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Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942720


According to the situation of 34 batches of natural rubber latex condoms tested by our center in 2018, the unqualified items in the product inspection items and the exploratory research results of D4 and D5 content in silicone oil lubricants are analyzed. We make recommendations on product technical requirements or standards to strengthen the quality supervision of products.

Préservatifs masculins/normes , Latex , Huiles de silicone
China Pharmacy ; (12): 944-948,949, 2018.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-704711


OBJECTIVE:To analyze the results of national evaluation inspection for 83 batches of Compound jiegeng mahuangjian syrup(Ⅱ)from 4 manufacturers,and to evaluate their quality. METHODS:Legal inspection method and exploratory research were adopted to test,analyze and evaluate sample statistically. The contents of exploratory research included HPLC method was used to determine the contents of preservative benzoic acid and ephedrine hydrochloride;antibacterial efficacy examination of formulation was studied;pH value of solution was determined;the content of sucrose was determined by polarimetry photometry;the relationship of the content of ammonium chloride with microbial contamination was studied;headspace GC method was used to determine the contents of menthol and ethanol;Platycodon grandiflorum extractum was identified and studied by TLC. RESULTS:Results of legal inspection showed that among 83 batches of sample,80 batches were qualified and 3 batches were unqualified,with qualified rate of 96.4%. Unqualified items were loading capacity,microbial limit and content ofammonium chloride,content of ammonium chloride. The results of legal test combined with exploratory research showed thatantibacterial efficacy of formulation of one manufacturer was not in accordance with the regulations;Some raw materials were notfed according to formulation, and the quality of products was not even. It is recommended to revise the quality standard:identificatied the Campanulaceae by TLC; determination the pH, preservative content, menthol content; revision ephedrinehydrochloride assay method to HPLC. CONCLUSIONS:The overall quality of Compound jiegeng mahuangjian syrup(Ⅱ)is notsatisfactory;there is a big flaw in the production process and quality control of some manufacturers;quality standards needed to beimproved.

China Pharmacy ; (12): 1852-1856, 2017.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-512428


OBJECTIVE:To provide reference for improving the homogeneity and stability of domestic cefetamet pivoxil hydro-chloride oral solid preparation and its control standrads. METHODS:105 batches of cefetamet pivoxil hydrochloride preparations (tablets,granules,dry suspensions and dispersible tablets)were tested by statutory inspection test in respects of property,identifi-cation,weight difference or load difference,moisture,microbiological limits,related substances,dissolution degree and content, etc.,and results were analyzed. Exploratory research was conducted for its impurity sources,dissolution consistency evaluation, the correlation between the remaining validity period with relative substance and content,etc. RESULTS:Statutory tests showed, 103 batches were qualified in the 105 batches of samples(98.1%). The unqualified items were property and related substances,the other items met relevant regulations. Besides,the determination method for related substances in dispersed tablets was quite differ-ent with other preparations. Results of exploratory research showed the related substances in preparations originated from raw materi-als,degradation reaction in manufacturing or storage. Compared with domestic reference tablets and granules,f2 of dissolution of other products were mostly less than 50;there was no correlation in related substances,content with the remaining validity period. CONCLUSIONS:The 105 batches of domestic oral solid preparation of cefetamet pivoxil hydrochloride are basically qualified;cur-rent standard is basically feasible for tablets,granules and dry suspensions,while the standard for dispersible tablets needed to be improved immediately.

China Pharmacist ; (12): 1127-1132, 2017.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-619646


Objective: Combining with national drug sampling program,to evaluate the current quality situation and problems of compound Yinqiao and paracetamol and chlorphenamine maleate capsules by testing and analyzing 78 batches of samples collected from the realm of drug production and circulation all over the country in 2015.Methods: As the current standard could not control the product quality, and combined the prescribed examination with exploratory research, the method of HPLC was used to determine the contents.GC and TLC was respectively used to identify peppermint oil and study on forsythin.Near infrared spectrum database was established by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), which provided the basis for rapid testing.The results of the prescribed examination and exploratory research were statistically analyzed.Results: There were significant differences in the results of the prescribed examination and exploratory research.Conclusion: The results of exploratory research show that there are many defects in the statutory standards.The product quality of different manufactures was divers, and it is necessary to guide them to improve the preparation process and the quality.More exclusive, accurate and sensitive methods should be used to comprehensively control the quality.

Psicol. teor. pesqui ; 30(1): 105-110, jan.-mar. 2014. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-710015


While the investigation of social representation contents through the analysis of word associations is convenient, it does not directly inform about the nature of relationships that representation elements maintain with the social object. This paper presents a qualitative technique, Qualiquic, that is easy and simple to administer. Qualiquic has the advantage of gathering representation contents characterized by their relationships with the representation object, based on a simplified list of descriptive, practical, and evaluative connectors of the basic cognitive schemes model. The underlying theoretical principles are explained, and empirical guidelines are provided, as well as an empirical example of use.

Embora a investigação de conteúdos de representações sociais por meio de associações de palavras seja conveniente, ela não informa diretamente sobre a natureza das relações que os elementos representacionais mantêm com o objeto social. Este artigo apresenta uma técnica qualitativa - Qualiquic - que é fácil e simples de aplicar, e tem por vantagem reunir conteúdos representacionais caracterizados por suas relações com o objeto de representação, baseando-se numa lista simplificada de conectores descritivos, práticos e avaliativos do modelo dos esquemas cognitivos de base. Os princípios teóricos subjacentes são explicados e diretrizes empíricas são fornecidas, bem como um exemplo de aplicação.

Univ. psychol ; 11(4): 1327-1340, oct.-dic. 2012. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-675439


La coyuntura actual de políticas educativas de cobertura, calidad, equidad y diversidad imponen desafíos a los establecimientos educacionales, especialmente a los municipales, los cuales deben desarrollar estrategias orientadas a satisfacer las necesidades de los estudiantes que se encuentran en sus aulas, capitalizando sus fortalezas. Esta investigación es de naturaleza exploratoria con una metodología mixta explicativa. Se presentan los resultados de la primera fase del estudio que corresponde al análisis de proyectos educativos y a la caracterización de estudiantes sobresalientes. Se analizaron los resultados obtenidos de 1.536 estudiantes provenientes de 18 establecimientos educacionales de las comunas de Antofagasta y Calama (Chile). A partir del análisis y de acuerdo a indicadores de talento académico, la muestra fue caracterizada en cuatro grupos de estudiantes: estudiantes sobresalientes, sub-nominados, sobre-exigidos y promedio. La categoría de estudiantes sub-nominados plantea cuestionamientos referentes a la metodología de identificación de estudiantes con talento en los programas chilenos, fuertemente cimentada en la nominación docente. Se advierte la necesidad de generar rutas alternativas, como la autonominación. Para concluir, se hacen algunas sugerencias alrededor de las políticas públicas en relación con la educación para estudiantes sobresalientes en particular para Chile, pero pueden ser en buena medida transferidas a otros casos a través de Iberoamérica.

The current situation of coverage, quality, equity and diversity in educational policies pose new challenges to educational institutions, especially the public ones, which must develop strategies to meet the needs of students who are in their classrooms capitalizing their strengths. With an exploratory research and a mixed explicative research methodology, we present the results the first phase of this study, corresponding to institutional educational projects analysis and characterization of outstanding students. We analyzed the results of 1,536 students from 18 educational institutions from Antofagasta and Calama (Chile). From the analysis and according to indicators of academic talent, the sample was characterized in four groups of students: outstanding, sub-nominated, over-constrained, and average. The sub-nominated student category raises questions concerning to the methodology for identifying talented and gifted students in Chilean programs, strongly grounded in teacher nomination. These findings note the need to generate alternative routes, such as self-nomination. To conclude, we give some suggestions on public policy regarding education for outstanding students in Chile. However these can be largely transferred to other cases throughout Ibero-America.

Psychologie de l'éducation , Chili , Enseignement Primaire et Secondaire
Univ. psychol ; 10(3): 803-815, sep. 2011. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-650108


Debido a la falta de programas dirigidos a prevenir y tratar el consumo excesivo de alcohol en adolescentes de comunidades rurales, se evaluaron dos modalidades de corta intervención: a) programa breve de cinco sesiones y b) sesión de consejo breve. En una primera fase se realizó un estudio exploratorio, obteniendo un cuadro descriptivo del consumo de alcohol en adolescentes de tres comunidades rurales, mientras que en un segundo momento, mediante un diseño de grupos de comparación, se determinaron los efectos de ambas intervenciones sobre el patrón de consumo y otras variables psicosociales en 24 adolescentes rurales del estado de Aguascalientes (México). Se concluyó que ambas modalidades de intervención son efectivas para el trabajo con adolescentes rurales usuarios de alcohol.

Due to the lack of programs designed to prevent and treat problems related to alcohol consumption in adolescents in rural communities, two brief intervention modalities were evaluated: a) a brief program with five sessions and, b) a brief advice session. During the first stage, an exploratory study was undertaken, on the basis of which a descriptive chart of alcohol consumption among adolescents in three rural communities was obtained, while in the second stage, comparison groups were designed to determine the effects of both interventions on consumption patterns and other psychosocial variables in a sample of 24 rural adolescents of the state of Aguascalientes, Mexico. The conclusion was that both interventions are effective in working with rural adolescent alcohol users.

Psicol. argum ; 26(52): 11-22, jan. 2008.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-527279


O conceito de Inteligência Emocional surgiu em 1990, proposto pelos pesquisadores Peter Salovey e John Mayer. No entanto, tornou-se conhecido mundialmente após a publicação do livro Inteligência Emocional, em 1995, por Daniel Goleman. Desde então, além do interesse popular gerado, o construto também provocou certo “rebuliço” no âmbito científico. Para compreender alguns aspectos dessa polêmica, a primeira parte deste artigo apresenta uma aproximação teórica ao novo construto, relacionando-o com perspectivas teóricas acerca da inteligência e da emoção, situando a inteligência emocional no bojo das propostas alternativas à definição e compreensão clássica da inteligência humana. A segunda parte apresenta os resultados de um trabalho de pesquisa, divulgado no I Congresso de Inteligência Emocional (realizado em 2007, Málaga-Espanha), que consistiu em analisar sistematicamente uma parte da produção acadêmica proveniente dos cursos de pós-graduação stricto sensu (Mestrado Profissional, Mestrado Acadêmico e Doutorado) do Brasil, para averiguar que interesse científico o construto da Inteligência Emocional despertou no âmbito acadêmico brasileiro. Foram revisados os resumos de teses e dissertações, registrados no Banco de Teses da CAPES, abarcando o período de 1990 a 2006. A freqüente afirmação de que “o interesse científico pela inteligência emocional tem sido crescente” não se evidencia com relação à produção acadêmica analisada. Os resultados desse trabalho exploratório mostram a existência de um descontínuo interesse científico pelo novo construto nos cursos de pós-graduação do Brasil.

Emotional Intelligence as a concept came up in 1990 suggested by researchers Meter Saloveyand John Mayer. Though it was not until the publication of Daniel Goleman's book EmotionalIntelligence in 1995 that it came to be worlwide known. Since then, besides the popular interest,the new construct have caused some kind of commotion in the scientific field. So as to understandsome aspects of this controversy, the first part of the article presents a theoretical approximationto the new construct related to theoretical perspectives about intelligence and emotion situatingemotional intelligence in the center of the alternative proposals to a definition and a classicalcomprehension of human intelligence. The second part brings the results of a research workbrought out in the I Congress on Emotinal Intelligence (hold in 2007 in Malaga-Spain), inwhich a part of the academic production belonging to the strictu sensu post graduation coursesfrom Brazil (Professional Masters, Academic Masters and Doctorates) is sistematically analysedaiming to find out the scientific interest promoted by the Emotional Intelligence construct in theBrazilian academic enviroment. The abstracts of theses and dissertations registered from 1990to 2006 in the CAPES Bank of Theses were ckecked. The frequent statement "the scientific intereston emotional intelligence has been increasing" does not prove evident in the analysed academicproduction. The results of this exploratory work show the existence of a discontinuous scientificinterest on the new construct in the post-graduation courses in Brazi

Intelligence , Enseignement supérieur , Émotions