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Med. infant ; 31(2): 126-142, Junio 2024. Ilus, Tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1566594


Un proceso de transición planificado entre los sistemas de salud pediátricos y de adultos es necesario para poder garantizar una continuidad en la atención de los adolescentes. El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar la población de pacientes del Servicio de Endocrinología del Hospital Garrahan en fase de transición y sus familias, desarrollar un protocolo para la transición de los adolescentes con patología endocrinológica crónica al Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martin y evaluar el rol de la "figura de enlace" en este proceso. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional, transversal/prospectivo. Se obtuvieron datos sobre la consulta ambulatoria de 72 adolescentes mayores a 15 años con patología endocrinológica a los cuales se los acompañó en el proceso de transición. Se realizaron entrevistas y encuestas a los adolescentes, sus familias y a 16 endocrinólogos intervinientes en el seguimiento (9 pediátricos- 7 adultos). Resultados: La mayoría de los adolescentes evidenciaron falta de autonomía general, con mayor afectación en el área de "seguimiento de los problemas de salud". Esto, junto al paternalismo del pediatra y la sobreprotección familiar representaron inconvenientes para la transición. La mitad de los adultos entrevistados consideraron falta de autonomía o preparación en sus hijos considerando la edad ideal para la transición entre los 18-21 años. Las sensaciones referidas por los pacientes como sus acompañantes incluyen principalmente el miedo y ansiedad, y llamativamente en los pacientes la vergüenza. La creación de un consultorio de transición en el centro de adultos y el acompañamiento de la "figura de enlace", permitieron una mejor articulación y continuidad en el cuidado de la salud (AU)

TA planned transition process between pediatric and adult health systems is necessary to ensure continuity of care for adolescents. The aim of this study was to evaluate the patient population of the Endocrinology Service at Garrahan Hospital during the transition phase, along with their families, to develop a protocol for transitioning adolescents with chronic endocrinological disorders to Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, and to evaluate the role of the "liaison person" in this process. Materials and Methods: This observational, cross-sectional/ prospective study obtained data from outpatient consultations of 72 adolescents over 15 years of age with endocrinological disorders who were accompanied during the transition process. Interviews and surveys were conducted with the adolescents, their families, and 16 endocrinologists involved in the follow-up (9 pediatricians and 7 adult physicians). Results: Most of the adolescents showed a general lack of autonomy, with greater challenges in the area of "follow-up of health problems." This, combined with the paternalism of the pediatrician and the overprotection of the family, represented obstacles to the transition. Half of the parents interviewed perceived a lack of autonomy or preparation in their children, considering the ideal age for transition to be between 18-21 years old. The primary feelings reported by the patients and those who accompanied them included fear and anxiety, with patients also feeling embarrassment. The creation of a transition clinic in the adult center and the support of a "liaison person" allowed for better coordination and continuity in health care (AU)

Humains , Adolescent , Équipe soignante , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Maladies endocriniennes/thérapie , Transition aux soins pour adultes/organisation et administration , Responsables de cas , Hôpitaux publics , Maladie chronique , Études transversales , Études prospectives
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; 100(2): 184-188, Mar.-Apr. 2024. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558313


Abstract Objectives: Clinical-laboratory comparison of a population of children and adolescents with DM1 followed at a Brazilian outpatient university clinic, at two different periods (2014 and 2020), regarding changes made both to the insulin therapy scheme and to the nutritional approach to carbohydrate counting. Methods: The data of patients with DM1 aged 0-19 years enrolled in the service in 2014 and 2020 were collected. Student's t-test was performed to compare the means of HbA1c and the variables of interest. Results: NPH + regular insulin was predominantly used in 2014 (49.1%), while in 2020, the predominance shifted to insulin analogs (48.4%). Pump use tripled from 1.3% in 2014 to 4.4% in 2020, and the percentage of patients performing carbohydrate counting reduced from 28.3% to 17.8%. Regarding HbA1c, the 2014 group of patients had a mean of 9.8%, while the 2020 group had a mean of 9.6% (p = 0.49). Conclusion: The change in treatments between 2014 and 2020 did not result in a significant improvement in HbA1c levels. However, it was identified the importance of carbohydrate counting and the use of insulin analogs to improve metabolic control in this population at both times.

Basic & Clinical Medicine ; (12): 577-581, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018659


Objective To investigate the needs and feedback from clinical medical students on the diversified teaching mode adopted by the Department of Endocrinology in Peking Union Medical College Hospital.Methods Questionnaires were distributed to the medicine students who were in clinical rotation in Peking Union Medical Col-lege,and the teaching status and teaching effect was investigated.Results A total of 95 valid questionnaires were received.The attending physicians and the teaching resident physicians performed well in the daily teaching activi-ties.The medical students believed that outpatient training was necessary in addition to ward rotations.After the ro-tation in the endocrinology department,the self-evaluated score of mastery of endocrinology knowledge had been significantly improved,especially in those who rotated in outpatient clinic,suggesting that outpatient teaching was of great significance.In addition,the establishment of a self-learning platform including clinical cases and videos in endocrinology could be used as an important supplementary means for clinical teaching.Conclusions Outpatient training improves learning outcomes of medical students,so must be kept and further strengthened in the future.Building a database of typical clinical cases and teaching videos can improve the training quality.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011103


Hereditary endocrine and metabolic diseases , caused by genetic factors, exhibit complex and diverse symptoms, including the possibility of concurrent sensorineural deafness. Currently, there is a limited clinical understanding of hereditary endocrine and metabolic diseases that manifest with deafness, the pathogenesis remains unclear,and there is a lack of effective diagnostic and treatment methods. This article summarizes the research progress of hereditary endocrine and metabolic diseases complicated with deafness from the pathogenesis, clinical phenotype, diagnosis and treatment. Understanding the current research progress and integrating genetic analysis into clinical practice are crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment, evaluating clinical efficacy, and providing effective genetic counseling for these diseases.

Humains , Surdité/génétique , Surdité neurosensorielle/diagnostic , Phénotype , Maladies métaboliques/génétique , Conseil génétique
Cambios rev. méd ; 22 (2), 2023;22(2): 927, 16 octubre 2023. ilus, tabs
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516527


El hipertiroidismo es un trastorno caracterizado por el exceso de hormonas tiroideas. El déficit de yodo es un factor clave en dicha patología y en lugares con suficiencia del mismo se asocian a au-toinmunidad tiroidea. La prevalencia de hipertiroidismo mani-fiesto varía del 0,2% al 1,3% en áreas con suficiencia de yodo, sin embargo, esto puede variar en cada país por diferencias en umbrales de diagnóstico, sensibilidad de ensayo y población se-leccionada. Un reporte de The Third National Health and Nutri-tion Examination Survey (NHANES III) mostró que el hiperti-roidismo manifiesto se presenta en 0,7% de la población general e hipertiroidismo subclínico en el 1,7%1,2.En incidencia, la patología se asocia con la suplementación de yodo, con la mayor frecuencia en áreas de deficiencias, por au-mento de nódulos tiroideos en la población anciana, teniendo a regiones de áreas montañosas como América del Sur, África Central y suroeste de Asia dentro de este grupo. Un meta aná-lisis de estudios europeos mostró una incidencia general de 50 casos por 100000 personas/años1. En Ecuador, según los datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos (INEC) del 2017, se reportaron 157 casos de hipertiroidismo, de los cuales la En-fermedad de Graves (EG) fue la causa más común, seguida por el bocio multinodular tóxico (BMNT) y finalmente el adenoma tóxico (AT) con una incidencia de 61 %, 24 % y 14 % respecti-vamente3.Los pacientes con esta patología tienen aumento de riesgo com-plicaciones cardiovasculares y mortalidad por todas las causas, siendo falla cardíaca uno de sus principales desenlaces, así el diagnóstico precoz evita estos eventos, principalmente en pobla-ción de edad avanzada.El presente protocolo se ha realizado para un correcto trata-miento de esta patología en el Hospital de Especialidades Carlos Andrade Marín (HECAM).

Hyperthyroidism is a disorder characterized by an excess of thyroid hormones. Iodine deficiency is a key factor in this pa-thology and in places with iodine deficiency it is associated with thyroid autoimmunity. The prevalence of overt hyperthyroidism varies from 0,2% to 1,3% in iodine-sufficient areas; however, this may vary from country to country due to differences in diag-nostic thresholds, assay sensitivity, and selected population. A report from The Third National Health and Nutrition Examina-tion Survey (NHANES III) showed that overt hyperthyroidism occurs in 0,7% of the general population and subclinical hyper-thyroidism in 1,7%1,2.In incidence, the pathology is associated with iodine supplemen-tation, with the highest frequency in areas of deficiencies, due to increased thyroid nodules in the elderly population, having regions of mountainous areas such as South America, Central Africa and Southwest Asia within this group. A meta-analysis of European studies showed an overall incidence of 50 cases per 100000 person/years1. In Ecuador, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC) in 2017, 157 cases of hyperthyroidism were reported, of which, Graves' di-sease (GD) was the most common cause, followed by toxic mul-tinodular goiter (BMNT) and finally toxic adenoma (TA) with an incidence of 61 %, 24 % and 14 % respectively3.Patients with this pathology have an increased risk of cardiovas-cular complications and all-cause mortality, with heart failure being one of the main outcomes, so early diagnosis avoids these events, mainly in the elderly population.The present protocol has been carried out for the correct treat-ment of this pathology at the Carlos Andrade Marín Specialties Hospital (HECAM).

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Antithyroïdiens , Hormones thyroïdiennes , Maladie de Basedow , Endocrinologie , Ophtalmopathie basedowienne , Hyperthyroïdie , Maladies de la thyroïde , Glande thyroide , Carence en Iode , Crise thyréotoxique , Adénomes , Équateur , Goitre nodulaire
Rev. Finlay ; 13(2)jun. 2023.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449232


Fundamento: la infertilidad femenina es un término utilizado para referirse a una mujer que no ha podido quedar embarazada después de haberlo intentado por lo menos en un año al mantener relaciones sexuales desprotegidas. Objetivo: caracterizar algunas variables socio-epidemiológicas de la infertilidad femenina en la provincia Camagüey. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y retrospectivo en el Hospital Docente Ginecobstétrico Provincial Ana Betancourt Mora de Camagüey durante el año 2021. El universo estuvo constituido por 304 pacientes con diagnóstico de infertilidad. Las variables estudiadas incluyeron: grupo etáreo, tipo de infertilidad, municipio de origen, tasa de incidencia, nivel educacional, hábitos tóxicos, factores de riesgo y antecedentes personales. Los datos se expresaron en números y porcientos. Resultados: el 30,9 % correspondió al grupo etáreo de 30 a 34 años, procedentes en su mayoría del municipio Camagüey (43,5 %), mientras Céspedes alcanzó la mayor tasa de incidencia (13,8 %) por cada 1000 mujeres con rango de edad que pudieran ser admitidas en el programa. Un porciento elevado tenía estudios universitarios (45,4 %) y preuniversitarios (24,3 %), predominó el consumo de café (24,0 %) y tabaco (14,5 %) como hábitos tóxicos; así como enfermedades de trasmisión sexual (24,7 %) y el uso de anticonceptivo (21,1 %). La obesidad (13,5 %) resultó ser el principal antecedente personal. Conclusiones: la infertilidad femenina está determinada por varios factores, incluidos los epidemiológicos, como los hábitos tóxicos, el estado nutricional, los antecedentes personales, entre otros, en su mayoría modificables, que pueden ser tratados desde la Atención Primaria de Salud.

Background: female infertility is a term used to refer to a woman who has not been able to get pregnant after trying for at least a year by having unprotected sexual intercourse. Objective: to characterize some socio-epidemiological variables of female infertility in Camagüey province. Methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out at the Ana Betancourt Mora Camagüey Provincial Gynecobstetric Teaching Hospital during the year 2021. The universe consisted of 304 patients diagnosed with infertility. The variables studied included: age group, type of infertility, municipality of origin, incidence rate, educational level, toxic habits, risk factors, and personal history. Data were expressed in numbers and percentages. Results: 30.9 % corresponded to the age group of 30 to 34 years, coming mostly from the Camagüey municipality (43.5 %), while Cespedes reached the highest incidence rate (13.8 %) per 1000 women with age range that could be admitted to the program. A high percentage had university studies (45.4 %) and pre-university studies (24.3 %), the consumption of coffee (24.0 %) and tobacco (14.5 %) predominated as toxic habits; as well as sexually transmitted diseases (24.7 %) and the use of contraception (21.1 %). Obesity (13.5 %) turned out to be the main personal history. Conclusions: female infertility is determined by several factors, including epidemiological ones, such as toxic habits, nutritional status, personal history, among others, mostly modifiable, which can be treated from Primary Health

ARS med. (Santiago, En línea) ; 48(2): 51-55, 28 jun. 2023.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451997


La infección por SARS-CoV-2 podría gatillar la ocurrencia de numerosas patologías, algunas de ellas de tipo endocrinológico. Se presenta una revisión narrativa sobre la asociación entre COVID-19 y tiroiditis subaguda, en la que se describen aspectos epidemiológicos, fisiopatológicos, manifestaciones clínicas y de laboratorio, tratamiento y pronóstico. La prevalencia de alguna disfunción tiroidea en pacientes COVID-19 fluctúa entre 13 y 64%, específicamente en relación con tiroiditis subaguda se describe un cambio en la prevalencia de 0,5% a 10% entre los años 2019 y 2020. La tiroiditis subaguda se produce por la unión del virus SARS-CoV-2 con la enzima convertidora de angiotensina 2 (ACE-2) ampliamente expresada en la glándula tiroides, generando manifestaciones clínicas tipo tirotoxicosis, aunque la presentación de la tiroiditis subaguda asociada a COVID-19 puede ser atípica. Los elementos centrales del tratamiento son similares a los empleados ante cualquier tiroiditis subaguda. Se concluye la necesidad de considerar esta entidad en el diagnóstico diferencial de pacientes actual o previamente infectados por SARS-CoV-2 que presenten síndrome febril, elevación de parámetros inflamatorios o taquicardia persistente, sin etiología precisada.

SARS-CoV-2 infection can trigger the occurrence of numerous pathologies, some of them endocrinological. The present narrative review works on the association between COVID-19 and subacute thyroiditis, which describes epidemiological and pathophysiological aspects, clinical and laboratory manifestations, treatment, and prognosis. The prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in COVID-19 patients fluctuates between 13 and 64%, explicitly concerning subacute thyroiditis; it has been described as a change in prevalence from 0.5% to 10% between 2019 and 2020. The binding of the SARS-CoV-2 virus with the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 receptor (ACE-2) widely expressed in the thyroid gland causes subacute thyroiditis, generating thyrotoxicosis-like clinical manifestations. However, the presentation of subacute thyroiditis associated with COVID-19 may be atypical. The central elements of the treatment are similar to those used in any subacute thyroiditis. We conclude that this entity must be considered in differential diagnoses of patients currently or previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 that present a febrile syndrome, elevated inflammatory parameters, or persistent tachycardia without a specified aetiology.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 45(5): 273-280, May 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449737


Abstract Pituitary apoplexy refers to a rare clinical syndrome consisting of signs and symptoms that occur due to rapid expansion of the contents of the sella turcica. It can occur spontaneously or associated with pituitary tumors. It can have a broad clinical spectrum, but usually presents with severe headache, visual impairment and hypopituitarism. Sudden onset of symptoms associated to imagiologic confirmation makes the diagnosis. Surgical treatment is advised when there is important compression of the optic tract. We present a case report and a review of the literature on pituitary apoplexy in pregnancy. The cases were reviewed to obtain information on maternal characteristics, clinical presentation, diagnostic studies, therapeutic modalities and maternal and fetal outcomes. Our review found 36 cases of pituitary apoplexy in pregnancy. Most of the cases occurred in the second trimester of pregnancy and headache was the most frequent symptom at presentation. Surgical therapy was required in more than half of the patients. In what respect maternal and fetal outcomes, there were 3 cases of preterm delivery and one case of maternal death. Our clinical case and literature review reinforces the importance of an early diagnosis to avoid potential adverse consequences.

Humains , Femelle , Grossesse , Adulte , Apoplexie hypophysaire
Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 67(1): 45-54, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420107


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the effects of the pandemic process on those with an endocrinological disease that will require close follow-up from the last visit before the pandemic. Materials and methods: Patients of 3,903 with thyroid, calcium-bone metabolism, adrenal gland, pituitary diseases, and neuroendocrine tumor (NET) were retrospectively scanned. The remaining 855 (656 females and 199 males) patients with active disease or who still needed multidisciplinary approaches were included. The number of patients who continued the disease-related medical procedures and could complete these procedures on time in the pandemic period was determined, and medical deprivation rate (MDR) was calculated. Results: The prepandemic period of our patients with thyroid disease (n = 594), calcium-bone metabolism disorder (n = 130), adrenal disease (n = 85), pituitary disease, and NET (n = 46) had MDRs of 85%, 56%, 81%, and 89%, respectively. For each subgroup of patients, the lowest MDR (67%) was in medullary thyroid carcinoma, the highest MDR (89%) was in differentiated thyroid carcinoma; the lowest MDR (6%) was in osteoporosis, the highest MDR (100%) was in the active Paget's disease; the lowest MDR (0%) was in primary adrenocortical insufficiency, the highest MDR (100%) was in hyperfunctional adrenal adenomas; the lowest MDR (81%) was in pituitary nonfunctional adenomas, and the highest MDR (100%) was in Cushing's disease, active prolactinoma, TSHoma, and NET, respectively. Conclusion: This study showed that not only those who had COVID-19 but also those who had medical deprivation due to their current endocrinological disease were not to be underestimated during the pandemic period.

Modern Hospital ; (6): 1943-1945,1950, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1022180


Objective To observe the application effects of scenario simulation combined with guided feedback teaching method in the teaching of endocrinology nursing interns.Methods A total of 180 nursing students who interned in the endocri-nology department of Southern Medical University Shenzhen Hospital from January 2020 to January 2023 were selected as the re-search subjects.Using a digital randomization method,the students were divided into a control group(90 cases)and an observa-tion group(90 cases).The control group received conventional teaching,while the observation group received scenario-based teaching combined with guided feedback teaching method.The intern performance,satisfaction of teaching instructors toward students,and students'satisfaction with teaching instructors were compared between the two groups.Results The intern per-formance of the observation group was higher and showed a greater improvement after training,with statistically significant differ-ences(P<0.05).Both the students'satisfaction with teaching instructors and the teaching instructors'satisfaction with students in the observation group were higher than those in the control group,with statistically significant differences(P<0.05).Conclusion The application of scenario simulation combined with guided feedback teaching method in the teaching of endocri-nology nursing interns can significantly improve students'intern performance,providing a more scientific basis for nursing intern-ship teaching.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-991368


Objective:To explore the application effect of clinical path teaching method (CPTM) and case-based learning (CBL) in the standardized residency training in the department of endocrinology.Methods:A total of 120 residents who participated in the standardized residency training in the Department of Endocrinology in The First Affiliated Hospital of University of Science and Technology of China from June 2020 to June 2021 were selected as subjects. They were randomly divided into the control group (30 cases) who received traditional teaching mode, CPTM group (30 cases), CBL group (30 cases) and the experimental group (30 cases) who received CPTM + CBL combination teaching mode. The graduation examination results, usual performances and the teaching satisfaction among the four groups were compared.Results:The students in experimental group had higher score in learning methods, task completion, clinical thinking ability and operational assessment than the rest three groups. In addition, the students in experimental group were more enthusiastic to learn than the control group and CPTM group, and the difference was statistically significant ( P<0.05). The students in experimental group had better performance in graduation examination (55.97±5.58) than the control group (51.97±4.54), CPTM group (53.48±3.37) and CBL group (51.36±3.72).The teaching satisfaction of the students in experimental group was higher than that of the rest three groups. Furthermore, the teaching experience of teachers in experimental group was better. Conclusion:CPTM combined with CBL teaching method can improve the thinking skills and learning initiative, which is beneficial to cultivate the clinical ability of residents in the standardized residency training of endocrinology.

Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 67(2): 153-161, 2023. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429732


ABSTRACT Objective: To set cutoff points for the triglyceride and glucose index (TyG) as a marker of insulin resistance (IR) for the pediatric population. Subjects and methods: This was a cross-sectional study with schoolchildren population-based data using data of 377 schoolchildren age 10 to 17 years of both sexes. We studied metabolic variables associated with IR indicators, such as fasting insulin and blood glucose, to calculate the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA-IR), and we studied triglycerides (TG) to determine the TyG index. We obtained TyG cutoff values for IR using the receiver operation characteristic (ROC), with definitions of sensitivity (Sen), specificity (Spe), and area under the ROC curve (AUC), with the HOMA-IR as reference. Results: The cutoff points of the TyG index for IR in adolescents are 7.94 for both sexes, 7.91 for boys, and 7.94 for girls, indicating moderate discriminatory power. When we also considered anthropometric variables of excess weight [TyG-BMI (body mass index)] and visceral fat [TyG-WC (waist circumference)], these indexes reached AUC values higher than 0.72, enhancing their potential use for a good diagnosis. Conclusion: TyG has proven to be a useful instrument for identifying IR in adolescent health screening, with high discrimination capacity when added to anthropometric variables, making it a feasible and inexpensive option.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 93(supl.3): 13-17, Oct. 2023. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527748


Resumen La población trans y de género diverso (TGD) tiene una gran relevancia en relación con la práctica de ejercicio y deporte. Se destacan desafíos específicos, como la inactividad física motivada por razones internas y externas, incluida la discriminación en entornos deportivos. Existen aspectos psicológicos y efectos de la terapia hormonal que generan implicaciones para la dificultar participación en competiciones deportivas. También se menciona la disparidad en los factores de riesgo cardiovascular y se plantea la necesidad de políticas deportivas inclusivas basadas en evidencia científica. El artículo enfatiza la importancia de abordar los aspectos sociales, psicológicos y médicos para promover la salud física y mental de la población TGD, especialmente en el ámbito deportivo profesional.

Abstract The transgender and gender-diverse (TGD) population holds significant relevance concerning exercise and sports practices. Specific challenges are highlighted, such as physical inactivity driven by internal and external reasons, including discrimination in sports environments. Psychological aspects and hormonal therapy effects create implications for hindering participation in sports competitions. Disparities in cardiovascular risk factors are also mentioned, emphasizing the need for inclusive sports policies based on scientific evidence. The article underscores the importance of addressing social, psychological, and medical aspects to promote the physical and mental health of the TGD population, particularly in the professional sports area.

Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 93(supl.3): 26-30, Oct. 2023.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527751


Resumen Este artículo resume la literatura existente hasta este momento sobre el impacto de la terapia hormonal para la asignación de género utilizada en la población transgénero, y de los factores de riesgo tradicionales y emergentes, en los desenlaces cardiovasculares o los marcadores subrogados de enfermedad cardiovascular. Actualmente se reconoce la evidencia creciente de que las personas transgénero o con género diverso son víctimas de disparidades en una gran variedad de factores de riesgo cardiovascular comparadas con sus pares cisgénero. Se ha reportado disparidad en morbilidad y mortalidad como resultado de una alta prevalencia en estilos de vida no saludables. Sin embargo, recientemente se ha incorporado la interpretación de que no solo la disparidad en factores de riesgo cardiovascular es lo que incrementa el riesgo en la salud cardiovascular de la población transgénero. Existe la hipótesis de que el exceso en morbilidad y mortalidad cardiovascular está relacionado con estresores psicosociales a lo largo de la vida de este grupo en múltiples niveles, incluyendo violencia estructurada (p. ej., discriminación, falta de acceso a los servicios de salud, falta de vivienda digna, etc.). La falta de información y de investigación en este grupo son limitantes importantes que requieren un abordaje multifacético para mejorar aspectos como la promoción de la salud y el mejor cuidado cardiovascular.

Abstract This review summarizes the impact of gender affirming hormone therapy used in the transgendered population and the classic and emerging risk factors on cardiovascular outcomes and surrogate markers of cardiovascular health. There is a growing body of evidence that people who are transgender and gender diverse are impacted by disparities across a variety of cardiovascular risk factors compared with their peers who are cisgender. Previously, disparities have been reported in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality across this group as a result of a higher prevalence of non-healthy life style. However, recent research suggests that there are additional factors playing a role in this differences: there is the hypothesis that the excess of cardiovascular morbility and mortality has been driven by psychosocial stressors across the lifespan at multiple levels, as structural violence (e.g., discrimination, lack of affordable housing, lack of access to health care, etc.). Lack of information and research in this population is an important limitation; therefore, a multifaceted approach that integrates best practice into research, health promotion and cardiovascular care for this understudied and growing population is clearly needed.

Acta méd. colomb ; 47(4)dic. 2022.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533450


Malignant hypercalcemia is the most frequent endocrinological emergency in cancer. The factors related to its occurrence have not been evaluated, nor are there any related studies in Colombia. Objective: to determine the factors associated with the onset of malignant hypercalcemia (MH) in patients hospitalized at Instituto Nacional de Cancerología (2014-2019). Design: a retrospective analytical case-control study Population: 230 cases of adults with cancer and calcium corrected for albumin equal to or greater than 10.5 mg/dL and 223 controls of cancer patients with normal corrected calcium (8.5 to 10.4 mg/ dL) were included. Squamous cell carcinoma was used as the pairing variable. Analysis: univariate and bivariate analyses between the variables and the occurrence of MH were conducted to determine association, and raw ORs were calculated. Depending on their statis tical significance (p<0.05), they were included in the logistic regression for multivariate analysis and to rule out bias. Results: the median calcium for cases: 12.98 mg/dL (11.64-14.42) vs. 9.4 mg/dL (9.02-9.74) (p < 0.0001). The two groups were similar in age and sex. There was more metastasis in the cases (60.0% vs. 39.91%) (p< 0.0001). Altogether, 54.34% of the cases developed neurological symp toms. The median hospital stay was 16 days (IQR 9-27) vs. 9 days (IQR 6-17) for the controls (p< 0.0001), and inpatient deaths occurred in 48.70% vs. 16.59% (p < 0.0001). The following showed an association with MH: normal albumin, OR 0.41 (95% CI 0.29-0.55); a Karnofsky Index greater than or equal to 70, OR 0.98 (95% CI 0.97-0.99); and metastasis, OR 1.87 (95% CI 1.23-2.84). (Acta Med Colomb 2022; 47. DOI:

La hipercalcemia maligna es la urgencia endocrinológica en cáncer más frecuente, los factores relacionados a su presentación no han sido evaluados, ni hay estudios relacionados en Colombia. Objetivo: determinar los factores asociados a la presentación de hipercalcemia maligna (HM), en pacientes hospitalizados en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología (2014-2019). Diseño: estudio analítico retrospectivo de casos y controles. Población: se incluyeron 230 casos de adultos con cáncer y calcio corregido por albúmina mayor e igual a 10.5 mg/dL y 223 controles de pacientes oncológicos con calcio corregido normal (8.5 a 10.4 mg/dL), se usó el carcinoma escamocelular como variable pareadora. Análisis: para establecer asociación se realizó el análisis univariado y bivariado entre las variables y la presentación de HM, se calcularon OR crudos, según significancia estadística (p<0.05) fueron incluidas en regresión logística para el análisis multivariado y excluir sesgos. Resultados: mediana de calcio en los casos: 12.98 mg/dL (11.64-14.42) vs. 9.4 mg/dL (9.02-9.74) (p < 0.0001). Los dos grupos presentaron edad y sexo similares. Hubo mayor proporción de metástasis en los casos (60.0% vs. 39.91%) (p < 0.0001). El 54.34% de los casos desarrolló síntomas neuro lógicos. La mediana de estancia hospitalaria fue de 16 días (RIC 9-27) vs. nueve días (RIC 6-17) para los controles (p < 0.0001) y la muerte intrahospitalaria se presentó en el 48.70% vs. 16.59% (p < 0.0001). Demostraron asociación con HM: albúmina normal OR 0.41 (IC 95% 0.29-0.55), índice de Karnofsky mayor o igual 70 OR 0.98 (IC95% 0.97-0.99) y presencia de metástasis OR 1.87 (IC 95% 1.23-2.84). (Acta Med Colomb 2022; 47. DOI:

Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431289


Introducción: La pandemia por COVID-19 afectó la continuidad de las consultas médicas presenciales, así se implementaron estrategias, como las teleconsultas, para cerrar brechas de atención. El objetivo del estudio fue describir el impacto de la pandemia en la consulta endocrinológica en el Hospital Nacional Alberto Sabogal Sologuren (Callao, Perú). Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de análisis de datos secundarios obtenidos del Sistema de Salud Inteligente del Seguro Social de Perú. Se analizó datos de las consultas ambulatorias entre mayo 2019 y noviembre 2021. Resultados: Debido a la pandemia, la proporción de consultas presenciales disminuyó de 100% (periodo prepandemia) a 29,4% (durante la pandemia), mientras que las teleconsultas predominaron tras su implementación. Mas del 68% de pacientes fueron mujeres, en las consultas presenciales la mediana de edad antes y durante la pandemia fue 59 y 56 años, respectivamente, mientras que en teleconsultas fue 58 años. La diabetes mellitus fue el principal motivo de consulta (entre 32,6% a 34,4% del total de consultas), seguido del hipotiroidismo y la enfermedad nodular tiroidea. Durante la pandemia, la proporción de consultas por hipotiroidismo fue mayor en teleconsultas vs consulta presencial (25,3% vs 18%). Conclusiones: Durante la pandemia, las teleconsultas predominaron sobre la consulta presencial. No hubo diferencias relevantes en la mediana de edad o sexo predominantes entre los pacientes antes o durante la pandemia. La diabetes mellitus fue el principal motivo de consulta en general y durante la pandemia las consultas por hipotiroidismo fueron mayor en teleconsulta.

ABSTRACS Background: The COVID-19 pandemic affected the continuity of face-to-face medical consultations, so strategies, such as teleconsultations, were implemented to close the gaps in care. The objective of this study was to describe the impact of the pandemic in the traditional endocrinology consultation at Hospital Nacional Alberto Sabogal Sologuren (Callao, Peru). Materials and methods: We carried out a descriptive study of analysis of secondary data, that was obtained from the Sistema de Salud Inteligente of the Social Security of Peru. Data from outpatient consultations between May 2019 and November 2021 were analyzed. Results: Due to the pandemic, the proportion of face-to-face consultations decreased from 100% (pre-pandemic period) to 29,4% (during the pandemic), while teleconsultations predominated after its implementation. More than 68% of patients were women, in face-to-face consultations the median age before and during the pandemic was 59 and 56 years, respectively, while in teleconsultations it was 58 years. Diabetes mellitus was the main reason for consultation (between 32,6% and 34,4% of all consultations), followed by hypothyroidism and nodular thyroid disease. During the pandemic, the proportion of consultations for hypothyroidism was higher in teleconsultations vs. face-to-face consultations (25,3% vs. 18%). Conclusions: During the pandemic, teleconsultations predominated over face-to-face consultation. There were no relevant differences in median age or predominant gender among patients before or during the pandemic. Diabetes mellitus was the main reason for consultation in general and during the pandemic consultations for hypothyroidism were higher in teleconsultation.

Arch. endocrinol. metab. (Online) ; 66(3): 382-392, June 2022. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1393856


ABSTRACT The fundamental objective of military field training exercises (FTX) is to prepare military personnel for real-life operations through simulated scenarios. These training sessions often require extreme physical efforts with prolonged, high-intensity exercises that can be combined with food restrictions and partial, or total, sleep deprivation. Such conditions can compromise an individual's physical performance and cause tissue damage, thus affecting their health. This study aimed to perform a systematic review of the literature to identify studies that measured the changes in hormone levels and biomarkers of cellular injury and oxidative stress resulting from FTX with high levels of energy expenditure combined with food and sleep restrictions. PubMed and the Scopus database were searched for articles that combined physical effort/food restriction/sleep deprivation with military training. The initial database search identified 158 articles that were reduced to 18 after confirmation. Significant reductions were reported in thyroid hormones, T3, T4, and anabolic hormones such as testosterone, insulin and androstenedione. An exception for GH was found, which increased throughout FTX. Less distinct responses to FTX were observed with cortisol, TSH and LH. The presence of biomarkers for cellular damage (myoglobin, TNF, and CRP) and increased immune response activities were also described. The scarcity of information on oxidative stress, analyses of cellular injury and biomarkers of inflammatory responses warrants the future study of these topics, which could be helpful in facilitating the safe and effective physical preparations of the members of the armed forces.

Medicina (B.Aires) ; 82(1): 81-90, feb. 2022. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365132


Resumen La retinopatía diabética es uno de los grandes problemas que enfrenta la salud pública en el siglo XXI. La prevalencia mundial se encuentra en constante aumento; sin embargo, poco se conoce sobre la frecuencia de esta enfermedad en la Argentina. Los programas de tele-oftalmología han ayudado a combatir y a comprender mejor esta enfermedad, principalmente en áreas rurales. El objetivo del siguiente tra bajo fue estimar la prevalencia de la retinopatía diabética en la provincia de La Pampa. Se realizó un estudio observacional de corte transversal, evaluando las características de la población asistida por un programa de tele-oftalmología en la zona rural de la provincia. Se evaluaron imágenes de retina obtenidas con un retinógrafo no midriático, la presión intraocular y características generales de la población. Se estimó una prevalencia del 21.5% y un 14.1% de estas personas tenían una amenaza visual grave. Además, se observó que el 5.0% tenían glaucoma, 63.4% hipertensión arterial y 42.6% dislipemia. Estos resultados son similares a los presentados en otros países del mundo. Son datos fundamentales para comprender detalles de la situación epidemiológica en esta región y poder armar estrategias sanitarias para enfrentar a esta enfermedad.

Abstract Diabetic retinopathy is one of the major problems public health is facing in the 21st century. The worldwide prevalence is increasing; however, little is known about the frequency of this disease in Argentina. Tele-ophthalmology programs have helped to face and to better understand this disease, mainly in rural areas. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in the province of La Pampa. A cross-sectional observational study was carried out, evaluating the characteristics of the population assisted by a tele-ophthalmology program in a rural area of the province. The images, taken with a non-mydriatic retinal camera, the intraocular pressure and general characteristics of the population were evaluated. A disease prevalence of 21.5% was estimated and 14.1% of them had a vision-threatening diabetic retinopathy. In addition, it was observed that 5.0% had glaucoma, 63.4% hypertension and 42.6% dyslipidemia. These findings are similar to those reported in other countries around the world. These data are fundamental to understand the details of the epidemiological situation in this region and to be able to develop health strategies to deal with this disease.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-954957


Objective:To construct endocrinology nursing subspecialty model and explore its clinical effect.Methods:In December 2018, the organization structure of endocrinology nursing subspecialty was constructed in the Drum Tower Hospital Affiliated of Nanjing University Medical School and applied in clinic. In this model, the data of 2018 were taken as the data before application and the data of 2020 were taken as the data after application. The comprehensive ability of nurses, nurse satisfaction, related nursing workload and scientific research ability of nurses were compared before and after the application of the model.Results:After the application of subspecialty nursing mode, nurses′ comprehensive ability score was (92.00 ± 2.36) points. Compared with (84.25 ± 3.24) points before implementation, the difference was statistically significant ( t=-9.46, P<0.01); nurses′ satisfaction evaluations including specialty development (7.92 ± 1.41), self-quality improvement (8.00 ± 1.69), work pressure (6.42 ± 2.67), salary and welfare (3.96 ± 0.85), compared with (5.79 ± 2.31), (6.17 ± 2.82), (8.33 ± 1.50), (2.88 ± 1.59) before implementation, the difference was statistically significant ( t values were -3.86--2.73, all P<0.05). The annual workload of related nursing increased and the scientific research ability of nurses was improved. Conclusions:The application of endocrinology nursing subspecialty mode is beneficial to improve nurses′ comprehensive ability of clinical work, improve the level of specialized nursing, improve the quality of nursing service and promote the improvement of economic benefits, which is worthy of clinical promotion.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-955634


Objective:To explore the application effect of formative assessment combined with Ladder type teaching on the teaching of standardized training of nephropathy and endocrinology.Methods:A total of 39 residents who rotated in the Department of Nephrology and Endocrinology, Sichuan Science City Hospital from March 2019 to March 2020 were included in the control group and were taught routinely, and another 42 residents who rotated from April 2020 to April 2021 were classified as a research group and were given formative assessment and Ladder type teaching. The out-department assessment results between the two groups were compared, and the mini-clinical exercise evaluation (Mini-CEX), normal performance assessment and 360-degree evaluation results of the research group when entering and exiting the department were compared. The students' satisfaction with teaching between the two groups was also compared. SPSS 24.0 was used for t test, chi-square test and rank sum test. Results:The scores of theory, skill manipulation and case analysis in the research group were higher than those in the control group, and the differences were statistically significant ( P<0.05). The Mini-CEX score, usual performance assessment score and 360-degree evaluation score in the research group when exiting the department were all higher than those when entering the department, with statistically significant difference ( P<0.05). There were significant differences in the grades distribution of teaching satisfaction degrees between the two groups ( P<0.05), and the total satisfaction rate of the research group was higher than that of the control group. Conclusion:The use of formative assessment combined with Ladder type teaching in the standardized training of nephropathy and endocrinology can significantly improve the scores of the residents and their clinical comprehensive literacy, and increase the satisfaction of teaching, with great value of popularization and application.

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