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Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253083, 2024. tab, ilus
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360201


Phosphorus (P) use efficiency is crucial for sorghum production. P acquisition efficiency is the most important component of P use efficiency. The early-stage evaluation of plant development is a useful tool for identifying P-efficient genotypes. This study aimed to identify sorghum hybrids that are efficient in P use efficiency and assess the genetic diversity among hybrids based on traits related to P acquisition efficiency. Thus, 38 sorghum hybrids and two inbred lines (checks) were evaluated under low and high P in a paper pouch system with nutrient solution. Biomass and root traits related to P efficiency were measured. There was no interaction between genotypes and P levels concerning all evaluated traits. The biomass and root traits, except root diameter, presented smaller means under low P than high P. Efficient and inefficient hybrids under each P level were identified. The genetic diversity assessment grouped these genotypes in different clusters. The hybrids AG1090, MSK326, AG1060, 1G100, AS 4639, DKB 540, and DKB 590 were superior under low-P and high-P. Hybrids SC121, 1236020 e 1167017 presented the lowest means than all other hybrids, under both conditions. The evaluated hybrids showed phenotypic diversity for traits related to P acquisition, such as root length and root surface area, which can be useful for establishing selection strategies for sorghum breeding programs and increasing P use efficiency.

A eficiência do uso do fósforo (P) é fundamental para a produção de sorgo. A avaliação no estágio inicial do desenvolvimento da planta é uma ferramenta útil para a identificação de genótipos eficientes de P. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar híbridos de sorgo que sejam eficientes ao uso de P e avaliar a diversidade genética entre os híbridos com base em características relacionadas à eficiência de aquisição de P. Assim, 38 híbridos de sorgo e duas linhagens (testemunhas) foram avaliados sob baixo e alto P em sistema de pastas de papel com solução nutritiva. Características de biomassa e de raiz relacionadas à eficiência de P foram mensuradas. Não houve interação entre genótipos e níveis de P em todas as características avaliadas. As características de biomassa e raiz, exceto o diâmetro da raiz, apresentaram médias menores sob baixo P em comparação com alto P. Híbridos eficientes e ineficientes sob cada nível de P foram identificados e agrupados quanto à diversidade genética. Os híbridos AG1090, MSK326, AG1060, 1G100, AS 4639, DKB 540 e DKB 590 foram superiores sob baixo-P e alto-P. Os híbridos SC121, 1236020 e 1167017 apresentaram as menores médias que todos os outros híbridos, em ambas condições. Os híbridos avaliados apresentaram diversidade fenotípica para características relacionadas à aquisição de P, como comprimento e área superficial da raiz, o que pode ser útil para estabelecer estratégias de seleção para programas de melhoramento de sorgo e aumentar a eficiência de uso do P.

Phosphore , Variation génétique , Culture hydroponique , Sorghum/croissance et développement
Braz. j. biol ; 842024.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469331


Abstract Phosphorus (P) use efficiency is crucial for sorghum production. P acquisition efficiency is the most important component of P use efficiency. The early-stage evaluation of plant development is a useful tool for identifying P-efficient genotypes. This study aimed to identify sorghum hybrids that are efficient in P use efficiency and assess the genetic diversity among hybrids based on traits related to P acquisition efficiency. Thus, 38 sorghum hybrids and two inbred lines (checks) were evaluated under low and high P in a paper pouch system with nutrient solution. Biomass and root traits related to P efficiency were measured. There was no interaction between genotypes and P levels concerning all evaluated traits. The biomass and root traits, except root diameter, presented smaller means under low P than high P. Efficient and inefficient hybrids under each P level were identified. The genetic diversity assessment grouped these genotypes in different clusters. The hybrids AG1090, MSK326, AG1060, 1G100, AS 4639, DKB 540, and DKB 590 were superior under low-P and high-P. Hybrids SC121, 1236020 e 1167017 presented the lowest means than all other hybrids, under both conditions. The evaluated hybrids showed phenotypic diversity for traits related to P acquisition, such as root length and root surface area, which can be useful for establishing selection strategies for sorghum breeding programs and increasing P use efficiency.

Resumo A eficiência do uso do fósforo (P) é fundamental para a produção de sorgo. A avaliação no estágio inicial do desenvolvimento da planta é uma ferramenta útil para a identificação de genótipos eficientes de P. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar híbridos de sorgo que sejam eficientes ao uso de P e avaliar a diversidade genética entre os híbridos com base em características relacionadas à eficiência de aquisição de P. Assim, 38 híbridos de sorgo e duas linhagens (testemunhas) foram avaliados sob baixo e alto P em sistema de pastas de papel com solução nutritiva. Características de biomassa e de raiz relacionadas à eficiência de P foram mensuradas. Não houve interação entre genótipos e níveis de P em todas as características avaliadas. As características de biomassa e raiz, exceto o diâmetro da raiz, apresentaram médias menores sob baixo P em comparação com alto P. Híbridos eficientes e ineficientes sob cada nível de P foram identificados e agrupados quanto à diversidade genética. Os híbridos AG1090, MSK326, AG1060, 1G100, AS 4639, DKB 540 e DKB 590 foram superiores sob baixo-P e alto-P. Os híbridos SC121, 1236020 e 1167017 apresentaram as menores médias que todos os outros híbridos, em ambas condições. Os híbridos avaliados apresentaram diversidade fenotípica para características relacionadas à aquisição de P, como comprimento e área superficial da raiz, o que pode ser útil para estabelecer estratégias de seleção para programas de melhoramento de sorgo e aumentar a eficiência de uso do P.

Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 25(1)jun. 2023.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535718


Con el objetivo de evaluar la diversidad fenotípica de ocho cultivares de arroz (Oryza sativa L.) procedentes de Vietnam, para su introducción en los programas de mejora y en la producción en Cuba, apoyados en caracteres morfoagronómicos y técnicas de análisis multivariado, fue desarrollado este trabajo en la Unidad Científico Tecnológica de Base "Los Palacios", perteneciente al Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Agrícolas de Cuba. Los cultivares vietnamitas se sembraron en campo junto a los comerciales INCA LP-5 e INCA LP-7, para ser caracterizados agronómicamente con la utilización de 29 descriptores cualitativos y 22 cuantitativos. Los resultados mostraron que 16 caracteres cualitativos resultaron homogéneos para los ocho cultivares procedentes de Vietnam y los dos cultivares comerciales cubanos, la asociación entre varios caracteres cuantitativos reafirma la influencia que ejercen algunos componentes sobre el rendimiento, los que son considerados como marcadores para la selección, tres cultivares de procedencia vietnamita (GL301, LCG3-4 y DS1) no pueden ser utilizados en la producción arrocera en Cuba, por su susceptibilidad a Tagosodes. Todos los cultivares mostraron resistencia a Rhizoctonia solani y Sarocladium oryzae y dos (GL 301 y LTH 31) fueron susceptibles a Pyricularia grisea. Los cultivares OM6976, OM5451 y OM8087 alcanzaron valores altos de rendimiento, por lo que pudieran ser utilizados, como progenitores en los programas de mejora, así como cultivares comerciales.

With the objective of evaluating the phenotypic diversity of eight rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) from Vietnam, for their introduction in breeding programs and production in Cuba, supported by morphoagronomic characters and multivariate analysis techniques, this work was developed in Scientific and Technological Base Unit belonging to the National Agricultural Sciences Institute of Cuba. The Vietnamese cultivars were planted in the field together with the commercial cultivars INCA LP-5 and INCA LP-7, to be characterized agronomically with the use of 29 qualitative and 22 quantitative descriptors. The results showed that 16 qualitative characters were homogeneous for the eight cultivars from Vietnam and the two Cuban commercial cultivars, the association between various quantitative characters reaffirms the influence exerted by some components on yield, which are considered as markers for selection. Three cultivars of Vietnamese origin (GL301, LCG3-4 and DS1) cannot be used in Cuban rice production, due to their susceptibility to Tagosodes. All cultivars showed resistance to Rhizoctonia solani and Sarocladium oryzae and two (GL 301 and LTH 31) were susceptible to Pyricularia grisea. The OM6976, OM5451 and OM8087 cultivars reached high yield values, so they could be used as parents in breeding programs, as well as commercial cultivars.

Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431359


ABSTRACT Mycetoma is a neglected tropical disease (NTD) declared by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2016. It is characterized by the progressive growth of nodules and granulomatous lesions on the legs, arms, and trunk. It is potentially disfiguring and causes disability or amputations in working-age people from marginalized areas. The causative agents can be fungi (eumycetoma) or actinobacteria (actinomycetoma), the latter being the most common in America and Asia. Nocardia brasiliensis is the most important causal agent of actinomycetoma in the Americas. Taxonomic problems have been reported when identifying this species, so this study aimed to detect the 16S rRNA gene variations in N. brasiliensis strains using an in silico enzymatic restriction technique. The study included strains from clinical cases of actinomycetoma in Mexico, isolated from humans and previously identified as N. brasiliensis by traditional methods. The strains were characterized microscopically and macroscopically, then subjected to DNA extraction and amplification of the 16S rRNA gene by PCR. The amplification products were sequenced, and consensus sequences were constructed and used for genetic identification and in silico restriction enzyme analysis with the New England BioLabs® NEBcutter program. All study strains were molecularly identified as N. brasiliensis; however, in silico restriction analysis detected a diversity in the restriction patterns that were finally grouped and subclassified into 7 ribotypes. This finding confirms the existence of subgroups within N. brasiliensis. The results support the need to consider N. brasiliensis as a complex species.

Cad. saúde colet., (Rio J.) ; 31(1): e31010250, 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430143


Abstract Background Smoking dependence is a chronic disease and a public health problem. The neurobiology of nicotine addiction can explain smoking behavior. This system has genetic variability that has been associated with vulnerability to dependence. Genetic variability in the neurobiology of smoking can help to understand why individuals exposed to drugs may or may not become addicted. Objective This study aims to address genetic variability in the neurobiology of smoking addiction with a focus on polymorphic genes related to the nicotinic response and the dopaminergic reward pathway. Method This work involved a search of the main scientific research on genetic variability in the neurobiology of smoking and its effects on smoking behavior. One hundred and five studies were selected, most of which highlighted polymorphisms in the genes of nicotinic receptors, dopamine receptors, and nicotine metabolism. Results The majority of studies have focused on genes related to the activation of the dopaminergic reward system by nicotine. Combinations between different polymorphisms were also highlighted, showing that interactions can determine a genetic profile of predisposition to smoking addiction. Additionally, gender and ethnicity were identified as relevant factors. Conclusion Knowledge of the genetic bases involved in the individual response to smoking can enable a better understanding of inter-individual differences in smoking behavior, and contribute to improving the treatment of addiction.

Resumo Introdução A dependência nicotínica é uma doença crônica e um problema de saúde pública. O comportamento tabágico pode ser explicado pela neurobiologia da adição, cujas variações genéticas têm sido associadas à dependência. A variabilidade genética na neurobiologia do tabagismo pode ajudar a entender por que indivíduos expostos a drogas podem ou não se tornar viciados. Objetivo Este estudo tem como objetivo abordar a variabilidade genética na neurobiologia do tabagismo com foco em genes polimórficos relacionados à resposta nicotínica e à via de recompensa dopaminérgica. Método Uma pesquisa foi realizada nas principais bases de dados científicos sobre a variabilidade genética na neurobiologia do tabagismo e seus efeitos no comportamento do tabagismo. 105 estudos foram selecionados, em sua maioria destacando polimorfismos nos genes de receptores nicotínicos, receptores de dopamina e de metabolismo da nicotina. Resultados A maioria dos estudos concentrou-se em genes relacionados à ativação do sistema de recompensa dopaminérgico pela nicotina. Determinadas combinações entre genótipos de diferentes polimorfismos também se destacaram, mostrando que interações gênicas podem determinar um perfil genético de predisposição ao tabagismo. Além disso, gênero e etnia foram identificados como fatores relevantes. Conclusão O conhecimento das bases genéticas envolvidas na resposta individual ao tabagismo pode permitir uma melhor compreensão das diferenças interindividuais no comportamento tabágico e contribuir para melhoria dos tratamentos disponíveis para a dependência.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Trouble lié au tabagisme , Variation génétique , Comportement , Prédisposition génétique à une maladie , Nicotine , Polymorphisme génétique , Récepteurs dopaminergiques , Récepteurs nicotiniques , Identité de genre
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39028, 2023.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425192


Climate changes can influence the genetic diversity of forage plants, which may contribute to the improvement and development of new species. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate the influence of temperature increase on the genetic diversity of Macroptilium accessions based on morphoagronomic descriptors. The experiment was carried out in a growth chamber in a 2×16 factorial arrangement (temperature regimes x Macroptilium accessions), with the temperatures consisting of T1 (20­26­33 °C) and T2 (24.8­30.8­37.8 °C) and 16 accessions. Eleven morphoagronomic descriptors allowed estimating the diversity among accessions. The measurements of genetic dissimilarity enabled us to observe the genetic distance between the studied materials, standing out the accessions T1.M3 and T2.S4 as the most divergent (446.01). The morphoagronomic descriptors percentage of leaves and stem diameter were the most efficient for estimating the diversity between access. Genetic variability points to the adaptation of Macroptilium accessions in the climate change scenario. The accessions more divergent can be explored in genetic breeding programs for the species aiming at the expansion of genetic variability as an adaptation mechanism to heat stress.

Variation génétique , Changement climatique , Phaseolus , Amélioration des plantes
rev. udca actual. divulg. cient ; 25(1): e1901, ene.-jun. 2022. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1395186


ABSTRACT Soybean cultivation expansion in Colombia has generated the need to seek varieties with high genetic merit. A soybean genetic breeding program seeks to generate varieties with competitive and sustainable yields, and high-quality grain adapted to the conditions of the low tropics. The aim was to determine the genetic parameters and expected gains in quantitative traits of interest in a soybean breeding process using biometric tools. Sixty lines and four commercial varieties were evaluated in an 8x8 alpha lattice design (genotypes x blocks) planted in oxisols from the Altillanura region of Colombia. The estimation of the parameters was performed by applying mixed models with a random-effects adjustment through the REML method. Wide genetic variability was observed for all the evaluated traits, except for plant height. High heritability values were registered for the characters at flowering and maturity. Heritability was high for yield components such as the number of pods and the weight of 100 grains. Overall, the environmental effect was low, with values close to or higher than 1, except for embryonic abortions, number of empty pods, and grain yield. The genetic gain as a mean percentage was high for plant height, moderate for grain yield, and low for the rest of the characters. Moderate heritability and grain yield gain indicate an additive action of the genes ideal for recurrent selection. The most discriminating characters in the evaluated conditions were the grain yield, weight of 100 grains, and number of pods.

RESUMEN La expansión del cultivo de soya en Colombia genera la necesidad de buscar variedades con alto mérito genético y su mejoramiento, la generación de variedades con rendimientos competitivos y con alta calidad de grano, adaptadas a las condiciones del trópico bajo. El objetivo fue determinar, mediante herramientas biométricas, los parámetros genéticos y las ganancias esperadas, en caracteres cuantitativos de interés, para el proceso de mejora de soya. Se evaluaron 60 líneas y 4 variedades comerciales, en un diseño alfa látice 8x8, en oxisoles de la Altillanura. La estimación de los parámetros, se realizó mediante la aplicación de modelos mixtos, con ajuste de efectos aleatorios, por el método REML. Se observó amplia variabilidad genética para todos los rasgos evaluados, exceptuando la altura de planta. Se registraron valores altos de heredabilidad, para los caracteres de floración y madurez. En los componentes de rendimiento, la heredabilidad fue alta para número de vainas y peso de 100 granos. El efecto ambiental fue bajo, con valores cercanos o superiores a 1, con excepción de abortos embrionarios, número de vainas vanas y rendimiento de grano. La ganancia genética, como porcentaje de la media fue alta, para altura de planta; moderada, para rendimiento de grano y baja, para el resto de los caracteres. La heredabilidad y la ganancia moderadas de rendimiento de grano indican una acción aditiva de los genes, ideal para la selección recurrente. Los caracteres más discriminantes en las condiciones evaluadas fueron rendimiento de grano, peso de 100 granos y número de vainas.

Braz. j. infect. dis ; 26(3): 102371, 2022. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1384131


ABSTRACT Chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) are more vulnerable to blood-borne viral infections due to frequent invasive procedures. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in this cohort of patients has been a matter of concern worldwide. The objective of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the frequency of serological markers for hepatitis B, and the occurrence of overt and occult HBV infection (OBI) and its molecular characterization in serum samples from 644 CKD patients in HD units located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 2013 to 2017. HBV DNA was investigated in HBsAg reactive and "anti-HBc alone" samples to determine infecting genotypes and genetic relatedness between sequences. The prevalence of serological markers HBsAg+, anti-HBc alone, anti-HBc+/anti-HBs+, anti-HBs+, anti-HBc/anti-HBs/HBsAg were 5.9%, 2.8%, 30.7%, 26.6%, 34.0%, respectively. HBV DNA was detected in 39.5% (15/38) of the HBsAg+ and in 5/18 (27.8%) of the "anti-HBc alone" individuals, indicating a high prevalence of OBI within this group. We found a higher prevalence of HBV/A1 (65%), followed by HBV/D3 (20%), and HBV/A2 (15%). Bayesian MCC tree with a highly supported clade, genetic distance comparison, and identical nucleotide sequences suggested a nosocomial spread of HBV in some units. The high prevalence of HBV infection and low number of individuals immune to infection reinforces the need for vaccination in this group. The presence of closely related strains in the same HD unit reinforces the importance of continuous improvement of safety control measures and laboratory surveillance of serological markers to prevent the risk of infection and transmission of HBV.

Electron. j. biotechnol ; 54: 37-46, nov.2021. ilus, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1511040


BACKGROUND Sargassum liebmannii is widely distributed throughout rocky, coastal upwelling areas in the tropical Mexican Pacific. This brown algae is of great environmental and industrial importance. However, no information is available that documents the genetic or phenotypic variability of the species, which is needed to determine how it may react to environmental variation related to climate change. In this study, S. liebmannii specimens were collected from the coast of Jalisco, Mexico, and molecular and morphological characterization was conducted. Intraspecific variability was estimated according to the study areas. RESULTS The inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers indicated a polymorphism percentage of 95%. The Shannon index and Nei index showed relatively low values among the populations (0.3569 and 0.081, respectively). On the other hand, the genetic differentiation coefficient indicated inter- and intrapopulation values of 36.69% and 63.31%, respectively. The Jaccard similarity coefficient was used to determine the degree of similarity among individuals by geographical area. The morphological characteristics and environmental variables that were used to correlate phenotypes and genotypes indicated that S. liebmannii showed low genetic flow because of the presence of geographical barriers due to substrate that was not optimal for algal development. CONCLUSIONS The ISSR markers were useful for detecting genetic differences among S. liebmannii individuals. The results indicate that a coupled genotypic-phenotypic study is beneficial for documenting the variation present in the little-studied algal species. These studies may be used in future research to clarify taxonomic controversies while generating additional genomic information

Sargassum/génétique , Phénotype , Océan Pacifique , Marqueurs génétiques , Génotype , Mexique
Rev. biol. trop ; 69(3)sept. 2021.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1387667


Abstract Introduction: The fruit of the yellow mombin (Spondias mombin L.) is notable due to its sensory and functional qualities. However, there is little knowledge regarding the genetic diversity of this species, and this would aid the implantation of the cultivation of the fruit as a crop, since current production is based on extractivism. Objective: Evaluate the diversity and genetic structure of natural populations of S. mombin in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, through microsatellite molecular markers in order to assist in the implementation of conservation strategies and the collection of genetic resources. Methods: A total of 139 S. mombin individuals were sampled in ten natural populations. PCR amplifications were performed with seven fluorescence-marked microsatellite primers. Genetic diversity was evaluated by the number of alleles, expected (He) and observed heterozygosity (Ho), polymorphic information content (PIC), fixation index (ƒ), rare and exclusive alleles. The genetic structure was evaluated using AMOVA, UPGMA dendrogram and Bayesian statistical analysis. Results: 46 alleles were amplified, which had an average of 6.6 alleles per locus. He was higher than Ho and f was positive, indicating the presence of inbreeding. The PIC ranged from 0.048 to 0.700, and only two loci were poorly informative. We found 27 rare alleles and 16 unique alleles. The largest component of variation was intrapopulational (90.64 %). The estimated gene flow was 1.99, which indicates that there is no genetic isolation between populations, and justifies the FST value (0.0963). The ten populations were grouped into two groups, and two populations constituted an isolated group. The Mantel test demonstrated that the genetic structure is not related to the geographic distance between populations. Conclusion: There is genetic diversity in the populations of S. mombin, which must be conserved in situ or ex situ, due to the diversity they present and because they are promising sources for collection of germplasm.

Resumen Introducción: El fruto amarillo del jobo o yuplón (Spondias mombin L.) destaca por sus cualidades sensoriales y funcionales. Sin embargo, existe poco conocimiento sobre la diversidad genética de esta especie, lo que ayudaría a la implantación del cultivo del fruto como cultivo, ya que la producción actual se basa en el extractivismo. Objetivo: Evaluar la diversidad y estructura genética de poblaciones naturales de S. mombin en el estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil, a través de marcadores moleculares microsatélites para ayudar en la implementación de estrategias de conservación y recolección de recursos genéticos. Métodos: Se muestrearon un total de 139 individuos de S. mombin en diez poblaciones naturales. Las amplificaciones por PCR se realizaron con siete cebadores de microsatélites marcados con fluorescencia. La diversidad genética se evaluó por el número de alelos, heterocigosidad esperada (He) y observada (Ho), contenido de información polimórfica (PIC), índice de fijación (ƒ), alelos raros y exclusivos. La estructura genética se evaluó mediante AMOVA, dendrograma UPGMA y análisis estadístico bayesiano. Resultados: Se amplificaron 46 alelos, los cuales tenían un promedio de 6.6 alelos por locus. Fue más alto que Ho y f positivo, lo que indica la presencia de endogamia. El PIC osciló entre 0.048 y 0.700, y solo dos loci fueron poco informativos. Encontramos 27 alelos raros y 16 alelos únicos. El mayor componente de variación fue intrapoblacional (90.64 %). El flujo de genes estimado fue de 1.99, lo que indica que no hay aislamiento genético entre poblaciones y justifica el valor de FST (0.0963). Las diez poblaciones se agruparon en dos grupos y dos poblaciones constituyeron un grupo aislado. La prueba de Mantel demostró que la estructura genética no está relacionada con la distancia geográfica entre poblaciones. Conclusión: Existe diversidad genética en las poblaciones de S. mombin, la cual debe ser conservada in situ o ex situ, por la diversidad que presentan y porque son fuentes promisorias para la recolección de germoplasma.

Anacardiaceae/génétique , Lutte biologique par conservation
Rev. peru. biol. (Impr.) ; 28(2): e16669, abr.-jun 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280516


Resumen La variabilidad genética intrapoblacional de Vultur gryphus (cóndores andinos) de las regiones de Cusco y Apurímac fue evaluada mediante amplificación y secuenciación del ADN mitocondrial correspondientes a la región control y subunidad ribosomal 12S (D-Loop-ARNr12S), y a los genes Citocromo Oxidasa subunidad I (COI) y NADH deshidrogenasa subunidad II (ND2). El ADN se extrajo a partir de cálamos de plumas de muda de ejemplares en cautiverio y silvestres. Se analizaron los principales índices de diversidad genética como son: la diversidad haplotípica, la diversidad nucleotídica, el número promedio de diferencias nucleotídicas y el número de sitios polimórficos. La tasa de éxito de amplificación mediante PCR fue de 100% para las tres regiones de ADN analizadas. Se secuenció 600 pb de la región D-Loop-ARNr12S caracterizándose cuatro haplotipos, 704 pb del gen COI caracterizándose seis haplotipos y 1090 pb del gen ND2 caracterizándose cinco haplotipos. El gen COI presentó el mayor valor de diversidad haplotípica (Hd = 0.468), la región del gen D-Loop-ARNr12S presentó el mayor índice de diversidad nucleotídica (π = 0.00086), mientras que el gen COI presentó el mayor número promedio de diferencias nucleotídicas (K = 0.52615). Los resultados muestran bajos niveles de variabilidad genética en los genes mitocondriales de los cóndores andinos de la zona de estudio, que indicarían una población con estructura genética homogénea.

Abstract The intrapopulation genetic variability of Vultur gryphus (Andean condors) from Cusco and Apurimac regions was evaluated by amplification and sequencing of mitochondrial DNA corresponding to the control region and 12S ribosomal subunit (D-Loop-RNAr12S), Cytochrome Oxidase subunit I (COI) genes and NADH dehydrogenase subunit II (ND2) gene. DNA was extracted from the calamus of feathers recollected from captive and wild specimens. The main indices of genetic diversity such as the haplotype diversity, the nucleotide diversity, the average number of nucleotide differences and the number of polymorphic sites were analyzed. The PCR amplification success rate was 100% for the three mitochondrial amplified sequences. Four haplotypes were identified from the 600 bp sequenced of D-Loop-RNAr12S region; six haplotypes from the 704 bp sequenced of the COI gene; five haplotypes from the 1090 bp sequenced of the ND2 gene. The COI gene presented the highest haplotype diversity (Hd = 0.468), the D-Loop-RNAr12S region presented the highest index of nucleotide diversity (π = 0.00086), while the COI gene presented the highest average number of nucleotide differences (K = 0.52615). The results show low levels of genetic variability in the mitochondrial genes of the Andean Condor in the study area, indicating a population with a homogeneous genetic structure.

China Occupational Medicine ; (6): 324-328, 2021.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-923172


OBJECTIVE: To explore the distribution characteristics of single nucleotide polymorphism(SNP) rs7072793 and rs3118470 in the 5′ flanking region of(cluster of differentiation 25, CD25) gene in Han males in the naturally high radiation background area(HBRA). METHODS: A random sampling method was used to select 48 and 51 healthy Han males from Tangkou town(HBRA group) in Yangjiang City and Hengpo town(control group) in Enping City, respectively, as the study subjects. The molecular mass array method was used to classify the genotype of the SNP sites rs7072793 and rs3118470 of CD25 gene in these subjects. The distribution difference of the alleles and genotypes was analyzed in individuals of these two groups. The allele frequency of HBRA population was compared with the distribution data of different populations in the Human Genome Project.RESULTS: The distribution of allele frequencies of rs7072793 and rs3118470 in both groups were consistent with the H-W equilibrium law of genetics(all P>0.05). In the HBRA group, variant allele C(58.3%) and genotype TC(50.0%) were dominant at rs7072793, wild-type allele T(55.2%) and genotype TC(56.2%) were dominant at rs3118470. There was no significant difference in the allele and genotype distributions between these two groups(all P>0.05). There was a difference of rs7072793 in the HBRA group compared to that of African and European populations, and rs3118470 in the HBRA group compared with the allele distribution frequencies in Africa, Europe and America populations(all P<0.05). CONCLUSION: In the male population of Han nationality in Yangjiang HBRA area, the alleles of rs7072793 and rs3118470 in the 5′ flanking region of CD25 gene were mainly C and T, respectively, and the genotypes were mainly TC. These two loci may have high genetic variability.

Biota Neotrop. (Online, Ed. ingl.) ; 21(4): e20201168, 2021.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350222


Abstract: The Spiny Red Lobster has an important commercial role in Brazil. However, a downward trend in the production of lobsters due to overfishing has been observed and there is also a devaluation of the product in the international market due to the instability in the size pattern of lobsters commercialized. Here in Brazil we detected two issues regarding the Spiny Red Lobster: (1) According to recent studies, there are genetic and morphological differences between Caribbean and Brazilian populations, which may be considered different species and; (2) Current legislation, such as seasonal closures, does not consider the multiple probable stocks of the species, which have direct implications in management and conservation. Thus, the recognition of the Spiny Red Lobster from Brazil as Panulirus meripurpuratus and investments on population and biological research are essential to improve its management considering regional stock differences.

Resumo: A lagosta vermelha tem um importante papel comercial no Brasil, porém, uma tendência de queda na produção de lagostas devido a sobrepesca tem sido observada e há também uma desvalorização do produto no mercado internacional devido à instabilidade no comprimento das lagostas comercializadas. Aqui no Brasil, detectamos dois problemas em relação à lagosta vermelha: (1) De acordo com estudos recentes, existem diferenças genéticas e morfológicas entre as populações caribenha e brasileira e; (2) Atualmente a legislação não considera os múltiplos estoques prováveis da espécie. Desta forma, os períodos de defeso sazonais não consideram os diferentes estoques, o que tem implicações diretas no manejo e na conservação. Logo, o reconhecimento da lagosta vermelha do Brasil como Panulirus meripurpuratus e investimentos em pesquisas biológicas e populacionais são fundamentais pra facilitar seu manejo considerando diferenças regionais nos seus estoques.

Biosci. j. (Online) ; 36(Supplement1): 163-172, Dec. 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355212


The objective of the current study was to measure the genetic variability of natural populations of Hancornia speciosa using RAPD type molecular markers to assay variation in existing sampled genotypes, using morphological variables, and so assess germplasm bank composition. Morphological and chemical characteristics H. speciosa fruits and seeds were evaluated using descriptive statistics and principal components analysis. Cluster analyzes was conducted using Jaccard's similarity index, via the UPGMA hierarchical agglomerative method. Phenotypic variability was found in the two studied populations. However, variability was higher in the São Judas population, where the variables: pulp yield and soluble solids content were higher than those in the Canaã population. High genetic variability was found in both study populations, and between- and within-population morphological and genetic variation was present in the studied populations. The nine primers generated 70 bands, of which 68 were polymorphic, with the primers A-08 and C-04 generating the highest number of polymorphic bands. The two populations differ principally in the pulp ratio and the proportion of total solids in the pulp (°Brix). RAPD markers used gave acceptable results and, to initiate the Federal University of Tocantins Active Mangaba Germplasm Bank, seven genotypes were sampled from the Canaã population and five from the São Judas Tadeu population.

O presente trabalho teve como objetivo mensurar a variabilidade genética de populações naturais de Hancornia speciosa utilizando marcadores moleculares do tipo RAPD para validar a amostragem de genótipos, realizada por meio de variáveis morfológicas, para a composição de um banco de germoplasma. Foram avaliadas características morfológicas e químicas de frutos e sementes de mangaba, utilizando-se estatística descritiva e análise de componentes principais. As análises de agrupamento foram feitas utilizando índice de similaridade de Jaccard, através do método hierárquico aglomerativo UPGMA. Foi observada grande variabilidade fenotípica nas duas populações estudas, porém, essa variabilidade foi maior na população São Judas, onde as variáveis: rendimento de polpa e teor de sólidos solúveis foram maiores que os encontrados na população Canaã. Observou-se uma elevada variabilidade genética nas duas populações estudadas e que existe variabilidade morfológica e genética entre e dentro das populações. As duas populações diferem principalmente em relação ao rendimento de polpa e teor de sólidos solúveis totais (°Brix). Os nove iniciadores que amplificaram geraram 70 bandas, destas, 68 foram polimórficas, onde os primers A-08 e C-04 foram os que geraram maior número de bandas polimórficas. Portanto, os marcadores RAPD utilizados foram eficientes no presente estudo e para comporem o Banco Ativo de Germoplasma de Mangaba da Universidade Federal do Tocantins foram amostrados sete genótipos da população Canaã e cinco da população São Judas Tadeu.

Apocynaceae/génétique , Variation intra-population/génétique , Banque de semences
Rev. colomb. biotecnol ; 22(2): 44-52, jul.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156287


ABSTRACT Climate change will have an impact on the Colombian agricultural sector, by 2050 increases in temperature and distribution of erratic rainfall are expected. Passion fruit cultivation does not tolerate water deficit, it reduces flower induction, generates fruit drop and defoliation. To tackle this problem, somaclonal variants (VS) of passion fruit were selected in-vitro, seeking tolerance to water deficit. Four phases were developed: I) callogenesis, II) direct and indirect organogenesis, II) Induction and evaluation of the water deficit with Polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) and IV) in vitro selection of VS by morphometric measurements, chlorophyll and total sugars contents. Differences in callogenesis were found with different concentrations of 2,4-D, the concentration of 2 mg L-1 presented better results producing calluses in less time and in greater quantity (8 days, 90% of the leaf area). In indirect and direct organogenesis the medium MS + ANA + BAP (0.3: 0.6), showed significant statistical differences with respect to other means, for the variables root length (15.14 cm), stem (16.72 cm) and leaves ( 14.51 cm) and root thickness (0.76 cm) stem (1.25) and leaf width (6.75). The influence of PEG 6000 showed significant differences, the treatment with 30 g L-1 showed the smallest leaf width, the greatest width was found in 25 g L1. Statistical differences were found in chlorophyll levels and total sugar contents, the highest contents were recorded in the VS 25VS1, showing the possibility of obtaining seedlings tolerant to the water deficit of passion fruit by inducing somaclonal variation.

RESUMEN El cambio climático tendrá impactos en el sector agropecuario colombiano, para el 2050 se prevén aumentos de temperatura y distribución de lluvias erráticas. El cultivo de maracuyá no tolera el déficit hídrico, este disminuye la inducción floral, genera caída de frutos y defoliación. Para abordar esta problemática se seleccionaron in-vitro variantes somaclonales (VS) de maracuyá, buscando tolerancia al déficit hídrico. Se desarrollaron cuatro fases: I) callogénesis, II) organogénesis directa e indirecta, III) Inducción y evaluación del déficit hídrico con Polientilenglicol 6000 (PEG 6000) y IV) selección in vitro de VS por mediciones morfométricas, contenidos de clorofila y azúcares totales. Se hallaron diferencias en callogénesis con diferentes concentraciones de 2,4-D, la concentración de 2 mg-L-1 presentó mejores resultados produciendo callos en menor tiempo y en mayor cantidad (8 días, 90% del área foliar); en organogénesis indirecta y directa el medio MS + ANA + BAP (0.3:0.6), mostró diferencias estadísticas significativas respecto a otros medios, para las variables longitud de raíz (15.14 cm), tallo (16.72 cm) y hojas (14.51 cm) y grosor de raíz (0.76 cm) tallo (1.25) y ancho de hojas (6.75). La influencia de PEG 6000 mostró diferencias significativas, el tratamiento con 30 g-L-1 mostró menor ancho de hojas, el mayor ancho se encontró en 25 g-L-1. Se hallaron diferencias estadísticas en niveles de clorofila y contenidos de azúcares totales, los mayores contenidos se registraron en el VS 25VS1, mostrando la posibilidad de obtener plántulas tolerantes al déficit hídrico de maracuyá mediante la inducción de variación somaclonal.

Acta amaz ; 50(3): 232-238, jul. - set. 2020.
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118836


The genus Bryconcomprises fish species of significant socioeconomic and biological importance in Brazil. Despite that, the genetic knowledge about these species is scarce, especially regardingBrycon falcatus. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the transferability of heterologous microsatellite primers inB. falcatus for the first time. Heterologous primers obtained from B. opalinus, B. hilarii, B. insignis, B. orbignyanus, B. amazonicus, Prochilodus argenteus, Prochilodus lineatus, Piaractus mesopotamicus, and Colossoma macropomum were evaluated. The primers that showed the best amplification patterns were applied to a sample of 22 individuals and the genetic parameters were calculated. Nine primers displayed satisfactory cross-amplification withB. falcatus: BoM5 (Brycon opalinus); Bh8, Bh13 and Bh16 (B. hilarii); Borg59 (B. orbignyanus); Bag22 (B. amazonicus); Par12 and Par80 (P. argenteus), and Cm1A8 (C. macropomum). The genetic parameters (number of alleles, effective alleles, allele richness, and expected and observed heterozygosity) and the polymorphic information content (PIC) confirmed the viability of these primers for population genetics analyses. Our study demonstrates the potential of transferability of microsatellite markers from related species and even different genera to B. falcatus, providing usefull tools for future population genetic studies in this species. (AU)

Variation génétique , Répétitions microsatellites , /classification , Génétique des populations
J Environ Biol ; 2020 Mar; 41(2): 266-273
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-214505


Aim: The present study was conducted with the aim to collect and evaluate the available genetic diversity of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) in order to identify promising accessions for cultivation as well as use in crop improvement. Methodology: A total 78 accessions of chilli were collected from Western himalayan region, i.e., Kashmir valley of India. Collected germplasm was evaluated at one location for fifteen quantitative traits of horticultural importance. Results: With ample diversity in these traits, a high coefficient of variation was found. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) revealed that first five principal components possessed eigen value > 1, cumulatively contributed > 65.2 percent of total variability. All the genotypes were grouped into five clusters showing non parallelism between geographic and genetic diversity. Interpretation: The genotypes grouped in different clusters may be utilized for hybridization programme to produce more heterotic recombinants.

Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 50(7): e20190919, 2020. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133289


ABSTRACT: The objectives of this research were to evaluate the interaction between herbicides mixed with saflufenacil for the control of barnyardgrass and to determine the effect on photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse in a 2x8 factorial scheme, whose factor A tested resistant and susceptible biotypes; and factor B the herbicides: saflufenacil (70 g a.i. ha-1), clomazone (180 g a.i. ha-1), imazapyr + imazapic (73.5 + 24.5 g a.i. ha-1), and cyhalofop (360 g a.i. ha-1), the mixtures of these herbicides with saflufenacil, and control without treatment. Weed control was assessed 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after herbicide application (DAA), as well as shoot dry matter at 28 DAA, photosynthetic parameters using infrared gas analyzer (IRGA), and emission of chlorophyll a fluorescence after 24 and 28 hours of application of treatments, respectively, and interaction of herbicides. Combination of saflufenacil with the herbicides tested in general did not change the response of both barnyardgrass biotypes to the herbicides used. The resistant biotype showed a lower negative effect on chlorophyll fluorescence and photosynthesis parameters in the combination of herbicides with saflufenacil. The herbicide cyhalofop was effective for the control of ALS-susceptible and resistant barnyardgrass.

RESUMO: O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a interação entre herbicidas associados ao saflufenacil para o controle de capim-arroz e a determinação do efeito dos herbicidas sobre os parâmetros fotossintéticos e de fluorescência de clorofila. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação em esquema fatorial 2x8, cujo fator A testou os biótipos resistente e suscetível; e o fator B os herbicidas: saflufenacil (70 g i.a. ha-1), clomazone (180 g i.a. ha-1), imazapyr+imazapic (73,5+24,5 g i.a. ha-1), cyhalofop (360 g i.a. ha-1), as associações desses com saflufenacil, e testemunha sem tratamento. Foi avaliado o controle aos 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias após a aplicação dos herbicidas (DAA), massa seca da parte aérea aos 28 DAA, avaliação de parâmetros fotossintéticos com analisador de gás infravermelho (IRGA) e emissão de fluorescência da clorofila a 24 e 48 horas após aplicação dos tratamentos, respectivamente, e interação dos herbicidas. A associação de saflufenacil com herbicidas testados na maior parte não modificou a resposta dos herbicidas para o controle de capim-arroz em ambos os biótipos. O biótipo resistente apresentou menor efeito negativo nos processos de fluorescência de clorofila e parâmetros de fotossíntese na associação de herbicidas com saflufenacil. O herbicida cyhalofop associado ao saflufenacil demonstra ser eficiente para o controle de capim-arroz suscetível e resistente a ALS.

Gac. méd. Méx ; 155(5): 463-470, Sep.-Oct. 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1286544


The first draft of the human genome sequencing published in 2001 reported a large number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Given that these polymorphisms could practically represent all the variability involved in the susceptibility, protection, severity, among other aspects, of various common diseases, as well as in their response to medications, it was thought that they might be “the biomarkers of choice” in personalized genomic medicine. With the new information obtained from the sequencing of a larger number of genomes, we have understood that SNPs are only an important part of the genetic markers involved in these traits. In addition to SNPs, other variants have been identified, such as insertions/deletions (INDELs) and copy number variants (CNVs), which – in addition to classic variable number tandem repeats (VNTRs) and short tandem repeats (STRs) – originate or contribute to the development of diseases. The use of these markers has served to identify regions of the genome involved in Mendelian diseases (one gene-one disease) or genes directly associated with multifactorial diseases. This review has the purpose to describe the role of STRs, VNTRs, SNPs, CNVs and INDELs in linkage and association studies and their role in Mendelian and multifactorial diseases.

Humains , Variation génétique/physiologie , Maladie/génétique , Polymorphisme de nucléotide simple , Marqueurs génétiques , Génome humain , Mutagenèse par insertion , Délétion de gène , Séquences répétées en tandem , Lod score , Mutation
Rev. colomb. cienc. pecu ; 32(3): 192-200, jul.-set. 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042790


Abstract Background: Closed breeding populations are useful to conduct basic and applied research. The Wye Angus herd is one of them. It was founded using only a few animals. The pedigree of the descendants of the original herd can be completely described by historical records resulting from strong selection. Wye Angus genetics has influenced that of Aberdeen Angus, Red Angus, and Brangus cattle worldwide. Objective: To evaluate parameters and genetic trends associated with the reproduction traits of the Wye Angus herd between the years 1937 and 2012. Methods: We used pedigree information of 11,692 individuals. The reproductive traits assessed were age at first calving (AFC), calving interval (CI), and scrotal circumference (SC). The covariance components were estimated by Bayesian inference. The genetic trends were obtained by linear regression of the genetic values over birth years of the animals. Results: The heritability estimates for AFC, and CI were negligible, although a small genetic gain was associated with CI. Because the AFC and CI values of the herd are small, past reproductive management has produced favourable results for the heifers. Conclusion: The Wye Angus herd has enough genetic variability for genetic gain through selection on SC.

Resumen Antecedentes: Las poblaciones reproductivas cerradas son útiles para realizar investigacion básica y aplicada. El hato Wye Angus es uno de ellos. Fue fundado utilizando sólo unos pocos animales. El pedigrí de los descendientes del hato original puede describirse completamente mediante registros históricos resultantes de una fuerte selección. La genética del Wye Angus ha influido en la del Aberdeen Angus, Red Angus y Brangus en todo el mundo. Objetivo: Evaluar los parámetros y las tendencias genéticas de características reproductivas del rebaño Wye Angus en el periodo entre 1937 y 2012. Métodos: Utilizamos información de pedigrí de 11.692 individuos. Las características evaluadas fueron circunferencia escrotal (SC), edad al primer parto (AFC) y el intervalo entre partos (CI). Los componentes de (co)variancia fueron obtenidos mediante metodología Bayesiana. Las tendencias genéticas fueron obtenidas por regresión lineal ponderada de los valores genéticos sobre el año de nacimiento del animal. Resultados: Las estimaciones de heredabilidad para AFC y CI fueron insignificantes, aunque se asoció un pequeño beneficio genético con CI. Sin embargo, la AFC y el CI del rebaño son bajos, indicando que el manejo reproductivo ha traído resultados favorables para las novillas. Conclusion: El rebaño Wye Angus posee suficiente variabilidad genética para la ganancia genética por medio de la selección para SC.

Resumo Antecedentes: O rebanho Wye Angus foi fundado a partir de poucos animais e destaca-se por ser um rebanho fechado, com informações completas de pedigree e forte seleção, oferecendo vantagens únicas em termos de realização de pesquisas em melhoramento genético animal. Além disso, a genética de Wye Angus tem influenciado os de Aberdeen Angus, Red Angus e Brangus em todo o mundo. Objetivo: Avaliar os parâmetros genéticos e tendências de características reprodutivas do rebanho Wye Angus no período entre 1937 e 2012. Métodos: Foram usadas informações do pedigree de 11.692 individuos. As características avaliadas foram: perímetro escrotal (SC), idade ao primeiro parto (AFC), e do intervalo entre partos (CI). Componentes de (co) variância foram obtidos por meio da metodologia Bayesiana. As tendências genéticas foram obtidas por regressão linear ponderada dos valores genéticos sobre o ano de nascimento do animal. Resultados: Hereditariedade para AFC e CI foram insignificantes, embora um pequeno ganho genético tenha sido associado a CI. No entanto, os valores para AFC e CI do rebanho são baixos, indicando que o manejo reprodutivo trouxe resultados favoráveis para as novilhas. Conclusão: O rebanho Wye Angus tem variabilidade genética suficiente para ganho genético através de seleção para SC.

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