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Rev. CES psicol ; 14(3): 94-116, sep.-dic. 2021. tab
Article de Anglais | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1376220


Abstract Objective: the research was oriented to investigate the correlation between some executive functions (inhibitory control, risk-benefit calculation, cognitive flexibility, the planning ability, and decision making) and the general, dyadic and solitary sexual desire, sexual desire inhibition and disposition to sexual fantasies in a 17-to-30-year-old people sample. Method: An observational cross-sectional study in a purposive sample of 64 young college students, aged between17 and -30, who were in a couple relationship at the time of the study and gave their consent for their participation in the research. The participants completed the Neuropsychological Battery of Executive Functions and Frontal Lobes tasks (BANFE for its abbreviation in Spanish): Stroop, card games, card classification and Hanoi Tower, and it was administered the Inhibited Sexual Desire Test, the Sexual Desire Inventory (SDI-2) and the Scale of Attitude Towards Sexual Fantasies. Results: The results indicate a correlation between the executive functions and sexual desire; it was found a correlation between total and dyadic sexual desire and disposition towards sexual fantasies with inhibitory control; and the inhibited sexual desire was correlated to planning ability and inhibitory control. Discussion: Although the study presents some methodological limitations (size of the sample and need of a more rigorous validation of instruments in the Colombian population), the results confirm previous research findings, allowing to formulate new hypotheses in the field of sexuality and neurosciences. The study findings draw attention to the educational implications aimed to develop the executive functions in adolescents and young people to prevent risky sexual behavior.

Resumen Objetivo: El estudio se orientó a indagar la relación entre algunas funciones ejecutivas (FE) (control inhibitorio, cálculo de riesgo-beneficio, flexibilidad cognitiva, habilidad de planeación y toma de decisiones) con el deseo sexual general, diádico y solitario, inhibición del deseo sexual y disposición hacia las fantasías sexuales en una muestra de jóvenes entre 17 y 30 años. Método: Estudio de enfoque cuantitativo de corte transversal. Mediante un muestreo intencional por conveniencia se seleccionaron 64 jóvenes entre 17 y 30 años, estudiantes universitarios que se encontraban en una relación de pareja. Para evaluar las variables de las FE se utilizaron tareas de la Batería Neuropsicológica de Funciones Ejecutivas y Lóbulos Frontales (BANFE): Stroop, juego de cartas, clasificación de cartas y Torre de Hanoi, y las variables relacionadas con el deseo sexual fueron valoradas mediante el Test del Deseo Sexual Inhibido, el Inventario del Deseo Sexual (SDI-2, sigla de Sexual Desire Inventory) y la Escala de la Actitud hacia las Fantasías Sexuales. Resultados: Se encontraron correlaciones entre las variables del deseo sexual, disposición hacia las fantasías sexuales y el deseo sexual inhibido; deseo sexual total y diádico y disposición hacia las fantasías sexuales correlacionó con el control inhibitorio; y el deseo sexual inhibido correlacionó con la planificación y el control de impulsos. Discusión: Los hallazgos del estudio llaman la atención sobre las implicaciones educativas encaminadas a desarrollar las funciones ejecutivas en adolescentes y jóvenes con el fin prevenir conductas sexuales de riesgo.

Sex., salud soc. (Rio J.) ; (15): 148-177, dez. 2013.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-698090


A partir de um olhar sociológico, o artigo trata da emergência das categorias de inibição do desejo sexual (IDS) e da adicção sexual no campo da sexologia norte-americana. O texto busca explicartal emergência a partir da triangulação de imperativos e saberes médicos articulados a demandas e experiências individuais e ansiedades culturais. Além disso, nele se explora a constituição histórico-sócio-política do campo sexológico e médico neste contexto, bem como suas diferenças, mudanças, mediadores culturais, ambivalências e contenciosos.

Desde una mirada sociológica, este artículo aborda la emergencia de las categorías inhibición del deseo sexual (IDS) y adicción al sexo, en el campo de la sexología norteamericana. El texto buscaexplicar tal emergencia a partir de la triangulación de imperativos y saberes médicos articulados a demandas y experiencias individuales, y a ansidades culturales.Se explora la constitución histórico-socio-política del campo sexológico y médico en ese contexto, así como sus diferencias, cambios, mediadores culturales, ambivalencias y conflictos.

In this article the emergence of the categories Inhibited Sexual Desire (IDS), and Sex Addiction within North American sexology is explained as the result of the combination of medical imperatives and knowledge, articulated to individual experiences and demands, as well as to cultural anxieties. In that process the historical, social, and political constitution of the medical and the sexological field is also explored, as well as their differences, changes, cultural mediators, ambivalences, and conflicts.

Humains , Comportement sexuel , Sexualité , Sexologie , Asexualité
Article de Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-198952


PURPOSE: To study the clinical characteristics of sexual dysfunction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We surveyed 181 patients who visited a sex clinic. The questionnaires covered sociodemographic characteristics (age, marital status, education and job), type of sexual dysfunction, sexual satisfaction, partner's sexual satisfaction, marital satisfaction, partner's sexual positiveness, and partners concern about sexual dysfunction treatment. RESULTS: Of the subjects, 38.7% were in their fourth decade, and 64.1% had more than 12 years of education The most prevalant occupations were salaried man and merchant. The most common sexual dysfunctions were erectile disorder (39.2%), premature ejaculation (27.1%), and inhibited sexual desire (8.9%). The prevalence of these problems differed according to patient age: 57.1% of the subjects in their 20s complained of premature ejaculation, whereas the subjects older than 30 years generally had erectile disorders. There were no statistically significant differences in the types of sexual dysfunction according to marital satisfaction and sexual satisfaction. Both the subjects and their partners were satisfied in their marriage. The partners were mostly passive in sexual life but expressed concerns about sexual dysfunction treatment that were not independent of the type of dysfunction. CONCLUSION: These data may be helpful in improving our understanding of the types of patients who seek treatment for sexual dysfunction.

Humains , Éducation , Situation de famille , Mariage , Professions , Éjaculation précoce , Prévalence , Enquêtes et questionnaires