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Rev. colomb. cir ; 39(3): 371-385, 2024-04-24. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553765


Introducción. El efecto de las políticas para el mejoramiento del bienestar de los residentes, en términos de desgaste profesional y compromiso laboral, es controversial y su resultado tras la implementación de la "ley de residentes" (1917/2018) en Colombia es desconocido. Este estudio explora el efecto de esta ley en médicos residentes de cirugía colombianos. Métodos. Estudio de métodos mixtos secuencial explicativo. Inicialmente, se invitó a todos los residentes de cirugía del país a autodiligenciar los cuestionarios UWES-17 y MBI-HSS para evaluar el compromiso laboral (vigor, dedicación y absorción) y desgaste profesional (agotamiento emocional, despersonalización y baja realización personal) antes (2019) y después (2022) de la implementación de la ley. Se probaron diferentes hipótesis mediante modelos de ecuaciones estructurales. Los resultados fueron explorados con cirujanos mediante grupos focales. La información cualitativa fue analizada manualmente y por inteligencia artificial, y reportada en temas principales. Resultados. Participaron en el estudio 400 residentes. La tasa de desgaste profesional fue de 24,8 % antes y 15,8 % después (p=0,032). El análisis de ecuaciones estructurales confirmó que el agotamiento emocional sobre el desgaste profesional fue menor en 2022 (p=0,022). No se identificaron cambios significativos en el compromiso laboral. La principal explicación fue atribuida a los beneficios económicos de la ley. Conclusión. La tasa de desgaste profesional en médicos residentes de cirugía colombianos se redujo significativamente tras la implementación de la "ley de residentes". Estos hallazgos tienen implicaciones para la practica y el mejoramiento de la calidad de la educación.

Introduction. The effect of policies to improve residents' well-being, in terms of professional burnout and work commitment is controversial, and its result after the implementation of the "residents' law" (1917/2018) in Colombia is unknown. This study explores the effect of this law on Colombian surgical residents. Methods. Explanatory sequential mixed methods study. Initially, all surgical residents in the country were invited to self-complete the UWES-17 and MBI-HSS questionnaires to evaluate work commitment (vigor, dedication, and absorption) and professional burnout (emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and low personal accomplishment) before (2019) and after (2022) the implementation of the law. Different hypotheses were tested using structural equation models. The results were explored with surgeons through focus groups. Qualitative information was analyzed manually and by artificial intelligence, and reported into main themes. Results. 400 residents participated in the study. Burnout rates were 24.8% before and 15.8% after (p=0.032). The structural equations analysis confirmed that emotional exhaustion over professional burnout was lower in 2022 (p=0.022). No significant changes in work commitment were identified. The main explanation was attributed to the economic benefits of the law. Conclusion. The burnout rate in Colombian surgical residents was significantly reduced after the implementation of the "residents' law". These findings have implications for practice and improving the quality of education

Humains , Épuisement professionnel , Législation , Internat et résidence , Chirurgie générale , Enseignement spécialisé en médecine , Engagement dans le travail
RECIIS (Online) ; 18(1)jan.-mar. 2024.
Article de Portugais | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1553441


Considerando-se a crescente importância do YouTube como fonte para busca de informações em saúde, o objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os fatores associados a um maior número de visualizações de vídeos sobre vacinas contra a covid-19. Para isso, usaram-se técnicas de Processamento de Linguagem Natural e modelagem estatística com base em 13.619 vídeos, abrangendo três tipos de variáveis: métricas gerais, conteúdo textual dos títulos e informações sobre os participantes dos vídeos. Entre os resultados, destacam-se os vídeos de duração média ou longa, postados durante a madrugada e nos fins de semana, com tags, descrição e títulos curtos, além de elementos controversos e presença de figuras masculinas e brancas em miniaturas. Os achados contribuem para uma melhor compreensão dos possíveis fatores a serem considerados na produção de conteúdo de comunicação em saúde sobre vacinas no YouTube.

Considering the growing importance of YouTube as a source for health information search, the aim of this study was to analyze the factors associated with a higher number of views in videos about covid-19 vaccines. For this purpose, Natural Language Processing techniques and statistical modeling were employed based on 13,619 videos, encompassing three types of variables: general metrics, textual content of titles, and information about the participants in the videos. Among the results, videos of medium or long duration, posted during late hours and on weekends, with tags, descriptions, and short titles, along with controversial elements and the presence of male and white figures in thumbnails stand out. These findings contribute to a better understanding of the potential factors to be considered in the production of health communication content about vaccines on YouTube.

Teniendo en cuenta la creciente importancia de YouTube como fuente de búsqueda de información en salud, el objetivo de este artículo es analizar los factores asociados a un mayor número de visualizaciones en videos sobre vacunas contra el covid-19. Para eso, se emplearon técnicas de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural y modelado estadístico basadas en 13,619 videos, que abarcan tres tipos de variables: métricas generales, contenido textual de títulos y información sobre los participantes en los videos. Entre los resultados, destacan los videos de duración media o larga, publicados durante altas horas de la noche y los fines de semana, con tags, descripciones y títulos cortos, junto con elementos controvertidos y la presencia de figuras masculinas y blancas en las miniaturas. Estos hallazgos contribuyen a una mejor comprensión de los posibles factores a tener en cuenta en la producción de contenido de comunicación de salud sobre vacunas en YouTube.

Moyens de communication , Diffusion de l'information , Communication sur la santé , Médias sociaux , Vaccins contre la COVID-19 , COVID-19 , Éducation pour la santé , Accès à l'information , Désinformation , Mass-médias
Medical Education ; : 183-188, 2024.
Article de Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1039988


Background: The AO entrance examination for the Medical Course at Kochi Medical School aims to select candidates who are not only knowledgeable but also exhibit strong interpersonal and presentation skills. This study sought to determine the impact of the AO exam’s group work and presentation components on students’ success post-graduation.Methods: Clinical training supervisors’ evaluations of interpersonal and presentation abilities were compared between AO entrance exam candidates and other selected candidates.Results: AO entrants showed superior performance in establishing patient-physician relationships, participating in team medicine, and delivering case presentations compared to their counterparts.Discussion: The AO entrance examination at Kochi Medical School proves to be an effective tool for assessing candidates’ interpersonal and presentation skills, which are essential for medical practitioners.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025120


Objective In the traditional laboratory zoology lecture environment,there is less teacher-student interaction,less student interest,and less engagement in learning.To improve the teaching quality of laboratory animal science,this teaching and research department was based on different teaching environments of multimedia and intelligent classrooms,theoretical course teaching of Medical Laboratory Animal Science as the research object,the course lecture format,teaching mode,teaching method,and other aspects of innovation and exploration.Methods This study used questionnaires to understand changes in student engagement in learning and preferences for smart classroom use,and NVivo qualitative analysis software was used to code student classroom behavior.Results The smart teaching environment resulted in higher student interest and more frequent teacher-student interaction in the classroom.Students were significantly more engaged in learning than in traditional teaching with higher correct rates on in-class and post-lesson exercises and a better grasp of concepts related to laboratory animal science.Conclusions A smart teaching environment brings students a better feeling and experience,improves their interest in laboratory animal science,increases classroom learning engagement,and achieves good teaching result.

Rev. bras. saúde ocup ; 49: e7, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565419


Resumo Objetivo: identificar a associação entre percepção de risco e vários efeitos psicológicos negativos e positivos, bem como o efeito moderador do apoio social, em uma amostra de trabalhadores de saúde com pacientes com COVID-19 no México. Métodos: trata-se de um desenho ex-post-facto e instrumental. As respostas foram obtidas por meio de questionário on-line , utilizando a estratégia de bola de neve. A associação entre percepção de risco e vários resultados psicológicos foi examinada por meio de correlações monotônicas (Spearman, rs), e um modelo de regressão foi estimado para cada efeito psicológico a fim de testar o efeito moderador do apoio social. Resultados: participaram 269 trabalhadores da saúde, sendo 75,5% mulheres. Os achados mostram a percepção de risco com uma tendência elevada, especialmente em relação ao "risco de dano grave pelo SARS-CoV-2". O apoio social apresentou uma tendência de moderada a alta, e os sintomas negativos de saúde mental tiveram uma tendência abaixo das médias teóricas. Conclusão: o apoio social desempenha papel moderador na magnitude da associação entre a percepção de risco e os efeitos psicológicos. Apesar das limitações reconhecidas, este trabalho visa ajudar a explicar os mecanismos complexos das variáveis em estudo por meio da análise exploratória de interações.

Abstract Objective: to identify the association between risk perception and various negative and positive psychological effects, as well as the moderating effect of social support, in a sample of health care workers with COVID-19 patients in Mexico. Methods: this study has an ex post facto and instrumental design. Responses were obtained by means of an online survey using snowball convenience sampling. The association of risk perception with various psychological outcomes was examined using monotonic correlations (Spearman, rs), and a regression model was estimated for each psychological effect to test the moderating effect of social support. Results: a total of 269 health care workers took part, 75.5% of them women. The findings show that risk perception tended to be high, especially in relation to the "risk of serious harm from SARS-CoV-2". Social support had a moderate to high trend, and negative mental health symptoms had a trend below theoretical average points. Conclusion: social support plays a moderating role in the magnitude of the association between risk perception and psychological effects. Despite the acknowledged limitations, this work aimed to help explain the complex mechanisms of the study variables by analyzing exploratory interactions.

Resumen Objetivo: identificar la asociación entre percepción de riesgo y diversos efectos psicológicos negativos y positivos, así como el efecto moderador del apoyo social, en una muestra de trabajadores sanitarios con pacientes COVID-19 en México. Métodos: se trató de un diseño ex post facto e instrumental. Se obtuvieron respuestas por medio de un cuestionario en línea mediante la estrategia de bola de nieve. Se examinó la asociación de la percepción de riesgo con varios resultados psicológicos mediante correlaciones monotónicas (Spearman, rs), y se estimó un modelo de regresión para cada efecto psicológico para probar el efecto moderador del apoyo social. Resultados: participaron 269 trabajadores sanitarios, de los cuales un 75,5% eran mujeres. Los hallazgos muestran una percepción de riesgo con tendencia elevada, particularmente la relacionada al "riesgo de daño grave por SARS-CoV2", el apoyo social tuvo una tendencia de moderada a alta y los síntomas negativos de salud mental tuvieron una tendencia por debajo de los promedios teóricos. Conclusión: el apoyo social juega un papel moderador en la magnitud de asociación entre percepción de riesgo y efectos psicológicos. A pesar de las limitaciones reconocidas, este trabajo pretende ayudar a explicar los mecanismos complejos de las variables de estudio mediante el análisis de interacciones exploratorias.

Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 42: e2023017, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559165


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the pattern of eye-gaze of preterm (PT), autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and neurotypical (Ty) children. Methods: A cross-sectional study with eight preterm (born with ≤2000 g weight), nine ASD and five Ty male children, between six and nine years old, was performed. The eye gaze was evaluated presenting a board with a couple in social interaction, and a video with four children playing with blocks, projected in a screen computer, successively, evaluating the time that the children looked at each stimulus. Results: Although all the groups focus on the central social figure with no significant differences, ASD presented significant differences in time fixation of the objects (p=0.021), while premature children fixated more time in the central social interaction than in the whole scene than typical children. Conclusions: Although this study found noteworthy differences in the eye-gaze patterns among the three groups, additional research with a more extensive participant pool is necessary to validate these preliminary results.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o padrão de fixação visual de crianças nascidas prematuras (PT), com transtorno do espectro do autismo (TEA/ASD) e neurotípicas (Ty). Métodos: Estudo transversal incluindo oito meninos prematuros (nascidos com peso ≤2000 g), nove TEA e cinco Ty, com idade entre 6 e 9 anos. A varredura visual foi avaliada apresentando-se imagem de casal em interação social e vídeo com crianças brincando. A figura e o vídeo foram projetados em tela de computador, sucessivamente, sendo avaliado o tempo de fixação para cada estímulo. Resultados: Apesar de os três grupos de crianças focarem o olhar na figura social central sem diferenças significativas, crianças com TEA apresentaram diferenças significativas no tempo de fixação em objetos (p=0,021), enquanto prematuros fixaram o olhar mais tempo na interação social central do que na cena como um todo. Conclusões: Embora tenham sido notadas algumas diferenças significativas nos padrões de olhar para os três grupos, é necessário realizar mais pesquisas com uma amostra maior para confirmar esses resultados iniciais.

Acta colomb. psicol ; 26(2)dic. 2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533381


El objetivo del presente trabajo fue conocer la trayectoria del compromiso académico en estudiantes secundarios de Entre Ríos, Argentina, en tres tiempos de su recorrido escolar. El diseño fue cuantitativo, siendo un estudio de tipo longitudinal. El muestreo utilizado fue no probabilístico intencional. La muestra se constituyó por adolescentes escolarizados de Entre Ríos, consistió en 105 sujetos para el primer tiempo, 101 para el segundo y 97 para el tercero. Las edades abarcaron desde los 13 hasta los 15 años. En cuanto al instrumento, se utilizó la adaptación argentina de la Utrecht-Work Engagement Scale en su versión para estudiantes. Se realizaron análisis de estadística descriptiva básica y análisis de modelos de curva de crecimiento latente. Los resultados evidencian bajos niveles de compromiso de los estudiantes con sus actividades escolares. Además, en relación a la trayectoria del engagement, los hallazgos indican que el compromiso se mantuvo constante en el tiempo en la dimensión vigor y disminuyó en los componentes dedicación y absorción hacia el tercer tiempo de evaluación. Se reflexiona sobre la importancia de la promoción del compromiso académico en población adolescente, por ejemplo, a través de la ejecución de intervenciones.

The objective of the work was to know the trajectory of academic engagement in secondary students from Entre Ríos, Argentina, in three stages of their school journey. The design was quantitative, being a longitudinal study. The sampling used was intentional non-probabilistic. The sample was made up of school adolescents from Entre Ríos. It consisted of 105 subjects for the first time, 101 for the second and 97 for the third. The ages ranged from 13 to 15 years. Regarding the instrument, the Argentine adaptation of the Utrecht-Work Engagement Scale in its version for students was used. Analysis of basic descriptive statistics and Analysis of Latent Growth Curve Models were performed; The results show low levels of student engagement to their school activities. In addition, in relation to the trajectory of engagement over time, the findings indicate that the commitment remained constant over time in the vigor dimension and decreased in the dedication and absorption components towards the third evaluation period.

RECIIS (Online) ; 17(4): 850-866, out.-dez. 2023.
Article de Anglais | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1531979


Low user engagement in m-Health applications has been driving the use of retention techniques that aim to ensure a satisfactory long-term user experience. The aim was to understand the experience of hypertensive patients interacting with a mobile health application for 12 months. A qualitative/exploratory study was conducted after 12 months, with the same experimental group of participants as the non-randomized con-trolled clinical trial conducted in 2019. The mean age of the 16 participants was 57 years (SD=8), of which11 were female. All had low socioeconomic and educational levels. Content analysis showed no engagement with the m-health app over time. The main factors contributing to the lack of engagement were; inability of the user to use the app, lack of support and technical problems. When designing m-Health interventions, it is important to understand users' behavioral characteristics, motivations for treatment, level of involve-ment in health care, and ability to use technology

O baixo envolvimento dos usuários em aplicativos m-Health vem impulsionando o uso de técnicas de retenção que visam garantir uma experiência do usuário (UX) satisfatória a longo prazo. Objetivou-se compreender a experiência de pacientes hipertensos interagindo com um aplicativo de saúde móvel (m-Health) durante 12 meses. Realizou-se estudo qualitativo/exploratório após 12 meses, com o mesmo grupo experimental de participantes do ensaio-clínico controlado e não-randomizado realizado em 2019. A idade média dos 16 participantes foi de 57 anos (DP=8); 11 eram do sexo feminino, com baixos níveis socioeconômicos e educacionais. A análise de conteúdo não mostrou nenhum envolvimento ao longo do tempo usando o aplicativo m-Health. Os principais fatores que contribuíram para a falta de envolvimento foram: incapacidade do usuário de usar o aplicativo, falta de suporte e problemas técnicos. Ao propor intervenções que utilizem m-Health, é essencial conhecer características comportamentais dos usuários, motivações para o tratamento, nível de envolvimento nos cuidados com a saúde e sua capacidade de usar tecnologias

La baja participación de los usuarios en las aplicaciones de m-Health ha impulsado el uso de técnicas de retención que tienen como objetivo garantizar una experiencia de usuario satisfactoria a largo plazo. Se pretendió comprender la experiencia de pacientes hipertensos interactuando con una aplicación de salud móvil durante 12 meses. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo/exploratorio después de 12 meses, utilizando los participantes del ensayo clínico controlado no aleatorizado que se llevó a cabo en 2019. La edad media de los 16 participantes fue 57 años (SD=8); 11 mujeres, con niveles socioeconómicos y educativos bajos. El análisis de contenido no mostró compromiso a lo largo del tiempo utilizando la aplicación m-Health. Los principales factores contribuyentes fueron: incapacidad del usuario para utilizar la aplicación, falta de apoyo y problemas técnicos. Cuando se proponen intervenciones con m-Health, es esencial conocer las características de comportamiento de los usuarios, sus motivaciones para el tratamiento, nivel de implicación en el cuidado de la salud y capacidad para utilizar tecnologías

Humains , Télémédecine , Applications mobiles , Accessibilité des services de santé , Patients , , Hypertension artérielle
Horiz. enferm ; 34(3): 447-464, 20 dic. 2023. tab, ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525118


INTRODUCCIÓN: El Compromiso Organizacional (CO), se considera un vínculo entre la organización y los trabajadores, e influye en la satisfacción, el desempeño, la productividad y la inversión profesional. OBJETIVO: Determinar el compromiso organizacional en profesionales y técnicos en enfermería adscritos a un hospital del sur de chile, años 2022-2023. METODOLOGÍA: Estudio de corte transversal, en una muestra de 305 funcionarios. La recolección de la información se realizó con el instrumento compromiso organizacional de Meyer y Allen (1991), puntuación según escala Likert de 5 puntos, donde 1 corresponde a "totalmente en desacuerdo" y 5 es "totalmente de acuerdo"; análisis con estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Estudio autorizado por el Comité de ética científica. RESULTADOS: El instrumento logró consistencia interna adecuada, mediante alfa de Cronbach. El CO observado fue "neutral o indiferente" con tendencia a "de acuerdo", según escala Likert. El Compromiso Afectivo (CA) fue superior respecto a los demás dominios. El Compromiso Normativo (CN) del nivel técnico mostró ser fuerte, así como los funcionarios divorciados y viudos. El Compromiso de Continuidad (CC) resultó ser el dominio con promedio más bajo. A mayor edad, aumentó el CA. CONCLUSIONES: los funcionarios mostraron un nivel medio de compromiso organizacional con tendencia a alto, por lo que se debe fortalecer el lazo afectivo del binomio funcionario/organización, de manera que juegue un papel positivo en la calidad de la atención otorgada hacia sus usuarios.

INTRODUCTION: Organizational Commitment (OC) is considered a crucial link between an organization and its employees, significantly impacting satisfaction, performance, productivity, and professional investment. OBJECTIVE: To assess organizational commitment among nursing professionals and technicians in a hospital in southern Chile between 2022 and 2023. METHODOLOGY: This was a cross-sectional study involving a sample of 305 staff members. Data collection utilized Meyer and Allen's (1991) Organizational Commitment tool, employing a 5-point Likert scale where 1 signifies "completely disagree" and 5 indicates "completely agree." Analysis encompassed descriptive and inferential statistics. RESULTS: The instrument demonstrated sound internal consistency, supported by Cronbach's alpha. Observed OC tended towards a "neutral or indifferent" stance with a leaning towards "agreement" on the Likert scale. Affective Commitment (AC) exhibited higher levels compared to other domains. Normative Commitment (NC) among technical-level employees were robust, and particularly notable among divorced and widowed staff. Continuance Commitment (CC) emerged as the domain with the lowest average. AC showed an increase with age. CONCLUSIONS: Staff exhibited a moderate level of organizational commitment with a propensity towards a higher level, suggesting the need to reinforce the emotional bond between employees and the organization to positively influence the quality of care provided.

Horiz. enferm ; (Número especial: Investigación y práctica en condiciones crónicas de salud): 222-246, 28 dic. 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF, MINSALCHILE | ID: biblio-1553528


INTRODUCCIÓN: Los cuidadores familiares de personas con enfermedad crónica se ven enfrentados a cambios de orden individual, familiar y social, lo que afecta su calidad de vida y son expuestos a prácticas saludables y no saludables. OBJETIVO: Transferir el conocimiento generado en la línea de adopción de rol del cuidador de la persona con enfermedad crónica. METODOLOGÍA: Estrategia de Apropiación Social del Conocimiento (ASC) con enfoque de investigación participativa basada en la comunidad. Se contemplaron las siguientes fases: revisión y actualización de literatura científica, identificación de actores, diagnóstico situacional; planeación y desarrollo de la estrategia, y seguimiento. En Bogotá y Cajicá (Colombia), con cuidadores familiares de personas con condiciones crónicas. RESULTADOS: Se confirma la necesidad de dinamizar las redes a través de estrategias de ASC. Se realizaron grupos focales en donde se priorizaron 21 temáticas que fueron abordadas conjuntamente entre los cuidadores y los Jóvenes Talento. Aplicación del pre y postest del instrumento Rol en donde se evidenció un aumento en la adopción del rol. CONCLUSIONES: Se evidenció una constante retroalimentación bidireccional entre los Jóvenes Talento y los cuidadores participantes; contribuyendo a la generación de conocimiento teniendo como fundamentos la evidencia científica.

INTRODUCTION: Family caregivers of people with chronic diseases are faced with individual, family, and social changes that affect their quality of life and are exposed to healthy and unhealthy practices. OBJECTIVE. Transfer the knowledge gained in the process of adopting the role of the chronic illness patient's caregiver. METHODS: Social Knowledge Appropriation (SKA) strategy incorporating a community-based participatory research methodology. Consideration was given to the following phases: review and update of scientific literature, identification of actors, situational analysis, planning and development of the strategy, and follow-up. In Bogotá and Cajicá, with family caregivers of chronically ill patients. RESULTS confirm the need to energize networks with SKA strategies. Twenty-one topics were prioritized and discussed by caregivers and young talent in focus groups. Application of the pre- and post-test of the role instrument, which revealed an increase in role adoption. CONCLUSIONS: A constant bidirectional feedback was observed between the young talents and the participating caregivers, which contributed to the generation of scientifically based knowledge.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(10): 2903-2913, out. 2023. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520597


Resumo O artigo investiga a correlação entre engajamento e qualidade de vida no trabalho dos profissionais de enfermagem de um hospital público do interior do estado de São Paulo, no início da pandemia de COVID-19. Estudo transversal, descritivo e correlacional, com profissionais de enfermagem, realizado entre dezembro de 2020 e janeiro de 2021. Foram utilizadas as versões brasileiras da Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) e da Escala de Avaliação da Qualidade de Vida no Trabalho (QVT), segundo modelo de Walton. Os profissionais de enfermagem apresentaram correlação forte e positiva (r≥0.70) entre o domínio integração social da QVT e a dimensão vigor da UWES (r=0,88; p=<0,001); correlação positiva moderada (r≥0.40≤0.69) entre as condições de trabalho (QVT) e as dimensões vigor (r=0,40; p=<0,001), dedicação (r=0,40; p=<0,001) e escore geral (r=0,41; p=<0,001) da UWES. As correlações foram positivas e fracas (r≤0.39) para os demais domínios da QVT e as dimensões da UWES. Concluiu-se que os profissionais com níveis satisfatórios de qualidade de vida tendem a ter níveis mais altos de engajamento no trabalho. No início da pandemia de COVID-19, os profissionais de enfermagem estavam fortemente engajados e satisfeitos com sua qualidade de vida no trabalho.

Abstract This article investigates the correlation between work engagement and work-related quality of life among nursing staff at a public hospital in São Paulo State, at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. A descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional study of nursing personnel was conducted from December 2020 to January 2021, using the Brazilian versions of the Work & Well-being Survey (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale - UWES) and the Work-related Quality of Life (WRQoL) scale, following Walton's model. Nursing staffs returned a strong positive correlation (r≥0.70) between the social integration domain of the WRQoL and the vigour dimension of the UWES (r=0.88; p=<0.001); a moderate positive correlation (r≥0.40≤0.69) between working conditions (WRQOL) and the vigour (r=0.40; p<0.001), dedication (r=0.40; p<0.001) and overall score (r=0.41; p<0.001) dimensions of the UWES. Correlations were positive and weak (r≤0.39) for the other WRQoL domains and the UWES dimensions. It was concluded that personnel with satisfactory levels of quality of life tend to show higher levels of engagement at work. At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, nursing professionals were strongly engaged and satisfied with their work-related quality of life.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 28(10): 2867-2877, out. 2023. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520618


Resumo O artigo analisa a associação entre níveis de fadiga por compaixão e engajamento no trabalho com a COVID-19 em profissionais de enfermagem. Estudo longitudinal, tipo antes e depois, realizado com profissionais de enfermagem da linha de frente, nos períodos pré-pandêmico e pandêmico. Utilizou-se as versões brasileiras da Professional Quality of Life Scale e da Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. Observou-se altos níveis de satisfação por compaixão (≥43,0), baixos níveis de burnout (<23,0) e estresse traumático secundário (<23,0); e níveis altos de vigor (≥4,0 e ≤4,99), absorção (≥4,0 e ≤4,99) e escore geral (≥4,0 e ≤4,99). Houve correlação moderada, negativa e significativa do burnout com vigor (r: -0,505; p-valor: <0,001), no pré-pandemia; e com o escore geral, no pré-pandemia (r: -0,543; p-valor: <0,001) e período pandêmico (r: -0,458; p-valor: <0,001). Não houve alterações nos níveis de engajamento no trabalho. Profissionais com fadiga por compaixão tiveram redução do vigor, absorção e escore geral, classificados como médios no período pandêmico (≥2,0 e ≤3,99); e aumento da dedicação, que era baixa (≥1,0 e ≤1,99) no pré-pandemia. Concluiu-se não haver associação danosa entre fadiga por compaixão e engajamento no trabalho com a COVID-19 nos profissionais de enfermagem.

Abstract This article examines the association between levels of compassion fatigue and work engagement with COVID-19 in nursing professionals. A longitudinal, before-and-after study was conducted with nursing professionals working in the frontline in the pre-pandemic and pandemic periods. Our study applied the Brazilian versions of the Professional Quality of Life Scale and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. High levels of compassion satisfaction (≥43.0), low levels of burnout (<23.0) and secondary traumatic stress (<23.0), as well as high levels of vigor (≥4.0 and ≤4.99), absorption (≥4.0 and ≤4.99), and overall score (≥4.0 and ≤4.99) were observed. Moderate, negative, and significant correlations of burnout with vigor (r: -0.505; p-value: <0.001), in the pre-pandemic period; and with overall score, in the pre-pandemic (r: -0.543; p-value: <0.001) and pandemic periods (r: -0.458; p-value: <0.001), were also observed. No changes in levels of work engagement were found. Professionals with compassion fatigue showed decreased vigor, absorption, and overall score, rated as medium in the pandemic period (≥2.0 and ≤3.99), and an increased dedication, which was low (≥1.0 and ≤1.99) in the pre-pandemic period. It was concluded that there is no harmful association between compassion fatigue and work engagement with COVID-19 in nursing professionals.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 41-57, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448481


Resumen La investigación sobre el compromiso escolar de los estudiantes ha crecido significativamente en la última década y su medición es de gran interés en la investigación educativa. Esto se podría explicar por su potencial para comprender problemas educativos importantes con respecto a las trayectorias académicas de los estudiantes, incluida la adaptación a la escuela, el rendimiento y los logros académicos, las tasas de finalización y la deserción escolar. Se ha evidenciado que los estudiantes que se sienten más comprometidos con su escuela experimentan una trayectoria escolar más positiva y tienen una vida más exitosa, por lo que se considera que el compromiso escolar es una variable protectora vinculada a tasas más bajas de delincuencia, abuso de sustancias y depresión. Para obtener una comprensión más profunda del cuerpo de investigación actual sobre el compromiso escolar de los estudiantes, esta revisión de la literatura tuvo por objetivo analizar las características metodológicas de la investigación empírica cuantitativa sobre ese compromiso de los estudiantes en la escuela secundaria. Como método se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en las bases de datos Web of Science, Scopus y SciELO del período 2013 a 2020. Cuarenta y siete artículos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión establecidos. Los resultados evidenciaron que casi todos los estudios se realizaron en Estados Unidos, mientras que ninguno de los artículos analizados fue desarrollado en América Latina. Con respecto al tamaño de la muestra, se identificó que la mayoría de los estudios revisados ​​tenían un tamaño de muestra entre 501 y 5000 participantes. En cuanto a los diseños de investigación utilizados en estos estudios, la mayoría utilizó un diseño correlacional, pero solo unos pocos implementaron diseños longitudinales o cuasi experimentales. Se identificó la coexistencia de diferentes marcos conceptuales sobre el compromiso escolar; sin embargo, la investigación concuerda en comprenderlo como un constructo multidimensional que implica el involucramiento del estudiante en actividades relacionadas con la escuela y su estudio. La diversidad conceptual del constructo de compromiso escolar se refleja en los numerosos instrumentos identificados en esta revisión, en los que las dimensiones más prevalentes del compromiso escolar fueron la dimensión conductual, cognitiva y emocional. Respecto de los tipos de variables incluidas en los estudios de compromiso escolar, se observó que se han incluido un gran número que cubren diferentes aspectos y temas relacionados con las experiencias académicas de los estudiantes, como las relacionadas con los propios estudiantes, así como las relacionadas con los padres, compañeros, profesores y escuelas. En conclusión, dado que el compromiso escolar de los estudiantes es una variable que se ha considerado crítica en contextos académicos, a medida que se realicen estudios futuros en este campo, será importante examinar la correlación de diferentes tipos de variables con el compromiso escolar de los estudiantes. Se podrían examinar las potenciales variables moderadoras que podrían surgir al realizar estudios en nuevos entornos educativos o culturalmente diversos, por ejemplo, con estudiantes con necesidades especiales. Esto es especialmente importante cuando se considera a la región Latinoamericana. Dado que la mayoría de los estudios se han realizado en Estados Unidos, se requiere considerar aspectos importantes antes de su implementación, como la validez de los instrumentos de medida, los que podrían estar sesgados si no se adaptan a la cultura Latinoamericana. Además, los estudios futuros deberían definir con precisión el constructo de compromiso escolar de los estudiantes y lograr un consenso en la investigación.

Abstract Student engagement research has grown significantly in the past decade and measuring it is of high interest in educational research. To gain a deeper understanding of the current body of research on student engagement, this review aims to analyze the design characteristics of empirical quantitative research on student engagement in secondary school. A systematic review was performed in the Web of Science, Scopus, and SciELO databases from the period 2013 to 2020. Forty-seven articles met the inclusion criteria. The results revealed that most studies were performed in North America and none in Latin America; the designs were mainly measuring variable associations. Teacher-related variables are the least examined variables. The instruments used to measure the student engagement and the constructs employed, shows there is substantial theoretical heterogeneity among studies. Future studies need to accurately define student engagement; give further attention to variables related to teachers, peers, families, and institutional conditions.

Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 231-243, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448492


Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue observar los estilos de resiliencia entre estudiantes de pregrado y explorar la forma en la que cada uno de ellos se encontraba asociado al engagement académico y a las redes de apoyo social al inicio de los estudios universitarios. La muestra correspondió a 371 estudiantes de pregrado del Caribe Colombiano evaluados a partir de un análisis estadístico de clústeres, por el método jerárquico aglomerativo. Posteriormente se clasificaron en grupos de acuerdo con sus similitudes en las 12 dimensiones de resiliencia y finalmente se compararon en términos de engagement y redes personales. Los resultados señalaron cuatro perfiles de estudiantes: (1) sujetos con baja-resiliencia, alto engagement y fuertes vínculos relacionales; (2) resilientes-en-proceso, con niveles intermedios de resiliencia, bajo engagement y redes sociales con poca cercanía; (3) resilientes-autónomos con altos puntajes de resiliencia, niveles intermedios de engagementy redes sociales débiles; y (4) resilientes-con-redes, exhibieron altos niveles de resiliencia, con alto engagement y amplias redes de apoyo. Se concluye que la mayor porción de jóvenes que comienzan la universidad muestra perfiles de baja resiliencia; sin embargo, los altos niveles de motivación por los estudios y los recursos sociales como las redes de apoyo de los compañeros son las condiciones que más permiten afrontar los obstáculos de la vida universitaria. Es importante notar que solamente el último perfil integró los elementos de alta resiliencia, alto engagement y fuertes redes de apoyo que permiten confirmar la íntima asociación entre estos constructos. Los otros perfiles representan casos en los cuales los rasgos de resiliencia son independientes de los niveles de engagement y de la composición de las redes de apoyo personal.

Abstract Adjustment of first-year students to university environments, as well as their academic success, is not exclusively related to their academic aptitude; instead, this adjustment is associated with psychological characteristics, personal and even social resources that help students cope with stressors and new circumstances. A comprehensive assessment of the students' adjustment to university environment must transcend preoccupation on academic performance, and instead explore associations among psychological, academic, and social elements that promote adaptation during the initial years of higher education (Marenco-Escuderos et al., 2021). In this line of research, the objective of this work was to inquire how internal characteristics of students (psychological and academic) interplay with external elements in their support systems to promote adaptation in a higher education environment. Associations were explored among resilience, academic engagement, and social support as determining elements in the adjustment to the demands of the university context. The sample consisted of 371 undergraduate students (60 % female), of low socioeconomic status, enrolled in public universities in the Caribbean region of Colombia. Firstly, the resilience of university students was explored, as the ability to respond to obstacles with a positive view of the world, of others, and of one's own abilities to cope with stressors (Saavedra-Guajardo et al., 2019). Second, the level of engagement that drives young students to concentrate their energies on academic activities was reviewed; and third, the role of peers, and friends as the close-support system that facilitates the overcoming of personal and academic difficulties was investigated (Fernández-Martínez et al., 2017). Based on a statistical cluster analysis, by the agglomerative hierarchical method, individuals were classified according to their similarities in the expression of 12 dimensions of resilience (SV-RES scale), and subsequently compared in terms of engagement (UWES-S scale), and personal support networks (UNICET software). The results showed four student profiles: (1) the largest group consisting of students with low-resilience, high engagement and strong support networks; (2) a resilient group with low levels of engagement and support networks with little intimacy; (3) a resilient group with high characteristics of autonomy, intermediate levels of engagement, and support networks with weak structure; and (4) a very resilient group, high engagement, and wide and strong social support networks. The results point out the fact that the greatest proportion of students who start college show profiles of low resilience, however, high levels of motivation for studies and social resources such as peer support networks are the conditions that mostly allow for coping with adversity in the first years of college. These results could point to cultural aspects specific to the Caribbean region, where social networks are of great importance for daily functioning (Marenco-Escuderos et al., 2021). Regarding the association among the studied variables, it is important to note that only the last profile gathered all elements of high resilience, high engagement, and strong support networks that allow for confirming the association among these constructs. The other three profiles represent cases in which the resilience traits are independent of the students' levels of engagement and the composition of their personal support networks. This study is valuable as it provides a differentiating picture of the relationship of resilience with other psychological and social constructs, and in that it allows to better understand resilience in association with other elements that mediate its interpretation. Important gender differences among the profiles are additionally discussed.

Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536536


(analítico) Se analiza la implementación de un programa de formación docente en promoción de autonomía y apoyo pedagógico y su relación con el compromiso de niños en el aula. El programa se desarrolló duran-te el cierre de escuelas por la pandemia causada por el covid-19. Se usó diseño mixto convergente-paralelo. Participaron cinco docentes de primaria, de escuelas públicas de Cali, Colombia, y sus estudiantes (N=110). La formación consistió en dos talleres grupales y tres sesiones de acompañamiento individual en modalidad virtual. Se grabaron las clases antes y durante el proceso, codificándose las interacciones. Se observó alta variabilidad en promoción de autonomía y apoyo pedagógico. El compromiso de los niños fue mayor cuando las profesoras promovían mayor autonomía y apoyo pedagógico. Se discutieron variables que afectan el aprovechamiento de la formación.

(analytical) This paper analyzes the implementation of a professional development program on autonomy promotion and instructional support in the classroom, and the relationship between this program and students' engagement. The program was designed during the delivery of online classes as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The study used a convergent parallel design. Participants were five elementary teachers and their students (N=110) at a public school in Cali, Colombia. The program consisted of two workshops and three online individual feedback sessions. Classes were recorded before and during the program and classroom interactions were coded. The results show high variability in teachers' autonomy promotion and instructional support during the classes. Students' engagement was higher when teachers promote greater autonomy and instructional support. Variables that could affect teachers' use of learning from the program are discussed.

(analítico) Analisase a implementação de um programa de formação docente para a promoção da autonomia e o apoio pedagógico e sua relação com a performance das crianças na sala de aula. O programa foi desenvolvido durante o fechamento das escolas pelo Covid-19. Um método misto convergente-paralelo foi usado. Participaram cinco professoras de ensino básico de escolas públicas de Cali-Colômbia e seus alunos, 110 crianças. A formação consistiu em duas oficinas grupais e três sessões de trabalho individual na modalidade virtual. As aulas foram gravadas antes e durante o processo, e as interações foram codificadas. Observa-se alta variabilidade na promoção da autonomia e apoio pedagógico. O comprometimento das crianças foi maior quando as professoras promoveram maior autonomia e apoio pedagógico. As variáveis que afetam o aproveitamento do treinamento são discutidas.

Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 57(4): e20220301, jul.-ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514879


Resumo O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar em que medida o controle burocrático e o suporte organizacional afetam o engajamento no trabalho de funcionários públicos e o papel mediador do empoderamento psicológico. Para alcançar esse objetivo, foi realizado um levantamento junto a 159 servidores públicos de dois tribunais de contas brasileiros, com posterior aplicação de análise fatorial exploratória, técnicas de parcelamento, análise fatorial confirmatória e regressão de mínimos quadrados ordinários (OLS). Os resultados evidenciam que há mediação total negativa entre controle burocrático e engajamento no trabalho por meio do empoderamento psicológico. O efeito do suporte organizacional no engajamento no trabalho é parcial e positivamente mediado pelo empoderamento psicológico. Assim, o empoderamento psicológico parece ser um importante mecanismo por meio do qual os funcionários públicos reagem a características do contexto de trabalho, sendo enfraquecido em situações de controle burocrático exacerbado ou de falta de suporte organizacional, com consequências para o nível de entusiasmo e dedicação. Os achados são discutidos à luz de suas implicações teóricas e práticas para a gestão no setor público.

Resumen El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar hasta qué punto el control burocrático y el apoyo organizacional afectan el compromiso laboral de los servidores públicos y el papel mediador del empoderamiento psicológico. Para lograr este objetivo, se llevó a cabo una investigación cuantitativa, basada en datos recolectados de 159 servidores públicos de dos tribunales de cuentas brasileños, con la aplicación posterior de análisis factorial exploratorio, división de variables, análisis factorial confirmatorio y regresión de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios (OLS). Los resultados muestran que existe una mediación negativa total entre el control burocrático y el compromiso laboral a través del empoderamiento psicológico. El efecto del apoyo organizacional sobre el engagement en el trabajo está parcialmente y positivamente mediado por el empoderamiento psicológico. Así, el empoderamiento psicológico constituye un mecanismo importante a través del cual los servidores públicos reaccionan a las características del contexto de trabajo, debilitándose en situaciones de control burocrático exacerbado o falta de apoyo organizacional, con consecuencias en el nivel de entusiasmo y dedicación. Los hallazgos se discuten a la luz de sus implicaciones teóricas y prácticas para la gestión en el sector público.

Abstract The study investigates how bureaucratic control and organizational support affect the civil servant's work engagement and the mediating role of psychological empowerment. The research adopted a quantitative approach using data collected from 159 public servants of Brazilian courts of accounts, with subsequent application of exploratory factor analysis, parceling techniques, confirmatory factor analysis, and ordinary least squares regression (OLS). The results show a negative mediation of psychological empowerment in the relationship between bureaucratic control and work engagement and a partial and positive mediation between organizational support and work engagement. Thus, psychological empowerment constitutes an important mechanism through which civil servants react to characteristics of the work context, being weakened in situations of exacerbated bureaucratic control or lack of organizational support, with consequences for the level of enthusiasm and dedication. The findings are discussed in light of their theoretical and practical implications for management in the public sector.

Rev. adm. pública (Online) ; 57(4): e20230061, jul.-ago. 2023. graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514878


Resumo Servidores públicos têm diferentes níveis de engajamento no trabalho ao longo da vida laboral. Essas variações, denominadas "ciclos de engajamento no trabalho", ocorrem graças aos recursos disponíveis e às demandas do ambiente de trabalho. Diante disso, o presente artigo busca descrever os ciclos de engajamento no trabalho de servidores públicos federais com base em suas histórias de vida profissional, evidenciando demandas e recursos relevantes do ambiente ocupacional na trajetória dessas pessoas. Usando o modelo job demands-resources (JD-R) e a metodologia de mapas cognitivos, foi possível identificar um ciclo positivo do engajamento no trabalho, um ciclo reforçador - relacionado com oportunidades e valorização - e dois ciclos de desequilíbrio, um ligado à produtividade disfuncional e, outro, à descontinuidade administrativa. A análise dos ciclos de engajamento permitiu identificar recursos do ambiente de trabalho que interferem de diferentes maneiras no engajamento de servidores públicos. Por fim, foi utilizado o conceito de "ciclo de enfrentamento" como subsídio de políticas para servidores desengajados.

Resumen Los servidores públicos tienen diferentes niveles de compromiso en el trabajo a lo largo de su vida laboral. Estas variaciones, llamadas ciclos de compromiso laboral, ocurren debido a los recursos disponibles y las demandas del entorno laboral. Frente a eso, el presente trabajo buscó describir los ciclos de compromiso en el trabajo de los servidores públicos federales a partir de sus historias de vida profesional, destacando demandas y recursos del ambiente laboral relevantes en la trayectoria laboral de esas personas. Utilizando el modelo job demands-resources (JD-R) y la metodología de mapas cognitivos, fue posible identificar un ciclo positivo de compromiso en el trabajo, un ciclo de refuerzo ‒ relacionado con oportunidades y apreciación ‒ y dos ciclos de desequilibrio, uno relacionado con la productividad disfuncional y el otro con la discontinuidad administrativa. El análisis de los ciclos de compromiso permitió identificar los recursos del ambiente de trabajo que interfieren de diferentes formas en el compromiso de los servidores públicos. Finalmente, se utilizó el concepto de "ciclo de afrontamiento" como base de las políticas para los servidores desinteresados.

Abstract Civil servants have different levels of work engagement throughout their working lives. These variations are the work engagement cycles, which occur based on available resources and work environment demands. This study describes the work engagement cycles of federal civil servants based on their professional life histories, highlighting the demands and resources of the work environment in their professional trajectory. Using the job demands-resources (JD-R) model and the cognitive maps methodology, it was possible to identify a positive cycle of work engagement, a reinforcing cycle (related to opportunities and appreciation), and two disequilibrium cycles, one related to dysfunctional productivity and the other to administrative discontinuity. The analysis of the engagement cycles allowed the identification of work environment resources that interfere in the engagement of public servants in different ways. Finally, the concept of "coping cycle" was used as a subsidy of policies for disengaged servants.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218860


The current study focuses on the relationship between workplace ostracism, psychological capital and work engagement among private sector employees in Mumbai. The data was collected from a total of 180 private sector employees (i.e., 90 males, 90 females). The tools been administered are The Workplace Ostracism Scale by Ferris et al. (2008), Psychological Capital Questionnaire- PsyCap-12 by Luthans et al. (2007), and The Utretch Work Engagement Scale- UWES-9S by Schaufeli et al. (2002). Correlational research design using quantitative approach was used. The findings of the study indicate significant relationships between the variables, with perceived workplace ostracism accounting for a significant variational impact on psychological capital and work engagement.Years of work experience also show to have a significant difference on the perception of workplace ostracism. Surprisingly, no significant gender difference was observed.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-220720


This review article explores the potential bene?ts and challenges of using telecommunications technology, including telemedicine and mobile health apps, in cancer clinical trials. The author conducted a search of four electronic databases for studies published in English between 2010 and 2021 that evaluated the use of telecommunications technology in adult cancer patients and reported patient outcomes. The studies were grouped based on the type of telecommunications technology used, and the outcomes were synthesized to provide an overview of the potential impact of telecommunications technology on cancer clinical trials. Telecommunications technologies were found to improve patient access and recruitment, data collection, management, and analysis, and enable real-time monitoring of patients' health and adherence to treatment. Telecommunications technologies can also reduce trial costs by minimizing the need for in- person visits and other expenses. However, the implementation of telecommunications technologies in clinical trials is not without challenges, including technical issues, patient acceptance and adherence, regulatory and legal approvals, and variability in healthcare systems. The author suggests that addressing these challenges could lead to improved patient outcomes and better overall health outcomes for cancer patients

Rev. sanid. mil ; 77(1): e01, ene.-mar. 2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450382


Resumen La empatía, la comunicación efectiva y la asertividad en la práctica médica actual representan habilidades y herramientas necesarias y vigentes en un mundo de grandes avances y realidades tecnológicas que no superan, en nuestra perspectiva, lo indispensable para mantener y fortalecer la relación del profesional de la salud con el paciente, específicamente la relación médico-paciente. Es conveniente identificar y reconocer el hecho de que estas relaciones interpersonales deben ser modificadas mediante el reconocimiento de su bidireccionalidad y deben centrarse en un carácter educativo, de retroalimentación y atención mutua, con una mejora continua de la regla de las "15 C": comunicación, cercanía, comprensión, compasión, confianza, capacidad, consistencia, certificación, creatividad, cooperación/coordinación, compromiso bidireccional y conexión, con las resultantes calidad y calidez.

Abstract Empathy, effective communication and assertiveness in current medical practice represent skills and tools necessary and current, in a world of great advances and technological realities that do not surpass, in our perspective, the indispensable use of such tools to maintain and strengthen the relationship of the health professional with the patient and specifically of the doctor-patient relationship. It is convenient to identify and recognize the fact that these interpersonal relationships must be modified by recognizing their bidirectionality and that they should focus on an educational, feedback and mutual attention, with a continuous improvement of the "15 C" rule: communication, closeness, understanding, compassion, confidence, capacity, consistency, certification, creativity, cooperation/coordination and bidirectional commitment and connection, with the resulting quality and warmth.