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Educ. med. super ; 37(1)mar. 2023. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1440018


Introducción: El objetivo fundamental de la práctica estomatológica contemporánea es dar solución no solo a aquellas entidades que afectan el aparato estomatognático, sino prevenir y tratar aquellas urgencias médicas que puedan presentarse durante el ejercicio de la profesión. Este propósito solo resulta posible mediante la formación de un estomatólogo con una elevada preparación científico-técnica. Objetivo: Evaluar los contenidos relacionados con las urgencias médicas durante la atención estomatológica en los planes de estudio D y E de la carrera de estomatología. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis documental de los planes de estudio D y E. Durante el cual se revisaron el perfil profesional, los modos de actuación, y los programas de la disciplina integradora Estomatología Integral y de las asignaturas. Asimismo, se valoraron los contenidos relacionados con las urgencias médicas durante la atención estomatológica, el semestre en que se imparte la asignatura, los objetivos, los temas, y el sistema de conocimientos y habilidades. Resultados: Las asignaturas y disciplinas que incorporaron contenidos relacionados con las urgencias médicas durante la atención estomatológica fueron: Operatoria Clínica, Atención Integral a la Familia III, Farmacología y Preparación para la Defensa. El análisis documental realizado y las entrevistas ejecutadas mostraron la existencia de diversos criterios en relación con estos contenidos en las asignaturas abordadas. Conclusiones: Los contenidos relacionados con las urgencias médicas durante la atención estomatológica en los programas de las asignaturas y disciplinas evaluados resultaron limitados e insuficientes, y presentaron algunas deficiencias desde el punto de vista didáctico(AU)

Introduction: The fundamental objective of contemporary oral care practice is to provide solutions not only to those entities that affect the oral apparatus, but also to prevent and treat those medical emergencies that may appear during professional practice. This purpose can be achieved only through the training of an oral physician with a high scientific-technical preparation. Objective: To assess the contents related to medical emergencies during oral care in the D and E study plans of the dental medicine major. Methods: A documentary analysis of the D and E study plans was carried out; the process consisted in reviewing the professional profile, the modes of action and the syllabuses of the integrating discipline Comprehensive Dental Medicine, as well as of the subjects. Likewise, an assessment was carried out of the contents related to medical emergencies during oral care, the semester in which the subject is taught, the objectives, the topics, as well as the system of knowledge and skills. Results: The subjects and disciplines including contents related to medical emergencies during oral care were Clinical Surgery, Comprehensive Family Care III, Pharmacology and Preparation for Defense. The conducted documentary analysis and the performed interviews showed the existence of diverse criterions with respect to these contents in the addressed subjects. Conclusions: The contents related to medical emergencies during oral care in the assessed syllabuses of subjects and disciplines were concluded to be limited and insufficient, as well as presented some deficiencies from the didactic point of view(AU)

Humains , Pratique professionnelle , Soins dentaires , Évaluation de Programmes de Formation en Médecine , Épidémiologie Descriptive , Études transversales , Enseignement médical
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 41: e1424, 2022. ilus, tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408618


Introducción: El modelo de la coagulación ha experimentado cambios para alcanzar un consenso con relación a los trastornos hemorrágicos que se aprecian en la práctica médica. El modelo celular de la coagulación es el más aceptado con el que se cuenta dentro de esta área del conocimiento, sin embargo, es poco conocido e integrado en los planes de estudio en Cuba. Objetivo: Confeccionar una página web que integre los elementos actuales acerca del modelo celular de la coagulación. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de tipo innovación tecnológica entre los meses de enero de 2017 y enero de 2018 en Ciego de Ávila. Se desarrolló en tres etapas: confección, validación por expertos y comprobación de efectividad por usuarios. Para el diseño se empleó el software Drupal, y el lenguaje HTML. Para la comprobación se contó con dos grupos de expertos que valorara desde el punto de vista de pertinencia educativa e informática. Se comprobó la efectividad mediante un posprueba aplicada a 106 estudiantes de medicina y 16 residentes. Resultados: Se obtuvieron valoraciones de adecuado y muy adecuado por consenso de expertos, siendo la originalidad (7,13 ± 1,24) y la pertinencia (7,20 ± 1,74) los aspectos mejor valorados. Más del 90 % de los usuarios valoraron igualmente la página web como muy satisfactorias según los contenidos tratados y la originalidad. Durante la posprueba el 84,91 por ciento de los estudiantes y 66,67 por ciento de los residentes se suscriben a la calificación de excelente. Conclusiones: Se confeccionó una página con la capacidad de integrar los elementos actuales acerca del modelo celular de la coagulación(AU)

Introduction: The coagulation model has undergone changes to reach a consensus regarding the bleeding disorders that are seen in medical practice. The cellular model of coagulation is the most accepted that is available within this area of knowledge; however, it is little known and integrated into the curricula in Cuba. Objective: Create a web page that integrates the current elements about the cellular model of coagulation. Materials and methods: A technological innovation study was carried out between January 2017 and January 2018 in Ciego de Ávila province. It was developed in three stages: preparation, validation by experts and verification of effectiveness by users. For the design was used Drupal software, and HTML language. For the verification, there were two groups of experts to assess from the point of view of educational and computer relevance. Effectiveness was tested by a post-test applied to 106 medical students and 16 residents. Results: Adequate and very adequate assessments were obtained by consensus of experts, with originality (7.13 ± 1.24) and relevance (7.20 ± 1.74) being the best valued aspects. More than 90 percent of users also rated the website as very satisfactory according to the contents treated and originality. During the post-test, 84.91 percent of students and 66.67 percent of residents confirmed the excellent rating. Conclusions: A web page was made with the ability to integrate the current elements about the cellular model of coagulation(AU)

Humains , Enseignement/enseignement et éducation , Coagulation sanguine , Réseaux de communication entre ordinateurs , Savoir , Apprentissage , Logiciel , Enseignement médical
Educ. med. super ; 35(3)2021.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1506166


Introducción: La atención estomatológica integral se realiza a través de grupos priorizados. Entre estos se encuentran los pacientes con enfermedades crónicas, que constituyen un riesgo durante los tratamientos estomatológicos quirúrgicos. Por diversas razones, la atención a estos pacientes se dificulta y muchas deficiencias pueden originarse durante el proceso docente. Objetivo: Evaluar los contenidos relacionados con el paciente de riesgo quirúrgico en el plan de estudios D de la carrera de Estomatología. Métodos: Se realizó un análisis de los programas de las asignaturas del plan de estudios vigente. Se revisaron y analizaron documentos como: perfil profesional, modos de actuación, programa de la disciplina integradora y programas de las asignaturas. Se valoraron los contenidos relacionados con el paciente de riesgo quirúrgico, el semestre en que se imparte la asignatura, los objetivos, los temas, el sistema de conocimientos y de habilidades, la denominación del paciente de riesgo quirúrgico y las horas dedicadas en cada programa a este tópico. Se realizaron entrevistas a los profesores, en las que se consideraron los aspectos anteriores. Resultados: Las asignaturas que incorporaron la atención a los pacientes de riesgo quirúrgico correspondieron a la disciplina integradora: Operatoria Clínica, Atención integral a la familia II y Cirugía bucal. El análisis documental realizado y las entrevistas ejecutadas mostraron la existencia de diversos criterios en relación con el paciente que constituye riesgo quirúrgico en las asignaturas abordadas. Conclusiones: Los programas de las asignaturas relacionadas con riesgo quirúrgico presentaron insuficiencias desde el punto de vista didáctico y en ellas no se estudian todos los pacientes de riesgo quirúrgico(AU)

Introduction: Comprehensive dental care is implemented through prioritized groups. Among these are patients with chronic diseases, which constitute a risk during surgical dental treatments. For various reasons, caring for these patients becomes difficult, while many deficiencies can appear during the teaching process. Objective: To assess the contents related to the surgical-risk patient in the D Plan of Studies of the dental medicine major. Methods: An analysis was carried out of the syllabi of the subjects from the current study plan. Documents such as the professional profile, modes of action, the syllabus of the integrative discipline and the syllabi of the programs were reviewed and analyzed. A group of contents were assessed: those related to the surgical-risk patient, the semester in which the subject is taught, the objectives, the topics, the knowledge and skills systems, the name of the surgical-risk patient and the hours allotted to this topic in each syllabus. Interviews were conducted with the professors, in which the above aspects were considered. Results: The subjects that included care for surgical-risk patients belonged to the integrative discipline: Clinical Surgery, Comprehensive Family Care II and Oral Surgery. The document analysis carried out and the interviews conducted showed the existence of various criteria regarding the patient who is at surgical risk in the subjects addressed. Conclusions: The syllabi of the subjects related to surgical risk presented didactic inadequacies, while their study does not include all surgical-risk patients(AU)

Humains , Patients , Procédures de chirurgie opératoire/effets indésirables , Évaluation de programme , Risque , Stomatologie/enseignement et éducation
Educ. med. super ; 35(2): e2246, 2021.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1286224


Introducción: Los pacientes de riesgo quirúrgico presentan enfermedades asociadas que deben considerarse durante el tratamiento estomatológico. Investigaciones realizadas revelan la existencia de deficiencias durante la atención estomatológica a este tipo de paciente y que el tema debe ser reforzado durante el pregrado. Objetivos: Exponer las generalidades del curso optativo de atención estomatológica integral al paciente de riesgo quirúrgico y los criterios emitidos por sus participantes. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación descriptiva de corte pedagógico para exponer las características más importantes del curso. Se tuvieron en cuenta las siguientes variables: temas, objetivos, sistema de conocimientos y de habilidades. Se aplicó la técnica de Positivo, Negativo, Interesante a todos los participantes del curso. Resultados: El curso implementado contó con cinco temas: el primero dedicado a las generalidades y las características particulares en la confección de historia clínica; el segundo y tercero, a las enfermedades de riesgo quirúrgico y los tratamientos estomatológicos; el cuarto, al uso de medicamentos para la enfermedad sistémica y las posibles interacciones; y el quinto, a experiencias clínicas. Los estudiantes aportaron criterios positivos, negativos e interesantes. Conclusiones: El curso diseñado ofrece conocimientos y habilidades al estudiante que no se proporcionan en las asignaturas de pregrado, lo cual permite una mejor atención estomatológica integral a los pacientes de riesgo quirúrgico. Los estudiantes participantes del curso optativo aportaron criterios favorables sobre su estructura, pertinencia y valor científico(AU)

Introduction: Surgical risk patients have associated diseases that must be considered during dental treatment. Some research carried out have revealed the existence of deficiencies during dental care for this type of patients, a reason why the issue must be strengthened during undergraduate studies. Objective: To present the generalities of an elective course of comprehensive dental care for patients at surgical risk and the criteria issued by its participants. Methods: A descriptive research with a pedagogical nature was carried out to expose the most important characteristics of the course. The following variables were taken into account: topics, objectives, knowledge system and skills system. The positive-negative-interesting technique was applied to all the course participants. Results: The implemented course had five topics: the first was dedicated to generalities and particular characteristics in the preparation of a clinical record; the second and third courses, to surgical risk diseases and dental treatments; the fourth course, to the use of drugs for systemic diseases and possible interactions; and the fifth, to clinical experiences. The students provided positive, negative and interesting criteria. Conclusions: The designed course offers knowledge and skills to the student that are not provided in undergraduate subjects, which allows better comprehensive dental care to patients at surgical risk. The students participating in the elective course provided favorable criteria about the course's structure, relevance and scientific value(AU)

Humains , Procédures de chirurgie opératoire/enseignement et éducation , Risque , Étudiant dentisterie , Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques en santé , Soins dentaires complets
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-700529


Ackerman's pattern analysis is an epoch-making leap in the diagnosis of dermatopathology,which embodies a profound understanding of the whole dermatovenereology.To improve the teaching quality of Dermatovenereology for five year clinical medical students,pattern analysis is introduced into course educational practice,and the diseases that scattered throughout the whole textbook and listed in various chapters or sections are reclassified according to its pathological features.Thus the organic connection of related knowledge points and the lateral contrast network between different diseases is constructed by the central tache of dermatopathology,and therefore makes the course more logical and be more beneficial for the undergraduate students to learn and to remember.By the way,the thinking method of pattern analysis will also be an implicit teaching content and imperceptibly instilled to the undergraduate students,and inspired potential and motivation and aroused learning interest,expanded thought train ability to pursue advanced and further studies.

Educ. med. super ; 31(1): 215-138, ene.-mar. 2017. graf
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-891165


El presente trabajo tiene como propósito fundamentar la importancia que tiene en los diseños curriculares por competencias la identificación y concepción sistémica de un conjunto de habilidades que tributen a las habilidades profesionales que deben de caracterizar al médico que la sociedad actual exige, así como argumentar la pertinencia formativa que tiene la precisión y derivación de un sistema de habilidades lógico-intelectuales orientado a garantizar la formación de las habilidades profesionales del médico a egresar y en última instancia al logro de las competencias que distinguen al Perfil de Titulación de esta carrera. Se realizó una valoración de las competencias propuestas por el proyecto Tuning América Latina -para el médico latinoamericano- que conllevó a la precisión de la habilidad como uno de los elementos constitutivos de estas, pues su indefinición entorpece el logro de las competencias previstas. Las habilidades propias de este profesional constituyen la expresión práctica de la atención en salud que los mismos llevarán a cabo, lo que se debe evidenciar en los diferentes contextos formativos dirigidos a este fin caracterizados por una serie de condiciones irrepetibles propias del quehacer médico, donde se pondrá de manifiesto el logro o no de las competencias consideradas para la carrera de medicina.

This paper has the purpose to support the importance for curricular design of identifying and systemically conceiving a set of skills that may contribute to the professional skills that must characterize the physician demanded by the current society, as well as to provide scientific foundations for the training relevance to precise and derive a system of logical-intellectual skills oriented to guarantee the building of the forthcoming physician's professional skills and ultimately to the achievement of the competences that distinguish this major's working profile. We assessed the competences proposed by the project Tuning Latin America, for the Latin American physician, that led to specifying the skill as one of the constituent elements of these, since its lack of definition hinders the achievement of the previewed competences. This professional's proper skills constitute the practical expression of health care that they will carry out, which should be evidenced in the different training environments directed to this end characterized by a series of unrepeatable conditions of the medical profession, where the achievement will be shown or not by the competences considered for the medical major.

Aptitude , Modèle de compétence attendue , Programme d'études , Médecine , Compétence professionnelle
Educ. med. super ; 31(1): 239-251, ene.-mar. 2017.
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: biblio-891166


La capacitación en la universidad médica es un proceso no excluyente en la formación de los recursos humanos. Es un tema substancial por los cambios que representa en la dirección de nuevos métodos y estilos de preparación y superación del personal docente, en la que se circunscribe el profesor guía, quien juega un rol protagónico dentro del sistema de influencias educativas que actúa sobre el estudiante. El artículo tiene como objetivo de fundamentar los postulados teóricos necesarios que revelan la capacitación del profesor guía de la carrera de Medicina a partir del análisis de algunas de sus conceptualizaciones y de los requisitos que la rigen. Se elaboró la definición de este tipo de capacitación y se contextualizaron algunos de los contenidos tratados. Se concluye que la misma integra en unidad dialéctica las principales funciones, direcciones, cualidades y capacidades del profesor guía; además posee características que la distingue de otros tipos de capacitación.

Capacity building at the medical university is a non-exclusive process in the training of human resources. It is a substantial theme for the changes it represents regarding the direction of new methods and styles of training and improvement of the teaching staff, in which the guidance professor is circumscribed, who also plays a leading role within the system of educational influences that acts on the student. This article was made with the objective of supporting the necessary theoretical postulates that reveal the training of the medical major professors, based on the analysis of some of its conceptualizations and the requirements that govern it. The definition of this type of training was elaborated and some of the contents were contextualized. It was concluded that it is integrates, into a dialectical unit, the main functions, directions, qualities and capacities of the guidance teacher. It also has characteristics that distinguish it from other types of training.

Corps enseignant et administratif en médecine/enseignement et éducation , Formation Professionnelle , Écoles de médecine
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-607748


Objective Exploring theoretical teaching model of chronic diseases management of preventive medicine undergraduates,to provide feasible suggestions to improve the theoretical teaching of the chronic disease management ability of preventive medicine specialty in China so that graduates can better adapt to chronic diseases management work.Methods On the basis of reading a large number of relevant literature both at home and abroad,the research team designed questionnaires,and conducted a questionnaire survey on 190 respondents who engaged in chronic diseases management or teaching in central China.The content includes the understanding of the importance of training chronic disease management ability in undergraduate education of preventive medicine and the constitution and training mode of undergraduates' chronic disease management ability.EpiData 3.1 software was used to input survey data,SPSS 23.0 software was used for statistical description analysis,and the usage ratio and component ratio were used for statistical description analysis.Results The survey found that more than 50% of the respondents believed that training students with chronic disease management should focus on prevention,intervention services and health promotion ability,and chronic disease modules need to be added to undergraduate courses in preventive medicine.Conclusions preventive medicine undergraduates need to be improved,and medical colleges should change teaching model to increase undergraduates' ability of chronic diseases management.

Educ. med. super ; 30(2): 0-0, abr.-jun. 2016. ilus
Article de Espagnol | LILACS, CUMED | ID: lil-794538


INTRODUCCIÓN: el aporte a la salud de la misión médica cubana en la República Popular de Angola ha contribuido al mejoramiento del estado de salud de la población, fundamentada en la Medicina Comunitaria. Debido a ello se solicitó por parte de la Secretaría de Estado del Ministerio de Educación Superior de este país, la implementación del plan de estudios cubano para la carrera de Medicina adecuado a las condiciones angolanas en sentido general, donde se incluyó las asignaturas de formación general: idioma Inglés, Educación Física e Informática Médica en estrecha vinculación con la Medicina Comunitaria I y II. OBJETIVO: adecuar las asignaturas de formación general del plan de Estudios de la carrera de Medicina de Cuba a las condiciones de la República Popular de Angola. MÉTODOS: se realizó una investigación de desarrollo tecnológico basado en el marco contextual y regulatorio del entorno angolano, a través del análisis documental, entrevistas a autoridades y grupos focales con criterios de expertos en estos temas. RESULTADOS: fueron analizadas las asignaturas de formación general en sus ejes transversales y verticales, así como, se realizó el diseño de las disciplinas de Informática Médica, Educación Física e Idioma Inglés e integradas al Plan de estudio de Medicina. CONCLUSIÓN: la proyección comunitaria está presente a lo largo de toda la carrera de Medicina e integra las disciplinas de formación general, lo cual permite que los futuros profesionales consoliden los conocimientos y las habilidades para el desarrollo de la misma.

INTRODUCTION: The Cuban medical mission to the Republic of Angola has contributed to the improvement of that population's health, based on community medicine. Therefore, the Secretariat of State of the Ministry of Higher Education of this country requested the implementation of the Cuban Medicine major syllabus adapted the overall Angolan conditions. The general training subjects included were English Language, Physical Education and Medical Informatics, in close relation with Community Medicine I and II. OBJECTIVE: To adapt the general training subjects of the Cuban Medicine major syllabus to the conditions of the Republic of Angola. METHODS: A research about technological development was carried out, based on the contextual and regulatory features of the Angolan environment, by means of documental analysis, interviews to the authorities and focal groups with criteria by experts in these topics. RESULTS: The general training subjects were analyzed in their traverse and vertical axes, and the design of the disciplines Medical Informatics, Physical Education and English Language was carried out and integrated to the Medicine syllabus CONCLUSION: Community projection is present throughout the whole Medicine major and integrates the general training disciplines, which allows for the future professional to consolidate his/her knowledge and the abilities for the development of their carreer.

Humains , Étudiant médecine , Médecine communautaire/enseignement et éducation
Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 32(1): 0-0, mar. 2016. tab
Article de Espagnol | LILACS | ID: lil-791524


Introducción: en Cuba, el capital humano de salud es considerado el recurso más importante para el sistema sanitario. Su formación se prioriza por ser la manera de continuar dando respuesta a los principios fundacionales y a los compromisos internacionales de colaboración. Objetivo: identificar las percepciones de los egresados de la carrera de Medicina sobre la influencia de las asignaturas de corte social en la prestación de servicios sanitarios en el policlínico "Pulido Humarán" del municipio La Lisa. Métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, donde se aplicó un cuestionario a egresados con menos de 5 años de experiencia y entrevistas en profundidad a los docentes encargados de impartir las asignaturas definidas como de corte social. Resultados: el 60 por ciento consideró como desagradable las asignaturas Filosofía y Salud Pública, el 80 por ciento reconoció al menos dos ventajas de estas para el trabajo comunitario. Filosofía fue considerada por el total de los encuestados como la de menor frecuencia de uso, se identificó como fortaleza la solución de problemas de salud con la participación de la población. La mayoría de los profesionales han aplicado la asignatura de Salud Pública en la realización del Análisis de la Situación de Salud. Conclusines: los médicos perciben la influencia de las asignaturas como útiles para la labor que realizan en el policlínico, pero no aplican dichos conocimientos. Esta problemática viene desde su formación y se enraíza después cuando en la cotidianidad prima el trabajo asistencial y administrativo sobre lo promocional y preventivo(AU)

Introduction: In Cuba, the human capital in health is considered the most important resource for the health system. Their training is prioritized for it is the way to continue to respond to the founding principles and the international compromises in cooperation. Objective: To identify the perception of the Medicine major graduates about the influence of the social subjects in the provision of health services in Pulido Humarán Polyclinic of La Lisa Municipality. Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional study, where a survey was conducted on graduates with less than five years of experience and interviews in details to professors charged with imparting the subjects defined as social ones. Results: 60 percent considered as disgusting the subjects Philosophy and Public Health; 80 percent recognized at least two advantages of these for the community work. Philosophy was considered by the whole number of interviewees as the one with the lowest use frequency; the solution of health problem with the participation of the population was identified as a strength. Most professionals have applied the subject of Public Health in the realization of health situation analyses. Conclusions: Doctors perceive the influence of the subjects as useful for the work they perform in the polyclinic, but they do not apply such knowledge. This problem comes from their training and grows roots later on when, in the daily life, the care service and management work prevails over the health-promotional and preventive work(AU)

Humains , Philosophie , Soins de santé primaires/méthodes , Écoles de médecine , Perception sociale , Étudiant médecine , Études transversales , Épidémiologie Descriptive
Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-425749


Objective To understand biochemistry study situation in clinical medicine undergraduates and to improve biochemistry teaching quality.Methods Totally 120 clinical medicine undergraduates were enrolled randomly to receive investigation on problems related to biochemistry.Corresponding statistic analysis was made using softwares of Excel and SPSS 16.0 in view of the main problems.Results One hundred and twenty copies of survey questionnaires were finished.There were 114 effective copies and the effective rate was 95% after checking on these questionnaires.61.4% of the students neither liked nor disliked biochemistry course; 56.1% of the students thought that learning biochemistry was difficult; students thought that chapter 4 sugar metabolism,chapter 5 lipid metabolism and chapter 6 biological oxidation to be very difficult.Only 11% of the students did preview,further analysis found positive relation between preview and understanding (rj =0.288,P < 0.01 ).Conclusion Clinical medicine undergraduates like biochemistry insufficiently with few doing preview.It suggests that teachers should pay attention to the cultivation and stimulation of students' interest in biochemistry course,improve teaching method for the difficult sections,strengthen experiment teaching and try combination and separation teaching mode.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-427643


In this study,the common critical medical cases were organically combined with SimMan simulation system,which enabled students to deeply understand the diagnosis,treatment of disease and clinical operation as consulting real patients.Also,it could improve their clinical thinking ability,clinical skills and operational level.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-427654


Many kinds of medical education standards came out at home and abroad in the new era to lead and evaluate the development of medicinal education.The Forth Militay Medical University,after analyzing the characteristics and the insufficiency of these standards,believe that health view,medical model and the other five aspects will be the key factors for the research of military surgeon educational standard for undergraduates majoring in clinical medicine.

Article de Chinois | WPRIM | ID: wpr-624330


It is imperative to establish the dominant position of professional ideological education because it plays the fundamental and guiding role in Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) education system.In order to form the correct sense of value and fine quality in terms of TCM profession and enhance the sense of responsibility and sense of honor in the course of vocational development,the students in colleges and universities of TCM should take a correct motive in their study of TCM and have enthusiasm for their learning.These are the results of all educational means including organization,management,professional teaching and student work,based on the standpoint of people-oriented education.