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Gamme d'année
Article de Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-178049


Background: The behavior of oral health providers toward their own oral health reflects their understanding of the importance of preventive dental procedures and of improving the oral health of their target population. Aim: This study was done with an aim to assess the relationship between oral health behavior, oral hygiene and gingival status of third and final year dental students from a Dental College in Indore City, India. Methods: A total of 137 dental students participated in the study. The students were invited to complete the Hiroshima University‑Dental Behavioral Inventory (HU‑DBI) questionnaire. The HU‑DBI questionnaire consisted of twenty polar responses (agree/disagree) regarding oral health‑related behavior. In addition, two further questions about the frequency of brushing and flossing were included. Subsequently, oral health examination was conducted to assess plaque and gingival status. Data were analyzed using Chi‑square test, Independent sample t‑test, and Pearson’s correlation. The significance level was set at P ≤ 0.05. Result: The results showed that about 66.6% of the students checked their teeth in the mirror after brushing. Only 20.1% of the students reported bleeding from gums. The mean oral heath behavior score (HU‑DBI) was 6.47 ± 2.0. A negative correlation of HU‑DBI scores with plaque (r = −0.501) and gingival scores (r = −0.580) was observed. Conclusion: Thus, it is concluded that there is a significant relationship between the oral health behavior, oral hygiene, and gingival status of dental students. Dental students with better self‑reported oral health behavior had lower plaque and gingival scores indicating a better attitude toward oral health.

Med. UIS ; 25(3): 178-186, sept.-dic. 2012. ilus, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-686137


La presión científica alimentada por los diversos intereses geopolíticos de la primera mitad del siglo XX, fue sin duda el motor de impulso necesario para la investigación y el desarrollo de la tecnología nuclear. Una vez superada la crisis desencadenada por la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el conocimiento obtenido sobre los generadores atómicos aplicados a las necesidades civiles, no demoro en consolidar la energía nuclear como una opción futurista a la previsible escasez mundial de combustible. Es por eso, que el átomo se presento como una carta maestra para la seguridad, energía, economía, desarrollo y el cuidado ambiental. Sin embargo, pese a los controles para limitar su desarrollo como elemento militar, esta “panacea” no carece de generar dudas sobre su costo/beneficio. La historia relata algunos acontecimientos relacionados con dichos generadores, que han causado daños irreparables de manera inmediata y a largo plazo en el medio ambiente y en las poblaciones aledañas a aquellas estructuras. En el siguiente informe, se elabora una recopilación sobre el historial de eventos relacionados con el desarrollo de tecnología atómica, así como de la situación mundial de la energía nuclear...

Research and development of nuclear technology were done by a science under pressure of the geopolitical interests in the first half of the 20th century. Once the crisis triggered by the World War II passed, the knowledge gained about atomic generators applied to civilian needs, was able to quickly consolidate nuclear energy as a futuristic option for the global fuel shortage. At the same time, the atom was presented as a trump card for security, energetic, economic, and environmental development. However, despite the controls to limit its expansion as a military weapon, this “panacea” does not lack of doubts its costs versus its benefits. History can tell some events related to these generators, which have caused irreparable damage in their surrounding environment and nearby towns immediately and in a long term. In the following report, a review if the history of events related to the development of nuclear technology is made, as well as the overall situation of nuclear power worldwide...

Histoire , Énergie nucléaire , Technologie
Ide (São Paulo) ; 35(54): 29-38, jul. 2012.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-692725


Sobre a noção mítica de Caos se formulam e se analisam três questões, a saber, 1) em que e 2) por que 3) o que se lê no livro O universo, os deuses, os homens de Jean-Pierre Vernant se distingue e difere do que se pode ler no texto da Teogonia de Hesíodo?.

On the mythical notion of Khaos, we can ask three questions: 1) in which and 2) why 3) what can be read in the book L’univers, les dieux, les hommes by Jean-Pierre Vernant is distinct and different from what can be read in Hesiod’s Theogony?.

Pensée (activité mentale) , Monde grec , Guerre/psychologie