calm the mind and regulate essence with self-made Jieyu Anshen Tiaojing Formula (解郁安神调精方) which is a modifcation to Chaihu Shugan Powder (柴胡疏肝散). In terms of deficiency of both heart and liver, the treatment principle is supplementing spleen and nourishing heart, calming the mind and controlling essence, for which self-made Xinpi Tongtiao Shejing Formula (心脾同调摄精方) modified from Guipi Decoction (归脾汤) can be used. For deficiency of both heart and kidney, it is better to nourish the kidney and calm heart, calm the mind and consolidate essence with self-made Xinshen Liangzi Tianjing Formula (心肾两滋填精方) that modified from Shuilu Erxian Elixir (水陆二仙丹) and Wuzi Yanzong Pill (五子衍宗丸). Prescriptions are used to treat the root by harmonizing the zang-fu organs, nourish the spirit by regulating qi and blood, and calm the mind by taking special medi-cinals, and they should be flexibly modified according to the disease.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031408


This paper summarized the clinical experience of Professor GE Linyi in treating ulcerative colitis (UC) by stages with the method of clearing. Professor GE believes that the core pathogenesis of UC is dampness and heat in the intestines, and by taking the method of clearing as the basis, he proposed four methods for treatment of UC including clearing and transforming, clearing and dispersing,clearing and moisterning, clearing and nourishing. The pathogenesis of UC in its active stage is dampness and heat in the intestines, congestion and stagnation of qi and blood, and accumulation of stasis toxins, for which the treatment method is to clear and transform, accompanied by clearing and dispersing method. In terms of the clearing and transforming method, Bai Tou Weng Decoction (白头翁汤) combined with Haungqin (Radix Scutellariae), Machixian (Herba Portulacae) and Pugongying (Herba Taraxaci) is taken as the basic prescription to clear and transform dampness and heat, cool blood, resolve toxins and stop dysentery. For the clearing and dispersing method, medicinals to rectify qi such as Chaihu (Radix Bupleuri), Cuxiangfu (Vingar Rhizoma Cyperi), Muxiang (Radix Aucklandiae), Zhiqiao (Fructus Aurantii), and Binlang (Semen Arecae), as well as those to regulate blood such as Danggui (Radix Angelicae Sinensis), Cebaiye (Cacumen Platycladi) and Diyutan (Radix Sanguisorbae Carbonisatus) are recommended. The pathogenesis of the remission stage is healthy qi depletion and lingering pathogen of dampness and heat stasis toxin in the intestines, for which the method of clearing and nourishing, clearing and moistening can be used; the latter is mainly for people with yin fluids injury, and self-made Qingrun Yichang Decoction (清润益肠汤) is recommended, while the former is for those with spleen and stomach weakness, and self-made Qingyang Jianpi Decoction (清养健脾汤) can be used.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031409


To summarize the clinical experience of Professor YAN Huimin in pattern identification and treatment for chest tightness variant asthma in children with the method of regulating qi movement. It is believed that children's chest tightness variant asthma is mainly located in lungs and involves liver and spleen, and the core mechanism of the disease is disturbance of qi movement. On the basis of regulating qi, syndrome differentiation and treatment is conducted: for pattern of lung qi deficiency and cold, phlegm-fluid retention, the treatment is appropriate to tonify the lung and benefit qi, and warm phlegm-fluid, which commonly used in modified Yupingfeng Powder (玉屏风散) and Xiaoqinglong Decoction (小青龙汤); for pattern of phlegm and qi binding constraint, the treatment is appropriate to soothe the liver and resolve constraint, and dissolve phlegm and dissipate masses, which commonly used in modified Banxia Houpo Decoction (半夏厚朴汤) and Jinlingzi Powder (金铃子散); for pattern of qi deficiency and blood stasis, the treatment is appropriate to tonify the deficiency to reinforce healthy qi, and move qi to invigorate blood, which commonly used in modified Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction (血府逐瘀汤). It is emphasised that during the treatment process, the developmental dynamics of the disease should be grasped, patterns and treat should be identified, and special attention to the changes of qi movement should be paid.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1031426


This paper summarized professor WANG Xinlu's experience in clinical application of hongjingtian (Radix et Rhizoma Rhodiolae Crenulatae). It is believed that hongjingtian is good at boosting qi and supplementing deficiency, moving qi and resolving constraint, invigorating blood and unblocking vessels, which can be widely used in various diseases caused by qi-blood disorders such as qi deficiency, qi constraint, and blood stasis. Hongjingtian is commonly used with jixueteng (Caulis Spatholobi) to boost qi and nourish blood, invigorate blood and unblock vessels, and together with yuzhizi (Fructus Akebiae) to regulate qi and invigorate blood, dissolve stasis and dissipate masses. According to the specific symptoms, hongjingtian can be flexibly combined with other medicinal herbs to prepare different experienced formulas, such as self-made Sanhong Yangxin Decoction (三红养心汤) for palpitation with qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome, self-made Anfei Dingchuan Decoction (安肺定喘汤) for exacerbation of asthma with deficiency syndrome, self-made Honghu Jieyu Decoction (红胡解郁汤) for constraint syndrome of qi constraint and blood stasis, and self-made Shexue Chudian Decoction (摄血除癜汤) for idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura with qi deficiency failing to contain syndrome. For severe cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) with qi-yin desertion syndrome, hongjingtian is commonly used together with modified Shengmai Powder and Tingli Dazao Xiefei Decoction (生脉散合葶苈大枣泻肺汤), and for those with yang qi external desertion syndrome, hongjingtian combined with shanyurou (Fructus Corni) and Shenfu Decoction (参附汤) is recommended. Moreover, long COVID-19 with healthy qi deficiency and pathogen lingering syndrome can be treated with self-made Xinguan Fuyu Decoction (新冠复愈汤).

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