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Ginecol. obstet. Méx ; 88(4): 277-281, ene. 2020. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1346186


Resumen ANTECEDENTES: En Obstetricia, las imágenes en espejo son artefactos ecográficos infrecuentes que, potencialmente, pueden confundirse con embarazos heterotópicos y propiciar errores diagnósticos e intervenciones iatrógenas. Estas imágenes ficticias se generan por la existencia de una superficie reflectora como, por ejemplo, el intestino distendido o la vejiga repleta. CASO CLÍNICO: Paciente de 39 años, con embarazo por fertilización in vitro, que asiste a evaluación ecográfica del primer trimestre. En la ecografía de rutina a las 11 semanas se observó una imagen en espejo y en la resonancia magnética: útero gestante con una estructura retrouterina hipoecoica, sin feto en el interior. La imagen ecográfica en espejo volvió a reproducirse en el tercer trimestre. El embarazo llegó a término y finalizó por vía abdominal, sin que pudieran demostrarse las estructuras que se advirtieron en la resonancia magnética. CONCLUSIONES: Las imágenes en espejo se han reportado en ultrasonidos de diversas localizaciones pero pocos en la Obstetricia. Todo hizo suponer que la superficie reflectora fue la estructura hipoecoica retrouterina observada, transitoriamente, en la resonancia magnética.

Abstract BACKGROUND: In obstetrics, ultrasonic artifactual mirror images are infrequent, but potentially dangerous since they can be mistakenly interpreted as heterotopic pregnancies, precluding diagnostic errors and iatrogenic interventions. These images require a reflection surface such as dilated bowl or plenty bladder to be generated. OBJECTIVE: We report a first trimester scan ghost twin, diagnosed since first trimester of pregnancy. CLINICAL CASE: 39-year-old patient, with pregnancy due to in vitro fertilization, who attends ultrasound evaluation of the first trimester. Routine ultrasound at 11 weeks showed a mirror image and magnetic resonance imaging: a pregnant uterus with a hypoechoic retrouterine structure, with no fetus inside. The ultrasound mirror image reproduced again in the third trimester. The pregnancy came to an end and ended by abdominal route, without being able to demonstrate the structures that were noticed on the MRI. CONCLUSION: Very few reports of obstetric ultrasound mirror images have been reported. We hypothesize that the transient retrouterine hypoecogenic structure observed by MRI was the reflective surface that create the ghost twin image.

Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-54066


Although recently the incidence of heterotopic pregnancies are increasing because of assisted reproduction, heterotopyic pregnancies were rare with an incidence of 1 per 30,000 pregnancies. In this presentation, we describe a case of combined intrauterine and cervical pregnancy after artificial abortion. The patient was treated by local injection of methotrexate directly into gestational sac under the guidance of sonogram after systemic methotrexate treatment. The gestational products were removed by dilatation & currettage due to persistent vaginal bleeding on the next day. So we report a case with a brief review of the literatures.

Humains , Grossesse , Dilatation , Sac gestationnel , Incidence , Méthotrexate , Grossesse hétérotopique , Reproduction , Hémorragie utérine
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