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Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1018027


Under the backdrop of the "Healthy China 2030" strategy, running has become the most common form of exercise. Fitness running is a kind of endurance aerobic exercise. Compared with swimming, aerobics, and other sports with high activity and intensity, the risk of lower limb fatigue injury during fitness running is higher. In this review paper, the risk factors for running-related injuries were summarized by consulting and analyzing the database and focuses on discussing and analyzing the impact of running on joints. The results showed that hip adduction, knee bending, and ankle joint abnormalities are the three joint-related factors that cause the main injuries during running. Four rehabilitation intervention methods for running-related injuries were proposed, that can guide patients to generate personalized rehabilitation treatment plans through training.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030255


[Objective]To explore residents'science popularization status of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)and its influential factors,and provid scientific suggestions for the formulation of strategies and methods of TCM science popularization,taking Sanfu herbal patch(SHP)as an example.[Methods]Online questionnaires and Logistic regression analysis were applied to study residents'cognition,behavior and willingness on SHP and its influential factors,and explor the effective strategies and methods of TCM science popularization.[Results]Residents'cognitive accuracy rates of SHP's efficacy in treating diseases were 22.9%for bronchitis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,21.4%for rhinitis,19.3%for health care and immunity enhancement,and those of treatment methods were 35.0%for the reimbursement by medical insurance and 20.3%for the number of medication per course.Only 7.8%of residents experienced the treatment.Ways of acquiring SHP knowledge were few,namely,personal communication(26.6%)and internet(22.6%).Patients with underlying diseases,with odds ratio(OR)of 2.44(P<0.05),were the most important factor promoting the cognitive accuracy of diseases that can be treated with SHP.Female(OR=1.70,P<0.01)and insured residents(OR=2.41,P<0.01)were factors that promoted the cognitive accuracy of treatment methods.The demand rate of knowledge was 71.7%,and that of the elderly was 100%;and approval rates of SHP science popularization at home and abroad were 78.2%and 80.0%.[Conclusion]Residents'science knowledge and application level of SHP were low,but their passion to try,learn and communicate it was very high.Therefore,it was suggested to increase the micro education of specific TCM treatments,take female,patients with basic diseases,insured residents and the elderly as starting points,expanding the audience,create diversified paths,and improve the precise implementation of science popularization strategies,so as to improve the health literacy of residents and promote the development of healthy China.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1023481


Purpose/Significance To provide high-quality health information services,to promote the coordinated development of medical and educational services,and to help build a healthy China service system.Method/Process By using the methods of network investigation,literature investigation and telephone interview,the paper investigates the current situation of teaching support services of 30 libraries of medical universities and colleges in China,and analyzes the existing problems from four aspects:teaching resource serv-ices,information literacy services,disciplinary services and service guarantee.Result/Conclusion Libraries of medical universities and colleges should establish and improve the teaching support service system,strengthen discipline teaching support services,provide accu-rate health information services,strengthen regional or departmental collaboration,and innovate intelligent service modes,so as to be-come an important driving force for healthy China initiative.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 53-56,71, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025223


The development of the integration of sports and health care(hereinafter referred to as"integration of sports and health care")is a key initiative to promote the health of residents.Literature,logical analysis and other research methods are applied to study the connotation,value and dilemma of the integration of sports and health care,and propose strategies.Body and health integration has demonstrated practical value in implementing the strategy of Healthy China,improving the health of the whole population,and optimizing the allocation of health resources.However,there are also practical dilemmas such as synergistic barriers in the institutional mechanism,insufficient knowledge of the population's health,a relative lack of professionals,and difficulties in promoting the results on the ground.Therefore,the following optimization paths are proposed:strengthening coordination and management,and improving the top-level design;strengthening health education to improve residents'health awareness;optimizing talent training programs and building a talent training mechanism;strengthening the application of results to guide and improve the application and promotion platform.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 53-56, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025266


The digital transformation of China's community health management is a key step in the high-quality development of medical and health services,and is of great significance in enhancing the health and well-being of all residents.Using literature analysis,logical analysis and other research methods,it analyzes the practical foundation and constraints of the digital transformation of China's community health management,and proposes optimization strategies.It concludes that national policy,infrastructure development and social demand provide a realistic foundation for the digital transformation of community health management in China,but it also faces the problems of insufficient transformation of thinking,the concept of digital management has not sufficiently replaced the traditional concepts;the technical foundation is weak,and the construction and operation of the digital application platform started late;the structural barriers are prominent,and the lack of sound system construction leads to insufficient cooperation among the main bodies;the lack of digital standards,and the lagging operation of digital standardization of community health management;and the lack of digital standards.Management digital standardized operation lagging behind the constraints.Accordingly,it is proposed to promote the identity of the digital transformation of community health management,to build an operational space for digital community health management,to improve the digital system to regulate the activation of synergistic governance of the main body,and to optimize the supervision and guarantee of technology in digital management.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 61-64,71, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025268


Health consumption upgrading is an important way to benefit residents'livelihood,protect health and promote the construction of healthy China.It analyzes the practical foundation and development dilemma of China's health consumption upgrading in the new period through literature and logical analysis,and puts forward strategies to alleviate the dilemma.It concludes that in the new period,China's health consumption upgrading has the practical foundation of significant effect of health poverty alleviation policies,continuous upgrading of national health consumption concepts,and continuous emergence of health science and technology innovations,but also faces the development dilemmas of unstable health market order,insufficient supply of health products,insufficient application of health science and technology,and lack of deep cultivation of health literacy.Accordingly,the following strategies are proposed to alleviate the difficulties:strengthen top-level design to create a new"environment"for health consumption;promote diversified participation to meet the new"demand"for health consumption;strengthen technology-driven to build a new"industry"for health consumption;and cultivate health literacy.Cultivating health literacy and cultivating new"potential"for healthy consumption.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 719-725, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036455


An important premise of Marxism is to attach importance to human health. Although Marx did not specially discuss health problems, many of his writings contain a rich view of health, which is an important part of the Marxist theoretical system. From the viewpoint of the formation mechanism, the emergence of Marx’s health thought is based on the historical development of the demand for the scientific view of health, developed in Marx’s in-depth thinking and research on historical materialism, sublimated in the need to guide the realistic movement of the working class at that time, and continuously enriched and developed based on practical experience. In terms of the composition of content, Marx’s health thought includes emphasis on workers’ health rights, concern for the public living environment, and the proposition that health is a necessary quality for people in future society. It provides ideological guidance for the cultivation of people’s view of health, theoretical enlightenment for the promotion of the construction of a healthy China, and a powerful weapon for resolving global health problems.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005921


The EU is a joint political and economic community organization of many countries. The formulation and implementation of its health strategy need to take into account the differences in the development level of public health among its member countries. Since 2003, the EU has completed the implementation of the third-generation health strategy and launched the fourth-generation health strategy in June 2021. Compared with previous generations of health strategies, EU4Health not only includes targeted measures to cope with COVID-19, but also analyzes the current health challenges in the EU, pointing out the direction for the future development of health in the EU. By introducing the basic health situation of the EU, sorting out the development process, content, and strategic indicators of the EU health strategy, and analyzing the implementation characteristics of EU4Health in the EU, this article aims to provide inspiration for the implementation and further improvement of the “Healthy China” strategy.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 71-77, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012852


The Healthy China Strategy launched by China is not only a practical policy, but also an ethical revolution in the field of health. Under the Healthy China Strategy, the health field and its sub-field health care are defined as areas with "public" ethics as the fundamental ethical principles. Reconstructing the health care with "public" ethics should get rid of the health care oriented market lead and technical lead, and return to its "public" nature. In terms of concrete realization, the state and the government need to be the power backing of the "public" ethics of the health and medical care, the reconstructing must be leaded by Chinese Communist Party, and the fundamental realization of the "public" ethics of the health and medical care should take the institutions as the fundamental approach.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 195-200, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012875


One of the crux of the problem of doctor-patient relationship is the uneven division of rights and obligations between doctors and patients. Among them, it is significantly essential to emphasize the patient’s obligation as a weak point. The reasons cover many aspects. On the one hand, it is of great significance to standardize patient obligations: the definition of patients’ obligations is better health protection for patients; the emphasis on patients’ obligations is the moral support for doctors’ responsibilities; the fulfillment of patients’ obligations promotes the win-win interests of doctors and patients. On the other hand, the current situation of standardizing patients’ obligations is not optimistic: the provisions of patients’ obligations in existing laws and regulations are not ideal; the current ethical discussion on patient obligations also needs to be deepened. Therefore, in order to standardize patients’ obligations, build harmonious doctor-patient relationship and build a community of doctor-patient, this paper put forward specific suggestions from three aspects: improving laws and regulations, standardizing the management of medical institutions and enhancing patients’ literacy.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 562-567, 2024.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012941


Medical justice is the concrete embodiment of social equity and justice in the field of medical care. The socialist system is a strong guarantee to solve the problem of medical justice. Basic medical service, which "guaranteed by the government, fairly obtained by all the people", is an inevitable requirement of socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The development of health and wellness in the new era should establish the core value concept of "taking people’s health as the center", take the "great health concept" as the guide, construct the medical justice concept based on people’s health, so as to provide a solid ideological guarantee for comprehensively promoting the construction of Healthy China, and then contribute to the Chinese model and Chinese scheme for global health governance. The main contents of medical justice based on people’s health should include fair medical treatment, accessible medical treatment and public welfare medical treatment. Its implementation path are: promoting the equalization of basic public medical services in urban and rural areas, continuously pressing forward the fairness of medical resource allocation; giving priority to people’s health and ensuring the justice of medical management system; coordinating the imbalance between doctors and patients effectively, and effectively promote the harmonious relationship between doctors and patients.

Chinese Health Economics ; (12): 61-65, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1025198


The high-quality development of the big health industry is an important measure to improve the overall health quality of the residents,and also a key link in promoting economic transformation and upgrading.It analyzes the opportunities and challenges for high-quality development of the big health industry in the new era.Based on this,the following countermeasures are proposed:establishing regulations and standards(strengthening the formulation and implementation of laws and regulations);increase investment in research and development of technology(increase investment in technology research and innovation);building platforms to cultivate talents(increasing efforts in talent cultivation and introduction);building a cultural brand(creating an Industrial Classic Project Brand IP);strong integration and aggregation of resources(optimizing resource integration and balanced allocation).

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-992121


By combing out the historical development logic of sports and health integration and the current development achievement, the underlying logic of sports and health integration is described systematically in multiple dimensions, and the prominent dilemmas in development are analyzed as follows: lack of residents' health literacy, excessive dependence on medical treatment, low bridging of talent team construction, lack of the guidance of funds centralization, insufficient financial support, imperfect management system and mechanism, and unspecific departmental collaboration.The strategies for solving the problems are as follows: strengthening the integration of sports science and clinical medicine, consolidating the technical integration of sports prescription and clinical standardization process, further improving the business integration of exercise intervention and clinical treatment, and enhancing the industrial integration of sports products and medical treatment.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 1364-1369, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005568


With the arrival of aging, various industries in society are facing great pressure, especially higher requirements for the medical and nursing industries. The integrated eldercare services with medical care breaks through the traditional endowment pattern and integrates medical treatment, elderly care, rehabilitation, and nursing. However, many factors hinder the development of this model at present, and it requires the cooperation of the country and various departments to improve. From the perspective of a Healthy China, based on the release and implementation of policies such as the "Healthy China 2030" Plan Outline and the "Healthy China Action (2019-2030)" , this paper briefly summarized the current status and existing problems of the development of integrated eldercare services with medical care in China, and put forward rectification suggestions, aiming to provide reference to build a new endowment pattern of integrated eldercare services with medical care with Chinese characteristics.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 915-918, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005650


In the new era, with the accelerated evolution of the information technology revolution and industrial transformation, scientific and technological innovation not only brings dividends and benefits to the world, but also brings serious challenges to human beings. To effectively cope with ethical challenges and avoid ethical risks effectively, systematically carrying out ethics education of science and technology in accordance with the times and circumstances to cultivate medical students’ upward and forward-looking ethics of science and technology for medical colleges and universities is necessary, feasible, scientific, and sustainable. Ethics education of science and technology in medical colleges and universities should take the guidance of respecting and seeking truth, adhere to the development concept of righteousness and innovation, take the red line and bottom line as the core action points, and regard the equal importance of the country and the people as the values adherence.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 718-723, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005657


Under the macro background of the comprehensive liberalization of the "three-child policy" and the strengthening attention to the health of women and children, China has increasingly attached importance to the topic of women’s health education and made various attempts in health education during pregnancy and childbirth period, including traditional education, situational teaching, health lecture, health salon and other forms. However, there are still some problems, such as serious stereotype and homogenization, and rigid education. The effectiveness of health education during pregnancy and childbirth period needs to be improved. By drawing on the practical experience of health education during pregnancy and childbirth period abroad, this paper aimed to comprehensively improve maternal health literacy in China, and provide a assistance for building a healthy China.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 641-645, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005683


Contemporary college students have low levels of health literacy, facing problems such as weak awareness of health care, unhealthy diet habits, insufficient physical activity, and inadequate emergency response to public health emergencies. The reasons may be related to weak personal awareness of health literacy, imperfect health education system, shortage of health literacy education talents, lack of family health literacy education, and the insufficient social investment in health literacy cultivation. Faced with this current situation, the government, universities, families, individuals, and society should respond to the call of "Healthy China 2030" Plan Outline, regard improving college students’ health literacy level as their own responsibility, help them eliminate or reduce the risk factors affecting health, improve their health literacy level and quality of life, and contribute to the Healthy China strategy.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 646-650, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005684


"Healthy China 2030" states that health is a necessary requirement for all-round human development and a basic condition for economic and social development. Achieving national health and longevity is an important symbol of national prosperity and rejuvenation, and also the common aspiration of the people of all ethnic groups in China. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) health preservation has been fully integrated into the construction of "Healthy China", and the development of TCM health preservation culture and thought has a profound historical origin. Starting from the development of TCM health preservation culture thought and ethical principles, this paper analyzed the TCM health preservation thought contained in Master Lyu’s Spring and Autumn Annals, and further discussed and summarized the ethical principles contained in them, with a view to comprehensively and systematically promoting the development of TCM health preservation culture and providing a theoretical basis for people to use health preservation ethical principles to achieve physical fitness, disease prevention and longevity.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 658-664, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005686


The ideological and political construction of medical courses reveals the educational essence of "truth, goodness, and beauty" in medicine. Scientificity and humanity are the embodiment of "seeking truth" and "advocating goodness" in medicine, and the unity of their content and form reaches the highest level of "advocating beauty". Studying the ideological and political construction of medical courses plays an important role in implementing the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education, and carrying out the Healthy China initiative. In terms of teaching objectives, the goals of ideological and political education in medical courses should not only include the goals of basic literacy goals, such as political literacy, cultural literacy, legal literacy, and moral cultivation, but also include professional literacy goals, such as medical humanistic cultivation. Thus, a "five in one" model of ideological and political education in medical courses will be established. In the practical path, it is suggested to explore from five aspects that changing the educational concept and strengthening the educational awareness, establishing teaching objectives and clarifying education direction, digging deeply into the ideological and political elements and clearing teaching content, innovating teaching methods and improving teaching effectiveness, and constructing evaluation indicators and evaluating teaching effectiveness scientifically.

Chinese Medical Ethics ; (6): 578-582, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1005711


Humanistic education for medical students is an important part of medical professionals training in the new era. Improving medical students’ humanistic quality is of great significance for building a harmonious doctor-patient relationship. The fine traditional Chinese culture is broad and profound, has a long history, and contains rich philosophical thinking, values and moral sentiments. It is the wisdom crystallization of Chinese civilization and an important resource for humanistic education of medical students. To promote the humanistic education of medical students, medical colleges and universities should deeply explore the connotation of fine traditional Chinese culture, give play to the educational value of fine traditional Chinese culture in the humanistic education of medical students, enhance the professional feelings of medical students, cultivate the empathy ability of medical students, and improve the moral cultivation of medical students. At the same time, it is necessary to break through the difficulties of integrating fine traditional Chinese culture into the humanistic education of medical students. Through enriching the educational content, expanding the educational platform, optimizing the integration mechanism, and creating an environmental atmosphere to constantly improve the effectiveness of humanistic education of medical students, cultivate medical professionals with ideals, courage to bear responsibility, ability to endure hardships and willingness to struggle in the new era, and serve the construction of a healthy China.

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