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Article | IMSEAR | ID: sea-218054


Background: Proper understanding of concepts of physiology forms basis of good clinical practice. To make the lectures in physiology more interesting and understanding, one has to review the teaching methods at regular intervals. Aims and Objectives: This study is designed to get feedback regarding teaching methods in physiology from MBBS students of Government Medical College, Kozhikode, to make teaching more effective. Materials and Methods: Two hundred randomly selected students who successfully completed 1st-year MBBS are included in the study group. The standard questionnaire is shared to study group through Google forms and adequate time is given to record their responses. Descriptive statistics are used. Frequency is expressed in percentage. Results: Most of students prefer interactive teaching methodologies such as group discussion as their preferred mode of learning rather than conventional didactic lectures in whole batch. Students also like to have integration with other subjects and early clinical exposure to understand the concepts precisely. Conclusion: Teaching in small groups with proper integration and alignment with other subjects will make maximum results rather than the traditional teacher centered medical education. Periodic review of teaching methods is very much essential to make the subject more interesting.

Rev. gerenc. políticas salud ; 12(24): 114-129, ene.-jun. 2013.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-683062


Este artículo hace una revisión sistemática de la literatura, que aporta elementos para encontrarlas relaciones existentes entre: sistemas, modelos de salud y redes integradas de servicios desalud, con el propósito de evidenciar las condiciones externas que hacen posible la conformacióny la viabilidad de una red de salud. Lo anterior teniendo como premisa fundamental que ladisociación existente entre aseguramiento y prestación de servicios de salud puede ser la causade la fragmentación del sistema, dando como resultado problemas de integralidad y continuidadde la atención al usuario. En esta revisión se obtienen como resultados: que existe una relacióndirecta y en doble vía entre las redes integradas de servicios de salud y los sistemas y modelosde salud, la cual puede constituirse en un elemento atenuador de la problemática planteada; yademás, que el hospital debe adoptar un nuevo papel, como parte integral de la red.Palabras clave: integración vertical y horizontal, niveles de atención, sistemas fragmentados,organizaciones sanitarias integradas (OSI), hospitales...

This paper makes a systematic review of the literature, which provides elements to find therelationships between: systems, health models and integrated networks of health services, withthe purpose of showing the external conditions that make possible the creation and viability ofa healthcare network. This keeping always in mind that the dissociation between insurance anda healthcare provision of services may be the cause of the fragmentation of the system, resultingin problems of integrality and continuity on attention to user. In this review, we obtainedthe following results: that there is a direct relationship in double track between the integratednetworks of health services and the systems and models of health care , which can become anattenuating element of the problem raised, and also that the hospital must adopt a new role, asan integral part of the network...

Este artigo faz revisão sistemática da literatura que aporta elementos para encontrar as relaçõesexistentes entre: sistemas, modelos de saúde e redes integradas de serviços de saúde, com opropósito de evidenciar as condições externas que fazem possível a conformação e viabilidadede uma rede de saúde. Isto tendo como premissa fundamental que a dissociação existente entreseguridade e prestação de serviços de saúde pode ser a causa da fragmentação do sistema,resultando em problemas de integralidade e continuidade da atenção ao usuário. Nesta revisãoobtiveram-se como resultados: que existe relação direta e em mão dupla entre as redes integradasde serviços de saúde e os sistemas e modelos de saúde, a qual pode se constituir emelemento atenuador da problemática esboçada; além, do que o hospital deve adotar um novopapel, como parte integral da rede...

Prestation intégrée de soins de santé , Services de santé , Administration des services de santé , Systèmes de Santé , Administration hospitalière , Soins Hospitaliers
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-428412


Covered herein are the milestones and researches made on healthcare resources integration in China and abroad,focusing on characteristic horizontal and vertical integration of healthcare resources based on medical service value chain.It also analyzed influencing factors on healthcare resources integration,such as health insurance payment and informationization.With reference to global experiences,suggestions are made on the horizontal integration of the resources,in terms of governance,operation mechanism,health insurance payment,informationization and discipline development.

Medical Education ; : 185-188, 1998.
Article Dans Japonais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-369611


Medical ethics was traditionally not taught as a part of the formal medical curriculum. However, medical ethics has become a common feature of medical education in some Western countries because of the increased interest in bioethics since the 1970's. A growing number of Japanese medical schools are now teaching medical ethics in independent courses, therefore, the establishment of integrated teaching programs will become an important issue. The concept of vertical and horizontal integration, a recommended feature of medical ethics programs in the West, should also be applicable in Japan. Strategies are discussed regarding: 1) biological education and health education at junior and senior high schools; 2) liberal arts education for medical students; 3) clinical education; 4) postgraduate education and reeducation for medical teachers; and required core organization.

Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-184623


The term 'curriculum' refers of a series of planned activities which are intended to bring about specific learning outcomes in the students. Subject-centred curriculum, integrated curriculum, competency-based curriculum and problem-oriented curriculum are employed in medical schools. Among them, the subject-centred curriculum is the most widespread model for medical education. When the subject-centred curriculum is discussed, large doses of scientific fact ad theory and isolated fragments of knowledge and information, together with instruction, are provided through discrete courses and independent medical disciplines that cover such classical subjects as anatomy, physiology, internal medicine and surgery. The emphasis is on learning the disciplines rather than their application to the practice of medicine. Faculty and students began to question the relevance of content and meaningful learning. As knowledge grew, it became impossible for the body of medical knowledge to be contained within one discipline. These factors led to a demand for the integrated medical curriculum. Integration is the combining of different parts to from a whole, which is meaningful. To integrate is to make whole or complete by the organization and bringing together of separate parts. In terms of curriculum development, the term 'integration' usually relates to the organization and teaching of subject matter in the form of horizontal integration or vertical integration in order to achieve meaningful and relevant experiences for the learner. The integrated curriculum attempts to fuse independent disciplines into a more unified whole. It is recommended that the innovative curriculum such as integrated curriculum or problem-oriented curriculum should be adopted to renovate the existing conventional discipline-based curriculum in established medical schools.

Humains , Programme d'études , Enseignement médical , Médecine interne , Apprentissage , Physiologie , Écoles de médecine
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