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Military Medical Sciences ; (12): 502-505,519, 2017.
Article Dans Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-617250


Objective To evaluate the repeated dose toxicity of MNT-016 in SD rats and to provide reference for toxicity evaluation.Methods MNT-016 was administered to rats at 5, 20 and 80 mg/kg for 90 days.The toxic effects on the animals were evaluated by observing the clinical signs and measuring the body weight, hematology and blood biochemistry as well as histopathological examination.NOAEL and benchmark dose lower confidence limit(BMDL) were observed by the end point of toxicity.Results Compared with the control group, the AST, TBIL, DBIL and Crea of male rats were increased in a dose-dependent manner, while TG and CHOL decreased.The body mass(before anatomy), heart, liver, thymus, epididymis of male rats in 80 mg/kg group were significantly decreased (P<0.05), while absolute organ mass of the heart and lung was increased.The body mass (before anatomy) and thymus of female rats in 80 mg/kg group were significantly decreased (P<0.05), while absolute organ mass of lungs was increased.Vacuolation of hepatocytes was observed in groups each dose, tubule atrophy was found in the kidneys of 20 and 5 mg/kg groups, and tubule basophilia was observed in 80 mg/kg group.The incidence of the above lesions was higher in male animals than in female ones.Conclusion The NOAEL of MNT-016 is lower than 5 mg/kg in male rats and 5 mg/kg in female rats.BMDL value is 2.65 mg/kg in male animals and more accurate than NOAEL, and is 9.04 mg/kg in female animals,which is slightly larger than the corresponding NOAEL.

Revista de Información Científica ; 96(5): 846-855, 2017. graf
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-911135


Se realizó una investigación con el objetivo de describir los resultados de la evaluación de los contenidos de Medicina Natural y Tradicional (MNT) en el examen estatal realizado en el Curso 2013 2014 en la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Guantánamo. Para ello se revisaron todos los exámenes estatales realizados en primera convocatoria, donde fue analizada la pregunta relacionada con el tema antes mencionado, la información obtenida se organizó en tablas y gráficos. Se concluyó que el mayor número de estudiantes responden correctamente la planta medicinal a utilizar en el asma bronquial, la mayor dificultad se encuentra en responder correctamente las dos formas de estimulación, un gran número responde una sola forma.

Humains , Programme d'études , Éducation pour la santé , Médecine traditionnelle , Cuba , Étudiants
Educ. med. super ; 29(4): 685-692, oct.-dic. 2015. tab
Article Dans Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-776377


Se realizó una estudio descriptivo en el campo de la educación médica superior realizada en la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas Enrique Cabrera, en el período comprendido entre septiembre de 2012 y julio de 2013, con el objetivo de identificar el nivel de conocimiento que poseen los profesores sobre Medicina Natural y Tradicional en la disciplina de Medicina General Integral (MGI). El universo de estudio estuvo conformado por los 60 profesores del departamento docente de MGI. Se realizó un análisis documental a las actas de reuniones del colectivo de año 5to. año, actas de reuniones metodológicas, plan de trabajo metodológico y programas de las asignaturas de la carrera de medicina de los cursos 2011-2012 y 2012-2013. Se aplicó un cuestionario estructurado con preguntas cerradas dicotómicas, a los profesores del departamento docente de Medicina General Integral de la facultad. Se evaluaron los resultados del cuestionario según el nivel de conocimiento y se agruparon en dos dimensiones adecuadas y no adecuadas. Como conclusiones se obtuvo que el nivel de conocimientos de Medicina Natural Tradicional de los profesores estudiados no es adecuado, las áreas del conocimiento de la MNT donde más dificultades presentaron están relacionadas con el uso de la acupuntura en el tratamiento de las enfermedades del sistema nervioso central y en algunas afecciones ginecológicas.

A descriptive study was conducted in Enrique Cabrera medical school in the field of higher medical education from September 2012 to July 2013. The objective was to identify the level of knowledge of the traditional and natural herb medicine professors in the Integral General Medicine specialty. The universe of study was made up of 60 professors from the teaching department of integral general medicine discipline. A documentary analysis was made in the 5th year faculty meeting minutes, methodological meeting minutes, the methodological work planning and curricula of the medical subjects in the 2011-2012 and 2012-2013 academic years. The professors answered a structured questionnaire with two-ended closed questions. The results of the questionnaire were evaluated according to the level of knowledge shown and then grouped into two dimensions: adequate and inadequate. It was concluded that the level of knowledge of the traditional and natural herb medicine professors participating in the study was inadequate, being the most difficult areas those related with the use of acupuncture in treating central nervous system diseases and some gynecological diseases.

Corps enseignant et administratif en médecine , Médecine traditionnelle , Médecine de famille/enseignement et éducation , Thérapies complémentaires/enseignement et éducation , Épidémiologie Descriptive
Acta amaz ; 39(4)2009.
Article Dans Portugais | LILACS-Express | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455045


Using bacteriological (culture) and molecular (PCR - Restriction Enzyme Analysis, PRA) methods, we investigated the presence of environmental mycobacteria in tap water, antiseptic solutions and surgical gloves, used in carrying out surgical procedures at the Getúlio Vargas University Hospital Surgical Center, in Manaus -Amazonas/Brazil. Samples (105) were collected and analyzed from: tap water (24 - collected from 3 taps in the surgical center); povidone-iodine solution, PVP-I, (8); Chlorhexidine solution (7), that were used to hygienize surgeons' hands; surgical gloves (39); and solutions that were effectively used during the surgical procedure (27). Using bacteriological method 41 mycobacteria were isolated, all from samples of tap water. Using PRA, mycobacterial DNA was detected only in the sample from water that provided over 100 colonies per inoculated culture tubes. The isolated were identified as Mycobacterium celatum pattern II, M. gordonae pattern III, M. gordonae pattern VI, M. intracellulare pattern I, M. lentiflavum pattern III and M. mucogenicum pattern I. The isolating of M. mucogenicum, a species that had already been incriminated for causing post-surgical outbreaks in tap water from the surgical center, indicates that cleaning and monitoring procedures must be carried out in every place of water distribution. This may be necessary to prevent nosological mycobacteriosis outbreaks induced by the use of water in different activities such as handling and hygienizing patients submitted to invasive procedures.

Investigou-se por métodos bacteriológicos (cultivo) e moleculares (PCR - Restriction Enzyme Analysis, PRA), a presença de micobactérias ambientais em águas de torneira, soluções e luvas cirúrgicas, utilizadas nas etapas dos procedimentos cirúrgicos executados no centro cirúrgico do Hospital Universitário Getulio Vargas (HUGV), na cidade de Manaus-Amazonas/Brasil. Foram colhidas e analisadas 105 amostras sendo: 24 de águas (colhidas das 2 torneiras existentes no centro cirúrgico), 8 de solução de Povidine e 7 de solução de Clorhexidina, que servem para a higienização das mãos dos cirurgiões; 39 de luvas cirúrgicas (superfícies internas e externas); e 27 de soluções que foram efetivamente utilizadas durante o ato cirúrgico. Por método bacteriológico obteve-se 41 isolados micobacterianos apenas de águas das torneiras. Pelo PRA obteve-se a detecção de DNA micobacteriano somente na amostra de água que forneceu acima de 100 colônias de micobactérias por tubo semeado. Os isolados foram identificados como sendo Mycobacterium celatum perfil 2, M. gordonae perfil 3, M. gordonae perfil 6, M. intracellulare perfil 1, M. lentiflavum perfil 3 e M. mucogenicum perfil 1. O encontro de M. mucogenicum, espécie já incriminada em surtos pós-cirúrgicos, indica que devem ser efetuados procedimentos de limpeza e monitoramento em todos os pontos de distribuição de águas, visando à prevenção de surtos de micobacterioses nosocomiais induzidos pelo uso das águas nas diferentes atividades de manuseio ou higienização dos pacientes submetidos a procedimentos invasivos.

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