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Rev. med. vet. zoot ; 68(1): 19-36, ene.-abr. 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1352090


RESUMEN Las evaluaciones clínica y radiológica son técnicas que se emplean para el diagnóstico de ruptura de ligamento cruzado anterior (RLCA) y para la evaluación posoperatoria de cirugías correctivas. Se planteó como objetivo describir los resultados posoperatorios de la técnica avance de tuberosidad tibial en caninos con RLCA utilizando hueso de origen bovino conservado en glicerina al 98%. Fueron intervenidos 5 caninos con la patología y sin cambios radiológicos marcados en las columnas óseas relacionadas. El heteroim-plante óseo se cortó a manera de cuña y, para determinar su tamaño, se tuvo en cuenta la medida prequirúrgica que necesitaba la rodilla para alcanzar el ángulo de avance de la cresta tibial. Seguidamente se fijó al receptor local con implantes metálicos (agujas de Kirschner y alambre ortopédico). En el posoperatorio, se evaluaron por 90 días signos clínicos como claudicación, dolor al movimiento flexión-extensión e inflamación, según la circunferencia de la rodilla, y se evaluó por 120 días el ángulo de avance tibial y la radiopacidad del heteroimplante con respecto al hueso circunvecino (tuberosidad tibial y tibia caudal). El estudio estableció que los parámetros clínicos y radiológicos tienen un efecto estadísticamente significativo; sin embargo, la evaluación del ángulo de avance tibial no tiene un efecto significativo entre el paciente y los días posquirúrgicos. Durante el periodo de evaluación el heteroimplante óseo bovino demostró ser efectivo para estabilizar una rodilla con RLCA en caninos.

ABSTRACT The clinical and radiological evaluations are techniques used for the diagnosis of the anterior cruciate ligament rupture (LCAR) and the post-operatory assessment of corrective surgeries. It was proposed as an objective to describe the post-operatory results of the advance technique of tibial tuberosity in canines with LCAR using bovine bone conserved in 98% glycerin. Five canines were intervened and with no other radiological changed in the related bone columns. The bone heteroimplant was cut in a wedge-like manner and for its size it was taken into account the pre-operatory measurement that the knee needed to reach the advancement angle of the tibial crest. Next, the bone implant was fixated to the local receptor with metallic implants (Kirschner needles and orthopedic wire). In the post-op, the canines were evaluated for 90 days for clinical signs such as claudication, pain when flexing and extending and inflammation according to the knee circumference, and for 120 days the advancement angle of the tibia and the radiopacitry of the heteroimplant in relation to the surrounding bone. The trial established that the clinical and radiological parameters have a statistically significant effect; however, the evaluation of the tibial advancement angle does not have a significant effect between the patient and the post-operatory days. During the evaluation period, the heteroimplant bovine bone proved to be effective to stabilize the knee in canines with LCAR.

Animaux , Chiens , Tibia , Os et tissu osseux , Lésions du ligament croisé antérieur , Glycérol , Ligaments , Soins postopératoires , Bovins , Chiens
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 48(3): 220-227, jun. 2011.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-642212


A utilização de membrana biológica constitui-se método alternativo na reparação de hérnia perineal, e avaliar suaeficiência como reforço após a herniorrafia pela técnica de elevação do músculo obturador interno consiste no objetivodeste trabalho. Para tanto, utilizaram-se dez cães atendidos no Serviço de Cirurgia de Pequenos Animais do HospitalVeterinário da FMVZ/USP. Os animais foram distribuídos em dois grupos, GI e GII, com cinco representantes em cadaum. A hérnia perineal foi corrigida pela técnica de elevação do músculo obturador interno em ambos os grupos, sendoque o grupo GII ganhou reforço no diafragma pélvico com enxerto de retalho de pericárdio equino Puro Sangue Inglês,conservado em glicerina a 98%. Os animais foram avaliados por até 90 dias de pós-operatório, mediante análises clínica,ultrassonográfica e radiográfica da região perineal. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que houve reforço no local daherniorrafia ao se fixar o pericárdio de equino conservado em glicerina a 98%, diminuindo a ocorrência de deiscênciade pontos e ruptura do diafragma operado

The use of biological membrane constitutes an alternative method to repair perineal hernia, and evaluate its performanceas a reinforcement after herniorrhaphy by of raising internal obturator muscle was the goal of this study. Ten dogsadmitted at the Department of Small Animal Surgery Veterinary Hospital of FMVZ / USP were included. Animalswere equally divided into two groups, GI and GII. Perineal hernia was corrected by the elevating the internal obturatormuscle in both groups, but in group GII won the strengthening of the pelvic diaphragm flap of equine pericardiumpure English Thoroughbred, preserved in glycerol to 98%. The animals were evaluated until 90 days post-operativelyby clinical examination, ultrasound and radiographic images of the perineal region. The results showed that therewere enhanced at the site of the hernia with equine pericardium preserved in glycerol 98%, reducing the occurrence ofdehiscence points and rupture of the diaphragm operated

Animaux , Mâle , Chiens , Herniorraphie/médecine vétérinaire , Péricarde/transplantation , Périnée/chirurgie
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