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Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(3): 329-334, Ago. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1570398


El parto humanizado es un modelo de atención que considera el respeto a las opiniones y necesidades de las mujeres y sus familias, e incluye la atención durante el embarazo, parto, puerperio y, por supuesto, la atención del recién nacido. En Venezuela, existe legislación suficiente que respalda la atención del parto humanizado o respetado, sin embargo, la misma no es conocida por gran parte del personal de salud involucrado en la atención obstétrica. Es necesario que tal legislación se conozca ampliamente y se aplique. La presente revisión se realizó con la intención de revisar los fundamentos legales que respaldan la atención del parto respetado(AU)

Humanized childbirth is a model of care that considers respect for the opinions and needs of women and their families, and includes care during pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium and, of course, newborn care. In Venezuela, there is sufficient legislation that supports humanized or respected childbirth care, however, it is not known by a large part of the health personnel involved in obstetric care. Such legislation needs to be widely known and implemented. This review was conducted with the intention of reviewing the legal foundations that support respected childbirth care(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Personnel de santé , Accouchement Humanisé , Lois Adoptées , Femmes enceintes , Travail obstétrical , Hôpitaux , Jurisprudence
Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(3): 316-328, Ago. 2024.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1570397


Actualmente, en la mayoría de los países, el parto se ha transformado en una práctica patológica requiriendo un seguimiento institucionalizado y conllevando acciones de violencia obstétrica sobre la mujer. El parto humanizado es un modelo de atención que considera las opiniones, necesidades y valoraciones emocionales de las mujeres y sus familias en los procesos de atención del embarazo, parto y puerperio. En el presente se describe el parto humanizado, historia, importancia, recomendaciones y beneficios para la familia gestante, así como la violencia obstétrica, priorizando la humanización y creando condiciones para que se cumplan las dimensiones espirituales, psicológicas y biológicas del ser humano. Se seleccionaron 12 artículos de investigación, siendo el español el idioma de mayor publicación. El modelo de parto humanizado incluye todo el proceso, desde el embarazo hasta el puerperio tardío, genera un impacto muy importante en el recién nacido y su desarrollo futuro(AU)

Currently, in most countries, childbirth has become a pathological practice, requiring institutionalized followup and leading to actions of obstetric violence against women. Humanized childbirth is a model of care that considers the opinions, needs and emotional evaluations of women and their families in the processes of pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium care. This paper describes humanized childbirth, history, importance, recommendations and benefits for the pregnant family, as well as obstetric violence, prioritizing humanization and creating conditions for the spiritual, psychological and biological dimensions of the human being to be fulfilled. 12 research articles were selected, with Spanish being the language with the most publications. The humanized birth model includes the entire process, from pregnancy to the late puerperium, it generates a very important impact on the newborn and its future development(AU)

Humains , Femelle , Travail obstétrical , Personnel de santé , Accouchement Humanisé , Violence Obstétricale , Grossesse , Santé des femmes , Obstétrique
Cad. Ibero-Am. Direito Sanit. (Online) ; 13(2): 41-61, abr.-jun.2024.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560934


Objetivo: analisar o impacto da ausência de legislação federal e normativas na mitigação da violência obstétrica no Brasil, por meio de uma análise crítica, com ênfase na regulação legal. Metodologia: inicialmente, realizou-se uma revisão narrativa de abordagem qualiquantitativa e exploratória-descritiva nas bases de dados da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e da Scientific Electronic Library Online, no período entre 2018 e 2023. Os artigos foram selecionados utilizando descritores do Medical Subject Headings, como "obstetric violence" e "violence against women", combinados através do operador booleano "AND". Posteriormente, foi conduzida uma pesquisa documental buscando consultar a legislação estadual vigente no Brasil e identificar possíveis lacunas. Resultados: Identificou-se uma lacuna considerável em relação à violência obstétrica e à conscientização limitada sobre os direitos à autonomia das mulheres, que são preocupações evidentes. Em relação às legislações estaduais analisadas, 14 fazem menção à "violência obstétrica" e 8 abordam a "humanização do parto". Dessas, 19 têm caráter informativo, 28 são preventivas e 2 são punitivas. Considerações Finais: A ausência de consenso na definição da violência obstétrica e a escassa capacitação dos profissionais de saúde resultam em práticas obsoletas. A elevada taxa de cesarianas desnecessárias e a carência de estudos sobre mulheres quilombolas e indígenas são preocupantes. No âmbito jurídico, a falta de compreensão por parte dos magistrados e a fragmentação das legislações estaduais representam desafios significativos. Torna-se crucial adotar uma abordagem multidisciplinar e políticas públicas claras para prevenir essa violência e assegurar uma assistência ao parto segura e centrada nas necessidades das mulheres.

Objective: To analyze the impact of the absence of federal legislation and regulations on the mitigation of obstetric violence in Brazil through a critical analysis, with emphasis on legal regulation. Methodology: Initially, a narrative review with a qualiquantitative and exploratory-descriptive approach was conducted on the databases of the Virtual Health Library and the Scientific Electronic Library Online, between 2018 and 2023. Articles were selected using Medical Subject Headings descriptors such as "obstetric violence" and "violence against women", combined with the boolean operator "AND". Subsequently, a documentary search was conducted to consult the current state legislation in Brazil and identify possible gaps. Results: A considerable gap was identified regarding obstetric violence and limited awareness of women's autonomy rights, which are evident concerns. Regarding the analyzed state laws, 14 mention "obstetric violence" and 8 address "humanization of childbirth". Of these, 19 are informative, 28 are preventive, and 2 are punitive. Final Considerations: The lack of consensus in defining obstetric violence and the scarce training of healthcare professionals result in obsolete practices. The high rate of unnecessary cesarean sections and the lack of studies on quilombola and indigenous women are concerning. In the legal sphere, the lack of understanding by judges and the fragmentation of state legislation represent significant challenges. It is crucial to adopt a multidisciplinary approach and clear public policies to prevent this violence and ensure safe and woman-centered childbirth care.

Objetivo: Analizar el impacto de la ausencia de legislación federal y normativas en la mitigación de la violencia obstétrica en Brasil mediante un análisis crítico, con énfasis en la regulación legal. Metodología: Inicialmente, se realizó una revisión narrativa con enfoque cualicuantitativo y exploratorio-descriptivo en las bases de datos de la Biblioteca Virtual en Salud y la Scientific Electronic Library Online, entre 2018 y 2023. Se seleccionaron artículos utilizando descriptores del Medical Subject Headings como "obstetric violence" y "violence against women", combinados con el operador booleano "AND". Posteriormente, se realizó una búsqueda documental para consultar la legislación estatal vigente en Brasil e identificar posibles lagunas. Resultados: Se identificó una brecha considerable en relación con la violencia obstétrica y la conciencia limitada de los derechos de autonomía de las mujeres, que son preocupaciones evidentes. En cuanto a las leyes estatales analizadas, 14 mencionan "violencia obstétrica" y 8 abordan la "humanización del parto". De estas, 19 son informativas, 28 son preventivas y 2 son punitivas. Consideraciones Finales: La falta de consenso en la definición de la violencia obstétrica y la escasa formación de los profesionales de la salud resultan en prácticas obsoletas. La alta tasa de cesáreas innecesarias y la falta de estudios sobre mujeres quilombolas e indígenas son preocupantes. En el ámbito legal, la falta de comprensión por parte de los jueces y la fragmentación de la legislación estatal representan desafíos significativos. Es crucial adoptar un enfoque multidisciplinario y políticas públicas claras para prevenir esta violencia y garantizar una atención al parto segura y centrada en las necesidades de las mujeres.

Droit Sanitaire
Article de Espagnol , Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555357


OBJETIVO: Compreender experiência de grupo orientado pela Abordagem Centrada na Pessoa (ACP) com mulheres que vivenciam o ciclo gravídico puerperal, no contexto do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). MÉTODO: Pesquisa qualitativa, de inspiração fenomenológica, e utilização do referencial da ACP como norteador do estudo. As informações foram coletadas por meio de grupo, em quatro encontros presenciais nos meses de maio e junho de 2022, utilizando-se dos instrumentos Versão de Sentido (VS's) e Entrevista Fenomenológica (EF), sendo as informações organizadas em Eixos de Sentido e compreendidas a partir das premissas da ACP em diálogo com estudos vinculados às temáticas emergidas. RESULTADOS E DISCUSSÃO: Os Eixos elaborados a partir das VS's evidenciaram aspectos e tendências típicas do desenvolvimento de grupo fundamentado pela ACP; descreveram o grupo como espaço de acolhimento e liberdade experiencial, no qual se facilitou a expressão de vivências significativas relacionadas à gestação, parto e puerpério; apresentaram, ainda, o sentido de que a experiência grupal constituiu-se como promotora de trocas e apoio mútuo, de desenvolvimento e aprendizagens significativas. Os Eixos formulados com base na EF revelaram que as mulheres compreenderam a participação no grupo como uma experiência positiva, que propiciou cuidado aos aspectos emocionais, impulsionando autoconhecimento e desenvolvimento; e facilitadora de mudanças construtivas na vivência da maternidade. CONCLUSÃO: O estudo demonstrou a viabilidade de grupo centrado na assistência integral à saúde da mulher no período gravídico puerperal, e as convergências entre os princípios da ACP e os que orientam a prática na assistência do SUS.

OBJECTIVE: Understanding the group guided by the Person-Centered Approach (PCA) with women who experience the pregnancypuerperal cycle, in the Sistema Único de Saúde ­ SUS (Brazilian National Health System) context. METHOD: Qualitative research of phenomenological inspiration using the PCA framework as a guide for the study. Information was collected through groups, in four face-to-face meetings between May and June 2022, using the Sense's Version (SV's) and Phenomenological Interview (PI), with the information organized in Sense Axes and understood from the premises of the PCA in dialogue with studies linked to emerging themes. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The Axes created from the SV's showed aspects and tendencies which are typical of the development of a group based on the PCA; described the group as a welcoming space and experiential freedom, in which the expression of significant experiences related to pregnancy, childbirth and puerperium was facilitated; they also presented, the sense that the group experience was constituted as a promoter of exchanges and mutual support, of development and significant learning. The Axes formulated based on the PI, revealed that the women understood participation in the group as a positive experience, which provided care for emotional aspects, boosting self-knowledge and development; and a facilitator of constructive changes in the experience of motherhood. CONCLUSION: The study demonstrated the viability of a group centered on comprehensive care for women's health in the pregnancy-puerperal period between the PCA principles and those that guide the SUS care practice.

OBJETIVO: Comprender la experiencia de grupo orientado por el Enfoque Centrado en la Persona (ACP) con mujeres que vivenciaron el ciclo de embarazo puerperal, en el contexto del Sistema Único de Saúde ­ SUS (Sistema Único de Salud). MÉTODO: Pesquisa cualitativa de inspiración fenomenológica e utilización del referencial de la ACP como guía de estudio. Las informaciones fueron colectadas por medio de un grupo, en cuatro encuentros presenciales en los meses de mayo y junio del 2022, utilizando-se de los instrumentos Versiones del Sentido (VS's) e Entrevista Fenomenológica (EF), siendo las informaciones organizadas en Ejes del Sentido y comprendidas a partir de las premisas de la ACP en dialogo con estudios vinculados a las temáticas emergidas. RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIONES: Los Ejes elaborados a partir de las VS's evidenciaron aspectos y tendencias típicas del desarrollo del grupo fundamentado por la ACP, describieron el grupo como espacio de acogimiento y libertad experimental en lo cual se facilitó expresar las vivencias significativas relacionadas a la gestación, el parto y el puerperio, presentaron todavía, el sentido de que la experiencia grupal e constituyó como promotora de cambios y apoyos mutuos, de desarrollo y aprendizajes significativos. Los Ejes formulados con base en la EF, revelaron que las mujeres comprendieron la participación en el grupo como una experiencia positiva que les proporcionó cuidados a los aspectos emocionales aumentando el autoconocimiento y desarrollo; y facilitadora de cambios constructivos en la vivencia de la maternidad. CONCLUSIÓN: El estudio demostró la viabilidad del grupo enfocado en la asistencia integral a la salud de la mujer en el período del embarazo puerperal, y las convergencias entre los principios de la ACP y los que orientan la practica en la asistencia del SUS.

Accouchement Humanisé , Femmes , Système de Santé Unifié
Perinatol. reprod. hum ; 38(1): 1-6, ene.-mar. 2024. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569376


Resumen Antecedentes: Múltiples estudios en Latinoamérica revelan que un gran número de pacientes ginecológicas sufren de violencia obstétrica en la atención institucional, la cual es definida como la apropiación del cuerpo de las mujeres por parte del personal de salud, aumentando las cifras de morbimortalidad. Objetivo: Determinar la frecuencia de acciones indirectas que representan violencia obstétrica, en un grupo de pacientes en el puerperio inmediato en hospitales rurales de la zona Nahua-Mixteca de los Estados de Puebla y Guerrero. Método: Estudio prospectivo y descriptivo realizado del 1 de enero al 30 de agosto del 2019 en el que se investigó la ocurrencia de violencia obstétrica en 296 pacientes atendidas durante el puerperio inmediato. Las variables sociodemográficas, procedimientos médicos durante el trabajo de parto, iniciativa de parto amigable y el alumbramiento fueron investigados en el expediente clínico. Resultados: La agresión verbal fue documentada en el 14.1% del grupo, siendo el médico el agresor más frecuente, seguido del personal de enfermería, sin embargo se documentó también la agresión por parte de otro tipo de personal. En un 13.5% no hubo evidencia de empatía con las emociones del trabajo de parto. Conclusiones: Se demostró una frecuencia elevada de violencia obstétrica, una mejora parcial en la iniciativa de parto amigable y un elevado porcentaje de procedimientos obstétricos que conllevan riesgos para la mujer y el recién nacido.

Abstract Background: Multiple studies in Latin America reveal that a large number of gynecological patients suffer a kind of obstetric violence in institutional care, which is defined as the appropriation of women's bodies by health personnel, increasing morbidity and mortality rates. Objective: To determine the frequency of indirect actions that represent obstetric violence, in a group of patients in the immediate puerperium in rural hospitals in the Nahua-Mixtec area of the States of Puebla and Guerrero. Method: Prospective and descriptive study carried out from January 1 to August 30, 2019, in which the occurrence of obstetric violence was investigated in 296 patients treated during the immediate postpartum period. Sociodemographic variables, medical procedures during labor, friendly labor initiative, and delivery were investigated in the clinical record. Results: Verbal aggression was documented in 14.1% of the group, with the doctor being the most frequent aggressor, followed by nursing staff; however, aggression by other types of personnel was also documented. In 13.5% there was no evidence of empathy with the emotions of labor. Conclusions: A high frequency of obstetric violence was demonstrated, a partial improvement in the friendly delivery initiative and a high percentage of obstetric procedures that carry risks for the woman and the newborn.

Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 46: e, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559546


Abstract Objective: To evaluate whether the continuous support provided by doulas influences the endogenous release of serotonin in parturients. Methods: This pilot study included 24 primigravidae at term. Of these, 12 women received continuous doula support (Experimental Group), whereas the other 12 received the usual assistance without doula support (Control Group). Blood samples were collected from all the women at the active and expulsion stages of labor and at the fourth period of labor (Greenberg period) for evaluation of their serotonin levels using high-performance liquid chromatography. Results: The average serotonin concentrations in the control and experimental groups were respectively 159.33 and 150.02 ng/mL at the active stage, 179.13 and 162.65 ng/mL at the expulsion stage, and 198.94 and 221.21 ng/mL at the Greenberg period. There were no statistically significant differences in serotonin concentrations between the two groups at the active and expulsion stages of labor. By contrast, within the experimental group, a significant increase in serotonin concentration was observed in the Greenberg period compared with the levels in the active and expulsion stages (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The novelty of this study relies on the ability to correlate the influence of the continuous support offered by doulas with the release of serotonin in parturients, with the results suggesting that the assistance received during labor can modulate the levels of hormone release in the Greenberg period. Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials: RBR-4zjjm4h

São Paulo med. j ; 142(5): e2023102, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560556


ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Until recently, the treatment of people with hemophilia A and inhibitors (PwHAi) was based on the use of bypassing agents (BPA). However, the advent of emicizumab as prophylaxis has demonstrated promising results. OBJECTIVES: We aimed to compare the bleeding endpoints between PwHAi on BPA and those on emicizumab prophylaxis. DESIGN AND SETTING: Systematic review of interventions and meta-analysis conducted at the Universidade Federal de Goiás, Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil. METHODS: The CENTRAL, MEDLINE, Scopus, and LILACS databases were searched on February 21, 2023. Two authors conducted the literature search, publication selection, and data extraction. The selected publications evaluated the bleeding endpoints between PwHAi on emicizumab prophylaxis and those on BPA prophylaxis. The risk of bias was evaluated according to the Joanna Briggs Institute criteria. A meta-analysis was performed to determine the annualized bleeding rate (ABR) for treated bleeds. RESULTS: Five publications (56 PwHAi) were selected from the 543 retrieved records. Overall, bleeding endpoints were lower during emicizumab prophylaxis than during BPA prophylaxis. All the publications had at least one risk of bias. The only common parameter for the meta-analysis was the ABR for treated bleeds. During emicizumab prophylaxis, the ABR for treated bleeds was lower than during BPA prophylaxis (standard mean difference: −1.58; 95% confidence interval −2.50, −0.66, P = 0.0008; I2 = 68.4%, P = 0.0031). CONCLUSION: Emicizumab was superior to BPA in bleeding prophylaxis in PwHAi. However, both the small population size and potential risk of bias should be considered when evaluating these results. SYSTEMATIC REVIEW REGISTRATION: CRD42021278726,

Rev. bras. educ. méd ; 48(1): e006, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535554


Resumo: Introdução: A graduação no curso de Medicina se dá por meio de uma formação teórico-prática que tem nos hospitais universitários o seu principal cenário de práticas. Nas consultas que envolvem questões da intimidade do paciente, o constrangimento é uma possibilidade. Isso pode comprometer a qualidade da assistência e/ou da formação médica. Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar os aspectos psicoafetivos da consulta ginecológica, a partir da percepção das pacientes, de modo a encontrar elementos que possam favorecer a adequação da formação médica à humanização do atendimento. Método: Trata-se de um estudo observacional, transversal, de abordagem qualitativa, realizado no ambulatório de ginecologia de um hospital universitário. Foram incluídas as usuárias do ambulatório que estavam na sala de espera para atendimento ginecológico, configurando-se como uma amostra por acessibilidade. A coleta de dados se deu entre os meses de fevereiro e agosto de 2021, por meio de uma entrevista semiestruturada com perguntas norteadoras previamente elaboradas. Realizaram-se 50 entrevistas, cujos discursos foram posteriormente transcritos e analisados pelo software IRaMuTeQ. Resultado: Sob a perspectiva das pacientes, o momento da consulta ginecológica envolve duas esferas de interesse principais: a assistência médico-ginecológica dada a elas e o ensino-aprendizado destinado aos estudantes. A partir dessa divisão, emergem duas perspectivas: aquela que parte da demanda pessoal, e a que considera o interesse do outro (o estudante). Nos discursos sobre a assistência ginecológica, as falas concentram o olhar para si, para o constrangimento vivenciado durante a assistência. Já nos discursos sobre o ensino e a aprendizagem dos estudantes, as falas referem-se, em sua maioria, ao reconhecimento da importância da prática clínica na formação médica. Dessa forma, ocorre uma intersecção entre "a assistência fornecida a mim" e o "processo de ensino-aprendizagem do outro". O constrangimento das pacientes parece ser superado em favor de um objetivo maior: contribuir para a formação de futuros médicos. Conclusão: Apesar do constrangimento experimentado na consulta ginecológica em ambiente acadêmico, a compreensão das usuárias acerca da sua contribuição para a formação médica promove um posicionamento colaborativo, revelando-se como elemento facilitador da assistência nesse cenário. Foi revelada também uma atenuação do constrangimento proporcional à experiência da mulher nesse tipo de atendimento.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Undergraduate medical training involves both theoretical and practical learnings, with university hospitals being the main practice setting. In consultations involving issues of patient intimacy, embarrassment is a possibility. This may compromise the quality of care and/or medical training. Objective: The objective of this study was to investigate the psycho-affective aspects of gynecological consultation, based on the patients' perceptions, in order to find elements to help shape medical education toward humanized care. Method: This is an observational, cross-sectional, qualitative study, carried out in the gynecology outpatient clinic of a university hospital. Outpatient users who were in the waiting room for gynecological care were included, representing a sample for accessibility. Data collection took place between the months of February and August 2021 through a semi-structured interview with previously prepared guiding questions. A total of 50 interviews were conducted, which were later transcribed and analyzed by the IRaMuTeQ software. Result: From the perspective of the patients, the gynecological consultation involves two main spheres of interest: the medical-gynaecological assistance given to them and the teaching-learning aimed at students. Within this division, two perspectives emerge: firstly, that which draws on the personal demand and, secondly, that which considers the interest of the other (the student). In the discourses on medical- gynecological assistance, the speakers focus on themselves, on the embarrassment experienced during the assistance. In the discourses on the teaching and learning of the students, the speakers primarily focus on the importance of clinical practice in medical training. Thus, there is an intersection between "the care provided to me" and the "other's teaching-learning process". The patient's embarrassment seems to be overcome in favour of a greater goal: to contribute to the training of future doctors. Conclusion: Despite the embarrassment experienced in gynecological consultation in an academic environment, the users' understanding of their contribution to medical education promotes a collaborative attitude, which is found to facilitate care in this scenario. The attenuation of the embarrassment was also found to be proportional to the experience of the woman in this type of care.

Texto & contexto enferm ; 33: e20230250, 2024. tab, graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1565929


ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of an educational manual on the support provided by companions during the labor process in an obstetric center. Method: a Randomized Clinical Trial conducted with 248 participants, comprising 124 companions and 124 puerperal women. The study took place between November 2018 and October 2019 at an obstetric center in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. The Companion Characterization Form, the Support Evaluation Form, and the Postpartum Woman's Labor Experience and Satisfaction Evaluation Form were used. The data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences statistical program. Chi-square and Fisher tests were employed, as well as the Mann-Whitney test. The Relative Risk (RR) and the 95% Confidence Interval (CI) were calculated for the main dependent variables. Results: it was evident that the companions from the Intervention Group were more likely to engage in physical, emotional, informational and advocacy/intermediation support actions, with a statistically significant difference observed in all support dimensions when comparing both groups. The companions from the Intervention Group performed more support actions (20 vs 6; p:0.001) and rated the experience of accompanying the birth more favorably (100.0 vs 74.2; p:0.001). It was identified that the puerperal women accompanied by participants from the Intervention Group were more likely to express satisfaction with how the labor process took place. Conclusion: the intervention applied in the maternity unit using an educational manual aimed at parturients' companions is effective and contributes to providing support during childbirth.

RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar la efectividad de un manual educativo en el apoyo proporcionado por acompañantes durante el proceso de parto en un centro obstétrico. Método: Ensayo Clínico Aleatorizado realizado con 248 participantes: 124 acompañantes y 124 puérperas. El estudio se llevó a cabo entre noviembre de 2018 y octubre de 2019 en un centro obstétrico de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. Se utilizó un Formulario de caracterización del acompañante; un Formulario para evaluar el apoyo proporcionado y un Formulario para evaluar la experiencia y satisfacción de las puérperas con el trabajo de parto. Los datos se analizaron en el programa estadístico Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Se emplearon las pruebas de chi-cuadrado y Fisher y la de Mann-Whitney. Se calculó el Riesgo Relativo (RR) y el Intervalo de Confianza (IC) del 95% para las principales variables dependientes Resultados: se evidenció que los acompañantes del Grupo Intervención fueron más propensos a desarrollar acciones de apoyo físico, emocional, informativo y de soporte/intermediación, verificándose una diferencia estadística significativa en todas las dimensiones de apoyo al comparar ambos grupos. Los acompañantes del Grupo Intervención realizaron más acciones de apoyo (20 vs 6; p:0,001) y evaluaron de mejor manera la experiencia de estar presentes en el parto (100,0 vs 74,2; p:0,001). Se determinó que las puérperas acompañadas por participantes del Grupo Intervención fueron más propensas a mostrarse satisfechas con la forma en la que se desarrolló el trabajo de parto. Conclusión: la intervención que se aplicó en la maternidad empleando el manual educativo y direccionada a acompañantes de parturientas es efectiva y ayuda a proporcionar apoyo durante el parto.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a efetividade de um manual educativo no apoio prestado por acompanhantes durante o processo parturitivo em um centro obstétrico. Método: Ensaio Clínico Randomizado realizado com 248 participantes, sendo 124 acompanhantes e 124 puérperas. O estudo foi realizado em centro obstétrico em Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil, entre os meses de novembro de 2018 a outubro de 2019. Utilizou-se o Formulário de caracterização do acompanhante; Formulário de avaliação do apoio prestado; e Formulário de avaliação da experiência e satisfação da puérpera com o trabalho de parto. Os dados foram analisados no programa estatístico Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Foram utilizados os testes qui-quadrado e Fisher e o teste de Mann-Whitney. O Risco Relativo (RR) e o Intervalo de Confiança (IC) de 95% foram calculados para as principais variáveis dependentes Resultados: Evidenciou-se que acompanhantes do grupo intervenção tiveram mais probabilidade de desenvolver ações de apoio físico, emocional, informacional e advocacia/intermediação, verificando-se diferença estatística significativa em todas as dimensões de apoio quando comparados os dois grupos. Acompanhantes do grupo intervenção realizaram um maior número de ações de apoio (20 vs 6; p:0,001) e melhor avaliaram a experiência de acompanhar o parto (100,0 vs 74,2; p:0,001). Identificou-se que puérperas acompanhadas por participantes do grupo intervenção foram mais propícias a demonstrar satisfação com a forma como ocorreu o trabalho de parto. Conclusão: A intervenção aplicada na maternidade com uso de manual educativo direcionada a acompanhantes de parturientes é efetiva e contribui para a prestação de apoio durante o parto.

Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 31(3): 89-92, 10-jul-2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1518850


El propósito del presente texto es repensar la formación y la práctica especializada de enfermería desde la óptica de las ciencias humanas que estudian la subjetividad y que encuentran su sentido científico más allá del saber disciplinar. Se trata de distinguir con claridad entre las ciencias de la naturaleza y las ciencias del espíritu a partir de la óptica unitaria del ser humano. Esto debido a la creciente percepción de deshumanización y tecnificación de la práctica del cuidado de enfermería vinculada a la formación especializada para el manejo de determinados procedimientos y aparatos que parcelan el conocimiento y desvían la perspectiva y el enfoque disciplinar. Por lo tanto, pensar en cómo se puede comprender mejor el fenómeno de la salud y la enfermedad humanas desde la formación y la práctica de enfermería tiene la posibilidad de reconsiderar el perfil académico de formación básica y especializada de enfermería, congruentemente articulados los saberes de una enfermería contemporánea con los sentires y los saberes de las personas que cuidan con las otras personas a las que se cuida.

The purpose of this text is to rethink specialized nursing training and practice from the perspective of the human sciences that study subjectivity and find its scientific meaning beyond disciplinary knowledge. It is about clearly distinguishing between the sciences of nature and the sciences of the spirit from the unitary perspective of the human being. This is due to the growing perception of dehumanization and technification of nursing care practice linked to specialized training for the management of certain procedures and devices that fragment knowledge and divert the disciplinary perspective and approach. Thus, thinking about how the phenomenon of human health and disease can be better understood from nursing training and practice has the possibility of reconsidering the academic profile of basic and specialized nursing training, coherently articulated the knowledge of contemporary nursing with the feelings and knowledge of the people who care for with the other people who are cared for.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Formation continue infirmier/éthique , Infirmières et infirmiers/tendances , Soins/méthodes , Vision du Monde
Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 25(2)jun. 2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565526


La maternidad es un proceso complejo que se encuentra determinado por factores objetivos y subjetivos. A pesar de ser inherente a todos los seres humanos se ve influenciado por elementos culturales que determinan, en buena medida la conducta de la población para con la maternidad. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue exponer los elementos relacionados con la denominación del parto culturalmente adecuado desde la perspectiva de enfermería basado en un enfoque contemporáneo de la maternidad, atendiendo a las particularidades de la paciente reumática. Se realizó un análisis global de las características básicas y distintivas de la maternidad en distintos continentes, basado en la perspectiva de la atención de enfermería, para ser comparado con el proceso que se desarrolla actualmente en el Ecuador; adicionalmente se prestó atención a los elementos distintivos de la atención en pacientes reumáticas. Los resultados muestran las diferencias existentes en un mismo proceso y evidencian como los elementos culturales son capaces de influenciar el desarrollo y la atención de la maternidad en Ecuador. Se concluye que existen particularidades en Ecuador que son distintivas en la atención de enfermería durante la maternidad; estas se ven influenciadas por las costumbres regionales, pero conservan su identidad evidenciando el papel que juega la interculturalidad en cada uno de los momentos trascendentales de los seres humanos.

Maternity is a complex process that is determined by objective and subjective factors. Despite being inherent to all human beings, it is influenced by cultural elements that largely determine the behavior of the population towards motherhood. The objective of this research was to expose the elements related to the culturally appropriate name of childbirth from the nursing perspective based on a contemporary approach to motherhood, taking into account the particularities of the rheumatic patient. A global analysis of the basic and distinctive characteristics of maternity in different continents was carried out, based on the perspective of nursing care, to be compared with the process currently taking place in Ecuador; Additionally, attention was paid to the distinctive elements of care in rheumatic patients. The results show the differences that exist in the same process and show how cultural elements are capable of influencing the development and care of maternity in Ecuador. It is concluded that there are particularities in Ecuador that are distinctive in nursing care during maternity; These are influenced by regional customs, but retain their identity, evidencing the role that interculturality plays in each of the transcendental moments of human beings.

Rev. cuba. reumatol ; 25(2)jun. 2023.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1565528


La interculturalidad, con base en las costumbres y creencias arraigadas, determina en buena medida el accionar d ellos seres humanos. Desde el punto de vista salubrista el accionar de enfermería responde al aporte de cuidados básicos y avanzados orientados al restablecimiento o mantenimiento del adecuado estado de salud de las personas. Durante el periodo de maternidad y el trabajo de parto los profesionales de enfermería juegan un papel fundamental no solo con la gestante, sino con el recién nacido, la familia y el contexto social que los rodea. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue interpretar la praxis cultural de la maternidad desde el punto de vista de la enfermería antropológica, basado en la opinión de personas en base a categorías previamente definidas y clasificadas como de mayor, mediana y poca frecuencia. Las categorías definidas como de mayor frecuencia fueron las creencias y costumbres, la familia, el trabajo de parto y los sistemas de salud. Como categorías de mediana frecuencia se definieron el calvario y dolor, las emociones y sentimiento y las prácticas pos parto. Por último, fueron definidas el embarazo y la religión como categorías de poca frecuencia. Se hace una interpretación de como las costumbres se incorporan dentro de la praxis cotidiana, estableciéndose como una conducta arraigada; por lo que las teorías dejan de ser únicamente teorías para convertirse en una experiencia vivida, siendo este el principal resultado del estudio y posible punto de parida a otras investigaciones sobre el tema.

Interculturality, based on deeply rooted customs and beliefs, largely determines the actions of human beings. From the health point of view, nursing actions respond to the contribution of basic and advanced care aimed at restoring or maintaining the adequate state of health of people. During the maternity period and labor, nursing professionals play a fundamental role not only with the pregnant woman, but also with the newborn, the family, and the social context that surrounds them. The objective of this research was to interpret the cultural praxis of maternity from the point of view of anthropological nursing, based on the opinion of people based on previously defined categories and classified as higher, medium, and infrequent. The categories defined as the most frequent were beliefs and customs, family, labor and health systems. Ordeal and pain, emotions and feelings, and postpartum practices were defined as medium frequency categories. Lastly, pregnancy and religion were defined as infrequent categories. An interpretation of how customs are incorporated into daily praxis is made, establishing itself as a rooted behavior; Therefore, the theories are no longer just theories to become a lived experience, this being the main result of the study and a possible starting point for another research on the subject.

Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 26(296): 9312-9325, jan.2023.
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1437516


Objetivo: Identificar e conhecer a visão das parturientes em relação ao papel do enfermeiro no parto humanizado. Método:Pesquisa de campo qualiquantitativo de um município do interior do estado de São Paulo. Os dados quantitativos foram tabulados no Excel, e os qualitativos analisados pela temática de Minayo. Resultado: De acordo com os dados obtidos na pesquisa14,28% das participantes reportaram que houve ameaça, foram impossibilitadas de caminhar, procurar posições mais confortáveis e aplicação de episiotomia, a presença do acompanhante foi impossibilitada em 28,6% das participantes. Os toques vaginais por diferentes pessoas aconteceram em 57,14% das participantes, 35,71% relataram o encaminhamento do bebê para sala de procedimentos sem nenhuma justificativa considerável. Conclusão: O papel do enfermeiro é de grande importância para preparar a mulher antes, durante e após o trabalho de parto com orientações sobre os seus direitos,o enfermeiro deve estar preparado constantemente para atender a sua comunidade(AU)

Objective: To identify and understand the view of parturients in relation to the role of nurses in humanized childbirth. Method: Qualitative field research in a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Quantitative data were tabulated in Excel, and qualitative data analyzed by Minayo's theme. Result: According to the data obtained in the survey, 14.28% of the participants reported that there was a threat, they were unable to walk, look for more comfortable positions and apply an episiotomy, the presence of a companion was impossible in 28.6% of the participants. Vaginal touches by different people happened in 57.14% of the participants, 35.71% reported the baby being sent to the procedure room without any considerable justification. Conclusion: The role of nurses is of great importance to prepare women before, during and after labor with guidelines on their rights, nurses must be constantly prepared to serve their community.(AU)

Objetivo: Identificar y comprender la visión de las parturientas en relación al papel del enfermero en el parto humanizado. Método: Investigación cualitativa de campo en una ciudad del interior del estado de São Paulo. Los datos cuantitativos fueron tabulados en Excel y los datos cualitativos analizados por el tema de Minayo. Resultado: De acuerdo con los datos obtenidos en la encuesta, el 14,28% de los participantes reportaron que había amenaza, no podían caminar, buscar posiciones más cómodas y aplicar una episiotomía, la presencia de un acompañante era imposible en el 28,6% de los participantes. Los toques vaginales por diferentes personas ocurrieron en el 57,14% de las participantes, el 35,71% relató que el bebé fue enviado a la sala de procedimientos sin ninguna justificación considerable. Conclusión: El papel de las enfermeras es de gran importancia para preparar a las mujeres antes, durante y después del parto con lineamientos sobre sus derechos, las enfermeras deben estar constantemente preparadas para servir a su comunidad(AU)

Rôle de l'infirmier , Accouchement Humanisé , Femmes enceintes
Nursing (Ed. bras., Impr.) ; 26(296): 9312-9325, jan-2023.
Article de Anglais, Portugais | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1412715


Objetivo: Identificar e conhecer a visão das parturientes em relação ao papel do enfermeiro no parto humanizado. Método:Pesquisa de campo qualiquantitativo de um município do interior do estado de São Paulo. Os dados quantitativos foram tabulados no Excel, e os qualitativos analisados pela temática de Minayo. Resultado: De acordo com os dados obtidos na pesquisa14,28% das participantes reportaram que houve ameaça, foram impossibilitadas de caminhar, procurar posições mais confortáveis e aplicação de episiotomia, a presença do acompanhante foi impossibilitada em 28,6% das participantes. Os toques vaginais por diferentes pessoas aconteceram em 57,14% das participantes, 35,71% relataram o encaminhamento do bebê para sala de procedimentos sem nenhuma justificativa considerável. Conclusão: O papel do enfermeiro é de grande importância para preparar a mulher antes, durante e após o trabalho de parto com orientações sobre os seus direitos,o enfermeiro deve estar preparado constantemente para atender a sua comunidade.(AU)

Objective: To identify and understand the view of parturients in relation to the role of nurses in humanized childbirth. Method: Qualitative field research in a city in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Quantitative data were tabulated in Excel, and qualitative data analyzed by Minayo's theme. Result: According to the data obtained in the survey, 14.28% of the participants reported that there was a threat, they were unable to walk, look for more comfortable positions and apply an episiotomy, the presence of a companion was impossible in 28.6% of the participants. Vaginal touches by different people happened in 57.14% of the participants, 35.71% reported the baby being sent to the procedure room without any considerable justification. Conclusion: The role of nurses is of great importance to prepare women before, during and after labor with guidelines on their rights, nurses must be constantly prepared to serve their community.(AU)

Objetivo: Identificar y comprender la visión de las parturientas en relación al papel del enfermero en el parto humanizado. Método: Investigación cualitativa de campo en una ciudad del interior del estado de São Paulo. Los datos cuantitativos fueron tabulados en Excel y los datos cualitativos analizados por el tema de Minayo. Resultado: De acuerdo con los datos obtenidos en la encuesta, el 14,28% de los participantes reportaron que había amenaza, no podían caminar, buscar posiciones más cómodas y aplicar una episiotomía, la presencia de un acompañante era imposible en el 28,6% de los participantes. Los toques vaginales por diferentes personas ocurrieron en el 57,14% de las participantes, el 35,71% relató que el bebé fue enviado a la sala de procedimientos sin ninguna justificación considerable. Conclusión: El papel de las enfermeras es de gran importancia para preparar a las mujeres antes, durante y después del parto con lineamientos sobre sus derechos, las enfermeras deben estar constantemente preparadas para servir a su comunidad.(AU)

Rôle de l'infirmier , Accouchement Humanisé
Immunological Journal ; (12): 910-915, 2023.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1019386


Phage antibody display technology is currently the most widely used in vitro antibody screening technology,which uses bacteriophages as a vector,and inserts exogenous antibody library genes into phage capsid protein genes,and expresses the capsid protein on the phage surface while also displays the antibody protein.Antibody drugs play an important role in tumor immunity and microbial immunity due to their targeting advantages,which is also an important driving force for them to become a hot spot in the field of pharmaceutical research and development.Therefore,this article reviews the background,basic principles,antibody library types and antibody fragment types of phage display technology,and looks forward to the latest progress and application prospects of fully human antibodies.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1030737


ObjectiveThrough improving the potential of vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR)-humanized mouse model (hKDR+/+) with C57BL/6N background to allow the growth of different mouse tumor cell lines, to establish novel tumor-bearing mouse models which can support in vivo tumorigenesis of different mouse tumor cell lines and be used to evaluate drugs targeting VEGFR.MethodsFirstly, a method to evaluate the in vivo activity of antibody targeting VEGFR based on the hKDR+/+ humanized mouse model was established. Recombinant activating gene 1 (Rag1) knockout mice (Rag1-/-) were established using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. Then these Rag1-/- mice were crossed with hKDR+/+ mice to get a double gene modified homozygous hKDR+/+/Rag1-/- mouse model by screening. Finally, tumor cell lines derived from different mouse strains were tested on the double gene-modified mouse model to compare the differences in tumor growth. ResultsAntibodies designed for VEGFR showed significant anti-tumor activity in hKDR+/+ mice, which significantly reduced tumor volume and weight compared with the PBS group (P<0.01, P<0.05). The number of B cells and T cells in the peripheral blood of Rag1-/- mice and hKDR+/+/Rag1-/- mice decreased (P<0.05, P<0.001). Tumors were observed in hKDR+/+/Rag1-/-, Rag1-/-, wild-type, and hKDR+/+ mice after 7 d of inoculation of MC38 cells derived from C57BL/6 mice. Tumors were only observed in groups of hKDR+/+/Rag1-/- and Rag1-/- mice, but not in the wild-type and hKDR+/+ mice after 10 d of inoculation with CT26 cells derived from BALB/c mice. After 3 weeks of inoculation, the tumor volume of hKDR+/+/Rag1-/- mice was significantly larger than that of Rag1-/- mice (P<0.01). ConclusionRag1 knockout mice were obtained and a novel hKDR+/+/Rag1-/- double genes modified mouse model was further screened. The tumor cell lines from different mouse strain origins were more prone to growth in mice with Rag1 gene deficiency. The results suggest that the reduced immune response of hKDR+/+ humanized mice will improve the capacity of supporting the growth of mouse tumor lines in the model. As a result, more tumor-bearing mouse models may be constructed for the evaluation of drugs targeting VEGFR in this way.

Chinese Journal of Hematology ; (12): 755-761, 2023.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012225


Objective: To investigate the efficacy of humanized anti-CD25 monoclonal antibody for steroid-refractory acute graft-versus-host disease (SR-aGVHD) in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) recipients. Methods: A total of 64 patients with SR-aGVHD between June 2019 and October 2020 in Suchow Hopes Hematology Hospital were enrolled in this study. Humanized anti-CD25 monoclonal antibodies 1 mg·kg(-1)·d(-1) were administered on days 1, 3, and 8, and then once per week according to the disease progression. Efficacy was assessed at days 7, 14, and 28 after humanized anti-CD 25 treatment. Results: Of the 64 patients with a median age of 31 (15-63) years, 38 (59.4%) were male and 26 (40.6%) were female. The overall response (OR) rate of the humanized CD25 monoclonal antibody in 64 patients with SR-aGVHD on days 7, 14, and 28 were 48.4% (31/64), 53.1% (34/64), and 79.7% (51/64), respectively. Liver involvement is an independent risk factor for poor efficacy of humanized CD25 monoclonal antibody for SR-aGVHD at day 28 (OR=9.588, 95% CI 0.004-0.291, P=0.002). The median follow-up time for all patients was 17.1 (0.2-50.8) months from the start of humanized CD25 monoclonal antibody therapy. The 1- and 2-year OS rates were 63.2% (95% CI 57.1% -69.3%) and 52.6% (95% CI 46.1% -59.1%), respectively. The 1- and 2-year DFS rates were 58.4% (95% CI 52.1% -64.7%) and 49.8% (95% CI 43.4% -56.2%), respectively. The 1- and 2-year NRM rates were 28.8% (95% CI 23.1% -34.5%) and 32.9% (95% CI 26.8% -39.0%), respectively. The results of the multifactorial analysis showed that liver involvement (OR=0.308, 95% CI 0.108-0.876, P=0.027) and GVHD grade Ⅲ/Ⅳ (OR=9.438, 95% CI 1.211-73.577, P=0.032) were independent risk factors for OS. Conclusion: Humanized CD25 monoclonal antibody has good efficacy and safety for SR-aGVHD. This study shows that SR-aGVHD with pretreatment grade Ⅲ/Ⅳ GVHD and GVHD involving the liver has poor efficacy and prognosis and requires early intervention.

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Adolescent , Jeune adulte , Maladie aigüe , Anticorps monoclonaux/usage thérapeutique , Maladie du greffon contre l'hôte/thérapie , Transplantation de cellules souches hématopoïétiques/effets indésirables , Études rétrospectives , Thérapie de rattrapage/méthodes , Stéroïdes
Chinese Journal of Hematology ; (12): 793-799, 2023.
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1012234


Objective: Murine CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) products have been approved for the treatment of refractory/relapsed (R/R) B-cell acute lymphocytic leukemia (B-ALL) ; moreover, humanized products are also undergoing clinical trials. This study aimed to explore the differences in safety and short- and long-term follow-up efficacy between humanized and murine CD19 CAR-T-cells for treating relapsed and refractory B-ALL. Methods: Clinical data of 80 patients with R/R B-ALL treated with CD19-targeted CAR-T-cells at the Union Hospital of Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology between May 2016 and March 2023 were analyzed, which included 31 patients with murine CAR-T and 49 with humanized products. Results: The proportion of patients with cytokine-release syndrome (CRS) in the murine and humanized groups was 63.1% and 65.3%, respectively. Moreover, a higher proportion of patients suffered from severe CRS in the murine group than in the humanized CAR-T group (19.4% vs 8.2%, P=0.174). Furthermore, one patient per group died of grade 5 CRS. The incidence of grade 1-2 immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome (ICANS) was 12.9% and 6.1%, respectively; severe ICANS were not observed. Among patients receiving murine CAR-T-cells, an overall response (OR) was observed in 74.2%. Conversely, the OR rate of patients receiving humanized CAR-T-cells was 87.8%. During the median follow-up time of 10.5 months, the median recurrence-free survival (RFS) of patients with murine CAR-T-cells was 12 months, which was as long as that of patients with humanized CAR-T-cells. The median overall survival (OS) were not reached in both groups. Of the 45 patients with a bone marrow burden over 20% at baseline, humanized CAR-T therapy was associated with a significantly improved RFS (43.25% vs 33.33%, P=0.027). Bridging transplantation was an independent factor in prolonging OS (χ(2)=8.017, P=0.005) and PFS (χ(2)=6.584, P=0.010). Common risk factors, such as age, high proportion of bone marrow blasts, and BCR-ABL fusion gene expression, had no significant effect on patients' long-term follow-up outcomes. Three patients reached complete remission after reinfusion of humanized CAR-T-cells. However, one patient relapsed one month after his second infusion of murine CAR-T-cells. Conclusions: The results indicate that humanized CAR-T therapy showed durable efficacy in patients with a higher tumor burden in the bone marrow without any influence on safety. Moreover, it could overcome immunogenicity-induced CAR-T resistance, providing treatment options for patients who were not treated successfully with CAR-T therapies.

Animaux , Humains , Souris , Antigènes CD19 , Lymphome de Burkitt/traitement médicamenteux , Thérapie cellulaire et tissulaire , Études de suivi , Immunothérapie adoptive , Leucémie chronique lymphocytaire à cellules B/traitement médicamenteux , Leucémie-lymphome lymphoblastique à précurseurs B , Leucémie-lymphome lymphoblastique à précurseurs B et T/traitement médicamenteux , Récepteurs chimériques pour l'antigène
Horiz. enferm ; 34(1): 22-34, 2023. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427979


INTRODUCCIÓN: El trato humanizado es cuando un profesional aborda el cuidado y la familia, compartiendo experiencias, apreciando valores y reconociendo la individualidad de la otra persona. OBJETIVO: Determinar la percepción en la recuperación de la salud de la persona hospitalizada respecto a la calidad de los cuidados de enfermería en el hospital regional de San Gil. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo-transversal, la muestra estuvo conformada por 101 personas hospitalizadas que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, se aplicó el Instrumento sobre la Percepción en la recuperación de la salud de la persona hospitalizada respecto a la calidad de los cuidados de enfermería en el hospital regional de San Gil, los resultados se analizaron en el programa estadístico SPSS. RESULTADOS: El 97,0% (n=98) de los encuestados dicen que la buena relación de enfermera persona si mejora su estado de salud. CONCLUSIÓN: El profesional de enfermería brinda un cuidado al aspecto o necesidad emocional del paciente creando un entorno confortable siendo este el motivo por el cual se sienta más a gusto con la atención recibida.

INTRODUCTION: Humanized treatment is when a professional approaches care and family, sharing experiences, appreciating values and recognizing the individuality of the other person. OBJECTIVE: To determine the perception in the recovery of health of the hospitalized person regarding the quality of nursing care in the regional hospital of San Gil. METHODS: Descriptive-cross-sectional study, the sample consisted of 101 hospitalized persons who met the inclusion criteria, the Instrument on the Perception on the recovery of health of the hospitalized person with respect to the quality of nursing care in the regional hospital of San Gil was applied, the results were analyzed in the statistical program SPSS. RESULTS: 97.0% (n=98) of the respondents say that the good nurse-person relationship does improve their state of health. CONCLUSION: The nursing professional provides care to the emotional aspect or need of the patient by creating a comfortable environment, which is the reason why the patient feels more comfortable with the care received.

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adolescent , Adulte , Patients/psychologie , Soins infirmiers/psychologie , Colombie , Déontologie infirmière
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; 86(5): e2023, 2023. graf
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1527803


ABSTRACT Iridociliary ring melanoma is an uncommon type of uveal melanoma. Clinical manifestation varies from asymptomatic cases to masquerade syndromes mimicking refractory glaucoma. Treatment options include radiotherapy and enucleation. Management of metastatic uveal melanoma remains discouraging. Novel therapies using immune checkpoint inhibitors are currently under study. We present a case of a 54-year-old Hispanic woman with progressive vision loss due to metastatic ring melanoma with anterior chamber seeding treated with pembrolizumab.

RESUMO O melanoma iridociliar em anel é um tipo incomum de melanoma uveal. As manifestações clínicas variam desde casos assintomáticos até síndromes mascaradas que mimetizam um glaucoma refratário. As opções de tratamento incluem radioterapia e enucleação. O manejo do melanoma uveal metastático continua desanimador. Novas terapias usando inibidores de checkpoint imunológico estão atualmente em estudo. Apresentamos o caso de uma mulher hispânica de 54 anos com perda progressiva da visão por um melanoma metastático em anel, com semeadura de câmara anterior, tratada com pembrolizumabe.