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Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 31: e2024026, 2024.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564577


Resumen Este trabajo analiza el programa de asistencia técnica a la investigación y el desarrollo pesquero, implementado por la Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) en Brasil, entre 1955 y 1978. Nos interrogamos cuáles son las motivaciones de los países desarrollados, de la FAO y de Brasil para movilizar ese conocimiento y cómo se construyó el soporte socio-institucional para su afincamiento. Siguiendo el itinerario de los expertos y atendiendo a las características del campo de la biología pesquera, mostramos cómo se construyeron, de manera simultánea, el campo de investigación, la política y la actividad pesquera brasileñas. Para eso, recurrimos a los informes de varios expertos de la FAO y de organismos públicos brasileños.

Abstract This paper analyzes the technical assistance program for research and fishery development, implemented by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Brazil, between 1955 and 1978. We argue what were the motivations of the developed countries, the FAO and Brazil to mobilize this knowledge and how the socio-institutional support for its achievement was built. Following the itinerary of experts and attending to the characteristics of the field of fishing biology, we show how the Brazilian field of research, policies and fishing activity were built simultaneously. For this purpose, we used reports from several experts from the FAO and Brazilian public bodies.

Politique publique , Industrie du Poisson , Financement organisé , Poissons , Chasse , Brésil , Histoire du 20ème siècle
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-924390


Objective: A study was conducted to clarify the anti-influenza virus effect of agricultural, forest and fishery products in Ishikawa Prefecture. Method: The samples were prepared by both hot-water and ethanol extraction. The Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells infected with PR8 strain were cultured in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium(DMEM) containing extract for 24 hours and measured virus titer of supernatants by focus-forming reduction assay. Time-of-addition assay was performed to determine the inhibition stage in virus proliferation by the extract. The active ingredients were purified using a solid-phase extraction column (silica gel base C18). Results: We revealed that many products have anti-influenza virus activity. Especially, four products ( Matteuccia struthiopteris, Colocasia esculenta, Sagittaria trifolia, and Eleucine coracana) show strong activity and inhibit several stages in virus proliferation. Conclusion: We performed screening to 46 agricultural, forest and fishery products and found the four products ( Matteuccia struthiopteris, Colocasia esculenta, Sagittaria trifolia, and Eleusine coracana) inhibit virus proliferation strongly. In addition, the isolation and identification of the active ingredients contained in these remain as a future study.

Vitae (Medellín) ; 28(3): 1-12, 2021-08-11. Ilustraciones
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1363305


Background: Dietary exposure to mercury in women of childbearing age could result in neurological effects on the fetus. A health risk assessment of total mercury by fishery products intake has not been conducted in this population group in Bogota, Colombia. On the other hand, it has been suggested that selenium content on fishery products may have a protective effect against mercury toxicity. Nevertheless, selenium content on fish species marketed in Bogota has not been determined. Objective: Exposure risk to total mercury and selenium content on fishery products consumed by women of childbearing age from Bogota, Colombia, were assessed. Methods: Total mercury and selenium concentrations for products available at fish stores and supermarkets were determined. The exposure risk to total mercury was estimated considering the intake of these products by women of childbearing age group. Results: Total mercury highest concentrations were 0.8166 mg/kg in mota (Calophysusmacropterus), and 0.6275 mg/kg in catfish (Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum). On the other hand, the highest selenium concentration was 0.6471 mg/kg in nicuro (Pimelodus blochii). Finally, it was established that for women of childbearing age group, health risk of exposure to total mercury due to mota intake exceeded by 8.56-fold the reference dose. Conclusions:Mota intake considerably increases exposure risk to total mercury on women of childbearing age from Bogota, Colombia. The selenium levels established in the fishery products assessed, except for catfish and mota, are theoretically suggestive of a protective effect of selenium against mercury toxicity. Consequently, continuous total mercury concentrations monitoring is required to protect health of women of childbearing age and the general population from Bogota, Colombia

Antecedentes: La exposición dietética al mercurio en mujeres en edad fértil podría provocar efectos neurológicos en el feto. En Bogotá, Colombia no se han realizado evaluaciones de riesgo por la exposición al mercurio total debido a la ingesta de productos de la pesca en este grupo de la población. Por otro lado, ha sido sugerido que el contenido de selenio en los productos de la pesca podría tener un efecto protector frente a la toxicidad por mercurio, sin embargo, el contenido de selenio en las especies de peces comercializadas en Bogotá, Colombia no ha sido determinado. Objetivo: Evaluar el riesgo de exposición al mercurio total y el contenido de selenio en los productos de la pesca consumidos por las mujeres en edad fértil de Bogotá, Colombia. Métodos: Se determinaron las concentraciones de mercurio total y selenio en distintos productos de la pesca disponibles en pescaderías y supermercados. El riesgo de exposición a mercurio total se estimó considerando la ingesta de estos productos por parte de un grupo de mujeres en edad fértil. Resultados: Las concentraciones más altas de mercurio total fueron de 0.8166 mg/kg en mota (Calophysus macropterus) y 0.6275 mg/kg en bagre (Pseudoplatystoma tigrinum). Por otro lado, la concentración más alta de selenio fue de 0.6471 mg/kg en nicuro (Pimelodus blochii). Finalmente, se estableció que el riesgo de exposición a mercurio total, debido a la ingesta de mota, excedió en 8.56 veces la dosis de referencia en el grupo de mujeres en edad fértil. Conclusiones: La ingesta de mota aumenta el riesgo de exposición al mercurio total en las mujeres en edad fértil de Bogotá, Colombia. Por otro lado, los niveles de selenio identificados en los productos evaluados, excepto en bagre y mota, teóricamente sugieren un posible efecto protector del selenio contra la toxicidad por mercurio. Considerando lo indicado, es necesario realizar un monitoreo continuo de las concentraciones de mercurio total en los productos de la pesca, con el fin de proteger la salud de las mujeres en edad fértil y de la población general de Bogotá, Colombia

Humains , Appréciation des risques , Sélénium , Femmes , Fécondité , Mercure
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(2)jun. 2021.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387638


Resumen Introducción: Anadara tuberculosa es un recurso pesquero y económico importante, propio de los ecosistemas de manglar en el Pacífico Orienta Tropical. Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la estructura de tallas, distribución y densidad de A. tuberculosa, en el Golfo de Montijo y Manglares de David, para evaluar el estado del recurso en los dos sistemas de manglar del Pacífico de Panamá. Métodos: Los datos corresponden a información histórica de tallas y densidad levantada entre el 2004 y 2020 para el Golfo de Montijo (GM), así como datos de tallas, densidades y distribución levantados en el 2016 de manera simultánea en 51 cuadrantes en GM y 56 cuadrantes en Manglares de David (MD), muestreados en temporada seca, transición, lluviosa y transición, donde además se registró la temperatura, la salinidad y el pH del agua del canal y del agua retenida en el manglar. En el 2016 se instalaron y muestrearon cuadrantes fijos para seguimiento de densidades, muestreo que se repitió en el 2019. En el 2019 se establecen transectos desde el borde del manglar con el canal principal, hasta límite con tierra firme y en cada transecto se instalaron tres cuadrantes, en los estratos inicial, medio y final. Resultados: Los ejemplares del Golfo de Montijo resultaron más grandes, pero la densidad resultó superior en Manglares de David. La comparación de tallas por periodo de muestreo en el 2016, dentro de cada localidad, resultó significativa solo para el Golfo de Montijo, donde las mayores tallas se presentaron en marzo y junio y las menores en octubre-diciembre. No se encontró asociación entre la temperatura, salinidad y pH, y la distribución del molusco. Para el Golfo de Montijo se encontró un descenso sostenido de las densidades desde 1.82 conchas/m2 en el 2004 hasta 0.6 conchas/m2 en el 2019, contrario a lo observado en la estructura de tallas, donde se observó predominio de las tallas superiores a los 50 mm de longitud total y un aumento de la talla promedio de captura de 52.62 mm en el 2004 a 59.28 mm en el 2020. Atendiendo a la distancia del canal principal, se determinó la presencia del molusco hasta poco más de dos kilómetros dentro del manglar y hasta más de 500 m del canal secundario más cercano, así como una disminución de la densidad y un aumento de la talla conforme nos acercamos a tierra firme. Conclusiones: Para A. tuberculosa, la combinación de una estructura de tallas sobre los 50 mm y de bajas densidades, indican que la población de concha negra en el Golfo de Montijo presenta un grado de deterioro, asociado a estresores pesqueros y ambientales.

Abstract Introduction: Anadara tuberculosa is an economically important fishery resource of mangrove ecosystems in the tropical Eastern Pacific. Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the size structure, distribution, and density of A. tuberculosa, in the Gulf of Montijo (GM) and Mangroves of David (MD) in the Panamanian Pacific, to assess the state of the resource in Panama's two Pacific mangrove systems. Methods: We analyzed Gulf of Montijo historical clam size records and densities from 2004 and 2020. Hundred and seven 30 m2 permanent plots (51 from GOM and 56 from MOD) were set and sampled in 2016 at four time intervals (dry season, transition into rainy, rainy season and transition into dry season) to obtain clams sizes, densities and distributions. The plots were sampled again in 2019. Physical variables such as temperature (°C), salinity (PSU) and pH from the water retained in the mangrove channels were also recorded. Nine transects were installed and sampled in 2019. Three at the seaward edge of the mangrove fringe, three at the inshore edge, and three half-way between the first two. Three quadrats were sampled at the beginning, middle and end of each transect. Results: Gulf of Montijo A. tuberculosa were found to larger but at lower densities than those from Mangroves of David. At each site, size comparison by sampling period, were statistically significant only for GOM, where larger sizes were found in March and July and smaller sizes in October-December. There was no correlation between the distributions of A. tuberculosa and temperature, salinity and pH. A sustained decrease in A. tuberculosa densities was found for GOM (1.82 ind/m2 in 2004 to 0.6 ind/m2 in 2019). This contrast with the predominantly larger clam sizes above 50 mm in total length and an increase in mean size of collected individuals (52.62 mm in 2004 to 59.28 mm in 2020). Specimens of A. tuberculosa were found up to slightly more than 2 km inshore from the main channel and within slightly more than 500 m from a secondary channel. Clam densities decreased and sizes increased in a seaward-inshore direction. Conclusions: For A. tuberculosa, the combination of size classes larger than 50 mm and low densities of individuals is evidence of population deterioration associated to fishery and environmental stressors.

Animaux , Bivalvia , Répartition des animaux , Panama
Acta biol. colomb ; 26(1): 54-61, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152668


RESUMEN Se estudió la biología reproductiva del Bocachico, Prochilodus magdalenae, en el río San Jorge, Colombia. La especie es un pez con proporción sexual hembra: macho de 1,2:1, diferente a lo esperado. Presenta desarrollo ovocitario sincrónico en dos grupos, un desove anual que se extiende de abril a septiembre asociado al ciclo hidrológico del río San Jorge, talla media de madurez sexual estimada en 30,2 cm LT, ovocitos grandes de 950 μm y fecundidad promedio de 109 972 ovocitos, cuya ecuación fue F =7271,6 WO0,60, r =0,93, n =14.

ABSTRACT The reproductive biology of the Bocachico, Prochilodus magdalenae, in the San Jorge River, Colombia, was studied. The species is a fish with sexual proportion female: male of 1.2:1, different than expected. It presents synchronous ovocitary development in two groups, an annual spawning that extends from April to September associated to the hydrological cycle of the San Jorge River, length at first maturity estimated in 30.2 cm TL, large oocytes of 950 μm, and average fecundity of 109 972 oocytes, whose equation was F = 7271,6 OW0,60, r = 0,93, n = 14.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(1): e200082, 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1287436


The migratory catfish Brachyplatystoma vaillantii is one of the most important fishery resources in the Amazon. Intense capture occurs associated to its life cycle. In order to know the genetic status, we sequenced the mitochondrial DNA control region from 150 individuals of B. vaillantii, collected in five fishing landing locations, covering the length of the Solimões-Amazonas River in Brazil. Genetic diversity parameters suggest there is no genetic differentiation between the five localities. Population's expansion indicated by R 2 and Fu's Fs tests was also confirmed by the high number of unique haplotypes found. The Analyses of molecular variance indicated that nearly all variability was contained within locations (99.86%), and estimates of gene flow among B. vaillantii were high (F ST = 0.0014). These results suggest that Brachyplatystoma vaillantii forms a panmitic population along the Solimões-Amazonas River and, has greater genetic variability than other species of the Brachyplatystoma genus available so far. Although the influence of different tributaries on B. vaillantii migration patterns remains uncertain, a single population in the main channel should be consider in future policies for management of this resource. However, since the species' life cycle uses habitats in several countries, its management and conservation depend greatly of internationally joined efforts.(AU)

O bagre migrador, Brachyplatystoma vaillantii, é um dos mais importantes recursos pesqueiros da Amazônia. Intensa captura ocorre associada ao seu ciclo de vida. Para conhecer seu status genético, sequenciamos a região de controle do DNA mitocondrial de 150 indivíduos, coletados em cinco locais de desembarque pesqueiro, abrangendo toda a extensão do rio Solimões-Amazonas no Brasil. Os parâmetros de diversidade genética sugerem que não existe diferenciação genética entre as cinco localidades amostradas. A expansão populacional indicada pelos testes R 2 e Fs de Fu, também foi confirmada pelo elevado número de haplótipos únicos encontrados. A análise de variância molecular indicou que quase toda a variabilidade estava contida nas localidades (99,86%), e as estimativas de fluxo gênico desta espécie eram altas (F ST = 0,0014). Esses resultados sugerem que Brachyplatystoma vaillantii forma uma população panmítica ao longo do rio Solimões-Amazonas com maior variabilidade genética que outras espécies do gênero Brachyplatystoma disponíveis no momento. Embora a influência dos diferentes afluentes na migração de B. vaillantii permaneça incerta, em futuras políticas de gestão deste recurso deve-se considerá-lo como uma única população no canal principal. Entretanto, uma vez que seu ciclo de vida abrange habitats em vários países, seu manejo e conservação dependem muito de esforços internacionais em conjunto.(AU)

Animaux , Variation génétique , Poissons-chats , Écosystème , Pêcheries , Prévision , Génétique
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 19(2): e200100, 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1279492


The Xingu River has one of the most diverse fish faunas in the Amazon region. Loricariidae stands out as the most diverse family in the basin, comprising more than 60 species distributed over 26 genera. Species of Loricariidae are some of the most economically valued in the ornamental market worldwide. The loss of fishing environments in Altamira region due to dam impacts is driving a shift of ornamental fishing to areas upstream, among which are included the Xingu River and Iriri River Extractive Reserve Areas. Thus, the objective of this work was to inventory fish species with ornamental potential in these extractive reserves to serve as a baseline to help guide the future management of ornamental fishing in those areas. Thirty-two species of Loricariidae were collected in these reserves through either free diving or diving with compressed air. The composition of species varied according to the sampling method and area. The majority of species found in the reserves are also found in the impacted areas of Belo Monte near Altamira. The study areas showed high diversity of fish species in rapids environments, suggesting that this area could serve as an additional source of income for the residents of these reserves.(AU)

O rio Xingu possui umas das mais diversas ictiofaunas da região Amazônica. Loricariidae destaca-se como a família mais diversa nessa bacia, compreendendo mais de 60 espécies distribuídas em 26 gêneros. As espécies de Loricariidae estão entre as mais valorizadas economicamente no mercado ornamental mundial. A perda de ambientes de pesca na região de Altamira devido aos impactos das barragens está provocando uma mudança da pesca ornamental para áreas a montante, entre as quais estão incluídas as áreas das Reservas Extrativistas do Rio Xingu e do Rio Iriri. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi o de inventariar espécies de peixes com potencial ornamental nestas reservas extrativistas para servir de linha de base para ajudar a orientar o gerenciamento futuro da pesca ornamental nestas áreas. Trinta e duas espécies de Loricariidae foram coletadas nestas reservas através de mergulho livre ou mergulho com ar comprimido. A composição das espécies variou de acordo com o método de amostragem e a área de conservação. A maioria das espécies encontradas nas reservas também são encontradas nas áreas impactadas de Belo Monte, perto de Altamira. As áreas de estudo mostraram grande diversidade de espécies de peixes em ambientes rápidos, sugerindo que esta área poderia servir como uma fonte adicional de renda para os residentes destas reservas.(AU)

Animaux , Barrages , Poissons-chats , Écosystème Amazonien , Biodiversité , Pêcheries , Environnement
Rev. MVZ Córdoba ; 25(2): 81-89, mayo-ago. 2020. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340776


RESUMEN Objetivo. Evaluar el estado actual de Melongena melongena en la bahía de Cispatá, Caribe Colombiano a través de los aspectos poblacionales de la especie. Materiales y métodos. Se establecieron tres sectores de muestreo, conforme con la zonificación de los manglares en la bahía. Para la recolección del material biológico se ubicó un transecto lineal de 4 x 20 m perpendicular al área del manglar con dos replicas a una distancia de 50 m. Para la determinación del sexo, se tomó una submuestra de 10 individuos con tallas superiores a la estimada para la madurez sexual de la especie. A las conchas se les midió la longitud total, con el fin de diferenciar las tallas de hembras y machos. En cada sector, la temperatura del agua y salinidad fueron registradas in situ, empleando un medidor multiparámetro Extech EC170, mientras la trasparencia del agua se calculó mediante el disco Secchi. Resultados. Se registraron un total de 1.149 individuos de M. melongena, obteniendo la mayor abundancia el sector Caño Salado (522), seguido de Las Cagás (458) y finalmente Amaya (169). El 63% de los individuos se encontraron en un intervalo de talla entre 41-61 mm. La proporción sexual fue 1:1.2 (H:M). Las tallas registradas en hembras fueron de 55 a 92 mm y en machos de 54 a 77 mm. Conclusiones. M. melongena en la bahía de Cispatá está presentando signos evidentes de recuperación en la última década, debido a que la mayoría de los individuos registrados han alcanzado la talla media de madurez sexual.

ABSTRACT Objective. Evaluate the current status of Melongena melongena in Cispata Bay, Colombian Caribbean through the population aspects of the species. Materials and methods. Three sampling sectors were established, according to the zoning of the mangrove in the bay. For the collection of the biological material a linear transect of 4 x 20 m was located perpendicular to the area of the mangrove with two replicas at a distance of 50 m. For the determination of sex, a subsample of 10 individuals with sizes greater than that estimated for the sexual maturity of the species was taken. The shells were measured in total length, in order to differentiate the sizes of females and males. In each sector, the water temperature and salinity were measured in situ using an Extech EC170 multiparameter while water transparency is calculated using the Secchi disk. Results. A total of 1,149 individuals of M. melongena were recorded, obtaining the highest abundance in the Caño Salado sector (522), followed by Las Cagás (458) and finally Amaya (169). 63% of the individuals were in a size range between 41-61 mm. The sex ratio was 1:1.2 (H:M). The sizes recorded in females were from 55 to 92 mm and in males from 54 to 77 mm. Conclusions. M. melongena in Cispatá Bay is showing evident signs of recovery in the last decade, because most of the registered individuals have reached the average size of sexual maturity.

Animaux , Escargots , Zones humides , Mollusca , Estuaires
Rev. chil. nutr ; 47(3): 359-365, jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126132


Fish and fish products are an outstanding source of essential protein and micronutrients. In cured meats, such as pâté, the technological characteristics are fundamental to the final quality of the product. The present study aimed to evaluate the effect of the addition of manioc starch, water and inulin on moisture, water holding capacity (WHC) and texture profile in pâtés using the underutilized marine fish bicuda (barracuda, Sphyraenatome) with total fat replacement by inulin. A Rotational Central Composite Design (RCCD) was used with the independent variables inulin, manioc starch, and water. Water, inulin, and manioc starch significantly influenced (p<0.05) the moisture content of pâtés, WHC, and texture, hardness, gumminess, and chewiness parameters. The technological action of inulin as a substitute for fat used in the formulations (3% to 6%) was underestimated. The percentages used were below perecentages of at least 20% of fat reported in the literature.Current legislation does not recommend WHR values and hardness parameters, only values for humidity. There is a need for revision of legislation to meet the characteristics of the identity pattern and quality of fish pâté.

El pescado y los productos pesqueros son una fuente excepcional de proteínas esenciales y micronutrientes. En embutidos (carne curada) como el paté, las características tecnológicas son fundamentales para la calidad final del producto. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la adición de almidón de mandioca, agua e inulina sobre la humedad, la capacidad de retención de agua (WHC) y el perfil de la textura en patés fabricados con peces marinos subutilizados (barracuda, Sphyraena tome) con reemplazo total de grasa por inulina. Se utilizó un diseño compuesto central rotatorio (RCCD) con las variables independientes inulina, almidón de mandioca y agua. El agua, la inulina y el almidón de mandioca influyeron significativamente (p<0.05) en el contenido de humedad de los patés, WHC, y los parámetros de textura, dureza, gomosidad y masticabilidad. Se subestimó la acción tecnológica de la inulina como sustituto de la grasa en los contenidos utilizados en las formulaciones (3% a 6%). Los porcentajes utilizados estaban por debajo de lo que informa la literatura de al menos un 20% de grasa. La legislación actual no recomienda valores de WHR y parámetros de dureza, solo valores de humedad. Es necesario revisar la legislación para cumplir con las características del patrón de identidad y la calidad del paté de pescado.

Animaux , Amidon , Produits de la mer , Produits de la pêche , Additifs alimentaires , Perciformes , Manihot , Dureté , Humidité
Rev. biol. trop ; 68mar. 2020.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507607


Introducción: La variabilidad climática tiene efectos importantes sobre las diferentes actividades económicas que se desarrollan en zonas costeras y que emplean servicios ecosistémicos para su funcionamiento. Actualmente, no existen metodologías integrales que permitan realizar un proceso de valoración teniendo en cuenta todas las variables y las interacciones entre ellas. Objetivo: Proponer una aproximación metodológica que incluya de manera integral las diferentes etapas en el proceso de valoración económica de servicios ecosistémicos en zonas costeras, ante la variabilidad climática. Métodos: Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica, consulta a expertos y se empleó un ejemplo de aplicación usando la actividad turística de buceo con tiburones martillos en la Isla del Coco. Resultados: La aproximación metodológica propuesta inicia con la caracterización socioeconómica y ambiental de la actividad que emplea el recurso natural como insumo, posteriormente se realiza una identificación y caracterización de las variables ambientales que afectan el recurso natural y los efectos que la variación de este recurso tiene sobre la actividad económica. Conclusiones: Las variables que conforman el sistema climático, que tienen relación con los recursos naturales y las actividades económicas, al ser influenciadas por fenómenos externos, producen efectos que deben ser analizados por medio de aproximaciones metodológicas integrales, dentro de las cuales uno de los pasos es la metodología de valoración, que permitan generar recomendaciones de política que contribuyan a minimizar esos efectos.

Introduction: Climate variability has important effects on the different economic activities that take place in marine areas. Currently, there are no comprehensive methodologies to carry out an assessment process that consider all the variables and interactions between them. Objective: To propose a methodological approach that comprehensively includes the different stages in the process of economic valuation of ecosystem services in coastal areas, in the face of climate variability. Methods: A bibliographic review, expert consultations and an application of a methodological example using the impact over shark diving activities at Isla del Coco were conducted. Results: The proposed methodological approach begins with the socio-economic and environmental characterization of the activity that uses a natural resource as input, followed by the identification and characterization of the environmental variables that affect the natural resource and of the effects that the variation of this resource has on the economic activity. Conclusions: The variables that make up the climate system, which relate to natural resources and economic activities, being influenced by external phenomena, produce effects that must be analyzed by comprehensive methodological approximations, within which one of the steps is the valuation methodology, that will allow generating policy recommendations that help to minimize these effects.

Rev. biol. trop ; 68(4)2020.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, BVSEPS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507712


Introduction: Mustelus higmani is one of the shark species most commonly caught in the Northeastern region of Venezuela; however, this species has been poorly studied. Objective: To evaluate the age and growth of M. higmani on the basis of the optical analysis of vertebrae. Methods: Between August 2016 and July 2017, the vertebral samples were collected in the fishing port of Juan Griego, Margarita Island. The growth study was based on a sample of 238 individuals, 86 males (24.1-59.5 cm TL) and 152 females (24.4-69.5 cm TL) and the use of VBGF modeling approach. Results: The RMI analysis suggested an annual periodicity for the deposition of growth rings. Ages assigned varied between 0 and 5 years in males, and between 0 and 6 years in females. The estimates of VBGF parameters were L ¥ = 60.4 cm TL, k = 0.53 years-1 and t 0 = -1.02 years in males; and L ¥ = 71.1 cm TL, k = 0.38 years-1 and t 0 = -1.17 years in females. The ages at maturity and longevities resulted respectively in 2.6 and 6.6 years for males; and in 2.1 and 9.0 years for females. Conclusions: In general, results indicate that M. higmani has a rapid growth, early maturity, short longevity, and annual reproductive cycle, characterizing it as a biologically productive species.

Introducción: Mustelushigmani es una de las especies de tiburones más comúnmente capturadas en el nororiente de Venezuela; sin embargo, ha sido poco estudiada. Objetivo: Examinar la edad y crecimiento de M. higmani con base en el análisis óptico de las vértebras. Métodos: Entre agosto 2016 y julio 2017, se recolectaron muestras de vertebras en el puerto pesquero de Juan Griego, Isla de Margarita. La asignación de las edades se realizó con base en 238 ejemplares, 86 machos (24.1-59.5 cm LT) y 152 hembras (24.4-69.5 cm LT). Resultados: El análisis de RMI sugiere una periodicidad anual en la formación de los anillos de crecimiento. Las edades estuvieron comprendidas entre 0 y 5 años en los machos, y entre 0 y 6 años en las hembras. A su vez, los valores de los parámetros VBGF fueron L ¥ = 60.4 cm LT, k = 0.53 años-1 y t 0 = -1.02 años en los machos, y L ¥ = 71.1 cm LT, k = 0.38 años-1 y t 0 = -1.17 años en las hembras. Las edades medias de madurez y las longevidades resultaron respectivamente en 2.6 y 6.6 años para los machos, y en 2.1 y 9.0 años para las hembras. Conclusiones: En general los resultados indican que M. higmani presenta un crecimiento rápido, madurez temprana, corta longevidad y ciclo reproductivo anual, caracterizándola como una especie productiva desde el punto de vista biológico.

Animaux , Requins/croissance et développement , Venezuela
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 18(3): e200029, 2020. tab, graf, mapas
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135400


The determination of the period of parturition and identification of nursery areas are fundamental for the management and conservation of a fishing resource. Through combination of monthly abundance, length measurements, and development time of embryos we inferred about parturition time of the Blacktip sharks, Carcharhinus limbatus, from Southwestern Atlantic. Specimens of C. limbatus were caught from 2002 and 2008 by artisanal fleets from three different locations along the Brazilian coast using gillnets (mesh width ranging between 30 and 120 mm between opposite knots and operating from 9 to 120 m in depth), handlines (19 to 140 m depth) and longlines (6 to 90 m depth). Through a comparative analysis of fisheries landing data collected, we have verified neonatal (< 90 cm) catch peaks at specific times of the year in different locations and, matching with birth prediction of embryos, propose that C. limbatuspresents a well-defined parturition time in late spring-early summer in Southwestern Atlantic. Moreover, we indicate supposed nursery grounds for the species along the Brazilian coast. This information will be crucial for stock assessments of the species and may serve as a basis for determining fisheries management measures.(AU)

A determinação do período de parto e identificação de áreas de berçário são fundamentais para o manejo e conservação da espécie. Através da combinação de abundância mensal, comprimentos e tempo de desenvolvimento de embriões nós inferimos sobre a época de parto do tubarão galha preta, Carcharhinus limbatus, no Sudoeste Atlântico. Espécimes de C. limbatus foram capturados entre 2002 e 2008 por frotas artesanais de três locais diferentes ao longo da costa brasileira usando redes de emalhar (largura de malha variando entre 30 e 120 mm entre nós opostos e operando de 9 a 120 m de profundidade), linhas de mão (19 a 140 m de profundidade) e espinhel (6 a 90 m de profundidade). Através de análise comparativa de dados de desembarque pesqueiro, verificamos picos de captura de neonatos (< 90 cm) em períodos específicos do ano em diferentes localidades e, combinando com a previsão de nascimento de embriões, propomos que C. limbatus apresenta um período de parto bem definido no final da primavera e início do verão no Sudoeste do Atlântico. Além disto, nós indicamos prováveis áreas de berçário ao longo da costa brasileira. Estas informações serão cruciais para avaliações de estoque da espécie e poderão servir de base para determinação de medidas de manejo de pescarias.(AU)

Animaux , Femelle , Grossesse , Requins , Gestation animale , Elasmobranchii , Parturition , Pêcheries , Crèches
Rev. biol. trop ; 67(4)sept. 2019.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507561


The densities of the land crab Cardisoma guanhumi has been declining due to overfishing, habitat degradation and loss, and continued capture in Natural Protected Areas (NPA). Numerous management strategies and regulations have been developed to monitor and reduce population declines. In Puerto Rico, an administrative order of 1999, regulates a closed season, prohibited the capture of crabs through the year from NPA's and below a minimum size for capture (64 mm). The goal of this research was to monitor spatial-temporal dynamics of crab captures after the implementation of the administrative order. Crabs captured in the Jobos Bay Estuary (JBE) were studied over a 15-year period. The size (carapace width) (CW), sex, and color were documented for 1 531 crabs from 31 crab hunters. Significant temporal difference in crab size was observed (Kruskal Wallis = 46.82, P < 6.187e-9), the smallest crabs were captured in 2004 and the largest crabs were captured in 2013. Crab size varied by color (Kruskal Wallis = 86.54, P < 2.2e-16), larger crabs were blue, medium sized crabs were brown and smallest crabs were orange. Since color is related to development stage and market value, color can be used as an educational and enforcement tool. There was significant spatial difference in the size of crabs captured (Kruskal Wallis = 252.54, P < 2.2 e-16), smaller crabs were captured in smaller hunting areas. Only three percent of crabs captured from 2009 to 2018 were below the legal-size limit. Temperature had a weak significant positive relationship with crab size and in years when rainfall was lower smaller crabs were captured. Increases in crab size from 2004 to 2013 coincided with mangrove recovery and the current decrease of crab size coincides with droughts of 2015. Management plans in the Caribbean must include local actions to reduce hunting and climate variability impacts on crab habitat and food availability.

Las densidades del cangrejo terrestre Cardisoma guanhumi ha disminuido debido a la sobrepesca, la degradación y pérdida de hábitat y la captura continua en áreas naturales protegidas (ANP). Se han desarrollado numerosas estrategias y regulaciones de gestión para monitorear y reducir el declive de la población. En Puerto Rico, una orden administrativa de 1999 regula una temporada cerrada, prohibió la captura de cangrejos durante todo el año en las ANP y por debajo de un tamaño mínimo para la captura (64 mm). El objetivo de esta investigación fue monitorear la dinámica espacio-temporal de las capturas de cangrejo después de la implementación de la orden administrativa. Los cangrejos capturados en el estuario de la Bahía de Jobos (JBE) se estudiaron durante un período de 15 años. El tamaño (ancho del caparazón) (CW), el sexo y el color se documentaron para 1 531 cangrejos de 31 cazadores de cangrejos. Se observó una diferencia temporal significativa en el tamaño del cangrejo (Kruskal Wallis = 46.82, P < 6.187e-9), los cangrejos más pequeños se capturaron en 2004 y los cangrejos más grandes en 2013. El tamaño del cangrejo varió según el color (Kruskal Wallis = 86.54, P < 2.2e-16), los cangrejos más grandes eran azules, los cangrejos medianos eran marrones y los cangrejos más pequeños eran anaranjados. Dado que el color está relacionado con la etapa de desarrollo y el valor de mercado, el color se puede utilizar como herramienta educativa y de cumplimiento. Hubo una diferencia espacial en el tamaño de los cangrejos capturados (Kruskal Wallis = 252.54, P < 2.2e-16), se capturaron cangrejos más pequeños en áreas de caza pequeñas. Solo el tres por ciento de los cangrejos capturados de 2009 a 2018 estaban por debajo del límite de tamaño legal. La temperatura tuvo una relación positiva significativa con el tamaño del cangrejo, cuando la lluvia fue menor, se capturaron cangrejos pequeños. Los aumentos en el tamaño de los cangrejos de 2004 a 2013 coincidieron con la recuperación de los manglares y la disminución actual del tamaño de los cangrejos coincide con las sequías de 2015. Los planes de manejo en el Caribe deben incluir acciones locales para reducir la caza y los impactos de la variabilidad del clima en el hábitat del cangrejo y la disponibilidad de alimentos.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 19(1): e20170432, 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-974035


Abstract: Demersal fishery resources are abundant on continental shelves, on the tropical and subtropical coasts, making up a significant part of the marine environment. Marine demersal fishery resources are captured by various fishing methods, often unsustainably, which has led to the depletion of their stocks. In order to inventory the marine demersal ichthyofauna on the Southern Brazilian coast, as well as their conservation status and distribution, this study analyzed the composition and frequency of occurrence of fish captured by pair trawling in 117 fishery fleet landings based in the State of São Paulo between 2005 and 2012. The ichthyofauna consisted of 245 species (81 families, 32 orders and 2 classes). Among the species, 50 species were classified as constant, 38 accessory and 157 accidental. Still, 13.47% of the species were listed as endangered; 35.29% of the Chondrichthyes and 11.85% of the Actinopterygii (15.1% of the total species) belong to the endemic fauna of the Biogeographic Province of Argentina. The richness was directly related to the oceanographic features of the study area, which determined the southern boundary of occurrence of several tropical species and the northern boundary of occurrence for temperate species. This is the region with the highest abundance of fishery resources in Brazil.

Resumo: Nas costas tropicais e subtropicais, sobre as plataformas continentais, os recursos pesqueiros demersais são abundantes e considerados uma parcela importante do ambiente marinho. Os recursos pesqueiros demersais marinhos são capturados por diversas modalidades de pesca, muitas vezes de forma insustentável, o que vem provocando o esgotamento de seus estoques. Com o objetivo de inventariar a ictiofauna demersal marinha da costa sudeste-sul do Brasil, assim como seu status de conservação e distribuição, foram analisadas a composição e frequência de peixes capturados em 117 cruzeiros de pesca entre 2005 e 2012 pela frota de arrasto de parelha sediada no Estado de São Paulo. A ictiofauna foi composta por 245 espécies (81 famílias, 32 ordens e 02 classes), sendo 50 consideradas como constantes, 38 acessórias e 157 acidentais; 13.47% apresentam algum grau de ameaça; 35.29% dos Chondrichthyes e 11.85% dos Actinopterygii (15.1% do total) pertencem à fauna endêmica da Província Zoogeográfica da Argentina. A riqueza observada está diretamente vinculada às características oceanográficas da área de estudo, sendo estas responsáveis pelo limite meridional de ocorrência de várias espécies tropicais e o limite setentrional de espécies de regiões temperadas. Esta é a região com maior abundância de recursos pesqueiros do Brasil.

Neotrop. ichthyol ; 17(2): e190015, 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1012721


A field study of the sex ratio, length-weight ratio, body size at first gonadal maturation, and the breeding season of the red-tailed catfish, Phractocephalus hemioliopterus, was carried out in the region of the middle Xingu River in the eastern Amazon basin. The fish were sampled quarterly from September 2012 to January 2014 using gillnets and long lines. The sex ratio was balanced, and while males and females were similar in standard length, the females were heavier than the males, on average. The males presented negative allometric growth, and the females, isometric growth. The estimated size at first maturity was 77.8 cm. The variation in the gonadosomatic index and the greater frequencies of mature specimens indicated a reproductive peak at the beginning of the high-water (flood) period. As P. hemioliopterus is an important commercial fish, our findings will contribute to the future development of effective conservation and management strategies, such as minimum catch size and a close season that is appropriate for the region. These data will also provide important insights for the evaluation of potential impacts on the biology of this fish resulting from the construction of Belo Monte dam.(AU)

Um estudo de campo sobre a proporção sexual, relação peso-comprimento, tamanho de primeira maturação gonadal e o período reprodutivo da pirarara, Phractocephalus hemioliopterus foi realizado na região do Médio Rio Xingu, na Amazônia oriental. Os espécimes foram coletados trimestralmente entre setembro de 2012 e janeiro de 2014, utilizando redes malhadeiras e espinheis. A proporção sexual foi balanceada, e machos e fêmeas foram equivalentes quanto ao comprimento padrão, mas fêmeas foram mais pesadas do que machos. Crescimento alométrico negativo foi evidenciado para machos e crescimento isométrico para fêmeas. O tamanho estimado de primeira maturação sexual foi igual a 77,8 cm. A variação do índice gonadossomático e a maior frequência de indivíduos maduros evidenciaram uma maior atividade reprodutiva no começo do período de águas altas (enchente). Considerando P. hemioliopterus como uma espécie de interesse comercial, as informações aqui apresentadas poderão ser uteis para um futuro plano de conservação e manejo como o estabelecimento de um tamanho mínimo de captura e período de defeso para a região. Além disso, poderá ser útil para avaliar potenciais impactos na biologia dos peixes em decorrência das mudanças ambientais provocadas pela construção da barragem de Belo Monte.(AU)

Animaux , Poissons-chats/anatomie et histologie , Poissons-chats/classification , Poissons-chats/physiologie , Sexe-ratio , Comportement procréatif
Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 19(2): e20180620, 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001405


Abstract: The objective of this study is to describe the ethnoecological aspects, valorization, and commercialization of target species caught by artisanal fishers on the northern coast of Rio de Janeiro, southeastern Brazil. The data were obtained through semi-structured interviews conducted with 60 fishers from the fishing community of Guaxindiba (21°29'S, 41°00'W), which is associated with the Z-1 fishers' colony. Eighty-nine species were cited by the fishers and 44.1% are important commercial fish in the region. The fishers cited five distinct zones used to fish: border zone (68 species), estuary (41 spp.), artificial reef (27 spp.), "malacacheta" (24 spp.), and open ocean (10 spp.). The fishery resources were classified according to their gastronomic and economic characteristics: primary fish (35 spp.), secondary fish (32 spp.), mixed fish (10 spp.), discarded fish (7 spp.), and fish used as bait (5 spp.). The price of the target species increases along the production chain due to the greater number of people involved, processing costs, and improvement of the product. The data from this study can contribute to local fisheries management and point out to the use of artificial reefs in the maintenance of fishery resources in northern Rio de Janeiro.

Resumo: O objetivo desse estudo é descrever os aspectos etnoecológicos, a valoração e a forma de comercialização das espécies-alvo capturadas na pesca artesanal praticada na costa norte do Rio de Janeiro, sudeste do Brasil. Os dados foram obtidos a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas com 60 pescadores da comunidade pesqueira Guaxindiba (21°29'S, 41°00'O), vinculados à colônia de pescadores Z-1. Oitenta e nove espécies foram citadas pelos pescadores e 44,1% desse total são importantes para o comércio da região. Os pescadores citaram cinco zonas distintas que são utilizadas para a pesca: zona da "borda" (68 espécies), estuário (41 spp.), recife artificial (27 spp.), "malacacheta" (24 spp.) e mar aberto (10 spp,). Os recursos pesqueiros foram classificados de acordo com suas características gastronômicas e econômicas: pescado-de-primeira (35 spp.), pescado-de-segunda (32 spp.), pescado-mistura (10 spp.), pescado-de-descarte (7 spp.) e pescado-isca (5 spp.). O preço das espécies-alvo aumenta ao longo da cadeia produtiva em decorrência do maior número de pessoas envolvidas, dos gastos com insumos e do processo de beneficiamento do pescado. Os dados desse estudo podem contribuir para o manejo da pesca local e apontam para o uso de recifes artificiais na manutenção dos recursos pesqueiros no norte do Rio de Janeiro.

Hig. aliment ; 32(278/279): 63-67, 30/04/2018.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-909926


Objetivou-se verificar as condições higienicossanitárias dos boxes de comercialização de pescado no Mercado Público José Emídio, localizado no município de Timon, Maranhão. Foram aplicados checklists considerando os aspectos higiênicos e sanitários dos proprietários dos boxes e realizou-se a coleta de amostras dos alimentos comercializados nesses estabelecimentos para avaliação microbiológica, bem como amostras, por meio de swab, das mãos, realizando a determinação do número mais provável de coliformes a 35º e a 45º C. Tais procedimentos foram posteriores a apresentação, leitura e assinatura do Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. Por meio da porcentagem de "SIM" às respostas dos itens do checklist, os boxes foram diagnosticados com 24,14; 31,03 e 48,00% para A, B e C, respectivamente, sendo os três estabelecimentos classificados como irregulares. Nas análises microbiológicas verificou-se que há presença de coliformes totais na maioria das amostras de pescado, indicando condições higienicossanitárias insatisfatórias dos alimentos comercializados nos boxes pesquisados. Todavia, nas análises referentes aos manipuladores, verificou-se que somente um apresentou resultado de contaminação microbiológica. Tais resultados evidenciam a necessidade de análise microbiológica dos alimentos, auxiliando a identificação de qual momento está ocorrendo o processo de contaminação do pescado. A aplicação somente do checklist é ineficiente para avaliação das condições higienicossanitárias de estabelecimento comercializadores de pescado.(AU)

It was aimed to verify the hygienic-sanitary conditions of fish comercilizers boxes in the José Emídio Public Market, located in the Timon city, Maranhão. They were applied "checklist" considering the hygienic-sanitary aspects of the Manipulators of the boxes and the samples of the foods commercialized collected in out for microbiological evaluation, as well as samples by hand swab, making the determination of the most probable number of coliforms at 35º and 45º C. Such procedures were subsequent to the presentation, reading and signing of the Termod and Free and Scantily Consented. Through the "YES" percentage of responses to Checklist items, the boxes were diagnosed with 24,14, 31,03 and 48,00% for A, B and C, respectively, and the three establishments were classified as irregular. In the microbiological analyzes it was verified that there is presence of total coliforms in the majority of fish samples, indicating unsatisfactory hygienic-sanitary conditions of the foods commercialized in the researched boxes. However, in the analyzes referring to the manipulators, it was verified that only one presented a result of microbiological contamination. These results evidenced the need for microbiological analysis of the food, helping to identify which moment the process of fish contamination is occurring. The only application of the "checklist" is inefficient to evaluate the hygienicsanitary conditions of fish traders.

Animaux , /analyse , Stockage des aliments/normes , Équipement pour l'Alimentation , Poissons/microbiologie , Échantillons Alimentaires , Coliformes , Liste de contrôle , Manipulation des aliments
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 25(1): 55-66, ene.-mar. 2018. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094302


La información científica sobre Ucides occidentalis es escasa y parte de estos estudios no han logrado una difusión adecuada, lo cual restringe la disponibilidad de conocimiento sobre esta especie comercial. En este trabajo se revisan diversos estudios sobre U. occidentalis y se presenta información obtenida de observaciones directas realizadas entre 2011-2014 en los manglares del Golfo de Guayaquil, Ecuador. Se muestran notas sobre cambios en la taxonomía de U. occidentalis, sus características biológicas, ecológicas y pesqueras. Se discuten características del interés pesquero como la densidad poblacional y períodos de reproducción. Finalmente, se discute el manejo de las pesquerías de U. occidentalis en el Golfo de Guayaquil debido a que, en los últimos años, se ha evidenciado una disminución en los niveles de desembarques y a la vez, un aumento en la talla media comercial; aquello sugiere que se deben considerar ambos factores en la evaluación del stock, para tener una mejor aproximación sobre el estado poblacional del recurso y sus niveles de explotación.

Scientific information on Ucides occidentalis is scarce, and part of these studies have not adequate diffusion, this situation restricts the availability of knowledge about this commercial species. In this work, on the one hand, diverse studies on U. occidentalis are reviewed, and on the other, information obtained from direct observations made since 2011 to 2014 in the Gulf of Guayaquil mangroves, is presented. Notes on changes in the taxonomy of U. occidentalis, its biology, ecological and fishery characteristics are presented. Characteristics to fishing interest such as density data and reproduction periods are discussed. By last, it is discussed the management of fisheries of U. occidentalis in the Gulf of Guayaquil, because in recent decades, U. occidentalis has evidenced a decrease in the landing levels and at the same time, an increase in the average commercial size; this suggest that both factors should be considered in the evaluation of stock, and thereby to have a better approximation on the population status of the resource.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 4020180000. map, tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460793


The jatuarana (Brycon amazonicus), is an important species for the Madeira River commercialfisheries. The paper aims to characterize the jatuarana fishing dynamics in the middle Madeira River andtest whether there are differences dowstreams and upstreams the Teotônio waterfall. Commercial fisherieslandings were monitored daily at 15 ports or riverine communities along that stretch, using semistructuredinterviews with fishermen. With data from the fishing monitoring program of UHEs SantoAntônio and Jirau we analysed: the yield, catch per unit effort (CPUE), length structure, locations andfishing gear used, between 2009 to 2011.The fishing yield of this species was temporaly analyzed with datafrom the Fishermen Colony of Porto Velho city (Rondônia state, Brazil), between 1990 to 2012. The yieldand the CPUE showed significant differences by area and locations and the capture of the species wascarried out primarily in the channel river and banks river through gillnets. In addition, the samplescollected in the upstream area have higher distribution and modal lengths than from those collecteddownstream. These results suggest that the areas require distinct management measures.

A jatuarana (Brycon amazonicus) é uma espécie importante para a pesca comercial do médio rioMadeira. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar a dinâmica da pesca da jatuarana na região e testardiferenças entre os trechos a jusante e montante da Cachoeira do Teotônio. Os desembarques pesqueirosforam monitorados diariamente em 15 portos e/ou comunidades ribeirinhas, usando entrevistassemiestruturadas com os pescadores. Com dados do Programa de Monitoramento Pesqueiro das UHEsSanto Antônio e Jirau foram analisados: a produção, a captura por unidade de esforço (CPUE), a estruturaem comprimento, os locais e os apetrechos de pesca utilizados entre 2009 e 2011. A produção da espécie foianalisada temporalmente com dados da Colônia de Pescadores de Porto Velho (Rondônia, Brasil) de 1990 a2012. A produção e a CPUE apresentaram diferenças significativas por área e localidades e a captura daespécie foi realizada, principalmente, na calha e nas margens do rio por meio de malhadeira. Verificou-setambém que os exemplares amostrados na área montante exibiram distribuição e comprimentos modaismaiores que na área jusante. Estes resultados sugerem a necessidade de estratégias de manejo distintas entreas áreas.

Characidae , Industrie du Poisson
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 70(1): 238-246, Jan.-Feb. 2018. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-888066


Na pesca de arrasto, são inúmeras as espécies de peixe capturadas acidentalmente, compostas, em sua maioria, de espécimes de pequeno tamanho e baixo valor comercial, os quais recebem o nome de rejeito de pesca. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo o desenvolvimento de dois produtos, almôndega e quibe de peixe, tendo como matéria- prima espécies consideradas capturas acidentais na modalidade de pesca de arrasto realizada no litoral do Rio de Janeiro. A identificação taxonômica das espécies teve como resultado as espécies pargo (Pagrus pagrus), castanha (Umbrina sp.), olho-de-cão (Priacanthus arenatus), congro-negro (Conger sp.), congro-rosa (Genypterus brasiliensis) e peixe-sapo (Lophius gastrophysus). A matéria seca percentual na polpa foi de 31,20±1,30%, no quibe e na almôndega crus; os valores foram de 37,90±1,10 e 32,10±1,10, respectivamente. Nos produtos assados, os resultados foram 33,40±1,20 para o quibe e 34,20±1,00 para a almôndega. Os teores de cinzas na polpa foram 1,5% para o quibe e a almôndega crus; os valores de cinzas foram de 2,55±0,05 e 1,47±0,05, respectivamente. Para os produtos assados, os resultados foram 1,87±0,05 para o quibe e 1,92±0,05 para a almôndega. Os teores de lipídeos aferidos na polpa foram de 4,80±0,30%. Com relação ao quibe e à almôndega crus, o percentual de lipídeos foi de 4,20±0,80 e 4,20±0,60, respectivamente. Para os produtos assados, foi de 4,50±0,60 para o quibe e 4,40±0,60 para a almôndega. A proteína bruta apresentou, na polpa, um índice de 15,60±1,04%. Com relação ao quibe e à almôndega crus, 17,80±2,16 e 14,90±2,12, respectivamente. Para os produtos assados, 15,10±2,10 em ambos. Os compostos nitrogenados solúveis, formadores do NNP, apresentaram valores de 285mg NNP/100g de polpa de pescado crua, 291mg NNP/100g no quibe cru e 294mg NNP/100g na almôndega crua. Os resultados da contagem total de psicrotróficos mantiveram-se abaixo de log 7,0UFC/g, para contagem padrão em placas de microrganismos aeróbicos. Não foi constatada a presença de coliformes fecais Salmonella e Staphylococcus aureus. Também não foram detectados níveis de histamina e compostos à base de enxofre nas amostras.(AU)

Seafood products represent an important source of proteins and minerals as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids. However, its consumption in Brazil is very low in comparison to other kinds of meat. This may due to lack of skill in its preparation, making immensurable the importance of the search for new ways to market it, such as ready-made or semi-ready to serve products. The trawl fishery method often accidentally captures a variety of species, composed basically of low commercial value and size. Such catches are called "second-hand catch". With this in mind, this paper has as its main objective de development of two products: fish meatball and kibe, using what is considered accidental catches in the trawl fishery industry done on Rio de Janeiro's offshore as the raw material. The taxonomic identification of the species resulted in the species, Red porgy (Pagrus pagrus), Argentine croaker (Umbrina sp.), Atlantic bigeye (Priacanthus arenatus), Black cusk-eel (Conger sp.), Cusk-eel (Genypterus brasiliensis) and Blackfin goosefish (Lophius gastrophysus). The dry material of the raw product was 31.20±1.30%, in the raw meatball and kibbeh the values was 37.90±1.10 and 32.10±1.10, respectively, in the baked product the results was 33.40±1.20 and 34.20±1.00 (kibbeh and meatball). The ash content in the pulp was 1.5%, for the raw kibbeh and meatball, the amounts of ash were 2.55±0.05 and 1.47±0.05, respectively. For baked goods results were 1.87±0.05 for the kibbeh and 1.92±0.05 for the meatball. The measured lipid levels in the pulp was 4.80±0.30%. In respect, raw kibbeh and meatball, the percentage of lipids were 4.20±0.80 and 4.20±0.60, respectively. For baked goods was 4.50±0.60 for the kibbeh and 4.40±0.60 for the meatball. The protein level presented in the raw material was 15.60±1.04%, to the raw kibbeh and meatball was 17.80±2.16 and 14.90±2.12 and for the baked goods 15.10±2.10 both. Soluble nitrogen compounds shows values of 285mg/100g in the raw material, in the kibbeh NNP 291mg/100g and the meatball NNP 294mg/100g. The results of the total count of psychotropic remained below 7.0 log CFU/g, for standard count of aerobic microorganism plates. Fecal coliform bacteria, Salmonella, and Staphylococcus aureus were not present . The levels of histamine and sulfur basic compounds (H2S) were not detected in the samples.(AU)

Animaux , Industrie du Poisson , Poissons/classification
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