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Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1006355


Objective@#To evaluate the stability and aesthetic effect of a xenogeneic collagen matrix (mucograft) on achieving an adequate keratinized mucosa width (KMW) around implants and to provide a reference basis for the clinical application of xenogeneic collagen matrix materials.@*Methods@#The hospital ethics committee approved the study protocol, and the patients provided informed consent. Twenty patients with a KMW<2 mm at the buccal implant site who were treated in Binzhou Medical University Affiliated Yantai Stomatological Hospital from July 2020 to September 2022 were included, and a total of 36 implants were included. The mean age of the patients was (52.0±10.4) years, of which 18 were females and 2 were males. They were divided into a free gingival graft group (FGG, control group) and a xenogeneic collagen matrix group (test group) according to different graft materials. The incremental effect of the KMW on the buccal side of the implant and the mucosal shrinkage rate was measured at 1 month and 3 months after the operation. The mucosal scar index (MSI) was evaluated after the operation.@*Results@#At 3 months postoperatively, the KMW was (3.67 ± 1.06) mm in the control group and (2.96 ± 0.98) mm in the test group, and the difference was statistically significant (t = 2.076, P<0.05). The KMW shrinkage rate was (33.34 ± 16.30) % in the test group and (22.05 ± 15.47) % in the control group at 1 month postoperatively and (51.95 ± 12.60) % in the test group and (37.44 ± 16.30) % in the control group at 3 months postoperatively, with statistically significant differences between the two groups at the same time points (P<0.05). Three months after surgery, the test group showed significantly better outcomes than the control group in terms of the five scar indicators (scar width, scar convexity, scar color, scar trace, and overall appearance), and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).@*Conclusion@#Xenogeneic collagen matrix can increase the peri-implant KMW and achieve a more natural and coordinated soft tissue aesthetic effect but with a higher shrinkage rate.

STOMATOLOGY ; (12): 145-152, 2023.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979293


@#Periodontal disease is individual-specific and site-specific. Therefore, the periodontal sequence treatment plan should not only base on the patient's condition and disease progression, but also take local conditions into account. This paper reports the whole periodontal therapy of a young patient with stage Ⅳ grade C generalized periodontitis with longitude observation of 7 years. We analyze the factors between extraction and maintenance of hopeless teeth from individual-specific and site-specific perspectives. We also discuss the importance of keratinized mucosa around implants in order to provide reference for the treatment of periodontitis.

Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(57): 147-157, jan.-abr. 2022.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1391490


A gengiva oral pode ser dividida em inserida ou livre. A gengiva inserida é queratinizada e apresenta grande importância na proteção do periodonto contra inflamações, sendo importante na proteção mecânica durante à escovação e ao acúmulo de biofilme. Uma faixa de gengiva queratinizada aderida é importante para a saúde dos tecidos periodontais. Os tecidos peri-implantares tem aspecto e estruturas parecidas com o epitélio ao redor dos dentes. A faixa de mucosa queratinizada ao redor da área peri-implantar de 1 a 2mm pode diminuir o acúmulo de placa e consequentemente a peri-implantite que é um dos fatores responsáveis pela perda de implantes. Diversas técnicas têm sido utilizadas para se ter um aumento dessa faixa de mucosa queratinizada favorecendo um aumento da taxa de sucesso instalações de implantes como: enxertos gengivais livres, de tecido conjuntivo, de matriz dérmica acelular, de matriz de colágeno, membranas e implantes imediatos ao invés da técnica comum. O objetivo do estudo foi discutir as características anatômicas da mucosa aderida ao redor de implantes e sua importância para saúde peri-implantar. Para o desenvolvimento do estudo proposto de revisão da literatura, foram realizadas pesquisas em diferentes plataformas de bases de dados bibliográficos sendo: Scielo (scientific Eletronic Library online), PubMed e Google Acadêmico e livros de referência na área da Periodontia. Com base, na revisão crítica realizada, conclui-se que, quando há a presença de uma mucosa queratinizada aderida ao redor do implante maior que 1mm, os implantes apresentam melhor selamento biológico, menor acúmulo de biofilme e baixo risco para a peri-implantite.

The oral gingiva can be divided into attached or free. The attached gingiva is keratinized and is of great importance in protecting the periodontium against inflammation, being also important in mechanical protection during brushing and biofilm accumulation. A range of keratinized mucosa is important for the health of periodontal tissues. Peri-implant tissues have an appearance and structures similar to the epithelium around the teeth. The keratinized mucosa range around the peri-implant area of ​​1 to 2 mm can reduce plaque accumulation and consequently peri-implantitis, which is one of the factors responsible for implant loss. Several techniques have been used to increase this range of keratinized gingiva, favoring an increase in the success rate of implant installations such as: free gingival grafts, connective tissue, acellular dermal matrix, collagen matrix, membranes, and immediate implants. instead of the common technique. The aim of the present study was to discuss, based on the scientific literature, the anatomical characteristics of the keratinized attached mucosa around implants and their importance for peri-implant health. For the development of the proposed study of literature review, searches were carried out on different platforms of bibliographic databases, namely: Scielo (scientific Electronic Library online), PubMed and Google Scholar and reference books in ​​Periodontics. Based on the critical review performed, it was concluded that when there is a keratinized mucosa adhered around the implant greater than 1mm, the implants present better biological sealing, less biofilm accumulation and low risk for peri-implantitis.

Épithélium , Péri-implantite , Gencive , Muqueuse
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 35(81): 41-50, 2020. ilus
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-1179866


Las complicaciones del tejido blando periimplantar condicionan la apariencia estética y el pronóstico clínico de los implantes y son, en la actualidad, cada vez más diagnosticadas. Los defectos gingivales asociados a implantes dentales incluyen recesiones, fenestraciones o dehiscencias en la superficie mucosa vestibular, inflamación gingival, ausencia de encía insertada/queratinizada, falta de volumen y presencia de concavidades gingivales que generan sombras y oscuridad en la mucosa. La detección de éstas en forma temprana permite establecer un plan de tratamiento en busca de soluciones eficaces. Mediante la presentación de una serie de casos, abordaremos distintos procedimientos para aumento de los tejidos blandos periimplantarios y la corrección de defectos. La ganancia de encía queratinizada ha demostrado tener un impacto positivo en la estabilidad a largo plazo de todos los tejidos implantarios (AU)

Humains , Pose d'implant dentaire endo-osseux , Dentisterie esthétique , Gencive/transplantation , Maladies de la gencive , Muqueuse , Lambeaux chirurgicaux , Extraction dentaire , Procédures de chirurgie maxillofaciale et buccodentaire
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-804693


Objective@#To compare the short-term outcomes of a collagen matrix (CM) and free gingival graft (FGG) in augmenting keratinized mucosa around dental implants.@*Methods@#Nineteen partially edentulous patients who had undergone implant surgery or implant review from June 2017 to June 2018 at Department of Periodontology, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology with lack of keratinized mucosa at buccal aspect of implants (<2 mm) were recruited in this study. According to the width of keratinized mucosa (KW) pre-operation, 9 patients including 5 males and 4 females were assigned into control group (KW<0.5 mm) which performed free gingival graft (17 implants) and 10 patients including 3 males and 7 females were assigned into experimental group (KW≥0.5 mm) which used collagen matrix as the grafts (15 implants). The KW at buccal aspect of each implant were measured pre-operation and 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months, 3 months after surgery respectively. Each of the patients was required to fill out a questionnaire using a visual analogue scale to assess the postoperative morbidity.@*Results@#The KWs around implants were increased significantly during the 3 months follow-up period in both groups (P<0.01). At 3 months after surgery, KW gain in control group was (3.44±1.64) mm, in experimental group was (2.30±0.82) mm, the difference between two groups was statistically significant (P<0.05). Meantime, the total shrinkage of KW in control group [(34±25)%] and experimental group [(51±11)%] also showed a statistically significant difference (P<0.01). However, by using collagen matrix as the grafts, augmented tissues had a much more comparable appearance with adjacent tissues than that in control group. And the patients of experimental group experienced much less postoperative bleeding than those of control group.@*Conclusions@#Both collagen matrix and free gingival graft can significantly increase the KW around implants within the 3 months post-surgery follow-up period. There were more KW gain and less shrinkage in group FGG than that in group CM. However, surgery time were reduced and the postoperative bleeding were less in group CM than in group FGG as no harvesting procedure was needed.

Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-843637


Objective: To observe the influence of keratinized mucosa on peri-implant soft tissue health and stability after implant treatment among patients with chronic periodontitis. Methods: Fifty-eight patients with chronic periodontitis (158 implants) who received implant treatment were enrolled from Aug. 2010 to Nov. 2013. The soft tissue conditions were observed, the peri-implant disease rate and mucosa recession rate were compared between patients in different keratinized mucosa groups. Results: The differences of rates of peri-implant mucositis and peri-implatitis between the narrow keratinized mucosa (NKM) group and wide keratinized mucosa (WKM) group were not statistically significant (P=0.862, P=0.625). The effects of the width of the keratinized mucosa on modified plaque index and modified bleeding index were not significant (P=0.826, P=0.913). When the width of the keratinized mucosa ≥ 2 mm, the recession of mucosa is not evident. The recession incidence of the thick and wide mucosa was 12.86%, which was significantly lower than that of the thin and wide mucosa (33.33%) and that of thick and narrow mucosa (40.63%) (P=0.049, P=0.002). Conclusion: Keratinized mucosa has a positive effect on peri-implant tissue stability among patients with chronic periodontitis susceptibility. The keratinized mucosa with sufficient width can prevent the mucosa from recession.

ImplantNewsPerio ; 2(4): 739-745, jul.-ago. 2017. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-860038


Levando em consideração que a peri-implantite é de etiologia multifatorial, embora o fator determinante seja o biofilme dentário, é interessante buscar formas de minimizar as perdas ósseas ocorridas. Desta maneira, ainda que ressalvas possam ser feitas à possibilidade concreta de se obter uma regeneração tecidual guiada, pode-se entender como uma alternativa válida para buscar, pelo menos, estabilizar o processo de progressão desta perda. Concomitantemente a este procedimento, e tendo em vista a indicação de vestibuloplastia para melhor prevenção da recidiva de peri-implantite, foi possível obter um resultado favorável dentro do objetivo proposto, em uma única intervenção cirúrgica. Material e métodos: paciente do sexo feminino, com 68 anos de idade, fumante moderada (8-10 cigarros/dia), se apresentou com exsudato purulento na face mesiovestibular do implante 46. Debelada a fase aguda por meio de fisioterapia local, a paciente foi submetida à cirurgia peri-implantar visando à interceptação da perda óssea por meio de "regeneração tecidual guiada" associada à vestibuloplastia, com a utilização de enxerto gengival subepitelial. Resultados: foi possível obter estabilização da perda óssea, bem como diminuição na profundidade de sondagem, além da redução de exsudato no implante em discussão. Conclusão: além disso, a vestibuloplastia criou melhores condições anatômicas estruturais devido ao tecido ceratinizado obtido e, sobretudo, criou um favorável acesso à escovação em toda a extensão dos quatro implantes, antevendo- -se melhor possibilidade de preservação do resultado.

Taking into account that the peri-implantitis is of multifactorial etiology, although the determining factor is the dental biofilm, it is interesting to look for ways to minimize the bone losses that have occurred. Thus, although safeguards can be made to the concrete possibility of obtaining a guided tissue regeneration, it can be understood as a valid alternative to seek to at least stabilize the process of progression of this loss. Concomitantly to this procedure and in view of the indication of vestibuloplasty for better prevention of recurrence of peri-implantitis, it was possible in a single surgical intervention to obtain a favorable result within the proposed objective. Material and methods: a 68-year-old female patient, moderate smoker (8-10 cigarettes/day) presented with purulent exudate on the mesiobuccal surface of the implant in the region of the 46. After the acute phase, through local physiotherapy, the patient underwent to peri-implant surgery aiming the interception of bone loss by means of "guided tissue regeneration" associated with vestibuloplasty with the use of subepithelial gingival graft. Results: it was possible to obtain a stabilization of the bone loss, as well as a decrease in the depth of probing, besides the reduction of exudate in the implant under discussion. Conclusion: the vestibuloplasty created better anatomical structural conditions due to the keratinized tissue obtained, and above all, the favorable access to brushing throughout the four implants, predicting a better possibility of preservation of the result.

Humains , Femelle , Sujet âgé , Tissu conjonctif , Régénération tissulaire guidée parodontale , Péri-implantite/thérapie , Transplantation de tissu , Vestibuloplastie/méthodes
Dent. press implantol ; 6(4): 104-113, oct.-dec. 2012. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-698316


O tecido peri-implantar constitui uma adaptação da mucosa mastigatória aos diferentes sistemas de implante instalados na cavidade bucal. A falta do cemento radicular para ancoragem das fibras gengivais à superfície do implante resulta em uma orientação paralela das fibras ao seu redor. A ausência de uma inserção conjuntiva entre a mucosa e o implante pode sugerir uma deficiência da defesa estrutural na região e relacionar-se à progressão mais rápida das peri-implantites, quando comparadas às periodontites. Dessa forma, estudos abordam a importância da conexão epitelial para formação de um selamento adequado ao redor dos implantes. Outras discussões concentram-se em avaliar se uma situação de saúde gengival peri-implantar poderia estar correlacionada com a presença de uma quantidade específica (altura e espessura) da mucosa ceratinizada. Nesse contexto, a realização desse estudo teve como objetivo relacionar a importância estrutural do tecido mole e a influência do fenótipo gengival na manutenção da saúde peri-implantar. Os estudos revisados demonstram a importância de um bom selamento biológico em torno desse sistema, a função protetora que as estruturas desse tecido oferecem à interface osso-implante, e a discussão sobre a necessidade da presença de uma faixa de mucosa ceratinizada ao redor dos implantes dentários para um melhor prognóstico. Atualmente, as pesquisas apontam para a necessidade de mais estudos que avaliem a influência das características clínicas dos tecidos moles peri-implantares no estabelecimento e manutenção da saúde peri-implantar.

Peri-implant tissue is an adaptation of the masticatory mucosa to the different implant systems placed in the oral cavity. The lack of root cement to anchor gingival fibers to the surface of the implant is responsible for the parallel direction of the fibers around it. The absence of connective attachment between the mucosa and the implant may suggest a deficiency of the structural defenses in the region and may be associated with the more rapid progression of peri-implantitis than of periodontitis. Several studies have evaluated the importance of epithelial connections to form an adequate seal around implants. Other discussions have focused on the evaluation of whether peri-implant gingival health may be correlated with the presence of a specific amount (height and thickness) of keratinized mucosa. Thisstudy evaluated the association of the structural role of the soft tissue and the effect of gingiva phenotype on periimplant health. The studies that were reviewed stressed the importance of a good biological seal around the implant system, the protective function that the structures of this tissue provide to the bone-implant interface, and the discussion about the need to have a band of keratinized mucosa around tooth implants to ensure a better prognosis. Current studies point to the need to conduct further investigations to evaluate the effect of the clinical characteristics of soft peri-implant tissues so that peri-implant health may be ensured and preserved.

Gencive/anatomie et histologie , Santé buccodentaire , Stomatite , Plaque dentaire , Pose d'implant dentaire/effets indésirables , Muqueuse de la bouche
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 41(5): 365-369, set.-out. 2012. ilus
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS, BBO | ID: lil-666267


Introdução: Estudos recentes são direcionados a explorar a relação da faixa da mucosa queratinizada com a saúde dos tecidos peri-implantares. Quando esta faixa não é suficiente, uma cirurgia para o aumento de mucosa queratinizada pode ser indicada, pois tem sido relatado que a presença ou a reconstrução de tecido queratinizado ao redor de implantes pode facilitar os procedimentos restauradores, promover a estética e ainda permitir a manutenção de uma higienização oral rotineira sem irritação ou desconforto ao paciente. Dentre os procedimentos cirúrgicos disponíveis, a técnica do enxerto gengival livre é consagrada na literatura periodontal para aumento da faixa de mucosa queratinizada. Objetivo: Este estudo relata um caso clínico em que foi realizada cirurgia de enxerto gengival livre com objetivo de aumentar a faixa da mucosa queratinizada na região de implantes previamente instalados na maxila, para suporte de prótese tipo protocolo. Relato de caso: Foi realizada a cirurgia de enxerto gengival livre na região anterior da maxila, obtido do palato, na qual haviam sido instalados implantes osseointegrados para suporte de prótese tipo protocolo e a mucosa peri-implantar apresentava-se sem tecido queratinizado e inflamada. Após dois meses de reparação da cirurgia mucogengival, foi possível observar que o enxerto gengival livre favoreceu a saúde peri-implantar e os procedimentos protéticos de moldagem. Conclusão: Diante dos resultados clínicos, pode-se concluir que o enxerto gengival livre é uma técnica previsível e de fácil realização para aumento da faixa de mucosa queratinizada em mucosa peri-implantar de prótese protocolo.

Introduction: Recent studies have evaluated the relationship between the width of keratinized mucosa and peri-implant tissue health. Insufficiently wide keratinized tissue can be increased surgically, for example by free gingival grafting. The presence or reconstruction of keratinized tissue around the implant can facilitate restorative procedures, promote aesthetics and allow the maintenance of an oral hygiene routine without irritation or discomfort to the patient. Objective: To describe a patient who underwent free gingival graft surgery to increase the width of keratinized tissue in the region of previously implants to support a type of prosthetic protocol. Case Report: A patient who had received dental implants to support a type of prosthetic protocol presented with inflamed peri-implant mucosa, but with no keratinized tissue. Free gingival tissue was obtained from the palate and grafted into the anterior maxilla. Sixty days after muco-gingival surgery, we observed that the free gingival graft favored peri-implant health and prosthetic casting. Conclusion: The free gingival graft technique is both easy to perform and effective in increasing the width of keratinized mucosa following implantation.

Humains , Mâle , Adulte d'âge moyen , Hygiène buccodentaire , Implants dentaires , Gencive , Gencive/chirurgie , Maxillaire
Article Dans Anglais | IMSEAR | ID: sea-139909


Purpose: To assess the long-term stability of gingival grafts placed around dental implants at the time of second surgery uncovering and to further investigate the association between mucosal thickness (MTh) by demographic variables and clinical investigation. Materials and Methods: Fourteen patients with submerged dental implants covered by inadequate keratinized mucosa were studied. The subjects underwent a periimplant plastic surgery (PPS) at the second-stage dental implant surgery and free gingival autograft orsubepithelial connective tissue graft were used according to the patients' clinical situation. Clinical measurement of MTh was assessed by bone sounding with a periodontal probe using customized acrylic stents andthe values were recorded at baseline (day of graft) and at 0.5, 1.5, 4, 12, 24 and 36 months after grafting. Results: At 12 months postoperatively, the mean MTh was 2.89 mm, with a mean additional increase of 1.75 mm when compared with baseline (P=0.0001). No statistically significant differences in MTh were found between the 12- and the 36-month observations (P=0.09). In addition, at 36 months, a thin mucosa was associated with a greater increase in the MTh compared with a thick mucosa (2.14 and 0.64 mm, respectively, P=0.006). Similarly, the mandibular sites were associated with a greater increase in the MTh in comparison with the maxillary sites (2.17 and 0.81 mm, respectively; P=0.02). Conclusions: Within the limitations of this investigation, the data suggest that PPS at the second-stage dental implant surgery could results in additional increases in MTh, especially when it is performed in areas where the mucosa is of a thin biotype.

Adulte , Processus alvéolaire/anatomopathologie , Tissu conjonctif/anatomopathologie , Tissu conjonctif/transplantation , Implants dentaires , Épithélium/anatomopathologie , Épithélium/transplantation , Femelle , Études de suivi , Gencive/anatomopathologie , Gencive/transplantation , Gingivoplastie , Survie du greffon , Humains , Mâle , Mandibule/chirurgie , Maxillaire/chirurgie , Adulte d'âge moyen , Études rétrospectives , Lambeaux chirurgicaux , Transplantation autologue
Article Dans Coréen | WPRIM | ID: wpr-43830


PURPOSE: During guided bone regeneration procedures for the augmentation of deficient alveolar ridge, primary closure of flap is necessary. For primary flap closure, flap is repositioned coronally and the zone of attached keratinized mucosa may decreased. The need for attached keratinized mucosa around dental implants is still controversial, but sufficient peri-implant attached keratinized mucosa would be beneficial for functional and esthetic aspects. This case report presents three cases that demonstrated free gingival graft for increasing the zone of peri-implant attached keratinized mucosa which was decreased after guided bone regeneration. MATERIALS AND METHODS: In first case, maxillary incisors were extracted and guided bone regeneration was performed simultaneously. Because the membrane was exposed at 3 weeks after operation, the membrane was removed and free gingival graft was performed for primary flap closure. Free gingival graft was performed again at implant placement for the increase of attached keratinized mucosa. In second case, guided bone regeneration was performed on lower right first molar area, and implant was placed with free gingival graft. In third case, lower right molar area showed insufficient attached keratinized mucosa after implant placement with guided bone regeneration. When abutments were connected, free gingival graft with apically positioned flap was performed. RESULT: In these three cases, the zone of attached keratinized mucosa around dental implants was decreased after guided bone regeneration. And the increase of peri-implant attached keratinized mucosa could be obtained effectively by free gingival graft. CONCLUSION: Free gingival graft could be a effective treatment method increasing the zone of attached keratinized mucosa which was decreased after guided bone regeneration procedures.

Processus alvéolaire , Régénération osseuse , Implants dentaires , Incisive , Kératines , Membranes , Molaire , Muqueuse , Transplants
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