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Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 185-196, feb. 2024. ilus, tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528838


SUMMARY: The new paradigm in Forensic Sciences initiated by the entry of genetics (the current standard of legal evidence) and accentuated by recognized wrongful convictions derived from experts today in the eye of criticism, has highlighted the potential for bias and error in forensic disciplines when they depend on human interpretation and subjectivity, which has not been avoided by Forensic Odontology (FO). However, a subjective judgment is not necessarily wrong, so the refinement of processes, the development of standards, and robust research can contribute to the validity of interpretation to increase objectivity. Latin America (LATAM) has its own realities and needs, which have conditioned the priorities and objectives of FO research. A scoping review is presented to systematically map the investigation of LATAM researchers and identify the objective or subjective nature of their assessments. LATAM shows interesting productivity and intentions to adhere to international standards, with Brazil leading this research significantly, followed by Chile and Colombia, among others. However, there is a disproportionate approach in certain lines of research (dental age estimation), and needs to address other quantitative studies, and to improve the visibility of the LATAM FO research.

El nuevo paradigma en ciencias forenses iniciado por la entrada de la genética (el actual estándar de la evidencia jurídica), y acentuado por reconocidas condenas injustas derivadas de pericias hoy en el ojo de la crítica, ha destacado el potencial de sesgo y error que poseen algunas disciplinas forenses cuando dependen de la interpretación humana y la subjetividad, lo cual no ha sido ajeno a la odontología forense (OF). Sin embargo, un juicio subjetivo no necesariamente es erróneo, con lo que el refinamiento de procesos, el desarrollo de estándares y la investigación robusta pueden contribuir a validar esa interpretación para aumentar su objetividad. Latinoamérica (LATAM) posee realidades y necesidades propias que han condicionado las prioridades y objetivos de la investigación en OF. Se presenta una revisión con búsqueda sistemática para mapear sistemáticamente la investigación en OF realizada por investigadores latinoamericanos, así como identificar la naturaleza objetiva o subjetiva de sus evaluaciones. LATAM demuestra una productividad interesante e intenciones de adherirse a estándares internacionales, con Brasil liderando significativamente esta investigación, seguido por Chile y Colombia entre otros. Sin embargo, se observa un enfoque desproporcionado en ciertas líneas de investigación (estimación de edad dental particularmente), y necesidad tanto de abordar otros estudios cuantitativos como de mejorar la visibilidad de la investigación latinoamericana en OF.

Humains , Recherche , Odontologie légale , Interprétation statistique de données , Recherche qualitative , Amérique latine
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 39(91): 9-18, 2024. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554833


Introducción: La identificación por cotejo de regis-tros odontológicos representa una metodología científicamente consolidada. La estrategia más co-mún reside en la comparación de odontogramas impresos o digitalizados, aunque se ha cuestionado cierta subjetividad al asentar dicha información. Los recursos imagenológicos constituyen una evidencia más confiable y objetiva, reduciendo el sesgo iden-tificatorio. La obtención de radiografías post mor-tem (PM) reproduciendo en lo posible las técnicas que han generado las imágenes ante mortem (AM) recuperadas, otorga una eficaz modalidad compa-rativa, aumentando su valor probatorio. Materiales y Métodos: Se efectuó la comparación entre radio-grafías panorámicas y periapicales tomadas a 10 pacientes atendidos en un consultorio particular de la ciudad de Quilmes, Provincia de Buenos Aires, don-de se visualizaban tratamientos de endodoncia. Los registros de ambas técnicas de imágenes se realiza-ron sobre los mismos sujetos entre los años 2010 y 2022. Se cotejaron 11 radiografías periapicales y 10 panorámicas, procediéndose a la digitalización de la totalidad de la muestra. Se clasificaron las imágenes de cada persona conforme a la fecha de obtención de las mismas. A las más antiguas se las catalogó con el color verde, representando el material AM, mien-tras que las más recientes se marcaron en color rojo, constituyendo la información PM. Resultados: Teniendo en cuenta los criterios estipulados por la Junta Americana de Odontología Forense (ABFO) se identificaron positivamente 7 casos estudiados, 2 fueron catalogados como identificación posible, en tanto que 1 se clasificó como insuficiente. No se re-gistraron exclusiones. Conclusión: Los tratamientos endodónticos podrían suministrar información pon-derable en procesos de identificación humana en virtud de la escasa probabilidad de sufrir alteracio-nes morfológicas y estructurales por su estratégica localización intradentaria, otorgando posibilidades concretas de establecer la identidad categórica de sujetos desconocidos (AU)

Introduction: Identification by comparison of dental records represents a scientifically consolidated methodology. The most common strategy lies in the comparison of printed or digitised odontograms, although certain subjectivity has been questioned when recording said information. Imaging resources constitute more reliable and objective evidence, reducing identification bias. Obtaining post-mortem (PM) radiographs reproducing the techniques that have generated the recovered ante-mortem (AM) images, provides an effective comparative modality, increasing its evidentiary value. Materials and Methods: A comparison was made between panoramic and periapical radiographs taken to 10 patients treated in a private office in the city of Quilmes, Province of Buenos Aires, where endodontic treatments were visualized. The records of both imaging techniques were carried out on the same subjects between 2010 and 2022. 11 periapical and 10 panoramic radiographs were collected, and the entire sample was digitized. The images of each person were classified according to the date they were obtained. The oldest ones were cataloged with the color green, representing the AM material, while the most recent ones were marked in red, constituting the PM information. Results: Taking into account the criteria stipulated by the American Board of Forensic Odontology (ABFO), 7 cases studied were positively identified, 2 were classified as possible identification, while 1 was classified as insufficient. No exclusions were recorded. Conclusion: Endodontic treatments could provide valuable information in human identification processes due to the low probability of suffering morphological and structural alterations due to their strategic intradental location, providing concrete possibilities of establishing the categorical identity of unknown subjects (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Traitement de canal radiculaire/statistiques et données numériques , Radiographie dentaire/méthodes , Radiographie panoramique/méthodes , Dent dévitalisée/imagerie diagnostique , Sociétés dentaires/normes , Restauration coronoradiculaire/statistiques et données numériques
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 23(1): 6-11, jan.-mar. 2023. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1443322


A sutura metópica forma-se aproximadamente no primeiro trimestre da vida intrauterina entre os dois centros de ossificação que irão formar o osso frontal. Há controvérsias na literatura em relação ao momento em que essa sutura oblitera, mas se sabe que ocorre antes dos dez anos de idade; entretanto, essa sutura pode não obliterar e persistir ao longo da vida do indivíduo. Este trabalho objetivou relatar a persistência da sutura metópica em crânios secos de esqueletos humanos adultos pertencentes ao Centro de Estudos em Antropologia Forense da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de Pernambuco (CEAF/FOP/UPE), com a finalidade de demonstrar a importância para a perícia antropológica forense. Dentre os 426 examinados, foram identificados dez crânios (2,4%) com a presença de sutura metópica completa, sendo 5 do sexo masculino e 5 do feminino, compreendendo uma faixa etária de 29 a 86 anos. A persistência da metópica possui relevância forense, afinal as variações anatômicas são vistas como estruturas que não são consequência de uma patologia e que diferem do encontrado na população geral, tornando o indivíduo que as possui ainda mais único. Dessa forma, essa variação anatômica pode atuar como auxiliar no processo de identificação humana na perícia antropológica forense... (AU)

The metopic suture forms approximately in the first trimester of intrauterine life between the two ossification centers that will form the frontal bone. There are controversies in the literature as to when this suture obliterates, but it is known to occur before the age of ten; however, this suture may not obliterate and persist throughout the individual's life. This work aimed to report the persistence of the metopic suture in dried skulls of adult human skeletons belonging to the Center for Studies in Forensic Anthropology of the School of Dentistry of the University of Pernambuco (CEAF/FOP/UPE) in order to demonstrate its importance for forensic anthropology. Among the 426 skeletons examined, ten skulls (2.4%) with complete metopic sutures were identified, five male and five female, ranging in age from 29 to 86 years. The persistence of metopic sutures has forensic relevance, after all, anatomical variations are seen as structures that are not a consequence of pathology and that differs from what is found in the general population, making the individual who has them even more unique. Thus, this anatomical variation can act as an aid in the process of human identification in forensic anthropology... (AU)

La sutura metópica se forma aproximadamente en el primer trimestre de vida intrauterina entre los dos centros de osificación que formarán el hueso frontal. Existen controversias en la literatura sobre el momento en que se oblitera esta sutura, pero se sabe que ocurre antes de los diez años; sin embargo, esta sutura puede no obliterarse y persistir durante toda la vida del individuo. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo informar sobre la persistencia de la sutura metópica en cráneos desecados de esqueletos humanos adultos pertenecientes al Centro de Estudos em Antropologia Forense de la Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de Pernambuco (CEAF/FOP/UPE), con el fin de demostrar su importancia para la antropología forense. Entre los 426 esqueletos examinados, se identificaron diez cráneos (2,4%) con presencia de sutura metópica completa, 5 masculinos y 5 femeninos, con edades entre 29 y 86 años. La persistencia de la sutura metópica tiene relevancia forense, después de todo las variaciones anatómicas son vistas como estructuras que no son consecuencia de una patología y que difieren de lo que se encuentra en la población general, haciendo aún más único al individuo que las presenta. Así pues, esta variación anatómica puede servir de ayuda en el proceso de identificación humana en antropología forense... (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Sutures crâniennes , Odontologie légale
Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 10(1): 02-08, 2023-06-26.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525059


Throughout the world, forensic odontology academic programmes have been designed and permeate discussions about international or local standard operational protocols, principles or guidelines requiring current technical and scientific knowledge. The heterogeneous groups of students who aim to pursue this career might have high educational and occupational aspirations that will be confronted with the labour markets. In this report, the authors briefly present aspects of the education and training that comprise the choice of a career in forensic odontology nowadays. In conclusion, the individual who opts for forensic odontology as a career must be prepared to find the confidence and resilience to practice professional skills in a unique and challenging field to comply with the society's expectation

Em todo o mundo, vários programas acadêmicos de Odontologia Legal têm sido criados e permeiam discussões sobre protocolos, princípios ou diretrizes operacionais, padrão internacional ou local, que exigem conhecimento técnico e científico atualizado. Os grupos heterogêneos de estudantes que pretendem seguir esta carreira poderão ter elevadas aspirações educativas e profissionais que serão confrontadas com os mercados de trabalho. Neste contexto, os autores apresentam brevemente aspectos da educação e formação que compõem a escolha de uma carreira em Odontologia Legal nos dias de hoje. Em conclusão, o indivíduo que opta pela Odontologia Legal como carreira deve estar preparado para encontrar confiança e resiliência para exercer habilidades profissionais em um campo único e desafiador para atender às expectativas da sociedade

Int. j. morphol ; 41(3): 733-742, jun. 2023. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1514294


En la última década, la odontología forense se ha enfocado en el desarrollo de metodologías para la estimación de edad (EE) debido a la gran demanda en procesos identificatorios. Entre esas técnicas, el conteo de anulaciones del cemento dental (TCA) ha ofrecido resultados promisorios, pero también contradictorios que han generado dudas sobre su precisión y confiabilidad. El objetivo de este trabajo fue caracterizar, establecer alcances, e identificar las limitaciones del conteo de TCA según los actuales estándares normativos y metodológicos. Se realizó una revisión con búsqueda sistemática del método de conteo de TCA para EE incluyendo estudios experimentales y notas técnicas en las bases PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Web of Science (WoS) y Embase. Se emplearon los términos "estimation", "age" y "cementum", con búsqueda manual complementaria en Google Scholar. Se excluyeron revisiones, estudios en colecciones arqueológicas, estudios radiológicos y cartas al editor. La búsqueda arrojó un total de 273 artículos, seleccionándose 27 que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. La mayoría de los estudios fueron publicados en Asia, particularmente en India (n=21). Sólo 6 artículos declararon el número total de individuos, tipos de diente y de cortes histológicos, siendo el premolar el más estudiado. Apenas dos artículos evaluaron la calidad de la muestra a analizar mediante legibilidad de los cortes obtenidos. El test más empleado para evaluar la precisión del método fue el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson (n=21). Estos hallazgos exponen la alta heterogeneidad reportada en las metodologías de EE mediante conteo por TCA, por lo que aún no existe un proceso estandarizado que abarque todas sus etapas y entregue resultados confiables siguiendo los estándares jurídicos actuales para la evidencia científica. Un mayor control de las limitaciones técnicas detectadas aumentará el valor como prueba en un contexto identificatorio legal o forense.

SUMMARY: In the last decade, forensic odontology has focused on the development of age estimation (AE) methodologies due to the great request in identification processes. Among these techniques, the tooth cementum annulation (TCA) count method has offered promising but also contradictory results, raising questions about its accuracy and reliability. The aim of this work was to characterize, establish the scope, and identify the limitations of the TCA count method according to the current normative and methodological standards. A scoping review was carried out for TCA count methods for AE, including experimental studies and technical notes in the PubMed/Medline, Scopus, Web of Science (WoS) and Embase databases. The terms "estimation", "age" and "cementum" were used, with a complementary manual search in Google Scholar. Reviews, studies in archaeological collections, radiological studies and letters to the editor were excluded. The search yielded a total of 273 articles, selecting 27 of them that met the inclusion criteria. Most of the studies were published in Asia, particularly India (n=21). Only 6 articles declared the total number of individuals, types of teeth, and histological sections, with the premolar being the most studied. Only two articles evaluated the quality of the sample to be analyzed through the legibility of the cuts obtained. The most widely used test to assess the precision of the method was the Pearson correlation coefficient (n=21). These findings expose the high heterogeneity reported in EE methodologies by counting TCA, so there is still no standardized process that covers in all its stages and delivers reliable results following current legal standards for scientific evidence. More control of the detected technical limitations will increase the value as evidence in a legal or forensic identification context.

Humains , Détermination de l'âge dentaire/méthodes , Cément dentaire/anatomie et histologie , Odontologie légale
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218850


Saliva is a colourless, watery and complex fluid secreted by the salivary glands into the oral cavity. It plays an important role in maintaining the moisture and well being of the oral cavity. In recent years, Saliva has been used by the researches, as it is non invasive technique, limited training required, potentially valuable for children and elderly patients, cost effective, eliminates the risk of infection and screening in large population. Collecting dried salivary sample is still being a greater challenge in the forensic. The process of identifying a disease, condition, or injury from its signs and symptoms is referred as diagnosis and diagnostic tool helps in simplifying the clinical findings to obtain a reasonable and relevant differential diagnosis. Recently, Dried salivary spot has been most commonly used among Forensic Odontology which can be used as an efficient diagnostic aid. This article aims to review the updates and significance of dried saliva spot and sampling in forensic odontology.

Int. j. morphol ; 41(2): 451-455, abr. 2023. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440320


El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el tiempo empleado al estimar la edad dental (ED) entre el método propuesto por Demirjian et al. y el cuadro integral del enfoque de Demirjian (DAEcc) utilizando radiografías panorámicas digitales de individuos peruanos de 5 a 13 años residentes en Lima. Se realizó un estudio no experimental, comparativo, transversal y retrospectivo. Se utilizaron 100 radiografías panorámicas digitales que presentaban siete dientes permanentes mandibulares izquierdos. Una odontóloga forense capacitada y calibrada determinó el tiempo utilizado en evaluar la maduración dental y la estimación de ED con dos métodos (Demirjian y DAEcc). La unidad de medida utilizada fue los minutos (min.). No hubo diferencias en el tiempo de evaluación del estadio de maduración dental entre ambos métodos (p<0,05). El tiempo para estimar ED fue estadísticamente inferior con DAEcc (2,09 min) que con Demirjian (4,19 min). La diferencia del tiempo total de evaluación resultó estadísticamente significativa entre ambos métodos (Δ2,1 min.; 2,05-2,11; p=0,000). La aplicación del DAEcc redujo en 50 % el tiempo empleado en estimar ED en comparación con los cuadros propuestos por Demirjian. Aunque la odontología forense se centra en el estudio de la eficacia de estimación de la edad, es necesario abordar también su uso práctico.

SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to compare the time used to estimate dental age (DA) between the method proposed by Demirjian et al., and the comprehensive chart for dental age estimation (DAEcc) using digital panoramic radiographs of Peruvian individuals aged 5 to 13 years residing in Lima. A non- experimental, comparative, cross-sectional and retrospective study was carried out. 100 digital panoramic radiographs showing seven mandibular left permanent teeth were used. A trained and calibrated forensic odontologist determined the time used to assess tooth maturation and DA estimation with two methods (Demirjian and DAEcc). The unit of measurement used was minutes (min.). There were no differences in the evaluation time of the dental maturation stage between both methods (p<0.05). The time spent to estimate DA was statistically less with DAEcc (2.09 min) than with Demirjian (4.19 min). The difference in total evaluation time was statistically significant between both methods (Δ2.1 min; 2.05-2.11; p=0.000).The application of DAEcc reduced by 50 % the time spent estimating DA compared to the method proposed by Demirjian. Although forensic odontology focuses on the study of the effectiveness of age estimation, its practical use needs to be addressed as well.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Enfant d'âge préscolaire , Enfant , Adolescent , Dent/imagerie diagnostique , Détermination de l'âge dentaire/méthodes , Odontologie légale , Pérou , Facteurs temps , Dent/croissance et développement , Radiographie panoramique , Projets pilotes , Études transversales , Études rétrospectives
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 111(1): 7-7, ene.-abr. 2023. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507285


Resumen El proceso para establecer una identificación odontológica inequívoca se sustenta en la recuperación de la mayor cantidad posible de información post mortem, y su posterior cotejo con aquellos registros ante mortem de la víctima. Los dientes son tejidos del cuerpo humano con una elevada resistencia en su estructura, lo que les permite tolerar el embate de los efectos ambientales como el fuego, la desecación, la descomposición o la inmersión prolongada. En la mayoría de los desastres naturales, y también en los provocados por el hombre, los registros odontológicos pueden contribuir para identificar cuerpos que sería irreconocibles aplicando metodologías tradicionales. En cadáveres quemados o carbonizados, resulta imperativo conservar la evidencia odontológica recuperada, para evitar que su manipulación pueda desvirtuarla e incluso destruirla; por eso se suele fijar y estabilizar antes de ser transportada. Los recursos imagenológicos constituyen una sólida estrategia de perennización de evidencia, los cuales pueden ser complementados por fotografías y toma de impresiones. El presente artículo revisa varios estudios sobre restos dentales, materiales de obturación y aparatos protésicos quemados o carbonizados, haciendo énfasis sobre su importancia en el proceso de identificación humana.

Abstract The process to establish an unequivocal dental identification is based on the recovery of the greatest possible amount of post mortem information, and its subsequent comparison with the ante mortem records of the victim. Teeth are tissues of the human body with high resistance in their structure, which allows them to tolerate the onslaught of environmental effects such as fire, desiccation, decomposition, or prolonged immersion. In most natural disasters, an also in those caused by men, dental records can help identify a body that would be unrecognizable using traditional methodologies. In burned or charred corpses, it is imperative to preserve the recovered dental evidence, to avoid its manipulation from distorting and even destroying it; this is why it is usually fixed and stabilized before being transported. Imaging resources constitute a solid strategy for the perpetuation of evidence, which can also be complemented by photographs and impression taking. This article reviews several studies on dental remains, materials and burned or charred prosthetic devices, emphasizing their importance in the human identification process.

Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 18-26, 2023.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984175


OBJECTIVES@#To realize the dynamic visualization of forensic odontology based on the bibliometrics methods, and capture the research hotspots and identify the future development trend.@*METHODS@#Literature articles published from January 1995 to December 2020 were searched according to specific subject words in the core data set of Web of Science. The visualization analysis of publishing country, institution, discipline, author, co-cited journal and keywords was performed by CiteSpace 5.7.R5W software.@*RESULTS@#The annual analysis of publications showed an upward trend of forensic odontology research literature year by year, with the number of annual publications more than 110 in the last five years. Developed countries were the main source of contributions and the average centrality was greater than 0.2. The research of forensic odontology involved multiple disciplines, including stomatology, biology, computer science and medical imaging, with a distinct interdisciplinary feature. A total of 115 nodes were obtained by keyword cluster analysis. The principal line of forensic odontology mainly included individual identification and age estimation and the emergence of hotspots was closely related to new technologies. Population-based odontology investigation, improvement of traditional dental age estimation method and dental age estimation based on new technology were popular research in forensic odontology.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Developing countries urgently need to increase the focus on related research. It may be an important direction for the development of forensic odontology to establish and enrich the regional dental database, develop new odontology identification technology combined with frontier and high-end technology, and develop the identification program based on advanced information technology.

Médecine légale , Logiciel , Bibliométrie
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218332


Background: Identification of a deceased subject can be established not only from the skeletal remains (including the congenital peculiarities in setting of teeth) but it can also be precisely established by blood grouping from the teeth with the help of the absorption-elution technique. Objectives: Our study was conducted to evaluate if dental pulp can be used as a reliable source for determination of ABO blood group and rhesus factor in an individual. Materials & Method: This double-blinded randomized controlled trial was conducted on a sample of 250 extracted teeth. An attempt to establish the blood group from pulp was made by absorption-elution method. The collected data were coded, and statistical analysis for comparison of ABO blood groups was done using Cronbach's alpha to check the reliability of the absorption-elusion method in the detection of blood group from dental pulp. Results: On comparison of capillary blood group (slide agglutination method) with pulp blood group (absorption elution technique) of the subjects, we found that positive results were obtained in 235 cases while 15 cases showed negative results. Hence, the sensitivity (ability to measure) of pulp in establishment of blood group was found to be 94%. Conclusion: On the basis of the results obtained from the present study, it could be concluded that pulp is a reliable source of blood group determination for ABO blood grouping where teeth happen to be the only remnants available for personal identification.

Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 9(3): 80-92, 2022-12-30.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1525052


3D stereophotogrammetry makes the analysis of facial soft tissues possible, and has the potential to contribute to human identification processes. Nowadays, the images available through social networks are composed of a significant amount of smile photos, making techniques such as 3D stereophotogrammetry relevant. The objective of the present study was to quantitatively analyze the anthropometric measurements of the smile through 3D stereophotogrammetry, including area, angular, and linear measurements. Anatomical landmarks were used to make possible the area, angular, and linear measurements. The sample consisted of 25 volunteers, 13 female and 12 male, both in the 19-25 age group, resulting in a mean age of 22.31.9 and 23.31.5, respectively. The anatomical landmarks were marked on the face of the volunteers using a black eyeliner, and the photographs were taken using the 3D stereophotogrammetry technique (Vectra H1, Canfield, NY, USA), being 3 photographs with a spontaneous smile and 3 at rest, right lateral, left lateral and frontal of each. Among the results of the comparison between genders and the photo/smile relation of the statistical analysis, variables such as the mentolabial angle and the vermilion height of the upper lip showed significant p-values of 0.046 and 0.014, respectively. It can be concluded that anthropometric measurements of three-dimensional smile images can be performed with the use of 3D stereophotogrammetry, with the purpose of contributing to facial identification methods

A estereofotogrametria 3D possibilita a análise dos tecidos moles faciais e tem o potencial de contribuir para os processos de identificação humana. Atualmente, as imagens disponíveis nas redes sociais são compostas por uma quantidade significativa de fotos de sorrisos, tornando relevante técnicas como a estereofotogrametria 3D. O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar quantitativamente as medidas antropométricas do sorriso por meio da estereofotogrametria 3D, incluindo medidas de área, angulares e lineares. Referenciais anatômicos foram utilizados para possibilitar as medidas de área, angulares e lineares. A amostra foi composta por 25 voluntários, sendo 13 do sexo feminino e 12 do sexo masculino, ambos na faixa etária de 19 a 25 anos, resultando em média de idade de 22,3±1,9 e 23,3±1,5, respectivamente. Os referenciais anatômicos foram marcados na face dos voluntários com delineador preto e as fotografias foram realizadas pela técnica de estereofotogrametria 3D (Vectra H1, Canfield, NY, EUA), sendo 3 fotografias com sorriso espontâneo e 3 em repouso, direita lateral, esquerda lateral e frontal de cada um. Dentre os resultados da comparação entre gêneros e relação foto/sorriso da análise estatística, variáveis como o ângulo mentolabial e a altura do vermelhão do lábio superior apresentaram valores de p significativos de 0,046 e 0,014, respectivamente. Pode-se concluir que medidas antropométricas de imagens tridimensionais do sorriso podem ser realizadas com o uso da estereofotogrametria 3D, com a finalidade de contribuir com os métodos de identificação facial

Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 650-656, jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385661


SUMMARY: The objective of this review was to identify original studies describing radiographic methods for dental age estimation applied in Chilean children, considering that it is a country with a long history of natural disasters and it has shown an unprecedented increase in the number of migrants in recent years, with significant percentages of individuals under 18 years of age. A scoping review was carried out following the methodology for the Joanna Briggs Institute scoping reviews and PRISMA guidelines. A specific search strategy was implemented in PubMed/Medline database, with complementary use of the Google Scholar website searching for full articles in English and Spanish. Five documents responded to the search objective, of which only 3 were published in refereed journals. Two documents focused their study on the maturation of upper and lower third molars, one on the maturation of the second and lower third molars, and two documents on the maturation of the seven mandibular teeth according to classical methodologies. The scarce existing literature, the almost absence of validated methods for the Chilean population, as well as the reported mass immigration phenomenon make a new and profound scientific research approach necessary for the application of updated methods.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de esta revisión fue identificar estudios originales que describan métodos radiográficos para la estimación de la edad dental aplicados en niños chilenos, considerando que Chile es un país con una larga historia de desastres naturales y que ha mostrado un aumento sin precedentes en el número de inmigrantes en los últimos años, con porcentajes significativos de individuos menores de 18 años. Se llevó a cabo una revisión con búsqueda sistemática siguiendo la metodología del Instituto Joanna Briggs y las pautas PRISMA. Se implementó una estrategia de búsqueda específica en la base de datos PubMed/Medline, con uso complementario de Google Scholar, buscando artículos completos en inglés y español. Cinco documentos respondieron al objetivo de búsqueda, de los cuales solo 3 fueron publicados en revistas arbitradas. Dos documentos centraron su estudio en la maduración de los terceros molares superiores e inferiores, uno en la maduración de los segundos y terceros molares inferiores y dos documentos en la maduración de los siete dientes mandibulares según metodologías clásicas. La escasa literatura existente, la casi ausencia de métodos validados para la población chilena, así como el fenómeno de inmigración masiva reportado, hacen necesario un nuevo y profundo enfoque de investigación científica para la apli- cación de métodos actualizados.

Humains , Détermination de l'âge dentaire/méthodes , Radiographie dentaire , Émigration et immigration , Odontologie légale , Chili
Rev. Bras. Odontol. Leg. RBOL ; 9(1): 2-24, 2022-05-04.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524480


This literature review aims to name the influential female pioneers who broke the conservative barriers in place for their gender and set the standards for those who followed in their paths as either dentists or forensic odontologists, with the purpose of increasing the visibility of their identities, feats, and positions of authority, hence, diminishing the states of exclusion that may be still practiced towards the recognition of their contributions to dentistry. It is our expectation that contemporary female forensic dentists can, by accessing this reading, acknowledge and promote the female performance in the forensic field, from its beginning to the present time, and be reassured of the representation and the excellence of women in it. We anticipate that all these professionals' names will not be mentioned due to lack of information from sound resources or unawareness. We also hope to witness similar literature reviews in the future

Esta revisão de literatura tem como objetivo nomear as influentes pioneiras que romperam as barreiras conservadoras de gênero e estabeleceram os padrões para aquelas que seguiram seus caminhos como dentistas forenses ou odontolegistas, com o objetivo de aumentar a visibilidade de suas identidades, feitos e posições de autoridade, diminuindo, assim, os estados de exclusão que ainda podem ser praticados para o reconhecimento de suas contribuições para a Odontologia. É nossa expectativa que as odontolegistas contemporâneas possam, ao acessar essa leitura, reconhecer e promover a atuação feminina no campo forense, desde o seu início até os dias atuais e ter a certeza da representação e da excelência da mulher nela. É possível que outros nomes não foram mencionados por falta de informação segura ou desconhecimento. Também esperamos testemunhar revisões de literatura semelhantes no futuro

Odontoestomatol ; 24(39)2022.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386408


Resumen La odontología forense (OF) es reconocida como uno de los métodos primarios para identificación forense. Aunque los dientes son estructuras resistentes a altas temperaturas, condiciones particulares pueden fragilizarlos considerablemente. Los implantes dentales (IDs), de gran empleo en la rehabilitación bucodental actual, son fabricados en materiales aloplásticos con base en titanio, de alta resistencia térmica. Se presenta una revisión con búsqueda sistemática para establecer el potencial uso de IDs en identificación forense. Se identificaron 10 artículos con una importante presencia de investigadores australianos y modelos de identificación apoyados no solo en el cotejo de imágenes, sino también en el uso de software específico o incluso en la implementación de números de serie asegurando su trazabilidad. Si bien la identificación mediante IDs se ha propuesto como una alternativa promisoria, las realidades locales y la relación con las empresas fabricantes han condicionado de manera heterogénea estas posibilidades en OF.

Resumo Odontologia forense (OF) é reconhecida como um dos principais métodos de identificação forense. Embora os dentes sejam estruturas resistentes a altas temperaturas, condições particulares podem torná-los muito frágeis. Os implantes dentários (IDs), amplamente utilizados na atual reabilitação oral, são fabricados em materiais aloplásticos à base de titânio, com alta resistência térmica. Uma revisão de pesquisa sistemática é apresentada para estabelecer o uso potencial de IDs na identificação forense. Foram identificados 10 trabalhos com presença significativa de pesquisadores australianos e modelos de identificação apoiados não só na comparação de imagens, mas também na utilização de softwares específicos ou mesmo na implementação de números de série garantindo sua rastreabilidade. Embora a identificação por meio de IDs tenha sido proposta como uma alternativa promissora, as realidades locais e o relacionamento com as empresas manufatureiras têm condicionado de forma heterogênea essas possibilidades na OF.

Abstract Forensic odontology (FO) is recognized as one of the primary methods for forensic identification. Although teeth are resistant to high temperatures, particular conditions can make them very fragile. Dental implants (DIs), widely used in current oral rehabilitation, are manufactured with alloplastic materials based on titanium and with high thermal resistance. A scoping review is presented to establish the potential use of DIs in forensic identification. We identified ten articles with a significant presence of Australian researchers and identification models supported by image comparison, the use of specific software, and even the implementation of serial numbers that ensure traceability. Identification through DIs has been proposed as a promising alternative. However, local realities and the relationship with manufacturing companies have conditioned these possibilities in FO in several ways.

Int. j. morphol ; 39(4): 1224-1230, ago. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385440


SUMMARY: Sex estimation is an essential step in personal identification and a cornerstone for developing biological profile from skeletal remains. The present study aimed to evaluate the role of maxillary arch widths and lengths as unique parameters in the estimation of sex in Egyptian populations. Maxillary arch measurements were collected from 1410 subjects where palatal impressions were obtained from each participant. Fourteen maxillary inter-teeth widths and lengths that excluded teeth dimensions were included The current study revealed that among the studied population, Egyptian men showed significant differences (p34.57 mm, it could predict the sex with sensitivity of 69.8 %, specificity of 58.8 % and p<0.05. The first molar could be considered as one of the most valid and reliable teeth in estimating sex in Egyptian populations. These measurements may be used as a reference in different populations in cases of mass disaster or relevant events.

RESUMEN: La estimación del sexo es un aspecto esencial en la identificación personal para desarrollar el perfil biológico a partir de restos óseos. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el papel del ancho y longitud del arco maxilar como parámetros únicos en la estimación del sexo en poblaciones egipcias. Se obtuvieron medidas del arco maxilar de 1410 sujetos, además de las impresiones palatinas de cada participante. El estudio actual reveló que entre la población estudiada, los hombres egipcios mostraron diferencias significativas (p 34,57 mm, podría predecir el sexo con sensibilidad de 69,8 %, especificidad de 58,8 % y p <0,05. El primer molar podría considerarse como uno de los dientes más confiables para estimar el sexo en las poblaciones egipcias. Estas mediciones se pueden utilizar como referencia en diferentes poblaciones en casos de desastres masivos o eventos relevantes.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Arcade dentaire/anatomie et histologie , Détermination du sexe à partir du squelette , Maxillaire/anatomie et histologie , Études transversales , Courbe ROC , Analyse de variance , Sensibilité et spécificité , Égypte , Odontologie légale
Odontol. sanmarquina (Impr.) ; 24(1): 15-25, Ene-Mar. 2021.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1150815


Objetivo. Comparar la eficacia de tres métodos dentales (Demirjian, Gleiser-Hunt mo-dificado y análisis morfométrico) para estimar la edad de personas de 13 a 23 años a partir del desarrollo radicular de los terceros molares inferiores. Métodos. La muestra estuvo conformada por 978 ortopantomografías de personas con edad cronológica y sexo (484 varones y 494 mujeres) conocidos. El desarrollo radicular de las molares fue cla-sificado según los métodos señalados. Se tomó el 10% de la muestra para una segunda clasificación que permitió establecer la concordancia entre ellas. Se correlacionaron los estadios de desarrollo radicular ­ obtenidos con los métodos mencionados ­ y la edad cronológica para obtener: 1) el índice de correlación y determinación 2) las fórmulas de regresión que predicen la edad y 3) la diferencia entre la edad cronológica real y la edad dental estimada para cada uno de los métodos. Resultados. El método Gleiser-Hunt modificado obtuvo el menor residual que fue resultado de la diferencia entre la edad cronológica y dental, así como el mejor índice de correlación con la edad cronológica. La diferencia entre la edad cronológica y dental fue de 1,55, 1,68 y 2,11 para los métodos Gleiser-Hunt modificado, Demirjian y análisis morfométrico respectivamente. Conclu-siones. El método Gleiser-Hunt modificado resultó más eficaz para predecir la edad de personas e individuos de 13 a 23 años.

Objective. To compare the efficacy of three dental methods (Demirjian, modified Gleiser-Hunt, and morphometric analysis) based on the root development of the lower third molars to determine age estimation on 13 to 23-years-old participants. Methods.The sample included 978 orthopantomographs of people with known chronological age and sex (484 men and 494 women). The root development of the molars was classified according to the indicated methods. The concordance of the sample was performed based on a second classification of 10% of the sample. The stages of root development - obtained with the aforementioned methods - and the chronological age were correlated to obtain: 1) the correlation and determination index 2) the regression formulas that predict age and 3) the difference between the real chronological age and the estimated dental age for each method. Results. The modified Gleiser-Hunt method obtained the lowest residual result of the difference between chronological and dental age, as well as the best correlation index with chronological age. The difference between chronological and dental age was 1.55, 1.68 and 2.11 for the modified Gleiser-Hunt, Demirjian and morphometric analysis methods respectively. Conclusions. The modified Gleiser-Hunt method was more effective in predicting the age of people and individuals aged 13 to 23-years-old.

Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 36(82): 49-55, 2021. ilus, tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1291932


Objetivos: Mensurar los niveles de radiación de fuga y dispersión emanada a través de los blindajes y estructuras plomadas del tubo de rayos X de la unidad dental portátil NOMAD, controlando la retrodispersión con el uso del escudo protector de acrílico plomado adaptado en el extremo final del tubo localizador plomado. Se midieron las tasas de exposición dispersadas mediante un detector tipo Geiger-Müller y una cámara de ionización con respuesta en el rango de energías aportadas en diagnóstico por imágenes para la medición de la exposición directa y determinación posterior de las dosis. Se utilizó un fantomas diseñado para diagnóstico odontológico, sopesando la radiación en diferentes angulaciones de operación del equipo NOMAD, simulando los gestos posturales de odontólogos, radiólogos y sujetos a identificar. Se controlaron las tasas de exposición para determinar los valores de las dosis aportadas en las zonas significativas corporales más radiosensibles del operador del equipo. Se obtuvo como resultado que la retrodispersión en el cristalino del ojo del operador fue significativamente menor cuando el fantomas estaba acostado, mientras que a nivel de gónadas resultó más baja con el cuerpo sentado. La tasa de dosis máxima de radiación dispersa que impactó en los operadores fue de 350.8 micro Sieverts por hora (uSv/h) en la zona de gónadas, por cada radiografía tomada sin el uso del delantal de goma plomada, reduciéndose a 4.38 micro Sieverts por hora (uSv/h) al utilizarlo (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Radiographie dentaire/méthodes , Technologie dentaire , Équipement dentaire , Odontologie légale , Patients , Argentine , Dose de rayonnement , Radioprotection , Diffusion de rayonnements , Imagerie diagnostique/méthodes , Identification des Victimes , Contrôle de l'Exposition Aux Radiations , Conception d'appareillage
Int. j. morphol ; 38(2): 322-327, abr. 2020. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056442


La estimación de edad compone un aspecto importante en investigaciones forenses. Diferentes métodos se han descrito en odontología forense basadas en la correlación entre la edad y estructuras dentales. Cameriere et al. proponen un método cuantitativo para estimación de edad en adultos, a partir de la evaluación de la relación del área pulpa/diente, en base a la aposición de dentina secundaria. El objetivo del estudio fue desarrollar modelos de regresión para la estimación de edad dental mediante la relación área pulpa/diente en caninos inferiores en una muestra Chilena. Se analizaron 212 radiografías periapicales digitales (RPD) (86 hombres y 126 mujeres) de caninos mandibulares mediante el programa Image J para establecer el área de la pulpa y el diente. Se registraron los datos de sexo y edad de las RPD seleccionadas en forma ciega. Fueron desarrollados modelos de regresión lineal simples para la estimación de edad. El coeficiente de determinación para R33 fue 27,8 % y de 29,6 % para R44, con un error absoluto medio de 11,02 años y 10,37 años respectivamente. El análisis de ANOVA no mostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas para las relaciones área pulpa/diente de caninos según sexo (p> 0,05). Según los resultados obtenidos, la metodología propuesta por Cameriere et al. es fiable para estimar la edad dental mediante la relación área pulpa/diente en adultos. Sin embargo, en los modelos de regresión desarrollados para la población Chilena, se puede afirmar que el ajuste indicado por los coeficientes de determinación muestran incerteza entre las variables área pulpa/diente y edad cronológica en caninos inferiores, por lo tanto se sugiere considerar otros métodos adicionales para estimar edad en esta población.

Age estimation is an important aspect In forensic investigations. Different methods in forensic odontology based on the correlation between age estimation in adults, from the analysis of the pulp/tooth area, based on the apposition of secondary dentine. The aim of the study was to develop regression models for the dental age estimation by the relation pulp/tooth area, in lower canines in a Chilean sample, using digital peri-apical radiographs (DPR) applying Cameriere's method. We analyzed 212 DPR (86 males and 126 females) mandibular canines through Image J program to measure the pulp/tooth area. Age and sex information was obtained of the DPR's blindly selected. We developed simple linear regression models for age estimation. The coefficient of determination to R33 was R2 age and dental structures have been described. Cameriere et al. proposed a quantitative method for 27.8 % and R2 29.6 % to R44, with a mean absolute error of 11.02 years, to R33 and 10.37 years to R44. ANOVA analysis showed no statistically significant differences for the pulp/tooth relation area of canines according to sex (p> 0.05). According to the results, the Cameriere's et al., method is reliable for dental age estimation according to pulp/tooth ratio in adults. However, in the regression models developed for Chilean population, it can be stated that the adjustment indicated by the coefficients of determination, show uncertainty between the pulp / tooth area and chronological age in lower canines, therefore it is suggested to use additional estimation methods for age in this population.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Jeune adulte , Dent/anatomie et histologie , Détermination de l'âge dentaire/méthodes , Radiographie numérisée dentaire/méthodes , Pulpe dentaire/anatomie et histologie , Dent/imagerie diagnostique , Modèles logistiques , Chili , Analyse de variance , Pulpe dentaire/imagerie diagnostique , Distribution de L'âge et du Sexe , Odontologie légale
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-215181


The unique nature of human teeth has always been a special aid in personal identification throughout history.[1] Forensic odontology is a branch of dentistry that deals with the application of dental knowledge to those criminal and civil laws that are enforced by the investigative agencies in a criminal justice system.[2] Dental tissues are the strongest tissues in the human body and therefore their characteristics remain unchanged even in extreme environment and can survive long periods in conditions like burial under soil, fire and exposure to any biological agents in the environment.[3] Therefore, the importance of teeth in forensics is profoundly increasing. Endodontics in particular plays a pivotal role in forensic investigation by providing adequate knowledge of root canal anatomy, periapical radiographs, dental restorations, which favour comparison and personal identification of a deceased person.[1]We wanted to evaluate the knowledge and awareness of the role of endodontics in forensic odontology among postgraduate students enrolled in the specialty of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics.METHODSA standardized web-based questionnaire survey was conducted in a group of post graduate students n=306 (endodontists) in which 20 questions related to the role of endodontics in forensic odontology were included. The responses were recorded, and the data was analyzed using statistical analysis. Based on the responses obtained, data was analysed, and the frequencies and percentages were calculated.RESULTSThe results of the present survey revealed that 6% of total participants had good awareness (>16 Qs), 62% of total participants showed moderate awareness (10-16 Qs) and 32% of total participants had poor awareness (<10 Qs)CONCLUSIONSThis survey was conducted to assess the knowledge and awareness on practical usefulness of endodontics in forensic odontology. By considering the present expansion in field of forensic odontology, endodontists should be knowledgeable of the role and importance of their specialization in personal identification.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-829610


@#Introduction: Identification of remains recovered at advanced stages of decomposition can be problematic due to the lack of physical evidence. Nonetheless, human dentition is least susceptible to decomposition and as such carry a significant value in personal identification of decomposed remains. Demirjian’s method of age estimation was developed specifically for children with developing dentition. In this article, a method on adapting the Demirjian’s method for Malay ethnic-specific age estimation using the third molar development is presented. Methods: Orthopantomograms of Malay subjects aged 18 to 25 were obtained from UiTM Sungai Buloh. Total of 318 samples were taken, comprising of 123 and 195 images from male and female subjects. Development of right and left mandibular third molar was classified according to the eight stages of development as illustrated in Demirjian’s method. Data obtained were subjected to statistical analysis such as descriptive statistics and analysis of variance. The intra- and inter-gender variation between left and right mandibular third molar was evaluated using independent student t-test and analysis of variance, respectively. Results: Intra-gender comparison analysis revealed a significant difference in the female and male with a p-value of 0.000 and 0.003, respectively. Regression equation to estimate age based on third molar development were formulated according to dental age and maturity score. Conclusion: The Demirjian’s method was successfully adapted for age estimation of individuals of Malay ethnicity. These findings can help with victim identification in cases of poor skeletal framework recovery and highly decomposed remains.

Détails de la recherche