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Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 41(1): 54-61, 2024. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560410


RESUMEN Objetivo. Explorar la percepción de los beneficios de participar en un grupo de apoyo de cuidadoras de niños con discapacidad múltiple. Materiales y métodos. Estudio cualitativo, enfoque etnográfico focalizado, realizado de octubre del 2022 a febrero del 2023, muestreo por conveniencia, participaron 20 cuidadoras de niños con discapacidad múltiple. La información se recolectó mediante observación participante, grupos de discusión y entrevistas semiestructuradas. Se realizó análisis temático aplicando las propuestas por Braun y Clark. Resultados. Los temas emergentes fueron: red de apoyo social: integrarse, informarse y ayudarse mutuamente; espacio de aprendizaje: se aprende a cuidar y a cuidarse; promueve el empoderamiento: identificar y enfrentar barreras de acceso. Conclusiones. El grupo de apoyo funciona como una red de apoyo social, proporciona información, reduce la incertidumbre, facilita el afrontamiento y la resiliencia tras el nacimiento y crianza de un hijo con discapacidad múltiple. Espacio donde se aprende a cuidar y a cuidarse a sí mismo y donde se promueve el empoderamiento para la defensa de los derechos de los niños con discapacidad.

ABSTRACT Objective . To explore the perceived benefits of participating in a support group of caregivers of children with multiple disabilities. Materials and methods. A qualitative study with a focused ethnographic approach was conducted from October 2022 to February 2023, in which we applied convenience sampling. We included 20 caregivers of children with multiple disabilities. Information was collected through participant observation, focus groups, and semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis was performed by applying Braun and Clark's proposals. Results. The emerging themes were: social support network: integrating, informing, and helping each other; learning space: learning to take care and to take care of oneself; promoting empowerment: identifying and facing access barriers. Conclusions. We found that the support group functions as a social support network provides information, reduces uncertainty, and facilitates coping and resilience after the birth and upbringing of a child with multiple disabilities. It is a space where one learns to care for and take care of oneself and where empowerment for the defense of the rights of children with disabilities is promoted.

Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1557735


Objetivo: Identificar as estratégias disponíveis na literatura internacional que forneça métodos de autoajuda para pacientes em cuidados paliativos e seus familiares. Método: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada entre abril e maio de 2022, utilizando as bases de dados e bibliotecas online Medline, Scielo, Scopus, CINAHL e Web of Science. Os estudos foram selecionados de forma rigorosa, através da utilização de diferentes combinações dos MESH's e palavras chaves self-help, groups, palliative care, medicine in literature, literature, health, disease com o operador booleano AND. Foi utilizado um aplicativo online de gerenciamento de revisões, Rayyan - Intelligent Systematic Review, sendo realizada a dupla verificação cega. Na busca primária foram encontrados 3259 estudos, após a aplicação dos critérios de exclusão 16 artigos compuseram o corpus de análise que usou como forma de apreciação a metodologia descritiva. Resultados: Obteve-se como principais achados a utilização de grupos de autoajuda como uma importante estratégia para auxiliar pacientes e familiares em situações desafiadoras que cernem o final de vida, outras estratégias foram vislumbradas como o uso de cartilhas, espaços e programas, que tendem a auxiliar nos momentos em que é necessário a comunicação de más notícias ou passar por situações de perda antecipatória e luto. Houve a predominância de estudos de abordagem qualitativa, e em maioria realizados na Suécia. Conclusão: Evidenciou-se que a estratégia dominante foi os grupos de autoajuda, que demonstraram ser um espaço de troca de conhecimento e experiências pessoais, entre os indivíduos participantes.

Objetivo: Identificar las estrategias disponibles en la literatura internacional que brindan métodos de autoayuda para pacientes de cuidados paliativos y sus familias. Método: Se trata de una revisión bibliográfica integrativa, realizada entre abril y mayo de 2022, utilizando las bases de datos y bibliotecas en línea Medline, Scielo, Scopus, CINAHL y Web of Science. Los estudios fueron seleccionados rigurosamente, utilizando diferentes combinaciones de MESH y las palabras clave autoayuda, grupos, cuidados paliativos, medicina en la literatura, literatura, salud, enfermedad, con el operador booleano AND. Se utilizó una aplicación en línea de gestión de revisiones. Rayyan - Intelligent Systematic Review, con verificación doble ciego. En la búsqueda primaria se encontraron 3259 estudios; tras aplicar los criterios de exclusión 16 artículos compusieron el corpus de análisis. Resultados: Los principales hallazgos fueron el uso de grupos de autoayuda como estrategia importante para asistir a pacientes y familiares en situaciones desafiantes al final de la vida. Se vislumbraron otras estrategias como el uso de cartillas, espacios y programas, que tienden a asistir en momentos en que es necesario comunicar malas noticias o atravesar situaciones de pérdida anticipada y duelo. Hubo un predominio de estudios con enfoque cualitativo, y la mayoría de ellos realizados en Suecia. Conclusión: Se evidenció que la estrategia dominante fueron los grupos de autoayuda, que demostraron ser un espacio para el intercambio de información conocimientos y experiencias personales entre las personas participantes.

Objective: To identify the strategies available in the international literature that provide self-help methods for palliative care patients and their family members. Method: This is an integrative literature review conducted between April and May 2022 in the following online databases and libraries: Medline, Scielo, Scopus, CINAHL and Web of Science. The studies were selected rigorously using different combinations of MESH terms and keywords self-help, groups, palliative care, medicine in literature, literature, health, disease; with the AND Boolean operator. An online review management app was used, Rayyan - Intelligent Systematic Review, performing a double-blind check. A total of 3,250 studies were found in the primary search; after applying the exclusion criteria, 16 articles comprised the analysis corpus. Results: Conclusion:

Physis (Rio J.) ; 34: e34012, 2024.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558711


Resumo Objetivo Compreender a criação e desenvolvimento de grupos de apoio para o autocuidado em hanseníase em um estado do Nordeste brasileiro. Métodos Estudo qualitativo realizado em três grupos no Nordeste do Brasil, entre fevereiro e dezembro de 2019. A coleta de dados englobou entrevistas, observação participante e análise documental. Os dados foram analisados segundo a técnica de análise de conteúdo a partir dos temas preestabelecidos: implantação, organização e continuidade dos grupos. Resultados A implantação dos grupos apresentou como motivos comuns a necessidade de ampliação dos cuidados, e de otimização do tempo de trabalho. O estigma e questões da organização dos serviços foram obstáculos para a implantação. O fator mais relevante para a continuidade dos grupos foi o envolvimento dos coordenadores nas atividades. O apoio de atores externos como ONG e universidades foram relevantes para a implantação e continuidade. Considerações finais As similaridades e diferenças dos grupos relacionam-se aos participantes, à indução e apoio da política de saúde e às interferências de atores externos. Grupos de apoio para o autocuidado em hanseníase são espaços que potencializam a prática de cuidado. O estudo contribui com a implantação ou reorganização de grupos de apoio ao autocuidado.

Abstract Objective To understand the creation and development of support groups for leprosy in a state in the northeast of Brazil. Methods Qualitative study conducted with three groups in northeast Brazil, from February to December 2019. Data collection included interviews, participant observation, and document analysis. Data were analyzed using the content analysis technique, considering preestablished topics: implementation, organization, and continuity of the groups. Results The most common reasons presented by the groups for the implementation were the needs to expand care and optimize working time. The stigma and service organization issues were obstacles to implementation. The most relevant factor for the continuity of groups was the involvement of the coordinators in the activities. Support from external actors, such NGOs and universities, was relevant to implementation and continuity. Final considerations Similarities and differences among groups are related to participants, actions to foster the groups, health policy support, and interference from external actors. Support groups for leprosy self-care are spaces that strengthen the practice of care. This study contributed to implement or reorganize self-care support groups.

Acta fisiátrica ; 30(4): 260-266, dez. 2023.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1531075


Crianças com paralisia cerebral usualmente necessitam de órtese no polegar para função manual. Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre tempo de espera para recebimento de órtese para polegar, habilidade manual e dificuldade de desempenho em atividades cotidianas de crianças com paralisia cerebral. Método: Estudo de métodos mistos, com uma coorte retrospectiva e avaliação transversal de crianças com paralisia cerebral e indicação de confecção de órtese para polegar. Foram coletadas informações socioeconômicas, mensuração das dificuldades para realizar atividades do cotidiano, função manual pelo Sistema de Classificação da Habilidade Manual (MACS) e tempo de espera pela órtese. Análises descritivas, coeficiente de correlação de Spearman e Teste Kruskal Wallis foram realizadas no software IBM SPSS®. Resultados: 17 crianças e seus pais/responsáveis foram avaliados, sendo a maioria menino (76,5%), com paralisia cerebral do tipo hemiparética (52,9%). O tempo médio de espera pela órtese foi 34,12 dias (DP= 39,01). Crianças com comprometimento motor mais severo (p= 0,038) e pior habilidade manual (p= 0,012) receberam órtese em menor tempo de espera. Não houve diferença estatística entre tempo de espera pela órtese e dificuldade para desempenhar atividades cotidianas. Conclusão: A correlação entre habilidade manual e tempo de espera reforça a importância da avaliação funcional para priorizar concessão de um dispositivo de Tecnologia Assistiva em um serviço público de reabilitação, direcionando o cuidado às necessidades mais específicas das crianças.

Children with cerebral palsy usually need orthoses in their thumbs for manual functions. Objective: Analyzing the association between the waiting time for receiving a thumb orthosis, the manual ability, and the difficulty in performing daily tasks of children with cerebral palsy. Method: Mixed-methods study, with a retrospective cohort and cross-sectional evaluation of children with cerebral palsy and the indication and confection of thumb orthoses. Data collection included socioeconomic information, waiting time for the orthoses, and assessments of the difficulty to carry out daily activities and of manual functioning according to the Manual Ability Classification System (MACS). Descriptive analysis, Spearman's coefficient and the Kruskal-Wallis test were calculated in the IBM software SPSS®. Results: 17 children and their parents/guardians were evaluated. Most were male (76.5%) with hemiplegic cerebral palsy (52.9%). Their mean time waiting for the orthosis was 34.12 days (SD= 39.01). Children with a more severe motor impairment (p= 0.038) or worse manual abilities (p= 0.012) waited to receive the orthosis for a shorter period. There was no statistical difference between the waiting time for the orthosis and the difficulty to perform daily tasks. Conclusion: The correlation between manual ability and the waiting time reiterates the importance of functional evaluations to prioritize the concession of Assistive Technology devices in public rehabilitation services, focusing the care on the more specific needs of each child.

rev. psicogente ; 26(50)dic. 2023.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1536981


Objetivo: El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo establecer las propiedades psicométricas de la escala de prosocialidad de Caprara et al. (2005) en Colombia, tomando como referencia su adaptación con estudiantes chilenos (Mieres-Chacaltana et al., 2020), dada la reciente relevancia investigativa que ha tenido el comportamiento prosocial en los escenarios educativos y sociales y la ausencia de un instrumento que evalúe este constructo en adolescentes colombianos. Método: Se realizó un análisis de confiabilidad, análisis factorial exploratorio y análisis factorial confirmatorio. Participaron 501 estudiantes universitarios de dos Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) ubicadas en los departamentos de Magdalena y Tolima con edades comprendidas entre 15 y 18 años (M=17,12 años, DE=0,766), que voluntariamente decidieron vincularse a esta investigación. Resultados: La validez de constructo se estableció mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio y ajuste del modelo con límites estándares de aceptación: RMSEA=0,070, CFI = 0,923 y TLI = 0,905. El análisis de consistencia de fiabilidad evidenció un índice adecuado de fiabilidad Alfa de Cronbach (α=0,880). Conclusiones: Este instrumento presenta propiedades psicométricas que lo constituyen en una adecuada herramienta para evaluar la prosocialidad en adolescentes colombianos. Su relevancia radica en que permite el empleo de una escala normalizada para Colombia con el fin de medir la prevalencia de comportamientos prosociales reportados por esta población y se une a otras validaciones para poblaciones latinoamericanas ampliando las posibilidades de estudiar este constructo en relación con otras variables propias de la región.

Objective: The present study aimed to establish the psychometric properties of the prosociality scale of Caprara et al. (2005) in Colombia, taking as a reference its adaptation with Chilean students (Mieres-Chacaltana et al., 2020), given the recent research relevance that prosocial behavior has had in educational and social settings and the absence of an instrument that evaluates this construct in Colombian adolescents. Method: A reliability analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis were performed. 501 university students from two Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) located in the departments of Magdalena and Tolima with ages between 15 and 18 years old (M=17,12 years, SD=0,766) participated, who voluntarily decided to join this research. Results: Construct validity was established through confirmatory factor analysis and model adjustment with standard acceptance limits: RMSEA=0,070, CFI=0,923, and TLI=0,905. The reliability consistency analysis showed an adequate Cronbach's Alpha reliability index (α=0,880). Conclusions: This instrument presents psychometric properties that make it an adequate tool to assess prosociality in Colombian adolescents. Its relevance lies in the fact that it makes it possible to measure the prevalence of prosocial behaviors reported by this population and broadens the possibilities of studying this construct in relation to other variables.

RFO UPF ; 28(1)20230808. tab
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1526602


Objetivo: avaliar do conhecimento dos alunos de odontologia sobre os protocolos de atendimento para as urgências endodônticas. Método: 182 alunos dos últimos anos do curso de Odontologia do Centro Universitário Doutor Leão Sampaio, responderam a um questionário contendo perguntas referente ao protocolo adotado em casos de urgência de origem endodôntica. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste de Qui-quadrado de Pearson (p<0,05). Resultados: foram observadas diferenças entre a conduta relata pelos alunos do quarto e quinto ano de graduação quanto a indicação da incisão para drenagem em abscesso periapical agudo submucoso (evoluído), indicação de antibióticos nos casos de flare-up e indicação de antibióticos na dor com edema póstratamento endodôntico. A prescrição de antibióticos foi excessiva para os casos de dor entre consultas (flareup) e dor no pós-operatória. Para as patologias da polpa, a maioria dos alunos indicou protocolos de urgência recomendados na literatura. Conclusão: os resultados indicam a necessidade de melhoria dos programas de treinamento dos alunos em urgências endodônticas, principalmente quanto aos protocolos farmacológicos. (AU)

Objective: to evaluate the knowledge of dentistry students about care protocols for endodontic emergencies. Method: 182 students from the last years of the Dentistry course at Doctor Leão Sampaio University Center answered a questionnaire containing questions regarding the protocol adopted in urgent cases of endodontic origin. Data were analyzed using Pearson's Chi-square test (p<0.05). Results: differences were observed between the conduct reported by fourth- and fifth-year undergraduate students regarding the indication of incision for drainage in submucosal acute periapical abscess (evolved), indication of antibiotics in cases of flare-up and indication of antibiotics in pain with edema after endodontic treatment. The prescription of antibiotics was excessive for cases of pain between appointments (flare-up) and postoperative pain. For pulp pathologies, most students indicated emergency protocols recommended in the literature. Conclusion: the results indicate the need to improve student training programs in endodontic emergencies, especially regarding pharmacological protocols. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Étudiant dentisterie/statistiques et données numériques , Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques en santé , Traitement d'urgence , Endodontie , Ordonnances médicamenteuses , Brésil , Études transversales , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Maladies de la pulpe dentaire/thérapie , Enseignement dentaire
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510995


La prevalencia de depresión en adolescentes es aproximadamente 7% en Chile. Sólo entre 18% y 34% de jóvenes con depresión accede a ayuda profesional. Objetivo: El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar barreras y facilitadores para la búsqueda de ayuda profesional en salud mental, desde la perspectiva de adolescentes entre 15 y 17 años con depresión en Santiago de Chile. Método: Se llevó a cabo un estudio cualitativo exploratorio y descriptivo desde el enfoque fenomenológico. Se realizaron diez entrevistas semi estructuradas a adolescentes, que fueron analizadas con teoría fundamentada. Resultados: Las principales barreras fueron estigma, minimización de síntomas y preocupación por confidencialidad. Los principales facilitadores fueron contar con red de apoyo, reconocimiento de síntomas e intervenciones escolares que favorecen la detección de síntomas. Conclusiones: Se debe trabajar de manera conjunta con adolescentes, sus familias, pares y sistema escolar brindando información sobre la depresión y su tratamiento.

The prevalence of depression in adolescents is approximately 7% in Chile. Only between 18% and 34% of young people with depression access professional help. Objective: The aim of this research was to analyze the barriers and facilitators for seeking professional help in mental health, from the perspective of adolescents between 15 and 17 years of age with depression in Santiago, Chile. Methodology: An exploratory and descriptive qualitative study was carried out from the phenomenological approach. Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with adolescents and analyzed with grounded theory. Results: The main barriers were stigma, minimization of symptoms, and concerns about confidentiality. The main facilitators were having a support network, symptom recognition, and school interventions that favor symptom detection. Conclusions: Joint work should be done with adolescents, their families, peers, and school system providing information about depression and its treatment.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Santé mentale , Dépression/épidémiologie , Chili/épidémiologie , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Prévalence , Enquêtes et questionnaires , Comportement de recherche d'aide , Obstacles à l'Accès aux Services de Santé
Saude e pesqui. (Impr.) ; 16(2): 11048, abr./jun. 2023.
Article Dans Anglais, Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510590


Objetivou-se identificar as necessidades dos participantes de um Grupo de Apoio à Família no tocante à convivência com o familiar dependente químico. Tratou-se de um estudo qualitativo, desenvolvido com seis familiares que frequentam o Grupo de Apoio à Família em um Centro de Atenção Psicossocial para usuários de Álcool e outras Drogas, em uma cidade do Sul do Brasil. Os dados foram coletados em junho de 2020, mediante entrevista semiestruturada; e, posteriormente, foram analisados por meio de análise temática de conteúdo. Após a observação, emergiram três categorias: Necessidades dos familiares em relação às perspectivas do Grupo de Apoio à Família; Vivência dos familiares em relação ao suporte do Grupo de Apoio à Família e Aspectos a serem reconsiderados no Grupo de Apoio à Família. Nesse contexto, o estudo possibilitou reflexões sobre a elaboração de estratégias mais efetivas a fim de proporcionar um processo terapêutico mais eficaz e resultados mais positivos.

The objective was to identify the needs of participants of a Family Support Group regarding coexistence with the family member who is chemically dependent. This was a qualitative study, developed with six family members who attend the Family Support Group in a Psychosocial Care Center for users of Alcohol and other Drugs in a city in southern Brazil. The data were collected in June 2020 in a semi-structured interview and subsequently analyzed through thematic content analysis. After observation, three categories emerged: Needs of family members in relation to the perspectives of the Family Support Group; Experience of family members in relation to the support of the Family Support Group; and Aspects to be reconsidered in the Family Support Group. In this context, the study enabled reflections on the development of more effective strategies in order to provide a more effective therapeutic process and more positive results.

Ter. psicol ; 41(1): 19-38, abr. 2023. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515601


Introducción: La pandemia por COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto negativo en el bienestar psicológico de la población, siendo los jóvenes un grupo especialmente vulnerable. Objetivo: El presente estudio se propuso examinar los niveles de búsqueda de ayuda (formal e informal) para problemas en salud mental y sus variables asociadas en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de la Región de La Araucanía, en el contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19. Método: A través de un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia, se reclutó a 500 estudiantes de entre 18 y 29 años. Se describió y comparó su nivel de búsqueda de ayuda, así como variables que podrían obstaculizarla o facilitarla, según género. Adicionalmente, se estimaron modelos de regresión lineal múltiple diferenciados por género, con la búsqueda de ayuda informal como variable criterio. Resultados: Se evidenció una renuencia general a buscar ayuda (formal e informal) tanto en hombres como mujeres, una mayor experimentación de malestar psicológico y mayor conocimiento sobre salud mental en mujeres. Finalmente, se observaron diferencias en los predictores de la búsqueda de ayuda informal entre hombres y mujeres, siendo el apoyo social y las emociones negativas en pandemia los únicos comunes entre géneros. Conclusión: Se discuten los bajos niveles de búsqueda de ayuda evidenciados, y las diferencias observadas en variables asociadas, en función de la brecha de género en salud mental.

Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the psychological well-being of the population, with young people being a particularly vulnerable group. Aim: The present study examines help-seeking intention for mental health problems and associated variables among male and female university students in La Araucanía Region during the COVI-19 pandemic. Method: A sample of 500 students aged 18 to 29 was recruited through non-probabilistic convenience sampling. Help-seeking levels and facilitating or hindering variables were compared by gender. Multiple linear regression models were estimated separately by gender to predict the criterion variable of informal help-seeking. Results: The results indicate that both men and women are reluctant to seek help (formal and informal). Women reported higher levels of psychological distress and greater knowledge about mental health than men. Differences in predictors of informal help-seeking between men and women are evidenced, with social support and negative emotions in pandemic being the only common predictors between genders. Conclusion: The low levels of help-seeking evidenced, and the differences observed in associated variables based on the gender gap in mental health, are discussed.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Jeune adulte , Étudiants/psychologie , Comportement de recherche d'aide , COVID-19 , Anxiété , Stress psychologique , Chili , Dépression , Pandémies , Bien-être psychologique
Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-221347


The institutional credit agencies like commercial banks, Regional Rural Banks (RRBS) and Cooperative banks have been playing a pivotal role in the formation, strengthening and development of the Self-Help Groups (SHGs) through micro finance in India. In fact, the banking institutions have become more instrumental in developing micro-enterprises by the women members of Self-Help Groups through providing financial services. Self-Help Groups linkage programmes is suitable and an effective intervention in economic uplift met and financial inclusion for the bottom of the pyramid.1 A proven platform initially conceived for increasing the outreach of banking services among the poor has since graduated to a programme for promotion of livelihoods and poverty the banking sector in rural and urban areas.2 An attempt is made her to analyze the different, financial agencies such as CBs, RRBs and Cooperative banks in providing financial services to the poor and marginalized sections for the promotion and strengthening of self-help groups in India. Micro-finance is an economic development tool whose objective is to assist the poor to work their way out of poverty. In fact, micro-finance is powerful weapon to remove the poverty in our country. There is a greater involvement of banks in providing the loans to the women members of the Self-Help Groups in the country. The institutional credit agencies have played a crucial role in the development of the poor women members of the SHGs.The Regional Rural Banks have covered more than 45 per cent of the women by way of providing loans and advances whereas the Commercial Banks have given the highest amount of loans to the women members of the SHGs. The Cooperative Banks are in the third position in providing the microcredit to the women members of the SHGs. On the whole, the banking sector has played a dominant role in the provision of the bank loans to the poor women of the SHGs in India.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 1195-1201, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990317


Objective:To systematically integrate qualitative studies of impediments to help-seeking behavior in victims of elder abuse.Methods:A computer search of PubMed, the Cochrane Library, Web of Science, PsyINFO, Scopus, China Biology Medicine disc, China Knowledge Network, Vipshop, and Wanfang was conducted to collect qualitative studies on help-seeking in abused older adults, with search time from establishment of the database to February 2022. The literature was evaluated using the Australian JBI Centre for Evidence-Based Health Care quality assessment criteria, and the results were integrated using the Meta integration method.Results:A total of 9 papers were included, 32 results were extracted and grouped into 9 categories, and 3 integrated results were synthesized including the role of personal factors, the influence of cultural values, and the lack of effective support networks.Conclusions:Seeking help after elder abuse is a complex process influenced by a variety of personal, social and cultural factors. Awareness of seeking help after abuse should be raised, attention should be paid to the physical and mental health of the elderly, and professional assistance and counseling services should be provided.

Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing ; (36): 555-561, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-990218


Objective:To review relevant research on the application of self-help intervention model in adult depression patients, analyze the main characteristics and application effects of self-help intervention model, in order to provide reference for related research in this field.Methods:According to the methodological framework of the scope review, searched 12 Chinese and English databases including CNKI, Wanfang, PubMed, Web of Science, etc. from the establishment of the database until April 20, 2021, and sorted and analyzed the obtained documents according to the inclusion and exclusion standards.Results:A total of 45 documents were included, of which only 5 were from China; the included studies were mainly based on the Internet platform, using cognitive behavioral therapy, reading therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy, and problem-solving therapy for intervention; the duration of the intervention was 3 weeks to 4 months, participants complete an intervention module or read a specified number of chapters every 3 to 7 days on average, and receive regular guidance and supervision from the intervention facilitator every 1-2 weeks. The total contact time with the facilitator was 80-160 minutes. Various modes of self-help intervention based on the Internet could effectively improve the negative emotions of patients with depression.Conclusions:The self-help intervention model has shown good results in the treatment of patients with depression, but there is a lack of local intervention research in China, and there is no clear standard for the number of interventions and the length of the intervention guide. Under the general trend of "Internet + medical health", it is necessary to actively construct a self-help intervention model for depression with Chinese cultural characteristics, and form a systematic and standardized intervention strategy to address the many obstacles in time, location, resources and cost of people with depression, and finally achieve the purpose of improving the patients′ depressive symptoms and helping them to restore their social functions.

Journal of Rural Medicine ; : 182-188, 2023.
Article Dans Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986389


Objective: We aimed to clarify factors associated with the ability to seek help among older male caregivers who care for women with dementia in their families.Patients and Methods: This information will inform strategies to support their continued provision of long-term care. Participants were 364 male caregivers recruited from three places: The study period was 2017–2018. We obtained ethical approval for this study from the relevant ethics committee.Results: The ability to seek help for care problems among male caregivers was normally distributed. We found that more than 90% of older male caregivers did not actively seek help to resolve care problems, suggesting that older male caregivers had problems with long-term care. In the high score group, health status and the number of emotional support persons in the household were significantly and somewhat strongly positively correlated. The low score group showed a significant and rather weak positive correlation between economic status and health status, and the number of emotional supporters inside and outside the household.Positive correlations for the high score group were self-esteem and depressive symptoms, and self-esteem and resources. Positive correlations for the low score group were self-esteem and depressive symptoms, self-esteem and resources, and resources and depressive symptoms.Conclusion: Male caregivers are more likely to seek help if they are employed or play a role in their community. Nurses also need to support male caregivers with positive words and praise to help them use available support and resources and continue to provide long-term care. It is important for healthcare professionals to observe whether a caregiver presents with depressive symptoms or has long-term care problems because older male caregivers do not seek help. Collaboration between caregivers and medical, long-term care, and welfare professionals is necessary. Direct and timely intervention is needed.

Chinese Journal of Anesthesiology ; (12): 84-88, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-994155


Objective:To investigate the current situation of clinical help-seeking of anesthesiologists and analyze the influencing factors of help-seeking behaviors in order to provide a basis for improving the help-seeking ability of anesthesiologists.Methods:The anesthesiologists in 35 public hospitals in Hubei province were investigated using a self-designed questionnaire, and the demographic differences and influencing factors related to help-seeking were analyzed.Results:The score for the help-seeking attitude questionnaire of anesthesiologists was (3.6±0.4). The score for the help-seeking needs sub-questionnaire of anesthesiologists was (2.7±0.6), and the score for the help-seeking behavior sub-questionnaire was (3.0±0.4). The item with the highest score was " special patients or patient emergency needs help", and the item with the lowest score was " self injury potential needs help". There was a statistically significant difference in the scores for the help-seeking needs sub-questionnaire for anesthesiologists of different ages and working years ( P<0.05), and there was no statistically significant difference in the scores for the help-seeking attitude questionnaire and help-seeking behavior sub-questionnaire for anesthesiologists of different genders, ages, professional titles, working years, personnel types, and whether they obtained a doctor′s license ( P>0.05). The percentage of anesthesiologists who believed that " they did not ask for help timely or without asking for help" was 35.4%, and the percentage of anesthesiologists who believed that " colleagues did not ask for help timely or without asking for help" was 50.7%. Among the reasons why the need for help did not translate into help-seeking behavior, the percentage of anesthesiologists who believed that " doctors think they can solve" was the highest (74.0%). Conclusions:Anesthesiologists in public hospitals have a positive attitude towards seeking-help and can better translate the need for help into behaviors. The main reasons for delay in seeking-help or non-seeking-help are inaccurate assessment of their own ability and inability to grasp the opportunity of seeking-help, and targeted training should be carried out to improve the doctors′ help-seeking ability.

Salud colect ; 19: e4488, 2023.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522899


RESUMEN La demencia es actualmente una de las enfermedades más comunes que afecta a las personas mayores, siendo la séptima causa principal de muerte. Provoca pérdida de memoria, dificultad para razonar y, por consiguiente, dificultades para tomar y ejecutar decisiones, por lo que las tecnologías de asistencia y estimulación cognitiva son valiosos recursos en el proceso de cuidado. Desde una investigación teórica basada en la bioética de los cuidados en salud y en las investigaciones de Aline Albuquerque y Victor Montori, este artículo aborda, en primer lugar, el concepto de bioética en el cuidado de la salud, la atención centrada en el paciente y la idea de empatía clínica; en segundo lugar, se centra en el empleo de tecnologías asistivas para el cuidado de adultos mayores con demencia y, por último, plantea la discusión sobre si el proceso de atención podría ser considerado como una tecnología sanitaria.

ABSTRACT Dementia is currently one of the most common diseases affecting elderly people, ranking seventh among leading causes of death. As it causes memory loss, difficulties in reasoning, and resulting difficulties in making and executing decisions, assistive technologies and cognitive stimulation are valuable resources in the care process. Based on a theoretical inquiry into the bioethics of health care, and drawing on the work of Aline Albuquerque and Victor Montori, this article focuses on three main issues: first, the concept of bioethics in health care, patient-centered care, and the idea of clinical empathy. Second, it looks at the use of assistive technologies in caring for elderly patients with dementia. Lastly, we offer a discussion of whether the care process could be considered a health technology.

Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 82: e0056, 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521788


RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar o perfil dos alunos concluintes, deficientes visuais e videntes do Instituto de Cegos Padre Chico entre os anos 2011 e 2020. Métodos Entre janeiro e março de 2021, foi realizada uma análise documental dos alunos concluintes entre os anos de 2011 e 2020. Foram coletados dados relacionados à situação social, educacional, socioeconômica e oftalmológica. Os dados foram tratados no programa Microsoft Excel 2013 da Microsoft e analisados no software livre Bioestat, versão 5.0. Resultados Foram coletados os dados de 110 concluintes cegos, com baixa visão e videntes. Mais de 90% dos alunos declararam rendimento familiar equivalente a um salário-mínimo e meio. Do total da amostra, 52 alunos eram cegos; 38 tinham baixa visão, e 20 eram videntes. Dentre as 36 patologias identificadas entre os alunos, 57,78% levaram à cegueira e 42,22%, à baixa visão. Em alunos cegos, as patologias mais frequentes foram glaucoma congênito (32,69%) e amaurose congênita de Leber (11,53%); em alunos com baixa visão, foram glaucoma congênito e distrofias de retina (ambas em 10,53% da amostra). Conclusão É de suma importância a avaliação da saúde ocular para que o professor realize de forma mais rápida as práticas de ensino e alcance resultados satisfatórios na alfabetização de crianças com deficiência visual.

ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate the profile of visually impaired and sighted students at the Instituto de Cegos Padre Chico (ICPC) between 2011 and 2020. Methods Between January and March 2021, a document analysis of the students who completed the undergraduate course between 2011 and 2020. Data related to social, educational, socioeconomic, and ophthalmological situation were collected. The data were treated in Microsoft Excel 2013 and analyzed in the free software Bioestat, version 5.0. Results Retrospective data were collected from 110 blind, low-vision and sighted students who were graduating. More than 90% of the students declared family income equivalent to one and a half minimum wages. Of the total sample, 52 students were blind; 38 had low vision, and 20 were sighted students. Among the 36 pathologies identified among the students, 57.78% led to blindness, and 42.22%, to low vision. In blind students, the most frequent diagnosis was congenital glaucoma (32.69%) and Leber congenital amaurosis (11.53%); in low vision students, congenital glaucoma and retinal dystrophies (both in 11.53% of the population of this study). Conclusion The evaluation of the eye health is of vital importance for the teacher to perform teaching practices faster and achieve satisfactory results in the literacy of visually impaired children.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Cécité , Vision faible , Personnes malvoyantes , Dispositifs d'assistance au mouvement , Facteurs socioéconomiques , Étudiants/statistiques et données numériques , Troubles de la vision/classification , Études rétrospectives , Maladies de l'oeil/épidémiologie , Enseignement aux déficients visuels
Cad. Bras. Ter. Ocup ; 31: e3339, 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1528160


Resumo Introdução A saúde da mulher pode se tornar mais frágil durante a internação hospitalar por diversos motivos, o que pode afetar sua autonomia e independência. Nesse contexto, intervenções em tecnologia assistiva podem ser realizadas para favorecer o desempenho ocupacional da mulher. Objetivo Identificar quais ações em tecnologia assistiva são realizadas por terapeutas ocupacionais com mulheres no contexto hospitalar. Método Estudo descritivo, retrospectivo e exploratório, de abordagem quantitativa, realizado de agosto a dezembro de 2021, por meio de dados secundários extraídos de 155 prontuários de mulheres que foram assistidas em terapia ocupacional nas enfermarias de Neurologia, Oncologia e Saúde Mental em um hospital universitário do Recife, PE, Brasil. Foram utilizados como instrumentos um questionário estruturado de caracterização e um checklist de rastreamento de ações em tecnologia assistiva. Para análise dos dados, foi utilizada estatística descritiva por meio da planilha eletrônica do Microsoft Excel. Resultados 48 pacientes receberam intervenções dos terapeutas ocupacionais em tecnologia assistiva, contemplando os serviços de avaliação, prescrição, confecção, orientação de uso e treino, tendo como principais dispositivos órteses de membros superiores e de auxílio para atividades de vida diária no setor de neurologia e o coxim no setor de oncologia, apresentando como predominância nos objetivos o favorecimento do desempenho ocupacional. Conclusão Foi identificado o predomínio das ações de tecnologia assistiva nas enfermarias de oncologia e neurologia com produtos de baixo custo; necessidade de melhorar o processo de acompanhamento de uso da tecnologia assistiva e de se investir no serviço de Tecnologia Assistiva; aumento de estudos sobre essa temática para gerar evidências.

Abstract Introduction Hospitalization can render women's health more fragile for a variety of reasons, potentially impacting their autonomy and independence. Within this scenario, interventions using assistive technology can enhance women's occupational performance. Objective To discern the assistive technology actions undertaken by occupational therapists for women in hospital settings. Method This descriptive, retrospective, and exploratory study with a quantitative approach was conducted from August to December 2021. It utilized secondary data from 155 medical records of women who received occupational therapy in neurology, oncology, and mental health wards at a university hospital in Recife, state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Instruments included a structured questionnaire for characterization and a checklist to trace assistive technology actions. Data analysis was performed using Microsoft Excel. Results Out of 155, 48 patients benefited from assistive technology interventions by occupational therapists. These interventions included evaluation services, prescription, manufacturing, use guidance, and training. The primary devices were orthoses for upper limbs and aids for activities of daily living in the neurology sector, with cushions being prominent in the oncology sector. A common goal was the enhancement of occupational performance. Conclusion Most assistive technology actions occurred in the oncology and neurology wards, focusing on low-cost products. There is a recognized need to refine the monitoring process for assistive technology use, invest more in assistive technology services, and promote research in this field to generate further evidence.

Interface (Botucatu, Online) ; 27: e220275, 2023. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1430618


O Movimento Internacional de Ouvidores de Vozes, surgido nos anos 1980, entende o fenômeno de ouvir vozes não apenas como um sintoma, mas auxilia o desenvolvimento de estratégias para lidar com essas vozes. O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender como pessoas que participaram de grupos de ouvidores de vozes no SUS lidaram com tais experiências. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, realizada em 2020, coletando dados de entrevistas em profundidade e diário de campo, examinados utilizando-se análise de conteúdo. Os participantes adultos (4) frequentaram o grupo por mais de um mês. Foi possível explorar as estratégias de enfrentamento individuais desenvolvidas pelas vivências de cada um com as suas vozes. O grupo também foi instrumento de socialização, por meio da normalização da experiência, de maior autoaceitação e de redução do estigma.(AU)

El Movimiento Internacional de Oidores de Voces, surgido en la década de 1980, entiende el fenómeno de oír voces no solo como un síntoma, sino que auxilia en el desarrollo de estrategias para enfrentarlas. El objetivo de este estudio fue comprender cómo personas que participaron en grupos de oidores de voces en el SUS enfrentaron tales experiencias. Se trata de una investigación cualitativa, realizada en 2020, con colecta de datos, a partir de entrevistas en profundidad y diario de campo, analizadas utilizándose análisis de contenido. Los participantes adultos (4) frecuentaron el grupo durante más de un mes. Fue posible explorar las estrategias de enfrentamiento individuales desarrolladas a partir de las vivencias de cada uno con sus voces. El grupo también fue un instrumento de socialización y, a partir de la normalización de la experiencia, de mayor autoaceptación y reducción del estigma.(AU)

Abstract The international Hearing Voices Movement, which emerged in the 1980s, understands the phenomenon of hearing voices not just as a symptom, but helps in the development of strategies to deal with these voices. The objective of this study was to understand how people who participated in groups of voice hearers in the Brazilian health system dealt with such experiences. This was a qualitative research study, carried out in 2020, with data collection from in-depth interviews and field diary, analyzed using content analysis. Adult participants (4) attended the group for more than a month. It was possible to explore the individual coping strategies developed from the experiences of each one with their voices. The group was also an instrument of socialization and, from the normalization of the experience, of greater self-acceptance and reduction of stigma.(AU)

Rev. CEFAC ; 25(3): e11122, 2023. tab, graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1449171


ABSTRACT Alternative communication has been successfully used in interventions to develop communication skills in children with ASD. However, few studies in Brazil have approached nonverbal adolescents with autism. This article aimed to demonstrate the impact of using an alternative communication system on the development of communication skills in a nonverbal adolescent presented with ASD. This is a single-case study with longitudinal intervention. Skills were assessed with the Communication Assessment in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ACOTEA). There was progress in communicative and behavioral skills. Receptive communications had a greater variation between the first, second, and third applications, increasing from 50% to 66.60% and then 83.30%, followed by social behavior, which increased from 45.80% to 70.80% and then 75%. The use of alternative communication with a robust communication system indicated evidence of the development of communication skills and social behavior in the adolescent with ASD that received the treatment.

RESUMO O uso da Comunicação Alternativa para o desenvolvimento de habilidades comunicacionais de crianças com TEA tem sido aplicado com êxito nas intervenções. Entretanto, no Brasil, são escassos os estudos na faixa etária da adolescência e autistas não verbais. Este artigo tem como objetivo demonstrar o impacto do uso de um sistema de comunicação alternativa no desenvolvimento das habilidades comunicacionais em um adolescente não-verbal com TEA. Trata-se de estudo de intervenção longitudinal do tipo estudo de caso único. As habilidades foram avaliadas pelo protocolo de Avaliação da Comunicação no Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo - ACOTEA. Constatou-se que houve avanço nas habilidades comunicativas e comportamentais. A comunicação receptiva apresentou maior variação entre a primeira, segunda e terceira aplicação, evoluindo de 50% para 66,60% e, no final, para 83,30%, seguida do comportamento social 45,80% para 70,80% e depois para 75%. O uso da Comunicação Alternativa com um sistema robusto de comunicação apontou evidências do desenvolvimento de habilidades comunicativas bem como no comportamento social no adolescente com TEA assistido.

Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-223643


Background & objectives: In the current health system, cash incentives are given to accredited social health activists for referring women to public health facilities for specific maternal and child health services, however many reproductive health problems are not included in these services. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of involvement of self-help groups (SHGs) in improving reproductive health seeking behaviour and service utilization by tribal women. Methods: An experimental study was conducted in two tribal blocks of Nasik district (Kalvan and Surgana) in Maharashtra, India, over a period of 18 months. Interventions included training of SHG women and providing incentives to them for conducting health education sessions for reproductive age group women in the community and referring those with the requisite problems, to the health facilities. Pre- and post-intervention focus group discussions and in-depth interviews among SHG women were conducted. Training of service providers on diagnosis and treatment of reproductive morbidities was done, and health service utilization was assessed. Results: Sixty five per cent of the referred women with reproductive morbidities availed services at the public health facilities. A review of records of women seeking services for reproductive health problems showed that there was a significant improvement in the intent for seeking services in the study block as compared to the control block (?2–9.06, P<0.002). Interpretation & conclusions: This study demonstrates the feasibility of utilizing the potential of SHGs for improving reproductive health seeking behaviour of the tribal women. The results suggest that this model could be scaled up to address the neglected reproductive health needs of women without burdening the existing human resources

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