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Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 25(3): 466-471, 2021.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340193


RESUMEN Se realizó un estudio de intervención educativa en 48 estudiantes de la Escuela Primaria «Paco Cuesta¼, ubicada en el área de salud «XX Aniversario¼ del municipio Santa Clara, Villa Clara, durante el curso escolar 2016 - 2017. Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron: identificar las necesidades de aprendizaje sobre hábitos bucales deformantes en escolares de cuarto grado, y evaluar, a corto plazo, los resultados obtenidos en la población objeto de estudio. Los resultados demostraron que los adolescentes modificaron positivamente la información que tenían sobre estas temáticas a partir de las instrucciones de los profesionales.

ABSTRACT An educational intervention study was carried out in 48 students belonging to "Paco Cuesta" Primary School which is located in the «XX Anniversary¼ health area from Santa Clara municipality, Villa Clara, during the 2016-2017 academic year. The objectives of this research were to identify the learning needs about deforming oral habits in fourth-grade school children, and to evaluate the results obtained, in the population under study, in the short term period. The results showed that the adolescents positively modified the information they had on these topics based on the instructions of the professionals.

Habitudes linguales , Éducation en santé dentaire , Succion digitale , Malocclusion dentaire
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 56(2): e1395, abr.-jun. 2019.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093220


RESUMEN Introducción: La ruptura del equilibrio de las fuerzas extrabucales e intrabucales debido a una función anómala, desencadena maloclusión. Estas funciones musculares anómalas se conocen como hábitos bucales lesivos. Objetivo: Actualizar conocimientos y analizar los factores relacionados con las maloclusiones dentarias como los hábitos bucales lesivos en niños, en función de la frecuencia y duración de la succión nutritiva y no nutritiva, respiración por la boca y el empuje lingual atípico. Métodos: se realizó una revisión bibliográfica en cuatro bases de datos digitales Pubmed, Lilacs, Ibecs y Cumed correspondiente a los últimos 5 años. Se usó tesauro para el idioma inglés malocclusion, habits, finger sucking, pacifiers, bottle feeding, tongue habit, mouth breathing y en español maloclusión, hábitos, succión del dedo, chupete, biberones, hábitos linguales, respiración por la boca. La búsqueda reveló 65 artículos, de estos solo 19 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Análisis e integración de la información: El 89,5 por ciento de los artículos pertenecen a estudios de hábitos de succión no nutritivos solo o en conjunto con otros hábitos; y el 10,5 por ciento realizan investigaciones en niños respiradores bucales. Teniendo en cuenta la duración y frecuencia de los hábitos solo el 26,31 por ciento de las pesquisas seleccionadas tomaron en cuenta estas variables. En hábitos de succión nutritivos presentaron resalte horizontal aumentado, mordida cruzada posterior y escalón distal. Existe una asociación entre períodos cortos de amamantamiento y prevalencia de hábitos de succión no nutritivos; presentan además de maloclusiones anteriormente citadas, mordida abierta anterior. En respiración por la boca citaron clase II, mandíbula corta y retruida y disminución del tercio inferior de la cara. Conclusiones: Numerosas investigaciones se han realizado para asociar la duración de los hábitos de succión nutritivos y no nutritivos con maloclusiones, sin considerar la frecuencia de estos, además existe una reducida información científica en las bases electrónicas exploradas en lo que refiere a estudios de respiración por la boca y empuje lingual atípico en los niños(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Malocclusion is triggered by rupture of the balance between extraoral and intraoral forces as a result of an anomalous function. Such anomalous muscular functions are known as harmful oral habits. Objective: Update knowledge and analyze factors related to dental malocclusions, such as harmful oral habits in children, in terms of the frequency and duration of nutritive and non-nutritive sucking, mouth breathing and atypical tongue thrust. Methods: A bibliographic review was conducted of papers published in the last five years in the digital databases Pubmed, Lilacs, Ibecs and Cumed. The search terms used were malocclusion, habits, finger sucking, pacifiers, bottle feeding, tongue habit and mouth breathing in English, and maloclusión, hábitos, succión del dedo, chupete, biberones, hábitos linguales and respiración por la boca in Spanish. 65 papers were obtained, of which only 39 met the inclusion criteria. Data analysis and integration: 89.5 percent of the papers corresponded to studies about non-nutritive sucking habits alone or in combination with other habits, whereas 10.5 percent dealt with studies about mouth breathing children. Only 26.31 percent of the studies selected took into account the variables duration and frequency of the habits. Nutritive sucking habits were found to be associated with overjet, posterior crossbite and distal step. A relationship was also found between a short breastfeeding period and the prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habits, with the presence of anterior open bite alongside the aforementioned malocclusions. Mouth breathing was related to class II, small retrognathic jaw and a decreased lower third of the face. Conclusions: Numerous studies have been conducted to determine the relationship between malocclusions and the duration of nutritive and non-nutritive sucking habits, without considering the frequency of such habits. On the other hand, the electronic databases consulted contain few studies about mouth breathing and atypical tongue thrust in children(AU)

Humains , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Habitudes linguales/psychologie , Malocclusion dentaire/épidémiologie , Respiration par la bouche/étiologie , Littérature de revue comme sujet , Bases de données bibliographiques , Succion digitale/effets indésirables
Distúrb. comun ; 29(1): 68-76, mar. 2017. tab
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-880678


Objetivo: estimar a prevalência de hábitos orais em crianças frequentadoras de pré-escolas do centro sul de Sergipe. Método: a amostra foi determinada após análise de cálculo amostral e constituída por 208 pré-escolares (104 do sexo feminino e 104 do masculino) frequentadores de duas pré-escolas do centro sul de Sergipe (uma pública e outra privada), com idades entre dois e cinco anos. Por meio de formulário próprio entregue aos familiares, foi verificada a quantidade de pré-escolares que apresentam hábitos orais (chupeta, mamadeira, dedo, apertamento dentário, sucção de língua, bruxismo, umidificar lábios, onicofagia, morder mucosa oral e objetos), para posterior estimativa da prevalência desses hábitos. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos aos Testes de Igualdade de Proporções e Qui-quadrado, adotando-se nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: houve alta prevalência de hábitos orais (87,02%), sendo o uso da mamadeira o de maior ocorrência. O hábito de morder objetos foi mais comum no sexo feminino em pré-escolares do ensino público, não sendo reveladas diferenças estatisticamente significantes em relação aos demais hábitos com o sexo. A sucção digital esteve associada a faixas etárias menores (dois e três anos) e o bruxismo, às maiores (quatro e cinco anos). Conclusão: a alta prevalência de hábitos orais deletérios em pré-escolares justifica a ação interdisciplinar o mais precoce possível, a fim de que não haja impacto negativo no desenvolvimento do complexo crânio-oro-cervical e, consequentemente, nas funções orais.

Purpose: to estimate the prevalence of oral habits of children attending pre-schools in the mid-south region of Sergipe. Method: the sample was consisted after a calculation analysis of 208 preschool children (104 females and 104 males) frequenting two pre-schools in the mid-south region of Sergipe (one public and one private), with ages from two to five years, of both genders. Through an individual form given to their families (part of the clinical history of MBGR Protocol in GENARO et al., 2009), the amount of pre-school children who have oral habits was verified (pacifier, bottle, finger, teeth clenching, tonguesuction, bruxism, moistening of lips, nail biting, biting oral mucosa and objects) for further estimate of the prevalence of these habits. The guardians of the participants signed a consent form. The data were submitted to the Equal Proportions and Chi-square tests, adopting a significance level of 5%. Results: there was a high prevalence of oral habits (87.02%), and the bottle-feeding the habit with the highest incidence in the study group. The habit of biting objects was more common in females in public pre-school education, statistically significant differences were not revealed in the relation between the other habits and gender. Digital sucking was associated with younger age groups (2 and 3 years), and bruxism with the higher (4 and 5 years). Conclusion: the high prevalence of harmful oral habits in preschoolers justifies an interdisciplinary action as soon as possible, so that there is no negative impact on the development of the skull-oro-cervical complex and, consequently, on the oral functions.

Objetivo: Estimar la prevalencia de hábitos orales en niños preescolares del centro sur de Sergipe. Método: La muestra fue constituida tras el análisis del cálculo del tamaño de la muestra y fue compuesta por 208 preescolares (104 de sexo femenino y 104 de sexo masculino), frecuentadores de dos preescuelas del centro sur de Sergipe (una pública y otra privada), con edades entre dos y cinco años. Por medio de un formulario se verificó la cantidad de los niños en edad preescolar que tienen hábitos orales (chupete, mamadera, dedo, apretar dientes, succión de lengua, bruxismo, umidificar los labios, onicofagia, morder la mucosa oral y objetos), para posterior estimativa de la prevalencia de estos hábitos. Los datos obtenidos fueron sometidos a las Pruebas de Igualdad de Proporciones y Qui Quadrado, adoptándose el nivel de significación de 5 %. Resultados: Hubo alta prevalencia de hábitos orales (87,02%), siendo lo uso de la mamadera el hábito con mayor ocurrencia. El hábito de morder objetos fue más común en el sexo femenino, en preescolares de la educación pública, no siendo reveladas diferencias estáticamente significantes en relación a los otros hábitos, con respeto a la variable sexo. La succión digital ha estado asociada a grupos de edad menor (2 y 3 años) y el bruxismo, a edad mayor (4 y 5 años). Conclusión: La alta prevalencia de hábitos orales deletéreos en preescolares justifica la acción interdisciplinar lo mas precoz posible, a fin de que no haya impacto negativo en el desarrollo de la compleja estrutura cráneo-oro-cervical y, por consiguiente, en las funciones orales.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Bruxisme , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Succion digitale , Habitudes , Onychophagie
Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-629093


Prolonged non-nutritive sucking habits have negative effects on child’s orofacial structures, physical, social and psychological wellbeing. The objectives of the present study were (1) to determine the prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habit in Saudi preschool children, (2) to assess the factors influencing the habit, (3) to determine mothers’ view on causes of non-nutritive sucking and their reasons to stop the habit and (4) to report methods used by the mothers in eliminating the habit. This cross-sectional observational study was conducted in the kindergartens in Abha and Khamis Mushayt cities. The sample included parents of 328 male and female preschool children. A pre-piloted self-administered questionnaire was used for data collection and the response rate was 85.4%. The prevalence of non-nutritive sucking habit was 46.6%; of these, pacifier sucking was 30.2% and digit sucking was 16.4%. There were significant differences with pacifier habit between mother’s educational status and sex (p=0.008 and p=0.002 respectively). The odds of pacifier habit were higher in females [OR=2.14, 95% CI (1.32, 2.52)] and mothers with higher university education [OR=1.67, 95% CI (1.03, 2.72)]. There were significant differences with digit sucking habit and mothers’ educational status (p=0.022). The odds of digit sucking habit was higher in mothers with intermediate and secondary education [OR=2.25, 95% CI (1.24, 4.07)]. Some mothers (37.90%) used non-nutritive sucking as solution to calm the crying child, while others (47.05%) wanted to stop the habit as it might affect the child’s dentition. Some mothers (37%) interrupted the habit physically, while only 10% had preferred to consult the dentist.

Succion digitale
Odontol. pediatr. (Lima) ; 15(2): 127-134, jul.-dic. 2016. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-835086


El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la prevalencia de hábitos orales y alteraciones dentoalveolares en niños de 6 a 12 años atendidos en una Clínica Docente. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal, utilizando una muestra de 1006 historias clínicas de niños entre las edades de 6 a 12 años usando la base de datos del software U-smile. Resultados: Manifestándose una predisposición al hábito de deglución atípica (19,48%); succión digital (2.19%) y respiración bucal (0.20%). La prevalencia de las alteraciones dentoalveolares mordida cruzada anterior (8.65%) y posterior(5.27%); mordida abierta anterior (9.74%) y posterior (0.89%); relaciones molares derecha según Angle clase I (57.95%),clase II (19.98%) y clase III (10.64%); relaciones molares izquierda según Angle clase I (55.86%), clase II (18.39%) y claseIII (14.61%); plano terminal derecho escalón mesial (6.66%), plano terminal recto (0.89%) y escalón distal (0.40%); planoterminal izquierdo escalón mesial (6.16%), plano terminal recto (0.99%) y escalón distal (0.70%); overjet de 1mm a 4mm(70.78%), mayor a 4mm (11.93%) y menor a 4mm (6.26%); el overbite de 10% a 40% (45.03%), mayor a 40% (16.60%) ymenor a 10% (11.43%)...

This study aimed to assess the prevalence of oral habits and dentoalveolar alterations among 6- to-12-yearoldchildren treated at the Teaching Private Hospital. It is a descriptive, cross- sectional study with a sample size of 1,006 medical records of 6- to-12-year-old children, using the U-smile software database. It was found a predisposition towardsan atypical swallowing habit (19.48%); digit sucking (2.19%); and mouth breathing (0.20%). The prevalence of dentoalveolar alterations was: anterior crossbite (8.65%), and posterior crossbite (5.27%); anterior open bite (9.74%) and posterioropen bite (0.89%); Angle´s Class I (57.95%), Class II (18.98%) and class III (10.64%) right molar relationship; Angle´s Class I(55.86%), Class II (18.39%) and Class III (14.61%) left molar relationship; terminal plane right with mesial step (6.66%), flush terminal plane (0.89%) and distal step (0.40%); terminal plane left with mesial step (6.16%), flush terminal plane (0.99%)and distal step (0.70%); overjet of 1mm to 4mm (70.78%), greater than 4mm (11.93%) and less than 4mm (6.26%); overbite of 10% to 40% (45.03%), greater than 40% (16.60%) and less than 10% (11.43%)...

Humains , Habitudes , Enfant , Respiration par la bouche , Succion digitale , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Études transversales
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 16(1): 393-402, jan.-dez. 2016. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-912889


Objective: To verify the association between early weaning, sociodemographic variables and deleterious oral habits in 3-5 year-old Brazilian children. Material and Methods: Retrospective observational study with longitudinal design used a random sample of 150 children representing a population of 388 children enrolled in public schools of Domingos Martins, Brazil. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire aimed at parents / guardians. The dependent variable considered for analysis was the presence of habits - pacifier and finger sucking - and as explanatory variables: gender, age, early weaning and socioeconomic status. Early weaning was considered when exclusive breastfeeding was suspended before six months of age. Chisquare test was used to verify association among variables. Significance level adopted was 5%. To check the strength of association, Odds Ratio and 95% confidence intervals were used. Results: Significant association was found between variables age of 4 and 5 years (p = 0.030, OR = 2.193, CI = 1.029; 4.673) and early weaning (p = 0.001, OR = 5.045, CI = 2.087; 12.199) with pacifier sucking habit. Conclusion: Association between age, early weaning and pacifier sucking habits was observed. Early weaning can be considered a risk factor for pacifier sucking habit.

Humains , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Allaitement naturel , Comportement alimentaire , Succion digitale , Sucettes , Sevrage , Brésil , Loi du khi-deux , Études observationnelles comme sujet/méthodes , Facteurs de risque , Enquêtes et questionnaires
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 17(6): 111-117, Nov.-Dec. 2012. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-669403


INTRODUCTION: Oral habits may interfere on the growth and development of the stomatognathic system and orofacial myofunctional conditions, producing changes in the position of teeth in their dental arches. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to verify the presence of deleterious oral habits in individuals with malocclusion and see if there is a predominance of Class II malocclusion in these individuals. METHODS: The records of 140 patients treated at the Clinic of Preventive Orthodontics FORP-USP who had already completed treatment were randomly selected and analyzed. Their ages ranged from 6 to 10 years and 11 months. Associations were made between the presence or absence of deleterious oral habits, type and number of habits found in each individual and the type of malocclusion according to Angle classification. The statistical analysis used was the Chi-square test with a significance level of 5%. History of deleterious oral habits was found in 67.1% of individuals. RESULTS: The Class I malocclusion was most frequent (82.9%), followed by Class II malocclusion (12.1%) and Class III (5%). CONCLUSION: There was a predominance of Class II malocclusion in individuals with a history of deleterious oral habits.

INTRODUÇÃO: hábitos bucais podem interferir no crescimento e desenvolvimento do sistema estomatognático e nas condições miofuncionais bucofaciais, acarretando alterações no posicionamento dos dentes nas respectivas arcadas dentárias. OBJETIVO: o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi verificar a presença de hábitos bucais deletérios em indivíduos portadores de má oclusão e observar se existe predominância de má oclusão Classe II de Angle nesses indivíduos. MÉTODOS: foram selecionadas, aleatoriamente, e analisadas 140 fichas de pacientes atendidos na Clínica de Ortodontia Preventiva da FORP-USP, que já haviam recebido alta no tratamento. A faixa etária variou dos 6 anos a 10 anos e 11 meses. Foram realizadas associações entre presença ou ausência de hábitos bucais deletérios, tipo e número de hábitos encontrados em cada indivíduo e o tipo de má oclusão, segundo a classificação de Angle. A análise estatística utilizada foi o teste qui-quadrado para independência, com nível de significância a 5%. História de hábitos bucais deletérios foi encontrada em 67,1% dos indivíduos. RESULTADOS: a má oclusão Classe I foi a mais encontrada (82,9%), seguida das más oclusões de Classe II (12,1%) e Classe III (5%). CONCLUSÃO: houve predomínio de má oclusão Classe II de Angle nos indivíduos com história de hábitos bucais deletérios.

Univ. salud ; 12(1)2010.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536931


Introducción: Los hábitos orales son acciones repetidas en la cavidad oral, algunas de ellos pueden originar parafunciones. Estos son actos conscientes que pueden pasar a actos inconscientes. Algunos de ellos son innatos del individuo, y otros adquiridos. Según algunas investigaciones, reportes, análisis estadísticos y control de variables de diferentes países, características ambientales, sociales, culturales, pueden influir en la prevalencia de hábitos orales en niños. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de hábitos orales en niños. Metodología: Se diseñó un tipo de estudio descriptivo de corte transversal donde se evaluaron 511 escolares de estrato bajo de 6 a 10 años de la Escuela ITSIN de San Juan de Pasto y se tomaron variables como edad y género. Resultados: 186 niños (36%) tuvieron hábitos orales, de estos 43% fueron niñas y 57% niños. Según edad, los hábitos orales fueron más frecuentes en niños de 8 años. Con respecto a género, la interposición lingual fue más frecuente en niñas y la onicofagia en niños. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de hábitos orales en estos niños fue menor en relación con otras comunidades, sin embargo, se recalca que estos se presentan en mayores edades en comparación con otros estudios.

Introduction: The oral habits are repeated actions in the mouth; some of them might cause parafunctions. They are also conscious acts that could become unconscious at some point. Some of them are innate in the individuals and others are acquired. According to some researches, reports, statistical analysis and variables control in different countries; environmental, social, and cultural characteristics may influence on the prevalence of oral habits in children. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of oral habits in children at ITSIN elementary school from San Juan de Pasto, Nariño. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study was designed to evaluate 511 low-income children from 6 to 10 years old. Variables such as age and gender were used. Results: 186 children (36%) had oral habits. 43% of these were girls and 57% were boys. According to age, oral habits were more frequent in 8 year-old children. Regarding the gender, tongue thrust was more common in girls and oral habits such as onychophagia was more frequent in boys. Conclusions: The prevalence of oral habits in these children was less than in other communities; however, these habits were presented in older children in comparison to other studies.