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Journal of Medical Biomechanics ; (6): E429-E434, 2018.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-803732


Objective In view of the problems existing in traditional external fixator, to invent a novel single shoulder airbag external fixator, and evaluate the reductional stretch force produced by it. Methods The three-dimensional finite element model of human clavicle was established. The loading conditions of the single shoulder airbag external fixator and the reductional stretch force produced by the external fixator were analyzed comprehensively and systematically. The actual loading conditions of the single shoulder airbag external fixator and the traditional eight-figure bandage external fixator were compared and analyzed by experiment. Results Reductional stretch force produced by the single shoulder airbag external fixator was more uniform and larger than that produced by traditional external fixator, and could be adjusted by the patient himself. Conclusions The force and the loading method of the single shoulder airbag external fixator on the shoulder were more favorable for the stretched reduction of clavicle fractures and maintaining the position of clavicle fractures, and it could make the patients with clavicle fractures more comfortable.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-457623


Due to the importance of molecular mechanisms of drug actions, network pharmacology has become a new perspective on drug mechanism research and novel drug discovery. Drug target prediction using computational methods, is one of the key research topics in network pharmacology. This paper reviewed the related research on drug target prediction methods. Furthermore, general principles of drug target prediction methods and key steps of them in recent years were summarized. Given the diversity of Chinese medicine ingredients, the network controlla-bility of herbs and the lack of high-quality pharmacological data, the network regulation mechanism of Chinese herb research will meet even more difficulties than modern drug research. Therefore, this paper also discussed main is-sues and research trends of Chinese herb target prediction. Finally, combining with the actual consolidated network data of Chinese herbs, chemical structure similarity computation and link prediction methods, the network-based herb target prediction method was proposed to demonstrate key research steps. Furthermore, we discussed the most significant research topics that we should addressed to enhance the high quality results of herb target prediction.

Univ. psychol ; 11(3): 989-1000, set.-dic. 2012.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-675416


El objetivo es identificar si los elementos que definen diferentes procesos de aprendizaje social, tanto imitativo como no imitativo, discutidos y evaluados en situaciones apetitivas pueden ser identificados en situaciones aversivas. Esta identificación permitirá valorar las bondades y/o limitaciones de los términos definidos, así como su alcance conceptual y heurístico. Se iniciará con un análisis general del concepto de aprendizaje, seguido de la distinción entre aprendizaje individual y social; posteriormente, se hará una delimitación de los componentes involucrados en los diferentes procesos de aprendizaje social en situaciones apetitivas, señalando las dificultades tanto conceptuales como metodológicas inherentes a esta área de investigación; se continuará con la misma delimitación de procesos en situaciones aversivas y se terminará con una discusión en la que, además de comparar las preparaciones experimentales en situaciones apetitivas y aversivas, se valorará si pueden ser descritas con los mismos conceptos.

This paper attempts to identify whether the components involved in different processes of social learning, both imitative and non imitative, evaluated in appetitive contexts can be identified in an aversive context. This identification will allow us to appraise the goodness and/or limitations of the concepts and their heuristic value. The paper begins with the definitions of learning, individual learning and social learning, followed by the definition of the different processes of social learning in appetitive contexts, with emphasis in conceptual and experimental difficulties. Then, the definition of the different processes of social learning in aversive context is proposed and the paper concludes with a discussion about differences and similarities in both contexts.

Psychologie sociale , Apprentissage
Rev. latinoam. psicol ; 44(1): 159-167, Jan.-Apr. 2012. ilus, graf, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-657087


Se condujeron dos experimentos en una Universidad en la cual díadas de estudiantes participaron en una simulación de cazadores que debían compartir su presa para mantener la adaptabilidad diádica (grupal). El compartir era una contingencia conductual entrelazada que contribuía a la supervivencia de la díada, conceptualizada como un nomoclón de cacería (Harris, 1964). La simulación incluyó seis temporadas de caza consecutivas en las cuales la variable antecedente de la escasez de presas fue manipulada como variable independiente. Los resultados del primer experimento no mostraron diferencias en la adaptabilidad diádica como función de la escasez de presas. En el segundo experimento, la diferencia entre condiciones de pobreza y riqueza se aumentó. En las condiciones de riqueza, todas las díadas se desempeñaron de forma similar a las del primer experimento. Sin embargo, en las condiciones de sucesiva pobreza, las díadas comenzaron menos adaptadas pero aumentaron su adaptabilidad progresivamente. De este modo, compartir contingencias entrelazadas fue más difícil en condiciones menos significativas de escasez, pero las mismas se hicieron más frecuentes con el tiempo. El experimento se discute a la luz de la visión de Skinner (1981) sobre la evolución cultural, la taxonomía de cosas culturales de Harris (1964) y la formulación de metacontingencias de Glenn (1988, 2004).

Two experiments were conducted in a college where students in dyads participated in a simulation of hunters who were required to share prey in order to maintain dyadic (group) fitness. The sharing was an interlocking behavioral contingency contributing to survival of the dyad, conceptualized as a hunting nomoclone (Harris, 1964). The simulation comprised 6 consecutive hunting seasons in which the antecedent variable of prey scarcity was manipulated as the independent variable. Results of the first experiment did not show a difference in dyadic fitness as a function of prey scarcity. In the second experiment the difference between poor and rich conditions was increased. In rich conditions, all the dyads performed similarly to those in the first experiment. However, in successive poor conditions, dyads started out less fit and became increasingly fit. Thus, sharing IBCs were more difficult to form under significant scarcity, but they became more frequent over time. The experiment is discussed in the context of Skinner's view (1981) about cultures evolution, Harris's (1964) taxonomy of cultural things, and Glenn's (1988, 2004) formulation of metacontingencies.

Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 27(4): 545-554, dez. 2011.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-611169


A elaboração inicial do conceito de condicionamento operante e do delineamento experimental de sujeito único define as bases do sistema explicativo skinneriano em meados de 1930. Todavia, essas formulações não foram imediatamente aceitas. Com o objetivo de compreender os motivos envolvidos nesse episódio da história inicial da Análise do Comportamento, discutimos três eventos históricos, quais sejam: a) as dificuldades enfrentadas por Skinner após o seu pós-doutorado; b) a recepção ao seu primeiro livro, The Behavior of Organisms; c) a disputa com outros modelos explicativos do comportamento. Uma história constituída por determinantes de natureza motivacional, institucional, emocional, econômica e pelas dificuldades de ir na contramão de tendências dominantes na Psicologia Experimental norte-americana é o que se conclui na presente investigação.

The initial draft of the concept of operant conditioning and of the single-subject experimental design defines the bases of Skinner's explanatory system. However, these formulations were not immediately welcomed. To enable a closer look on the history of formation of Behavior Analysis, three historical facts were highlighted: (a) the difficulties faced by Skinner at the end of his post-graduate studies; (b) the reaction to his first book, The Behavior of Organisms, and (c) the dispute with other explanatory behaviorial models. The conclusion of the present study is that the history of formation of Behavior Analysis is constituted by determinants of motivational, institutional, emotional and economic nature and by difficulties of going against the dominant methodological trends of North-American Experimental Psychology.

Humains , Mâle , Comportement , Béhaviorisme , Psychologie expérimentale , Thérapie comportementale , Recherche comportementale
Suma psicol ; 18(1): 115-123, ene.-jun. 2011. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-657167


Se destaca la relevancia y necesidad de la investigación básica como un modo particular de generación de conocimiento. Se describe el surgimiento de los modelos animales como paradigmas de investigación en los orígenes de la ciencia psicológica y se menciona el uso de varios de ellos para el estudio de ciertas patologías en humanos. Finalmente, se ilustra el vínculo entre la investigación básica con animales y la práctica de la psicología.

The paper stands out the relevance and necessity of basic research as a particular mode of knowledge. The emergence of animal models and research paradigms in the origins of psychological science is described and mentioned several animal models used for studying certain human diseases. Finally, we illustrate the link between basic research with animals and the practice of psychology.

Psicol. pesq ; 4(2): 150-155, dez. 2010.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-603556


O método de pesquisa tendo o sujeito como seu próprio controle é uma das marcas da Análise Experimental do Comportamento. Os modos como o analista do comportamento formula perguntas, mensura comportamentos, realiza comparações experimentais, analisa dados e deriva conclusões são relativamente distintos dos métodos praticados em outros campos da Psicologia. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar introdutoriamente as principais características desse modo peculiar de investigação científica, explicitando as relações que suas estratégias e táticas mantêm com um conjunto de concepções filosófico-conceituais acerca da natureza de seu objeto de estudo, ou seja, o comportamento dos organismos.

The research method that applies single-subject designs is a hallmark in the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. The ways behavior analysts state their questions, measure behavior, perform experimental comparisons, analyze data and derive conclusions are relatively distinct from the methods applied in other fields of Psychology. The goal of the current paper is to summarize the main features of this peculiar strategy of scientific research, as well as to make explicit the relationships that their strategies and tactics maintain with a set of theoretical conceptions regarding the nature of its object of investigation, that is, the behavior of the organisms.

Comportement , Béhaviorisme , Méthodologie , Recherche
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 22(3): 394-403, 2009.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-539236


Embora analistas do comportamento concordem que o comportamento atual seja influenciado pela história, pesquisas sobre história comportamental têm levantado várias questões polêmicas. O presente artigo analisa duas destas questões: (a) a classificação dos efeitos de história como "latentes" e (b) a possibilidade dos efeitos da história serem permanentes. Defende-se que o produto da história é um organismo modificado e não uma história armazenada. Argumenta-se que os efeitos de história são transitórios, de curta ou longa duração, em função de variáveis específicas do procedimento. O artigo aponta também implicações destas análises para a realização de futuros estudos na área.

Although behavior analysts agree that current behavior is affected by history, researches on behavior history have raised several controversial questions. The present article addresses two of these questions: (a) the classification of history effects as "latent", and (b) the possibility that history effects are permanent. It is argued that the product of history is a changed organism, not a stored history. It is suggested that history effects are transitory, short-lived or long-lasting, regarding the specific variables of the procedure. The present article also suggests implications of these analyses for future research on this area.

Comportement , Histoire
Psychol. neurosci. (Impr.) ; 1(2): 99-102, July-Dec. 2008. ilus
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-612822


Luiz Marcellino de Oliveira (1939-2008) had an influential participation in almost every moment of the history of the Department of Psychology and Education, FFCLRP, as well as at different moments of the history of the Brazilian Psychology. This paper examines issues related to his pioneer work as a teacher of experimental analysis of behavior and as a psychobiological investigator in Brazil. Emphasis is given to his dedication to the development of science and to the consolidation of a scientific approach to Psychology in Brazil at the level of teaching and of experimental investigation. He contributed with investigations on the effects of drugs and malnourishment on behavior and brain development, conducting experimental analysis of behavior and neurochemical and electrophysiological analysis of the nervous system of the malnourished organism, as well as putting emphasis on environmental stimulation as a valuable intervention. Both as a teacher and as a researcher he exerted a prime influence on numerous professionals and members of the academic community that during more than forty years had the privilege of benefiting from his friendship and knowledge.

Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 24(3): 313-322, jul.-set. 2008. ilus, tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-496952


Foi avaliado um procedimento para o ensino de subtração a indivíduos deficientes mentais, por meio de relações ambientadas em tarefas de MTS. O primeiro passo consistiu nos testes das relações da classe ABC (relações quantitativas de 1 a 9) e FGH (operadores menos e igual). O segundo consistiu nos testes/treinos das relações entre as sentenças da classe IJK - falada (I), com conjuntos (J) e com algarismos (K) - para os valores de um a cinco. O terceiro passo consistiu nos treinos/testes, com valores de um a nove, das relações entre a sentença (classe IJK) e o resultado (classe ABC). Ao final, verificou-se a emergência de algumas relações em sessões de teste, sugerindo potencialidade para a aquisição de responder adequado a novas combinações de estímulos numéricos. Contudo, testes em outras populações e com outras operações aritméticas são necessários para analisar a aplicabilidade do programa no ensino de operações matemáticas.

A MTS procedure to teach subtractions involving equivalence class formation nets was evaluated to teach people with mental retardation.The firststepwas thetestsoftherelationsinvolved inthesubtraction operation - numerals from 1 to 9 (class ABC) and operators that composed the operation (class FGH). The second comprised tests/training of the relations between the sentences - spoken (I), with sets(J) and with algorisms (K) - to values from 1 to 5. The third step consisted on the training/tests of the relation between sentence (class IJK) and result (class ABC), to values from 1 to 9. The results showed that the procedure allowed the emergency of some relations in test sessions, suggesting its potentiality to the acquisition of adequate responding to new numerical stimuli combination. It is considered that the procedure must be tested in other populations using, besides mathematic, other arithmetic operations.

Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 64(1): 59-64, ene.-feb. 2007. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-700853


Se describen, en orden cronológico, 16 ejemplos de las consecuencias que en la historia de la neonatología ha tenido la introducción de nuevas medidas terapéuticas sin un suficiente análisis experimental en cuanto a sus riesgos. En ellos podrá identificarse la no realización de protocolos prospectivos de investigación específicos en neonatos, así como estudios de seguridad de varios de los medicamentos que se reíatan. Lo anterior con la finalidad de que el lector reflexione sobre estos hechos, así como el considerar algunas recomendaciones que se mencionan al final.

We describe in chronological order, 16 examples of the impact of the introduction of new therapeutic measures in neonatology without an adequate experimental analysis In the examples chosen, neither specific prospective research protocols nor safety studies of the related drugs in newborns were performed. The reader is encouraged to carefully consider the importance of evidence based data before adopting new therapeutic modalities in newborn infants.

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