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Horiz. med. (Impresa) ; 24(1): e2489, ene.-mar. 2024. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557942


RESUMEN La obstrucción intestinal inducida por íleo biliar es una condición rara pero significativa que se produce cuando una piedra en la vesícula se aloja en el tracto gastrointestinal. Entre los principales factores de riesgo para la obstrucción intestinal inducida por íleo biliar se encuentran la edad avanzada, el sexo femenino, la diabetes, los antecedentes de enfermedad biliar como cálculos biliares, así como procedimientos quirúrgicos previos relacionados con la vesícula biliar, como la colecistectomía. También el embarazo es un factor de riesgo conocido para la enfermedad de los cálculos biliares. En este artículo, se presenta el caso de una paciente de 38 años con antecedentes de tres cesáreas previas y sin comorbilidades aparentes. Antes de acudir al departamento de emergencias, la paciente experimentó dolor abdominal con cólico moderado en la parte inferior del abdomen durante dos días. El examen físico reveló sensibilidad abdominal difusa, predominantemente en la fosa ilíaca derecha, junto con signos de irritación peritoneal. Los análisis de laboratorio mostraron un recuento de leucocitos de 11 490 células/μl y una neutrofilia del 85,6 %. Después de una laparotomía exploratoria, se confirmó el diagnóstico sospechado de íleo biliar por cálculo. Se realizó una enterolitotomía y la paciente mostró un progreso posoperatorio favorable. En conclusión, es importante considerar la obstrucción intestinal inducida por íleo biliar en pacientes con síntomas relevantes y antecedentes médicos. Este reporte de caso subraya la importancia de considerar la obstrucción intestinal inducida por íleo biliar en pacientes con síntomas gastrointestinales y antecedentes de embarazo. El diagnóstico temprano y la intervención son cruciales para prevenir complicaciones graves.

ABSTRACT Gallstone ileus-induced intestinal obstruction is a rare but significant condition that occurs when a gallstone becomes lodged in the gastrointestinal tract. Major risk factors for gallstone ileus-induced intestinal obstruction include older age, female sex, diabetes, history of gallbladder disease such as gallstones, as well as previous gallbladder-related surgical procedures such as cholecystectomy. Pregnancy is also a known risk factor for gallstone disease. We present the case of a 38-year-old patient with a history of three cesarean sections and no apparent comorbidities. Prior to her visit to the emergency department, the patient experienced moderate colicky abdominal pain in the lower abdomen for two days. The physical examination revealed diffuse abdominal tenderness, predominantly in the right iliac fossa, along with signs of irritation of the peritoneum. Laboratory tests showed a leukocyte count of 11,490 cells/µl and neutrophilia of 85.6 %. Following an exploratory laparotomy, the suspected diagnosis of gallstone ileus was confirmed. An enterolithotomy was performed, and the patient experienced good post-surgical progress. In conclusion, it is important to consider gallstone ileus-induced intestinal obstruction among patients with relevant symptoms and medical history. This case report highlights the importance of considering gallstone ileus-induced intestinal obstruction among patients with gastrointestinal symptoms and a history of pregnancy. Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial to prevent serious complications.

Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 43(2)abr. 2023.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1450023


La intususcepción ileocólica es una emergencia pediátrica con tratamiento inicial no quirúrgico a nivel mundial. La reducción hidrostática bajo guía ecográfica en pacientes pediátricos es un método de tratamiento inicial ampliamente utilizado en el mundo; sin embargo, en nuestro medio no se encuentra difundido su uso. Presentamos 4 casos de pacientes con intususcepción ileocólica tratados mediante enema hidrostático bajo guía ecográfica en el Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño - San Borja (INSNSB), con reducción terapéutica y sin complicaciones.

Ileocolic intussusception is a pediatric emergency with initial non-surgical treatment. Ultrasound-guided hydrostatic reduction in pediatric patients is a widely used initial treatment method in the world; however, its use is not widespread in our environment. We present 4 cases of patients with ileocolic intussusception treated by ultrasound-guided hydrostatic reduction in the Instituto Nacional de Salud del Niño - San Borja (INSNSB), with therapeutic reduction and without complications.

Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 21: eRC0173, 2023. graf
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421373


ABSTRACT Meckel's diverticulum is the most common gastrointestinal tract anomaly. It arises from the incomplete closure of the omphalomesenteric conduit, which is a true diverticulum at the antimesenteric border of the ileum. Although the majority of patients are asymptomatic, they can present with inflammation, hemorrhage, intussusception, intestinal obstruction, and perforation, among others; this constitutes an important differential diagnosis for acute abdomen. A 19-year-old female sought medical attention because of intermittent diffuse abdominal pain for two months, nausea, and diarrhea. In the requested imaging tests, tomography, and enterotomography, a diagnosis of Meckel's diverticulum with some degree of intussusception was suggested. The patient underwent elective surgical treatment without complications and was discharged on the second postoperative day with clinical improvement. In this section, we review publications on similar cases published in the last five years.

Medisur ; 20(2)abr. 2022.
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405907


RESUMEN El divertículo de Meckel se diagnostica por una complicación. Existen tres complicaciones más comunes: la hemorragia, la inflamación y la oclusión. Esta última se presenta con mayor frecuencia en niños. Tiene mayor incidencia en el sexo masculino, sin embargo, en los últimos años en el municipio Baracoa (Guantánamo, Cuba) se han presentado varios casos, cinco en el año 2019 y uno en el 2020; cuatro de ellos fueron mujeres. Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente de 62 años de edad, con antecedentes de cirugía abdominal por úlcera duodenal perforada, la cual requirió atención médica en el servicio de guardia de Cirugía, del hospital municipal de Baracoa, por dolor abdominal tipo cólico, vómitos y dificultad en la expulsión de heces y gases. Se hospitalizó con diagnóstico presuntivo de oclusión intestinal mecánica por bridas postquirúrgicas y se realizó laparotomía exploradora, con hallazgo diagnóstico de divertículo de Meckel inflamado. Se concluyó con resección intestinal del segmento de íleon. La paciente evolucionó satisfactoriamente y fue dada de alta al octavo día después de la intervención, sin complicaciones.

ABSTRACT Meckel's diverticulum is diagnosed by a complication. There are three most common complications: hemorrhage, inflammation, and occlusion. The last one occurs more frequently in children. It has a higher incidence in males, however, in recent years in the Baracoa municipality (Guantánamo, Cuba) there have been several cases, five in 2019 and one in 2020; four of them were women. The clinical case of a 62-years-old patient is presented, with a history of abdominal surgery due to perforated duodenal ulcer, which required medical attention in the Surgery on-call service, of the Baracoa municipal hospital, due to colic-type abdominal pain, vomiting and difficulty in expelling stool and gas. She was hospitalized with a presumptive diagnosis of mechanical intestinal occlusion due to post-surgical bands and an exploratory laparotomy was performed, with a diagnostic finding of an inflamed Meckel's diverticulum. It was concluded with intestinal resection of the ileum segment. The patient evolved satisfactorily and was discharged on the eighth day after the intervention, without complications.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-636177


Objective To discuss the clinical value of transabdominal sonography after bowl preparation in diagnosis of ileocecal valve syndrome ( IVS) .Methods The ultrasonic features of IVS in 37 cases were summerized and correlated with the follow-up findings after conservative treatment or the pathologic results after operation .Twenty-eight cases were confirmed by follow-up and 9 cases by operative pathology.Results Among the 37 cases of IVS,28 were idiopathic IVS (75.7%,28/37) and 9 were secondary IVS (24.3%, 9/37%).For the secondary cases, the primary diseases included 5 acute appendicitis,2 Meckel diverticulum,1 terminal ileitis and 1 carcinoma of ascending colon .The diagnostic accuracy rate of ultrasound was 89.2%(33/37).Misdiagnosis rate was 10.8%(4/37),including 1 case of idiopathic and 3 cases of secondary IVS .The IVS ultrasonic images coulde be displayed clearly using 7.0-10.0 MHz probes.In fasting examination,three ultrasonic characteristic signss were found in interminal ileum region at the right lower abdomen .And these features were bagel-shaped sign [91.9%(34/37),average size (1.9 ±1.6) cm ×(0.8 ±0.3) cm],short sleevelet-shaped sign [91.9% (34/37,average size (2.1 ± 0.4)cm ×(1.3 ±0.2) cm],and rose-shaped sign [83.8% (31/37),average size (1.4 ±0.2) cm × (1.0 ±0.2) cm].The shapes of some signs were changeable when the probe compressed .In the case of idiopathic IVS ,several pathologic changes could be seen on sonography after intestinal tract filling of oral 20%mannitol,including slight thickened mucosa and submucosa of erminalileum ,enlarged ieocecal valve and the crocodile-mouth sign.Conclusions Transabdominal ultrasonic examination with high frequency probe after bowl preparation plays an important role in diagnosis of IVS .The method is simple and accurate and should be recommended and applied clinically .

J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 32(2): 119-122, Apr.-June 2012. tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-647826


The endoscopic finding of ileal ulcers, alone or in small number, is not usual, but when it occurs in asymptomatic patients, an impasse may be generated regarding the action to be taken, since the medical literature is unclear as to how to proceed in this situation. OBJECTIVE: Evaluate patients with ileal ulcers, single or in a small number, asymptomatic, and their follow-up. METHODS: The author reports a series of asymptomatic cases (23 patients) of ulcers - single or in small number - found in colonoscopy exams performed for other reasons than typical clinical manifestations of Crohn's disease. RESULTS: Most patients were not treated and remained asymptomatic during the follow-up period. CONCLUSIONS: The patients remained asymptomatic and without treatment in most cases, and, considering the small number of cases and the short observation time, this study does not allow to conclude that this is the best practice in case of asymptomatic patients with ileal ulcer. (AU)

O achado endoscópico de úlceras ileais, isoladas ou em pequeno número, não é frequente, mas quando ocorre em pacientes assintomáticos pode gerar um impasse quanto à conduta a ser tomada, já que a literatura médica não é clara quanto a como se proceder nessa situação. OBJETIVO: Avaliar pacientes que apresentaram úlceras ileais solitárias ou em pequena quantidade, assintomáticos e a evolução clínica dos mesmos. MÉTODOS: O autor relata uma série de casos (23 pacientes) assintomáticos que apresentaram úlceras ileais únicas ou em pequeno número em colonoscopias realizadas por outros motivos que não manifestações clínicas típicas de doença de Crohn. RESULTADOS: A maioria dos pacientes não foi tratada e permaneceu assintomática pelo período de acompanhamento. CONCLUSÕES: Os pacientes permaneceram assintomáticos e sem tratamento em sua maioria, salientando-se o reduzido número de casos e o curto tempo de observação, de modo a não permitirem a este estudo concluir ser essa a conduta mais acertada frente à pacientes assintomáticos com achado de úlcera ileal. (AU)

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé , Ulcère , État de porteur sain , Maladie de Crohn , Iléum , Coloscopie , Diagnostic différentiel
Arq. gastroenterol ; 46(2): 102-106, abr.-jun. 2009. ilus, tab
Article Dans Anglais | LILACS | ID: lil-517713


CONTEXT: For the diagnosis of the diseases which affect the terminal ileum, the colonoscopy allows macroscopic evaluation and the performing of biopsies. Studies with criteria for the endoscopic and histological characterization of this segment are scarce and there are still some doubts about the need of biopsies in patients with normal ileoscopy. OBJECTIVE: Study the terminal ileum of patients who underwent colonoscopy considering: endoscopic and histological correlation; agreement between results of the initial histological evaluation and slides review, and the chance of subjects with normal ileoscopy with abdominal pain and/or chronic diarrhea to show histological alterations. METHODS: In a prospective study, 111 patients who presented smooth mucosa without enanthema in the endoscopic exam of the terminal ileum were selected. Biopsies of the ileal mucosa of such patients were performed, being the slides routinely examined and reviewed afterwards. RESULTS: The correlation between patients with normal ileoscopy and ileum with preserved histological architecture was of 99.1 percent. The agreement between initial histological evaluation and slides review calculated by the Kappa test was 0.21. In patients with abdominal pain and/or chronic diarrhea, the chance of showing histological alterations was 2.5 times higher than the others. CONCLUSIONS: The correlation between endoscopic and histological findings was high. The agreement between the initial histologic evaluation and slides review was not satisfactory. The chance of subjects with normal ileoscopy with abdominal pain and/or chronic diarrhea, showing histological alterations was higher in relation to the asymptomatic ones or with other symptoms, although the clinical importance of this datum was not evaluated.

CONTEXTO: Para o diagnóstico de doenças que afetam o íleo terminal, a colonoscopia permite avaliação macroscópica e realização de biopsias. Estudos com critérios para caracterização endoscópica e histológica desse segmento são escassos e ainda persistem dúvidas quanto à necessidade de biopsias em pacientes com ileoscopia normal. OBJETIVO: Estudar o íleo terminal de pacientes submetidos a colonoscopia, considerando correlação endoscópica e histológica; concordância entre resultados da avaliação histológica inicial e revisão de lâminas e chance de indivíduos com ileoscopia normal, com dor abdominal e ou diarreia crônica apresentarem alterações histológicas. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, no qual foram selecionados 111 pacientes, que apresentaram ao exame endoscópico do íleo terminal mucosa lisa e sem enantema. Foram realizadas biopsias da mucosa ileal nesses indivíduos, sendo as lâminas examinadas rotineiramente e revisadas posteriormente. RESULTADOS: A correlação entre pacientes com ileoscopia normal e íleo com arquitetura histológica preservada foi de 99,1 por cento. A concordância entre avaliação histológica inicial e revisão de lâminas calculada pelo teste de Kappa, foi 0,21. Nos pacientes com ileoscopia normal, com dor abdominal e ou diarreia crônica, a chance de apresentarem alterações histológicas foi 2,5 vezes maior em relação aos demais. CONCLUSÃO: A correlação entre achados endoscópicos e histológicos foi elevada. A concordância entre avaliação histológica inicial e revisão de lâminas não foi satisfatória. A chance de indivíduos com ileoscopia normal, com dor abdominal e ou diarreia crônica, apresentarem alterações histológicas foi maior, porém a importância clínica desse dado não foi avaliada.

Adolescent , Adulte , Sujet âgé , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Jeune adulte , Maladies de l'iléon/anatomopathologie , Douleur abdominale/étiologie , Biopsie , Maladie chronique , Diarrhée/étiologie , Endoscopie gastrointestinale , Maladies de l'iléon/complications , Iléum/anatomopathologie , Études prospectives , Jeune adulte
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