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Gamme d'année
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1015656


Tomato (Solarium lycopersicum) is one of the most popular vegetables worldwide and is a classic model plant for studying fruit development and ripening due to its short growth cycle, clear genetic background and ease of molecular manipulation. This paper used virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) to construct SlWRKY53b gene-silenced tomato fruits and analyzed the effect of SIWRKY531) gene silencing in the tomato fruit ripening process. We found that transient silencing of SIWRKY531) resulted indelayed in-broken color, higher chlorophyll contents (P<0.05) and reduced carotenoid contents (P<0.05) in tomato fruits, and color difference results indicated that the differences in L *, a * and b * values were consistent with fruit color changes. Further studies showed that genes significantly down-regulated (P<0.01) in SIWRKY531) gene-silenced tomato fruits include the chlorophyll degradation-related genes (AFCl, PAO, PPH, SGR1), carotenoid synthesis-related genes (PSYl, PDS, ZDS), ethylene synthesis pathway-related genes (ACOl, ACS2, NOR, AC03, EA, RIN), and cell wall degradation-related genes (PG, EXP, CELT.). Correlation analysis showed that the expression of SlWRKY53b was negatively correlated with chlorophyll contents and positively correlated with carotenoid contents and the expression of maturation-related genes. These results suggest that inhibition of SIWRKY531) expression at the transcrip-tional level can achieve the effect of delaying tomato fruit ripening, indicating that S1WRKY531) plays arole as a facilitator in the tomato fruit ripening process.

São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 106 p. tab, graf.
Thèse de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380458


Fruit ripening is a biochemical process that results in flavor, odor, texture, and color suitable for human consumption, in addition to providing access to important nutrients. Although ripening promotes sensory and nutritional increases in fruits, there is also an increased susceptibility to physical damage, as is the case with papaya. These transformations occur due to changes in gene expression patterns at different stages of maturity, whose control and coordination result from the combined action of plant hormones, especially ethylene. As the action of this hormone in the regulation of gene expression is still elusive, this dissertation sought to address the global analysis of the transcriptome in an overview study of molecular processes involved in the ripening of ethylene-treated and non-treated papaya. Transcription factors related to ethylene synthesis and signaling had increased activity towards exogenous-ethylene treatment. Consequently, ethylene-induced enzymes had their coding genes differentially expressed, like genes related to the synthesis of carotenoids, linalool, and vitamins, which increase color, aroma, and antioxidant activity, respectively. Metabolic pathways related to the synthesis of sugars were suppressed while genes encoding the enzyme responsible for sucrose synthesis maintained a basal expression, showing that the accumulation of sugars occurs before the ripening process. The firmness of the peel and pulp of the fruits were strongly influenced by the treatment with ethylene and by the time of the experiment, suffering the action of numerous enzymes related to the degradation of the cell wall. The main enzyme responsible for softening the pulp was polygalacturonase, together with the activity of other pectinases and cellulases. In contrast to the need for the pre-climacteric action of pectate lyase and pectinesterase reported in other fleshy fruits, such as tomatoes and strawberries, papaya did not show a significant difference in their expression. The meta-analysis of several papaya ripening transcriptomes confirmed the expression profile observed in the previous RNA-seq, besides providing statistical enrichment to the biological narratives. Finally, the present study gathered a range of robust information on the gene regulation of the papaya ripening process, which opens possibilities for future approaches to transcriptomic analysis and validates the use of papaya as a model for such studies

O amadurecimento de frutos é um processo bioquímico que resulta em sabor, odor, textura e cor adequados para o consumo humano, além de propiciar o acesso a nutrientes importantes. Apesar do amadurecimento promover incrementos sensoriais e nutricionais nos frutos, ocorre também um aumento da suscetibilidade a danos físicos, como é o caso do mamão. Essas transformações ocorrem devido às alterações nos padrões de expressão gênica nos diferentes estádios de amadurecimento, cujo controle e coordenação decorrem da ação combinada de hormônios vegetais, principalmente do etileno. Como a ação deste hormônio na regulação da expressão gênica ainda é elusiva, a presente dissertação buscou abordar a análise global do transcriptoma em um amplo estudo dos processos moleculares envolvidos no amadurecimento de mamões tratados e não tratados com etileno. Os fatores de transcrição relacionados com a síntese e a sinalização do etileno tiveram sua atividade aumentada perante o tratamento exógeno com etileno. Consequentemente, as enzimas reguladas por esse hormônio tiveram seus genes de codificação expressos diferencialmente, como foi o caso de genes relacionados à síntese de carotenoides, linalool e vitaminas, que atuam no aumento da cor, aroma e atividade antioxidante, respectivamente. Vias metabólicas relacionadas com à síntese de açúcares foram reprimidas enquanto genes codificantes da enzima responsável pela síntese de sacarose mantiveram uma expressão basal, evidenciando que o acúmulo de açúcares ocorre antes do processo de amadurecimento. A firmeza da casca e da polpa dos frutos foram fortemente influenciadas pelo tratamento com etileno e pelo tempo de experimento, sofrendo ação de inúmeras enzimas relacionadas com a degradação da parede celular. A principal enzima responsável pelo amolecimento da polpa foi a poligalacturonase, em conjunto com a atividade de outras pectinases e celulases. Em contraste com a necessidade da ação pré-climatérica da pectato liase e da pectinesterase relatada em outras frutas carnosas, como tomates e morangos, o mamão não apresentou uma diferença significativa na expressão das mesmas. A meta-análise de diversos transcriptomas do amadurecimento do mamão reafirmaram o perfil de expressão observado no RNA-seq, além de prover enriquecimento estatístico às narrativas biológicas. Por fim, o presente estudo reuniu uma gama de informações robustas sobre a regulação gênica do processo de amadurecimento do mamão papaia, o que abrange a possibilidade para futuras abordagens de análise transcriptomica e valida o uso do mamão como modelo para tais estudos

Carica/anatomie et histologie , Biologie des systèmes/instrumentation , Éthylènes/effets indésirables , Saccharose , Climatère , Expression des gènes , Solanum lycopersicum , Transcriptome/génétique , Fruit , Antioxydants/analyse
Braz. arch. biol. technol ; Braz. arch. biol. technol;65: e20210183, 2022. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364448


Abstract The objective of this work was to evaluate different concentrations of ethephon on Fortune plum ripening, also observing the effect of ethephon concentration on the fruit parameters of yield, soluble solids (SS), titratable acidity (TA), SS/TA ratio, firmness, wooliness, diameter, length, and average fruit mass at harvest and post-harvest. The experimental design was completely randomized with five treatments and four replications, each experimental unit consisting of four plants. The ethephon concentrations of zero, 100, 200, 300, and 400 mg∙L-1 were applied on the plums 20 days before the estimated harvest time. The results indicated that ethephon application induced a higher fruit yield in earlier harvest time, but with no effect on overall yield. Relative to the quality characteristics, the application of ethephon induced a reduction of fruit firmness, soluble solids content, and titratable acidity. Fruit length was not affected. The parameters of soluble solids, titratable acidity, and firmness presented a negative significant correlation with the ethephon dose. Relative to post-storage evaluation, the ethephon application induced a higher SS/TA ratio, and lower wooliness, titratable acidity, and soluble solids content. The parameters of soluble solids and titratable acidity presented a significant negative correlation, whereas the SS/TA ratio was positively correlated with the ethephon dose.

São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2019. 327 p. tab, graf.
Thèse de Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361859


ietary fiber (DF) consumption is related with several healthy benefits such as the decreasing risk of colon cancer development. The DF is not digested by the digestive enzymes and reach to colon where is fermented by the colonic microbiota. The fermentation process releases metabolites as short chain fatty acids (SCFA) such as butyrate, propionate and acetate. Besides the fermentation process, the DF can directly interact with intestinal epithelial cells inducing mechanism that can also be related with the associated DF consumption benefits. The lack of information regarding DF and colon cancer are due to the complexity of both the cancer and the DF structure. The papayas DF are derived from the fruit cell wall, and they are probably naturally modified during ripening through a massive polysaccharide hydrolysis, because papayas show a very fast pulp softening. Due to the lack of information about DF and their beneficial effects to human health as well as the possibility of the natural papaya ripening to modifying the DF presented in the fruit pulp, the present thesis had as the primary objectives: 1) to evaluate how the cell-wall degrading enzymes affect the fruit cell wall solubilization and molecular weight; 2) to investigate the direct effects of the papaya pectin derived from unripe to ripe papayas in cancer cell lines, in galectin-3 interaction and in HEK cells expressing pattern recognition receptors (PRR); 3) to evaluate the human colonic in vitro fermentation using DF from unripe and ripe papayas as substrates; 4) to conduct an in vivo experiment using rats with pre-neoplastic colon lesions while receiving a diet with DF from unripe and ripe papayas. The endopolygalacturonases were the main enzymes acting on the solubilizing papaya cell wall pectin affecting both the papaya firmness and pectin structure. Overall, the papayas DF showed a ripening dependent structureeffects. In the cancer cell lines experiments, the ripe papayas pectin showed a more pronounced effects in inducing cancer cell death, inhibiting cancer cells migration and aggregation, activating PRR as toll-like receptors and inhibiting the pro-metastatic protein galectin-3. The DF from papayas also showed different aspects in colonic in vitro fermentation regarding the DF utilization by the bacteria and the bacteria abundance profile. Lastly, the animals receiving the diet with the DF from ripe papayas had less aberrant crypt foci in colon than the animals that received the DF from unripe papayas or cellulose (AIN-93G DF). Therefore, the study of papaya DF was carried out both during papaya ripening and its biological effects in vitro and in vivo, generating unprecedented results relating the endogenous biochemical changes of the fruits during maturation with the possible beneficial effects of their ingestion for health human

O consumo de fibras alimentares (FA) está relacionado com vários benefícios à saúde como a diminuição no risco do desenvolvimento de câncer de cólon. A FA não é digerida pelas enzimas digestivas do trato gastrointestinal sendo fermentada pela microbiota intestinal do cólon. Como subproduto do processo de fermentação há a liberação de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (SCFA) - como o butirato, o propionato e o acetato. Além do processo de fermentação, a FA pode interagir diretamente com as células epiteliais do intestino, induzindo mecanismos que também podem estar relacionados com os benefícios associados ao consumo de FA. A falta de informação sobre a FA e o câncer de cólon é, em partes, devido à complexidade de ambos, tanto do câncer quanto da estrutura da FA. As FA do mamão papaia são derivadas da parede celular da fruta apresentando diferentes estruturas dependendo do ponto de amadurecimento do fruto. Esse fato ocorre, pois, durante o amadurecimento do mamão papaia, existe uma extensa hidrólise dos polissacarídeos presentes na parede celular, diminuindo rapidamente a firmeza da polpa do fruto. Devido à falta de informações sobre FA e seus efeitos benéficos à saúde humana que são dependentes da sua estrutura, bem como a possibilidade do amadurecimento do mamão papaia naturalmente modificar as FA presentes na polpa dos frutos, a presente tese teve como principais objetivos: 1) avaliar como as enzimas que degradam a parede celular do mamão papaia afetam a solubilização e o peso molecular da parede celular do fruto; 2) investigar os efeitos diretos da pectina derivada de mamões verdes e maduros em linhagens de células de câncer, na interação com a galectina-3, e em células do tipo HEK que expressam receptores de reconhecimento de padrões (RRP); 3) avaliar a fermentação colônica humana in vitro utilizando as FA de mamões verdes e maduros; 4) avaliar em ratos com lesões pré-neoplásicas no cólon o efeito do consumo de ração com ou sem FA de mamões papaias verdes e maduros. As endopoligalacturonases foram relacionadas como as principais enzimas que atuam solubilizando a pectina da parede celular do mamão, afetando tanto a firmeza da polpa do fruto quanto a solubilização da pectina durante o amadurecimento. De modo geral, as FA dos mamões exerceram um efeito estruturadependente de acordo com a maturação do fruto. Nos experimentos utilizando linhagens de células de câncer, a pectina do mamão papaia maduro apresentou efeitos mais pronunciados na indução da morte e na inibição da migração e da agregação das células, bem como ativando os RRP, como por exemplo, os receptores do tipo toll-like, além de inibir a proteína pró-metastática galectina-3. As FA dos mamões também apresentaram diferentes resultados na fermentação colônica in vitro quanto à utilização das FA pelas bactérias do intestino, e também no perfil de crescimento dessas bactérias. Por fim, os animais que receberam a dieta com as FA dos mamões maduros apresentaram menor incidência de focos de criptas aberrantes do que os animais que receberam as FA provenientes de mamões verdes ou de celulose (FA da ração AIN-93G). Portanto, o estudo das FA dos mamões foi efetuado tanto durante o amadurecimento dos mamões quanto dos seus efeitos biológicos in vitro e in vivo, tendo gerado resultados inéditos relacionando as alterações bioquímicas endógenas dos frutos durante o amadurecimento com os possíveis efeitos benéficos da sua ingestão para a saúde humana

Animaux , Mâle , Femelle , Rats , Fibre alimentaire/effets indésirables , Tumeurs du côlon/anatomopathologie , Carica/métabolisme , Fibre alimentaire/administration et posologie , Paroi cellulaire/classification , Consommation alimentaire , Fermentation
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 20(1): 42-50, ene.-jun. 2018. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-959856


RESUMEN Se han evaluado algunos indicadores de calidad del fruto en líneas transgénicas de fresa con los genes de poligalacturonasa FaPGI (líneas PG) o pectato liasa FaplC (líneas APEL) silenciados. Se analizaron dos líneas independientes por genotipo transgénico. No se observaron diferencias en el contenido de sólidos solubles entre las líneas transgénicas y el control. De igual forma, la acidez total y el pH fueron similares en las líneas PG29, APEL21 y el control; sin embargo, la acidez de los frutos de las líneas PG62 y APEL39 fue superior al control. Los parámetros de color L*, a* y b* fueron similares en todos los genotipos; sin embargo, el contenido en antocianos fue menor en la línea APEL21. Los valores más altos de firmeza de fruto, estimada mediante un ensayo de extrusión, se observaron en las dos líneas transgénicas PG y en la línea APEL39. En cuanto a las pérdidas por goteo (drip loss), la línea APEL39 presentó un valor mayor que el control, pero la línea APEL21 registró valores menores. El contenido de compuestos fenólicos se analizó en la línea PG29, no encontrándose diferencias estadísticas con respecto al control. Finalmente, la capacidad del fruto para captar radicales libres fue ligeramente menor en la línea PG29 que en el control. Los resultados indican que el silenciamiento de los genes de pectinasas incrementa significativamente la firmeza de la fresa sin modificar sustancialmente parámetros de calidad del fruto maduro como color, acidez, sólidos solubles o contenido en antocianos.

ABSTRACT Some quality traits of transgenic strawberry fruits with low levels of expression of the pectinase genes FaPGI (PG lines) or FaplC gene (APEL lines) were evaluated. Two independent lines per transgenic genotype were analyzed. Soluble solids were similar in control and transgenic lines. Similarly, pH and titratable acidity was similar in lines PG29, APEL21 and control; however, lines PG62 and APEL39 showed acidity values higher than the control. The color parameters L*, a* and b* were similar in control and transgenic fruits; however, line APEL21 displayed a lower value of anthocyanin content. The highest values of fruit firmness, measured with an extrusion test, were observed in both PG transgenic lines and in the APEL39 line. Regarding the drip loss, APEL39 line showed a higher value than the control, but the APEL21 line displayed lower values. The content of phenolic compounds was analyzed in line PG29, not observing significant differences with the control. Finally, the antiradical activity of the fruit was slightly lower in the line PG29 than in the control. The results obtained indicate that the silencing of the pectinase genes increases the firmness of the fruit without substantially modifying other quality parameters such as color, acidity, soluble solids or anthocyanin content.

J Biosci ; 1980 Dec; 2(4): 305-310
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-160034


There was a definite relationship between growth and ascorbic acid content in Achras sapota. Increase in ethrel concentration from 250 ppm to 500 ppm hastened early ripening and increased the amount of reducing sugars but depleted the ascorbic acid content. Other aspects of ascorbic acid turnover viz. ascorbigen, bound form of ascorbic acid, ascorbic acid utilization, net ascorbic acid bound and ascorbic acid oxidase were also studied.