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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;65(3): 1174-1184, Jul.-Sep. 2017. tab, ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-897612


Resumen: La determinación de los hábitos alimentarios permite la comprensión de muchos procesos ecológicos que se dan en los ecosistemas lóticos. El objetivo de este trabajo es: 1) conocer los hábitos alimentarios de ninfas de Claudioperla tigrina en un amplio gradiente altitudinal y latitudinal en Argentina; 2) asignar el grupo funcional trófico (GFT) de C. tigrina; 3) evaluar diferencias entre dietas de los sitios estudiados. Las ninfas estudiadas fueron recolectadas a lo largo de un amplio rango espacial en el noroeste de Argentina e incluyen diferentes estados del desarrollo (cuatro clases de tamaño). El material ingerido fue extraído de la parte anterior del tubo digestivo mediante disección ventral del tórax. Los perfiles dietarios fueron analizados a través de la estimación de parámetros de la distribución multinomial de Dirichlet. Se efectuaron ANOVA's para cada rubro alimentario en función de los sitios. Se utilizó la técnica Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) para identificar los sitios con perfiles alimentarios promedios similares. Se realizó un análisis de amplitud de nicho trófico para evaluar la diversificación de los recursos consumidos en cada sitio. El aparato bucal no muestra variaciones a lo largo del desarrollo ninfal, excepto una mayor esclerotización con la edad. Poseen palpos mandibulares y maxilares relativamente cortos y mandíbulas y maxilas fuertes, esclerozadas y dentadas. Las ninfas ingirieron más de un ítem alimentario, sugiriendo que se trata de una especie flexible en su alimentación. El ítem dominante en la dieta fue la MOPG, los signos de haber sido masticado indican hábitos trituradores. Se encontraron diferencias entre sitios para los ítems MOPF, invertebrados, algas y sedimento, pero no para MOPG. Se obtuvieron las correlaciones para cada eje del análisis MDS. Con el eje 1 se correlacionaron negativamente los sitios AP, LT, LI, C y M (Selva de Yungas y Pastizal de neblina) asociados a un mayor consumo de MOPF, en el lado positivo del eje se encontró el sitio P (Altos Andes) asociado a los ítems invertebrados y sedimento. Para el eje 2 se relacionaron positivamente IN (Pastizal neblina) y LR (Monte de Sierras y Bolsones) con la presencia de algas. Los resultados del análisis de amplitud de nicho revelaron diferencias en el uso de los recursos secundarios de la dieta en los sitios estudiados que puede deberse a la oferta ambiental en las ecorregiones consideradas. El GFT de C. tigrina es triturador/ recolector en Selva de Yungas y Pastizales de Neblina y triturador/ depredador en Altos Andes. La definición del GFT de C. tigrina y el establecimiento de su rol como procesador primario de materia orgánica representa un paso importante para futuros estudios de redes tróficas y otras metodologías basadas en los grupos funcionales.

Abstract: Dietary information gives insight into several ecological processes acting in lotic ecosystems. This work aimed: 1) to identify the dietary habits of Claudioperla tigrina immature stages along a wide altitudinal as well as latitudinal gradient in North Argentina; 2) to define the functional feeding group (FFG) of C. tigrina; 3) to evaluate differences in diet in the studied sites. Studied nymphs were collected from localities widely scattered in Northwestern Argentina and they fell into different developmental stages (four size classes). The ingested material was extracted from the foregut and midgut by using thorax ventral dissection. Dietary profiles were analyzed through the estimation of parameters associated with a Dirichletmultinomial distribution. ANOVA's were performed for each food item using sites as factor. Multidimensional Scaling was used to identify sites with similar dietary profiles. An analysis of food-niche breadth was also performed to evaluate the degree of dietary diversification for the resources consumed in each site. Mouthparts are similar across the different size classes, excepting the increasing sclerotization recorded with age. Mouthparts retained most of the typical chewing groundplan, showing relatively short labial and maxillar palps, and strong, sclerotized and denticulated mandibles and maxillae. Our results pointed out that the nymphs of C. tigrina always ingest two or more food items (CPOM, FPOM, invertebrates and algae), suggesting thus a flexible diet. The diet changed in relation to body size, while finer particles were consumed in the early stages, larger particles were ingested in final stages. Coarse particulate organic matter was the dominant food item, with signals of shredding during ingestion. Differences between sites for FPOM, invertebrates, algae and sediment were detected, but not for MOPG. Correlations were obtained for the first two axis of the MDS analysis. Sites AP, LT, LI, C and M (Yungas Rainforest and Humid Grassland) were negatively correlated with the axis 1 which was associated with increased consumption of FPOM. On the positive side of the axis the site P (High Andes) is associated with a greater proportion of invertebrates and sediment. The sites IN (Humid Grassland) and LR (Argentine Northwest Monte and Thistle of the Prepuna) were located at the positive domain of axis 2 which is in turn associated with a greater count of algae in the dietary contents. We found significant differences in the quantity of secondary items, and this is likely related with the resources environmental availability. The FFG of Claudioperla tigrina is primarily shredder/collector-gatherer in Yungas Rainforest and Humid Grassland shredder/predator in High Andes. FFG classification of C. tigrina and the definition of their role for organic matter processing is an important step for future studies based on functional groups such as analysis of food webs. Rev. Biol. Trop. 65 (3): 1174-1184. Epub 2017 September 01.

Acta biol. colomb ; 19(1): 33-42, Jan.-Mar. 2014. ilus
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-701754


In order to define the effect of nutrient enrichment on trophic webs in an Andean mountain stream we performed an experiment using stable isotope ratios (δ15N and δ13C) to analyze different trophic compartments: 1) basal level: CPOM and biofilm; 2) primary consumers - macroinvertebrates: collector-gatherers (Heterelmis sp., Thraulodes sp. and Trichorythodes sp.), and collectorfilterers (Simulium sp.); 3) predators - fish (Oncorhynchus mykiss and Trichomycterus bogotensis). The average fractionation of nitrogen among the primary consumers with respect to CPOM was 4.7 ‰, and 1.7 ‰ with respect to biofilm. Predators incremented their δ15N signal by 5.9 % with respect to primary consumers. A depletion of δ15N was observed in Impact with respect to Control reach after fertilization in different compartments (biofilm, Heterelmis, Simulium andTricorythodes), while depletion was not significant for top predators. In most cases, the δ13C signal of biofilm overlapped with that of primary consumers, but a clear enrichment was observed with respect to CPOM. Macroinvertebrate gut contents showed fine detritus to be their most abundant food, and that in general there were no changes in diet as a consequence of nutrient enrichment. The only exception was Heterelmis, who increased its consumption in the Impact reach.

Con el fin de determinar el efecto del incremento de nutrientes sobre la red trófica de un río de montaña andino, se realizó un experimento en donde se analizaron las proporciones de isotopos estables (δ15N y δ13C) para analizar los siguientes compartimientos tróficos: 1) Nivel basal: CPMO y Biofilm; 2) Consumidores primarios - macroinvertebrados: colectores - recolectores (Heterelmis sp., Thraulodes sp., yTrichorythodes sp.) y colectores - filtradores (Simulium sp.); 3) Depredadores - peces (Oncorhynchus mykiss y Trichomycterus bogotensis). La fracción promedio de nitrógeno entre los consumidores primarios con respecto a CPOM fue de 4.7 ‰, y de 1.7 ‰ con respecto al biofilm. Los depredadores incrementaron en un 5.9 % la señal δ15N con respecto a los consumidores primarios. Después de la fertilización, se observó en diferentes compartimientos (biofilm, Heterelmis, Simulium yTricorythodes) del tramo impacto un agotamiento de δ15N con respecto al control, mientras que el agotamiento no fue significativo para los depredadores superiores. En la mayoría de los casos la señal δ13C del biofilm se sobrepuso con la de los consumidores primarios pero un claro enriquecimiento fue observado con respecto a CPOM. Los macroinvertebrados referidos fueron seleccionados para analizar su contenido estomacal y los resultados nos mostraron que el detritus fino es el alimento más abundante para los invertebrados, y únicamente, Heterelmis mostró, después de la adición de nutrientes, diferencias significativas en el detritus fino y el material vegetal entre el tramo control y el impactado.

Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;35(4): 541-548, out.-dez. 2013. graf, tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-859163


This study aimed at analyzing the influence of different levels of environmental integrity of streams of the Ivinhema river basin (Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil) on the diet of A. altiparanae. Samplings were performed from July 2001 to November 2011 at 101 sites, using sieves, seining and gill nets, and electrofishing. Streams were classified into three levels of environmental integrity. We analyzed 664 stomachs with the methods of frequency of occurrence and volumetric analysis index, combined in the Importance Index (AI). The species was omnivorous, with predominance of allochthonous resources. At the least impacted sites, the most representative resource was allochthonous plant material; and in the altered sites in the rainy period the most consumed item was allochthonous arthropods. On the other hand, at the most impacted sites in the dry period there was a lower consumption of allochthonous plant material and allochthonous arthropods, compared with other levels of environmental integrity considered, with higher consumption of autochthonous arthropods. The results evidenced that in the least impacted sites there was greater contribution from allochthonous resources, probably because these environments show a more preserved riparian forest.

Este estudo teve como objetivo analisar se os diferentes níveis de integridade ambiental de riachos da bacia do rio Ivinhema (Mato Grosso do Sul, Brasil) influenciam a dieta da espécie A. altiparanae. As amostragens foram realizadas entre julho/2001 e novembro/2011, em 101 locais, utilizando peneiras, rede de arrasto, rede de espera e pesca elétrica. Os riachos foram categorizados em três níveis de integridade ambiental. Foram analisados 664 estômagos pelos métodos de frequências de ocorrência e índice de análise volumétrica, combinados no Índice de Importância Alimentar (AI). A espécie apresentou hábito alimentar onívoro, com predomínio de recursos alóctones. Nos locais menos impactados, o recurso mais representativo foi material vegetal alóctone; nos locais alterados, no período chuvoso, o item mais consumido foi artrópodes alóctones. Por outro lado, nos locais mais impactados, no período seco, houve menor consumo de material vegetal alóctone e artrópodes alóctones, em comparação aos outros níveis de integridade ambiental analisados, com maior consumo do item artrópodes autóctones. Os resultados evidenciaram que em locais menos impactados houve maior contribuição de recursos alimentares alóctones, provavelmente porque estes ambientes apresentam mata ciliar mais conservada.

Animaux , Estomac , Rivières , Poissons
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; Acta sci., Biol. sci;35(4): 541-548, out.-dez. 2013.
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1460774


This study aimed at analyzing the influence of different levels of environmental integrity of streams of the Ivinhema river basin (Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil) on the diet of A. altiparanae. Samplings were performed from July 2001 to November 2011 at 101 sites, using sieves, seining and gill nets, and electrofishing. Streams were classified into three levels of environmental integrity. We analyzed 664 stomachs with the methods of frequency of occurrence and volumetric analysis index, combined in the Importance Index (AI). The species was omnivorous, with predominance of allochthonous resources. At the least impacted sites, the most representative resource was allochthonous plant material; and in the altered sites in the rainy period the most consumed item was allochthonous arthropods. On the other hand, at the most impacted sites in the dry period there was a lower consumption of allochthonous plant material and allochthonous arthropods, compared with other levels of environmental integrity considered, with higher consumption of autochthonous arthropods. The results evidenced that in the least impacted sites there was greater contribution from allochthonous resources, probably because these environments show a more preserved riparian forest.

J Environ Biol ; 2009 Sept; 30(5): 709-712
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-146264


Physico-chemical factors of river Pumba, Kerala has been analyzed to understand its relationship with the distribution of Giant river prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii in the water body. Water samples were taken from two sites on the basis of presence and absence of juveniles. Analysis of temperature, pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, dissolved carbondioxide and salinity of the water samples revealed that except salinity all the other parameters were identical in both the regions. Salinity was high i.e., 5 - 8‰ in lower Kuttanad region, where juveniles were seen. In upper Kuttanad region, where only adults were located, the salinity was of freshwater pattern i.e., 2.1-2.9‰. The gut content analysis of M. rosenbergii in both the regions showed similar food pattern. The study reveals the significance of a water body with high saline region for breeding purpose and low saline region i.e., freshwater pattern for adult prawns in the life cycle of M. rosenbergii.

Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;54(2): 589-597, jun. 2006. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-492043


The catfish, Eremophilus mutisii, was cultured under different densities in artificial rainfall reservoirs at Caldas, Boyacá, Colombia. At capture, the average total length of the animals was 10 cm and the weight ranged between 9 and 10 g. These fish were in initial stages of sexual development. After a year in the reservoirs, they had increased in length and weight as follows (densities in parentheses): 5.22 cm and 27.23 g (0.5 individuals/m2); 1.98 cm and 8.79 g (1 individual/m2), and 2.45 cm and 0.82 g (2 individuals/m2). They were at the early stages of sexual maturity, and their condition factor fluctuated between 0.61 and 0.96. They preferably ingested insect larvae that were found in benthic and littoral communities of the reservoirs. The benthos was dominated by ephippia of Daphnia, lumbriculids, and chironomid larvae. The biomass of benthic organisms ranged between 0.1126 and 1.3847 g/m2. In the littoral community aquatic insects were the most important component, especially the hemipterans. The biomass of the littoral fauna ranged between 0.14 and 4.05 g/m2.

El “capitán de la sabana”, Eremophilus mutisii (Humboldt, 1805), fue cultivado en diferentes densidades en pequeños lagos artificiales localizados en Caldas, Boyacá, Colombia. Al inicio, el promedio de la longitud corporal fue 10 cm y el peso osciló entre 9 y 10 gr. Los peces se encontraban en estados iniciales de desarrollo sexual. Luego de un año de experimentación, los peces cultivados a una densidad de 0.5 ind/m2 incrementaron 5.22 cm en longitud y 27.23 gr en promedio (1 ind/m2: 1.98 cm y 8.79 gr; 2 ind/m2: 2.45 cm y 0.82 gr). Los peces se encontraban iniciando su madurez sexual, y su factor de condición fluctuó entre 0.61 y 0.96 y consumían principalmente larvas de insectos. El bentos estaba dominado por efipios de Daphnia, lumbricúlidos y larvas de quironómidos. La biomasa de organismos benticos osciló entre 0.1126 y 1.3847 gr/m2. En la comunidad litoral, los insectos acuáticos fueron los componentes mas importantes, especialmente los hemípteros. La biomasa de la fauna litoral osciló entre 0.14 y 4.05 gr/m2.

Animaux , Mâle , Femelle , Biomasse , Comportement alimentaire/physiologie , Poissons-chats/croissance et développement , Pêcheries , Eau douce , Colombie , Concentration en ions d'hydrogène , Densité de population , Dynamique des populations , Saisons , Étapes du cycle de vie , Poissons-chats/anatomie et histologie , Poissons-chats/physiologie , Poids , Polluants chimiques de l'eau , Reproduction