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Rev. univ. psicoanál ; (21): 147-151, mar. 2021.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1398998


En el presente artículo nos detendremos a señalar la preocupación freudiana por la divulgación de su doctrina, la construcción de un interlocutor a quien dirigir sus textos y los cambios que experimenta dicha empresa. Nos proponemos también indagar los procedimientos argumentativos a los que apela el autor para conseguir la adhesión de sus lectores. Para tal fin hemos tomado como fuente de lectura del volumen freudiano: La interpretación de los sueños.

In this article we will stop to point out the Freudian concern for the dissemination of his doctrine, the construction of an interlocutor to whom to direct his texts and the changes that this company experiences. We also propose to investigate the argumentative procedures to which the author appeals to obtain the adherence of his readers. To this end, we have taken as a source for reading the Freudian volume: The Interpretation of Dreams.

Humains , Interprétation psychanalytique , Sommeil , Littérature
Rev. bras. educ. espec ; 24(2): 277-292, abr.-jun. 2018.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: biblio-958532


RESUMO: Desde 2005, a presença de Tradutores e Intérpretes de Libras tornou-se obrigatória nos espaços escolares que possuem alunos surdos matriculados. No entanto, até hoje, esse cargo não foi criado pelo estado de São Paulo e essa função tem sido exercida pelo então denominado Professor Interlocutor (PI). Este artigo descreve uma pesquisa documental que teve como objetivo analisar as Resoluções da Secretaria Estadual de Educação de São Paulo relativas à formação e à contratação desse profissional. Os resultados permitem afirmar que os dispositivos legais estaduais demonstram desconhecimento sobre a complexidade que envolve as atividades do PIs e, como consequência, mantém-se omissa às especificidades linguísticas, culturais e educacionais dos surdos, excluindo-os, dessa forma, do acesso à educação.

ABSTRACT: Since 2005, the presence of Brazilian Sign Language Translators and Interpreters has become compulsory in school spaces where deaf students are enrolled. However, until now, this post has not been created by the State of São Paulo and this job position has been fulfilled by the so called Interlocutor Teacher (IT). This paper describes a documentary research, whose objective was to analyze the Resolutions of the State Department for Education of São Paulo regarding the education and hiring of this professional. The results allow us to affirm that the state legal provisions demonstrate a lack of knowledge about the complexity involved in the activity of ITs, and, as a consequence, it remains silent to the linguistic, cultural and educational specificities of the deaf students, excluding them from access to education.

Cuestiones infanc ; 18: 26-33, 2016.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-868845


El final de análisis en la clínica con adolescentes presenta características propias. El trabajo por ciclos permite acompañar y apuntalar el desarrollo psíquico de los jóvenes y evita la prolongación innecesaria de los tratamientos. El papel de interlocutor que cumple el terapeuta resulta decisivo para lograr estos objetivos.

The end of analysis in clinic with teenagers presents its own features. The workby cycles allow to come along and underpin the psychic development of theyoung people and avoid the unnecessary extension of the treatments. The interlocutorrole of the physiotherapist become decisive to reach these objectives.

Le fin d´ analyse dans la clinique avec adolescents présente caractéristiquesparticulieres. Le travail par cycles permettre accompagner et étayer le développementpsychique de le jeunes et évite l´ extensión des traitements. Le rôle deinterlocuteur qui exécute le thérapeute résulte décisif pour obtient ces objectifs.

Humains , Adolescent , Psychanalyse , Psychothérapie analytique , Psychologie
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);20(9): 2641-2648, Set. 2015.
Article de Portugais | LILACS | ID: lil-757523


ResumoO presente texto apresenta aspectos pertinentes à restituição dos dados da pesquisa antropológica aplicada à saúde, a partir do relato de experiências de pesquisas etnográficas realizadas no Brasil e na França. Tais experiências mostram que a restituição dos dados fez parte do escopo da pesquisa, com modalidades e temporalidades diversas, permitindo prolongar o tempo de trabalho de campo e as interações com os indivíduos pesquisados. Da mesma forma, possibilitou trocas entre os interlocutores e confrontos de diferentes pontos de vista, trazendo novos dados e, assim, enriquecendo as pesquisas. Esses aspectos suscitaram questões importantes para reflexão, do ponto de vista ético e epistemológico. Uma delas diz respeito às demandas feitas aos antropólogos da saúde no momento de inserção do campo e como as mesmas serão por eles tratadas: como o pesquisador restituirá os dados, sem receio de vê-los ser mal interpretados ou instrumentalizados de forma a reforçar padrões normativos? Nesse sentido, como “traduzir” o discurso antropológico? O pesquisador consciente busca validar suas análises, busca novos pontos de vista e interrogações. Assim, a restituição provoca novas inquietações e interpretações na forma de reflexividade.

AbstractThis study examines relevant aspects about the way anthropological research data restitution has been applied in the area of health, based on data obtained from ethnographic field research conducted in Brazil and France. These experiences show that data restitution has been part of the area of research, in different forms and time frames, making it possible to extend periods spent in the field and to interact with individual respondents. This also made it possible to interact with research interlocutors and compare different points of view, adding new information and thereby enriching the research. These aspects raise important questions that require reflection, from an ethical and epistemological standpoint. One is related to the demands made on health anthropologists when they begin their field research and how they deal with these questions: how will researchers use the data they collect without worrying that this may be wrongly interpreted or used in some way to reinforce normative patterns? So, how should an anthropological debate be “translated”? Conscientious researchers will seek to validate their analysis, to discover new points of view and provoke new lines of questioning. Thus, such data should provoke reflexivity about new avenues of research and interpretations.

Adulte , Femelle , Humains , Mâle , Préservatifs masculins/statistiques et données numériques , Dépression/épidémiologie , Infections à VIH/épidémiologie , Plan de recherche , Stigmate social , Soutien social , Rapports sexuels non protégés/statistiques et données numériques , Préservatifs masculins , Dépression/prévention et contrôle , Infections à VIH/prévention et contrôle , Infections à VIH/psychologie , Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques en santé , Enquêtes de santé , Études longitudinales , Pauvreté , Prévalence , Facteurs de risque , Partenaire sexuel , République d'Afrique du Sud/épidémiologie , Enquêtes et questionnaires
Rev. chil. neuropsicol. (En línea) ; 10(1): 1-4, 2015. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-784597


Se realiza, un estudio cuyo objetivo es describir los tipos de interlocutores, la duración y frecuencia de las conversaciones, la función de la misma y el grado de satisfacción en población adulta mayor sobre 60 años que asisten al CESFAM Segismundo Iturra de San Felipe, Quinta Región, Chile. Se evaluó a los mayores con el Cuestionario de Habilidades sociales y disponibilidad de interlocutores (adaptado de Juncos, 2003). Así, se observó en los resultados generales que los mayores presentan altos grados de satisfacción en las conversaciones con diversos tipos de interlocutores. Además, los resultados mostraron que fueron con los hijos y otros familiares los interlocutores con quienes presentaron más frecuencia de interrelación comunicativa. Además, se logró configurar un perfil comunicativo de los adultos mayores relacionados con los tipos de interlocutores con los cuales se comunica. Se releva con el estudio la importancia de considerar los contextos comunicativos del Adulto mayor y su capacidad adaptativa comunicativa...

A study aimed at describing the types of partners, duration and frequency of the talks, the same function and satisfaction in older adults over 60 who attend in Segismundo Iturra Family Health Center, in San Felipe, V Region, Chile. Older were assessed with the Social Skills Questionnaire and availability of partners (adapted from Juncos, 2003). The results showed in general that the Elders have high levels of satisfaction in talks with various types of partners. Moreover, the results showed that they were with the children and other relatives who had partners with more frequency communication interface. Furthermore, it was possible to set up a profile of older communication related to the types of partners with which it communicates. Relieved with the study the importance of considering the communicative contexts of the Elderly and its adaptive capacity to communicate...

Humains , Mâle , Femelle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Sujet âgé de 80 ans ou plus , Communication , Relations interpersonnelles , Compétences sociales
Affectio Soc. (Medellin) ; 11(20): 32-42, Enero 31, 2014.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-768911


En este artículo nos proponemos interrogar el motivo de la amistad en psicoanálisis, a través de una pregunta concreta que destaque la importancia de su planteo: ¿qué es un psicoanalista para otro psicoanalista? Para dar cuenta de este aspecto, propondremos diferentes “modelos” de la amistad: partiremos de lo que han dejado esbozado Freud y Lacan al respecto, para luego recurrir a la filosofía con el propósito de esclarecer una relación con el semejante que no desestime su alteridad. Como referencia privilegiada para pensar la relación de amistad tomaremos la función del interlocutor.

The aim of this paper is to examine the issue of friendship in psychoanalysis through a specific question that highlights its importance: What is a psychoanalyst to another psychoanalyst? In order to account for this, we propose different "models" of friendship: we take it where both Freud and Lacan have outlined it, and then we turn to philosophy with the purpose of clarifying a relationship with the fellow man that does not disdain his/her otherness. We will take the role of the interlocutor as a privileged reference to think about this friendship.Keywords: psychoanalysis, friendship, interlocutor.

Cet article a pour but d’interroger la raison de l’amitié en psychanalyse, par le biais d’une question concrète qui souligne l’importance de son approche : qu’est-ce qu’un psychanalyste pour un autre psychanalyste? Pour répondre à cette question on proposera différents “modèles” de l’amitié : examinant tout d’abord les propos de Freud et Lacan, on fera ensuite appel à la philosophie afin d’élucider une relation avec le prochain qui ne sous-estime pas son altérité. Pour ce faire, on prendra la fonction de l’interlocuteur en tant que référence privilégiée permettant de réfléchir à la relation d’amitié.

Amis , Psychanalyse