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Diversitas perspectiv. psicol ; 14(2): 321-338, jul.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-989711


Resumen Este artículo analiza las preferencias de empleo de las mujeres estudiantes de doctorado en Ingeniería. Estas preferencias oscilan entre la academia y la industria y se las compara con las de los estudiantes hombres. Trabajos previos de investigación sobre mujeres con doctorado se han enfocado en el clima laboral, las experiencias de acoso sexual, el impacto de los factores familiares en la trayectoria laboral y los ingresos salariales. El análisis está basado en información obtenida de una encuesta virtual aplicada a estudiantes de doctorado en ingeniería provenientes de una universidad en Colombia. Los resultados muestran que las estudiantes mujeres tienen mayor interés por espacios laborales en los cuales puedan realizar investigación y tienen una alta valoración por atributos laborales como la posibilidad de colaborar con otras instituciones /organizaciones. Una de las principales conclusiones del estudio es que las mujeres presentaron mayor inclinación por los atributos laborales que caracterizan a la academia mientras que los hombres evidencian una mayor por los relacionados con la industria y se mostraron menos interesados en optar por una carrera académica.

Abstract This paper analyses career preferences of women who are doing a Ph.D. program in engineering and compares them with those of men doing a Ph.D. program in engineering. Research on women with doctoral education has focused on exploring topics related to job climate, sexual harassment, the impact of family factors on job experience, employability, and salary earnings. The analysis is based on data collected from online survey administered to women doing a Ph.D. program in engineering at a university in Colombia. The results show that women have an interest in jobs in which they can do research as well as a high perception over job attributes, such collaboration with institutions/organization. One of the main conclusions of the study is that women show greater inclination for the work attributes of the academy while men show a greater tendency for those related to the industry and men are less interested in an academic career.

Article de Anglais | WPRIM | ID: wpr-627059


Psychosocial occupational stress is one of the health hazards in the workplace in the view of occupational health. The aim of this study was to analyze a psychosocial occupational stress model among academic employees in Thai government universities under job conditions, Thailand. Primary data were collected from 500 academic employees in Thai government universities using stratified random sampling. The relationship between stress and tasks among academic employees in Thai government universities under normal job conditions was verified using a psychosocial occupational stress model. The results found that teaching and researching tasks had a direct effect on stress with standardized regression weights of 0.279 and 0.186, respectively (p-value < 0.01). In addition, teaching tasks had a negative relationship with academic service tasks with standardized regression weights of -0.199 (p-value < 0.01). At the same time, teaching tasks also had an indirect effect on stress through academic service tasks. Academic service tasks had a direct effect on stress with standardized regression weights of 0.098 (p-value < 0.05). By contradiction, the cultural preservative task did not have direct effect on stress (no significance). In addition, this model under normal job conditions is an appropriate model to describe the stress among academic employees in Thai government universities under job conditions because it indicated a very close fit and an excellent goodness of fit index. This psychosocial occupational stress model displayed that teaching tasks had the most direct effect on stress among academic employees in Thai government universities under job conditions.