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Interdisciplinaria ; 40(2): 445-460, ago. 2023. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1448504


Resumen La pandemia ha generado un nuevo entorno que establece determinadas exigencias o demandas de actuación a las personas, potenciales estresores que pueden desencadenar el proceso de estrés, al que se le podría denominar Estrés de Pandemia (EDP). A este contexto, se sumaron los cambios en la jornada laboral que derivaron en mayor interferencia entre la familia y el trabajo. De esta manera, se volvió relevante generar conocimiento sobre la temática durante este contexto particular. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la asociación entre el (EDP) y el Conflicto Trabajo-Familia (CTF) y Familia-Trabajo (CFT). Además, se indagaron diferencias de grupos según factores laborales como la modalidad de trabajo y la tenencia o no de niños a cargo, entre otros. Se utilizó el Inventario SISCO de EDP (Macías, 2020), la escala de CTF y CFT (Netemeyer et al., 1996) y un cuestionario ad-hoc. Los participantes fueron 637 adultos (M.edad = 38.14, DS = 13.05, femenino = 487). Se encontraron asociaciones positivas entre las variables CFT y CTF y ambas se asociaron de manera positiva con el EDP. Quienes trabajaron de manera virtual evidenciaron mayor CFT y quienes lo hicieron, tanto virtual como presencialmente fueron los que más puntuaron en CTF. Finalmente, quienes tenían niños a cargo tuvieron mayor CFT y CTF. En conclusión, el estrés en torno al COVID-19 se vincula con mayor interferencia y conflictos entre el ámbito laboral y el familiar.

Abstract Pandemic Stress can be defined as a psychological state produced by an adaptation process where the individual values ​​the environment demands, determined by the pandemic, as overflowing with their resources to carry them out effectively (Macías, 2020). The change in routine carries the possibility of an increase in relation to work-family conflict. Family conflict involves two directions: work can interfere with the family (family work conflict or FWC) and the family can interfere with work (work family conflict, or WFC) (Bellavia y Frone, 2005) because of the incompatibility of responsibilities in the workplace and family (Greenhaus y Beutell, 1985). Added to this context are changes in the working day and, since there are no studies that analyze the relationships between SP and family and work conflict, it becomes relevant to generate knowledge on this issue during this context that humanity is going through. In this way, the aim was to establish the association between Pandemic Stress (PS), Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Family-Work Conflict (FWC). In addition, the possible existence of group differences was analyzed according to work factors such as work modality, and the possession or not of dependent children. SISCO Pandemic Stress Inventory (Macías, 2020), the Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict scale (Netemeyer et al., 1996) and an ad-hoc questionnaire were used. The participants were 637 adults (M.age = 38.14, SD = 13.05, female = 487). Positive associations were found between the variables WFC and FWC, and both were positively associated with PS. Those who worked virtually showed higher FWC and those who did it both virtually and in person, were the ones who scored the most in WFC, realizing the difficulty in balancing family and work demands. This could be due to the difficulty for parents who worked outside the home, since they had to organize alternative solutions to take care of their children, which is hampered by the closure of establishments, difficulty in mobilizing and preventive and mandatory isolation of social networks that, in another context, contribute to the care of children. It is of great relevance to consider that the majority of those surveyed have been women, being the most likely to report that the excessive amount of housework made it difficult for them to combine work and family (Blasko, 2020). Finally, those who had children had higher WFC and FWC. In this sense, Gutierrez et al. (2020) explain that in households the unpaid workload and care has increased, which falls unequally on women, a fact that further limits their availability of time to develop productive and / or work activities. Following Park et al. (2020), being young, being female, and being a caregiver increase the risk of exposure to stressors and a greater level of stress. In conclusion, the lawsuits surrounding COVID-19 interfere in conflicts between the workplace and the family. This shows the importance of carrying out evidence-based interventions aimed at mitigating the effects of SP due to COVID-19 and reducing WFC and FWC. In this sense, the present research provides an advance in the understanding of interference between home and work, as well as the impact of the pandemic in both spheres of daily life.

Psicol. (Univ. Brasília, Online) ; 39: e39503, 2023. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440767


Abstract The aim of this article is to present evidence of validity for the 'work-family conflict scale' with a sample of 10,383 professionals working in Brazilian public security. Cross-validation procedures were applied through the definition of two subsamples, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were performed. All ethical procedures were followed. The results found in both the exploratory factor analysis ('Work Interference with Family' Factor, with factor loadings between .91 and .81 and alpha of .93, and 'Family Interference with Work' Factor, with factor loadings between .96 and .71 and alpha of .90) and the confirmatory analysis (χ2/df <5; CFI >.98; TLI >.98; RMSEA <.10) demonstrate robust evidence of validity, indicating the use of the scale in other organizational contexts.

Resumo O artigo tem como objetivo geral apresentar evidências de validade da escala 'conflito trabalho-família' junto a uma amostra de 10.383 profissionais que atuam na segurança pública brasileira. Optou-se pela condução dos procedimentos de validação cruzada, por meio da definição de duas subamostras, foram realizadas análises fatoriais exploratórias e confirmatórias. Todos os procedimentos éticos foram adotados. Os resultados encontrados tanto na análise fatorial exploratória (Fator 'Interferência do Trabalho na Família', com cargas fatoriais entre 0,91 e 0,81 e alpha de 0,93 e Fator 'Interferência da Família no Trabalho, com cargas entre 0,96 a 0,71 e alpha de 0,90) quanto confirmatória (χ2/gl < 5; CFI > 0,98; TLI > 0,98; RMSEA < 0,1) demonstram robustas evidências de validade, indicando o uso da escala em outros contextos organizacionais.

Pensando fam ; 26(1): 230-244, 2022.
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1428272


Realizou-se uma revisão narrativa da literatura que buscou identificar fatores relacionados à interação família-trabalho de docentes do ensino superior. Foram pesquisadas as bases de dados Scielo, Pepsic, Bvs-Psi, Lilacs, Index Psicologia, Ebsco-host, Medline e Google Acadêmico e analisados artigos científicos, dissertações e teses. A análise da literatura ilustra a relevância de se estudar a interação família-trabalho a partir dos fatores relacionados ao conflito entre essas duas dimensões, bem como da interface positiva entre ambas. Se de um lado, tem-se a carga horária excessiva e sobrecarga de papeis, que acarretam consequências negativas para o docente, como Síndrome de Burnout e conflitos nas relações familiares; por outro, a possibilidade de conciliar família-trabalho também se relaciona à possibilidade de retorno financeiro, realização pessoal e possibilidade de fazer um planejamento profissional que contemple questões familiares e vice-versa. Por fim, sublinha-se a relevância do tema ao campo das terapias de casal e família, pela consideração da indissociabilidade das esferas (família e trabalho) na vida dos seres humanos.

A narrative review of the literature was conducted in order to identify factors related to family-work interaction among higher education teachers. The databases Scielo, Pepsic, Bvs-Psi, Lilacs, Index Psychology, Ebsco-host, Medline and Google Academic were searched and scientific articles, dissertations and theses were analyzed. The literature analysis illustrates the relevance of studying the family-work interaction based on factors related to the conflict between these two dimensions, as well as the positive interface between them. If, on the one hand, there is the excessive workload and the overload of roles, which bring negative consequences to the teacher, such as Burnout Syndrome and conflicts in family relationships; on the other hand, the possibility of reconciling family-work is also related to the possibility of financial return, personal fulfillment, and the possibility of making a professional plan that contemplates family issues and vice-versa. Finally, the relevance of the theme to the field of couple and family therapy is emphasized, due to the consideration of the inseparability of the spheres (family and work) in the life of human beings.

Rev. SPAGESP (Online) ; 22(2): 147-167, jul.-dez. 2021. ilus, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1340819


RESUMO A iniquidade de gênero na carreira científica ainda é um tema relevante e pouco explorado, assim como os desafios trazidos pela vivência da maternidade às mulheres docentes. Este estudo buscou compreender a interação família e trabalho de mulheres que são mães e atuam como docente na pós-graduação. As participantes (11 mulheres, 35 a 44 anos) responderam a uma entrevista em profundidade. Os resultados evidenciam a maternidade como um planejamento concomitante ao desenvolvimento profissional; a importância da licença-maternidade e do apoio do cônjuge; e as dificuldades e estratégias de conciliação família-trabalho. Ressalta-se a relevância de se pensar em políticas públicas e projetos institucionais que colaborem com o processo de conciliação entre maternidade e trabalho.

ABSTRACT Gender inequity in scientific careers is still a relevant and little explored topic, as well as the challenges brought by the experience of maternity to women professors. This study sought to understand the family and work interaction of women who are mothers and work as faculty in graduate courses. The participants (11 women, 35 to 44 years old) responded to an in-depth interview. The results show maternity as a concomitant planning for professional development; the importance of maternity leave and spousal support; and the difficulties and strategies of family-work conciliation. It is important to think about public policies and institutional projects that collaborate with the process of conciliation between maternity and work.

RESUMEN La desigualdad de género en la carrera científica sigue siendo un tema relevante y poco explorado, así como los retos que la experiencia de la maternidad plantea a las profesoras. Este estudio trató de comprender la interacción familiar y laboral de las mujeres que son madres y trabajan como profesoras en la enseñanza de posgrado. Los participantes (11 mulheres, 35 a 44 años) respondieron a una entrevista en profundidad. Los resultados muestran la maternidad como una planificación concomitante para el desarrollo profesional; la importancia de la licencia de maternidad y el apoyo del cónyuge; y las dificultades y estrategias de conciliación entre la familia y el trabajo. Se destaca la pertinencia de pensar en políticas públicas y proyectos institucionales que colaboren con el proceso de conciliación entre la maternidad y el trabajo.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Relations famille-professionnel de santé , Étudiants , Pratiques éducatives parentales/psychologie , Enseignement supérieur
Aval. psicol ; 17(1): 48-58, 2018. il, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-963733


O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de propor um instrumento para a mensuração da interface positiva entre trabalho e família. Para isso, dois estudos empíricos foram conduzidos. O primeiro buscou alcançar uma primeira versão da medida, aplicando-a em uma amostra de 200 trabalhadores baianos. Foram conduzidas análises fatoriais exploratórias (AFE) e selecionados os melhores itens. O segundo estudo pretendeu refinar a investigação da medida por meio da aplicação em nova amostra, dessa vez composta por 446 trabalhadores de diferentes regiões. Os procedimentos de análise envolveram AFE e análise fatorial confirmatória. Os resultados apontaram o modelo com dois fatores como o que melhor representa a dimensionalidade do construto (χ2/gl=2,12; GFI=0,87; CFI=0,91; RMSEA=0,07). A versão final da medida foi composta por 19 itens: nove referentes à interface positiva trabalho-família (α=0,90) e 10 à interface positiva família-trabalho (α=0,87). Acredita-se que a medida proposta poderá contribuir com a perspectiva da Psicologia Positiva nas organizações. (AU)

This paper aims to propose an instrument for measuring the positive interface between work and family. To this end, two empirical studies were conducted. The first sought to reach a first version of the measure, applying it to a sample of 200 workers in the state of Bahia. Exploratory Factor Analyzes (EFA) was conducted and the best indicators were selected. The second study aimed to refine the investigation of the measure through application in a new sample, this time composed of 446 workers from different regions. The analysis procedures involved EFA and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The results showed the two-factor model as the best representation the dimensionality of the construct (χ2/gl=2.12, GFI=0.87, CFI=0.91, RMSEA=0.07). The final version of the measure consisted of 19 items: nine referring to the positive work-family interface (α=0.90) and 10 to the positive family-work interface (α=0.87). The proposed measure may contribute to the perspective of positive psychology in organizations. (AU)

Este trabajo tiene por objetivo proponer un instrumento para medir la interfaz positiva entre trabajo y familia. Para ello, se llevaron a cabo dos estudios empíricos. El primero tuvo por objetivo lograr una primera versión de la medida, aplicándola en una muestra de 200 trabajadores de Bahía. Se realizaron Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (AFE) y fueron seleccionados los mejores indicadores. El segundo estudio trata de perfeccionar la investigación de la medida a través de la aplicación de una nueva muestra, compuesta esta vez por 446 trabajadores de diferentes regiones. Los procedimientos de análisis fueron AFE y Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio. Los resultados señalaron que el modelo con dos factores es el que mejor representa la dimensionalidad del constructo (χ2/gl=2,12; GFI=0,87; CFI=0,91; RMSEA=0,07). La versión final de la medida fue compuesta por 19 ítems: nueve relacionados con la interfaz positiva entre trabajo y familia (α=0,90) y 10 relacionados a la interfaz positiva entre familia y trabajo (α=0,87). Creemos que la medida propuesta puede contribuir con la perspectiva de la psicología positiva en las organizaciones. (AU)

Humains , Femelle , Adulte , Famille , Emploi/psychologie , Relations familiales , Reproductibilité des résultats
Serv. soc. soc ; (124): 699-720, oct.-dic. 2015. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: lil-767153


Resumo: O artigo debate a contraditória relação entre família e política social, evidenciando a questão do trabalho familiar. Discute seus aspectos históricos e conceituais e problematiza a questão da proteção social no capitalismo contemporâneo. Nesse contexto, enfatiza a cisão entre o mundo da produção e o da reprodução, bem como a incorporação do trabalho familiar pela política social. Apresenta a síntese integradora, de pesquisa bibliográfica, construída através do diálogo com o material examinado.

Abstract: This article aims at contributing to further debate about the relation between family and social policy, highlighting family work. It starts discussing its historical and conceptual aspects and discusses the issue of social protection in contemporary capitalism. In this context it emphasizes the split between the production and the reproduction world, as well as the incorporation of family work in the social policy debate. The integrating synthesis derives from the bibliography material, which makes it possible to through dialogue with the examined material.

Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 9(1,n.esp): 21-30, feb.2014. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-783436


It has been recognised for several decades that a moderate to severe acquired brain injury frequently causes a high level of psychological stress within the immediate family, who often provide long-term care and support. However, although there is an abundance of research evidence for family burden and stress following brain injury, research into the effectiveness of psychological interventions designed to support such families is relatively scarce. This paper will summarise some of the existing research literature and examine the clinical process of working with families following acquired brain injury. After a brief and selective review of the evidence for caregiver stress following brain injury, we will consider some theoretical models and concepts relevant to family work, and the existing research evidence regarding family interventions. We will then focus on our experience of working with families in clinical practice and our approach will be illustrated using a case study...

Humains , Aidants , Thérapie familiale/méthodes , Lésions traumatiques de l'encéphale/rééducation et réadaptation , Travail
Psicol. soc. (Online) ; 24(1): 130-138, jan.-abr. 2012.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-624175


Neste estudo, foram investigadas vivências de professoras após o retorno da licença maternidade, examinando a divisão de tarefas com seus cônjuges, satisfação com seu envolvimento familiar e o do cônjuge e com sua rede social de apoio. Foram entrevistadas 40 professoras de escolas públicas no interior paulista, mães de filhos de até dois anos. A maioria delas relatou dedicar o dobro do tempo que seus cônjuges às atividades domésticas e cuidados com os filhos, assumindo tarefas de alta frequência e com horários fixos. No geral, estas se sentiam satisfeitas com seu próprio envolvimento familiar, embora 65% delas relatou preferir passar mais tempo com seus filhos. Estas avaliaram positivamente o envolvimento familiar do esposo, mas sistematicamente menor que seu próprio. Muitas usaram outras fontes de apoio, avaliadas positivamente. Contudo, as respondentes enfrentavam grande sobrecarga, apontando para a necessidade de rever a divisão do trabalho familiar.

In this study, we investigated the experiences of school teachers returning from a maternity leave, examining the division of tasks with her partner as well as her satisfaction with her own and her partner's family involvement and with her wider social-support network. We interviewed 40 public-school teachers, mothers of children under two years of age, in the state of São Paulo. The majority of the participants related spending double the time spent by their partners on domestic chores and childcare, assuming more high-frequency tasks, performed at fixed times. In general, the respondents were satisfied with their own family involvement, although 65% wanted to spend more time with their children. They evaluated their partner's family involvement as being good, but systematically lower than their own. Many used other sources of support, which were evaluated positively. Nonetheless, the respondents were overloaded, pointing to the need to reorganize the division of family work.

Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 27(1): 49-56, jan.-mar. 2010. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-548672


Neste artigo analisa-se o olhar dos filhos sobre a família contemporânea. Objetiva-se compreender como a criança representa e vivencia sua família, e como percebe a articulação entre trabalho, família e seu mundo pessoal. Solicitadas a elaborar uma redação com o tema "Minha família", 52 crianças participaram de uma pesquisa exploratória. A análise de conteúdo das redações revelou seis categorias de significados atribuídos à família: conflitos, trabalho, lazer, valores, união familiar e desapego. Entre as soluções encontradas pelas crianças para fazer face aos fatores estressantes vinculados à vida familiar, destacaram-se o olhar favorável sobre o trabalho dos pais e a tendência infantil de aproveitar os pontos positivos da convivência familiar e enfatizar os fatores de suporte, mantendo sua família na função de continente para suas ansiedades. Fundamentado no imaginário infantil, o estudo contribui para uma melhor compreensão da dinâmica familiar e da estruturação do sujeito na atualidade.

The purpose of this paper is to analyze children's views concerning the contemporary family. The goal is to understand how children represent their families and how they perceive the links between work, family and their own personal worlds. Required to write an essay on the subject "My family", 52 children participated in this exploratory research. An analysis of the content of the essays revealed six categories of meanings ascribed to the family: conflict, work, leisure, values, family union and detachment. In order to cope with stressful family life, children provided several solutions. Greater emphasis was accorded to three of these solutions: a favorable view of their parents' work, the tendency to take advantage of the positive aspects of family companionship and emphasizing the supportive features. Thus, children kept their families functioning as a vessel for their anxieties. Based on the child's imaginary, this study contributes to a better understanding of family dynamics and the structuring of the subject in the present day.

Humains , Enfant , Relations familiales , Imagination , Travail
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 25(2): 211-231, jul.-dez. 2008. graf, tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-506631


O objetivo do artigo é evidenciar nas regiões metropolitanas brasileiras os arranjos familiares mais vulneráveis ao empobrecimento e investigar o acesso destes aos programas de transferência de renda, bem como alguns efeitos desses programas sobre a renda das famílias. Os arranjos domiciliares mais vulneráveis ao empobrecimento são assim identificados por possuírem os mais baixos rendimentos familiares per capita e concentração nos decis inferiores de renda. Apresentam estruturação e composições distintas, bem como vivenciam diferentes momentos do ciclo de vida familiar, mas são os mais fragilizados diante da mudança no padrão de emprego por apresentarem composição familiar desfavorável para a inserção de seus componentes no mercado de trabalho. Nas regiões metropolitanas brasileiras, o empobrecimento dos domicílios ocorrido nos anos 90 e início dos 2000 reflete a queda dos rendimentos do trabalho decorrente da precarização do mercado sob a reestruturação produtiva e o baixo crescimento econômico até 2004. Até 2006, sob a recuperação econômica, tais rendimentos não retornaram aos níveis da metade dos anos 90. Entre as políticas de combate à pobreza emergem aquelas de transferência de renda, que, no início dos anos 2000, apresentavam abrangência incipiente. Intensificam-se no decorrer da década, possibilitando aumento do acesso dos domicílios com rendimentos mais baixos...

El objetivo del artículo es evidenciar en las regiones metropolitanas brasileñas los asentamientos familiares más vulnerables al empobrecimiento e investigar el acceso de éstos a los programas de transferencia de renta, así como algunos efectos de estos programas sobre los ingresos de las familias. Los asentamientos domiciliarios más vulnerables al empobrecimiento son así identificados por poseer los más bajos ingresos familiares per cápita y concentración en las camadas inferiores de renta. Presentan estructuración y composiciones distintas, así como experimentan diferentes momentos del ciclo de vida familiar, pero son los más frágiles ante el cambio en el padrón de empleo, por presentar una composición familiar desfavorable para la inserción de sus componentes en el mercado de trabajo. En las regiones metropolitanas brasileñas, el empobrecimiento de los hogares ocurrido en los años 90 e inicios de los 2000 refleja la caída de los ingresos del trabajo proveniente de la precarización del mercado, bajo la reestructuración productiva y el bajo crecimiento económico hasta 2004. Hasta 2006, bajo la recuperación económica, tales ingresos no volvieron a los niveles de la mitad de los años 90. Entre las políticas de lucha contra la pobreza emergen aquéllas de transferencia de renta, que, al inicio de los años 2000, presentaban un alcance incipiente. Se intensifican en el transcurso de la década, posibilitando el aumento del acceso de los hogares con ingresos más bajos...

The objective of this article is to describe the family arrangements most vulnerable to impoverishment in the metropolitan regions of Brazil and to investigate the access of very poor families to such programs, as well as some of their effects on the earnings of these families. The household arrangements most vulnerable to impoverishment are those with the lowest per capita family income and those in the lowest income deciles. They show varying family structures and compositions and go through different moments in their family life cycles, but they are the hardest hit in terms of changes in employment patterns, since their family compositions are unfavorable for their members to enter the labor market. The impoverishment of households in the Brazilian metropolitan regions during the 1990s and the first years of the 21st century reflects the fall in income from work, due to the unstable job market that resulted from the restructuring of production and the country's low economic growth until 2004. Even by 2006, with economic improvements, these earnings failed to return to the levels of the mid-1990s. Among the policies set up in the government's "fight against poverty," one resource was the income transfer program, which was quite limited in the first years of the new century. It was intensified during the decade, enabling easier access to low-income households...

Famille , Revenu , Facteurs socioéconomiques/politiques , Zones de pauvreté , Programmes gouvernementaux/économie , Brésil , Politique publique
Estud. psicol. (Campinas) ; 25(2): 211-221, abr.-jun. 2008. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-486481


Aumentou a demanda por trabalhadores noturnos, ao mesmo tempo em que o papel masculino familiar se ampliou. Neste estudo, objetivou-se comparar as condições de trabalho, o bem-estar pessoal e o envolvimento familiar entre pais dos turnos diurno (n=36) e noturno (n=22), que preencheram um questionário composto por diferentes escalas. Comparados aos trabalhadores do turno diurno, os do noturno relataram ter maior apoio dos colegas de trabalho e dos supervisores, maior satisfação quanto aos benefícios e salário, menor freqüência de interrupções durante o expediente de trabalho, mas menor satisfação quanto ao turno em que trabalhavam e menos tempo com os filhos. Os dois grupos de trabalhadores apresentaram pontuação média no nível de Stress e na satisfação quanto ao envolvimento familiar. Apesar de condições de trabalho mais favoráveis, os pais do noturno estavam insatisfeitos com seu turno, aparentemente em função da falta de tempo com familiares.

The demand for night shift workers is increasing at the same time as the role of the father within the family has expanded. The objective of this study was to compare workplace conditions, personal well-being and family involvement between fathers working on the day shift (n=36) and on night shift (n=22). Workers completed a questionnaire that used various scales to evaluate these issues. Compared to the day shift workers, the night shift workers indicated that they received greater support from work colleagues and supervisors, felt more satisfied with their benefits and salary and had a lower frequency of interruptions during the workday, but felt less satisfied about the shift they worked and about spending less time with their children. With regard to family involvement, both groups experienced moderate to high levels of stress and only a moderate level of satisfaction. Despite the more favorable working conditions, fathers on the night shift were less satisfied with their work hours, seemingly due to the lack of time spent with family members.

Humains , Mâle , Enfant , Satisfaction professionnelle , Conditions de Travail
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-547894


Objective: To develop a questionnaire that can well measure the concept of work-family enrichment. Methods: 225 valid data from 3 enterprises were collected in order to develop work-family questionnaire by exploratory factor analysis. 268 samples from other 10 enterprises were collected to test the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Results: ① Work -family enrichment questionnaire was composed of two second -order factors: work to family enrichment and family to work enrichment. Each second -order factor was composed of two first -order factors: instrumental enrichment and psychological enrichment. ②The structure validity and criteria-related validity of this work- family enrichment questionnaire were good. ③ The Cronbach ? of work to family enrichment and family to work enrichment were 0.86、0.84. The Cronbach ? of the whole questionnaire was 0.89. Conclusion: Work-family enrichment questionnaire has good construct validity、criteria-related validity and internal consistency reliability.