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An. Fac. Med. (Perú) ; 84(4)dic. 2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533594


Introducción. En los últimos 10 a 20 años, la psiquiatría de emergencia ha experimentado un progreso constante en cuanto a la prestación de servicios altamente especializados y enfocados en el paciente. Este aumento global refleja desafíos en accesibilidad y calidad de atención. En el contexto peruano, la legislación de salud mental y múltiples directrices clínicas orientan la prestación de servicios, no obstante, la insuficiencia de datos representa una barrera significativa para la toma de decisiones informadas. Objetivo. Examinar y reportar las características sociodemográficas y clínicas de los pacientes evaluados en la Unidad de Psiquiatría de Emergencia del Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen (HNGAI), de Lima, Perú, y analizar la naturaleza de los cuadros sintomatológicos y sindrómicos. Métodos. Estudio descriptivo, transversal. Se estudiaron las interconsultas recibidas por la Unidad de Psiquiatría de Emergencia del HNGAI, entre julio y diciembre del 2022. Se aplicó un análisis factorial de los síntomas. Resultados. En 1037 pacientes vistos en interconsulta, la edad promedio fue 41,15 ± 23,52 años. El 65,2 % fueron mujeres. La tasa de derivación fue de 1,18 %. Los trastornos más frecuentes fueron los del humor (27,8 %); los síntomas más frecuentes fueron el afecto ansioso (47,3 %), insomnio (38,8 %) y ánimo depresivo (32,6 %). Con respecto al tratamiento, el más usado fueron los antipsicóticos (50,4 %). El análisis factorial exploratorio de los síntomas mostró siete factores o componentes sindrómicos importantes: psicótico, delirium, depresivo-suicida, obsesivo-compulsivo, negativo, apático, ansioso. Conclusión. El paciente típico de esta muestra fue mujer al inicio de su cuarta década de vida. Los trastornos del humor y los síntomas ansiosos fueron los más comunes. El análisis factorial exploratorio mostró la presencia de siete síndromes. Es necesario incrementar la recopilación sistemática de datos e inversión en investigación en psiquiatría de emergencia, todo con la finalidad de mejorar la atención que se brinda a estos pacientes.

Introduction. In the last 10 to 20 years, emergency psychiatry has undergone consistent progress in providing highly specialized and patient-focused services. This global advancement reflects challenges in accessibility and quality of care. In the Peruvian context, mental health legislation and various clinical guidelines guide service provision; however, the lack of data constitutes a significant barrier to informed decision-making. Objective. The objective of this study was to examine and report the sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients evaluated at the Emergency Psychiatry Unit of the National Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen Hospital (HNGAI) in Lima, Peru, and analyze the nature of the symptomatic and syndromic profiles present. Methods. This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study. Interconsultations received by the Emergency Psychiatry Unit of HNGAI between July and December 2022 were analyzed. A factorial analysis of symptoms was conducted. Results. Out of a total of 1037 patients seen in interconsultation, the mean age was 41.15 ± 23.52 years. 65.2% of the patients were female. The referral rate was 1.18%. Mood disorders (27.8%) were the most frequent diagnoses, with anxious affect (47.3%), insomnia (38.8%), and depressive mood (32.6%) being the most common symptoms. Antipsychotics (50.4%) were the most used treatment modality. Exploratory factor analysis of symptoms revealed the presence of seven important syndromic factors: psychotic, delirium, depressive-suicidal, obsessive-compulsive, negative, apathetic, and anxious. Conclusion. The typical patient in this sample was a female in the early forties. Mood disorders and anxious symptoms were the most prevalent. Exploratory factor analysis identified the presence of seven syndromes. There is a need to increase systematic data collection and investment in emergency psychiatry research to enhance the care provided to these patients.

Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1354872


Objetivo: El presente trabajo tuvo como propósito describir las características físicas, citológicas y bioquímicas, así como clasificar los líquidos pleurales de pacientes con COVID-19 como exudados o trasudados. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, transversal descriptivo. Se recopiló datos del examen citoquímico de muestras de líquido pleural procesadas entre los meses de abril a setiembre del 2020, en el laboratorio del Centro de Emergencias de Lima Metropolitana (CELIM). Resultados: Durante el periodo de estudio un total de 81 muestras de líquido pleural de pacientes con COVID-19 fueron evaluadas, de estos, 26 cumplieron con nuestros criterios de elegibilidad. Catorce líquidos (54%), tuvieron un color rojo y 18 (69%) tuvieron un aspecto turbio. Los líquidos pleurales exudativos fueron la mayoría (n = 17), las proteínas totales presentaron una media de 3.3 gr/dl (DE: 1.5), LDH una mediana de 544 U/L (RIC: 262-2016), el recuento leucocitario tuvo una mediana de 610 leucocitos/ul (RIC: 180-968) y el recuento diferencial de polimorfonucleares una mediana 29% (RIC: 15-60). En cuanto a las características clínicas, del total de exudados el 41% correspondían a neoplasias y el 23% a neumonías. Mientras que, del total de trasudados (n=9), 45% provenían de pacientes con neoplasias. Conclusiones: En nuestro estudio observamos que la mayoría de las muestras de líquido pleural de pacientes con COVID-19 fueron clasificadas como exudados. Estas presentaron un bajo porcentaje diferencial leucocitario de polimorfonucleares. Los valores de los parámetros bioquímicos tales como proteínas totales y LDH se relacionaron adecuadamente con la clasificación de exudados.

Objetive:The purpose of this work was to describe the physical, cytological and biochemical characteristics, as well as to classify the pleural fluids of patients with COVID-19 as exudates or transudates. Materials and Methods: An observational, descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out. Data was collected from the cytochemical examination of pleural fluid samples processed between the months of April to September 2020, in the laboratory of the Emergency Center of Metropolitan Lima (CELIM). Results: During the study period, a total of 81 samples of pleural fluid from patients with COVID-19 were evaluated, of these, 26 met our eligibility criteria. Fourteen liquids (54%) had a red color and 18 (69%) had a cloudy appearance. Exudative pleural fluids were the majority (n = 17), total proteins presented a mean of 3.3 g / dl (SD: 1.5), LDH a median of 544 U / L(IQR: 262-2016), the leukocyte count had a median of 610 leukocytes / ul (IQR: 180-968) and the differential polymorphonuclear count a median 29% (IQR: 15-60). Regarding the clinical characteristics, of the total exudates, 41% corresponded to neoplasms and 23% to pneumonia. While, of the total transudates (n = 9), 45% came from patients with neoplasms. Conclusions: In our study we observed that most of the pleural fluid samples from patients with COVID-19 were classified as exudates. These presented a low differential leukocyte percentage of polymorphonuclear cells. The values of the biochemical parameters such as total proteins and LDH were adequately related to the classification of exudates.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-39848


BACKGROUND: Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) has been successfully used as a method for the interhospital transportation of critically ill patients. In South Korea, a well-established ECMO interhospital transport system is lacking due to limited resources. We developed a simplified ECMO transport system without mechanical ventilation for use by public emergency medical services. METHODS: Eighteen patients utilized our ECMO transport system from December 2011 to September 2015. We retrospectively analyzed the indications for ECMO, the patient status during transport, and the patient outcomes. RESULTS: All transport was conducted on the ground by ambulance. The distances covered ranged from 26 to 408 km (mean, 65.9±88.1 km) and the average transport time was 56.1±57.3 minutes (range, 30 to 280 minutes). All patients were transported without adverse events. After transport, 4 patients (22.2%) underwent lung transplantation because of interstitial lung disease. Eight patients who had severe acute respiratory distress syndrome showed recovery of heart and lung function after ECMO therapy. A total of 13 patients (70.6%) were successfully taken off ECMO, and 11 patients (61.1%) survived. CONCLUSION: Our ECMO transport system without mechanical ventilation can be considered a safe and useful method for interhospital transport and could be a good alternative option for ECMO transport in Korean hospitals with limited resources.

Humains , Ambulances , Maladie grave , Services des urgences médicales , Oxygénation extracorporelle sur oxygénateur à membrane , Coeur , Corée , Poumon , Pneumopathies interstitielles , Transplantation pulmonaire , Méthodes , Transfert de patient , Ventilation artificielle , , Études rétrospectives , Transports , Respirateurs artificiels
Curitiba; s.n; 20161206. 170 p. ilus, graf, tab.
Thèse de Portugais | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1037803


Com a finalidade de melhor atender a grande demanda das urgências em saúde no Brasil, foi criada a Política Nacional de Atenção às Urgências (PNAU), que normatizou os serviços que prestam atendimento à população e criou o Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência - SAMU. É um serviço essencial à população acometida por um agravo de urgência e emergência e tem como objetivo reduzir a morbi-mortalidade, com atendimento de qualidade e com diminuição do tempo de chegada de usuários a um serviço de referência. A estrutura organizacional do SAMU inclui recursos humanos, materiais, tecnológicos, de informação e o modelo de gestão, que influenciam diretamente na qualidade da assistência. Trata-se de pesquisa avaliativa, sob a perspectiva gerencial, conduzida por uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. O objetivo foi avaliar a estrutura organizacional do SAMU de um município da região sul do Brasil, com ênfase nos aspectos humanos, materiais, tecnológicos, de informação e normativos relacionados ao modelo de gestão. Como método de procedimento, utilizou-se o estudo de caso, em quatro etapas metodológicas. Ocorreram entrevistas em profundidade e preenchimento de questionário estruturado por dois informantes-chaves da gestão do SAMU no município. Foram realizados seis encontros nos meses de julho a agosto de 2016, os quais foram gravados e transcritos. A coleta de dados também ocorreu em diferentes documentos, como normativas institucionais e relativas à PNAU, escalas de trabalho, ofícios, informativos, check lists, livro-ponto, livros de registro de intercorrências e de troca de plantões. Outra etapa de pesquisa foi a observação sistemática não-participante nas viaturas, realizada pela pesquisadora e pelos membros das equipes do SAMU, em conjunto. Foram coletados dados para medir indicadores já validados em outras pesquisas. Os dados quantitativos foram submetidos à análise de frequência absoluta e relativa, e cálculo dos indicadores. Os dados qualitativos foram submetidos à análise temática. Os resultados relativos aos recursos humanos evidenciaram: equipes completas; jornada de trabalho adequada para a enfermagem e condutores, mas inadequada para os médicos contratados; taxa de rotatividade baixa, considerando que a maioria dos profissionais são funcionários estatutários; taxa de absenteísmo adequada, com afastamentos para tratamento de saúde; taxa de educação permanente adequada, sendo atividade essencial para a qualificação do atendimento. Os recursos materiais apresentaram-se adequados, atingindo 94,8% do previsto pela legislação. Evidenciou-se a necessidade de melhorias na comunicação entre as viaturas de atendimento e a Central de Regulação Médica de Urgências, elemento fundamental e ordenador da Rede de Atenção à Saúde; assim como a carência de meios de comunicação mais eficazes entre a base e as viaturas nos atendimentos em zona rural. Ressalta-se a análise e monitoramento de indicadores ligados ao SAMU como indispensáveis à gestão e ao planejamento. Propõe-se aos gestores a utilização periódica dos instrumentos de avaliação da estrutura do SAMU aplicados nesta pesquisa, como subsídios relevantes à tomada de decisão em prol do aprimoramento do atendimento às urgências pré-hospitalares.

In order to better meet the high demand for health emergencies in Brazil, the National Emergency Care Policy (PNAU) was created, which standardized the services that provide care to the population and created the Mobile Emergency Care Service (SAMU). It is an essential service to the population affected by urgent and emergency illness and aims to reduce morbidity and mortality, with quality caring and decreasing in the arrival time of patients to a referral service. SAMU's organizational structure includes human, material, technological, information resources and the management model, that directly influence the quality of care. It is an evaluation research, from the managerial perspective, conducted by a qualitative and quantitative approach. The objective was to evaluate the organizational structure of the SAMU of a municipality in the southern region of Brazil, focusing on human, material, technological, information and normative aspects related to the management model. As method of procedure, the case study was used in four methodological stages. In-depth interviews were conducted with two key informants from SAMU management in the municipality. Six meetings were held in the months of July to August 2016, which were recorded and transcribed. Data collection also took place in different documents, such as institutional and PNAU regulations, work scales, offices, information sheets, check lists, point books, intercurrent registration books and shift shifts. Another research step was the systematic non-participant observation in the vehicles, carried out by the researcher and the team members of SAMU, together. Data were collected to measure indicators already validated in other surveys. The quantitative data were submitted to the analysis of absolute and relative frequency and calculation and analysis of the indicators. Qualitative data were submitted to thematic analysis. The results related to human resources showed: complete teams; adequate workday for nursing and drivers, but inadequate for contracted physicians; low turnover rate, considering that most of the professionals are employed under the statutory regime; adequate absenteeism rate, with leave for health treatment; adequate permanent education rate, being an essential activity to qualify the service. The material resources were adequate, reaching 94.8% of what is foreseen by the legislation. It was evidenced the need for improvements in the communication between the attendance vehicles and the Central Emergency Medical Regulation, fundamental element and that orders the Network of Attention to Health; as well as the lack of more effective means of communication between the base and the vehicles in the rural areas. It is important to analyze and monitor indicators linked to SAMU as indispensable for management and planning. It is proposed to the managers, the periodic use of the instruments of evaluation of the structure of the SAMU applied in the research, as relevant subsidies to the decision making in order to improve the attendance to the prehospital urgencies.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Qualité des soins de santé , Services des urgences médicales , Recherche sur les services de santé , Ambulances , Évaluation de la Santé , Structure de Services , Urgences , Prestations des soins de santé , Soins
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 74(11): 869-874, Nov. 2016. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-827980


ABSTRACT Lack of stroke awareness and slow activation of emergency medical services (EMS) are frequently reported reasons for delayed arrival to the hospital. We evaluated these variables in our population. Methods Review of hospital records and structured telephone interviews of 100 consecutive stroke patients. Forward stepwise logistic regression was used for the statistical analysis. Results Seventy patients (75%) arrived at the hospital 4.5 hours after stroke symptoms onset. The use of EMS did not improve arrival times. Most patients who recognized their symptoms did not use EMS (p < 0.02). Nineteen patients (20%) were initially misdiagnosed. Eighteen of them were first assessed by non-neurologist physicians (p < 0.001). Conclusions Our population showed a low level of stroke awareness. The use of EMS did not improve arrival times at the hospital and the non-utilization of the EMS was associated with the recognition of stroke symptoms. There was a concerning rate of misdiagnosis, mostly by non-neurologist medical providers.

RESUMO La falta de reconocimiento de los síntomas del accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) y la lenta activación de los servicios de emergencias médicos (SEM) son causas frecuentes de demoras en el arribo hospitalario. Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar ambas variables en nuestra población. Métodos Revisión de registros hospitalarios y entrevista telefónica estructurada de 100 pacientes consecutivos internados por ACV. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante un modelo de regresión logística multivariada por pasos. Resultados Setenta pacientes (75%) arribaron al hospital luego de 4.5 horas del comienzo de los síntomas. El uso de los SEM no mejoró los tiempos de arribo al hospital (p < 0.02). Inicialmente, 19 pacientes (20%) recibieron un diagnóstico erróneo. Dieciocho de ellos fueron evaluados por médicos no neurólogos. (p < 0.001). Conclusiones El reconocimiento de los síntomas de ACV en nuestra población fue bajo. El uso de los SEM no mejoró los tiempos de arribo hospitalario y la no utilización de los mismos se asoció con el correcto reconocimiento de los síntomas por parte de los pacientes. La proporción de diagnósticos erróneos fue preocupante, fundamentalmente entre médicos no neurólogos.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Conscience immédiate , Accident vasculaire cérébral/diagnostic , Services des urgences médicales/statistiques et données numériques , Centres de soins tertiaires/statistiques et données numériques , Argentine , Facteurs temps , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Études rétrospectives , Erreurs de diagnostic/statistiques et données numériques , Niveau d'instruction , Retard de diagnostic/statistiques et données numériques
Clinics ; 69(9): 601-607, 9/2014. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-725407


OBJECTIVE: To describe the profile of physicians working at the Prehospital Emergency Medical System (SAMU) in Brazil and to evaluate their quality of life. METHODS: Both a semi-structured questionnaire with 57 questions and the SF-36 questionnaire were sent to research departments within SAMU in the Brazilian state capitals, the Federal District and inland towns in Brazil. RESULTS: Of a total of 902 physicians, including 644 (71.4%) males, 533 (59.1%) were between 30 and 45 years of age and 562 (62.4%) worked in a state capital. Regarding education level, 45.1% had graduated less than five years before and only 43% were specialists recognized by the Brazilian Medical Association. Regarding training, 95% did not report any specific training for their work at SAMU. The main weaknesses identified were psychiatric care and surgical emergencies in 57.2 and 42.9% of cases, respectively; traumatic pediatric emergencies, 48.9%; and medical emergencies, 42.9%. As for procedure-related skills, the physicians reported difficulties in pediatric advanced support (62.4%), airway surgical access (45.6%), pericardiocentesis (64.4%) and thoracentesis (29.9%). Difficulties in using an artificial ventilator (43.3%) and in transcutaneous pacing (42.2%) were also reported. Higher percentages of young physicians, aged 25-30 years (26.7 vs 19.0%; p<0.01), worked exclusively in prehospital care (18.0 vs 7.7%; p<0.001), with workloads >48 h per week (12.8 vs 8.6%; p<0.001), and were non-specialists with the shortest length of service (<1 year) at SAMU (30.1 vs 18.2%; p<0.001) who were hired without having to pass public service exams* (i.e., for a temporary job) (61.8 vs 46.2%; p<0.001). Regarding quality of life, the pain domain yielded the worst result among physicians at SAMU. CONCLUSIONS: The doctors in this sample were young and within a few years of graduation, and they had no specific training in prehospital emergencies. Deficiencies ...

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Services des urgences médicales/statistiques et données numériques , Médecine d'urgence/statistiques et données numériques , Corps médical/statistiques et données numériques , Qualité de vie , Brésil , Compétence clinique/statistiques et données numériques , Satisfaction professionnelle , Santé au travail , Mesure de la douleur , Facteurs temps , Charge de travail
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-210917


A regionalization strategy is a model for improving the performance of the emergency medical service (EMS) system. The regionalization strategy has goals to provide appropriate, timely, effective, and efficient EMS in a region. However, the current EMS regionalization model in Korea is insufficient to achieve these goals due to a shortage of resources in rural regions, crowded emergency departments in metropolitan regions, and non-customized and mismatched levels of emergency departments. Recently, the concept of the regionalization model has been changed from a general regionalized model to a specialty care regionalization one. For example, the trauma care system, cardiac arrest care system, stroke care system, and ST elevation myocardial infarction care system are modern regionalization strategies to improve the performance of EMS. This is a new method of customizing and matching between region-based needs and the supply of EMS. If we can implement this strategy, we can expect improved performance of regional EMS systems.

Urgences , Services des urgences médicales , Arrêt cardiaque , Corée , Infarctus du myocarde , Accident vasculaire cérébral
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-29135


Recently, the disaster emergency medical system (DEMS) has been considered an important component of social safety, since the incidence of various kinds of disasters such as man-made disasters, biological disasters, chemical disasters and nuclear disasters are increasing each year. To minimize the mortality of emergency patients and mass casualties, emergency physicians should directly participate in both emergency care and DEMS. However, most primary emergency care in hospitals depends on residents of emergency medicine, especially at night and holidays, and few certified emergency physicians work at emergency control centers, military hospitals, and rural hospitals that are part of the DEMS. To strengthen DEMS and improve the quality of emergency care, emergency physicians are needed at emergency centers at all times to provide emergency care, and to maintain communication with the DEMS offices that are outside of hospitals. To make DEMS cost-effective, the governments should unify the 119 and 1339 emergency call centers, and also establish a plan for integrating the DEMS components of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, National Emergency Management Agency, and Military Services. By securing the financial support plan for emergency centers, the survival rate of emergency patients and disaster victims will be improved.

Humains , Catastrophes , Urgences , Services des urgences médicales , Médecine d'urgence , Soutien financier , Vacances , Hôpitaux militaires , Hôpitaux ruraux , Incidence , Événements avec afflux massif de victimes , Personnel militaire , Taux de survie
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-789522


BACKGROUND: Emergency medicine was inaugurated, as an official specialty in China, only 25 years ago, and its growth in clinical practice and academic development since that time have been remarkable. METHODS: This paper is a critical and descriptive review on current situations in emergency medicine in China, based on the literature review, personal observations, interviews with many Chinese emergency medicine doctors and experts, and personal experience in both China and USA. RESULTS: The current practice of emergency medicine in China encompasses three areas: pre-hospital medicine, emergency medicine, and critical care medicine. Most tertiary emergency departments (EDs) are structurally and functionally divided into several clinical areas, allowing the ED itself to function as a small independent hospital. While Chinese emergency physicians receive specialty training through a number of pathways, national standards in training and certification have not yet been developed. As a result, the scope of practice for emergency physicians and the quality of clinical care vary greatly between individual hospitals. Physician recruitment, difficult working conditions, and academic promotion remain as major challenges in the development of emergency medicine in China. CONCLUSION: To further strengthen the specialty advancement, more government leadership is needed to standardize regional training curriculums, elucidate practice guidelines, provide funding opportunities for academic development in emergency medicine, and promote the development of a system approach to emergency care in China.

Acta paul. enferm ; 22(5): 707-710, set.-out. 2009.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-543127


O Serviço de Atendimento Móvel às Urgências um dos focos da Política Nacional de Atenção às Urgências que tem sido implantado no território nacional, iniciou em 2004, no município de Cuiabá, Estado de Mato Grosso sendo habilitado apenas em 2007. O estudo relata a experiência de uma das autoras como enfermeira do Atendimento Pré-Hospitalar (APH), participante do processo de implantação do serviço. Até 2004, em Mato Grosso, o atendimento às urgências era realizado exclusivamente pelo Corpo de Bombeiros (CB). A reformulação do APH possibilitou a inserção de profissionais de enfermagem em uma área não conquistada por essa profissão neste município. Tal reestruturação implicou desvinculação do CB, mudança para sede própria e desenvolvimento das atividades relacionadas ao serviço apenas por civis. Conclui-se que a nova possibilidade de atuação para profissionais de enfermagem impulsionou a busca de especializações e desenvolvimento de estudos que subsidiem a atuação prática nesse ambiente.

The mobile emergency service, one of the main strategies of the National Policy of Medical Emergencies that has been implemented throughout the whole of the country in 2004, was only implemented in Cuiabá in 2007. This descriptive study reports the personal experience of one of the authors as a pre-hospital service (PHS) nurse who participated in the implementation process of the mobile emergency service. Until 2004, emergency services were carried out exclusively by the fire fighter (FF) department. The reorganization of the PHS enabled the inclusion of nursing professionals in the mobile emergency services. This reorganization of the PHS let to the detachment of the FF from mobile emergency services, moving the PHS to a new base and developing work activities as a civil service. This report describes that opportunities for nursing professionals in mobile emergency services have driven demands for specialization courses and the development of studies to prepare new practitioners.

El Servicio de Atención Móvil a las Urgencias, uno de los elementos centrales de la Política Nacional de Atención a las Urgencias que se ha implantado en el territorio nacional, se inició en el 2004, en el municipio de Cuiabá, Estado de Mato Grosso siendo habilitado sólo en el 2007. El estudio relata la experiencia de una de las autoras como enfermera de la Atención Pre Hospitalaria (APH), que participó del proceso de implantación del servicio. Hasta 2004, en Mato Grosso, la atención a las urgencias era realizada exclusivamente por el Cuerpo de Bomberos (CB). La reformulación del APH posibilitó la inserción de profesionales de enfermería en un área no ganada por este gremio en el Municipio de Cuiabá. Tal reestructuración implicó la desvinculación del CB, el traslado a una sede propia y desarrollo de las actividades relacionadas al servicio apenas por civiles. Se concluye que la nueva posibilidad de actuación para profesionales de enfermería impulsó la búsqueda de especializaciones y desarrollo de estudios que subsidien su actuación práctica en este ambiente.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-383863


With the rapid development of urban construction in China,the urban emergency medical system construction,especially the network construction,which is related to people's safety and security,is of great realistic significance.The author suggests that the urban emergency medical network construction should be strengthened to improve the response speed as well as rescue result by taking the following measures:(1)strengthening network construction to shorten the radius of rescue;(2)implementing strict scientific management to improve response speed;(3)popularizing emergency medical knowledge to extend medical insurance;(4)innovating emergency mode to give priority to ambulance vehicles;(5)establish special service team to cope with unexpected events;(6)setting special lane to ensure unhindered access.

Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-89773


In Korea, the field of aeromedical transport is less developed compared to other fields of medicine. Even though the Firefighting Aviation Corps has put their efforts into rescuing victims of trauma and patient evacuation, the portion of their transport is minimal and poorly organized. The Emergency Flight Team in Samsung Medical Center is the only HEMS (helicopter emergency medical system) run by a private sector in Korea. It had operated the Bell 412EP helicopter from Dec. 1996 to Dec. 2006, which was replaced with EC 155B1 made by Eurocopter in Jan. 2007. The team rescued 415 patients and supported 45 cases of organ transplantation during the period. This review will include not only the general concept of HEMS but also the discussion on the practical problems that we are facing, based on our 11-year experiences of aeromedical transport.

Humains , Véhicules de transport aérien , Aviation , Urgences , Corée , Transplantation d'organe , Secteur privé , Transplants
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-94170


The dispatch life support(DLS) copes with the emergent situations with the pre-arrival instructions. The instructions are made based on the logical branch which simulates and reflects the knowledge and decision processes of the emergency medical dispatcher. The present practice of the emergency fire-fighting offices in our country is such that the identification of the emergency caller and other administrative affairs are principal, and there is not any systematic standard medical instruction by use of communications system. The emergency medical system(EMS) is defined as the integrated system which can provide the emergency patients with the proper supports with a timely manner and it is essential to construct the emergency medical communication system which connects the patient with all the people involved in the situation. This study focuses on development of the basic DLS model in the emergency communication model. The model comprises of the systematic and standard instructions which can be used for the recovery of the emergency patient. 32 AMPDS, one items of the Heart! Respiratory Arrest are selected, and the communication treatment protocols are prepared for development of DSL model for this items. The DSL will help the communications between the patients and emergency medical dispatchers, and will make the medical dispatcher control the situation by providing a patient with medical instructions before his arrival.

Humains , Protocoles cliniques , Urgences , Coeur , Logique