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Indian J Biochem Biophys ; 2022 May; 59(5): 580-585
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221537


Waterlogging is an important abiotic factor affecting crop productivity worldwide. Black gram (Vigna mungo L.) is very sensitive to waterlogged conditions. A field experiment was conducted in randomized complete block design to evaluate three black gram genotypes for waterlogging tolerance. Stress was imposed by maintaining the water level above the soil surface for 10 days after 30 days of sowing. Different physiological parameters including chlorophyll (Chl), chlorophyll fluorescence, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), sugars, along with the yield per plant and thousand grain weight (TW) were recorded in control and stressed plants. Results showed that NDVI, Chl, chlorophyll fluorescence, sugars, seed yield and TW reduced significantly during stress. Stress susceptibility index (SSI) for grain yield varied from 0.32 to 2.38. Linear correlation study showed that SSI was negatively correlated with NDVI (0.43),Chl (0.68) and TW (0.42) and grain yield (0.96). NDVI and sugars were correlated to TW under stress. IC530491 and IC559933 (SSI < 0.5) were waterlogging tolerant under field conditions. The study concluded that identified black gram lines may be utilized as trait donors in breeding program.

Rev. biol. trop ; 69(1)2021.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507822


Introduction: Pentaclethra macroloba is a hyperdominant tree in the Amazon estuary of great socioeconomic importance for the region because the oil from its seeds is a powerful herbal medicine. Objective: We aimed to characterize the morphological structure, the morphological adaptations in response to the daily flooding of the Amazon estuary and the biogeographic area of P. macroloba. Methods: Detailed description of the external morphology, from germination to the adult tree, was obtained from individuals located in floodplain forest, Northeast Amazonia. The occupation area and the geographical extension of P. macroloba were determined from point of geographical coordinates of botanical samples deposited in the digital collections of Mobot and SpeciesLink. Results: Adult individuals have adapted structures in response to daily flooding, such as: adventitious roots to increase respiratory efficiency and lenticels in the trunk, serving as a connection point for oxygen transport between the root and the aerial part. Dried fruit favours the activation of the explosive dehiscence mechanism, allowing the seed to be expelled long distance. Deltoid shape of the seed allows water fluctuation and more efficient dispersal. Seedling is phanerocotylar hypogeal and with one pair of reserve cotyledons that provide the seedling an extra source of energy to escape the flood. Germination rate was 78 % and the speed was 0.2 Circular buffer method revealed the presence of 123 subpopulations of P. macroloba distributed in a radius of 5 699 943 km² across the Neotropical region. Conclusions: Much of the morphological structures of P. macroloba are adaptive and evolutionary responses to the periodically flooded environment of the Amazon estuary, showing that these environments select the trees, best adapted, to inhabit the flood. P. macroloba has a wide geographical area denotes the plasticity of adapting to different environments, which may justify its monodominance in some regions.

Introducción: Pentaclethra macroloba es un árbol hiperdominante en el estuario del Amazonas, de gran importancia socioeconómica para la región, pues el aceite de sus semillas es un poderoso medicamento natural. Objetivo: Nuestro objetivo fue caracterizar la estructura morfológica, las adaptaciones morfológicas en respuesta a las inundaciones diarias del estuario del Amazonas y el área biogeográfica de P. macroloba. Métodos: Una descripción detallada de la morfología externa, desde la germinación hasta el árbol adulto, se obtuvo de individuos ubicados en el bosque periódicamente inundado, al noreste de la Amazonia. El área de ocupación y la extensión geográfica de P. macroloba se determinaron a partir del punto de coordenadas geográficas de muestras botánicas depositadas en las colecciones digitales de Mobot y SpeciesLink. Resultados: Los individuos adultos tienen estructuras adaptadas en respuesta a las inundaciones diarias, tales como: raíces adventicias para aumentar la eficiencia respiratoria y lenticelas en el tronco, que sirven como punto de conexión para el transporte de oxígeno entre la raíz y la parte aérea. Los frutos secos favorecen la activación del mecanismo de dehiscencia explosiva, permitiendo que la semilla sea expulsada a larga distancia. La forma deltoidea de la semilla permite la fluctuación en el agua y una dispersión más eficiente. La plántula es hipogel fanerocotiledones y con un par de cotiledones de reserva que proporcionan a la plántula una fuente extra de energía para escapar de la inundación. La tasa de germinación fue del 78 % y la velocidad fue de 0.2 semillas día-1. El método Circular buffer reveló la presencia de 123 subpoblaciones de P. macroloba distribuidas en un radio de 5 699 943 km² a lo largo de la región neotropical. Conclusiones: Gran parte de las estructuras morfológicas de P. macroloba son respuestas adaptativas y evolutivas al ambiente periódicamente inundado del estuario del Amazonas, lo que demuestra que estos ambientes actúan como filtro ambiental seleccionado las especies mejor adaptadas al medio. Su amplia área geográfica denota la plasticidad de adaptarse a diferentes ambientes, lo que puede justificar su monodominancia en algunas regiones.

Écosystème Amazonien , Fabaceae/anatomie et histologie , Arbres/anatomie et histologie , Brésil
Orinoquia ; 24(1): 86-93, ene.-jun. 2020. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115059


Resumen A través de un estudio tipo mixto de orden cualitativo, aplicado a los residentes del barrio Camilo Torres en la rivera del caño Gramalote en el municipio de Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia, se determinó la vulnerabilidad de los predios y sus afectaciones por inundación; se cruzó lo observado con los referentes secundarios para determinar las acciones realizadas frente a los eventos ocurridos en la zona. Se utilizó la estrategia "historia de vida" para la recolección de información, construyendo un cuerpo textual para establecer relaciones y significados. Determinando que el cambio en el uso del suelo tanto como las medidas de contención adoptadas por la municipalidad han generado un aumento en la vulnerabilidad de la población allí residente.

Abstrac This was a qualitative study of residents living in the Camilo Torres neighbourhood on the riverbanks of Caño Gramalote in the municipality of Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia; it involved providing illustrative mixed-method examples regarding the properties' vulnerability and determined the effects of flooding. What was physically observed was crossed with secondary references to determine action taken against events in the area. The "life history" strategy was used for gathering information from which a body of text was constructed for establishing relationships and meaning. This determined that changes in land use along with the containment measures taken by the municipality have led to the increased vulnerability of the population residing there.

Resumo Por meio de um estudo qualitativo de tipo misto, aplicado aos moradores do bairro Camilo Torres, nas margens do Caño Gramalote, no município de Villavicencio, Meta, Colômbia, foi determinada a vulnerabilidade dos prédios e as afetações por inundação; o que foi comparado com os referentes secundários para determinar as ações realizadas para enfrentar os eventos que ocorreram na área. A estratégia da "história de vida" foi usada para coletar informações, construindo um corpo textual para estabelecer relacionamentos e significados. Determinando que a mudança no uso da terra e as medidas de contenção adotadas pelo município geraram um aumento na vulnerabilidade da população residente.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 42: e47557, fev. 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460961


The development of Eragrostis planaand Eragrostis pilosawas evaluated in a greenhouse when submitted to different soil moisture conditions. The design was completely randomized, consisting of a factorial 2x3, with the following factors: Eragrostis accessions and soil moisture levels (50% of water retention capacity (WRC), 100% of WRC and soil with water depth of 10 cm). The morphological-anatomical parameters of the plants were evaluated and the aerenchyma and adventitious roots were quantified. In addition, the photosynthetic pigments and the electron transport capacity of the photosynthetic chain were quantified, with the intention of verifying if the amount of water in the soil interferes with these parameters. Similar responses were observed between the two species when submitted to a water table environment, where there were larger aerenchymal formations in the roots and stems, as well as adventitious roots at the soil surface, inferring adaptations for survival to anaerobic stress. Negative effects on the transport of electrons and the formation of chlorophyll pigments were observed for both species when submitted to the hypoxic environment and, consequently, there was reduction of dry mass of shoot and roots, as well as reduction in the emission of tiller. It is concluded that the irrigation water management and the water blade in the rice crop are important, together with the control of invasive plants, considering the negative effects caused to the growth and development of these plants.

Eragrostis , Sol
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204826


This work focuses on analyzing of physico-chemical properties of sediment affected by frequent floods along the eastern shore of the Bandama River in the department of Niakaramadougou. Sampling was from 4 excavated graves at two positions of studied area, one near the stream and the other one far away from the stream.. Samples collected were analyzed, including texture with granulometric analysis made by the Robinson pipette, and standard sediment analysis methods for measuring organic carbon (OC), nitrogen (N), and other chemical properties including pH, organic matter (OM), and C/N ratio. Statistical analyses were carried out to assess the differences between the physico-chemical parameters at different sampling areas. Differences are significant when comparing areas that are highly affected by floods and areas that are less affected by floods, especially for concentrations of OM, OC and nitrogen. Results show that successive floods are influencing directly the dynamic of physico-chemical properties of the sediments along the shore.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204809


This study projects the impact of sea level rise on Nigeria’s coastal city of Calabar in Cross River State. Data for the study were obtained from both secondary and primary sources through the use of the internet and questionnaire administration respectively. The data were analysed using the geographical information systems (GIS), frequency tables and percentages. The results revealed that at 0.3 m rise in sea level, about 4.56% of the total land area will be covered with flood water. This would affect 159 houses, with approximately 1,431 persons. Further, at 3.0 m rise in sea level, about 10.10% of the area will be flooded, affecting 2012 houses with an estimated population of 18,108 persons. Again, the resilience of the residents to the vagaries of flooding by sea level rise is generally low due to very low income and lack of awareness. The study concluded that Calabar City is vulnerable to the impact of sea level rise which is primarily caused by climate change. Therefore, awareness campaign on the impact of flooding by sea level rise on coastal communities should be carried out by the appropriate agencies of government in the State.

Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 71(5): 1669-1676, set.-out. 2019. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1038666


Objetivou-se avaliar Urochloa spp. submetida a duas situações de estresse hídrico: déficit e alagamento. As forrageiras estudadas foram: U. humidicola cv. Tully, U. humidicola cv. Llanero, U. brizantha cv. BRS Piatã, U. brizantha cv. Xaraés, U. decumbens cv. Basilisk e U. ruziziensis cv. Kenedy, e os parâmetros avaliados foram relacionados às características estruturais e morfogênicas. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação pertencente à Unidade Universitária de Aquidauana. Os tratamentos consistiram em diferentes condições de umidade do solo: 50 e 80% da capacidade de retenção de umidade do solo, e lâminas de 0cm, 1cm e 5cm de água acima do solo, com quatro repetições, em delineamento inteiramente ao acaso. O modelo considerou o efeito de umidade do solo para cada espécie forrageira a 5% de significância. As características estruturais e morfogênicas do capim-tully não foram afetadas pelas diferentes condições hídricas aqui avaliadas. O capim-llanero não reagiu ao alagamento. O capim-piatã foi tolerante às condições de déficit hídrico e apresentou mecanismos de adaptação ao alagamento. A U. decumbens cv. Basilisk apresentou respostas adaptativas que melhoram sua tolerância ao alagamento. A U. ruziziensis cv. Kenedy apresentou-se inapta às condições de alagamento e de déficit hídrico.(AU)

The aim of this study was to evaluate braquiarias submitted to two situations of water stress: deficit and flood. The studied forages were: U. humidicola cv. Tully, U. humidicola cv. Llanero, U. brizantha cv. BRS Piatã, U. brizantha cv. Xaraés, U. decumbens cv. Basilisk and U. ruziziensis cv. Kenedy, and the parameters evaluated were related to the structural and morphogenic characteristics. The work was carried out in a greenhouse at the University Unit of Aquidauana. The treatments consisted of different soil moisture conditions: 50 and 80% of the moisture retention capacity of the soil, and slides of 0cm, 1cm and 5cm of water above the soil, with four replications, in a completely randomized design. The model considered the effect of soil moisture for each forage species at 5% of significance. The structural and morphogenic characteristics of grass-tully were not affected by the different water conditions evaluated here. The grass-llanero did not react to flooding. The grass-piatã was tolerant to water deficit conditions and presented adaptation to flooding. The U. decumbens cv. Basilisk presented adaptive responses that improved its tolerance to flooding. The U. ruziziensis cv. Kenedy was unfit for flood and water deficit conditions.(AU)

Pâturage/analyse , Poaceae/anatomie et histologie , Poaceae/croissance et développement , Immersion
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-204789


The study was conducted in Afikpo South Local Government covering a total area of 331.5km2. Remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) were integrated with multicriteria analysis to delineate the flood vulnerable areas. Seven criteria were considered; rainfall, runoff, slope, distance to drainage, drainage density, landuse and landcover, and soil. The various criteria were fit into fuzzy membership classes based on their effect in causing flood. The fuzzy members of all criteria were then overlaid to generate the flood vulnerability map. The result of the flood vulnerability map shows that very low vulnerable zones cover 86.7% of the total area, low vulnerable zones cover 1.6% of the total area, moderate vulnerable zones cover 2.17% of the total area, highly vulnerable zones cover 2.3% of the total area while very highly vulnerable zones cover 7.3% of the total area. Built up was used as a measure of the effect of flooding on human lives and properties in Afikpo South Local Government. Built up covers a total area of 38.6km2. Over sixty eight (69.8%) of built up lies in very low vulnerable zone, 3% lies in low vulnerable zone, 3.7% lies in moderate vulnerable zone, 0.6% lies in highly vulnerable zone and 17.9% lies in very highly vulnerable zone. The study provides information on target areas that may be affected by flood in Afikpo South Local Government. This information is useful for decision making on flood early warning and preparedness as well as in mitigation preparedness within Afikpo LGA.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-851069


To investigate the effects of the expression of coumaroylquinate 3’-monooxygenase (C3’H) and shikimate O-hydroxycinnamoyltransferase (HCT) in the chlorogenic acid-producing pathway and active ingredients in Chrysanthemum morifolium under flooding stress, we cloned two C3’H genes which were CmC3’H1 and CmC3’H2 and two HCT genes which were CmHCT1 and CmHCT2 by the RT-PCR from Hangju and conducted bioinformatics analysis. During the flower bud differentiation stage, we flooded the C. morifolium and then used β-actin as the reference gene to detect the relative expression of the four genes by the qRT-PCR. Finally, the content of downstream products and other indicators of these four genes in C. morifolium were measured by HPLC. We obtained the four genes’ complete open reading frame and predicted the relative molecular mass of the amino acid sequence and the theoretical isoelectric point (pI). And the protein tertiary structure models were constructed. The qRT-PCR results showed that flooding the C. morifolium for 3 days during the flower bud differentiation stage resulted in significant expression changes of the four genes at different growth stages. The results of HPLC showed that chlorogenic acid, the downstream product catalyzed by the C3’H and the HCT, was significantly higher than that in the control group. It was also found that the content of luteoloside and 3,5-O-di-caffeoylquinic acid was also significantly higher than those of the control group. Therefore, C. morifolium regulates the synthesis of downstream products by regulating the expression of the four genes under flooding stress, thereby responding to flooding stress. And the flooding stress during flower bud differentiation can significantly enhance the accumulation of active ingredients of C. morifolium.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-776424


To investigate the effects of the expression of flavonoid 3' hydroxylase gene ( and active ingredients in under flooding stress, we cloned F3'H from Hangju (temporarily named ) and conducted bioinformatics analysis. During the flower bud differentiation stage, we flooded the and then used the Real-time PCR to detect the relative expression of ; Finally, active ingredients of the inflorescence were measured by HPLC.The sequencing results showed that 1 562 bp sequence was acquired with the largest open reading frame of 1 527 bp, which encoded 508 amino acids. The phylogenetic tree found that was highly homologous to other species of Compositae. Real-time PCR results showed that had a significant response to flooding stress and had the highest expression level after flooding for 24 h, which was about 9 times as that of the control group. The results of HPLC showed that luteolin and luteoloside, the downstream products catalyzed by the F3'H, were significantly higher than those in the control group. It was also found that the contents of chlorogenic acid and 3,5- acid were also significantly higher than those of the control group. Therefore, regulates the synthesis of downstream products by regulating the expression of in the flavonoid synthesis pathway under flooding stress, thereby responding to flooding stress. The flooding stress during flower bud differentiation can significantly enhance the accumulation of active ingredients.

Chrysanthemum , Génétique , Clonage moléculaire , Cytochrome P-450 enzyme system , Génétique , Inondations , Régulation de l'expression des gènes végétaux , Glucosides , Lutéoline , Phylogenèse , Protéines végétales , Génétique , Stress physiologique
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719072


BACKGROUND: Despite its growing significance, studies on the burden of disease associated with natural disasters from the perspective of public health were few. This study aimed at estimating the national burden of disease associated with typhoons and torrential rains in Korea. METHODS: During the period of 2002–2012, 11 typhoons and five torrential rains were selected. Mortality and morbidities were defined as accentual death, injury and injury-related infection, and mental health. Their incidences were estimated from National Health Insurance Service. Case-crossover design was used to define the disaster-related excess mortality and morbidity. Disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) were directly assessed from excess mortality and morbidity. RESULTS: The burden of disease from typhoons increased with the intensity, with 107.7, 30.6, and 36.6 DALYs per 100,000 per event for strong, moderate, and weak typhoons, respectively. Burden of disease from torrential rains were 56.9, 52.8, and 26.4 DALYs per 100,000 per event for strong, moderate, and weak episodes, respectively. Mental disorders contributed more years lived with disability (YLDs) than did injuries in most cases, but the injury-induced YLDs associated with strong typhoon and torrential rain were higher than those of lower-intensity. The elderly was the most vulnerable to most types of disaster and storm intensities, and males younger than 65 years were more vulnerable to a strong torrential rain event. CONCLUSION: The intensity of torrential rain or typhoon was the strongest determinant of the burden of disease from natural disasters in Korea. Population vulnerable may vary depending on the nature and strength of the disasters.

Sujet âgé , Humains , Mâle , Tempêtes cycloniques , Catastrophes , Incidence , Corée , Troubles mentaux , Santé mentale , Mortalité , Programmes nationaux de santé , Santé publique , Pluie , Populations vulnérables
Pensam. psicol ; 15(2): 79-92, jul.-dic. 2017. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-895195


Objetivo. Comparar niveles de percepción de riesgo de inundación y apego al lugar en grupos con diferente exposición y experiencia frente al riesgo. Método. Con enfoque empírico analítico, un diseño comparativo de tipo transversal y utilizando los instrumentos PAM y PRI modificados, se evaluaron dos grupos del corregimiento de Bolombolo (Antioquia, Colombia), cuya experiencia y exposición al riesgo de inundación era alta (n = 119) y media (n = 89). Los análisis fueron descriptivos, comparativos (U de Mann Whitney y Kruskal Wallis) y de correlación (Spearman). Resultados. Se halló una alta percepción de riesgo de inundación en ambos grupos, aunque con un nivel más alto en el primero, específicamente, en la dimensión referida al temor a las afectaciones. El apego al lugar se encontró en un alto nivel en los dos grupos. Conclusión. La exposición y la experiencia frente a la amenaza de inundación pueden pensarse como predictores de percepción de este riesgo, en particular, en su dimensión afectiva. Los vínculos con el lugar han sido desarrollados por las poblaciones pese a su exposición al riesgo de inundación. La antigüedad residencial, así como la tenencia de la vivienda, son elementos diferenciales respecto de los niveles en las variables de estudio.

Objective. This study compared the levels of place attachment and flood risk perception in populations with different experience and exposure to this risk. Method. It was based on empirical-analytical approach with a comparative design, transversal type. Using the PAM and PRI modified instruments, two groups of people from villages in Bolombolo (Antioquia, Colombia) were evaluated, whose experience and exposure to flood risk was high (n=119) and medium (n=89). Analyses were descriptive, comparative (U of Mann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis) and correlations (Spearman). Results. A high risk perception of flooding was found in both groups, although the level was higher in the group with greater exposure and experience to this risk, specifically in the dimension about fear of the effects associated with this natural phenomenon; also, place attachment was found in high levels in the groups studied. Conclusion. Results showed that the exposure and experience to flooding could be thought of as predictors of risk perception, mainly in its emotional dimension. People, despite their exposure and experience to this risk, have developed bonds with place. Residential antiquity and housing tenure are differential elements with respect to the levels in the study variables.

Escopo. O estudo comparou níveis de percepção de risco de inundação e apego ao lugar em grupos com diferente exposição e experiência frente ao risco. Metodologia. Com um enfoque empírico e analítico, um desenho comparativo de tipo transversal, e utilizando os instrumentos PAM e PRI modificados, foram avaliados dois grupos do corregimento de Bolombolo (Antioquia-Colômbia), com experiência e exposição ao risco alta (n=119) e média (n=89). As análises foram descritivas, comparativas (U de Mann Whitney e Kruskal Wallis) e de correlação (Spearman). Resultados. Foi encontrada uma alta percepção de risco de inundação nos dois grupos, ainda que com um nível mais alto no primeiro, especificamente, na dimensão referida ao temor às afetações; o apego ao lugar foi encontrada num alto nível nos dois grupos. Conclusão. A exposição e experiência frente à ameaça de inundação podem ser pensadas como preditores de percepção de este risco, em particular, na sua dimensão afetiva; os vínculos com o lugar tem sido desenvolvidos pelas populações embora sua exposição ao risco de inundação. A antiguidade residencial, assim como a tenência da vivenda, são elementos diferenciais respeito dos níveis nas variáveis de estudo.

Humains , Perception , Inondations , Groupes à Risque , Psychologie de l'environnement
Braz. j. biol ; 77(4): 724-730, Nov. 2017. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-888805


Abstract We evaluated the nesting by Crocodylus moreletii in Lago de Catemaco, Veracruz, southeastern, Mexico. During the nesting and hatching seasons, we searched for nests along the northern margins of the lake and small associated streams. We investigated egg mortality by weekly monitoring each of the nests found, recording sign of predation (tracks and holes dug into the nest) and the effect of water level fluctuations. We not found differences to nest between inland or flooded zones. However, we found that egg size varied among nests. In nests built inland, predation was the major cause of egg mortality whereas flooding resulted in more deaths of eggs in the flooding zone. Flooding killed 25% of eggs monitored in this study. We suggest that to increase nest success in the Morelet's crocodile it is necessary to promote conservation of nesting areas around the lake, recently occupied by urban or tourist developments.

Resumo Nós avaliamos a nidificação numa população de Crocodylus moreletii no Lago de Catemaco, Veracruz, sudeste, México. Durante as temporadas de nidificação e eclosão buscamos ninhos ao longo das margens situadas ao norte do lago e pequenos riachos associados. Estabelecemos a mortalidade de ovos por semana monitorando cada ninho achado, registrando qualquer sinal de predação (rastros e buracos cavados no ninho) e o efeito das flutuações no nível da agua. Não achamos nenhuma preferência para aninhar na terra ou em áreas inundadas. Por outro lado, achamos que o tamanho de ovo foi significativamente diferente entre os tipos de ninho. Em ninhos construídos na terra, a predação foi a principal causa da mortalidade de ovos enquanto que nas áreas inundadas, inundação foi um fator importante na morte dos ovos. Em comparação com depredação, a ruptura acidental e colonização fúngica, as inundações mataram 25% de ovos monitorados. Nós sugerimos que para aumentar o sucesso de aninhamento do crocodilo do Morelet é preciso promover a conservação das áreas de nidificação ao redor do lago, recentemente ocupadas pelo desenvolvimento urbano ou turístico.

Animaux , Femelle , Alligators et crocodiles/physiologie , Comportement de nidification , Lacs , Rivières , Mexique
Ciênc. rural ; 46(8): 1384-1389, Aug. 2016. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-784195


ABSTRACT: Performance indices can be used as indices of energy use in irrigation systems. Pumping stations (PSs) are elements that require energy for irrigation of rice fields by conventional flood irrigation. Interplay of physical, hydraulic, and electrical parameters generates indices that determine the performance in the diagnosis of PSs, operation, and projects for new sets. In this study, it was proposed and classified performance indices for PSs in rice fields, focusing on the efficient use of energy. The study was carried out through an investigation of 160 PSs in operation, located at the western border of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, which constituted an actual field situation. Next, PSs were optimized in relation to the selection of a piping system, using the lowest total cost, the choice of pump, and motors with better performance for the necessary situation as criteria. Results provided nine indices that classified the performance as "excellent", "very good", "good", "poor", and "very poor", which allowed the assessment of projects and the diagnosis of PSs.

RESUMO: Índices de desempenho podem ser usados como indicadores do uso da energia em sistemas de irrigação. Estações de bombeamento (EB) são os elementos que demandam energia no processo de irrigação de lavouras de arroz irrigado por inundação convencional. A associação de grandezas físicas, hidráulicas e elétricas geram índices que determinam o desempenho auxiliando no diagnóstico de EB, tanto em funcionamento, quanto em projetos de novos conjuntos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo propor e classificar índices de desempenho para EB de lavouras de arroz, com foco no uso eficiente da energia.O trabalho foi conduzido a partir do levantamento de dados de 160 EB em funcionamento, localizadas na fronteira oeste do Rio Grande do Sul, que caracterizou a situação real de campo. Posteriormente, as EB foram otimizadas em relação à seleção de tubulação- usando como critério o menor custo total e escolha da bomba e motor de melhor rendimento para a necessidade de projeto. Os resultados apresentam nove índices e propõem categorias que classificam o desempenho em "excelente", "muito bom", "bom", "ruim" e "muito ruim", permitindo a avaliação de projetos e o diagnóstico de EB.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 38(3): 341-346, jul.-set. 2016.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-827244


The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of flooding in Triplaris gardneriana Wedd, cultivated in drained soil (control) and in flooded condition. The experiment was developed in a greenhouse, using plants with 90 days after the emergency. The response to treatment was evaluated at 0, 30, 60 and 90 days. Growth measurements were made, such as biomass allocation, relative growth rate (RGR). Adventitious roots were not measured only observed, as well as the development of hypertrophied lenticels. The RGR was continuously reduced along the 90 days in flooding conditions for the roots, stem and leaves, compared to control. The flooding of the substrate caused alterations such as: increasing of the cortex width and diameter of the central cylinder of root and increasing the diameter of the vessel element of the root and stem. Results show that T. gardneriana remains under stress when submitted to flooding. Therefore, the production of structures as lenticels, aerenchyma and adventitious roots, structures related to the avoidance of this type of stress, were key factors for the maintenance and survival of T. gardneriana.

O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o efeito do alagamento em Triplaris gardneriana Wedd, cultivadas em condições de solo drenado (controle) e solo alagado. O experimento foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação, utilizando-se plantas com 90 dias após a emergência. As respostas ao tratamento foram avaliadas para os períodos de 0, 30, 60 e 90 dias. Foram feitas medidas de crescimento, como alocação de biomassa, taxa de crescimento relativo (TCR). Raízes adventícias não foram medidas, apenas observadas, assim como o desenvolvimento de lenticelas hipertrofiadas. A TCR foi continuamente reduzida durante os 90 dias em condições de inundação para as raízes, o caule e as folhas em relação ao controle. O alagamento do substrato provocou alterações anatômicas como aumento da largura do córtex e do diâmetro do cilindro central da raiz e aumento do diâmetro dos elementos de vaso do caule e da raiz. Nossos resultados indicam que T. gardneriana permanece em estresse quando submetida a inundações. No entanto, a produção de estruturas relacionadas à evitação deste tipo de estresse foi chave para a manutenção e sobrevivência de T. gardneriana.

Polygonaceae , Croissance , Hypoxie
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-177909


Aims: To quantify rainwater runoff from domestic front gardens as a consequence of increased impervious surface area and climate change impacts, thus allowing the runoff contribution from both newly and previously covered front gardens to be assessed in terms of the overall urban flood burden. Study Design: Numerical simulation of the runoff from a typical front garden in response to simulated rainfall events for four UK cities (Edinburgh, Manchester, London, and Exeter). Methodology: A typical front garden was simulated with varying areas of impermeable surface area (0%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%) to represent observed trends in garden paving. Storm events representing current design and projected future rainfall intensities were applied to each of the four cities. The resultant runoff volumes were then quantified. Results: Runoff is shown to be directly proportional to both the impermeable surface area and the rainfall intensity. Areas of impermeable paving can generate substantial volumes of runoff during a storm event which can contribute to localized flooding or add to the urban flood burden. Increased rainfall intensities and frequencies due to climate change are likely to increase runoff further. Conclusion: Domestic front gardens play a vital role in managing surface water runoff in towns and cities. Growing trends of paving over front gardens put this role in jeopardy, while increasing rainfall intensities due to climate change make this role increasingly important. The quantification of domestic front garden runoff provides a mechanism for facilitating the protection, and enhancement, of this important asset in terms of water and urban flood management.

Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 21(3): 685-694, Mar. 2016. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-775765


Resumo Este estudo apresenta uma análise de dados sobre danos materiais por desastres hidrológicos no Brasil, de 2010 a 2014. Trata-se de em estudo descritivo que contrasta os resultados de dois bancos de dados de desastre: EM-DAT (global) e S2iD (nacional). A análise mostra diferenças tanto no número total de ocorrências de desastres (EM-DAT = 36; S2iD = 4070), quanto nos danos materiais resultantes (EM-DAT – R$ 9,2 bilhões; S2iD – R$ 331,4 bilhões). A análise da distribuição de eventos permite concluir que os cinco estados mais afetados por tais eventos (SC, RS, MG, SP e PR) estão nas regiões sul e sudeste, condizente com achados de outros estudos. As edificações que tiverem maiores prejuízos materiais foram, nesta ordem: unidades habitacionais, obras de infraestrutura pública, instalações públicas de uso comunitário, instalações públicas prestadoras de outros serviços, instalações públicas de ensino e instalações públicas de saúde. O prejuízo a instalações pública de saúde apresentou valores elevados. Apesar das limitações de ambos, o EM-DAT e o S2iD demonstraram sua utilidade em determinar tendências sazonais e de longo prazo, bem como padrões e áreas onde se concentram riscos, auxiliando tomadores de decisão na identificação das áreas mais afetadas e vulneráveis aos desastres.

Abstract This article outlines the results of a descriptive study that analyses loss and damage caused by hydrometeorological disasters in Brazil between 2010 and 2014 using the EM DAT (global) and S2iD (national) databases. The analysis shows major differences in the total number of disaster events included in the databases (EM-DAT = 36; S2iD = 4,070) and estimated costs of loss and damage (EM-DAT – R$ 9.2 billion; S2iD – R$331.4 billion). The analysis also shows that the five states most affected by these events are Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Minas Gerais, São Paulo and Paraná in Brazil’s South and Southeast regions and that these results are consistent with the findings of other studies. The costs of disasters were highest for housing, public infrastructure works, collectively used public facilities, other public service facilities, and state health and education facilities. The costs associated with public health facilities were also high. Despite their limitations, both databases demonstrated their usefulness for determining seasonal and long-term trends and patterns, and risk areas, and thus assist decision makers in identifying areas that are most affected by and vulnerable to natural disasters.

Humains , Santé publique , Catastrophes , Inondations , Brésil , Logement
Braz. j. biol ; 75(4)Nov. 2015.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468331


Abstract Here we examine assemblage structure of coprophagous Scarabaeidae (dung beetles) in the Pantanal of the state of Mato Grosso with respect to flooding regimes, soil texture, leaf litter volume and tree dominance in native and exotic pastures. Samples were collected along 30 transects of 250 m in length in a 5×5 km grid (25 km2). Five pitfalls baited with human feces were placed in each transect. A total of 1692 individuals in 19 species were captured, the majority in the subfamily Scarabaeinae and Aphodiinae. Assemblages were influenced by the duration of flooding and leaf litter volume. None of the other habitat variables was correlated with species richness. Cultivated pastures with exotic grasses were unimportant for composition of the assemblages of beetles. These results indicate that duration of flooding is the most important regulating force in this community.

Resumo Esse estudo avaliou a estrutura espacial de assembleias de Scarabaeidae coprófagos no Pantanal de Mato Grosso, em função do tempo de inundação, textura do solo, volume da serapilheira, dominância de arbóreas, pastagens nativa e exótica. As coletas foram realizadas em 30 transectos de 250 m cada distribuídos sistematicamente em uma área de 25 km2. Cinco armadilhas pitfall iscadas com fezes humanas foram instaladas em cada transecto, e obtidos 1.692 indivíduos distribuídos em 19 espécies pertencentes às subfamílias Scarabaeinae e Aphodiinae. A estrutura e composição das assembleias foram afetadas pelo tempo de inundação e o volume da serapilheira. Todas as variáveis explanatórias foram fracamente correlacionadas e de forma não significativa com a riqueza de espécies. A existência de pastagem exótica não afetou a composição das assembleias de besouros. Esses resultados indicam que o tempo de inundação é a principal força reguladora dessa comunidade no ambiente pantaneiro.

Braz. j. biol ; 75(4,supl.1): 136-142, Nov. 2015. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-768218


Abstract Here we examine assemblage structure of coprophagous Scarabaeidae (dung beetles) in the Pantanal of the state of Mato Grosso with respect to flooding regimes, soil texture, leaf litter volume and tree dominance in native and exotic pastures. Samples were collected along 30 transects of 250 m in length in a 5×5 km grid (25 km2). Five pitfalls baited with human feces were placed in each transect. A total of 1692 individuals in 19 species were captured, the majority in the subfamily Scarabaeinae and Aphodiinae. Assemblages were influenced by the duration of flooding and leaf litter volume. None of the other habitat variables was correlated with species richness. Cultivated pastures with exotic grasses were unimportant for composition of the assemblages of beetles. These results indicate that duration of flooding is the most important regulating force in this community.

Resumo Esse estudo avaliou a estrutura espacial de assembleias de Scarabaeidae coprófagos no Pantanal de Mato Grosso, em função do tempo de inundação, textura do solo, volume da serapilheira, dominância de arbóreas, pastagens nativa e exótica. As coletas foram realizadas em 30 transectos de 250 m cada distribuídos sistematicamente em uma área de 25 km2. Cinco armadilhas pitfall iscadas com fezes humanas foram instaladas em cada transecto, e obtidos 1.692 indivíduos distribuídos em 19 espécies pertencentes às subfamílias Scarabaeinae e Aphodiinae. A estrutura e composição das assembleias foram afetadas pelo tempo de inundação e o volume da serapilheira. Todas as variáveis explanatórias foram fracamente correlacionadas e de forma não significativa com a riqueza de espécies. A existência de pastagem exótica não afetou a composição das assembleias de besouros. Esses resultados indicam que o tempo de inundação é a principal força reguladora dessa comunidade no ambiente pantaneiro.

Animaux , Biodiversité , Coléoptères/physiologie , Zones humides , Inondations , Prairie , Espèce introduite , Feuilles de plante/composition chimique , Sol/composition chimique
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 17(2): 114-122, jul.-dic. 2015. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-769075


Bajo entornos naturales, las plantas de maracuyá amarillo frecuentemente se enfrentan a condiciones de anegamiento, un factor limitante para la producción generalizada de su cultivo, especialmente en tierras bajas inundables. El presente estudio se encargó de identificar la activación de la enzima alcohol deshidrogenasa (ADH) durante la inundación, como un posible mecanismo de sobrevivencia de plántulas de maracuyá amarillo. Se evaluó la actividad de la enzima ADH durante 0, 1, 3, 7, 9 y 14 días de tratamiento con inundación y sin inundación, en raíces de plántulas de maracuyá amarillo de tres meses y medio de germinadas. En las raíces de plántulas de maracuyá amarillo en condiciones de inundación, la actividad de la enzima ADH presentó un aumento significativo respecto a las plántulas en condiciones normales de riego (sin inundación). Esto sugiere que la actividad de la enzima alcohol deshidrogenasa, implicada en el metabolismo anaeróbico, es un posible mecanismo de supervivencia al anegamiento de plántulas de maracuyá amarillo en periodos cortos de inundación.

Under natural environments, yellow passion fruit plants often face flooded conditions as a limiting factor for the widespread production of the crop, especially in flood-prone lowlands. This study was carried out to identify the activation of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) during the flood, as a possible mechanism for the survival of yellow passion fruit seedlings. The activity of the ADH enzyme was assessed on days 0, 1, 3, 7, 9 and 14, with and without flooding, on rooted yellow passion fruit seedlings germinated during three and a half months. In the roots of the yellow passion fruit seedlings in flood conditions, the activity of the ADH enzyme showed a significant increase compared to seedlings under normal irrigation (no flooding). These results suggest that the activity of the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme involved in anaerobic metabolism, is a possible mechanism for survival of yellow passion fruit seedlings waterlogged in short periods of flooding.

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