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Rev. enferm. neurol ; 22(1): 17-30, 04-09-2023.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1509754


Introducción: Las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TICs) son un recurso a través del cual los profesionales de la salud pueden proporcionar apoyo y asesoría a distancia. Objetivo: Describir las experiencias de una cuidadora familiar (CF) con el uso de las TICs en la implementación de una intervención educativa como apoyo para su autocuidado y el cuidado del adulto mayor (AM). Metodología: Estudio de caso con abordaje cualitativo. Una pasante de la licenciatura en Enfermería y Obstetricia implementó una intervención educativa en una CF del 15 diciembre 2020 al 25 junio 2021, periodo de pandemia por COVID-19. La recolección de datos se realizó a partir de entrevistas a profundidad, mensajes de texto y voz de WhatsApp, así como por observación. Se realizó análisis de contenido tipo temático según de Souza Minayo. Resultados: Se identificó el teléfono celular como el dispositivo más utilizado, las funciones de videollamada y mensaje de voz de WhatsApp como las herramientas más útiles y preferidas por la CF, y las infografías y videos como los materiales educativos más adecuados para esta población. Limitaciones: Solo se incluyó una CF y un AM, lo cual puede generar un sesgo de respuesta, ya que la CF quizás estuvo más motivada y dispuesta a participar que otros cuidadores hipotéticos. Valor: Implementar un nuevo canal de comunicación entre el profesional de enfermería, el AM, la CF y otros familiares. Conclusiones: El uso de las TICs fue aceptado por la CF para recibir capacitación en su autocuidado y cuidado del AM.

Introduction: Health professionals can use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to provide support and advice at a distance. Objective: Description of the experiences of a family caregiver (FC) with the use of ICTs in the implementation of an educational intervention to support her self-care and the care of the Older Adult (OA). Methodology: Case study with qualitative approach. An undergraduate intern in Nursing and Midwifery implemented an educational intervention with a FC from December 15, 2020 to June 25, 2021, during the covid-19 pandemic. Data collection was gathered with in-depth interviews, Whatsapp text and voice messages, as well as direct observation. Thematic type content analysis was performed according to de Souza Minayo. Results: The cell phone was identified as the most used device, Whatsapp video call and voice message functions as the most useful and preferred tools by the FC, and infographics and videos as the most appropriate educational materials for this population. Limitations: Only one female FC and one male OA were included in this study. This may generate response bias, as the FC was perhaps more motivated and willing to participate than other hypothetical caregivers. Value: Implementation of a new communication channel between the nursing professional, the OA, the FC, and other family members. Conclusions: Training in the use of ICTs was accepted by the FC to improve her self-care and care of the OA.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Jeune adulte , Aidants , Sujet âgé , Téléphones portables , Technologie de l'information , Infirmières et infirmiers
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e20407, 2022. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1403717


Abstract Turkish Pharmaceutical Track & Trace System (ITS) is implemented as a system in which drug movements are tracked in order to ensure drug safety. The system is integrated among drug stores, pharmacies and reimbursement institutions. As the pharmacies are the primary users, their evaluations regarding the system are considered important. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the pharmacies'- a shareholder of ITS in Turkey- satisfaction level for ITS and problems and suggestions encountered in the system. The most expressed contribution of ITS to the pharmacists' work was the ease of medicine tracking and control with 27.1%. The average satisfaction level of pharmacists about ITS was found to be 2.9±1.2. In the research, the most expressed of the regarding the areas of ITS that need to be developed is 'work without interruption' with 37.1%. ITS application has provided advantages for pharmacies in many aspects that facilitate operations. However, continuous development of technology, increasing information resources and diversity, changing expectations, and utilization levels of the users require the constant improvement of the performance of the system.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Pharmaciens/éthique , Pharmacie/organisation et administration , Sécurité , Préparations pharmaceutiques/ressources et distribution , Satisfaction personnelle , Recherche/statistiques et données numériques , Médecine/normes
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357566


Introducción: La oportuna prestación de servicios de salud es clave para reducir la morbimortalidad de pacientes crónicos, especialmente cuando se requiere una atención frente a un resultado crítico de exámenes auxiliares. En ese contexto, se evalúa un aplicativo web de resultados críticos en una Clínica privada acreditada por Joint Commission International (JCI). Objetivos: el presente estudio busca evaluar la efectividad de un aplicativo web en el reporte de resultados críticos de pacientes crónicos. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte retrospectiva. Se compararon dos etapas: la etapa de línea de base (implementación del software) versus la etapa final (evaluación). Resultados: Se registraron 122 resultados críticos de pacientes crónicos en la etapa de implementación y 113 en la etapa de evaluación. Se encontró una disminución en la media del tiempo de respuesta del profesional en la etapa de evaluación con relación a la etapa de implementación. La transcripción en los registros incrementó del 75,4% al 93,8% p<0,001, la continuidad de la atención por el mismo médico incrementó del 41,0% al 54,9% p<0,03. Asimismo, se redujo en 68% la probabilidad de fallecimiento. Conclusiones: El aplicativo web de resultados críticos mejoró el registro de la atención y redujo la mortalidad de pacientes crónicos que tuvieron un resultado crítico.

Introduction:Currently, the use of health technologies in the health system has become a subject of constant study and innovation. In this context, in an institution accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI), a web application was implemented to manage critical results, which were defined as results that could put the patient's life at risk. Objectives: this study seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of an application in reporting critical results. Material and methods: Aretrospective cohort study was carried out. Two stages were compared: the baseline stage (software implementation) versus the final stage (evaluation). Results: 122 critical results were registered in the implementation stage and 113 in the evaluation stage. Adecrease was found in the average response time of the professional in the evaluation stage in relation to the implementation stage. The transcription in the records increased from 75.4% to 93.8% p <0.00, the continuity of care by the same doctor increased from 41.0% to 54.9% p <0.03. Likewise, the probability of death was reduced by 68%. Conclusions: Intheevaluationstage,mortalitydecreasedandthe transcription in the information registry of the critical results application improved towards the patient's clinical history. Likewise, it was possible to optimize the quality of care by ensuring that the follow-up of the patient throughout the entire care is carried out by the same doctor.

Rev. Cuerpo Méd. Hosp. Nac. Almanzor Aguinaga Asenjo ; 14(4): 432-437, Dic. 29, 2021. tab, graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376245


RESUMEN Introducción: La oportuna prestación de servicios de salud es clave para reducir la morbimortalidad de pacientes crónicos, especialmente cuando se requiere una atención frente a un resultado crítico de exámenes auxiliares. En ese contexto, se evalúa un aplicativo web de resultados críticos en una Clínica privada acreditada por Joint Commission International (JCI). Objetivos: el presente estudio busca evaluar la efectividad de un aplicativo web en el reporte de resultados críticos de pacientes crónicos. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de cohorte retrospectiva. Se compararon dos etapas: la etapa de línea de base (implementación del software) versus la etapa final (evaluación). Resultados: Se registraron 122 resultados críticos de pacientes crónicos en la etapa de implementación y 113 en la etapa de evaluación. Se encontró una disminución en la media del tiempo de respuesta del profesional en la etapa de evaluación con relación a la etapa de implementación. La transcripción en los registros incrementó del 75,4% al 93,8% p<0,001, la continuidad de la atención por el mismo médico incrementó del 41,0% al 54,9% p<0,03. Asimismo, se redujo en 68% la probabilidad de fallecimiento. Conclusiones: El aplicativo web de resultados críticos mejoró el registro de la atención y redujo la mortalidad de pacientes crónicos que tuvieron un resultado crítico.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Currently, the use of health technologies in the health system has become a subject of constant study and innovation. In this context, in an institution accredited by the Joint Commission International (JCI), a web application was implemented to manage critical results, which were defined as results that could put the patient's life at risk. Objectives: this study seeks to evaluate the effectiveness of an application in reporting critical results. Material and methodo: A retrospective cohort study was carried out. Two stages were compared: the baseline stage (software implementation) versus the final stage (evaluation). Results: 122 critical results were registered in the implementation stage and 113 in the evaluation stage. A decrease was found in the average response time of the professional in the evaluation stage in relation to the implementation stage. The transcription in the records increased from 75.4% to 93.8% p <0.00, the continuity of care by the same doctor increased from 41.0% to 54.9% p <0.03. Likewise, the probability of death was reduced by 68%. Conclusions: In the evaluation stage, mortality decreased and the transcription in the information registry of the critical results application improved towards the patient's clinical history. Likewise, it was possible to optimize the quality of care by ensuring that the follow-up of the patient throughout the entire care is carried out by the same doctor.

J. health inform ; 13(2): 65-70, abr.-jun. 2021. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361363


Objetivo: Este artigo busca identificar quais os principais benefícios e as preocupações com o uso do Prontuário Eletrônico do Paciente (PEP) na educação médica. Método: Utilizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura em periódicos dos Portais CAPES e BVS, publicados entre 2009-2019. Resultados: Os principais benefícios estão relacionados ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem, com a facilidade e rapidez de acesso às informações dos pacientes que têm contribuído para o desenvolvimento do raciocínio clínico e o feedback dos preceptores sob as informações inseridas pelos alunos no PEP. A maior parte das preocupações está relacionada a questões institucionais com infraestrutura de tecnologia da informação e custos com licenças de uso do PEP pelos discentes. Conclusão: Este estudo apresenta aspectos do PEP que podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de competências e habilidades clínicas nos discentes, quando utilizam a plataforma digital nas unidades de prática clínica.

Objective: This study identifies the main benefits and concerns of using Electronic Health Record (EHR) in Medical Education. Method: This is a systematic review of the literature in scientific journals, published between 2009-2019, and available through CAPES and BVS portals. Results: The main benefits identified were related with the teaching-learning process, with patient's information ease and speed of access which contributes both to the development of clinical reasoning and also to educators feedback based on students inputs using EHR. Most of the concerns are related with institutional issues such as information technology infrastructure and costs with students' licenses to use EHR. Conclusion: This study reveals EHR characteristics that contribute to the development of students clinical skills and abilities as they use the digital platform in clinical practice units.

Objetivo: Este estudio identificó los principales beneficios y las preocupaciones en la Historia Clínica Electrónica (HCE) del paciente en la educación médica. Método: Es una revisión sistemática de la literatura en periódicos de CAPES y BVS, publicados entre 2009-2019. Resultado: Los principales beneficios están relacionados al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, con la facilidad y rapidez de acceso a las informaciones de los pacientes que contribuyen para el desarrollo del razonamiento clínico y la retroalimentación de los educadores desde las informaciones puestas por los alumnos en la HCE. La mayoría de las preocupaciones son sobre problemas institucionales de infraestructura de tecnología de información y costos con licencias de uso del HCE por los alumnos. Conclusión: Este estudio presenta aspectos del HCE que pueden contribuir al desarrollo de habilidades clínicas en los estudiantes, cuando utilicen la plataforma digital en las unidades de práctica clínica.

Informatique médicale , Enseignement médical , Dossiers médicaux électroniques
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 45(4): 1-19, 2021. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1347182


A implantação do Prontuário Eletrônico do Paciente (PEP) em unidades hospitalares de ensino tem proporcionado a integração do uso de tecnologia de informação em saúde (TIS) na educação médica e na prática clínica. Objetivo: Este estudo analisou a percepção de professores e preceptores-médicos, de uma universidade pública, sobre a integração do uso do PEP nas atividades práticas curriculares. Método: Trata-se de um estudo de abordagem qualitativa. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com seis professores e quatro preceptores de um curso de Medicina. O estudo adotou como categorias de análise os domínios de competências e os resultados de aprendizagem com o uso do PEP, identificados e aprimorados por um estudo multicêntrico inglês: saúde digital, acesso e geração de dados, comunicação, trabalho multiprofissional e acompanhamento e monitoramento. Adotou-se ainda a categoria "questões pedagógicas" para estimular a reflexão dos sujeitos da pesquisa sobre suas práticas pedagógicas com o PEP. Para análise dos dados, utilizou-se análise temática de conteúdo. Resultado: O estudo apontou que os professores e preceptores identificaram a necessidade de orientação formal para que os discentes utilizem TIS no seu desenvolvimento educacional e profissional, na preservação do sigilo e da confidencialidade das informações, e no atendimento ao paciente. Para os sujeitos da pesquisa, o uso de sistemas de suporte à decisão associados ao PEP contribui para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, além de possibilitar maior visibilidade das informações dos demais profissionais de saúde e o acompanhamento da história clínica dos pacientes pelos discentes. O PEP é uma ferramenta assistencial que tem potencial para promover o uso de metodologias ativas, pois contextualiza o ensino, permite autonomia e autoria aos discentes e os instiga na busca por conhecimento. Conclusão: A integração curricular de TIS tem sido apontada como um caminho para o desenvolvimento de competências e habilidades clínicas dos discentes, quando estiverem utilizando o PEP nas unidades de prática clínica.

The implementation of the Electronic Health Record (EHR) in hospital teaching units has promoted the integration of Health Information Technology (HIT) into medical education and clinical practice. Objective: The study analyzed teachers and preceptors' perceptions about the integration of EHR in curricular practices at a public university. Method: A qualitative study, in which data was collected through semi-structured interviews with six medical professors and four preceptors. The study adopted as categories of analysis the domains of competences and learning results from the use of EHR, identified and improved in a British multicenter study (Digital Health, Data Access and Generation, Communication, Multiprofessional Work, Accompaniment and Monitoring). A new category entitled "Pedagogical Issues", was included to stimulate subjects' reflections on their pedagogical practices with the EHR. Thematic content analysis was used for data analysis. Results: Teachers and preceptors agree that students need formal guidance on how to use HIT in their educational and professional development, and to preserve the secrecy and confidentiality of information during patient care using the EHR. For them, the use of decision support systems associated with EHR contributes to the teaching-learning process, in addition to allowing greater visibility of information from other health professionals, and facilitates student access to patients' clinical data. EHR is a support tool that has the potential to promote the use of active methodologies, to contextualize teaching, to provide student autonomy and authorship, and to instigate them in the search for knowledge. Conclusion: HIT curricular integration has been pointed out as a way for students to develop clinical competences and skills, when using EHR in their clinical practice units.

Humains , Informatique médicale , Télémédecine , Enseignement médical , Dossiers médicaux électroniques , Stage pratique guidé , Informatique médicale/enseignement et éducation
Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 43(1,supl.1): 615-622, 2019. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1057584


ABSTRACT Objective to evaluate the effectiveness of the 3D virtual anatomical table as a complementary resource to the learning of the hepatobiliary anatomy by undergraduate medical students. Method A randomized controlled study comparing the anatomical learning of hepatobiliary structures, supported by a real model versus a virtual model, both three-dimensional (3D), by undergraduate medical students. The students' perception of the resources used to teach anatomy was also evaluated. The students were submitted to a pre-test and to two evaluations after the interventions were applied. Results Overall, both the 3D virtual anatomical table and the real liver increased students' knowledge of the hepatobiliary anatomy in relation to their previous knowledge (p = 0.001 and p = 0.01, respectively for second and third evaluations). In the longitudinal comparison between the pre-test and the second evaluation (hepatobiliary anatomy and Couinaud's segmentation), this increase was significantly higher in the group allocated to the real liver (p = 0.002); in the comparison of the pre-test with the third evaluation (inclusion of adjacent organs in the anatomical table or in the real liver), the increase in knowledge was significantly higher in the group allocated to the anatomical table (p = 0.04). The perception of participants' satisfaction regarding the learning resources was considered very good, with a minimum percentage of satisfaction of 80%. Conclusion the 3D virtual anatomical table provided more hepatobiliary anatomy knowledge than a real liver for undergraduate medical students, in comparison to their previous knowledge about these structures. In the cross-sectional comparison of the post-instruction evaluations, there was no difference between the two interventions. Moreover, the 3D platform had a positive impact on the level of satisfaction of study participants. This study shows that the 3D virtual anatomical table has the potential to improve both medical students' understanding and interest in anatomy. It is recommended, however, that future protocols such as this be carried out with larger samples and exploring other anatomical structures.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a eficácia da mesa anatômica virtual 3D como recurso complementar ao aprendizado da anatomia hepatobiliar por estudantes de graduação em Medicina. Metodologia Trata-se de estudo randomizado e controlado que comparou a aprendizagem anatômica de estruturas hepatobiliares, apoiada por um modelo real versus por um modelo virtual, ambos tridimensionais (3D), por parte de estudantes de medicina. Avaliou-se também a percepção dos estudantes quanto aos recursos utilizados para o ensino da anatomia. Os alunos foram submetidos a um pré-teste e a duas avaliações após a aplicação das intervenções. Resultados Globalmente, tanto a mesa anatômica virtual 3D quanto o fígado real aumentaram o conhecimento dos estudantes sobre a anatomia hepatobiliar em relação ao conhecimento prévio deles (p = 0,001 e p = 0,01, respectivamente para a segunda e terceira avaliação). Na comparação longitudinal entre o pré-teste e a segunda avaliação (anatomia hepatobiliar e segmentação de Couinaud), esse aumento foi significantemente maior no grupo alocado para o fígado real (p = 0,002); já na comparação do pré-teste com a terceira avaliação (inclusão de órgãos anexos na mesa anatômica ou no fígado real), o aumento do conhecimento foi significantemente maior no grupo alocado para a mesa anatômica (p = 0,04). A percepção de satisfação dos participantes quanto aos recursos de aprendizagem foi considerada muito boa, com percentual mínimo de satisfação de 80%. Conclusão A mesa anatômica virtual 3D forneceu mais conhecimento de anatomia hepatobiliar que um fígado real para estudantes de medicina, em relação ao conhecimento prévio deles sobre essas estruturas. Na comparação transversal das avaliações pós-instrução, não houve diferença entre as duas intervenções. Além disso, a plataforma 3D teve um impacto positivo no nível de satisfação dos participantes do estudo. Este estudo mostra que a mesa anatômica virtual 3D tem potencial para melhorar tanto a compreensão quanto o interesse dos estudantes de medicina pela anatomia. Recomenda-se, no entanto, que futuros protocolos como este sejam realizados com amostras maiores e explorando outras estruturas anatômicas.

Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 30(3): 338-346, jul.-set. 2018. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-977975


RESUMO Objetivo: Examinar a prevalência do uso de sistemas de prontuário eletrônico nas unidades de terapia intensiva brasileiras, bem como a percepção dos médicos intensivistas em relação à contribuição dos sistemas de prontuário eletrônico para a melhoria da segurança e qualidade na prática clínica. Métodos: Por meio de questionário on-line, médicos que trabalhavam em unidades de terapia intensiva no Brasil responderam questões sobre o uso dos sistemas de prontuário eletrônico nos hospitais em que trabalhavam. As questões eram sobre o tipo de prontuário eletrônico utilizado e o nível de satisfação dos médicos com estes sistemas relativamente à melhoria na qualidade e na segurança. Resultados: Dos 4.772 convites enviados, 204 médicos responderam o questionário. A maioria utilizava sistema de prontuário e prescrição eletrônico (92,6%), trabalhava em hospitais privados (43,1%), em unidade de terapia intensiva adulto geral (66,7%), utilizava primordialmente o sistema privado A (39,2%), com tempo de implementação entre 2 a 4 anos (25,5%). Ainda, a maioria (84,6%) acreditava que o sistema eletrônico conferia mais qualidade que o sistema no papel, enquanto 76,7% percebiam uma melhor segurança nos sistemas eletrônicos comparados com aqueles no papel. Conclusão: Os sistemas de prontuário eletrônico parecem ser amplamente utilizados pelos médicos intensivistas brasileiros que responderam ao questionário e, segundo os dados, parecem conferir maior qualidade e segurança que o prontuário no papel.

ABSTRACT Objective: To examine the prevalence of the use of electronic medical record systems in Brazilian intensive care units and the perceptions of intensive care physicians regarding the contribution of electronic medical record systems toward improving safety and quality in clinical practice. Methods: Using an online questionnaire, physicians working in Brazilian intensive care units answered questions about the use of electronic medical record systems in the hospitals in which they worked. They were asked about the types of electronic medical record systems used and their levels of satisfaction with these systems in terms of improving quality and safety. Results: Of the 4,772 invitations sent, 204 physicians responded to the questionnaire. Most used electronic medical record and prescription systems (92.6%), worked in private hospitals (43.1%), worked in general adult intensive care units (66.7%) and used Private System A (39.2%); most systems had been used for between 2 and 4 years (25.5%). Furthermore, the majority (84.6%) believed that the electronic system provided better quality than a paper system, and 76.7% believed that electronic systems provided greater safety than paper systems. Conclusion: Electronic medical record systems seem to be widely used by the Brazilian intensive care physicians who responded to the questionnaire and, according to the data, seem to provide greater quality and safety than do paper records.

Humains , Médecins/statistiques et données numériques , Soins de réanimation/méthodes , Dossiers médicaux électroniques/statistiques et données numériques , Unités de soins intensifs/statistiques et données numériques , Brésil , Attitude du personnel soignant , Études transversales , Enquêtes sur les soins de santé , Soins de réanimation/normes
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-41209


OBJECTIVES: Many healthcare organizations and professionals have had interests in healthcare information and communication technology (ICT). The objective of this study was to investigate the current status of overall healthcare ICT, especially focusing on Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems in Korea. METHODS: This study used a part of the nationwide survey collected for the OECD benchmarking ICT study. The Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service conducted the survey from November 19, 2013 to January 10, 2014. This study followed the methodological guidelines of the OECD. A total of 2,093 hospitals and clinics, including long-term care hospitals, participated in the survey. Among them, 554 hospitals and 906 clinics were included in this study for the generalization of the results. RESULTS: The adoption rates of EMR systems were 96.3% in hospitals and 95.7% in clinics. Most of the hospitals and clinics had high rates of healthcare information exchange (HIE) within the organization; however, there were extremely low HIE rates among external organizations. Most of the hospitals and clinics had EMR systems with clinical-decision-supporting functionalities. Ninety-six percent of the EMR systems of the hospitals and 89.2% of the clinic systems had checking functions, such as alerts or reminders, on contraindications of drug-drug and drug-age interaction. CONCLUSIONS: Korea has maintained a high healthcare ICT status compared to countries in the European Union. The EMR systems of hospitals and clinics in Korea had sophisticated functionalities; however, their HIE status was extremely low, which indicates the need for healthcare ICT standardization.

Référenciation , Prestations des soins de santé , Dossiers médicaux électroniques , Union européenne , , Assurance maladie , Corée , Soins de longue durée , Informatique médicale , Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-25610


OBJECTIVES: The objective of the study was to create a roadmap for the adoption of Electronic Health Record (EHR) in India based an analysis of the strategies of other countries and national scenarios of ICT use in India. METHODS: The strategies for adoption of EHR in other countries were analyzed to find the crucial steps taken. Apart from reports collected from stakeholders in the country, the study relied on the experience of the author in handling several e-health projects. RESULTS: It was found that there are four major areas where the countries considered have made substantial efforts: ICT infrastructure, Policy & regulations, Standards & interoperability, and Research, development & education. A set of crucial activities were identified in each area. Based on the analysis, a roadmap is suggested. It includes the creation of a secure health network; health information exchange; and the use of open-source software, a national health policy, privacy laws, an agency for health IT standards, R&D, human resource development, etc. CONCLUSIONS: Although some steps have been initiated, several new steps need to be taken up for the successful adoption of EHR. It requires a coordinated effort from all the stakeholders.

Humains , Éducation , Dossiers médicaux électroniques , Échange d'informations de santé , Politique de santé , Inde , Jurisprudence , Informatique médicale , Vie privée , Contrôle social formel
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-486092


Objective To provide reference for promoting the development of health information technologies by sur-veying the present situation of using health information technologies in residents of Beijing. Methods The present situation of using health information technologies in residents of Beijing was investigated using self-designed ques-tionnaires. A total of 584 valid questionnaires were returned. Results Of the 584 visited residents of Beijing, 67. 3%searched the online health information, 47. 6% considered that the online health information was reliable, 49. 5%had their appointment with a doctor, 485% used APP to search health information, 67. 0% believed that such a software was useful in seeking for doctors and drugs, 71. 4% showed their wishes of online shopping prescription drugs, and 75. 7% were ready to visit online hospitals. Conclusion The rate of searching online health information is rather high with a low reliability in the residents. The trend to have an appointment with a doctor is good in the residents. The APP has a great potential in searching online health information. The acceptability of online shop-ping prescription drugs and visiting online hospitals is high.

Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-626813


Peer-reviewed articles on the usage of mobile applications in the management of diabetes were reviewed. Studies using mobile device applications for diabetes interventions published between January 2007 and March 2013 were included in this review. Studies related to the developmental processes of the mobile applications were excluded. The characteristics of these studies and the outcomes of the methods used in the management of diabetes were gathered. We retrieved a total of 372 articles from ACM Digital library, PubMed and Proquest Medical Library. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 8 articles were eligible for further review. Most of the studies included in this review showed the effectiveness of mobile applications in diabetes management. Their major contribution comes from feedback functions of the systems that assist participants in the self-monitoring of their blood glucose and dietary intake. However, the majority of the studies showed the limited use of the mobile phone as a tool to input information into systems which would in turn convey a reminder message to the patient. In conclusion, with its features of portability and convenience, mobile application used in the management of diabetes has the potential to improve glycaemic control, resulting in significant clinical and financial benefits.

J Ayurveda Integr Med ; 2015 Apr-June; 6(2): 89-94
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-173671


Background: Health information technology (HIT) equips healthcare professionals with the required information and tools for making quality decisions in patient care, but it is always advisable to assess their attitude before its actual implementation. Objectives: To assess the attitude of Ayurvedic doctors toward the impact of HIT. Materials and Methods: A cross‑sectional survey was carried out among 140 doctors of an Ayurvedic center of Southern India. A validated questionnaire consisting of 18 questions based on a 5‑point Likert scale was administered to the participants after receiving their due consent. Results: About 75–80% of the respondents concurred that the HIT application, such as electronic health record, has the potentials to reduce the duplication of documentation work, is easy and has an instant processing and real‑time access to patient information. They also felt the need of such application to report the patient data to local and national health institutions. A total of 85% of them mentioned that these applications can make the collection and accessibility of patient data much easier compared with paper‑based records, whereas 87.4% of them claimed telemedicine as a platform for multidisciplinary collaborative research and patient care. Conclusion: Even though most of the respondents agreed about the role of HIT in improving the quality of health care, there were many who held no opinion about HIT, including privacy and security of patient data. The need of proper awareness and training program is identified to make them aware about the HIT and its application in patient care, education and research.

Asian Nursing Research ; : 158-167, 2015.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-7877


PURPOSE: The transtheoretical model (TTM) was used to provide tailored nursing for lifestyle management such as diet, physical activity, and smoking cessation. The present study aims to assess the provision of intervention delivery methods, intervention elements, and stage-matched interventions, in order to identify ways in which information technology is used in the TTM-based research. METHODS: The relevant literature was selected by two researchers using inclusion criteria after searching for "TTM (transtheoretical or stage of change)" and "nursing" from the databases PubMed and CINAHL. The selected studies were categorized in terms of study characteristics, intervention delivery method, intervention element, and use and level of stage-matched intervention. RESULTS: A total of 35 studies were selected including eight studies that used information communication technology (ICT). Nine different intervention delivery methods were used, of which "face-to-face" was the most common at 24 times. Of the 35 studies, 26 provided stage-matched interventions. Seven different intervention elements were used, of which "counseling" was the most common at 27 times. Of all the intervention elements, tailored feedback used ICT the most at seven instances out of nine, and there was a significant difference in the rate of ICT usage among intervention elements. CONCLUSIONS: ICT is not yet actively used in the TTM-based nursing interventions. Stage-matched interventions and TTM concepts were shown to be in partial use also in the TTM-based interventions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a variety of ways to use ICT in tailored nursing interventions and to use TTM frameworks and concepts.

Humains , Communication , Régime alimentaire , Comportement en matière de santé , Promotion de la santé/méthodes , Mode de vie , Modèles théoriques , Activité motrice , Recherche en soins infirmiers/méthodes , Fumer
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-34684


OBJECTIVES: This paper reviews organizational and social issues (OSIs) in health information technology (HIT). METHODS: A review and synthesis of the literature on OSIs in HIT was conducted. RESULTS: Five overarching themes with respect to OSIs in HIT were identified and discussed: scope and frameworks for defining OSIs in HIT, context matters, process immaturity and complexity, trade-offs will happen and need to be discussed openly, and means of studying OSIs in HIT. CONCLUSIONS: There is a wide body of literature that provides insight into OSIs in HIT, even if many of the studies are not explicitly labelled as such. The two biggest research needs are more explicit and theoretical studies of OSI in HITs and more research on integrating micro and macro perspectives of HIT use in organizations.

Comportement coopératif , Informatique médicale , Modèles théoriques ,
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-76102


OBJECTIVES: The objective of this paper is to investigate the factors affecting adoption of an Electronic Medical Record (EMR) system in small Korean hospitals. METHODS: This study used survey data on adoption of EMR systems; data included that from various hospital organizational structures. The survey was conducted from April 10 to August 3, 2009. The response rate was 33.5% and the total number of small general hospitals was 144. Data were analyzed using the generalized estimating equation method to adjust for environmental clustering effects. RESULTS: The adoption rate of EMR systems was 40.2% for all responding small hospitals. The study results indicate that IT infrastructure (OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.23 to 1.80) and organic hospital structure (OR, 1.86; 95% CI, 1.07 to 3.23) rather than mechanistic hospital structure or the number of hospitals within a county (OR, 1.08; 95% CI, 1.01 to 1.17) were critical factors for EMR adoption after controlling for various hospital covariates. CONCLUSIONS: This study found that several managerial features of hospitals and one environmental factor were related to the adoption of EMR systems in small Korean hospitals. Considering that health information technology produces many positive health outcomes and that an 'adoption gap' regarding information technology exists in small clinical settings, healthcare policy makers should understand which organizational and environmental factors affect adoption of EMR systems and take action to financially support small hospitals during this transition.

Humains , Personnel administratif , Prestations des soins de santé , Dossiers médicaux électroniques , Hôpitaux généraux , Informatique médicale
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-197308


OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to create a new measure for clinical information technology (IT) adoption as a proxy variable of clinical IT use. METHODS: Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) data for 2004 were used. The 18 clinical IT applications were analyzed across 3,637 acute care hospitals in the United States. After factor analysis was conducted, the clinical IT adoption score was created and evaluated. RESULTS: Basic clinical IT systems, such as laboratory, order communication/results, pharmacy, radiology, and surgery information systems had different adoption patterns from advanced IT systems, such as cardiology, radio picture archiving, and communication, as well as computerized practitioner order-entry. This clinical IT score varied across hospital characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: Different IT applications have different adoption patterns. In creating a measure of IT use among various IT components in hospitals, the characteristics of each type of system should be reflected. Aggregated IT adoption should be used to explain technology acquisition and utilization in hospitals.

Humains , Adoption , Cardiologie , Prestations des soins de santé , Systèmes d'information , Informatique médicale , Pharmacie , Mandataire , États-Unis
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-167416


OBJECTIVES: This study investigate the effect of health information technology (IT) expenditure on individual patient-level cost using California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD) data obtained from 2000 to 2007. METHODS: We used a traditional cost function and applied hospital fixed effect and clustered error within hospitals. RESULTS: We found that a quadratic function of IT expenditure best fit the data. The quadratic function in IT expenditure predicts a decrease in cost of up to US$1,550 of IT labor per bed, US$27,909 of IT capital per bed, and US$28,695 of all IT expenditure per bed. Moreover, we found that IT expenditure reduced costs more quickly in medical conditions than surgical diseases. CONCLUSIONS: Interest in health IT is increasing more than ever before. Many studies examined the effect of health IT on hospital level cost. However, there have been few studies to examine the relationship between health IT expenditure and individual patient-level cost. We found that IT expenditure was associated with patient cost. In particular, we found a quadratic relationship between IT expenditure and patient-level cost. In other word, patient-level cost is non-linearly (or a polynomial of second-order degree) related to IT expenditure.

Humains , Californie , Dépenses de santé , Planification en santé , Informatique médicale
J. health inform ; 4(esp.,pt.1): 144-147, dez. 2012. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-707377


Elaborar e implantar plano educacional de alta no prontuário eletrônico do paciente (PEP) realizados a pacientes e familiares pela equipe multiprofissional, bem como estimular o registro sistematizado das ações educativas. Método: Trata-se de um estudo do tipo relato de experiência realizado em um hospital privado no município de São Paulo, no período de outubro a dezembro de 2010. Resultados: O planejamento foi realizado a fim de uniformizar o processo educacional por meio da construção de uma ferramenta que direcionasse ações e as armazenasse de forma organizada. O Comitê de Educação de Pacientes e Familiares e a área de Tecnologia da Informação desenvolveram um workflow integrado ao PEP onde foram contemplados itens como: objetivo educacional, método de ensino e de compreensão do processo educativo e um campo para registro das ações de educação. Conclusão: A implantação do plano educacional foi bem sucedida. Como vantagens, identificamos a possibilidade de acesso remoto e simultâneo dos dados, compartilhamento de informações e legibilidade...

To develop and implement educational plans of high PEP performed in the patients and their families by the multidisciplinary team, as well as stimulate the record systematic educational activities. Method: This is experience report-type study performed at a private hospital in the city of São Paulo, from October to December 2010. Results: The plan was performed so as to harmonize the education process by building a tool to direct actions and store them in an organized way. The Committee of Patient and Family Member Education and the Information Technology area developed a workflow integrated to PEP, contemplating items such as: educational goals, education process teaching and understanding method, and a to record educational actions. Conclusion: Educational plan implementation was successful. As advantages, we have identified the possibility of remotely and simultaneously accessing data, sharing information, and the readability...

Desarrollar e implementar planes educativos de alta PEP realiza en los pacientes y sus familias por el equipo multidisciplinario, así como estimular el récord de actividades educativas sistemáticas. Metodo: Se trata de un estudio de tipo informe, realizado en un hospital privado en la ciudad de San Pablo, de octubre a diciembre del año 2010. Resultados: El plan se llevó a cabo con el fin de uniformar el proceso educativo, al crear una herramienta de direccionamiento de acciones y almacenamiento organizado. El Comité de Educación de Pacientes y Familiares y el área de Tecnología de la información desarrollaron un flujo de trabajo integrado con el PEP, que contempla elementos tales como: objetivos educativos, método de enseñanza y comprensión del proceso educativo y un campo para registrar las acciones educativas. Conclusión: La implementación de plan de Educación resultó exitosa. Como ventajas, hemos identificado la posibilidad del acceso a los datos de manera remota y simultánea, la de compartir información y la legibilidad...

Humains , Éducation , Équipe soignante , Informatique médicale , Dossiers médicaux électroniques , Systèmes informatisés de dossiers médicaux
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-155524


OBJECTIVES: This study aims to investigate the suitability of electronic health record (EHR) systems in Korea for global certification and to propose functions for future global systems by comparing and analyzing the certification criteria for Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT) Certified Ambulatory EHR with BESTCare, which is the EHR system at Seoul National University Bundang hospital. METHODS: Domain expert groups were formed to analyze the inclusion of BESTCare functions and the types of differences for each of the CCHIT Certified 2011 Ambulatory EHR Certification Criteria. The types of differences were divided into differences in functions (F), differences in business processes (B), and differences in government policies (P). RESULTS: Generally, the criteria that showed differences in functions pertained to the connection between the diagnosis/problem list and order, the alert and warning functions for medication-diagnosis interactions, and the reminder/instruction/notification messages related to the patient's immunization status; these absent functions were enhanced clinical decision support system (CDSS) functions related to patient safety and healthcare quality. Differences in government policies were found in the pharmacy's electronic prescription functions, while differences in business processes were found in the functions constrained by the local workflow or internal policy, which require some customization. CONCLUSIONS: Functions that differed between the CCHIT certification criteria and the BESTCare system in this study should be considered when developing a global EHR system. Such a system will need to be easily customizable to adapt to various government policies and local business processes. These functions should be considered when developing a global EHR system certified by CCHIT in the future.

Attestation , Commerce , Dossiers médicaux électroniques , Prescription électronique , Immunisation , Corée , Informatique médicale , Sécurité des patients , Qualité des soins de santé
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